My position in the hierarchy is above the USA which is the below me...That's about 300 million and then below the USA are Billions...There's not much I can do since I popped into existence at the level I'm at...
Reguardless I'm surrounded by millions and millions and billions of people that have no idea that they are socially engineered drones in a 314 year old Global food powered make work enterprise...An Empire that coats the surface of the Earth...
The vast majority think sovereign nation states still exist...They only exist as cherished delusions at this point...A way to sustain control of the masses of drones...Since all the top has to do is threaten the cherished delusion and the drones will basically defend their cherished delusions to the death...
Since the top still needs war to make the enterprise work.
The war against truth unfortunately...Which has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat...
At some point you all will "OMG Hypertiger was right!"...That's the key problem...I really have no Idea when that's going to take place and ultimately it's irrelevant...Lets say you think I'm wrong but then find out I'm right...It's really no help to you whether you know I'm right or not...It's your existence not mine...
I'm not a magic 8 ball you can run to for answers...You have to actually invest more effort into comprehending the system and less effort into goofing off...There is no way for me to make you know...You have to choose to make you know...
When is the taking more than you give economic system going to implode? It's inevitable and always was inevitable and always will be inevitable...
When Hyper am I going to have to do something about it? When When When?
I have no idea when a speculator is going to decide...
So quit asking when...It's inevitable...
So structure your life accordingly...
You all take more than you give...It's a conspiracy of ignorance...And there is a finite limit...You know GOD? Well GOD seems to be the cause of this finite ability of man to choose to do Evil...And when the finite limit is reached...Evil self destructs...period end of story...
Sorry I did not construct the Universe which GOD rules...Top is the employer and all of you are the employees. Top sucks from the bottom and when the finite limit is reached and the bottom is sucked dry the wrath of GOD gets sucked from the bottom to the top...
That's why the top installed George Bush...To absorb the wrath of GOD...
It's why people lie...To avoid the wrath of GOD...
It's why those who don't believe in GOD chose to not believe...They are trying to avoid the wrath of GOD...
That's why some are Bible thumpers...They are trying to avoid the wrath of GOD...
Everyone is basically trying to avoid the wrath of GOD...But you can't...There is no way to...
Attempting to is fighting GOD...
There is never a lasting victory over Evil and the war against GOD has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat...
Ignorance of truth is the root of all evil...
If you believe the needs of the few or one outweigh the needs of the many...then you believe in dictatorships and monarchies...
The needs of the top (YOU) outweigh the needs of the bottom (Everyone else) is what you believe...And that's exactly what is taking place in the USA and the rest of the world...
The needs of the Rich outweigh the needs of the poor...
It's why selfish people used to be hated and lived in castles with elaborate defences and private security forces...Now you all worship them...
They too believe in the needs of the one or few outweighing the needs of the many...
You think selfish people believe the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or one?
Inflation causes debt to get bigger and bigger since debt is money...
What would cause you to borrow more...$20 oil or $100 oil?
Once maximum potential inflation is reached...Debts can not be serviced and the money supply growth begins to slow and if there is no return to the required amount of inflation the money supply growth which was inflating greater than previously begins to inflate less than previously...The money supply contracts and since it's the leverage or collateral backing the request for new money to be manufactured it becomes impossible to inflate the money supply and the money supply hyperdeflates...
Germany imploded in 1924 and it sent out a hyperdeflationary shockwave into the global system that reached the USA by 1926 and manifested in 1929...bankrupting the Global system leading to the 1933 to 1945 Bankruptcy reorganization of the global system...
Rarely mentioned are the food riots in Germany once the Hyperinflation turned into Hyperdeflation or the German army machine gunning the starving people in the streets...
The climax was Germany basically turned into a rubble pile by 1945...
The Inflation in Germany began in 1919 and went hyper in early 1923 and lasted 14 months until maximum potential and imploding...
The current inflation of the USA and the world began in 1944 and began going hyper in the late 1960's and since then accounting tricks and other engineering feats has kept it hidden...
