It starts out barter but in order to maintain rule enforcement or soldiers you need to get the food since Kings don't have anything to barter with...Gold and silver by decree or whatever anyone wants to trade for...
There wasn't always a monarchy in England...They were invaded and conquested by the Romans and the closest thing to rulers the Early British farming society had were the Druids who kept track of time...The Romans were technologically superior and wiped out the Druids...The Religious system of the Druids was not a GOD fearing one so the Romans had a very hard time of subduing them since the early British did not fear death...
Now you all do and that's how rulers basically maintain control over you all...
It takes decades and centuries to construct a typical food powered make work enterprise as you see it in operation now...
How do you operate debt free? If you are a non farmer then you are in debt to the farmers...If you can't afford to pay that debt then you are going to starve...The top obtains control of the land and food distribution system then money can begin to circulate...
Mr. Farmer you will pay 2 gold coins a year for use of the land...You can obtain a gold coin by exchanging 1 short ton of grain for it from one of the exchange agents...
That's how markets are made by the market makers...
You don't have the foggiest clue...what you are all talking about..Freedom?
What is that? Having your cake and eat it too?
Sorry but you all have not spent enough time eliminating your cherished delusions...
The USA economy began...
In June of 1606, King James I granted a charter to a group of London entrepreneurs, the Virginia Company, to establish a satellite English settlement in the Chesapeake region of North America. By December, 108 settlers sailed from London instructed to settle Virginia...
On May 14, 1607, the Virginia Company explorers landed on Jamestown Island, to establish the Virginia English colony on the banks of the James River 60 miles from the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay.
Most of you read the Creature From Jekyll Island or similar material and think you have seen the light...
Creature From Jekyll Island is just the tip of an iceburg...And lot of it is just the product of Edward Griffin's imagination...But most of you think it's the Bible...If the top did not want that information in public it would not be...
All the people mentioned in the book are basically dead...When the first book came out that Creature is based on, Secrets of the Federal Reserve, some of the people were still alive and the general population still had a living memory of the events described in the book and were young enough to still have energy to fight back so it was suppressed...
Now you are all as docile as house cats...Sure you can involve yourself in an occasional barroom brawl but actually standing up to the rich? HaHaHa...not a chance...You have become as dependant on the rich as my house cat is on me to sustain its existence...
Like really I'm all for smiting evil and you clowns can talk the talk but certainly can't walk the walk...And I have been part of enough groups that cave in once it comes time to walk the walk...So I'm basically done supporting fools that are their own worst enemies...
Sorry but the best you all are capable of accomplishing lately is going out in a blaze of glory...Like that's your plan?
What are we going to do?
Upset the top and when they send drones to arrest you take as many as you can with you...hahahaha that will show them...
You need a better plan than that and you certainly have to operate in secret...
The top can see you coming long before you are ever going to see them especially when you operate on the Internet which is ultimately an intelligence gathering and social engineering tool the top owns.
Heroic white men? So If all the white men standing around me are delusional idiots I still have to support them?
Enough is enough everyone and everything in the Universe gets what they deserve...
The superior don't cry about being treated as inferior...
It's simple...You look around and if you see massive wealth surrounded by poverty then you know who is the cause...It's obvious who's running the show...
And you all think the rich are going to choose to live without The FED or Commercial banks?
Not a chance...You will give more than you take or take more than give or die...
There will be no sharing...You all don't even know how to share...You all are in search of the best deal...and sharing is considered evil...
So build your castles and fire arrows into your victims when they wake up and realize you ripped them off to fund the construction of your escape from responsibility...
Top sucks from the bottom so I guess once the bottom is sucked to your doorstep you will have to do something then...
Fortunately most of the poor fools getting sucked dry currently to support the delusional lifestyles of the wannabe rich and famous exist 1000's of miles away across oceans so you won't have to worry about them getting sucked to your doorstep.
Compounding interest commercial banks are the manufacturers of the product...
The FEDERAL RESERVE took over and standardized the monetization process...Prior to the FEDERAL RESERVE there were 1600 different Banknotes issued by individual Commercial banks...After there was only one...The FEDERAL RESERVE BankNOTE...
And the Bureau of Engraving and Printing has printed all the banknotes used by the banks since 1877...
The FEDERAL RESERVE has to request the US Treasury for FEDERAL RESERVE BANKNOTES who then has to request the Bureau of Engraving and Printing...
