Osama stated that his Goal prior to 9-11 was to draw the USA and Zionists into the the Middle East to weaken and destroy them...And the Neo Cons convinced you all that it was a great plan...And presto there you all are...Right where the top wanted you to be...Onward Christian soldiers.
Everyone is happy...
The BIS has said that the Global economic system is broken and a new one is required...Bernanke came out in 2002 and told you all the magic printing press salvation fable to comfort the masses...
Guess Osama is running Bernanke and the B.I.S also...
The general population is oblivious and you all believe the lies behind the lies that the general population believes...
Should be quite a spectacle...one for the history books...written by the winners of course...
I imagine that you are all going to be smeared worse than the population of Rome currently is smeared.
That those who will exist after you are all dead and can't defend yourselves will believe is truth...
Well you are all fighting agaist GOD and have been for 6000 years...There is never a lasting victory over evil and the war against GOD has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat...
I don't have to do anything...Since the defeat was as certain and inevitable now as it was 314 years ago...It just took that long for you all to work your way to the logical conclusion...
You all keep doing this because human beings can easily reproduce quicker than they die which allows you all to...Reproduction is the source of inflation greater than previous inflation in human affairs...If at first you don't succeed try try again...
I don't live in the USA so my ability to live will not be seriously hampered since all the drones around me have been socially engineered to blame the USA for this mess...The entire world is currently and has been for decades...And that's where all the hate, when the delusion is shattered, will be directed...At the USA...
So I'm not standing very close to ground zero when the mental blast from billions of minds hits full force...
And neither is the top...They are in poor defenseless Old Europe playing innocent.
"It is the absolute responsibility of everybody in uniform to disobey an order that is either illegal or immoral."
The left wingers will run the work camps that the right wingers are sent and the right wingers will run the work combo death camps where the left wingers are sent...Problem solved.
And to add insult to injury you send the right wing converts to the left wing to the right wing work combo death camps to be disposed of...
Pace: "I believe that a lot of the commanders, in fact, do recognize that they do have a free choice in this, that they should not execute orders that are illegal and immoral, such as any order to use any kind of a weapon of mass destruction."
Well you just keep hiring and firing employees until you find ones that will do their job...problem solved...
Like the Neo Cons you hire them...They did their job...
Like really you hire a group of specially socially engineered drones called the Neo Cons to commit mass murder and they do it and it's all over "Mission Accomplished"...
Mommy why did the economy stop working?
It was working great until the evil "insert scapegoat here" blew it up...
It's scapegoat creation in progress...
You all are oblivious that what you do on a daily basis to sustain your existence as you understand it is and always has been unsustainable...
The top in order to obtain what they want need to give you what you want...Pleasure...at the expense of those at the very bottom of the hierarchy...called the third world currently.
Key problem is that when the bottom is sucked dry...game over the system crumbles from the bottom up...And prior to it hitting those closest to the top a scapegoat must be created...A new lie to replace the old self destructing lie...Like the New Economy lie replaced with the War on Terror lie September 11, 2001...When the DOW finally could not be propped any longer and the physical manifestations began to show up...all the bankruptcies and such...
The FED used 9-11 in all their statements for 2 years after that...Everything was going great....until September 11, 2001...
The next cave in is going to be the one that is not escaped from...the entire NEW WORLD ORDER that you all think is coming and all the Idiots that have been devoting their lives making it a reality...Is ending...
The New World Order types are told that the system that is in place has to be destroyed so that the NEW WORLD ORDER can begin...
When the truth is that the food powered make work enterprise is inevitably doomed...There will never be a New World Order...Just this explosion implosion cycle forever...
The ends justify the means...The ends never justify the means...
Since the same ends are produced by the same means...
for 6000 years now...
It's like me saying that the ends are love and I'm going to punch you in the face as the means...and keep doing it until I obtain love...
According to the NEW WORLD ORDER social engineering material all the death and destruction are the means and The Utopia of Heaven on Earth is the ends...