The current inflation is easily 64 years old or 12 to 15 times the magnitude of the German inflation...When it reaches maximum potential it will be the end of the world as you know it and have known it the past 64 years...The implosion will easily be biblical in size...
Imagine 911 but not ending...It just keeps getting more spectacular by the day...day in and day out with no way to stop it...
There are not going to be any more tricks...After 314 years it's game over...
Inflation is finite and fragile...There is not going to be any modification...And there is no solution...except implosion...
It's why the top is invisible and the USA was set up to take the fall for it all...
There is no way to sustain taking more than you give...
And quit trying to point at Government as the problem...The top created the Government and you were all the workforce employed that built it and sustained it and then when it can't be you all are the wrecking crew employed that destroys it and then are employed to build the next one and sustain it...
The top has maintained their position for 1000's of years because you all don't ever touch them...You are all kept busy building the New World Order and then destroying it to make way for the New World Order...
You are all socially engineered to be autonomous absolute capitalist worker drones functioning within an absolute capitalist food powered make work enterprise/hive collective...
What are you Hyper?
I pretend to be one...I inevitably have to give you all what you want to avoid destruction...Due to the message board format where you all have no real way to eliminate me...allows me to instead give you what you need...I can reject your demands to give you what you all want...
Due to the social engineering your feelings are hurt when I give you what you need...
All that another entity that claims to be a Human Being is obligated to supply to another entity that claims to be a Human Being is Truth...
Since most of you don't know truth you end up lying to each other and me and then you all attempt to prove each other wrong...
None of you can really lie to me because I know truth...I can arrive at logical conclusions long before you all travel from reasonable assumption to reasonable assumption on the way to the logical conclusion...
Since most of what you all believe to be truth are just cherished delusions...
The only solution to the absolute capitalist system is implosion...
That's it...
The cherished delusion has to be destroyed and you need to progress...The path towards the logical conclusion which is implosion...There is no solution...Implosion is the logical conclusion of all your cherished delusions that you all think are truth...But are not.
You want to be lab rats in an experimentation that continues to fail forever?
The solution is to share and to defend against taking more than you give...
You are looking for a way to take more than you give without implosion as the inevitable result...You all have been searching for that for 6000 years now at least and all you all keep doing is imploding and then if at first you don't succeed try try again...
All an absolute capitalist system can do is inflate to maximum potential then implode to maximum potential...period...
What you all call inflation is inflation that is greater than previous inflation and what you all call deflation is just an obesrvation of inflation that is less than previous inflation...
Aside from 1929 to 1933, there has not been any inflation that has been less than previous inflation in the past 112 years of the History of the USA...
And It's not a theory folks...
It's how the Universe is constructed and has been operating like this during the entire recorded history of Humanity...
Positively Inflate to maximum potential then negatively inflate to maximum potential...
Deflation is just an observation...
What causes it?
Well inflation has a maximum potential...To go beyond the maximum potential of inflation you require greater than infinite and indestructible inflation...It's impossible and always will be impossible to obtain greater than infinite and indestructible power...
The only way to fight inflation that is less than previous inflation is with inflation that is greater than previous inflation...
Until maximum potential is reached...
There is never a lasting victory over Evil and the war agaisnt GOD has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat...
You all who are the descendants of the ancestors of Humanity have been trying to defeat GOD for easily 6000 years...
Fortunately humanity which you all are individual entities of can reproduce quicker than it ceases to exist...You don't have to attempt to defeat GOD to accomplish that...
Which allows Humanity to...If at first you don't succeed...Try Try again...The just think positive ignore the negative religion...
Like mindless bacteria do to sustain inflation that is greater than previous inflation until maximum potential and then inflation becomes less than previous inflation to maximum potential.
Humanity knows about as much as bacteria...Yet claims to know more...But there is zero evidence to back up the claim...
I know slightly more than nothing...Above is the evidence to back up the claim...
You all? Chase after payday...That's about all you are good for in the grand scheme of things.
Some chase after me foolishly thinking that one day I will supply them with the answers they want...I can only supply what you need...Not what you want unless what you want and what you need are the same...
