US consumers request commercial banks to manufacture around 11 Billion dollars of new money every day...38 Billion is equal to about 3 and a half days worth of US consumer production of new money...
All that the FED did was monetize the bad debt by being the buyer of last resort...on the books its listed as an asset backing the money that was created to buy it...Any other consumer or group of consumers in the system could have bought it the same way...Just no one choose to...So the FED help postpone the inevitable a little longer is all...Have to make it until the next election so the newly installed puppet can blame the previously installed puppet for all the austerity measures that will be needed when the system reaches maximum potential and implodes.
All that the FED can do is help postpone the inevitable when help is needed...It can't stop it from arriving...
Yes the game you are all playing is coming to an end...But you all love playing it...You don't want it to end...But it has to...and the new game is the same as the old game...It sucks at the start...Until you think you are winning it and then it's great...Then you get to the end and realize that you were never winning it...That you were a loser the instant you chose to play it...It's why the new game sucks at the start because you know you are going to lose...It takes a few generations before you think you are winning...
You are many years old and expect to live longer...but are just part of humanity which is far older and can live far longer than you.
You are constantly descovering things you forgot but calling the things you discover...NEW...
Of the 8000 individual banks in the USA...only 30% are part of the Federal Reserve system...Any outside of the system that are going to fail...will...
Of those in the system that are going to fail...Most of them will also...Since the FED does not have access to the resources required to sustain all of them even though the FED is technically required to. In most cases it will be far more profitable to herd people into burning pits of diesel. It also mentions a 20 year credit bubble...The previous credit bubble stopped inflating less than previous inflation (deflating) in 1933...So the current bubble that is about to pop is over 70 years old.
For some reason most people think that everything is not connected...It's all connected...
The only way to fight inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential is with inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential...The WAR effort everyone in the USA has been part of for over 70 years now...Until of course maximum potential inflation greater than previous inflation is inevitably reached...Then all the 100's of millions of soldiers fighting every day for more and more and more will be forced to realize defeat and accept less and less and less.
Birth is inflation greater than previous inflation...Death is Inflation less than previous inflation...Fortunately Human beings have the power to reproduce quicker than they cease to exist...As long as the population does not inflate less than previous inflation for very long...humanity will survive...again. Humanity will continue to survive until someone figures out how to stop inflation or the planet ceases to exist...
GOLD is off because it's price is inflated like everything else...When the growth rate of the money supply slows GOLD or anything being inflated by the growth of the money supply can and generally will deflate in price...In 2006 according to the World Gold Council the total identifiable demand was 3,380.4 metric tonnes
1 tonne is 1000 kilograms and there are 2.2 pounds in a Kg so 1 Tonne is equal to 2200 Lb of Gold...
Jewellery consumption accounted for 2279.3 tonnes of the 3,380.4 metric tonnes of total identifiable demand or 67%
Official coin accounted for 129.1 tonnes...or about 4%
Jewellery is hard to eat...And subtracting retail markup leaving just the Gold melt down/content...and most jewellery is not worth much. Soon to be bankrupted people are most likely not going to cause a spike up in demand for Jewellery...
Most of the rise in the price of gold the past few years is from speculators in search of a yield...Yields better than the popping Dotcom bubble was going to supply...
I was telling people in 1998-1999 to dump equities (Nazdaq DOW S&P mutual funds) and buy Gold and silver coins...They just said I was a Y2K nutter and to LOL STFU...
Coins have content and face value...
Pre 1964 US silver coinage very rarely circulates any more...becuase the content of the coins is worth more than the face value...The only way silver coins will circulate again is if the face value is less than or equal to the cost of the content and the economic zone in which they are to circulate is a closed system of trade or has a trade surplus and industrial demand combined with monetary coinage demand is less than or equal to mine supply.
The USA has been living beyond it's means for close to 100 years now. So the inevitable implosion is going to be massive...
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