The total money supply of the USA is currently around 46 Trillion dollars...
Basically US consumers have requested the commercial banking system in the USA to manufacture 46 Trillion dollars...of debt...over the past two and a bit centuries.
In that same period of time...The US Government has "Borrowed" 8.976 Trillion dollars of the 46 Trillion dollar money supply...Or 19% of the total money supply...
To fight WW2 The US Government "borrowed" 50% of the entire money/debt supply.
unfortunately consumers have to pay principle and interest...Just to pay the interest on the 46 Trillion dollars money supply that you all rent from the commercial banks per year at lets say 5% average...runs around 2.3 Trillion dollars...
US consumers are currently requesting the commercial banks to manufacture around 11 Billion dollars of new money/debt per day on average or about 4 Trillion a year...
The US Government is currently "borrowing" about 2 Billion dollars of the 11 Billion dollars that US consumers are requesting the commercial banks to manufacture a day...or around 730 Billion dollars a year.
So not to worry...US consumers are requesting the creation of more than enough new money to service the continued existance of the Total US money/debt supply.
Everyone owes everyone...
money creation is driven by the population...the consumers are demanding it...
Under the 1792 Trimetallic standard or the 1900 Gold standard the USA ran out of the materials needed to construct money to supply demand.
I need money to buy food...
Sorry the mines are at maximum output...and there is not enough...There is no money to employ you so please go find someplace far away so your rotting corpse does not stink up the place when you starve to death...
8.9 Trillion is just the amount of money the US Government has Borrowed from the total money/debt supply of 46 Trillion...
Only workers earning an income can service the continued existance of the money supply...It works out to $306,000 per worker in the USA...
$306,000 per worker in the USA is what is currently owed...
At 5% just servicing the Interest on the public debt of 8.9 Trillion dollars works out to around $2,966 per worker per year.
At 5% the interest on the entire 46 Trillion dollar money supply per worker is around $15,333 per year...amortized at 5% though it's around $19,712/worker/year.
The $46 Trillion works out to around $153,000 for every man woman and child...
Overseas Indexes are being sold off to support the US Indexes...The US consumer is important...If overseas consumer confidence drops...big whoop...Because the rest of the world is the supply while the USA is the demand...If US consumer confidence drops...Demand slows...and there will be a huge glut of supply...
Prices drop enough and there will be an implosion...As long as the USA survives...the bottom can be reinflated...If the USA's all over...
There is no economic zone or combination of economic zones on Earth that can come close to matching the US consumer.
People say...what about China and India...Chinese and Indian consumers fuel their consumption with US Dollars they obtained by selling goods and services to US consumers...If the US consumer stops buying goods and services from China and India...their economies stop...
PM's could soar...In dollar value...but not in purchasing power...A dollar value collapse would lead to higher prices...The dollar has been collapsing in value for the past 5 years...Prices of most things you need have followed by rising...
We are not even at a crisis point...when the economy collapses...most of you all will have to live on savings...or at least use your savings to suplement your incomes which are going to deflate drastically...or just totally cease to exist...
Most will spend all their gold and silver at the start trying to survive until the good times return again...But they won't...
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