Food is money too...unless you are thinking of eating GOLD.
I produce FOOD and exchange it for GOLD and make sure to spend less GOLD running my FOOD production operation than I take in...Eventually I'll concentrate all the power of the many into my hands...
He who has the gold makes the rules...Oh you all don't have enough GOLD to afford FOOD any more...
Don't worry I'll lend you some at 5% interest a year...And you better pay it all back though or the collateral...all that you have...will be forfeit.
Dang...I'm running out of Gold to lend take this token...It's money as well...You can use it to buy FOOD from me...or starve to death...
The top rules the bottom...
The top know who they are...And you at the bottom seem shocked when the top decides your fate...
The top will see you coming long before you see the destroyers they send to annihilate you...
Become a threat to the top...and be banned from existance...
You are all the owners...
And when what they own no longer pleases them...It's thrown out...
So look way up and do your best to please your masters...
Or you will be thrown out...
Ah...Is not the Free market wonderful?...LOL <----This one echos through out the Universe forever and ever...
The Bank of Venice was the first Central bank as you see them today in history...It showed up in 1172...and by the 1300's had conquered most of the known world...China was just as it is now a source of cheaply produced stuff...Economically China was run into the ground and looted by Venice much like what the British did in the 1920's to 30's and like what is being done to China now...commercial banks as you see them now did not exist...They were all merchant banks...The Global system of that time reached maximum potential and imploded to oblivion around 1345 (Not just China's Great depression...The whole global system at that time)...The refugees left Venice and set up shop in Spain, England, and the Netherlands...Naval powers...Venice relied on Buying armies and navies...It had no actual Military power...
The first commercial bank as you see them today appeared in Spain 1400...
Spain, The Netherlands, and England competed for control of the world...
Once the new world was basically looted dry the treasure ships stopped showing up in Spain and it caved in...England and the Netherlands eventually agreed to a truce and joined forces...The Bank of England showed up in 1694 and began conquering the known world...various wars/so called revolutions funded by England took place and afterwards central banks appeared in the target countries...Which are branches of the Bank of England...
The American and French revolutions and Russian revolutions were city of London operations.
The City of London ran the Revolutionary war...Just like they ran the French Revolution which was followed by the creation of the Central bank of France and the Russian Revolution followed by the creation of the Central bank of Bank of Russia...
Napoleon was installed by the Crown...First thing Napoleon did after the French Revolution was decree the creation of the Banque de France 18 January 1800...
"The Banque de France was created on 18 January 1800 by Napoléon Bonaparte, who was then First Consul, to foster renewed economic growth in the wake of the deep recession of the Revolutionary period. The new Bank's task was to issue bank notes payable to the bearer on sight in exchange for discounted commercial bills."
"The Second (Central) Bank of the United States was chartered for many of the same reasons as its predecessor, the First Bank of the United States. The War of 1812 had left a formidable debt. Inflation surged ever upward due to the ever-increasing amount of notes issued by private banks. Specie was jealously hoarded. For these reasons President Madison signed a bill authorizing the 2nd Bank in 1816 with a charter lasting 20 years."
"On October 25, 1917, the Bolsheviks seized the State Bank building in Petrograd (St. Petersburg), but it was only until two months later that they actually took control of the bank and its operations. In the morning of December 14 the Bolsheviks seized the Petrograd commercial banks and later in the evening the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) issued a decree on the nationalisation of banks, establishing a state monopoly on banking. Private credit institutions were nationalised and merged with the State Bank, which a month later was renamed the People’s Bank of the Russian Republic (still later it was renamed the People’s Bank of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR))."
Revolution/war...Then poof Central bank pops into existance...
313 years after The Central bank of England showed up...There are now 100+ central banks spread out over the globe...
And the Global system like in 1345 has again reached maximum potential and about to implode to oblivion...
"London was still at the top of the financial pyramid with New York"
-Alan Greenspan K.B.E. September 25, 2002 in a speech to business leaders and dignitaries at both the Treasury and the Bank of England after recieveing his K.B.E...Or Knight Commander of the British Empire...By Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms (USA) and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.
USA was made the demand of the world in 1944...The US Dollar was made the Global trade medium of exchange...
Lets say you need oil...but you don't have enough...well then you buy it off the global slight need US dollars to purchase anything from the Global market...So then you have to buy US dollars off the global market with your currency or sell something into the Global market...
But what is the source of US Dollars?
U.S. Consumers request U.S. commercial banks to manufacture buy stuff they can't currently afford.
Swipe a credit card...You are indirectly requesting a commercial bank to manufacture money...
want to buy a house but are short $200,000? Go to a commercial bank and directly request them to manufacture $200,000 or Go to a mortgage broker and indirectly request a commercial bank to manufacture $200,000
The source of U.S. US consumers...
So then Ultimately since 1944...US Consumers became the demand of the world...and everyone else the supply...
U.S. Consumers demand stuff...Raw material, Finished product, and services from the Rest of the world.
The rest of the world produces raw materials finished products and services...but they don't have buyers in their economic zones of the volume they produce...They have to sell all of the over production basically to the U.S. obtain the money they require to feed themselves and their families...or they will have no job.
But there is a trade at the end they have piles of excess U.S. dollars above and beyond any need for them...just piles of reserves...
What then to do with all those excess reserves? send them home to the USA...buying up to ultimately stablize Interest rates inside of the USA so that U.S. consumers can continue requesting commercial banks to manufacture more and more money to buy raw material,s finished products, and services from the rest of the that the rest of the world can obtain the money they need to basically feed themselves and their families/have jobs/sustain the global economy.
US consumers are not cheating the very people they rely upon to lend them money...
No money is being lent...any money that those outside of the USA are getting their hands on that gets sent back to the USA was given to them to have by US consumers to begin with...
When U.S. consumers reach maximum potential and can no longer support the rest of the Global system as the demand to the rest of the world's supply...the flow of US dollars out into the Global economy to sustain it's continued inflation (the past 6 decades) will begin to slow then stop...and then all those outside of the U.S. will not have to "lend" anymore money to the U.S. because they will not getting any U.S. dollars from U.S. consumers to "lend" to them...or to buy food or oil or anything else they currently use U.S. Dollars to buy from the Global market...
Game over...
I'm getting tired of clowns that think they know how the global system works producing statments promoting their inaccurate beliefs as truth...
No one in the world "lends" money to the USA...for the past 6 decades the U.S. economy has been "lending" the rest of world above and beyond what they need to sustain their economies...
And when the U.S. consumer reaches the point that they can't any more or refuse to...It's game over...for the US economy and the global economy...period end of story.
That's actually what is going on...Those outside of the USA would not have any money to play the game they are playing without US consumers supplying it to them...
And they are almost maxed out out after 6 decades.
Everyone will basically walk around pretending nothing is wrong for quite awhile...But eventually the just think positive ignore the negative religion will collapse...followed by mass realization...followed by wild cornered animal stage.
The USA along with the rest of the world has been inflating greater than previous inflation for 6 decades...Play time is coming to an end.
As far as I can tell they are trying to make it to the next election....To install the next puppet...
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