When the economy collapses the division of labor will as well...There will be a surplus of bean counters. Your wages will be based on supply and demand...So then you need to reduce your cost of existence on planet Earth to as low as possible and have an ability to out perform the competition.
Otherwise you just might find yourself in a position where you will have to work for a living.
Lets say you are 24...And save for 16 years in bonds.
$1000 a month with an average yield of 5%
That works out to $300,267.27
That is just the easy as stealing candy from a baby method. 98% of the population of Earth don't even accomplish the above in their lifetimes.
That does not account for other certainties that you will be able to capitalize on during that time...It's possible to make the above in a year or less if you know how the Absolute capitalist system functions and construct the proper extraction algorithm.
Once you transition from the powerless to the powerful you can hire and fire New drones off the production line to count your beans and run your empire.
Honourable wage?
That is equal share.
In an absolute capitalist hierarchial system you raise wages until you have enough drones to operate your sub hierarchy within the Hierarchy or until you can't raise wages any more and your enterprise ceases to function.
Like the below 10 worker drone sub hierarchy.
One person agrees to complete a task for another person and when the task is completed...the person that agreed to get it done will be paid 1000 silver coins.
The person then hires 10 other people to complete the task in one day and it is. Then goes to the other person to receive the 1000 silver coins.
The person then pays all the people that he hired to do the work required to complete the task 50 silver coins apiece.
And keeps 500 silver coins for the work he did.
That is how Absolute capitalistic hierarchies function. Repeat the above operation 5 days a week and you will be able to hob nob with Scrooge McDuck in a very short period of time.
No need to talk in private.
It's no secret how to amass a fortune.
Of course you don't call your worker drones worker drones...You treat them as assets and you liquidate assets that are or become unfundable liabilities until you can replace them with assets.
What reason can you all supply to the top so that the top chooses to do what you want and ultimately need them to do?
Telling the powerful that they are wrong is not a reason.
That would be called an opinion.
And the antonym or opposite of opinion is Fact.
So opinion is just another word for delusion.
Everyone is entitled to their delusion including the top or owners of the world.
Go to your employer and tell them that they are wrong...Keep telling your employer you can run the enterprise better and that they should step down and be ruled and you step up and rule them because you know what is right from wrong and they don't.
Ordering/attempting to convince all the owners and employers (top) to stop dominating the employees (bottom) is not ever going to work...All that the top has comes from the bottom so there is no way for the top to give the bottom more than what the top has...
Regardless within the Universe you will have to work to continue living as long as possible or die trying to escape having to work...
Or convert all your available credit card debt into cash and spend 10% gambling and the rest on something like silver...then quit your job and sell everything and spend the 10% gambling until it's gone and you have converted the rest into silver and then declare bankruptcy...Then tell the gamblers about your serious gambling problem and how ashamed you are.
Practice crying...Actors get paid millions and receive awards for such performances.
Sorry folks...
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
I'll translate...
We know GOD to be evident, All Human Beings are created equal, They can choose to do Good or do Evil, They are endowed by GOD with unalienable Rights, among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
You all can do whatever you please as long as you don't get caught breaking a rule or attempting to break LAW.
My above simple money making scheme does not attempt to break LAW and only breaks the rules if you are caught.
It pumps a few million dollars of new money into the economy to pay the so called workers to help their Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness...
Sure the gamblers that gambled that you were going to pay back what they gave to you get burnt...But that's how greater fool games operate.
Don't like getting burnt? Don't play games...simple.
I surely would not dress up as a woman to get on a life boat...But that is me.
You all can do whatever you please as long as you don't get caught breaking a rule or attempting to break LAW.
Dressing up as a woman does not attempt to break LAW and only breaks the rules if you are caught.
Just like dressing up as a Christian does not attempt to break LAW and only breaks the rules if you are caught.
The people that are supplying you with credit create an account and fill it with lets say $10,000...The whole operation takes 15 minutes tops...Not thousands of labour hours.
And the few million dollars of new money pumped into the economy does not disappear...It pays the so called workers to help their Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness...It helps to sustain their thousands of labour hours.
When I am looking for employment...I approach an employer and ask if they need help...If they say yes...I help them until they no longer need my help...Then I say...See you later.
Money is a secondary consideration...You all can talk the talk but when it comes time to walk the walk...You all prostrate yourselves at the feet of your master...
All of you can be bought obviously...
Those who choose to take more power than they give become richer in power or powerful and those who choose to give more power than they take become poorer in power or powerless.
Top sucks from the bottom...
The positive of a magnet is where the power flows from...The negative on a magnet is where the power flows to...
When you take a compass the needle which is a magnet points towards the negative pole and away from the positive pole or in line with the flow of power...
From the bottom to the top...From South to North.
