The winners always win and the losers always lose...The top does all the buying while the bottom sells and all the selling when the bottom is buying...
How do you think they maintain their position on top?
You think a mob of peasants dressed in rags with dirt rings around their mouths created markets or own them?
The DOW is 30 stocks...It's the simplest greater fool game to "game" by the owners of it.
The S&P is a little tougher...
Green arrow = Economy good.
Red arrow = Economy yucky.
Guess as long as the Dow and S&P are supported the economy is good...
The Nasdaq? It's never come close to recovering from its 2000 implosion.
The US dollar was made the Global trade medium of exchange in 1944...Oil supports it...
Back up the truck...Any moment now Ben the Omnificent is going to press the button on the secret weapon...code named: GOD SLAYER.
A device that can produce greater than infinite and indestructible power...To finally wipe GOD out once and for all...
Once it's pressed all the goldbugs will be raptured since it will cause the price of GOLD to inflate by 1 Quadrillion (1000 Trillion) dollars a femtosecond (1 Quadrillionth of a second) and even faster than that forever and ever.
Just buy buy buy like a zealot...Or you will be left behind
All the trillions that the top has skimmed would be annihilated in the blink of an eye in a hyperinflation...And a hyperinflation is followed by a hyperdeflation...
The US Government has not inflated the money supply outside of the compounding interest commercial banking system since the Greenbacks of the Civil War...Since then all that the US Government has done is Tax and Borrow and of course spend.
The below hyperinflation was caused by US consumers requesting the commercial banks to manufacture new debt (money).
It's not just the USA...the system is 314 years old and global...
The "printing money or its electronic equivalent" propaganda is of course a lie...That those ignorant of economics and banking have of course chosen to believe is Truth.
You all are asleep in the back seat of Thelma and Louise's car dreaming of swimming in Scrooge McDuck's money bin.
The top Number on the Below chart is 45 Trillion...and I made the chart using the q1 2006 numbers (currently at about 50 Trillion dollars).
Yup it's sure wonderful...with M3 hidden you can now claim anything...
'they print'
Consumers request the commercial banks to manufacture all this new money.
The average interest rate is around 5%...
So the total credit market debt is currently around 50 Trillion dollars Plus 5%/year
or 50 Trillion + 2.5 Trillion a year.
The rest of the consumers of the world are requesting the commercial banks in their countries to manufacture trillions more...
To accomplish what?
Sustain the delusion...To supply the required power to the lie that you all think is Truth...Of course as long as it's powered...Failure by the consumers to request the required amout of new money to be manufactured to power the continued existence of the lies and delusions as Truth will result in the self destruction of the lies and shattering of the delusions.
What delusion?
Look around...That is what is being sustained...The reality you all take for granted and think is going to last forever.
The top is not trying to take over the world...The top did that long before all the people on Earth were born.
The top is just preparing for the reaching of maximum potential...The survivors of the implosion that is about to happen that the top know about and the bottom do not will of course be employed by the top to construct the next inevitable implosion when that new world order reaches maximum potential inflation and implodes.
This has been going on for 1000's of years...
But maybe this time they will construct a system that will not suffer from the same flaw?
Maybe...But Billions of people are going to be removed from the books regardless.
Hey we figured it out...One slight problem...You need to be eliminated since according to our accounting methods...There is no place for you in the future...So could you please report to the nearest burning pit of diesel and hop in...Thanks....
You could also train soldiers and equip them and build ships for them to load up into...and then send the ships towards submarines to be torpedoed...
There are many ways to eliminate unfundable liabilities from the books.
Currently according the the Rules of the USA...
Congress has the power...
"To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures"
And Congress...did do that.
The 1 Dollar coin act of 1997...It was a bill that was signed into what you all call LAW on December 1, 1997.
Really...Inside of the USA...When the President signs a Bill...It supposedly becomes a LAW of the Universe...Poof like magic...This has been going on inside of the USA for a couple of centuries now.
One consumer is a consumer...pile 300 million together and you have the USA which is a consumer or pile all the people on earth together and call it Humanity...That is a consumer as well.
The slave is all of you top to bottom bottom to top...
And it really has nothing to do with money...
If consumers depend upon consuming trees faster than the trees regrow to sustain their continued existence...It's inevitable they will reach maximum potential...run out of trees...and it will then be impossible to sustain their continued existence.
Bacteria and other ignorant animals do it all the time...Inflate to maximum potential and implode.
I'm sorry but Congress has no power to escape the fate of ignorant animals...
You either choose to not take more power than you give or you choose to...And once you choose to become dependant upon taking more power than you give to sustain your existence as long as possible...Your doom is certain and inevitable.
Am I saying that top to bottom bottom to top you are all idiots...Well if that is what you call entities that claim to be Human Beings but are acting like Ignorant animals such as bacteria or rabbits...Then yes.
And it's always like this in the end...At the start where the choice to make the mistake is made...It looks like the right thing to do...
There are trees as far as the eye can see...To infinity and beyond.
GOD needs no help to burn your bare hand to a crisp if you choose to grasp a white hot bar of iron.
Ouch...that hurts...
Yes you should not have done that.