The answer is either yes or no...If you want yes...Search for another to give you what you want...support for your cherished delusions...
I'm not here to give you all what you want unless of course what you want and what you need are the same...
Absolute capitalism is the game...Responsible capitalism is not a game...
There is only one source of power...It is infinite and indestructible...
Everything in and including the Universe itself capitalizes on the source to sustain its existence...
There is no such thing as non capitalism...The Universe is capitalistic...
The absolute capitalists at the top of the hierarchy designed the game you are all playing to its logical conclusion...the logical conclusion of any game is game over...
The game has been designed so that the top wins by default...
The new game will be the old game as long as the absolute capitalists continue to choose to play it...
You all are employed by the top constructing the New World Order and sustaining it to its maximum potential and then you are all employed destroying it to make way for the New World Order which you are all employed building and sustaining to maximum potential...
The current iteration of the absolute capitalist game is 314 years old... It's almost reached maximum potential...It's just a typical absolute capitalist food powered make work enterprise...Farmers produce the food and the non farmers produce the mouths to eat it...
The top are the owners/employers and all below are either employees or self employed employees of the hierarchy...
It's designed to supply more and more power to the top until maximum potential power is reached...Then game over...
In the inflationary stage the majority are assets...Once maximum power is reached the majority become liabilities that either self liquidate or need to be liquidated...
All the just think positive ignore the negative social engineering is to keep you all working hard to the logical conclusion...Which is game over...You all think heaven or Utopia or some other cherished delusion...
Everyone is searching for a way to continue taking more than you give without implosion...Or just ignoring it...
All our money and exchange structures have been collapsing for 314 years...
That is where the current collapse that is in progress towards the logical conclusion began that you all are about to see the climax of...
The terminal phase of the responsible creation absolute destruction cycle...
You are the one that thinks I'm ignorant while I know you are ignorant...There is a difference...
As I said I will give you what you need not what you want...And there is no way you will ever get what you want from me...Support for your cherished delusions...
But if at first you don't succeed try try again...
You give me what I need since all that you or anyone is capable of giving me is what I need...
I want nothing from anyone...Since to obtain what you want from others requires gaining power over them...
I don't need to gain power over others for them to supply me with what I need from them...That is sustainable...Trying to get what you want from others is unsustainable because others can choose to stop giving you what you want or not to give you what you want...
There is no way for others to stop giving you what you need...If others give you nothing that's what you deserve...
You all have no idea what you are up against.
No matter how hard you try you will always give me what I need...
I unlike you all know how the Universe functions and don't want it to function any differently than it does function...There is no way for it to function any differently than it does...
The Universe is perfectly fair, Everything and everyone gets what they or it deserves, and there is no hope...
Uncle Ben came out in 2002 and told all the little scared children not to worry about the deflationary dragon because the FED has a weapon that can slay the deflationary Dragon forever...
And all the little children believed Uncle Ben's fairy tale...
It was to fortify inflationary psychology...
Folks your incomes are all composed of previously manufactured money...
Consumers use their incomes which are mostly composed of previously manufactured money or an asset that has been inflated in price by previously manufactured money as collateral for their request of a commercial bank to manufacture new money...
That's how the 600 year old institution of compounding interest commercial banking has operated for 600 years...
There is a maximum potential for consumers to leverage leverage unfortunately and when reached the hyperdeflationary implosion of the money supply will wipe out the world as you all currently take it for granted...Like blowing out a candle...
Game over of the game you are all playing...
The Government and the FED or whatever mythological entity you all think is going to save your asses is not...It's impossible...
To sustain the current mass delusion you all cherish, GOD, the infinite and indestructible source of all power, has to be slain...The only possible way to do that is with Greater than infinite and indestructible power...
There is no such thing as greater than infinite and indestructible power...
GOD exists folks...And Humanity does not have a weapon that can slay GOD and never will...
It's why the concepts such as never and impossible exist...
But Humanity has been attempting to slay GOD for 6000 years so far...The attempt is possible...Victory is impossible and will always be impossible...
