You all one way or the other request the commercial banks to manufacture money to sustain the mass delusion you all depend upon...A delusion is a lie you tell to yourself and eventually cherish...
It is finite and fragile...It's a variable...To turn a variable into a constant you require greater and greater amounts of power to sustain the lie's appearance as Truth which is the constant which is infinite and indestructible that the lie is hiding...
Truth powers the existence of lies...so then in order to defeat truth and turn a lie into truth you need greater than infinite and indestructible power...no such power exists...
The lie or delusion which is finite and fragile eventually reaches the point where it requires infinite and indestructible power to sustain its continued existence...Since truth is the only source of infinite and indestructible power at that point the lie or delusion requires Truth which is revelation...
The lie self destructs once it is revealed to be a lie and the delusion shatters once it is revealed to be a delusion...
In the case of the monetary system...the money supply powering the existence of all the lies and delusions can not inflate any longer and it implodes...
You all either self liquidate or are liquidated since the top or employer receives all the money they pay their employees...all of you...from all of you...You are all assets that rapidly transform in to unfundable liabilities and either self liquidate or are liquidated...
There will be 100's of millions and billions of unfundable liabilities created when the mass delusion you all depend upon reaches maximum potential and shatters...
The top will be forced to mass liquidate...Most of you all will hack yourselves to pieces trying to get back what you never had to begin with...
The top charge land rent...Regardless if you go out in a blaze of glory or not you will be removed if you refuse to or can't pay the rent and replaced with someone that will and can...
The protection racket is the basis of the food powered make work enterprise...
Pay us to protect you or we kill you...
You are with us or against us...
You are awake or you are not...
Pay us to not wake you up from your daydream into the nightmare...
It's why farmers produce 1000's of times more than they need to sustain their existence to sustain all of you...They are in debt...To the top...You all are...
Run back to the garden...But where is the tree of life?
You have knowledge of good and evil...But don't know the secret the top knows...
LORD God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever"
Must be a typo...US...One of US...
Who is at the top of the Hierarchy? What is the secret they know that you all are not supposed to?
Eternal Life?
Or is that being dangled out of reach by the top to keep you all trying to get it? A lie that you think is truth?
What are you all after? What are you all trying to do?
Gain freedom...And the secret that the top knows is used to keep you all enslaved to them...Supplying the top with power generation after generation for 6000 years so far...
You have knowledge of good and evil but evil exists whether you see it or not...
It's invisible...watching you...capitalizing on your ignorance of it...To manipulate you all into giving it what it wants...
The power you have...To take more power than you give...So Evil can become Rich in Power or powerful...while all those who are pressured to give more power than they take become Poor in Power or powerless against Evil...
Believe what you want...You suffer the consequences of that choice...
Mommy why do I have to go to school?
GOD is going to teach you how to read, and how to write, and how to do math, and how to think...
So you can read the Bible...And then turn into a soldier for Satan...Supplying him with more and more power to fight and one day defeat GOD so that we may obtain our freedom from GOD...
Ok, Thank you Mommy I understand now...
Unless any of you have some lies you would like me to believe...
I have some bad news for you all...GOD is infinite and indestructible...
There is no way for a mortal to ever obtain greater than infinite and indestructible power which is needed to defeat GOD and obtain absolute power over all...
GOD is the only source of infinite and indestructible power...everything else in infinity is given an infinite and indestructible amount of less than infinite and indestructible power...
There is no way to harm GOD...So then how can you know if someone who claims to know GOD is lying?
They are trying to defend GOD...With massive armies butchering, looting and pillaging along the way...There's Power in the citadel...GOD wants it...
GOD needs more power or Satan will win...and Kill GOD and obtain absolute power over all...
Oh how nice of all the gnats to pitch in to defend the bug zapper...
Unfortunately GOD already does have absolute power over all and there is no way to defeat GOD...
Evil can attempt to...You know...If at first you don't succeed...try try again...
Well 6000 years of try, try, try, trying again...Doesn't seem to have accomplished much...
But Hyper we have the Internet...It's wonderful...
You all are in on the action...
I have food you don't...You are indebted to me...
Simple...Unless you are in complete control you are under control...top sucks from the bottom...
