Yes the holders of gold and silver want a return to gold and silver of course...
But ultimately the bottom owes the top so all the gold and silver will get sucked to the top when you pay your bills...And it was the bankers who dreamed up the GOLD and silver standards...The Global banking system you see in operation right now is older than the USA...It's 313 years old.
Do you own/control any Gold or silver mines? Well then you are a slave and those that do are master...
The great depression was caused by the collapse of the German carry trade...
Basically the winning powers had Germany on the run retreating back into Germany in late 1918.
At the start France crossed Germany's border first and were repulsed and then Germany invaded France...That was a big mistake...
"ARTICLE 235 The Versailles Treaty June 28, 1919
In order to enable the Allied and Associated Powers to proceed at once to the restoration of their industrial and economic life, pending the full determination of their claims, Germany shall pay in such installments and in such manner (whether in gold, commodities, ships, securities or otherwise) as the Reparation Commission may fix, during 1919, 1920 and the first four months Of 1921 , the equivalent of 20,000,000,000 gold marks."
2790 Gold marks equalled 2.2 Lb of pure gold.
15,770,609 Lb of Gold or 7885 short tons of gold or 229,935,483 oz of Gold...
Quite a bit of GOLD...Especially when the total above ground stock around that time was 50,000 tons with around 25,000 tons monetary Gold world wide...
And Germany certainly did not have 7885 short tons of gold in 1919 1920 or 1921...
What to do then?
The Bank of England basically told Germany to print marks to buy GOLD...From? The winning powers...
The Looting of Germany carry trade...Germany printed marks and then bought Gold then the amount of GOLD they owed dropped and the winning Powers still had GOLD and loads of marks...what to do with all those marks? send them home to roost buying raw materials and finished goods...
The marks flooded into the German commercial banking system allowing it to inflate the debt supply in Germany...The more GOLD Germany bought the more marks they had to print...Which caused the purchasing power to drop...It was quickly losing it's value...
But outside of Germany all the currencies were quickly gaining value...Basically German exports were getting constantly cheaper and cheaper...A free give away of German raw material and finished products basically...
This fueled the Roaring 20's until the mark was losing value so fast that it basically caused prices inside Germay to hyperinflate until it was impossible to account...The looting of Germany carry trade collpased in 1924 after about 14 months of Hyperinflation of prices or a hyperdeflation of the value of the mark ...
side note...
Winston Churchill was Chancellor of the Exchequer (Treasury) of the United Kingdom from November 6, 1924 - June 4, 1929...
The collapse of the carry trade caused a hyperdeflationary implosion of the banking/monetary system in Germany and the shockwave spred out into the Global system and reached the USA by late 1926 and visibly manifested with the market crash October 21 1929...Since real estate began caving in first and the sell off there flowed into the Stock markets in search of yield inflating them from 1927 to 1929 in a massve mania...
The Great depression inside of the USA was caused by a collapse in debt inflation in the USA due to the implosion of the roaring 20's post world war 1 looting of Germany bubble..
It bankrupted the crown system which began to rapidly implode...It was stopped in 1933...
1933-1945 was the bankruptcy reorganization of the now 313 year old crown system...
The 1944 Bretton Woods Global trade system replaced it...The US Dollar replaced the British Pound Stirling as the Global Trade medium of exchange.
The majority of GOLD?
"As of 22 September 2005, the largest gold holdings in tonnes as reported by the World Gold Council"
Tonnes...1 Tonne is 1000 Kilograms and 1 Kilogram is equal to 2.20462262 Lb( Pounds)...14.5833333 troy ounces in one pound.
1 United States of America 8,133.5 or 17,893,700 Lb or 261,563,282 troy ounces.
2 Germany 3,427.8
3 International Monetary Fund 3,217.3
4 France 2,892.6
5 Italy 2,451.8
6 Switzerland 1,290.1
"These certificates (You know the ones with Woodrow Wilson's face on them? Pictured at the bottom of the post) are not paid out by Federal Reserve banks and do not appear in circulation. They bear on their face the wording: "This is to certify that there is on deposit in the Treasury of the United States of America dollars in gold, payable to bearer on demand as authorized by law."
US Government book value of gold is $42.2222 (currently) per troy ounce
Federal Reserve
Gold Certificate account (You know the ones with Woodrow Wilson's face on them?) ---$11,041,000,000 at $42.2222 per troy ounce
Total - Treasury-Owned Gold 261,563,282 oz. $11,043,777,239 "Book Value"
So the FEDERAL RESERVE has dibs on $11,041,000,000 worth of The US Treasury GOLD...261,497,506 troy ounces...Or all of it...
Below the Woodrow Wilson $100,000 Gold certificate...The largest denomination U.S. banknote ever produced.
I wonder what Woodrow did to be honored like that?