US: Iran must not 'stall' on nuclear issue
Wed May 28, 12:00 PM ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The White House warned Wednesday that Iran must not be allowed to use negotiations over its nuclear program to "stall" the world while Tehran pursues what the West fears is an atomic weapons quest.
"We cannot allow the Iranian regime to use negotiations to stall for time, hedge its bets and keep open an indigenous route to a nuclear weapon," said US national security adviser Stephen Hadley.
"If there is one thing I hope we can all agree on, it is that a nuclear-armed Iran would be disastrous for the peace of the Middle East and the world," he said in prepared remarks released by the White House.
Hadley also warned that the United States would hold "fully accountable" any country, company, extremist group, or individual who helps US foes acquire weapons of mass destruction.
"The United States has made clear for many years that it reserves the right to respond with overwhelming force to the use of weapons of mass destruction against the United States, our people, our forces, and our friends and allies," he said.
"Today we also make clear that the United States will hold any state, terrorist group, or other non-state actor or individual fully accountable for supporting or enabling terrorist efforts to obtain or use weapons of mass destruction -- whether by facilitating, financing, or providing expertise or safe haven for such efforts," he said.
President Bush Attends World Economic Forum
May 18, 2008
"We must stand with the people of Lebanon in their struggle to build a sovereign and independent democracy. This means opposing Hezbollah terrorists, funded by Iran, who recently revealed their true intentions by taking up arms against the Lebanese people...
We must stand with the people of Iraq and Afghanistan and other nations in the region fighting against al Qaeda and other extremists. Bin Laden and his followers have made clear that anyone who does not share their extremist ideology is fit for murder. That means every government in the Middle East is a target of al Qaeda. And America is a target too. And together, we will confront and we will defeat this threat to civilization.
We must stand with the good and decent people of Iran and Syria, who deserve so much better than the life they have today. Every peaceful nation in the region has an interest in stopping these nations from supporting terrorism. And every peaceful nation in the region has an interest in opposing Iran's nuclear weapons ambitions. To allow the world's leading sponsor of terror to gain the world's deadliest weapon would be an unforgivable betrayal of future generations. For the sake of peace, the world must not allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon." George W. Bush
[Iran - nuclear issue - Iran - extremists - Iran - weapons of mass destruction - Iran - atomic weapons - Iran - nuclear armed - Iran - nuclear weapons - Iran - al Qaeda - Iran - bin Laden - Iran - deadliest weapon - Iran - terror sponsor - Iran - terrorist fundraiser - Iran - terrorists - Iran, Iran, IRAN...]
From September 2006:
The US Dollar as it's called is the Global Trade Medium of Exchange.
Meaning that to buy oil on the Global market you need US dollars.
In order to sustain the USA as Inflationary engine of the world demand for US dollars has to be sustained...
Raising the price of oil then when US consumers begin desperately attempting to reflate out of the recession that is about to strike is needed.
And the only way to control Iran and the oil price with certainty is with force.
Gas prices are dropping because supply is significantly greater than demand...
The USA is already in recession...
Inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential is what you all generally call Inflation.
Inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential is what you all generally call deflation.
What is called a recession is a slowing of the growth rate of the money supply.
Inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential of the Growth rate of the total debt/money supply.
There has not been an inflation less than previous inflation of the total debt/money supply in over 60 years.
Recessions are caused by a slowing of the rate of growth of the total debt/money supply when consumers reach their maximum potential to continue requesting the commercial banks to manufacture the required amount of new debt/money to sustain the rate of growth of the Total/debt money supply.
Like 1999-2001 the rate of growth of the total debt/money supply slowed from 11% to 6.5% a year and led to the March 2001-November 2001 Recession as recorded by the Business Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
"On November 26, 2001, The committee determined that the peak of economic activity had occurred in March of that year. The March 2001 peak marked the end of the expansion that began in March 1991, an expansion that lasted exactly 10 years and was the longest in the NBER's chronology. On July 16, 2003, the committee determined that a trough in economic activity occurred in November 2001."
So you see that the above "clowns" said the USA was in Recession at the bottom of it in November 2001 and then did not say it ended in November 2001 until July 2003...
By the time the recession is "official" everyone is already deep into it.
All the red vertical lines are the "official" Recessions as recorded by the Business Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
The Bond (Debt) markets stopped their yield rise (Bear) in 2000...And began their (Bull) collapse in yields late in 2000.
The top is where yields stopped rising and paused as the switch from the Bear market in bonds where the top (The rich) covered their shorts and began buying bonds to begin the Bull market run from late 2000 until 2003 when they began selling and shorting...
The speculators follow along.
The same is taking place in the Gasoline markets.