So you go down to the bank and deposit your gold and they give you a certificate, that can't be counterfeited.
Yes it's called a banknote.
Compounding interest commercial banking as you see it in operation today has been around for 600 years...This has been going on for six centuries it's only in the last 60 years that the information on how commercial banks operate has been in the public domain...
And the focus has been on Central banks when the key to the whole economic system is the commercial banks...
The biggest commercial banks support the smaller banks...All the FED is, is a Bank created by the biggest banks to more easily control the little banks...
Anyone can start a bank up...There are more individual commercial banks operating in the USA then anywhere in the world...Canada has four or five Big banks...The USA has something like 8,000 banks...some are not even part of the FEDERAL RESERVE system...
"38 percent of the 8,039 commercial banks in the United States are members of the Federal Reserve System. National banks must be members; state chartered banks may join if they meet certain requirements. The member banks are stockholders of the Reserve Bank in their District and as such are required to hold 3 percent of their capital as stock in their Reserve Bank."
What does the above mean? That 38% of the banks in the system are protected by the FED...If there is a bankrun caused by a deflation of debt the FED can monetize assets so that the banks can meet the demand...
The other 62%? DOA and on their own...They will collapse when the debt inflation turns into debt deflation...reguardless of FDIC coverage...
The US debt/money supply has been inflating its entire existence thanks to your Grandaddy's bank (debt factory)...And it's been hyperinflating for 50 years to support your puke me a river hypocrisy...
I'm getting tired of watching you all swirl the bowl while standing on a huge log screaming that we have not yet began to fight...What a joke...Pathetic...You fell flat on your faces decades ago...And it's game over...You just don't know it yet.
Most of the cash is for use by those lower in the Hierarchy...Those higher in the Hierarchy write checks which is just another form of IOU...
Gold and silver money? A creation of those at the top of the hierarchy to control you...
You will never be free from the consequences of the choices you all make...There is no escape from resolution of the freewill choice...
I have no problem with the top...It's all the mentally retarded drones around me that are a potential Threat...
And will always be...There is no way to deprogram you or unplug you...You have to accomplish that miracle on your own...
It took 20 years to deprogram myself...
And the lies behind the lies are even harder to destroy than the ones in front...
You see the Anti Zionists/Jews basically stuck behind the Iron wall...Some of them have been stuck there for their entire lives...And it's only a mental barrier...
It took me 3 years or so to destroy it...
The Internet is one of the greatest social engineering and Information acquisition tools ever created...
As soon as any of you connected you were known and tracked and are being tracked...and the information is being constantly updated in a file in a central database...
The USA is toast...The FEDERAL RESERVE is going to be wiped out...The two previous central banks that operated in the USA ceased to exist...
The top's goal is to maintain their position in the hierarchy...The top is the top...
And they don't need the FEDERAL RESERVE anymore...The Global system is 314 years old and has reached maximum potential...It's doomed...
None of you are going to escape that...The top has annihilated nations before and the USA is just another nation to annihilate...Actually mass liquidate since it can basically no longer afford to service its continued existence...
The top is based in Europe...The drone population there is not going to turn on their system and destroy it especially once they are shown pictures of the consequences in the USA which they all have been socially engineered to think is bad or evil for decades...
Destroy the USA all you want...That's the plan and that's what you all are doing and will continue doing until it's destroyed...
That's what you are all working to accomplish...day in and day out...
Unfortunately even if you resisted as much as you currently have the potential to...You would put up as much resistance as leaves against the wind in a maelstrom...
You had a chance after WW2...But you were all intoxicated by a victory over an enemy that was created by the enemy...
There is never a lasting victory over lies and the war against truth has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat...The instant you all thought you had achieved victory your defeat was certain and inevitable...
What is the top going to do about me when they know I'm no threat? They will only need to choose to become a threat to me If I choose to become a threat to them...
I'm no threat to the top...I'm a threat to all of your cherished delusions and you will do the top's work for them...It's what absolute capitalist drones are socially engineered to do...
I can at any point stop helping since I don't need any support other than what GOD supplies...I'm just helping...I'm not your slave or the top's slave...I'm as free and powerful as a human being can choose to be...
Most of you are as trapped and powerless as human beings can choose to be...
I already told you what those who employ absolute self indulgent reason believe...
Absolute capitalists believe the needs of the few or one outweigh the needs of the many...
The only need that anyone is obligated to fulfill is the need for truth...