Now some of the New World Order clowns are waking up saying that Iraq was wrong...
Really? You mean that after 6000 years Killing them all and letting GOD sort it out is not a good means to justify the ends?
Shocking revelation...
You mean that after 6000 years that the total annihilation of all opposition to the total annihilation of all opposition...sucks as a means to justify the ends? Unless you are trying to self destruct of course...
Well final warning...
That clown of clowns Carroll Quigley wrote Tragedy & Hope that basically states the Hope is that you all don't resist your fate and that if you do the whole New World Order, the above mentioned Utopia of Heaven in Earth, will collapse into Tragedy...
He musta sniffed too much glue...The whole thing was doomed 314 years ago to end in tragedy because you all didn't resist...
What are you supposed to resist...the rich govern the poor...And somehow seem to convince you that they are doing you a big favor...while ripping you off...
There is no way to become wealthy without creating poor people...You all think you are rich? Why? You have the foggiest idea how much resources you have to consume to mantain a standard of living greater than any Roman emperor ever enjoyed?
The top sustains their existence at the expense of the quality of life at the bottom...
And when the foundation of this delusional hierarchial structure crumbles the whole mess heads for the basement...
Taking more than you give is the means and becoming rich is the ends...
Period...and for 6000 years it's been unsustainable...hence the explosion implosion cycle and this one is going to be massive...
Mommy why did the economy stop working?
It was working great until the evil "insert scapegoat here" destroyed it.
So you don't believe the lie?...The top constructed a Democracy so that the majority of the drones rule...problem solved...
For 6000 years...
Rich people = winner/good
Poor people = loser/bad.
Net worth expanding = Salvation
Net worth contracting = Damnation
Just ask any drone...You know all this but resist due to your social engineering to accept it as wrong...and the consequences are the same every time...The hope is that you are all on the right path and the tragedy is when you find out you ain't...You ain't the first crop of drones punched in the face...pow love pow love pow love...1000's of years.
Well final warning for the tragedy phase of the hope turns to tragedy cycle that has been in operation for 6000 years...
The BIS says the current system (THE NEW WORLD ORDER) is broken and a new Global Economic system is needed...Don't worry kids the back up Global economy will kick in after a brief flicker of the lights...When the current one that is the only one that took 314 years to construct self destructs...
If right after the dust cleared in Germany after the hope of Hyperinflation turned into the tragedy of hyperdeflationary implosion They said 'Hey, let's do that again' the population including the military would have exterminated anyone that said something like that...
When the Hyperinflation ended in Germany the economy collapsed and there were food riots and the military machine gunned the mobs in the streets...History is written by the winners...But you just think positive drones like the wheelbarrows of money means but ignore the machine gun in the streets end...
But when Ben Bernanke says he's going to do it...nothing...zero...
If that did not wake you all up...Then game over...You entertain fantasies of $10,000 oz.'s of Gold and $2,000 oz of Silver wet dreams...Not in road warrior world.
When a so called economist says stuff like that in public and nobody thinks he's insane...It's game over...
That is the smoking gun...Because I know exactly what ends those means produce...
Wheelbarrels of money?
Rivers of blood in the streets...not speculation...Not some twisted fantasy I dreamed up...Cold cruel truth...
Basically thats what he came out and informed you all was on the way...and not the slightest peep...By anyone and I see this printing press salvation myth everywhere...
Deflation is impossible...why? The top has been using a printing press for 100's of years and not one deflation was prevented...
After GERMANY imploded the hyperinflation carry trade stopped and the shockwave spread out into the system and bankrupted it...and caused the minor depression which has significant enough effects to be called Great...
It was stopped with a bankruptcy reorganization of the GLOBAL SYSTEM...(The one you are in right now) 1933-1945...other than the USA the rest of the world was deflated into a smoking rubble pile...
