The consequences of taking more than you give. Especially when you believe that it can be sustained forever equals inevitable game over will be reached at some point...
They they they they...are you and you are they...sorry. This is not a diabolical plan...It's just the consequence.
Of expecting more out than you put in...Similar to cutting down trees faster than they regrow...
That is the key problem...How do you construct a civilization that does not inflate to maximum potential and implode...
Because this civilization is constructed like all that have ever existed...All that the current one can do...like all the others before is inflate to maximum potential...then implode...
Period end of story...
Once you eliminate the speculation on who or what is behind it and look at the certainties...That's all that's left...
Taking more than you give/cutting down trees faster than they regrow = inevitable doom...
And it just so happens that you all were born at the right place and time to see what happens when the inevitable point is reached...after three centuries of hyperinflation...
This all started before the USA even existed...But I still hear people bawling about Greenspan and Subprimes...Unfortunately Greenspan and SubPrimes are just effects of the cause...
Not only is there no way to convince me that taking more than you give/cutting down trees faster than they regrow can be sustained forever...There is no way to sustain taking more than you give/cutting down trees faster than they regrow forever...
It was like this before I existed, it's like this now, and it will always be like this...
Just as 911 is an effect and not a cause...
Again, this all started before the USA even existed...But I still hear people bawling about Greenspan and Subprimes...
and 911...etc
Do not worry about your beard when you are about to lose your head...Sun Tzu
Greenspan, Subprimes, 911 = beard.
One person chooses to take more than they give...Is not that bad ultimately but when millions and billions of people choose to...It's game over...
This is a totally natural function...reguardless of the soap opera.
The choice was made centuries ago to take more than is given/cut down trees faster than they regrow...Cause...
The rest of the hijinx is an effect of the cause.
The implosion of the global system is just an effect...It's what happens when you all have taken all you can take and there is nothing left...
911 was cover...a spectacle to draw attention away from the cause is all...And apparently it worked...find the actual culprits and throw them up against a wall and blow them away...the global system is still going to implode...
The top will always give the bottom what it wants in order to maintain their position on top...The actual 911 culprits will be liquidated the instant they transform from ASSETS into LIABILITIES...
6000 years of taking more than you give has always led to the same logical conclusion...
Inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential followed by inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential...
Then back to inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential...
A wave...
Yes a 6000 year conspiracy...of ignorance.
A choice keeps getting made over and over again...To take more than is given back...That is the cause of the recurring implosion...It's an accounting problem.
The accounting system has been suffering from this accounting irregularity for as long as civilization has existed...
The NWO is just a sales pitch...The brainwashing the administrators receive...They all think that they are constructing a utopia...with the ends justifying the means but ultimately it's just a scheme to keep the administrators busy...They think the collapse has to happen and is the sign that their years and decades of service are about to pay off and arrival at the utopia is close at hand...They are as oblivious as to the actual reason the system is imploding as those they administrate...
Get rid of the pyramid?...A pyramid is a hierarchy...So you have to eliminate the owners and employers at the top of all the hierarchies...If you want to escape being dominated by a "ruthless and cunning" minority...
Or become one of them...
The elimination of owners/employers sounds like the communist sales pitch...Ordering/attempting to convince all the owners and employers (top) to stop dominating the employees (bottom) is not ever going to work...
All that the top has comes from the bottom so there is no way for the top to give the bottom more than what the top has...
Reguardless within the Universe you will have to work to continue living as long as possible or die trying to escape having to work...
Free enterprise...
Allow me to take more power than I give and I care not who makes and breaks the rules of the game you are all playing because eventually I will suck all the power from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one and then they who have the power will make and break the rules of the game you are all playing.
Within the Universe you are all free to manipulate the Universe however you desire as long as you don't attempt to break LAW or get caught breaking a rule.
The Universe is perfectly fair whether you think it's fair or not, Everyone and everything gets what they and it deserve whether they think they deserve what they get or not, and there is no hope.
All life and everything in and including the Universe capitalize on GOD to sustain the continued existence of all life and everything in and including Universe.
All are going to be shocked at some point...Especially those that think believe, and have faith they are not going to be.
The only "problem" is alienation from God. Deception abounds. Originating entirely from the original sinner who sought to usurp God.
The accounting irregularity...
"Allow me to take more power than I give and I care not who makes and breaks the rules of the game you are all playing because eventually I will suck all the power from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one and then they who have the power will make and break the rules of the game you are all playing."
And Hyperdeflation follows Hyperinflation...
Or more precisely...Inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential follows inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential when inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential reaches maximum potential.
The hyperinflation of the past 63 years...The greatest temporary prosperity basically in recorded history...Will be followed by a hyperdeflation once the Hyperinflation reaches maximum potential.
Don't worry...The greatest hyperdeflation in history will be following the greatest hyperinflation in history that we are currently in the terminal phase of...
