Monday, November 19, 2007

Top Sucking From the Bottom

Inputting negative numbers into the below equations is not going work...

You must always input the required positive inputs or the compounding interest commercial banking system begins to implode...A sustained failure to input the required inputs leads to an inescapable implosion...

Below is the ancient The Money Lenders to the Money borrowers operation that you foolishly think is still in operation.

There is a maximum potential to obtain the required inputs...GOLD and silver is one such Maximum potential...It is limited in supply and impossible to counterfeit...The top of the top sucking from the bottom hierarchy likes that but of course the strength of GOLD and silver is also the weakness since with a limited supply and a limited ability to expand the supply the ability to obtain the required inputs to postpone the inevitable implosion is limited...

This is where the more modern Money lenders become the Debt creators to the former money borrowers who now become the debt requestors scenario begins to play out to it's logical conclusion...

A simple solution that can be instituted by the top who owns the medium of exchange in a top sucking from the bottom hierarchial food powered make work project is to change the medium of exchange into something else that can be expanded enough to obtain the required inputs...Paper money or banknotes [Federal Reserve Notes - $dollars$] that are designed to be hard to counterfeit is one solution backed by GOLD and silver fractionally...

The next problem is that the longer you sustain the system past the point of the GOLD and Silver maximum potential the smaller the fraction of GOLD or silver becomes in relation to the banknotes or IOU's...

A simple solution is to eliminate Gold and silver from the equation and just back the new IOU's [Federal Reserve Notes - $dollars$] with the old IOU's fractionally...Or the new debts are backed by the old debts which are fractionally reserved...The current method in operation or the Fractionally reserved Debt backed by debt compounding interest commercial banking system...Now you don't even need physical monetary units...Ledger entries/checkbook money are enough...Or electromangnetic polarity differentials on hard disk platters hidden behind multiple layers of encryption in secure locations...

Ok but is there another maximum potential? You bet...The final one that can not be escaped from...

The required inputs are always not too much and not too little...In the early days of the 600 year old compounding interest commercial banking system many banks failed simply because they either sucked too much or sucked too little...Both result in killing the goose that lays the golden? egg...

Too much will cause a hyperinflation which causes the system to operate faster and faster towards the reaching of the maximum potential which then leads to a premature implosion...since if you did not cause a hyperinflation of debt the system would have taken far longer to reach maximum potential...

Too much is no Good...But too little is even worse since too little is the reaching of maximum potential and leads directly to implosion or a premature implosion since if you did not take too little then the implosion would not have happened...Ok then what is a solution to solve this problem?

The 311 year old Central banking system was created to regulate the compounding interest commercial banking branch networks...

That is what the FEDERAL RESERVE/Central bank does. Engineer the entire system so that the conditions of not too much and not too little do not take place at least not supposed to...Just the required amount to obtain the inputs...

Now for the final maximum potential...We're getting there.

Eventually the system requires infinite inputs...An example of this scenario playing out was Germany in the 1920's...Or a classical hyperinflation of a fractionally reserved debt backed by debt compounding interest commercial banking system sustained by Government subsidy...

Why did it stop...The only thing hyperinflating was the debt...You still have to obtain the required inputs but as the system moves faster and faster the time you have to figure out the required amount becomes less and less until of course it becomes impossible to figure out how much you require...The required amount becomes infinite...You then have to capitulate to GOD.

Ok that was that situation...The current situation in the USA is different...The actual hyperinflationary event was stopped before it became uncontrollable...

It ended in 1981...How? Well to sustain a hyperinflation you require a closed loop...The manufacturing sector in an economy is key to the hyperinflationary scenario like Germany experianced...The solution was to export the manufacturing sector of the USA out of the USA into external low wage and slave wage zones [China, India, et al]...Allowing debt inflation to continue but with very low price inflation which is ultimately caused by wage inflation within a debt backed by debt fractionally reserved compounding interest commercial banking system...

Even slaves cost...But they are easier to fund the existance of than indentured servants...The required amount of funding to sustain the existence and proper functioning of an indentured servant is far greater than a slave...

