We didn't create anything...A group of people calling themselves "We the people" created the Government...
And the top does not control...they manage...the system they own. The top is also invisible...If you choose to become a threat to the top they will see you coming long before you see the destroyers sent to eliminate the threat...
The bankers know how the banking system operates...The elected or appointed officials of the administrative component of the Absolute capitalist hierarchial food powered make work enterprise have no idea how to operate the accounting system...
US notes are the same as FEDERAL Reserve notes...It's just that the US Government did not create a banking system...They used the pre existing banking system...
Abolish it all and you still need the same banking system to sustain the system as you know it...
And all that a banking system can do is inflate to maximum potential and implode...so abolishing it is a waste of time since it will inevitably inflate greater than previous inflation to maximum potential and then begin inflating less than previous inflation to maximum potential...or abolish itself...
Currently the system you know very little about is in the process of reaching maximum potential inflation greater than previous inflation and about to transform into inflating less than previous inflation to maximum potential.
Or game over...
All the cherished delusions you currently cherish will be shattered when the game you are playing reaches it's logical conclusion. The only remedy is to identify your delusions and instead of cherishing them...shatter them yourself...or just continue as you are until you are forced to when the system your delusions depend upon for support implodes.
And the new game will be the old game...
I have zero income...I have not paid income tax in years...You only know of me because I have chosen to be visible. That is how you all get caught...you all don't just desire to be seen and heard...you want to be worshiped...
It's why the top installs puppets in the administrative component of the Absolute capitalist hierarchial food powered make work enterprise (the so called Government)...so they can take the fall when the time comes...
When all your cherished delusions are inevitably shattered...
Who taught you to read...write...do math...the top...they can easily choose not to at any time. Even though you know now know how to read write and do math...you can easily choose to squander those abilities supporting and sustaining the construction of cherished delusions.
I'm still waiting around for you to produce the remedy you claim exists...
Remedy for and from what?
The reflation requires plenty of consumers with an ability to reflate...in 2000-2001 the household debt to income ratio was 80%...in 1971 it was 55%...
Now it's 110%...before 100% consumers are forced to request commercial banks to manufacture more and more new money...after 100% consumers are forced to request less and less new money to be manufactured by commercial banks...
The primary driver of the last reflation was cash out refininacing...or a large portion of the equity in real estate built up from the early 1990's to 2000.
But this time around real estate is collapsing and consumers are maxed out...Central banks have a very limited ability to monetize assets by buying them...since they need buyers willing and able to buy them for a higher price after they have bought them...
The whole system after 6 decades of inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential is about to reach maximum potential and then begin inflating less than previous inflation to maximum potential...and since the system is not designed to operate with inflation less than previous inflation...it will implode to oblivion...
All the money in circulation was lent into circulation by the top centuries ago...but silver and gold are in limited supply...so a way had to be found to continue the circulation beyond the limits of the gold and silver mines...The current system.
Allow me to take more power than I give and I will eventually concentrate the power from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one...and then they who have the power will make the rules...
The top created the hard currency system...silver and gold coins...and owned them all...now the bottom needs money to pay all their bills...ultimately to the top...and when the bottom does not have enough money they can borrow money from someone that has a lot...the top...since the top employs the bottom to lets say produce 2 dollars and is paid 1 dollar as compenstaion...
If your employer were to pay you one dollar for producing one dollar...your employer would have less than you...they would have no way to pay their bills or buy food...
You all pay the top to keep you busy making them rich in power and money...stop that and they will become poor in power and money...
But the top pays you all less than you pay them to supply them with all the money and power...and if you all stop supplying them then they can not supply you with all the money and power you need to survive...
Back in the chattel slavery days all the top paid you was enough to keep you alive and productive...much like what you pay farm animals currently to produce what you need.
If you don't like the current indentured servant system...then you all can go back to the chattel slavery system...the good old days you talk about...but not the history you know...the Hollywoood version...the hidden history...the actual history you don't know about...the history that the just think positive ignore the negative religion causes you all to ignore.
You also could go to an area on Earth that is far away from civilization and live out your existence on Earth free from it...just keep running when it gets close...
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