Top controls the food supply and distribution...Has for 6000 years...You can't power a city state or a food powered make work enterprise without food...
We have been here before many times...Nothing new is going on...
The skeletal remains of previous food powered make work enterprises that reached maximum potential and imploded litter the planet...
We have been here so many times it's retarded...
I can help...That's all...I'm not in debt...I can walk away when you all no longer need help...Even if you want help...I can only give you what you need and you will never get what you want unless what you want and need are the same...
Most of you don't walk away..You stay and cry and claim that your so called masters are screwing you...
That's all an absolute capitalist system can do...Take more power from the bottom to the top...
It's why the top lives in palaces and the bottom lives in cardboard boxes...Or just drops dead when they are sucked dry...
The implosion liquidates the bottom by default...
The top can grow another crop of drones to replace the ones consumed by the implosion...
The top knows how to create an entire civilization (food powered make work enterprise) from the dirt up...Most of you are specialized...employed to perform a simple function within the hierarchy...
Like during the implosion if you choose to flip out and kill people that will be your employment within the hierarchy...It will provide employment for other specialized drones called destroyers...You might even be hired to be a destroyer...
I use banknotes to pay for things when I'm given banknotes...That is what employers deal in.
Whatever the top gives you to buy the bread they sell to you is what the medium of exchange is or you starve...
Where did I say I perform magic tricks to cause bakers to give me bread? The only trick I perform is work...You all are looking for a trick to escape it...I'm strong because I never look for the path of least resistance...You are all weak because you do...
There is no secret except the one you think you are keeping from me...Thats how I help you all out...And when you all take me for granted I stop...And you all fall down...Since kicking you all in the ass hurts your feelings and you don't know why...
Employers that say 'Surely you don't think you are important,' find out how important I am when I stop helping them sustain their delusions...Then they and the rest of the workers attempting to escape work begin working harder to avoid it since I'm not there to help them any longer...
It's only a matter of time until you all fall down...Sorry...You all think you are winning right up to the point you all fall down...
When you all mistake my help for support of your delusions...The more power you require to sustain your cherished delusions the weaker you are...
I have none...And shatter them...That's how I help you all out...
This has been going on for 1000's of years...Who do you think does all the work to support the delusional lifestyles of the wannabe rich and famous?
The bottom does not have an infinite and indestructible supply of power to power the delusion I'm afraid to say...
I'm sharing...That is altruistic...I give you what you need...
The final answer is not total destruction unless you choose to follow the path of least resistance...The logical conclusion will result in destruction...
Reasonable assumptions lead you down that path...On the way to the logical conclusion...
There is Responsible altrustic logic vs. Absolute self indulgent Reason...
There are reasons that appear to be right but logic exposes them as wrong...
Altrustic accounts for all others to reduce the damage others suffer by your manipulations of the Universe...
The better you get at employing Responsible altrustic logic the less damage you cause to others...tolerable...
Those who employ Absolute self indulgent reason...Don't account for the others...intolerable
Like the Jew hate crew...They don't care about the Jews and they don't care about others...they are attempting to suck or have sucked into the Jew hate maelstrom they trapped themselves in years ago and can't escape...
Look at how Germany ended up after WW2...
Obviously Absolute self indulgent reason was employed to plan that logical conclusion...Logic would have revealed the logical conclusion...
Then you can easily avoid it...
Lightening bolts also follow the path of least resistance since they have no choice...Human beings do have a choice...
What is the secret the top knows that you all don't?
That you all don't want to know?
What GOD is...truth and truth is GOD...
Once you know truth you gain freedom from lies forever...
You can't have two masters then...
That should give you a clue...
Monetary energy on earth is directed and sustained from an engine called the U.S.A. especially since the end of WWII. How this energy was created is nothing short of a masterful illusion created by the sorcerers at the very top of the earth’s power pyramid (individuals not even mentioned in print or press and not even living in the U.S.A.). Hundreds of years ago the nature of the creation of the universe was understood but not revealed to the masses. A very similar device was then applied on a microcosm level to create the system of monetary energy that we are familiar with today.
Both ideas (the creation of the universe and the creation of monetary power) have the same problem; how to get something from nothing, or in reality, how to APPEAR to get something from nothing.