...The compounding interest commercial banking system due to it's ability to expand the size of the money supply made the replacement of slavery with the Indentured servitude you currently enjoy economically feasible...There is no doubt about that...And I would be foolish to say that slavery is better than indentured servitude...But what you percieve as indentured servitude in your economic zone is different than what is happening in another economic zones like China...There you would consider a typical indentured servant as a slave...You would kill yourself if you had to all of a sudden exist as a Chinese indentured servant...

So then what is the maximum potential we are all heading to?

The price inflation was stopped but not the debt inflation...That can never stop or the system implodes...

So then how do we keep the system from imploding? Simple obtain the required inputs to sustain the required amount of new debt inflation to service the previous debt inflation.

The situation since 1981 in the USA is one in which wage inflation has been kept low by cheap imports but the debt inflation has been sustained by engineering interest rates lower and lower when debt inflation began to slow sometimes called recessions when the people in the system notice the effect of the slowing and want to know what is going on...

As you engineer rates or the yield which the top obtains from the bottom lower and lower it takes greater and greater volumes to sustain debt inflation...

The yield from $1000 at 10% is $100 and if you require a yield of $1000 to input into your own personal compound interest equation to prevent your own personal debt inflationary fueled empire from imploding then you have to get other people to sign on the dotted line for at least $10,000

The yield from $1000 at 1% is $10 so then to obtain a yield of $1000 you have to get other people to sign on the dotted line for $100,000

Well, then how does this work in it's simplest form...

The top lets say a home builder goes to a commercial bank and requests $100,000 to of course construct a house...At a short term wholesale debt manufacturing cost of 6% for a year to build the house and mark it up to $250,000

The line signer or Home buyer then goes to a commercial bank and requests $250,000 to of course to buy the house...At a long term retail debt manufacturing cost of 5.6% for 30 years...

The whole operation can take place within a month...

The end result...

The home builder gets $250,000 - the $100,000 - the 8000 or so interest...

Profit to blow like a drunken sailor = $142,000

The banking system receives $8,000 plus a $250,000 mortage which is a monetizable asset...

New money that did not exist a month earlier flooding out into the domestic economy? $250,000

The Home buyer spends the next 30 years or less of course servicing the top...since the monthy yield the bank receives from the $250,000 mortgage is $1166 per month profit while the principal is $268 or a total payment of $1425 a month with of course the interest portion shrinking while the principal portion is increasing during the 30 year period... At month 360 or 30 years later the principal being paid is $1426 while the Interest is just under $7 since the final payment is adjusted to account for rounding to the nearest cent...

Ok what is going on? what's the problem? Once a unit of human capital has basically consumed the maximum potential debt the pool of potential debt requestors will shrink if the supply of debt requestors is not inflating fast enough...

So then what is the maximum potential of a fractionally reserved debt backed by debt compounding interest commercial banking system under the current rules?

Maximum potential is reached when the volume of debt requestors required to request the required amount of new debt to service the old debt becomes impossible to obtain...

So far during the past 23 years of engineering rates lower and socially engineering the pool of potential debt requestors along with some other accounting tricks the required volume was obtained...While mantaining low wage inflation along with low consumer price inflation...

But from the top in 1981 where the yields or basis points were 2050 to where they are now at 600 up from 400 in 2003 the ability to engineer rates lower and lower is reaching the maximum potential...

Rates topped out at 950 in 2000 and were engineered lower to escape from the recession to 400 or a chop of 57%...

The last recession rates were 1150 and were engineered lower to escape from the recession to 600 or a chop of 47%

And the one before that rates were 2050 and were engineered lower to 800 or a chop of 60%...

800 600 400...200 is next...There then need to be twice the volume than the last time in 2000 to 2003 or the helicopter drop that you all are waiting for but that already took place...

Ok then what was the debt to income ratio at each one of those points?

At the 800 point the average debt requestor had a debt to income ratio of 60% meaning 40% free to use as the collateral backing the request for a commercial bank by the requestor to manufacture new debt...

At the 600 point the average debt requestor had a debt to income ratio of 78% meaning 22% free to use as the collateral backing the request for a commercial bank by the requestor to manufacture new debt...