That is all I'm required by the LAW of the Universe to provide to anyone...
Absolute capitalists believe that you can do whatever you want as long as you don't get caught breaking a rule or attempting to break the LAW of the Universe...
Truth is infinite and indestructible so it is the only LAW that can not be broken...
Absolute capitalists also believe that the ends justify the means...
So if your goal is to not be caught (the ends) breaking a rule or attempting to break the LAW of the Universe then lying is the only means to avoid capture or having to take responsibility for your actions...
I as a Responsible capitalist don't choose to be an Absolute capitalist...Or employ Absolute self indulgent reason...
Not because I think it's wrong...Or believe it's wrong...or have faith that it's wrong...
I know it's wrong because in order to choose to operate like an absolute capitalist I have to choose to attempt to break the Law of the Universe...
Truth is GOD and GOD is Truth and truth is infinite and indestructible...There is no way to break the Law of the Universe...
Unless of course you are an animal...Then it's not a problem...Most of you are basically animalistic creatures pretending to be Human beings...That is just one of your cherished delusions that you defend when it is threatened...
Once you know Truth it then becomes impossible to choose to attempt to break the LAW unless your desired ends are evil...Since to choose to attempt to break the LAW is evil and will only produce evil consequences...
All you absolute capitalist drones don't have that problem because you are ignorant of Truth...
Ignorance of truth is the root of all evil...
Unless you are an animal...Then there is no good or evil...You just can gleefully tear each other apart for fun and profit...
Which is what you all do...I don't...
But I popped into existence surrounded by millions and millions and billions of absolute capitalist drones so I do have to be very carful...Since you will certainly attack that which threatens your cherished delusions...That which threatens your colossal hypocrisy...
Truth is GOD and GOD is Truth and Truth is infinite and indestructible...There is never a lasting victory over lies and the war against truth has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat...
Ignorance of truth is the root of all evil...
The instant you all thought or believed or had faith you had achieved victory over lies you then began fighting Truth and your defeat is certain and inevitable...
I have no problem with the top...It's all the mentally retarded drones working for the top around me that are a potential Threat...
And will always be...There is no way to deprogram you or unplug you...You have to accomplish that miracle on your own...There is no way to obtain power over others if you choose to attempt to...
The only goal you can achieve that is not an attempt to break the LAW of the Universe is to obtain power over yourself...
I can help you all but I can't support you all...But my help inevitably becomes a threat to your cherished delusions and it's you all that choose to cherish them...
There is nothing I can do about that...So cry all you want...You have been for 1000's of years and you seem to like it...I don't but as I said I popped into existence surrounded by millions and millions and billions of cry babies...
I can help a crybaby but ultimately crybabies have to choose to stop...
GOD does not collect that which GOD has already...Only Men attempt to collect souls...Those who are attempting to acquire power over others collect souls...GOD has no need to collect that which GOD has infinite and indestructible power over...sorry...
You are wasting your life attempting to break the Law of the Universe...
It's out of my hands...I'm not GOD and didn't make the LAW and can't unmake it...There is no way I can support you...And my ability to help you is finite...
"Absolute capitalists believe the needs of the few or one outweigh the needs of the many..."
The only need that anyone is obligated to fulfill is the need for truth...
What am I doing that you who employ absolute self indulgent reason find unreasonable?
GOD can't be reasoned with...Everyone knows that...
Ok red hot iron I'm going to touch you with my bare hands...So please don't expose me to the wrath of GOD...Ok? It hurts my feelings and that is evil...You are all fighting GOD, I'm not...So far the term Absolute capitalist drone is the best and least hurtful description I can come up with to describe all of you...
I'm not looking down and continually disparaging you as you say because I feel like it...I'm just giving you what you need which is truth and I have no choice but to give you what you need...If you choose to reject it then run and find a lie to believe in or lie to yourself which is what a delusion is...a lie you tell to yourself...
I only have what GOD supplies me with...Truth...If you don't want that then you can search for what you want elsewhere...
That's why I don't have to fear the top or LORDs of the food powered make work enterprise you are all drones in...Because the LORDs are well aware of what truth is...They manufactured all the cherished delusions you all cherish and support and defend when they are threatened...You all fight Truth...
I'm no threat to them...Unless I choose to become a threat...
The Universe is functioning perfectly as It was designed to function...There is no hope, it's fair, and everyone and everything gets what it deserves...
