The number one source for new money creation on Earth has been for the past 36 years and still is the US real estate sector...It reaches maximum potential and implodes then the 1944 Bretton Woods global trade system implodes taking the USA along with the rest of the global system to oblivion...poof.
Not wrong..
Would you want to work your ass off at this place?
Looking for a slave to generate 100 dollars an hour for me 8 hours a day 5 days a week for a 9 dollar an hour share.
...right to not tell people what is actually going on or the situation that is unfolding will unfold far quicker than those managing it desire it to.
Once a slave becomes aware that they are a slave they become unproductive and hard to control/disobedient
Don't worry be happy everything is under control...and remember we love you...
Every day in the USA currently...consumers request commercial banks directly and indirectly to manufacture around 11 Billion dollars of new money...or about 4 Trillion dollars of new money a year...
What the FED and ECB are doing is a drop in the bucket...compared to what the population of the USA pumps out every day.
In 2002 when I began tracking the consumer the total money supply of the USA was 31 Trillion dollars...since then consumers have requested another 15 Trillion dollars to be manufactured... and the total money supply is now 49 Trillion dollars...
And the total global money supply is around 190 to 200 Trillion dollars equivalent (The monetary system is Global...every country operates the same just the USA is #1 when it comes to how much their consumers pump out into the global economy)...150 Billion is not even 1 tenth of 1% and is about as much as US consumers pump out in 14 days.
Can't have monetary inflation without consumers willing and able to request commercial banks to manufacture ever greater amounts of new money...
There are not many outcomes...There is only one...Inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential follows Inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential once the maximum potential of inflation greater than previous inflation is reached.
To keep prices of commodities from collapsing cuts in production will have to take place...Or a return to a fixed price system...fixed exchange rate system...Fixed by Government...
Which of course has been attempted many times and failed...because it's very hard to fix the birth rate. Very hard to fix the expectations for the future of millions and billions of people...
In 1792 according to the coinage act in the USA the fixed price of gold in relation to dollars or units was...
"Eagles—each to be of the value of ten dollars or units, and to contain two hundred and forty-seven grains and four eighths of a grain of pure, or two hundred and seventy grains of standard gold."
"Dollars or Units—each to be of the value of a Spanish milled dollar as the same is now current, and to contain three hundred and seventy-one grains and four sixteenths parts of a grain of pure, or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver."
So 247.5 grains of pure gold or 270 grains of standard (roughly 90%) gold was attempted to be fixed by Government (Fiat or decree) to equal 3712.5 grains of pure silver or 4160 grains of standard silver
There are 480 Grains in 1 Troy ounce.
And according to the coinage act 247.50 Grains of pure Gold = 10 Dollars or units which is 371.25 X 10 or 3712.5 grains of pure silver.
480/247.50 = 1.94 X 3712.5 = 7202.25/371.25 = 19.40 Dollars or Units.
In 1792 1 Troy ounce of Gold was equal to around 19.40 Dollars or Units.
Or 2 Eagles = 20 Dollars or Units.
Then factor in..."Cents—each to be of the value of one hundredth part of a dollar, and to contain eleven penny-weights of copper."
So 11 pennyweights of copper = 3.7 grains of pure silver. or one hundredth of a dollar or Unit.
Ultimately a Trimetallic standard.
Currently the US Congress set price or book value of Gold is $42.2222 a Troy ounce.
Unfortunately GOLD and silver and copper...etc traded and are still traded in the FREE MARKET, Unfixed market, Broken market...Where there is no FIXED price...So the Government Fiat or decree basically did nothing to actually FIX the prices.
The USA only produces about 180 Thousand ounces of silver a day.
The US dollar as defined by fiat or decree in the 1792 coinarge act of 371 grains of pure silver would produce about 232,727 dollars of coinage...
Enough to sustain the rich getting richer or the delusional lifestyles of the wannabe rich and famous...You know...Look around...Like what you see? well all that you see around you could be sustained for about 1.8 seconds if a return to a fixed exchange rate system happened...