But as all the Just think positive ignore the negative drones keep telling me...
If at first you don't succeed try try again...
Where there is a will there is a way...
Folks Ben your hot tip buddy...He's not working for all of you...There is not going to be any inflation of the money supply outside of the commercial banking system...That printing press speech was just to get all the gamblers looking to strike it rich to pile up all their chips on the inflation forever square...
The Great Global Depression of the 1930's was caused by the collapse of the German carry trade...Basically the winning powers had Germany on the run retreating back into Germany by 1918...
France crossed Germany's border first at the start and were repulsed and then Germany invaded France...That was a big mistake...
"ARTICLE 235 The Versailles Treaty June 28, 1919
In order to enable the Allied and Associated Powers to proceed at once to the restoration of their industrial and economic life, pending the full determination of their claims, Germany shall pay in such installments and in such manner (whether in gold, commodities, ships, securities or otherwise) as the Reparation Commission may fix, during 1919, 1920 and the first four months Of 1921 , the equivalent of 20,000,000,000 gold marks."
2790 Gold Marks equalled 2.2 Lb of pure gold.
15,770,609 Lb of Gold or 7885 short tons of gold or 229,935,483 oz of Gold...
Quite a bit of GOLD...Especially when the total above ground stock around that time was 50,000 tons with around 25,000 tons monetary Gold...
And Germany certainly did not have 7885 short tons of gold in 1919 1920 or 1921...
What to do then?
The British (Bank of England the Mother bank of the Federal Reserve) basically told Germany to print marks to buy GOLD...From? The winning powers...
The Looting of Germany carry trade...Germany printed marks and then bought Gold then the amount of GOLD they owed dropped and the winning Powers still had GOLD and loads of marks...what to do with all those marks? Send them home to roost buying raw materials and finished goods...
The Marks flooded into the German commercial banking system allowing it to inflate the debt supply in Germany...The more GOLD Germany bought the more marks they had to print...Which caused the purchasing power to drop...It was quickly losing its value...
But outside of Germany all the currencies were quickly gaining value...Basically German exports were getting constantly cheaper and cheaper...
This fueled the Roaring 20's until the Mark was losing value so fast that it basically caused prices inside Germay to hyperinflate until it was impossible to account...The Looting of Germany carry trade collapsed in 1924 after about 14 months of Hyperinflation of prices or a hyperdeflation of the value of the mark ...
The collapse of the carry trade caused a hyperdeflationary implosion of the banking system in Germany and the shockwave spread out into the Global system and reached the USA by late 1926 and visibly manifested with the market crash October 21 1929...
The Great Depression was caused by a collapse in debt inflation in the USA from the implosion of the roaring 20's looting.
I don't know any other way to break the news to you all but economics as you all know it or absolute capitalist economics takes more than it gives...
It's a legal plunder system...
Hyper? What happens If I choose to lie to someone and choose to not realize I'm lying to them and they choose to believe me?
Basically the same thing happens whether you choose to be aware you are lying or not...
As to what will happen when the moneteray system breaks down?
The same thing that always happens...You all hack yourselves to pieces...With the ideological and physical weaponry that the top has programmed you all to cherish and supplied you with...
I see zero evidence that this time is going to play out any different...
The top capitalizes on certainty...They don't attempt to capitalize on what can't be...Just on what will be...Which all the just think positive ignore the negative drones hope will never be...
The claim to not know what the future holds is a sign that you have not broken free of the programming...
Who has taught you to believe the future is unknown? The Top...
And the unknown is scary...And you want security and the top is there to provide it...But there are some conditions attached of course...
The top knows...The top told you all the lies you all believe are truth...
One of the first lies liars have to get their victims to believe is truth is the Lie that it's impossible to know truth...
Then the victims are more easily deceived by subsequent lies once they believe that lie is truth...
It's basically gameover at that point...
Again there never has been a new monetary system and there never will be...
Power is the medium of exchange...
You are all suffering mental problems caused by exposure to the greatest temporary prosperity in history...
Your incomes all come from the top and the top gets the money they pay you all with from you all...