The FEDERAL RESERVE or Central bank which is a little tool the rich invented follows along.
Surely you don't think the rich created the FED to be used by the poor to hurt the rich.
What is the FEDERAL RESERVE or central bank?
A Central bank is a Hub.
"A USB (Universal Serial Bus) hub is a device that allows many USB devices to be connected to a single USB port on the host computer or another hub."
"A bus powered hub is a hub that draws all its power from the host computer's USB interface. It does not need a separate power connection. However, many devices require more power than this method can provide, and will not work in this type of hub."
"In contrast a self powered hub is one that takes its power from an external power supply unit and can therefore provide full power to every port. Many hubs can operate as either bus powered or self powered hubs."
And all the Central Banks on Earth are connected to all the other Central banks.
The First Hub in the 312 [now 314] year old global network of Hubs which the FEDERAL RESERVE is node in is the 1694 Bank of England.
The USA is just an economic zone in a 312 year old "Global system"...A sub Hierarchy within the Global hierarchy.
The USA was made the most important economic zone or power sucking sub hierarchy within the Global Hierarchy in 1944 at the tail end of the 1933-1945 bankruptcy reorganization of the now 312 year old Global hierarchy.
Those who choose to take more power than they give become richer in power or powerful while those who give more power than they take become poorer in power or powerless.
The ancient rich getting richer poor getting poorer cycle.

Oil demand supports the dollar...The rich sell equities and buy bonds...Which causes bonds to be bid up and yields to drop.
The increase in the money supply that is coming from desperate consumers begging the commercial banks to manufacture money will cause the dollar supply to inflate rapidly and collapse it.
Unless the price of oil shoots up significantly to cause an increase in demand for US dollars.
While it is a food powered make work enterprise...Cars don't run on gold dust.
The high Techological iteration of the food powered make work enterprise requires 1000's of chemicals and compounds...Oil being a key one.
Don't worry....We can just keep the bull market gusher going forever.

You all better drop to your knees and pray to your Mahdi Bernanke to use his holy powers to cause it to speed up again.
The median house prices are also showing signs that they are not getting enough worship.
YIELDs or Profits are not rising...Yields are not inflating any more...The FED stopped rasing yields as well...
And the Imams blasted the good news from all the prayer towers that this was a good sign.
The Jihad against deflation....and all the consumers are suicide debt bombers...
Surely we have not run out of martyrs...
So, HT, how do you stop playing the game?
signed, Walter Mitty
Curious to know Cheryl/Hypertiger - do you consider Obamamandius the "eyes on the road and hand upon the wheel" guy for a few more deceptively stable seeming years in the U.S. operating division, or, do you consider him the nouveau patrician FDR-style workout and restructure guy circa 1939-1945?
"Gas prices are dropping because supply is significantly greater than demand..."
Maybe you should start over.
"Gas prices are dropping because supply is significantly greater than demand.."
The material in this post is from September 2006.
"Curious to know Cheryl/Hypertiger - do you consider Obamamandius the "eyes on the road and hand upon the wheel" guy for a few more deceptively stable seeming years in the U.S. operating division, or, do you consider him the nouveau patrician FDR-style workout and restructure guy circa 1939-1945?"
I don't believe it matters so I haven't been paying much attention. If I had to choose, I would vote for Obama as the next finger-pointing puppet plantation overseer.
"puppet plantation overseer"
Have you ever used that designation for a governing white figure in any of your previous published entries?
HT makes some good points but I don't necessarily agree on all points.
I am not so sure we are witnessing a worldwide implosion, to me this is a US implosion, whether the world can successful decouple is yet to be seen.
They say Cailifornia is a bellweather for the US. The US is a bellweather for the rest of the world.
The following is from this week's (May 12) Newsweek: "Americans, particularly the American government, have not really understood the rise of the rest of the world. This is one of the most thrilling stories in history. Billions of people are escaping from abject poverty. The world will be enriched and ennobled as they become consumers, producers, inventors, thinkers, dreamers, and doers. This is all happening because of American ideas and actions. For 60 years, the United States has pushed countries to open their markets, free up their politics, and embrace trade and technology.
"Generations from now, when historians write about these times, they might note that by the turn of the 21st century, the United States had succeeded in its great historical mission -- globalizing the world. We don't want them to write that along the way, we forgot to globalize ourselves."