There is nothing I can do about that...So cry all you want...You all have been for 1000's of years and you seem to like it...I don't but as I said I popped into existence surrounded by millions and millions and billions of cry babies...
I can help a crybaby but ultimately crybabies have to choose to stop...
You think that all the stuff that happens that you don't like that affects you is not deserved and all the stuff that happens that you do like that affects you is deserved?
That is a monumental delusion...That sounds like how a child thinks...
No wonder you all have been crying like babies for 1000's years...and trying to manufacture laws when all you can do is create rules...
I walk onto a bus and it fills up and I'm pushed up against another person that hasn't taken a bath in a week...That stench? I'm getting what I deserve...
What do I do? Start bawling like a baby because I'm getting what I don't think I deserve?
The Universe is perfectly fair, Everything in the Universe gets what it deserves and there is no hope...
What exactly is your or anyone's plan to manipulate the Universe so it functions in such a way that your feelings are never going to be hurt?
I grew up and realized that just because something feels good does not mean that it is good...And just because something feels bad does not mean that it is bad...
The top capitalizes on your emotions...
Evil is finite and fragile...Meaning that it always loses even if it takes 10,000 years...Or like the Global food powered make work enterprise...314 years
The system you are in is evil and basically you all are evil...and the system is going to implode...because it's evil...
You all and, just so your feelings aren't hurt, Me and my wife and children are going to get what we deserve reguardless if we think we deserve it or not...
SORRY...SUE GOD For creating a Universe where evil is doomed to defeat...
As I said...
I grew up and realized that just because something feels good does not mean that it is good...And just because something feels bad does not mean that it is bad...
When these food powered make work enterprises start out...They feel good...
They don't begin to feel bad until the end when they are self destructing due to reaching maximum potential...
And you all think you are losing something good...It was a delusional money making scheme...And now the Earth and everything and everyone on it has been ripped off supporting the delusional lifestyles of the wannabe rich and famous and that's it...
The implosion happened and is in progress...debt inflation is slowing...and consumers are basically maxed out...now it's just a waiting game for the miracle...
I'm not running a multi billion dollar social engineering machine blasting you all into a stupor 24/7...I can't compete with that...You either want to invest the effort into figuring out what's going on or just sit back and enjoy being blasted into a stupor 24/7...
What do you want me to do? There is nothing I can do...It's game over...
And the new useless information is...
The beauty of game over is that you are ignorant that it's game over until it's game over and also ignorant that you spent your whole life working towards game over...
And prior to game over you think you are winning...
There will be no wheelbarrels of FRN's to buy bread...There will just be starvation/rationing I'm afraid to say...
The top owns the food distribution network...You all work for food...You all pay the top who then pays the bottom...less than what you paid to the top...when you run short of money you can request a commercial bank to manufacture some more...But you need collateral...your current income which is mostly previously manufactured money or an asset that has been inflated in price by previously created money...
Why when you all basically reach the maximum potential to do this do you think the top has to somehow give you money for free so that you can pay the top so that they can pay you to do nothing?
Are not people losing their jobs and basically ending up on the streets? How come you think that what those people are getting is going to be different when your income ceases to exist?
All of you that have employment in the USA get paid with previously manufactured money and your future income will only exist if consumers request commercial banks to manufacture enough new money to allow it to exist.
It's why wages in the USA are not growing...in 2000 the total money supply was 25 Trillion and since then has grown to 49 Trillion...or 96%
Are you all making 96% more? Wages and Salaries have basically been flat the past eight years...
This is not what hyperinflation looks like...
This is what it looks like prior to an implosion...
Germany in the roaring 20's was a net exporter of raw materials and finished goods...The USA is also a net exporter...The number 1 export of the USA is US consumer debt inflation...
Where do consumers get this product for export? They request commercial banks to manufacture it...
How do dollars come home to roost when you are a net importer of raw materials and finished goods?
The US Government is going to request the Treasury to issue Bonds and then monetize them and send you all emergency implosion prevention checks? So that you all can continue living? And sustain exports of US dollars to the rest of the world?
And the checks will just get bigger and bigger? Or show up quicker and quicker?
Or you all run around chasing helicopters that are dumping money on the ground?
The only speculation is the dates...and now that is over...It's inevitable...Who cares when when the wrath of GOD is going to show up...It's going to when it's going to and nothing is going to stop it...
There are plenty of answers but due to your programing the answers are counter to your cherished delusions and are found to be unreasonable and are rejected...