To understand the basic mechanism to accomplish this, a couple of concepts need explaining. First, one must understand that THERE IS NO UNDERLYING ESSENCE OF MASS TO ANY OBJECT, (as there is NO UNDERLYING FOUNDATION TO 99.9% of our "MONEY" now existing on EARTH).
No "essence of mass" can be shown regardless of how far one searches with a microscope. Simply what is found are elusive energy parts that mutually support each other in a duality dance. When one tries to point to any bit that pretends to be the "undividable matter" one finds simply that the particle cannot be defined in that way, that the particle is yet made of "other particles" that in turn have the same characteristics of the parent particle, that is, no true undividable essence, only vibrational patterns that emerge from different combinations of these atoms and molecules. This is because the very nature of the first universal law REQUIRES this to be, that law being similar to the "conservation of matter" law but brought down to its basic origin: some thing cannot come from no thing. True "matter" cannot come from the void. And so we must realize that true matter HAS NOT come from the void, but what we see as "objects" are illusions of opposite parts separated long enough and far apart enough to allow this mutual beneficial vibration dance around each other while pretending to be, or appearing to be to our senses. In essence, from the original void was not created "things", but simply the void has been temporarily split into two opposite, mutually opposing, equal parts that serve each other to the benefit of appearing to "be" or vibrate, and that these parts, if put back together into one singularity would again become the original void (we see a microcosm of this in black holes). And what existed to do this temporary split must have been one universal thought that has always existed and will always exist: to BE EVERY POSSIBLE PATTERN. Even inside the hydrogen atom what is known in general is that two opposite parts work together and oppose each other from a minute distance to pretend to be something, that if these two parts came together in a perfect vacuum into a singularity, they would annihilate each other to uncreate the atom into nothingness. Vast plasmas that make up most of our universe operate as parts of "enormous atoms" in a non-perfect vacuum racing each towards their opposite charges in space. No "thing" exists permanently, only we have the appearance or illusion of temporary existence as long as the two opposites can be held apart for a time. In the end, return to the void is inevitable, but at that point, expansion may begin again originating from the one universal thought, a continued "existence" based on expansion then contraction in infinite sequence. The "appearing to be" results from the vibrational patterns that are emitted and sent out from a series or combination of these opposite parts interacting with each other in a very long binary string or group that is many times (but not necessarily) unbalanced (more + than – or vice versa). In this way infinite patterns can emerge appearing to be everything we see.
For instance imagine the beginning of the solar system coming from a random "rip" of the void locally. Where "bottlenecks" of expansion or contraction happened to occur, (some singularities did not expand or contract as fast as their adjacent ones) this caused a natural imbalance of action resulting ultimately in tiny areas of "mass" later becoming "planets". Imagine taking a solid spherical ball of cloth the size of the solar system and pulling it apart evenly from all directions (inside to out). Inside the ball are left random globules of emptiness where tearing happened first and continued greater as a result. Looking at a "negative photo" of this event illustrates the concept of bottlenecking of "mass".
Now consider that in order for money to be created out of nothing in the modern world there must be a demand for debt, a borrower that must be willing to pay interest or compound interest on a loan for the privilege to use another’s electronic data numbers that read an amount in an account of the said loan. Since there is virtually no gold backing up any money in comparison to the amount of money in circulation, it is safe to state the above. Having money can easily be equated to having power. With money you can do things to manipulate the world or others. So money is power, the credits to live and act, essentially. So what we are actually talking about here is the creation of power for a particular individual or entity at the expense of the debt or servitude of another. This also is a mutual dance like the dance of the opposites in an atom. This dance serves to create a money vibration (power); in this case, power to act on will or intent. In the case of the loaner, his/her power becomes greater when the loan is paid, for the borrower; he/she has had to expend a great energy to pay the debt off, the energy of the original loan plus the energy of the interest. The energy of the interest is extra energy of the borrower expended over and above what the original loan amount entailed. This imbalance formula used over a large population serves to spiral the average borrower into more debt and the average loaner into greater wealth. On any interest-bearing loan, what is being demanded back is really not natural, something that does not exist; the portion over and above the actual loan being paid back, the interest. Therefore something is being created out of nothing and takes on the form of debt(misery) and interest profit(joy), a two-sided entity which resolves to nothingness once the loan is paid back (nothing except the thought remembrance of the misery and joy). In the same way though that the bringing of all positives and negatives in the universe to a singularity causes the original void, all loans being paid back at once causes modern money to disappear. In addition to interest not actually existing yet being demanded, many of the loans themselves are being created from nothing but a simple request to go into debt by a borrower. When such a system begins to collapse on itself due to maximum expansion or expansion not sustainable (followed by implosion), violent reactions are manifest on the earth. The larger the debt or leverage extended, the more forceful the implosion. This is how wars begin on earth, small and world-wide.