But you all think the hyperinflation was something that happened in Germany...Why do you think it's called the roaring 20's?
Well since 1945 its been the roaring 6 decades...and now it's almost over...
And the bubble that has formed is cosmic in size...You all are currently in a bubble that makes all previous bubbles look like straight lines...and it's about to end and it's going to take more than a handful of coins and a shotgun to survive...the consequences of your actions when they can't be ignored any longer...
I sure hope it's not going to happen...Ben Bernanke came out and told you all it was...and it's going to...one way or the other...
It's not inflate or die...It's inflate to maximum potential then implode...Try to stop inflating to maximum potential and you will implode...
It was over 314 years ago...And Ben Bernanke came out in 2002 and said game over has arrived...
And you all ran out with your wheelbarrels and looked to the skies for the Helicopters of Salvation...
You are complete and total idiots...Not just you...Everyone on the entire planet...total flat lines...
Totally game over...write offs...a total write off...
And the top could have easily pulled the plug in 1971 when the Bretton Woods lie ended and was replaced with the New Economy lie and plunged the global system into mind boggling doomsday if that's what their goal was...
Good thing they didn't or you would not be reading this...The past 37 years was sustained by a childishly simple accounting trick...to buy more time...But they are out of accounting tricks now...
And the cost to buy more time is going up exponentially...At least it has to forever...
Holy cow if it goes up forever GOLD will be worth 100 Quadrillion dollars an ounce...ya and then a nanosecond later 200 Quadrillion dollars an ounce...
Wooo boy I can't wait...I'll have to tow a super computer around with me just to calculate the cost of a paper clip...sounds fabulous...
It will implode long before that...Until then enjoy the soap opera...
Beyond the barrier that the Universe is constrained by is the source of all power that powers all...I have no idea really how infinite and indestructible power is distributed and it's mostly irrelevant...All I know is that all is supplied with an infinite and indestructible amount of less than infinite and indestructible power that sustains all in the Universe including the Universe. I can't see past the infinite and indestructible barrier at both ends...Looking inward or outward.
You would need greater than infinite and indestructible power to smash through the barrier...No such amount of power exists...So it's impossible.
But our awareness is not inside of the Universe. You can easily imagine there is no barrier until of course you smash into it.
All on other side of the infinite and indestructible barrier where we all are or at least our bodies which are anchors or traps for our awarenesses are is finite and fragile.
I also don't know what emotions are exactly...Just that they can be your master or servant and if they are your master then you are at best a dangerous animal or creature claiming to be a Human Being or whatever else.
People ask how is this information profitable?
Truth is unprofitable unless kept hidden.
Lies and delusions are profitable in the absolute capitalist system. The civilizational system is a lie and ultimately a mass cherished delusion that everyone in it thinks, believes or has faith is Truth.
All money is fiat...by decree.
Those who choose to take more power than they give become richer in power or powerful and those who choose to give more power than they take become poorer in power or powerless.
Allow me to take more power than I give from another and I care not who makes the rules...Since I will eventually suck all the power from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one...
And then they who have the power will make the rules of the game you are all playing...
Money is a food substitute...Ultimately a tool that allows the exchange of power to be easier to accomplish and account for.
Ultimately the medium of exchange is power.
You need to amass the required amount of power to create money.
Once you have enough power you say this is money...or else.
Taking more power than you give is unsustainable in the long run.
The chopping down of trees faster than they grow game has a maximum potential to be played...Once the maximum potential is reached...Or the logical conclusion of the taking more power than you give equation is arrived at...
Game over.
The logical conclusion of any game is game over. That is what the absolute capitalist hierarchial food powered make work enterprise does...
Takes more power than it gives until maximum potential power is reached...Then it implodes...Since the city state or civilization requires ever greater power to sustain its continued existance.
The current iteration is 314 years old...It suffered a collapse in 1929 to 1933 and then was put into bankruptcy reorganization 1933 to 1945. Then began inflating again...
