Any of you have jobs? Well find the owner of the enterprise you work for and tell them...Sorry...I own the enterprise now...You don't any more.
That's why the top of the global hierarchy is invisible...
The top can see threats to their continued existence long before the bottom sees the destroyers the top sends to annihilate the threat.
They are owned...Just higher in the hierarchy than those below them.
They can be removed for any reason by the owners of the Global hierarchy just as easily as any of the owned in the hierarchy...They are obedient...They desire to live as long as possible just as you all do.
You can't destroy what you can't find...
Out of sight...out of mind.
The top figured this out 1000's of years ago.
If I did not choose to be visible...I would be just as invisible as the top. You all would be oblivious that I exist...And you certainly would not be reading this.
In a society as long as there are only a few that choose to take more than they give there is not much of a problem...But once everyone chooses to be rich the society is quickly nullified.
One person wants a task completed...Another person agrees to complete the task for 1000 silver pieces.
The person then hires 9 people to do the work and the task is completed and he goes to the person that wanted the task to be completed and recieves the 1000 silver pieces...
That person then pays each worker including himself 100 silver pieces but imposes a 50% "I want to be a rich man" tax on every worker...So they only get paid 50 silver pieces after taxes.
Employer = The Government
Employee = The Governed
"The subjects of every state (Bottom) ought to contribute towards the support of the government (TOP), as nearly as possible in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state."--Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations 1776
Governments of the absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise are administration systems of the enterprise constructed and sustained by the bottom or employees at the demand of the top or owners of the absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise.
The US Government is not the owner of the absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise...It's just an administration system of the Absolute capitalist hierarchial food powered make work enterprise.
You are all ignorant...Not because I think so...I know so...Regardless if I'm here to point it out or not...
It was like this before I was born and will be after I'm dead.
The top designed the enterprise so that the employees are nullified once the enterprise is nullified...
The survivors of the nullification of the absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise are then employed to build the next absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise.
What is coming is not a slowdown in inflation of the money supply growth...It has of course started out like any recession, but will collapse into a depression, and implode into a general break down crisis.
2000-2003 was caused by a slowing of consumer requests for commercial banks to manufacture debt/money from 11% growth a year to 6.5% a year between 1999 to 2001.
That was a minor slowing.
Yet the biggest bankruptcies in US history showed up...
In 2000 the total debt/money supply was 25 Trillion dollars and at the time Consumers were requesting commercial banks to manufacture about 4.6 Billion dollars a day of new debt/money or 1 Trillion dollars of new debt/money every 200 days...
That's the amount of new debt/money consumers required to sustain the delusional lifestyles of the wannabe rich and famous.
Obligations can't be inflated away...
In 1944 the total debt supply was around 400 Billion dollars...And consumers were requesting commercial banks to manufacture around 8 million dollars of new debt a day to pay the cost of the obligations or around 1 Trillion dollars every 342 years.
By 2000 the total debt supply was around 25 Trillion dollars...And consumers were requesting commercial banks to manufacture around 5 Billion dollars of new debt a day to pay the cost of the obligations or around 1 Trillion dollars every 200 days.
Currently the the total debt supply is around 50 Trillion dollars...
Eventually the cost of the obligations will be inflating by 50 Trillion dollars a nanosecond...
And then a nanosecond later...100 Trillion dollars.
The whole global system will reach maximum potential and implode to oblivion long before that hijinx is reached.
In 1952 the debt to assets was 82% now debt to assets is 365%.
There are no nets I'm afraid to say...Any nets you see below you have either been painted on the ground or are figments of your imagination.
The war machine constructed to fight GOD or what you all generally call civilization...Human Beings.
And when the war machine constructed to fight GOD depends upon chopping down trees faster than they regrow to fuel the War against GOD...The war machine is trying to defeat GOD.
Unfortunately...It's impossible and the War Machine designed to fight GOD and ultimately defeat GOD will fail.
All the ruins coating the surface of the Earth are the skeletal remains of previous war machines constructed by Human Beings that attempted to defeat GOD and failed.