Rich people are negative but use the power sucked from the bottom to pretend they are positive or Good and that the bottom is Negative or Bad.
Evil hides behind Good. Evil pretends to be Good...Evil wants Good to protect Evil...Evil gives you what you want to get what Evil wants...Power.
I give you all what you need to get what I need...And whatever you give me in return is all that I need...and if you give me nothing...then that is all I need...
Power is the medium of exchange.
Surely you all are beginning to wake up slightly at this late stage of the rich getting richer poor getting poorer cycle that has almost reached maximum potential. How much more do you have to see until you choose to stop rejecting Truth and choose to accept Truth?
You are either with the rich in power or against the rich in power.
Those who choose to DEMAND more power than they SUPPLY become richer in power or powerful and those who choose to SUPPLY more power than they DEMAND become poorer in power or powerless.
Don't cry to me...I did not create the Universe or the current thing called civilization...I just popped into existence within it already in progress...
The highest LAW is GOD.
You can manipulate the Universe however you please as long as you don't get caught breaking a rule or attempting to break LAW.
A human being is a Rule...A Human being is not LAW.
Human beings have no power to make or break LAW.
All that a Human being has the power to do is make and break rules and claim they are LAW.
But if a rule attempts to break LAW then LAW will break the rule.
None of you produce food...You are all in debt to the food producers...They supply the food you all supply the mouths to eat it, reproduce and increase the number of mouths to eat it.
They issue food and you issue what to them? Coins? Paper?
The purpose of the Police and military is to protect the top from the bottom...
To protect cause from consequence...
The easiest prey of the hunter gatherer is the farmer and the simplest operation is the protection scheme...
You are either with the top or against the top...
All money is decreed money...fiat...
The top says this is money...Or else...period end of story....
You Farmer are on the Land owned by the LORD of the land and will pay tribute to the LORD of 1 Gold coin a year...
Where do I get this GOLD coin?
You can take one short ton of grain to the grainery of the LORD and there you will be given a GOLD coin for it and then you can give the GOLD coin to the servant of the LORD...
What if I refuse?
Then the LORD will drive you from the Land that the LORD is the LORD of...
There you go an abundant supply of free food to power your wildest hopes and dreams...Lies and delusions...
22 And the LORD said, Behold! The man has become as one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put forth his hand and also take from the Tree of Life, and eat, and live forever,
23 The LORD sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground out of which he was taken.
24 And He drove the man out. And He lodged the cherubs at the east of the Garden of Eden, and the flaming sword whirling around to guard the way of the Tree of Life.
Well what is done with all that Food the tillers of the LORD's land give the LORD as Tribute?
It powers the Absolute capitalist Hierarchial food powered make work enterprise...
The city state...Or Civilization...
You all lie to each other and lie to yourselves...
Without food there is no money...Money is a medium of exchange...Gold and silver can be money but are commodities...The attachment of interest (usury) to the medium of exchange concentrates it from the hands of the many to the few or one...
Then those who own the medium of exchange make the rules...If they hand you paper to buy bread then you better accept it or starve...
Usury produces debt...debt becomes the medium of exchange...The only way to operate a usury system is with force or power...Ultimately the medium of exchange is power...
The top lives off interest (usury) attached to the medium of exchange...
Power is sucked from the bottom to the top...
Top sucks from the bottom until the bottom is sucked dry then the system collapses...
The top invented the absolute capitalist hierarchial food powered make work enterprise 6000 years ago...The city state or civilization.
The compounding interest commercial banking monetary system operating inside the enterprise is an innovation that is around 600 years old. You don't even know how the old primarily silver based monetary system prior to 600 years ago functioned...
1000's of years ago someone told your ancestor that they were LORD...and your ancestor believed them...period end of story...
GOD does not reward ignorance...
Ignorance of Truth is the root of all Evil.
The reason why a system goes fractional is because the interest sucks up all the money from the hands of the many into the hands of the few...the end result is a opulent Castle surrounded by starving peasants...since the only source of money is the castle...all money is then the trickle down from the castle and loans which interest and taxes suck right back up to the castle...
The only way to fund a bigger empire is to fractionally reserve the gold and issue paper...until you run out of food and energy to support the near exponential population growth...
Interest charged on the medium of exchange subverts a 100% banking system and causes it to turn fractional...
Like I said the money supply will get sucked out of the hands of the many and into the hands of the few...then the only way to keep the game going is to issue paper...
There's nothing about banking that requires interest...a storage fee...
Banking and interest are where you start because they fund the most oppressive governments the world has ever known...
You think oppressive governments just fall out of the sky?
There is no money (Cash) in the banks...There is only enough cash in a bank to make change...
Here's how to do nothing and live the good life...In a debt backed by debt fractional reserve system...It works differently in a Gold backed fractional reserve system and differently in a Gold and Silver real money system and differently in a barter system...