"You all are not here looking for truth you all are here looking for support for your cherished delusions..."
So you all are basically in search of something you never want to find...
Deflation is unreasonable...That's why the only Lie that has come out of the FEDERAL RESERVE that all you drones believed was the Gospel truth was the Ben Bernanke Magic printing press lie...
Hook line and sinker...You are all mentally retarded Drones...Period end of story...
The USA is game over...
But the beauty of Game over is that you all won't realize it until it's Game over and have no idea that you all have spent your lives working hard towards Game over...
Because you find it Unreasonable...
So you all just keep on slaving until you all basically drop dead...
You all just think positive and ignore the negative until of course it's impossible to...
Then you all flip out like animals and then get slaughtered...Liquidated...
Prior to the liquidation event you all are oblivious...Anyone that is not a hypnotized idiot can easily see what is coming...The logical conclusion of any game is game over...
That's what is coming...Game over of the game all you drones have been playing...
Nothing I can do about it...and all of you absolute capitalistic drones will just hack yourselves to pieces pathetically trying to get back what you all never had to begin with...Freedom...
Right now all you have and have had for 1000's of years is Freedumb...
That is what you all are FREE DUMB FIGHTERS...
Fighting to maintain your Ignorance...So you can continue enjoying your do nothing existence...
When GOLD was money you all had to actually work...Now you all basically do nothing significant to support your existence...
Zero...It's only the inflation of debt that sustains the amount of unfundable liabilities that currently exist...
Stop that and it's liquidation time...
And fortunately it's going to stop since all you drones have basically reached the maximum potential to request the volume of debt required to support your hypocritical existences within the 314 year old global food powered make work enterprise...
So long thanks for showing up to planet Earth...
It's game over right now and you are hypnotized by the soap opera of the food powered make work enterprise, waiting to be eliminated from the payroll...
Actually you are all waiting for the miracle to save your asses...
And will always be...There is no way to deprogram you or unplug you...You have to accomplish that miracle on your own...
Now 20 years ago...This would of course be laughable...
But now game over is very close...So the laughing and game playing is almost over...
The top is who you all work for...The top taught you how to read, write ,do math, think, and employs you.
You are a product...A typical absolute capitalist drone functioning within a technologically advanced iteration of a standard food powered top sucking from the bottom hierarchial make work enterprise...
Which is basically a war machine to fight truth...Its primary function is to defeat GOD and obtain and sustain absolute power over all...
You popped into existence within the enterprise...
I deprogramed myself...You on the other hand cherish the delusion that you are not an absolute capitalistic drone...You find truth to be unreasonable...
So you reject it...That's what you as a product and employee of the enterprise have been designed to do...And when your cherished delusions are threatened you attack that which threatens your cherished delusions...
Period end of story...It's how the top manipulates you since they capitalize on your weaknesses...Your cherished delusions are weaknesses that the top can threaten to herd you in the direction required...Currently you all in the USA are being herded towards self destruction since your usefulness has basically come to an end...
That's basically as simple as it gets...
So basically what you are saying is we are damned whether or not we choose to deprogram ourselves. It is inevitable. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.
So do you propose an alternative solution? Or should we just sit back and watch it all burn?
I'd be very curious to see what books you would recommend on the subject, as I'm taking a long trip soon and am looking for reading material.
I think those waiting for the helicopters will be among the first who are wiped out.
Those who are 'deprogrammed' and have prepared will have the best chance of surviving and that's the most we can aim for - the best chance.
Personally, I like living. I'm not giving up! Another day, another can of soup in the pantry...
I'd read up on square foot gardening, homemade soap, canning, weaving, animal husbandry...
You crack me up. You think you have it all figured out, when in fact you are nothing more than another fool like the rest of us.
Yes, it is called: PARASITISM
Anyone that lives off the efforts of others is nothing more than a parasite, in this case it does include you too Hyper.
Old gloom and doom garbage is old. Get a new life. Losing mentality=lose. I would rather hear mumbojumbo law of attraction garbage than to be told I am going to put ketchup on the neighbors kid because I had to eat his fat arse for dinner(yes I think in past posts HT meantioned cannibalism). Get off this retardation and use your forces for good o great HyperTiger.