Fortunately Human Beings can reproduce faster than they die off...
So as all the just think positive reject the negative drones tell me...If at first you don't succeed try try again.
When I point out that what you are all attempting to do is impossible...You all claim that I'm an Evil Negative person spoiling your fun that is a threat to the Ignorance is bliss religion and that I must be destroyed.
You have all been try try trying again and again to do that as well.
No It can't be...
Yes it can...and is.
Fortunately Human Beings can reproduce faster than they die off.
I can choose to continue living until I reach the point that I die.
Or choose to kill myself to avoid reaching the point at which I die.
The owners of course reserve the right to kill me for any reason.
So do I...but...
The top can see threats to their continued existence long before the bottom sees the destroyers the top sends to annihilate the threat.
Surely the owners are not going to kill me for posting Truth.
Surely Truth is not a threat.
If you mean...The Universe...Truth
If you mean...the war machine constructed to fight Truth or what you all generally call civilization...Human Beings.
And when the war machine constructed to fight Truth depends upon chopping down trees faster than they regrow to fuel the War against Truth...The war machine is trying to defeat Truth.
Unfortunately...It's impossible and the War machine designed to fight Truth and ultimately defeat Truth will fail.
All the ruins coating the surface of the Earth are the skeletal remains of previous war machines constructed by Human Beings that attempted to defeat Truth and failed.
And the current war machine you are all dependant upon to fight Truth is attempting to defeat Truth as well...And its fate is as certain and inevitable as all the previous iterations.
All the new rules which you generally call police state rules...Are being implemented to deal with all the 100's of millions and billions of potential fate resisters that will appear when the supply of trees to power the war machine to fight Truth and sustain the ignorance is bliss religion is exhausted and it becomes impossible for all the 100's of Millions and Billions to continue to ignore their fate.
The only place the top of the absolute capitalist hierarchy can get the power that the bottom of the absolute capitalist hierarchy demand from the top is the bottom...When the bottom is exhausted and has no more power to supply to the top to satisfy the demands of the bottom...The War machine cannibalizes itself and implodes.
The devout followers of the ignorance is bliss religion are ignorant of this.
The top who created the religion the bottom follow...Are not.
The top can see threats to their continued existence long before the bottom sees the destroyers the top sends to annihilate the threat.
"When plunder (Absolute capitalism/taking more power than you give) becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." (An Ecosystem where yield locusts thrive and multiply)--Frederic Bastiat, The Law
"The few (Absolute capitalists at the top of the absolute capitalist Hierarchy) who profit (Yield POWER) from the labor of the masses want to organize the workers (drones) into an army (Of absolute capitalistic yield locusts) which will protect the interests of the (Absolute) capitalists."--Helen Keller, 1916
"I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half." --Jay Gould, robber baron (Absolute capitalist), 19th Century
"If all the bank loans were paid up, no one would have a bank deposit, and there would not be a dollar of currency or coin in circulation. (Not exactally but close enough) This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent, on the (compounding interest) Commercial Banks. Someone has to borrow (Request the manufacture of) every dollar, we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the Banks create (At the request of the consumer) ample synthetic (All money is fiat) money, we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are, absolutely, without a permanent money system. (Been like this for all of recorded history) When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity, of our hopeless position, is almost incredible, but there it is. It is the most, important subject, intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may (Not may...Inevitably will) collapse (Implode), unless it becomes widely understood, and the defects remedied very soon."--ROBERT H. HEMPHILL (Credit Manager of Federal Reserve Bank, Atlanta, Georgia 1938)
(The remedy will cause the implosion since you can either choose to continue cutting down trees faster than they regrow to postpone the implosion for as long as possible or choose to stop cutting down trees faster than they regrow which is the same as running out.)
The solution to avoid the implosion is to choose to not cut down trees faster than they regrow to begin with.
Once you choose to chop down trees faster than they regrow to support the war against GOD...You are attempting to defeat Truth and your defeat is then certain and inevitable.