When you can no longer pay the top then the top can no longer pay you...Then you don't eat...Then the skeletonization process increases in speed...Failure to get your hands on food and you will self liquidate...Thanks for showing up to planet Earth...
But what if you resist your self liquidation? What if you become a threat to the top? Fate resisters have to then be liquidated...
There is more to comprehension of economics than magic printing presses I'm afraid to say...
Look at all the drones in Hiroshima when the hyperdeflationary implosion showed up...They were liquidated...Thanks for showing up to planet Earth...
One day you might wake up and realize this is not science fiction...You are in it...
You are a drone...an asset being funded by the top that becomes worthless...an unfundable liability and then either self liquidate or are liquidated...
"You are a drone...an asset being funded by the top that becomes worthless...an unfundable liability and then either self liquidate or are liquidated..."
You keep repeating this over and over and over, like that's some sort of a revelation. We ALL will self liquidate, Tiger. Including you. If not because of the machinations of the evil Top, then from old age. That's also one of the rules of the universe - mortality is an unchanging 100%. And there are essentially 3 ways it's going to happen: homicide, suicide or natural. In the grand scheme of things, does it really matter which way it's going to happen?
"In the grand scheme of things, does it really matter which way it's going to happen?"
Some jacka$$ driving drunk taking out someone I love vs dying of old age.
Leaping from the 90th floor to escape the flames caused by an Osama bin CIA plane plowing into my office vs dying in a bed surrounded by family.
Yes, it matters.
I pretend to be one...I inevitably have to give you all what you want to avoid destruction...Due to the message board format where you all have no real way to eliminate me...allows me to instead give you what you need...I can reject your demands to give you what you all want...
Good one Hyper! Don't let them get to you. I for one don't wish to eliminate you. I'm hopefully getting it! I remember thinking this whole thing was a major set-up when 401k's became all the rage as employee benefits and at the same time interest rates on Savings accts. were reduced from an average 6% to 2% or less. Right in time to sucker punch all the baby boomers. When time came for them to retire...ie become non-productive. check! Game over.
There's been a lot of government rules/laws that support your ideas; off the top of my head, nafta, patriot act are most telling, but everything pretty much is leading us to game over.
What I have a hard time coming to grips with though is this; the top keeps setting up this evil system, that makes the top evil. If evil can't win when will the top get theirs. Maybe after 6000 years we've come to the end of it... wishful thinking on my part and a moot point to say the least as I probably won't live long enough to see it transpire.
Stick around Hyper. I enjoy reading your viewpoint.
"Some jacka$$ driving drunk taking out someone I love vs dying of old age. "
Some jacka$$ driving drunk taking out someone I love vs dying of stage 4 breast carcinoma at 35.
Or acute lymphoblastic leukemia at age 2.
Or rolling your motorhome trying to escape the end of the world.
Or dying in bed surrounded by no one.
We can keep going like that for a long time. The point is, despite our preferences, most of the time we don't get to pick the day and the way. Nor do we pick who goes first -- we or our loved ones (I was not talking about that, but whatever. Your attempts to redirect do not change the thesis)
You have 3 ways: homicide, suicide and pathology. Two of these you can't control, but the other one is up to you. All that may matter to you specifically (in that case, how exactly are you different form the drones you keep talking about?), but in the scheme of things, it matters about as much as whether a guy living two blocks down from you prefers striped ties or checkered.
Going back to my original post, I'm trying to understand Tiger's point. What is it? That the world is ending? That the economy is going to crash? Why the panic? If all the top can do is kill us, I'd say we're doing pretty damn well.
We aren't much different from bacteria. In fact, there are more bacteria in our bodies than us, we simply CAN'T be much different from them.
We had no say in our popping into the existence. Children of the top just happened to be more in luck than my kid. But then again, my kid is pretty damn lucky if compared with much of the rest of the world. And all of us "take more than we give", including you, Tiger. For the simple fact that we're alive. Can't be otherwise, not in this universe. We do this until we die, then we're back to equilibrium.
So again, where's the news? Why the panic?