Ok I have my own water, food=check, square foot garden=check, juicing, sprouting, some food (2.5-3 months) in home and building, gold=check, silver=check , not to much debt all will be paid in 2 years,
Money,paper =cash for 1 year for family of, 401K =check approx 100000,
I can relocate to Canada or Europe due to citizenship
WHAT EALSE should I DO except reading this forum???but from the other hand it is not much ....
being 25 years old, after reading this sort of Chaos confusion what a simple person like me should do if this end of system affect us all? I'm trying to understand the secret line Hyper, but you are too abstract sometime. Can you make what you;re saying less Hollywood dramatic and more from your heart? Thank you. A loyal reader
A lot of what is said here appears as truthful observation, but once you go into "prediction mode" from your ivory tower claiming you know the absolute truth means you are claiming to be God.
Yes, history is on your side when you say financial system is doomed.
No, you don't know what God's plan is.
Once you start making conclusions with arrogant certainty, YOU are going against the UNIVERSAL LAW.
Only God knows what his plan is.
To HyperTiger:
God/Devil/Hell/Heaven is not the truth just because you can read about it in a 2000+ year old book written by some religious people that were high on some prehistoric drugs and thereby had their "visions" (the bible). There are countless variations of different religious beliefs in the world today. Every single one of them claim to represent the truth. In that context you will not differ in any way from other truth-claimers.
If your claim is that there should be pink elephants on the planet of Pluto, then it is your task alone and no one elses to prove that your claim represent the truth. In science it is no negative proof claims. Until you are able to back up your statements the only right thing is to define those statements as fiction.
"Truth is GOD and GOD is Truth and truth is infinite and indestructible...There is no way to break the Law of the Universe..."
As far as I am concerned, God does not exist. Something that doesn't exist can not be equal to truth.
"GOD does not collect that which GOD has already...Only Men attempt to collect souls...Those who are attempting to acquire power over others collect souls...GOD has no need to collect that which GOD has infinite and indestructible power over...sorry..."
Souls does not exist. You can't collect something non-existent. Man is a chunk of flesh controlled by a central processing device (the brain). You can claim that this central processing device is primitive and most likely no one would disagree with you on that one. But the day we take our last breath we simply stop existing and start decomposing. This is the hardest bit to swallow for the human ego. We will not live forever. In history of man, no one have ever proved the existence of any methaphysical entity. Many have tried though. Still earth is full of truth claimers in prediction mode claiming to represent the truth.
"GOD can't be reasoned with...Everyone knows that..."
"SORRY...SUE GOD For creating a Universe where evil is doomed to defeat..."
"Which is basically a war machine to fight truth...Its primary function is to defeat GOD and obtain and sustain absolute power over all..."
You can't reason with something that does not exist. I have never seen/heard any God creature claiming his/her/its existence. But I have seen/heard men/women claiming the existence of such an entity. It is fine by me. Everyone can claim whatever they want, but for other people to adopt their claims as fact, their claims must be backed up by something more solid. Till this happens, their claims is simply defined as fiction.
A digretion to this: Mental institutions are full of people that claims to have conversations with God almighty. When man does good, he blaims God. When man does bad, he blaims Satan. It is about time that man take take the full responsibility for his own actions and stop blaming some foreign fiction characters.
Hyper's thesis is correct, though his delivery is certainly unorthodox. We've been in a period of inflation for years. Once the demand for loans, and the ability to provide loans, stops, inflation ceases and the economy begins to retract. This is inevitable and it's happening.
The thing that Hyper does not mention is the dollar, which will certainly begin to fall. This is inflationary, of course.
There will be no hyperinflation, but there will be a complete implosion of the system, combined with a devaluation of the dollar. Get ready to lose everything you have, or that you think you have.
A previous poster has it right, obtain dual-citizenship if you can, and have an exit strategy.
Yes just look at them all wail when their cherished delusions are threatened.
alternative solution?
Well if you all don't like 4 as the solution then tell me what the alternative solution is.
Mathmatics is a word invented by Human beings to describe a discovery Human beings made a long ago.
You all think I'm unaware how you will react when you read what I type?
That I'm shocked by your responses or something?
I'm irrelevant...
Deeper into the ongoing implosion...This site along with most of the Internet will cease to exist due to lack of funding...
It will all be a distant faded memory soon enough.
Stick to the analysis and history of financial systems and save your prognosticating opinions (or "Truth" as you delusionally cherish it)
Anonymous Atheist says "Mental institutions are full of people that claims to have conversations with God almighty. When man does good, he blaims God. When man does bad, he blaims Satan. It is about time that man take take the full responsibility for his own actions and stop blaming some foreign fiction characters."