There is never a lasting victory over lies and the war against Truth has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat.
You are all employed by the top chopping down the trees...The top just pays you to do what you were hired by the top to do...
Who is employed to do all the painting?
You all appear to be employed painting the big picture that I'm looking at.
I point out the various flaws...And the artists flip out, are upset, and tell me that I obviously don't comprehend Art.
It will hit without warning...Just like 911...But unlike 911 which was just a warning that the world trade system had reached maximum potential and is coming down...This will keep going and going and going...It could easily keep going past the point that anyone living will see the end of it...
So the System that you and others are in is indestructible. if some people manage to destroy one, they will set up another. Which is just another version of the System.
Appears to me that you miss the obvious; Truth is 'what is'.
Truth is;
absolute capitalism WAS/IS/WILL BE.
and that's based on your own findings. So if Truth is God, then God is doing its thing... it's in control.
god is dead btw....or he just sucks...
On the one hand I believe what you posit is economic reality. No question one can “see” a conspiracy or monopoly but they are far more difficult to prove. Non the less I’m a believer in the grand conspiracy or monopoly if you will.
On the other hand your lecturing or moralizing comes across like an Elmer Gantry rant! Just what the hell do you want? Sounds to me we’re all damned no matter what we do. So with that Calvinistic conclusion in mind, what’s your point? To prove how stupid the rest of us are? Absent of real choice (no free will) remember you conclude we are born into this losing system ---- so what would you want from us?
You state that understanding our manipulation would set us free---to what other choice or system? To my knowledge there are no alternatives. Well maybe joining the Amish but I respectfully decline. To tell you the truth at age 74 I just don’t give crap! I’m headed for the dustbin soon enough. In the interim, I’ll read poetry, listen to and attend all the opera’s I can, smoke my cigars, drink my booze and enjoy whatever time is left.
Life to me has been and is kind of a movie in that we’re more directed by director’s scripts we had no hand in. We react rather than activate the only choice it seems to me is ones attitude. That’s about the only real or free choice we seem to have in life. We can be imprisoned with a bad attitude or suck it up and move on.
So I end my movie with the attitude my favorite movie character Rhett Butler had to say in reply to Scarlett O’Hara; frankly my dear I don’t give a damn!
"So I end my movie with the attitude my favorite movie character Rhett Butler had to say in reply to Scarlett O’Hara; frankly my dear I don’t give a damn!"
I take it you don't have children and grandchildren?
Very insightful to identify the bliss of ignorance as a religion. So is optimism, which was actually formed as a religious substitute ! They are all forms of denial, which is the refusal to acknowledge reality. HT also correctly labels the practitioners of this religion as ALMOST EVERYONE. They are all indeed fighting The Long War Against God, to use the title of Henry Morris' book.
It is indeed morbidly humorous to think we use the material world God set us up in, to attempt to make weapons against him ! God can suffer this as long as he pleases, and make it end whenever he pleases, just as with individual life. This is the inconvenient truth even the "Top" has to fearfully face. Better to be on God's side and be "invisible" in his secret place.
Yes, this was a great article on more than one level.
Reply to HT,”I take it you don’t have children and grandchildren”?
Yes I do have children and grandchildren, according to you they’re among the damned! Your excellent economics aside, there is something very sinister in your metaphysics. You’re like the physician who wants to berate a patient for a condition they were born with. I still don’t get it!
Here in Boston Mass. At the Ford Hall forum in the 60’s I heard Ayan Rand lecturing pretty much along the same lines that is the culture of the USA was on the road to perdition. No one person had a greater effect on my philosophy and therefore my life. She was and remains my heroine as an aside I’m sorry I can’t say the same about any living man in my life time that measures up to her.
However, she displayed a love for life and a love for the USA. She provided hope through enlightenment. Given that I passed it on to my children and grand children none wear rose colored glasses. They are aware of the deterioration of our ethics; no make that non-ethic. I have lived accordingly and hope they also do so being the best at whatever their doing. No guarantees in life except reality will win out in the end.