It's the same as choosing to chop down trees faster than they regrow...It just takes longer to feel the pain.
Your ancestor chose to start chopping the trees down centuries ago...You, his or her descendant, chops the last one down...
Ouch...that hurts.
Yes you should not have done that.
You are all currently in a situation where you have to chop down trees faster than they regrow to sustain your existences because if you stop chopping down trees faster than they regrow...That is the same as running out.
Your lifespans are too short to experience the full cycle start to finish and your ignorance prevents you from seeing the parts of the cycle you have not personally experienced.
We are not doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past...We already did...
Every nanosecond we are all powering the choice our ancestors made to its logical conclusion.
The one you all find unreasonable and do not like at all.
Dig up all the skeletons and put them on trial or hang them from lamp posts.
Since they are not around to pay then all that are when the logical conclusion is reached will...
I guess if Hell has one television channel it won't be too bad.
What is on the Hell channel?
A program showing all the people that went to heaven laughing for all eternity watching all the people in hell burn for all eternity...And the harder they laugh the more all those in hell wail in agony?
Actually all the rich people laugh and all the poor people wail.
And it's called an exchange for mutual benefit....It's been going on for 1000's of years so far...Can it continue for 1000's more...sure...It can basically continue forever.
Because human beings have the wonderful ability to reproduce faster than they die off.
It's how we all got to where we are currently...Eventually the people that don't deserve to exist will be eliminated one way or the other and those that survive will pick up where the last generation of idiots left off and do it all over again and again and again...
It's not my fault you all chose to be ignorant.
None of you can lie to me.
There is GOD then me...then you all.
And there is not anything stopping you all from lying your asses off to me...All I have the power to do is choose to accept your lies as Truth or Reject your lies as Truth.
I'm aware of this because I did not choose to be ignorant of Truth.
I chose to be a Human Being while the vast majority of you found it easier to choose to be emotional animals that seem to be programed/socially engineered to think and claim you are Human beings...Hacking each other to pieces attempting to obtain what you never will or attempting to reacquire what you never had to begin with.
Freedom from GOD...Liberty from Truth.
"Those people who will not be governed by GOD will be ruled by tyrants." --William Penn
There is GOD then me...then all you tyrants.
Below is what the Absolute capitalistic hierarchial arrangement looks like simplified.

The Oracle of Malthus hath spoken.
The Baby seal picture is more of an ilistration of you beating us to death with "the top the top the top the top" garbage. Eff the top, Eff the bottom. Just get yours and I will get mine. You have a computer, I have one we be doing about 5billion times better than many folks.... I guess we are clubbing them todeath? I will have to think about the millions starving as I go in my suv to buy some high calorie food that will probably give me diarreah and I will have to buy some extra soft toilet tissue to whipe my anus with. And I will probably have to flush the toilet 3-4 times to get the poo to wash down so the illegal alien that washes my toilet wont get grossed out......
And she better wash it good cause I will beat her like a baby seal.
The top is all of us lazy mofos overweight and using resources like we have infinite supplies. Anyone with a computer is on top. The bottom is anyone starving to death or risking their life for their country(and its country's selfish adjendas). Most of us respect the military folk. The top will respect the bottom. They also try to run from the bottom. Parachute 1000 hungry folks into the Queens mansion and I bet they at least get a meal out of the deal. When the top is face to face with the bottom they dont reach for their club, they offer a hand out. Thats because the bottom is more than a fur coat.
Would you, "rather be clubbing baby harp seals" or would you rather, "go clubbing with baby harp seals"?
''''''''''''The winners always win and the losers always lose...The top does all the buying while the bottom sells and all the selling when the bottom is buying...
How do you think they maintain their position on top?'''''''''''''''
This is getting old and is tedious. You are not as smart as you think you are. Sorry... but that is true.
Gold can be extracted now in a common industrial commercial process from the ocean.
Gold does not have to ''cost'' any thing unless a Political Price System method is being used.
Other wise it is measured by the energy used to extract it and that is machine energy not human.
The ocean contains all of the elements of the land.
You no longer have to dig a hole in the ground to get gold.
Gold from digging a whole costs about 3 or 4 hundred dollars currently to extract in labor in energy ''cost''.
Gold from sea water extraction would cost about 6 or 7 hundred price system dollars. That is the only reason we are still digging holes for it. It is cheaper. Beyond the cheaper aspect... no one cares.
There is more gold in a cubic mile of sea water as has ever been mined in the history of the world.
This blog assumes a lot.
And is brainwashed in particular. It appears to be a minor arm of information for the Illuminis.
Divide and conquer with fake or phony information.
Illuminis only in the sense that people here do not actually understand what is going on... but embrace the powers that be in a hopeless fashion... and present fake alternative thinking... like gold being any thing but worthless.
It is no longer scarce... how much would you like ? It ain't scarce no more... understand?
It assumes that people believe in the Price System and that the price system will remain.
Really this is deadly in a negative sense.
By encouraging people to assume the worse and get ready to be phucked over again and again this blog is a voice of negative passivity.
And what is it with all the god crap.
god is dog spelled backward and that a son of a bitch and thats what we are sons of bitches.