At the 400 point the average debt requestor had a debt to income ratio of 95% meaning 5% free to use as the collateral backing the request for a commercial bank by the requestor to manufacture new debt...

At the theoretical 200 point the average debt requestor currently has a debt to income ratio of 107% meaning -7% free to use as the collateral backing the request for a commercial bank by the requestor to manufacture new debt...

That is a serious problem...No amount of interest rate games will solve it either...

Now due to the mathamatical mechanics of the compound interest equation

The following 3 stages of a debt backed by debt compounding interest commercial banking system take place...

Stage 1 is the inflation of debt and the destruction of savings...

The total circulating debt supply in 1981 was $5 Trillion and the savings rate was 11%...

Now the total circulating debt supply is 38 Trillion and the savings rate is 0 or negative...

Stage 2 is the deflation of debt and the destruction of equity...

Ok here's where it gets tricky...A recession this stage 2 begins to take place...Debt inflation slows and debt inflated assets like real estate or equity begins to be destroyed but fortunately rates can be engineered lower and the volume increased to problem as long as the debt to income ratio is not too high and you have enough basis points to play with...

Federal funds? what was it at when the prime rate was 800? 600 at 400 it was at 300 and at 400 it was at 98...

So at 200 it will have to be around 0.5%

And of course twice the volume that existed during the 2000-2003 helicopter drop that you missed will have to exist or game over...

The maximum potential of the top to obtain a yield from the bottom will have been reached...then there is no escape from stage 2 of the debt backed by debt compounding interest commercial banking system...

Which then leads to stage 3...

Bankruptcy of the banks collapse of the economy/division of labor and the consolidation of power...

Here's where it gets tricky again...

The crown system already went bankrupt...In the 1930's... the period from 1933 to 1945 was the bankruptcy reorganization of the then 236 year old "Global" Crown or City of London system...

The system emerged from 1933 to 1945 reorganized but still bankrupt...It is still bankrupt currently...

Prior to 1929 the three stages of the compounding interest commercial banking system took place within a space of 60 years or so...25 to inflate and 25 to deflate and 10 for the base...The last bottom inside of the USA was in the late 1890's and the top was in 1929...and the normal natural cleansing process began to take place...

One slight problem...Modern technological civilization is incompatable with the natural cleansing process...The actual deflation that occured in 1929 was only 4 years long...Not 25 like all the previous ones...

If the natural cleansing process were to have been allowed to run it's course Modern technological civilization would have completely collapsed into rubble...

Ok the top stopped it...Yay...But all they did do was prolong the inevitable reaching of maximum potential...

So from 1933 to 2005 or 72 years means that stage 1 of the compounding interest commercial banking system has been extended almost 3 times it's normal length...

Which means when the inevitable reaching of maximum potential occurs the magnitude of the implosion will make all previous implosions look like walks in the park...

And there is nothing your most worshipful masters can do to postpone the wrath of G-D any longer...Jigs up. G-D can't be tricked and their ability to trick you into dropping to your knees and worshiping the compound interest G-D like you are now will also become impossible...

Ultimately the top is not really evil...The compounding interest equation must have the required inputs to postpone it's inevitable implosion as long as possible...failure to input the required inputs means implosion of everything...

The whole kit and caboodle...The ends then justify the means...The top has no choice but to worship the crown...To satisfy the Crown...failure means the collapse of the entire fantasy world you currently use and abuse how you see fit...Game over...

Ignorance of the truth is the root of all evil...

The compound interest equation at the core of the program you are all following insures that you will march off a cliff...

The death march to oblivion that is reaching it's logical conclusion began 311 years ago...sorry...

Due to the nature of the compound interest equation you either supply the required inputs to postpone the walking off the cliff as long as possible or you don't then you walk off the cliff...

If you try to stop the system from imploding it will implode...

All that a compounding interest commercial banking system can do is inflate to maximum potential then implode...That is all it ever could do, can do, and will do...

The top knows this but it's the source of their power...If the top were to come out and tell the truth the lie you are all living would "prematurely" implode...

So then it comes down to a choice of the lesser of two evils...

Causing a premature implosion is irresponsible...Who wants to take responsibility for that?

Answer? no one...

Don't worry the top has already created the scapegoats that you will all blame and are currently already blaming...