At some point, Americans will start to realise the reality of this debt morass. They will try to count their own individual assets and, at that point, a national panic will take place. Today most Americans have more personal, household and other liabilities than they have assets. Once this sinks in, the US will be at the trigger-line of a social revolution because the physical assets Americans do have control over will, to most, become a life and death matter. To be stripped of them - as so many Americans are now being stripped of their houses – will mean to be left destitute in the street with nowhere to go. It has happened before. It happened during the 1930s when agents of bankers showed up to sell a farm they had repossessed. On the day of the auction, other farmers walked and rode up. They all had guns in their hands. The auction began and there were no bids. Finally, a younger man stood forward and offered one Dollar for the property. Silence. The agents for the bank tried to leave, only to find that they could not. The other farmers were still there and some raised their guns. Another long silence. Then the top man from the bank accepted the one Dollar bid and that one Dollar was handed over to be followed by a bill of sale. The younger man then handed another Dollar to the first farmer and all he said was that the other farmer could pay it back when he was able. The farm changed hands again and, entirely legally, the farm was back in the legal ownership of the original owner with no debts owing.
The agents of the bank left in their cars in a cloud of dust. For a long way, they could see men and boys with guns along the roads. At the farm, the other farmers left one by one and went home. There had been no violence, nobody had died. But there would have been dead men if this had not happened and all the men there knew it, the farmers as well as the bank's agents. This happened many times in the 1930s but the history of it has died in silence. In future, when the truth dawns on millions of Americans that the Federal Government is BROKE and unable to pay them what it has promised, the stage is set for streets and cities in chaos as Americans rise in rage and in fear.
So then, back on to the question of stability Cheryl-Lynne. When do you expect the full-tilt bankruptcy and restructure activity to begin in earnest?
Will Bushco play the role of triggerman, or will that be left to his successor?
Not that it matters of course, except for the all important question of timing.
"They say Cailifornia is a bellweather for the US. The US is a bellweather for the rest of the world."
California SCREAMING:
To get a sense of how drastic events are in the US, it is worthwhile to look at California. If California were to be measured as a standalone economy, it would be the world's seventh largest. Take a look at what is happening there. The median Californian home price has fallen by 29 percent in the year to March and repossessions are increasing. Unemployment hit 6.2 percent in March, up 1.2 percent from the same month last year. In many ways, California is a bell weather for the rest of the US. Everything almost always happens there first and to a greater extent and for a longer period before it takes place in other parts of the US to a lesser degree. These huge price drops in California are now taking place all over the US and are cutting like a knife in under the collateral value of houses. This leaves the lenders looking at their balance sheets being torn apart. Soon, the lenders will be ripped apart.
The financial foundation of the United States has been broken. The deflationary effect of falling house prices alone, if run at present speed for a year, would wipe out about $US 13 TRILLION in the value of the collateral. That sum, $US 13 TRILLION, is very close to the annual US GDP! In effect, it has the effect of wiping out the sum total of what the US has made, traded for and produced for an entire year. In all economic history, no nation's economy has ever survived that without a thunderous depression and a crash in its financial system. In fact, the real (not financial) US recession has just begun. From now on, no interest rate finagles or other financial legerdemain can stop it from continuing and getting worse.
Today there are four lesser areas of insolvency in the United States. These are the federal budget deficit, the US trade and current account deficit, the now insolvent big US banks, and the rising tide of negative equity for American homeowners. Right in the middle of these four lesser insolvencies are the two biggest of all. These are the combined federal and state unfunded liabilities of $US 61.7 TRILLION and the $US 7 TRILLION in US external debt - which is climbing by $US 1 TRILLION per year.
After taking a long deep breath, it should be obvious that to "solve" even one of these six areas of US insolvency would take an extraordinary effort. To solve all six, even in a sequence, would take the efforts of at least one US generation but likely more than one. Worse, much worse, is the fact that it would take most Americans totally by surprise that they now are in this economic situation even after it has been plastered all over a recent issue of USA Today. The rest of the world CAN see this coming. That is why they are pulling away from the US, barricading themselves inside their own respective economic corners, and making urgent arrangements amongst themselves in this recent series of top-level global summits. Remember, the US was not present at a single one of these summits.
It is this last which is signal, in global geo-political terms, because it signifies that the US is no longer the world's real centre of gravity anymore. The rest of the world has already downgraded the USA to being simply the power on the North American continent in world economic terms and is impossible to talk to.
The only thing really feared by the rest of the world is that the economic collapse of the US, now sliding into deepening recession, will have drastic effects on their own economies. This is the driving power behind these recent world summits. Only closer economic relations between these other nations can lessen the effects of the worldwide effects of the coming US economic depression and financial collapse.
"Have you ever used that designation for a governing white figure in any of your previous published entries?"
From a post of mine on the Prudent Bear chat board:
"When the choice is between Overseer A or Overseer B - you wake up and realize there is no 'choice,' and remove yourself from the farce, thereby revealing the 'system' for what it is - a slave plantation."