BTW, about this:
"I pretend to be one...I inevitably have to give you all what you want to avoid destruction...Due to the message board format where you all have no real way to eliminate me...allows me to instead give you what you need...I can reject your demands to give you what you all want..."
Dude, there isn't really much of "you all" to speak about. You're pretty safe.
"Sorry I did not construct the Universe which GOD rules..."
Not necessary to tell. Nobody constructed the universe. Only need-metaphysical-creature-to-be-responsible-to-all-my-actions-people believe such things. When man does well, he blaims God. When man does bad, he blaims Satan. When will man stop blaiming fantasy creatures and start taking full responsibility for his own actions?
"That's why the top installed George Bush...To absorb the wrath of GOD..."
I've noticed a lot of hate in George W. Bush direction for the period he has been the president of the United States of America. A common denominator is that all this hate has its origin from man. Would you please refer to your sources that tells you that God (leader-of-the-need-metaphysical-creature-to-be-responsible-to-all-my-actions-people) at any time during the last eight years has directed his hate at Bush?
"It's why people lie...To avoid the wrath of GOD..."
People lie if it seems to give them an easy way out or if it seems to give them an advantage in any way at all. A lie serves the ego of man. Nothing else.
"It's why those who don't believe in GOD chose to not believe...They are trying to avoid the wrath of GOD... That's why some are Bible thumpers...They are trying to avoid the wrath of GOD...
Everyone is basically trying to avoid the wrath of GOD...But you can't...There is no way to... Attempting to is fighting GOD... There is never a lasting victory over Evil and the war against GOD has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat... Ignorance of truth is the root of all evil..."
Actually it is the need-metaphysical-creature-to-be-responsible-to-all-my-actions-people that are in the strongest need of this God creature. "If we believe in God he will help us out". Well just call for your God, no one is answering.
"You all who are the descendants of the ancestors of Humanity have been trying to defeat GOD for easily 6000 years..."
Not true. But man has tried to gain proof of this God creature for at least 6000 years. Man is still trying. Man fails in every attempt to present any proofs at all. Why is it so hard to find some evidence of the existence of the leader-of-the-need-metaphysical-creature-to-be-responsible-to-all-my-actions-people?
"The Universe is perfectly fair, Everything and everyone gets what they or it deserves, and there is no hope..."
I doubt strongly that anything at all in this universe is founded on fairness. If you are at the right place at the right time, lucky you. If you are at the wrong place at the wrong time, bad luck.
"GOD exists folks...And Humanity does not have a weapon that can slay GOD and never will..."
This is false until proven. Would you try to prove it yourself? Or would you kindly add to the group of people that has failed doing so for at least 6 000 years?
"It's how the Universe is constructed and has been operating like this during the entire recorded history of Humanity..."
Monetary systems and humans in general are irrelevant at the universal level. Typical human to place themself as the natural midpoint of the universe. Or look at the Sahara dessert and tell me that just one tiny little grain of dust should influence anything at all for the whole dessert.
"I'm no super fan of Derek Jensen, though I agree with nearly everything he writes. To quote Jensen:
"It is acceptable for those above to increase the amount of property they control -- in everyday language, to make money -- by destroying or taking the lives of those below. This is called production. If those below damage the property of those above, those above may kill or otherwise destroy the lives of those below. This is called justice."
That's the brutal on-the-ground truth about human civilization, governments and money. And it's getting worse as the world's population increases and resources diminish. Most people around the world understand this at least at some gut level. We in the so-called "developed countries" don't kick up much sand about it because in the larger picture, we are on the receiving end of most of the goods and materials (however unsustainable that may be.)
Fortunately -- even though resistance to, and destruction of, this system is necessary inevitable and will cause much more misery, in my opinion a good and more meaningful life can still be, and often is, lived. Even among the poorest of the earth."
What place is besieged, and vainly tries to raise the siege?
Lo, I send to that place a commander, swift, brave, immortal,
And with him horse and foot, and parks of artillery,
And artillery-men, the deadliest that ever fired gun. Walt Whitman
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