The books that have not been balanced in centuries will have to be this time...
That's what happens when you choose to take more than you give...Eventually you reach a point where it becomes impossible to continue taking more than you give...And if your...lets say...civilization...depends upon the taking of more than you give to sustain its continued existence...It will at some point reach maximum potential and implode to dust...
Like all the previous iterations.
The accounting system has been suffering from this accounting irregularity for as long as civilization as you comprehend it has existed.
Two charts...one of the current hyperinflationary bubble you all basically don't know exists...
The other...the current bubble and the bubble before it...
The current bubble will pop just like the previous bubble once inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential reaches maximum potential...
The only real difference between the current one and the last one is the magnitude...The current one is monumental almost beyond comprehension.
The vast majority of the population of the planet is totally oblivious as to what is about to happen...
As far as I can tell...the plan is to duct tape everything together until a new puppet can be installed that will have the benefit of being able to blame the previously installed puppet for the mess...
Don't worry...it's almost here...See...nobody likes "DOOM AND GLOOM" so basically people do all that they can to avoid it...In the case of the economy it's inflate greater than previous inflation to maximum potential.
I just know that it will be soon...And when you do, it will be impossible to sustain inflation greater than previous inflation (Avoid "DOOM AND GLOOM") and you all will be FORCED to do something you all basically think is impossible...Inflate less than previous inflation to maximum potential.
But until that day comes where you will be forced to Inflate less than previous inflation to maximum potential...You will continue to inflate greater than previous inflation to maximum potential...because as I pointed out above...
Nobody likes "DOOM AND GLOOM" so basically people do all that they can to avoid it...In the case of the economy it's inflate greater than previous inflation to maximum potential.
You are all basically running in terror from that which you are inevitably going to smash into.
The only way to escape from deflation is with a greater amount of inflation...Until you need infinite inflation...or maximum potential...then it becomes impossible to continue attempting to escape...you will be caught...there is no escape.
Because the required amount of inflation is not too much and not too little but always greater than previous...
At the infinite point...you need greater than infinite inflation to continue inflating greater than previous...There is no such thing as greater than infinity.
At that point you will be forced to inflate less than previous inflation to maximum potential...
Basically hyperdeflate...
Why don't I post much any more?
Because it's at the point now where the bullets have been fired and by the time the target hears me and wonders what I'm yelling about their heads are exploding...
It's over...
You know what the opposite or antonym of opinion is?
FACT is the opposite or antonym of Opinion.
'You ought to respect other people's opinions.'
You want to know how we got into the mess we are in?
Could be when we started respecting Lies and Delusions...
Hi, Hypertiger !
Been reading your WISDOMS for about a month, and I concur that what you have written has GREAT wisdom.
I lived the last Depression. Can't imagine just HOW my children and grandchildren will survive this Mother of ALL Depressions, what with the FIAT becoming worthless. I have talked myself out trying to tell them what is coming, but with Patriot Acts controling state and local governments, the only hope I see is that the government CAN'T pay their 'bully boys', and organized, small farming units might hold out.
Been planing for this since Y2K and my 1980 premonition of something just like this happening; so food, tools and seeds are ready and former famland has been scouted out. IF the sheeple have to live till NEXT falls harvest, following a breakdown in food supply in the fall/winter months, it might be all over.
Keep the GOOD words/ideas coming. You may think you are a voice in the wilderness crying out to NO ONE, but MANY have ears !
naysayers say Nay. I will survive eating roasted buzzard meat. There should be plenty of them fat and juicy eating all the starving dead...
all you folks hording up for the mother of all depressions... I will just steal your food. Keep hording.
Accounting is a good term Hyper. I read a post on the Prudent Bear home page today and commented about it in short on the Bear Chat. The guy is a establishment guy, but he does put out some good stuff from time to time. His topic was accounting. I went to college in the 1970's and basically everything I learned in business school has been thrown in the garbage in favor of fiction and portfolio theory. Plus, inflation accounting has been allowed. I honestly believe that megamillionaires and billionaires are being allowed to operate either as individuals or corporations being basically broke. In order to call in the chips, the entire world would collapse. Every day I try to answer the day to day mocking of deflation by guys who like to count every dime that something goes up, like oil or metals. I don't think they realize that the value of American housing declines by a greater amount than the value of all the oil consumed in the world last year and that this housing is a much greater function of future inflation than oil will ever be. They also don't seem to realize that the banks have already inflated well beyond their capacity to service debt and their capital and won't be doing the greater than prior inflation any time soon. The article basically said that GS was insolvent if you believe their level 3 asset growth on their balance sheet and it is all a function of management inflating profits to boost bonuses. We are living in the age of the greatest financial fraud artists in history and the world seems to work over time to cover up their work. We are probably beyond the time that anyone is going to be able to count their money, as it might disappear into thin air aka Bear Stearns.
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