I've used it quite often - all presidents are finger pointing puppet overseers of the US plantation of which we are slaves.
If elected, Obama would be the "next finger-pointing puppet plantation overseer."
"Next" as in another in a long line of finger-pointing puppet plantation overseers.
"They say Cailifornia is a bellweather for the US. The US is a bellweather for the rest of the world."
Hmmm, I am not convinced this is true anymore, it remains to be seen I believe. Foreigners are figuring out they don't need us whether or not they can decouple, they certainly are in the process of doing just that.
Either way the weight of the US is just too much for the rest of the world to support anymore. IMHO
Apt description. By the way, I don't necessarily mean to place you on the defensive. I simply wanted to gauge your earnestness. Certain types of nomenclature tend to to be used only when blacks are specifically considered in the equation. Even the holocaust enacted by the modern German state had African origins.
The plantation or slave ship is an accurate model for the current system of governance. But even though universal in its application, the actual name and its appendages tend to be curiously reserved for blacks. Somewhat like Andrew Cuomo's use of "shucking and jiving" to describe Obama's obfuscation.
"So then, back on to the question of stability Cheryl-Lynne. When do you expect the full-tilt bankruptcy and restructure activity to begin in earnest?
Will Bushco play the role of triggerman, or will that be left to his successor?
Not that it matters of course, except for the all important question of timing."
I believe they will keep it afloat at least until the election. I wouldn't plan on it lasting long after. Whether it's before Obama (my predicted winner) moves into the WH or after, I have no idea. Whatever scapegoat event they're planning will have to occur before things really start unravelling.
"Apt description. By the way, I don't necessarily mean to place you on the defensive. I simply wanted to gauge your earnestness. Certain types of nomenclature tend to to be used only when blacks are specifically considered in the equation. Even the holocaust enacted by the modern German state had African origins."
I understand...
At some point, Americans will start to realise the reality of this debt morass. They will try to count their own individual assets and, at that point, a national panic will take place. Today most Americans have more personal, household and other liabilities than they have assets. Once this sinks in, the US will be at the trigger-line of a social revolution because the physical assets Americans do have control over will, to most, become a life and death matter. To be stripped of them - as so many Americans are now being stripped of their houses – will mean to be left destitute in the street with nowhere to go. It has happened before. It happened during the 1930s when agents of bankers showed up to sell a farm they had repossessed. On the day of the auction, other farmers walked and rode up. They all had guns in their hands. The auction began and there were no bids. Finally, a younger man stood forward and offered one Dollar for the property. Silence. The agents for the bank tried to leave, only to find that they could not. The other farmers were still there and some raised their guns. Another long silence. Then the top man from the bank accepted the one Dollar bid and that one Dollar was handed over to be followed by a bill of sale. The younger man then handed another Dollar to the first farmer and all he said was that the other farmer could pay it back when he was able. The farm changed hands again and, entirely legally, the farm was back in the legal ownership of the original owner with no debts owing.
The agents of the bank left in their cars in a cloud of dust. For a long way, they could see men and boys with guns along the roads. At the farm, the other farmers left one by one and went home. There had been no violence, nobody had died. But there would have been dead men if this had not happened and all the men there knew it, the farmers as well as the bank's agents. This happened many times in the 1930s but the history of it has died in silence. In future, when the truth dawns on millions of Americans that the Federal Government is BROKE and unable to pay them what it has promised, the stage is set for streets and cities in chaos as Americans rise in rage and in fear
Amazing story of farmerhood. Is this true or is this fiction? Do u have any books that actually document that it did happen? Amazing because it is so non violent. Just the fearfactor
"Amazing story of farmerhood. Is this true or is this fiction? Do u have any books that actually document that it did happen? Amazing because it is so non violent. Just the fearfactor"
I don't have any documentation. I love the story because I'm an auctioneer. And because it is just. Whether or not it really happened: I hope a group of people living in conjunction with each other could develop enough community to protect one another with such - I'll go ahead and say it, there is no better word - with such LOVE for one another.
I posted it here more for a blueprint, take it {and use it!!}for what it's worth; priceless.
"Whether or not it really happened"
I'd like to believe it did. :-)
On farmers' revolt, see Shay's Rebellion, 1786-7, primarily in Massachusetts. This was a major factor in leading from the relatively innocuous Annapolis Convention (1786) to the momentous Constitutional Convention (1787), which ultimately led to a gov't emphatically more centralized and focused on protection of property.
Beautiful dreamer... you are out to lunch.
Why assume that the given is all there is?
Money-history&energy accounting.
Money is a dead end that kills everyone.
Why support it?
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