Key problem is that the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement made the USA the demand of the now 314 year old Global economic system and there is no replacement for the USA...When the USA implodes...The 314 year old global system will as well...The previous demand was England but of course it was too small...and collapsed 1929-1933...the USA was made the demand of the global system in 1944...Now it's too small to be the inflationary engine of the Global system.
There is nothing that can be done to postpone the reaching of the logical conclusion of the taking more power than you give equation for much longer.
And when the logical conclusion is reached...Game over.
Everyone on Earth was lied to and is living in a mass cherished delusion that is about to shatter.
1944-45 there was a chance to change...All that happened was the playing of the same game to its logical conclusion...again.
And the logical conclusion has almost been reached:
All the so called rich countries of the World are in the same boat as the USA...All the people in the world are oblivious...It's not just America or Americans.
The system is not National...It's global and 314 years old.
The USA along with all the countries of the world are basically just figments of people's imaginations...mass cherished delusions.
Just a way to organize and control/manipulate people.
Responsible capitalism is when you account for all and then account for yourself.
Absolute capitalism is when you account for you and then for all. Mostly just you and to hell with everyone and everything else on Earth...
There are two Sub hierarchies of Absolute capitalism.
The Gradual Absolute capitalists or Left and the Violent absolute capitalists or Right.
The responsible creation absolute destruction cycle...
What is called civilization is a responsible creation which gradual absolute capitalists attempt to gain absolute power over but this weakens it to the point that the violent absolute capitalists take over and they ultimately cause its absolute destruction attempting to gain absolute power over all and sustain it.
The USA along with the rest of the world has been in the terminal phase of the absolute destruction stage of the responsible creation absolute destruction cycle for decades.
The USA along with the rest of the world has been in the inflationary stage for about 64 years...
A Banking holiday is a short period of time...Once maximum potential inflation is reached the deflationary phase along with the aftermath will last decades.
There never has been a stable monetary supply...You either have money or you don't.
The Stirling started out as a coin made out of silver about 1500 years ago called a sceat...240 stirling to a troy Pound. Or 1 British Pound stirling established in 1560–61 by Elizabeth I
Stirling silver is .925 millesimal fineness
Currently what is called a British Pound Stirling is worth maybe 2/240th of an actual British Pound stirling.
But it takes 2 US dollars to buy one...The British pound stirling is still top fiat after centuries.
110 years ago political cartoons like the below were common when people had a slight clue and the press in the USA was less controlled.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 20 September, 1896
If you don't break free you will be dependant upon others to tell you why instead of knowing why.
Honestly, a lot of what you say makes sense. Alas, some of it doesn't (can't wrap my brain around the universe talk). In the end, however, I hope you're right. Everything our society is built on is pretty much beyond repugnant. We need to start over. Looks like those of us that survive what's coming will get a chance. But then we'll more than likely blow it. Again.
It's easy to make mistakes.
It's easy to take more power than you give.
It's easy to chop down trees faster than they regrow
It's easy to follow the path of least resistance.
This is a very interesting article about Germany, it is well worth a look.
You need to add this to the end of the url for the article about the German economy.
If you are not based in the USA, then where? I'm curious what nation you think would be safe (safe being relative, of course) in the decades to come?
When push comes to shove, the dormant spirit of liberty will be awakened again.
With increasing technology, the top's leverage over the bottom is shrinking. The wealth gap is bigger than ever but in terms of real power it is narrower than ever.
All it takes is one rumor to ruin a billion dollar business.
He's Canadian, maybe French-Canadian area? I dunno, Hypers just a dude who gets that Jesus, Buddha, all those who preached "give, don't take," were right, and also came to awful, terrible personal ends because the rest of us don't want to hear it.
Sustainability? What's your timeline? I assume Hyper would argue that the first clever capitalists had an obscenely long timeline--maybe even 6000 years?
Relax, hoard for yourself and the community you plan to grow, and good frickin luck
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