But what's the difference between private banks creating money when consumers request it to be created and the U.S. Government doing the same thing?
All that the US Government has done is to use the current banking system...Otherwise the U.S. Government would have to nationalize the banking system in the USA and operate it...that's all banking including the central bank like in the U.S.S.R...And reguardless who operates it...all it can do is inflate to maximum potential and implode...Like in the U.S.S.R.
Your remedy (So far)...Exchange a pile of IOU's for another pile of IOU's. The GOLD is Money remedy...Exchange a pile of IOU's for Gold and/or Silver...
The bottom creates all the money that the top receives...The bottom works for the top...According to you the employer creates the money that he has to then pay all the employees. The employees supply the employers with everything the employers have...
Sorry...the farmers feed you...you don't feed the farmers...
The chosen ones? Chosen by the top to take fall for it all...
Hard to believe that your choice to believe that the chosen ones are the top is the choice that the top ultimately wants you to choose...Keeps them out of sight out of mind...
Allow me to take more power from another than I give and I will concentrate the power from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one...
And then they who have the power will make the rules...
As long as they can take more than they give...they will be employer and the rest of you will be employees...
Period end of story reguardless. And of course this current system you hate is about to blow up in your faces anyways...And whoever is the Government will tell you all how the new system will operate...
It will operate just like this one...Top sucks from the bottom...
What source material do you recommend to understand your descriptions of the debt system?
Previously posted by Hypertiger:
"The Creature from Jekyll Island is the best place to start...But the author makes the mistake of concentrating on the soap opera actors which ultimately deflects attention away from comprehension of the system..."
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