Most of them are speaking to themselves, because, like most infidels, they believe THEY are God.
Well if you all don't like 4 as the solution then tell me what the alternative solution is."
I believe that 7 is the proper solution given our current circumstances. I was going to suggest 10 but I am a reasonable man, and I am sure that you are all reasonable as well, so I thought 7 would be a good compromise.
I must say however, I do miss those days when it was 10!
Whatever meaningful resources exist in food, fuels, etc will be immediately siezed and allocated for use firstly, to maintain control and 2) protect private property rights of business interests. It won't matter if St. Louis is starving, if ADM can somehow continue to grow corn and wheat and sell it to the chinese or arabs for $1000 a bushel, they will and the ruling elites and the state apparatus will see to it that capital accumlation will not be allowed to be disrupted or constrainted, even if meant killing or starving millions of people to death. States and elites have done it before, they certain have the mentality necessary to do it again. It is the basis of power in the modern state system (monopoly of violence and unconstrainted capital accummulation) and to theaten either is to theaten the very existance of the state itself.
Furthermore, the industrial/technological system that we have in place today took centuries to develop and is so complex that the absence of a tiny screw or a small plastic washer can render the whole thing moot. The material composition of consummer products, not to mention industrial technology is dependent on thousands of interelated processes that are interdependent on a thousand other ones. If one or two of the processes fail, we usually can adapt in reasonable time, but if there is a systemic collapse, making something like a lightbulb or a spare part for your bicycle, at any meaningful level, will be a herculean task. The nation will become like Cuba, where everything will be recycled, scavanged, makeshift and life will move at a much slower pace. Where today we expect things to get fixed in a day or week or we just go to the mall to buy a new one, most everything will eventually be abandoned to its fate. Society will be much simplier, but not in the fancifull notions of simplicity that permiate the environmental community. It will be simplier in the sense that the nature of things will have fewer and fewer illusions to filter them through so things like power will no longer have the luxury of a velvet glove and what will be necessary to eat, to feed your kids will require a psychological adjustment on par with paradigm shift. Everyone will have to relearn some old skills. Women will have to get use to selling/trading their ass to survive and men....well....
The notion that one is simply going to sit idly by, hoeing your vegetable garden, breeding chickens and engaging in small-scale biodiesel brewing is a middleclass eco-fantasy rooted in the same delirium as the McMasions and SUVs. It is a fantasy of a terrified, socially atomized and isolated population that has been domesticated, cottled and infantilized for fifty years. Totally detached from the realities of conflict, power, violence, hardship, etc. If labor and production need to be quickly reorgnized to assure the survival of the state and the lawncare of Hampton McMasions, it not going to be by adding a few new courses to a college curriculum, it will be by the usual methods of severe dislocation, coercion, violence.
I. Wallerstien speaks of the next 25 to 50 years as a critical juncture in the history of human society. That we are at the end of a world historical system that began 500 years ago. That captialism is in terminal crisis because it can no longer externalze the true costs of its operations. Everywhere, both people and the environment are rejecting the program. Peak oil, ecological devastation, population pressures, social and psychological exhaustion/repulsion are all converging on the system concurrently and as there is no square inch left on earth that has not been mapped, charted cataloged, inventoried and analyized, there is simply no place left to go. Those heavily invested, as Jim points out, in the current arrangement will go to pathological ends to defend and perpetuate the arrangement. Those of us who are embracing the transition must understand that the sooner we unhinge the arrangement, the less violence and suffering there will be. The ruling elites are attempting, desparately, to create a new system that will continue to bestow on them the priviledge, wealth and power that capitalism has afforded but are failing dramatically. As things spin out of control, the happy endings are only going to be seen on reruns.....
" Peak oil, ecological devastation, population pressures, social and psychological exhaustion/repulsion are all converging on the system concurrently and as there is no square inch left on earth that has not been mapped, charted cataloged, inventoried and analyized, there is simply no place left to go...The ruling elites are attempting, desparately, to create a new system that will continue to bestow on them the priviledge, wealth and power that capitalism has afforded but are failing dramatically."
Population reduction will be one of the 'solutions.'
Peak oil? Problem solved.
"It took 20 years to deprogram myself...
It took me 3 years or so to destroy it...(mental barrier)"
What was that process like? What was the trigger? What resources did you reference during your deprogramming period? How did you know when your deprogramming was complete, that there were no more delusions to deprogram?
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