So Rhett Butler and Atlas Shrugged have a common attitude. Atlas shrugged with the world on his shoulder, which I interpret as the same attitude as Rhett’s. IE; what the hell do you want from me?
You’re economics brings enlightenment and I congratulate for that much. However your lecturing gives no hope and as Rand said long time ago, “ if you want to enslave an individual, kill a culture, then remove all hope” I paraphrase but I think you get my point. Life without hope is the description and definition of hell!
I’m not interested in some one else’s preaching of heaven or hell but just this life and I’ve managed to wring a lot of good and pleasure out of it. “Out, out brief candle, etc, etc, I think you know the rest
Ayn Rand provided hope through brainwashing.
Interesting that she worshipped the dollar (the Federal Reserve Note of the privately owned Federal Reserve), portrayed a banker as one of the hero 'victims' (the nightmares Midas Mulligan must have had loaning out money that did not exist until his 'customers' borrowed it), and proudly stood by her protege, economic rapist Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, as he was sworn in as Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers.
For more of Ayn's legacy take a visit to aynrand.org where you can read her sociopathic intellectual heirs praising the likes of Enron and cheering on the Iraq torture fest
Oh, come on, Cheryl! Cut that "children" bullshit out. You're not the only one that has them, nor you're the only one that's concerned for their future. As we've already established, your grand masterplan is to drive a motorhome around when shit hits the fan. One would think that with all that insight and brilliance you'd be able come up with something better, but it looks like you've shot the whole wad on "TEH TRUTH" as far as brains are concerned. You and Hyper are keep repeating the same thing over and over again, you don't even bother to write it out anymore, just cut and paste. Is there anything else you guys are good for, or are you a one trick pony? Has any new thought visited you in the last 2-3 months? If so, I haven't seen it here on the blog. Anonymous asked you some very pertinent, specific questions. Do you have anything other than platitudes to say in response?
When questions are directed to me, I try to answer them.
The children remark was in response to anon's claimed lack of concern for the future since 'he'll be dead by then anyway.'
I believe that is part of the philosophy that got us in this mess in the first place.
Ok. So, specific question: You guys are saying we're all fucked and going to die. There is a strong sulfur smell in the air and the clouds on the horizon look pretty menacing. I am certain that every snake handling Southern Baptist preacher in the land will be proud of you. Well,here goes the question: AND? Any suggestions? Because so far you sound like someone telling a smoker with advanced lung cancer that he's going to die and it's all his fault -- painfully obvious and maybe even correct, but certainly nothing that requires much brains to realize. And please don't start that whole "get out of debt, buy gold" thing. Every self-proclaimed oracle on the internet has been saying that for years, so there's nothing original in it. However, you would be original if you explained how being debt free is going to help you much when whole countries collapse around you and destitute, starving hoards are roaming the land. And how to make gold tasty and easily digestible when there is nothing else to eat. Or how to use it to protect yourself against nuclear fallout.
Anonymous asked you a bunch of specific questions, I'll quote them for you:
"what’s your point? To prove how stupid the rest of us are? Absent of real choice (no free will) remember you conclude we are born into this losing system ---- so what would you want from us?
You state that understanding our manipulation would set us free---to what other choice or system? "
Any answers?
One last thing, about "the children". What is your problem with anon's lack of concern? Hyper and you have been ranting on and on about how powerless we are to change things. If we accept this premise, why *should* we be concerned about something we cannot change?
Origin of the Political/Price System TNAT TheNorthAmericanTechnate
You have a lot of your facts correct. There may be some hope in the sense of a better system that if we use may allow us to survive.
Technate - An Idea For Now Stephen L. Doll.
These ideas are unique and have no precedent. It is a way out... not for the world currently.. that is hopeless.. but a chance to start on a new path.
The American Political Price System TNAT info.
Our political system obviously is hopeless.
The North American Technate TNAT
Investigate the Technocracy Technate design.
It gets rid of money.
It uses energy accounting.