I have studied all the previous implosions and the general drone population within the food powered make work project is always convinced that an effect of the top is the cause and is to blame...

Like George Bush and the Neocons...They are effects of the cause which is the top...

Poor people? They are effects of the cause which is the top.

Well then what is the cause that the top is an effect of?

GOD exists and all that GOD does is cause choices to be made...The top has chosen to reject GOD...

That is the ultimate cause of this depraved soap opera you all are mesmerized by currently...

The top's rejection of the truth...To them the system is sustainable as long as you are all ignorant of it's true operation...And you have been for 600 years so far...That is how old the compounding interest commercial banking system as you see it in operation today is...

Ignorance of the truth is the root of all evil...

Then people ask me...What is truth?

GOD is Truth and Truth is GOD...

What is GOD? The infinte and indestructible source of power that powers everything...The Government of the Universe that can't be overthrown and the Law that can not be broken...

The compounding interest commercial banking system attempts to break the Law that can not be broken overthrow the Governement of the Universe and defeat GOD with the ultimate goal of obtaining absolute power over all..."

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Tyranny of Truth

Consumers request commercial banks to create new debt out of thin air with compound interest attached...

Consumers use previously created debt which consumers requested comercial banks to create out of thin air with compound interest attached as leverage or a basis for new debt creation requests...

Leverage of leverage...Borrowing from tomorrow to create today...No depression will show up until consumer consumption of debt slows, stops, then reverses...

Interest rates are dropped as the volume to support rates at that level increases...Once volume slows, stops, then reverses no amount of easing will work...We are closer [circa 2003] to maximum potential then ever and get closer every day...

Fast or slow...maximum potential will be reached...there is no way to avoid it...Once maximum potential is reached...there will be no way to prevent the consumer consumption of debt from slowing, stopping, then reversing...

And the 45+ year debt inflationary self delusional bubble, the largest such bubble in the entire history of the 300+ year old centralized fractional reserve banking system we are in will Implode...

The fatal assumption is that implosion is impossible under the current system...

The unfortunate truth is that implosion of debt inflationary self delusional bubbles is a normal function of the system during operation...

Every day brings us a day closer to the totally natural occurrence of a hyperdeflationary implosion of a debt inflationary self delusional bubble...

Fractional reserve systems dependent on compound debt inflation only get weaker the longer they operate...until they reach the maximum compound debt inflation point then violently implode...

A 100% totally normal operation...but the longer you postpone the normal operation from happening...the greater the abnormality of the aftermath when postponement reaches maximum potential...

The normal operation happened 70 years ago and was caused by the collapse of a debt inflationary self delusional bubble that took 16 years to form during a period of massive industrial expansion...

The current bubble has grown for 45+ years during a period of massive deindustrialization...Basically a huge debt inflationary dependant division of labor make work project...

The fantasy which is considered reality which we exist in is as dependant on debt inflation to exist as you are depandant on food, water, and a breathable atmosphere to exist...

All your hopes and dreams, your very existence, is dependant on the 100% normal function known as a hyperdeflationary implosion of debt during the normal operation of the system being postponed forever...That is an impossibility...but in order for postponement to last as long as theoretically possible the belief in debt deflationary implosion must be considered an impossible occurance...

Implosion must be assumed to be impossible...Implosion must be seen to be believed... 70 years ago a hyperdeflationary implosion was seen and believed...

So too will this one...

Soon...Only speculators are interested in exact times...

Even if I knew the exact time to the second it would do no good...since it has to be seen to be believed...

I've tried to articulate the information I spent 16 years studying as best I can...
I've done all I can up to this point...there are only so many ways to present the information...Ultimately it has to be seen to be believed...

I assure you that unless you die soon you will exist to see and believe a totally 100% natural occurance which you currently think is an impossiblity...But unfortunately becomes more possible by the second...happen...

[Interest] rates have been basically dropping for 40+ years...Holding rates does not mean they are not rising...Inflationary potential is constantly weakening...Deflationary potential is constantly strengthening...

Since the switch to a debt backed system 45+ years ago our dependence on debt inflation has grown massively...To continue this...rates must keep dropping when debt inflationary potential weakens enough to allow debt deflationary potential to become dominant...

