The USA is the #2 consumer of of Switzerland's exports...
Germany is the #1 consumer of Switzerland's exports...The USA is the #2 consumer of German exports...
France is the #3 consumer of of Switzerland's exports the USA is the #6 consumer of France's exports...
Italy is the #4 consumer of of Switzerland's exports the USA is the #3 consumer of Italy's exports...
The UK is the #5 consumer of Switzerland's exports the USA is the #1 consumer of the UK's exports...
The largest single consumer of total EU zone exports...the USA at 24%...
Whether they had a gold standard or not...When the US consumer collapses...the inflation that the USA is exporting to the EU zone will slow then stop and their economies will implode...
Nobody within the global system will escape the implosion of it...
It's still the Bretton Woods system...the key to the whole system was and still is the Global trade medium of exchange...The US dollar.
Other than people saying that the Britsh Empire imploded to oblivion decades ago I can find no evidence to support those claims...just as I can find no evidence to support the claims that the Bretton woods system imploded to oblivion decades ago either...
People have said that Rome imploded to oblivion centuries ago...I have found plenty of evidence to support that claim though...
And there is pleny of evidence to support the claims that the previous system before Bretton Woods...the Crown system...which Bretton woods replaced did suffer a collapse...1929 to 1933 followed by the 1933-1945 bankruptcy reorganization of the global system...The Crown system had England as the demand of the global system with the British Pound stirling as the global trade medium of exchange...In 1944 the USA was made the Demand of the global system and the US dollars was made the global trade medium of exchange...That is still the case today...
The changes made over the decades since 1944 were to sustain it's continued postpone it's inevitable implosion for as long as possible...
Anyone that knew or knows about how compounding systems work could easily see from the start that all that the Bretton Woods system could possibly do is inflate to maximum potential and implode...
The system in it's original form was crumbling to dust the instant it was implemented...Everyone in the USA and the world since then to now has been working day in and day out propping up a system that is inevitably doomed...
Everyone has been marching to doom with glee for 6 decades...the longest temporary prosperity most likely in history. at least as far back as I desire to waste time to look...
The size of the global debt inflationary self delusional bubble that has inflated into existance over the past 6 decades is 8 to 10 times larger than the previous roaring 20's debt inflationary self delusional bubble fueled by the post WW1 looting of Germany carry trade.
We are in the final stage...What comes next is basically a science fiction horror show scenario...
Billions of people sleeping and dreaming of a wonderful future suddenly waking up into a mindboggling soul crushing nightmare.
That's what the choice to make the USA the demand and the US Dollar the global trade medium of exchange in 1944 will have as it's logical conclusion...
The very instant it was implemented the logical conclusion was inevitable.
Lyndon Larouche...Is one of the main promoters/spin doctors currently of the Nixon and crew/right wing/offspring of the Nazi's destroyed Bretton Woods fable...
If the steps taken in 1971-1973 were not and Bretton Woods was not altered slightly and was allowed to continue operating without the adjustments...the USA along with the rest of the Global system would have imploded to oblivion decades ago and the claims that Bretton woods no longer exists would have some supporting evidence to back up the claim...It would be as self evident as the ruins of Rome because we would be living in the wreckage...
Larouche is calling for a New bretton woods bankruptcy reorganization of the global system...that's code for herding people into pits of buring least the ones who choose to resist the total take over and control of everything including the Human reproduction system to "FIX" it along with exchange rates.
That's what a "fixed" system is...The top tells you when it's ok to do what you want or even need to will have to ask for permission to do anything including reproduce.
Communist systems are fixed exchange rate systems...They are not free market systems...
Hint...Fixed = chained...Free = unchained...
Yes you all will be begging for the chains to be thrown on eventually...until they are...then you all will beg to have them taken off...but they won't.
That's ultimately what the Bretton Woods plan was and still is.
You are all being in and day precondition you all into accepting the sales pitch when it's unveiled...
man i wish you wouldnt speak in so many riddles
explain what the bretton woods system is. what characteristics of it shouldve been evident form the start to lead to this inevitable implosion conclusion?
what is the new 'fixed' system you speak of and why is it good or bad to have? what are its characteristics?
Bretton Woods...look it up...
The system is a global trade system.
At it's start all the currencies of the World were fixed to the US dollar while the US dollar was fixed to Gold.
1 dollar basically was 1/20 of an ounce of Gold and any other currency was fixed in price to Gold...
Like the Japanese Yen...
"in 1949, the value of the yen was fixed at ¥360 per US$1 through a United States plan, which was part of the Bretton Woods System, to stabilize prices in the Japanese economy. That exchange rate was maintained until 1971"
The YEN was and still is defined as...
A coin with a Diameter of 20mm, Thickness of 1.2 mm, and a weight of 1g
Fixed...meaning chained...unchanging...
"what characteristics of it shouldve been evident from the start to lead to this inevitable implosion conclusion"
Population growth was not fixed...and of course the money supply is constantly expanding due to interest the growth rate of money is not's compounding...
Meaning that Bretton woods was inevitably doomed to inflate greater than previous inflation to maximum potential...then, begin inflating less than previous inflation to maximum potential, implode.
Just like the previous global trade system it replaced...
And the new fixed system is the same as the old fixed systems...
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