The Top...no not the pinnacle of power just the top in this example...and I'm going to leave lawyers and other people out...to simplify it as much as possible...
The top requests a commercial bank to create $100,000 out of thin air at wholesale rates for 1 year...
So it looks like this... $100,000 at 4% for 1 year...
Then the money is given to a developer who constructs a house in 2 weeks and a for sale sign in put in front...the top marks it up to $175,000
A ditchdigger who has been saving for 3 years has $17,500, sees the house and falls in love...
Goes to a commercial bank and the deal works like this...
The Ditchdigger gives his hard earned life savings to the bank and requests a loan for $157,500 at retail mortgage rates of 5.5% for 30 years...which the Bank creates out of thin air for him...
Then the exchange happens...
The ditchdigger gets a House and the payments work out to $894.27 a month for the next 30 years...
The Bank gets $17,500 plus an income stream of $894.27 a month for the next 30 years for a total of $321,935.08
The developer gets $100,000 from the top.
The top gets $75,000 and he buys a Hummer (Sorry not loaded maybe next time)...that the ditchdigger is going to spend the next 30 years working to pay off...
The Hummer salesman gets $75,000.
What did the top do? Like all criminals he took the "risk" of getting caught...
What did the bank do? Created the debt out of thin air and the accounting...(empowered the criminal).
Banks love criminals...the riskier the better...because if the criminal is caught the bank does not suffer...It wins by default...
Multiply the above by a 100,000 times a month (That was the new house construction rate/month in the US) and that is alot of debt inflation(money printing)
The lowering of rates for the past 23 years has sustained the above beyond human comprehension...
Rates must keep dropping or the criminals at the top will be caught and then they will "shoot it out" like the bandits they are...zero or as low as they can go is it...
Also called WAR...
Please explain what "risk" banks have creating credit (Money) out of thin air? What "risk" they have of losing something which they did not have to begin with?
The only risk the banks and the top have is being revealed to be criminals by the bottom...that is the only "risk"...
Rates rise when the Bottom runs out of the ability to borrow any more from the top...
Then this monstrosity that has been constructed over the past 50 years...violently implodes...
The USA as a nation was finished in the late 50's...and it has depended on this 'industry' to produce the required amount of debt inflation to prevent the implosion that should have happened 50 years ago...
The only way to prevent a hyperdeflationary implosion of the USA is to perpetuate the industry forever...Zero rates or as low as they can go is it...Input negative rates into the above and the top has to pay the ditchdigger to live...not going to happen because the top has nothing to pay the ditchdigger with.
The Global Ponzi scheme with the US at the top will suffer one of the greatest implosions in human history...Don't believe me...Just watch...
Saving is fine but renting out savings to live off is not...Investing in productive industries is ok...
Lets say that you need $833/month to live on...that means at 10% you would need to rent out $100,000...
Either 1 person has to pay you $833/month for the rest of your life or 833 people have to pay you $1/ per month for the rest of your life...
Then factor in Inflation in the cost of living and the rate of interest must go up or the money lent out...
The system has a maximum potential to support the welfare cases who don't want to contribute anymore to society...
What if borrowing slows because the people who are supporting you can't anymore?
What if all the people at the top in the act of consuming are causing the prices to rise to the point that the bottom has to choose either to pay for the top to exist or feed themselves?
Then what? Look at the Third World...Not only can they not afford to pay the top...they can't afford food which the top has inflated out of their ability to afford...
Sorry but as long as you are selfish I guess you won't see how important contributing to society is...
It will be magnitudes worse than the Great Depression...The Great Depression was a minor economic event...That was a collapse of a primitive Gold backed credit system...
This is a complete break down of a technologically advanced debt backed by debt system...
The last debt backed by debt system, which was very crude, to suffer a break down was the Roman system...
With no backing other then government force there is no theoretical bottom...Government force (guns) will have a very hard time stopping it and if they fail...kiss civilization good bye for a little bit...
Free trade and Globalization are just a search for new debt free victims to exploit...
China is toast...Everything is going to go down the toilet...The US/Japan debt inflationary engine is just too big to replace...It is the Heart...all the other nations are the other parts...the EU might be the Brains but the Brain will die due to lack of lifeblood...
We basically need another planet to conquer...we're done...
The FEDERAL RESERVE owns all the money in circulation...
All the DEBT in circulation is owned by the commercial banks and ultimately the FEDERAL RESERVE...
The Government is not in charge of the FEDERAL RESERVE...The Government is subservient to the FEDERAL RESERVE...
Then idiots say that fractional reserve banks can be allowed? So banks that can lend what they don't have and attach interest to it is a ok?
I think this is what we call the pamper effect...as long as an idiot is pampered he will think everything is a ok...