Unfortunately interest rates can not be dropped past zero...and since debt inflationary potential is constantly weakening holding rates is not an option...Raising rates will allow the strengthening of debt deflationary potential so that is not an option either...

You inflationists either figure out how to drop rates past zero into negative rates or you will have to accept the fact that after 45+ years the debt inflationary self delusional bubble that you depend upon to support your existence will violently implode...very soon...

The blue line must go up forever...Due to the construction of the system and the basic mechanics of the Universe...that is an impossibility...

Try and input zero or negative rates into the compound interest equation...

It is debt deflationary and rising rates are debt deflationary...

It is called a liquidity trap...and it's climax is a credit crunch or hyperdeflationary implosion of the debt supply which is what the money supply is 100% composed of...

At some point we will go down keep going and going...It will be unstoppable...

We will go down past what you will be able to stomach or comprehend...and that will just be the beginning...we will plunge to depths far beyond that...far beyond what any living person has seen in their life...and possibly further than any such plunge in the history of fractional reserve banking...

That is what the future holds...

You won't be able to hold rates to strengthen debt inflationary potential...
You won't be able to raise rates to strengthen debt inflationary potential...
You won't be able to lower rates to strengthen debt inflationary potential...

We are all as dependant on debt inflation to support the self delusion we exist in as we are on food and water...without constant debt inflation civilization as it currently functions will cease to function...


Below is the truth...If you don't think so you are an idiot...If that statement offends you, get are wasting your time...You shouldn't have even clicked on the link that got you here to read this...

Fractional reserve banking is a perfect system to conduct conquest...

It destroys static environments...

Interest and compound interest attached to the medium of exchange leads to subversion...

Subversion is evil...a crime.

To subvert a gold and silver based system all you have to do is set interest rates higher then gold and silver production (Mining)

It will not take long until all the medium of exchange is concentrated into the hands of the one or few from the hands of the many...Then in order for the medium of exchange to circulate the owners have to spend it (Trickle down) and lend it out...

The previous free market system collapses and is replaced with a kingdom economy...

The productive members of the society "slave" to support the infrastructure of the Kingdom...

The top sucking from the bottom...

The bottom eventually is sucked dry and either begins attacking the top or running away...

Then the system begins to go fractional...where more paper iou's are issued then gold and silver able to back it up...

Then the only way to sustain the system is through conquest...

1693 the Bank of England was formed...and England began to conquest to support it's Kingdom which was turning into an empire...

2004...what is left to conquest? Nothing...The system has been canibalizing itself since the late 50's...and is about to accelerate...or implode rapidly...

Interest and compound interest attached to the medium of exchange is the primary cause of the subversion (Money renting) which destroys monetary systems...

It will cause a static system to go "fractional"

The secondary cause is that when the medium of exchange goes fractional the static money supply continually shrinks in relation to the dynamic money supply which is forced to constantly expand by the interet and compound interest attached until...the medium of exchange is totally dynamic...or created out of thin air...

Compound interest and interest in general subverts a society because instead of people concentrating on being productive their goal becomes the concentration of wealth and then living off the interest from lending it out...(money renting)

Then to support your unproductive income stream you must lie, cheat, and, steal...

That is what people who take more than they give from society do...Lie, cheat, and steal....

It is right in front of your eyes...It is institutionalized...

The two key problems currently...

1.Interest and compound interest equations assume an endless supply of food and energy to support near exponential population growth...

2.Food and energy are not produced by printing presses...

Human beings are not evil or good...unless you think free will is either evil or good...

Human beings can choose to be evil or good...

Over the past 311 years human beings have chosen to be evil...

We are born good we chose to be evil.

The system basically forces people to be evil... but it is still ultimately a choice...

If you personally believe that living off interest and compound interest is legitimate, good, or alright then you are evil...reguardless if it has been legalized or has been accepted by the majority...

The primary reason the system is about to implode is because the vast majority religiously believe in taking more from society than is given...

Once the system reaches the maximum amount of people milking the system that can be sustained it begins to canibalize itself then implodes...

Quit your crying...this is exactly what you are all going to get what you deserve...