It is secular/humanitarian by default and does not employ a class or caste system.
It is designed for North American because of the resource base here.
Best Regards.
"Well,here goes the question: AND? Any suggestions? Because so far you sound like someone telling a smoker with advanced lung cancer that he's going to die and it's all his fault -- painfully obvious and maybe even correct, but certainly nothing that requires much brains to realize."
Obviously it does take something to realize - most everyone I talk to thinks the accelerating economic collapse we're in is 'temporary.'
The terminal cancer patient has been told by his doctors that he has a slight chest cold, been given a prescription for Tylenol and assured that he's going to be fine.
This blog holds the lung xrays to the light and points out the massive tumors...
Then says, "Uh, hate to break it to you, you were lied to. You don't have a chest cold - you have lung cancer and you're dying and there's really nothing to be done. And, I'm sorry to say, it's your fault. Your six-pack a day cigarette habit did you in. Yes, I realize you were lied to by those who said that cigarettes were safe and wouldn't affect your health. I know your parents gave you your first cigarette on your 5th birthday. Unfortunately, it doesn't change anything and there's nothing to do now really, except do everything you can to make sure it doesn't happen again - that everyone knows what was the cause."
[So that we don't do to our descendants what our ancestors did to us.]
"In the meanwhile as long as you're still alive there's always a chance you will survive - quit smoking (get out of debt), eat as well as you can (stock up on food), learn everything you can about your condition and when those in charge lie and manipulate you ("Hey, let's invade Iran") you'll see through them.
We have the 'advantage' of being aware and alive at the 'end' of the cycle - it's up to us to stop it from happening again - to our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren...
Some prefer drinking themselves into oblivion - others prefer to assume the fetal position in the nearest corner while whining for their mommies...
Knowing and doing absolutely nothing is not something I'm willing to do.
Excellent job Hypertiger wisdoms about our current price system that we live in as people. Excellent job Skip Sievert. It is unfortunately but we are doomed unless we look for a better alternative and that is The North American Technate.
Good job on this blog cheryl-lynne. Hyper is probably some of the most interesting reading on the internet. to the newbs... a lot of these posts are clips of conversation of hypertiger actually responding and talking to people. To hypertiger: lol.
Good job on this blog cheryl-lynne. Hyper is probably some of the most interesting reading on the internet. to the newbs... a lot of these posts are clips of conversation of hypertiger actually responding and talking to people. To hypertiger: lol.
I really believe you guys are missing the point. I have thought about this a long time myself and I am amazed that so much of what I have thought about has been brought up here. Why do you think the earth is being taxed beyond repair? Is it because we don't have enough or is it because the demand that the dollar be chased over and over is so great that to keep the game going means running world to death. The USA has now boiled down to who is going to get rich and who is not and rich relative to what? The last decade has seen mansions constructed for common every day folks. Why? So they can live on a higher standard or because they can shit downhill on the rest of the world? Who really needs a 4000 or 5000 square foot home unless they are someone that needs to entertain people? Most people in the US don't make but $50k to $70K per household, which is about enough to have a nice apartment, a couple of cars and a couple of kids they can't afford to educate. So we cut down trees to give these poor people something they can't pay for in order that Wall Street get richer and richer and the debt grows bigger and bigger. It goes right beyond those that think we are inflating to realize that most of the money going out now is to float the interest that can't be paid on the money already borrowed. It don't get too far down the baseline before the bank gets it and retires it.
So, in search of wealth we are digging up the world, raping the ground and poisoning the soil with chemicals. I am not an environmentalist, but someone who realizes the world is chasing its own ass.
''''''It goes right beyond those that think we are inflating to realize that most of the money going out now is to float the interest that can't be paid on the money already borrowed. It don't get too far down the baseline before the bank gets it and retires it.'''''''
Hello think inside the box above... with hopeless homily about Price System ''values''
Alternative systems exist which are not based on money... but you have to take the time to understand them. You are repeating like a parrot... a bunch of monetary voodoo nonsense.
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