The engine called the U.S.A. has mostly benefited from the effects of this system for the last 100 years at the expense of much of the third world who acted as the utterly poor labor slaves in the third world, and it is in the United States that the consequences of the end game will be most felt because most Americans as individuals have been raised soft and weak from the ease of the vampiric feeding that we have been allowed. Like a boomerang sent out and then delayed by remote control by being forced out further (debt building tricks to the final detriment of the masses), such an object will come back with much greater force than the original sending. At a critical point when expansion of debt can no longer be sustained, and we cannot run faster than the boomerang is approaching us at ever-increasing speed, it will hit with deadly and fatal force on the entire world, but Americans, not used to "true" hardship relative to the rest of the world, will not be able to cope with the standard of living adjustment. The result will be total collapse of the U.S. into a "void" of sorts. The entire world will experience this void, but where misery has been an everyday occurrence in the third world, the additional misery there will just seem like a very bad decade for them, for the citizens of the U.S, the change will be horrific. Our century’s old broken system of debt expansion followed by implosion will simply start again at that point because the masses won’t be wise enough to understand how the parts of the system ultimately caused the period of horrific misery.
The above post "MONETARY ENERGY..." is mine, and reading your blog the past couple of months made me pull out some old essays of mine that echoed many of the same things you were saying. Most of my ideas related to the original expansion and inevitable contraction of the universe itself back to the void, and recently I have realized how this very system has been used to create money-power on earth. What you refer to as "GOD" is nothing more than the undeniable laws of expansion and contraction, the power of creation.
Thanks for you enlightening blog!
Great comments anonymous.
In order for people to understand the "big picture" -- they need to know what the "big picture is."
HT: The term responsible altruism seems to be similar to the Eastern Notion of DHARMA:
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This
dhar•ma Audio Help (där'mə, dûr'-) Pronunciation Key
1. Hinduism & Buddhism
a. The principle or law that orders the universe.
b. Individual conduct in conformity with this principle.
c. The essential function or nature of a thing.
d. The body of teachings expounded by the Buddha.
e. Knowledge of or duty to undertake conduct set forth by the Buddha as a way to enlightenment.
f. One of the basic, minute elements from which all things are made.
Are you comfortable with this comparison (Save whatever idolatry or superstition that is involved in religion)?
Natural law and God's law are interchangeable. Miracles are just yet to be discovered mathematical equations that are found not to violate order of the universe.
The only unknown between replicant and human is how right and wrong are instilled in one and not the other and how one of the above comes to suffer punishment.
you should move your blog to BayWords. http://baywords.com/
The blood dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere the ceremony of innocense is drowned; the best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. William Butler Yeats
A world united in fear is worse than one divided by ignorance.
What would be the use of immortality to a person who cannot use well a half-hour? Ralh Waldo Emerson
False Guilt - a conditioned response of acceptance for respobsibilty. {example: when confronted by an unhappy woman, most men assume the condition is related to him}.
Americans, both politicians and voters, may have become corrupted by big government beyond redemption. A virtuous governemnt requires virtuous people. A frugal government requires a self-reliant people. A free country requires people who value liberty more than money. Charley Reese
"False Guilt - a conditioned response of acceptance for respobsibilty. {example: when confronted by an unhappy woman, most men assume the condition is related to him}."
As it is more than likely the case, a valid assumption to make!
It's not a notion...It's a choice.
Hypertiger, as in UT2k4 Hypertiger? If so, how have you been. I just randomly came across a link to your blog from this website
Which is completely insane if it is you.
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