Don't bother protesting this post...only evil or stupid (corrupted) people try to assault the truth which is infinite and indestructible...I'm not the truth...It is not dependant on me to exist...I'm just pointing it out...Nothing can be done about either accept the truth or reject can't ever destroy it...

It is all powerful...your opinion is totally irrelevant to that which is infinite and indestructible...

There is no escape from the tyranny of truth...try all you will never is impossible...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Beginning of Stage 3

[From 2003]

No one does my thinking for me... who do you know that has stated the the economic system which controls the world is the floating exchange rate system, but also is overlayed on top of the Fractional reserve banking system which is a debt backed by debt system...A debt backed by debt system is one in which previously created debt is used as collateral to service the creation of new debt

The system is called the floating exchange rate debt backed by debt fractional reserve banking system...

And it has stages

Stage 1 is...

Inflate (or Hyperinflate) debt and destroy savings

Debt inflation is caused by the consumer consumption of debt and inflation is fed by the fact that the debt (or Money) supply expands causing prices to rise and also because debt is created out of thin air with compound interest attached and since the compound interest is not created out of thin air the only real way of paying it is but creating new debt out of thin air with compound interest attached at least equal to the compound interest charge on the previously created debt...

Hyperinflation is caused by a Central Bank, Government, or Whomever has the power to print or create and distribute non debt backed money into the debt backed system effectively removing the barriers to price inflation or interest rates...

Stage 2

Deflation of debt and the destruction of equity...

Debt deflation is caused by the inability or refusal of consumers to consume great enough amounts of new debt to sustain debt inflation which in turn causes asset price inflation like stocks and real estate...But if a great enough amount of debt does not show up then the risk is that equity will begin to deflate causing the loss of further leverage

In the News, the bank of Canada is expected to drop rates to spur the sluggish economy or entice consumers to consume more debt which expands the money supply which is in fact composed mostly of debt in the hopes that the extra debt inflation will equate to economic growth and/or buy more time...

If interest rates are lowered as low as they can go and the regulations and requirements in place to manage debt creation are removed or eased to the maximum extent possible without the effect of sustaining debt inflation then the maximum potential for the system to produce debt inflation has been reached and there is no way to stop debt deflation from reaching it's maximum potential...

The only way to sustain debt inflation is with greater amounts of debt inflation...

The only way to stop debt deflation or a contraction of the money supply is by creating a greater force of debt inflation or expansion of the money supply...

When the system reaches it's maximum potential for debt inflation a hyperdeflationary implosion of debt is the result...

Now a Hyperinflationary system could be introduced to extend the life of debt inflation by printing or creating and distributing non debt backed money into the debt backed system effectively removing the barriers to price inflation or interest rates... You will then get runaway price inflation and interest rates...the maximum potential is reached when you stop the infusion of free money and/or prices rise faster than you can account or calculate for them...

When the system reaches it's maximum potential for debt inflation a hyperdeflationary implosion of debt is the result which leads to...

Stage 3

Bankruptcy of the banks, collapse of the economy, and consolidation of power...

[S&P Lowers Credit Outlook on Three Banks
Friday November 9, 2007 3:30 pm ET

S&P: Credit Market Deterioration Lowers Outlook for Washinton Mutual, IndyMac and Capital One

NEW YORK (AP) -- Standard & Poor's Ratings Services downgraded the credit outlook for three major U.S. banks Friday, another signal that the significant credit slump will not soon abate. S&P downgraded its outlook for Washington Mutual Inc. and IndyMac Bancorp Inc. to "Negative" from "Stable," and for Capital One Financial Corp. to "Stable" from "Positive. It affirmed investment-grade ratings for the three banks.

With mortgage delinquencies and defaults continuing to rise, especially among subprime mortgages and home-equity loans and lines of credit, banks have been forecasting large write-offs and receiving downgrades and estimate drops from analysts.

Washington Mutual's downgrade stemmed from "lower core earnings from WAMU's core mortgage banking business and the negative trends in the national housing and mortgage markets that will depress earnings in the next year," S&P credit analyst Victoria Wagner said in a statement.