By equating a bullshit morality/ethics tone to these things it is evident that a good secular humanitarian answer is not really cared about here.
So be a part of the problem... if that is your calling.
Buy do not expect to be taken seriously.
Price System flunkies.
"Please Report To The Nearest Burning Pit Of Diesel - And Hop In"
Yes... and fuck you to.
There are problems with the Technate as well. It seems to be predicated on a group of infallible and benevolent scientists. I haven't seen any of these.
''''''''''''''There are problems with the Technate as well. It seems to be predicated on a group of infallible and benevolent scientists. I haven't seen any of these.-------------
It is not a people oligarch.. it is administration by science.
Special interest groups have no control. Scientists would never characterize themselves as infallible... science is only the next most probable... and as far as benevolent.... that is by default only... not a fractured idealism.
It '''seems'' to be predicated on.... that is a weasel word. Neuro Linguistic Programming response.
You are not aware.
You are ignorant.
Sievert; You have such a pleasant way of presenting your theory. I can see now you're going to have a great audience and following.
A question... Are you currently living your life based on the technocrat principal. If so, elaborate on how. If not, why not?
"You are not aware.
You are ignorant."
There seems to be a problem with your diagnosis. I am aware that I am not aware, and very knowledgible of my ignorance. I am also aware that I was once programmed, and have taken over that function.
So making unsubstantiated charges to deflect attention from legitimate points of difference seems rather "weasel" like, as well. Using the word "seems" is a legitimate reference if one is still gathering information.
--------Sievert; You have such a pleasant way of presenting your theory. I can see now you're going to have a great audience and following.
A question... Are you currently living your life based on the technocrat principal. If so, elaborate on how. If not, why not?-----------
It is not my theory and it has nothing to do with me except it fits in with what I know from history and the present. I am just a person passing on information trying to contact others so that they will do the same.
If a Technate and those ideas are adopted it will not be because our political religious system accepts it. It will be because it may help us to survive... which our political price system does not seem to have much interest in... our survival.
There is no such thing as Technocratic principle. It is not an ethical or morality system. It is not based on sociological ideas ... but anthropological ones.
It is secular/humanitarian by default.
Like everyone in my own way.. I am trying have a full life... one rich in health, strength, beauty, passion, means, adventure, and thought.
It is hoped that others more kind and gentle than I get involved.
It is also noted that I am playing a role. Rhetorical Polemic (shock value and blatant rhetoric) ala Isocrates and Demosthenes.... Ha.
"GOD has no use for money...Silver is in greater supply than gold and copper is in greater supply than silver..."
What's your point? Nobody said God uses money, We The People use money because we cannot trust each other. Too many willing to sit on their arse and let somebody else do the work.
But the reason for quoting; What you said is no longer true. There is now more gold above ground than there is silver. Silver gets used up, it no longer exists. Gold is not used up, just stacked up. At current rates of use there will be no silver left, at all, ie: above ground or below in 18 years. Think about it.
take anything...remove the bottom...anything above it will collapse...
Scientists...don't produce food...
Farmers are the bottom in the Technate empire...
So then you need robots to do all the work to sustain the Technate empire.
Or brainwashed human beings until you are able to replace them with self replicating constructs and come up with a plan to eliminate all the billions of human beings, without resistance, that are no longer needed in the Technate global empire.
What you see is as good as it gets and it works...If it didn't...the top would have trained you all to function a different way 1000's of years ago.
The top taught you all how to read, write, do math, and how to think.
You are products of the Hierarchial food powered make work enterprise that the top hired the bottom to construct.
Damn hyper tiger you are getting repetitive.
'''''''''''''Technate global empire.'''''''''''
Sorry no such thing. It just includes North America which has a relatively low population now as to resources.
'''''''''Scientists...don't produce food...''''''''''''''
Wow are you ever wrong. The whole of agriculture that made the extra 3 billion possible was made by scientists making herbicides pesticides and oil based fertilizer...
'''''''''''''The top taught you all how to read, write, do math, and how to think.''''''''''''
Speak for yourself... while it is true 98% of the sheople are clueless that is not the group that we are trying to appeal to. Ha.
'''''''''''''What you see is as good as it gets and it works...If it didn't...the top would have trained you all to function a different way 1000's of years ago.''''''''''''
Huh ?
This sounds like a broken record now. It is possible to have another system that is based on a scientific social design.
'''''''''''Or brainwashed human beings until you are able to replace them with self replicating constructs and come up with a plan to eliminate all the billions of human beings, without resistance, that are no longer needed in the Technate global empire.''''''''''
This is a pretty unconnected black and white and nonsensical view that does not allow for much creative thought.... and has little to nothing to do with the Technocracy Technate design.
You are using neuro linguistic programming again in the sense that you are trying here to present your old ideas as truth ... and they seem hopeless... rather than run with new information.
On the plus side I got motivated to write an essay on History/Money/&Energy Accounting... probably partly because of my interaction here.
It should be done in a day or two... and then I will post a link to it.
I used some of the Hyper Tiger language when writing a segment of it because it explained something well.... (the garden concept of the lord)... ha ha.
You will recognize the lines.
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