In 1896 and 1900 The City of London/Bank of England/Rothchilds, sons and friends backed the Gold Republicans led by William McKinley against the Silver democrats led by William Jennings Bryan to get the below passed...
"The Gold Standard Act of the United States was passed in 1900 (ratified on March 14) and established gold as the only standard for redeeming paper money, stopping bimetallism (which had allowed silver in exchange for gold)."
That was the end of the US Dollar or Unit as defined in the 1792 coinage act right there...Checkmate.
The City of London/Bank of England/Rothchilds, sons and friends invented the Gold standard or "London Fix" to basically take over and control the world...
"Be it enacted . ., That the dollar consisting of twenty-five and eight-tenths grains of gold nine-tenths fine, as established by section thirty-five hundred and eleven of the Revised Statutes of the United States, shall be the standard unit of value, and all forms of money issued or coined by the United States shall be maintained at a parity of value with this standard, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to maintain such parity."
The USA produces about 22 Thousand ounces a day.
Enough to produce 449,782 Dollars as defined by fiat or decree in the 1900 Gold Standard act.
Enough to sustain the rich getting richer or the delusional lifestyles of the wannabe rich and famous...You know...Look around...Like what you see? well all that you see around you could be sustained for about 3.5 seconds if a return to a fixed exchange rate system happened...
Basically if the required amount of monetary inflation ceases to be obtained by the global system...The global system you all have fallen in love with, Take for granted, and/or depend upon...Stops inflating by the required amount and implodes to oblivion...
And unfortunately there is no way to sustain the required amount of inflation needed by the system past infinity...So it's inevitable that the system will reach maximum potential inflation greater than previous inflation and implode to oblivion...
Our ancestors didn't want to suffer that fate so they postponed it...and have kept postponing it...we currently are and have been...Until of course it becomes impossible to postpone the inevitable any longer...So enjoy the burning embers of the good old days while they last...(Not many days left after centuries of postponement)
The so called chosen ones are the alarm system for the top...You choose to go through them to get to the top and they start screaming and pointing you out...so the destroyers can aquire you more easily.
So then you think your employer is not managing the enterprise properly...it's simple then...Go to your employer and notify them that they are not managing the enterprise properly and tell them to step down and to give you everything they have so that you can begin operating the enterprise properly...
It's simple to declare WAR...winning is a little tougher...
And why do you think the top is in those two locations [Costa Rica and Switzerland]?
The top is based where no one is looking...The top is out of sight out of mind...
And again how would you manage the world differently and deal with all the millions and billions that chose to disagree with your management?
The crisis will come and then you will all react...The top employs all sides...so whichever wins...loses...
Top employer...Bottom employee...You will all work hard supporting the top just as you do now...just as you have always done...
The Bilderburgs? Just employees...They are not the top...The top owns everything those below have...Including their continued existence...
All those powerless clowns you seem to think have power...don't...They are just employees that can be fired at any time...by the top or the employer.
You can target what you can see...you can't target what you can't see...The top knows that...It's why the top is invisible...
All the hate for the top the bottom has is then directed to those below the top that they have hired to absorb it...
All below the top are working for the top...even the ones that don't think they are...
The top know that the plan will never work but all that matters is that those below think it can...the ones trying to implement it and the ones trying to stop it...
There's those trying to put chains around your necks while you are trying to stop them...it keeps you all occupied...busy...working...
Divided and conquered...
The top will see you coming long before you see the destroyers sent to annihilate you...
1 comment:
hi Hypertiger,
Location is key to survive... Where is the less dangerous? Im asking you because I dont have any idea and you might have...
I like Canada and Australia. Im from Canada and moving to Australia would be a serious pain in the ass.
I dont think moving close to the "top" would be a good idea (CR and Switzerland).
You can have clues about Switzerland... How did you come with CR? Curious.
Thanks again for the information. You are very helpful man.
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