S&P also said Capital One's performance is "highly correlated" to the financial status of consumers. "Given this correlation and our expectation of weakness across consumer-related businesses for the rest of this year and into 2008, a ratings upgrade at Capital One is unlikely within this time period," S&P said.

IndyMac's downgrade was also based on concerns about its "exposure to continued deterioration in the housing and mortgage finance markets," S&P credit analyst Robert Hoban said in a statement...

The agency chose not to downgrade its credit outlook on Wachovia Corp., saying its announced pretax $1.1 billion market-value write-down will reduce its remaining exposure "to this highly volatile asset class to $672 million."]

Japan is in stage 2 and the US is at the beginning of entering stage 2...

The number 1 and number 2 economies of the world...which will suck everyone else down with them...

The reason I can think the way I do is because I have broken free of the Just Think Positive inflation forever religion which is needed to allow the system to operate...

The system functions on ignorance of it's mechanics by the population...

The system is the cause... when you open your eyes in the morning that is the effect...

Why do I harp on it? because it took me 10 years to figure it out... and there isn't 10 years left... 5-9 months left if hyperinflation does not show up and up to 2 years if it does...

first comes barter then comes gold and silver then comes fractional reserve gold and silver then comes fractional reserve debt backed by debt then Hyperinflation then press the reset button...end of the line.

As far as money systems go we are in the terminal stage...

As for taking the guesswork out of choices you can either leverage yourself to the hilt or get out of debt as quickly as possible...

I advocate that getting out of debt as quickly as possible is the best course of action because when it dawns on the majority debt will deflate rapidly...

Everything "we" have has been stolen... The economy is going to collapse in 16-21 months Arabs will most likely get the blame... Thats what it is all about "Our" system is built on debt and the looting of other countries resources and the exploitation of their populations for slave labour... Nothing more.

I Understand and Comprehend this fact, you don't want to, refuse to or are not able to...

You have no clue that we are all being set up for a big fall and the real culprits are going to pin the blame on someone else... Don't worry you will see with your own eyes... We have no freedom and never did you just think we do. If war is what your masters want thats what you'll get.

You are the cowards, you don't want to confront the real enemy and in the end you will throw your life away protecting the freedom to be decieved... But it doesn't matter I'm just passing on some info that you don't want to hear because you are zelots that are happy to commit suicide for somthing that you never had in the first place.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

He Who Loses Least Wins

You need consumers to consume to sustain inflation...once they reach maximum potential they can not sustain the inflation of the money supply...

Consumers need food and water most of all...It doesn't rain food...

Everything else that is not food will eventually collapse in price...Food will too if there is greater supply than demand...

You can't eat gold or silver.

As to having cash on hand...Might be a good idea to have some on you not in a bank...

During the inflationary phase it's he who gains the most that the deflationary phase it's he who loses the least that wins...

There has not been a deflation in the USA in 74 years...1933-1945 was the aftermath of the 1929-1933 deflation.

1929-1933 is the only period of visible deflation in the USA in the last 100 years.

Look at what you depend upon...does it depend upon constant never ending inflation to sustain it's existence?

If so it will be annihilated by inflation less than previous inflation.

All your reasonable assumptions will be annihilated by logical conclusions if they are not the same as the logical conclusions when the logical conclusions are reached.


Reasonable that it's a 3...

1+1=3 is a reasonable assumption...but it's not the logical conclusion.

Everything is logical...

If the price of gold and silver is more than the face value of the coins that are constructed out of gold and silver then the coins will never circulate...

In order for a silver dollar to circulate the cost of what it's made out of has to be less than a dollar...

How long can a business stay in business if it produces products and sells them for less than they cost to produce?

Not long...

Most of you have placed huge bets on hyperinflationary jackpot...

In the deflationary phase it's he who loses the least that wins...survives.

The only way to fight against the polarity shift is with a greater amount of inflation...But once maximum potential inflation greater than previous inflation is reached...Inflation transforms into Inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential...

That polarity shift happened 1929-1933...Just under 4 years of inflation less than previous inflation...The only period of visible deflation in the USA in the past 100 years.

following 10 years of hyperinflation...called the roaring 20's

This time around it's been the roaring 6 decades...