The total money supply of the USA is around 49 Trillion dollars...The total Global money supply is easily 200 Trillion dollars equivalent...Half of 1% of the total global money supply is 1 Trillion dollars...Gold (Palladium) can easily be hyperinflated in price with the money that already exists...
All you need is enough numb nuts to desperately desire to buy it. But unless there is something to sustain the constant inflation of the money supply the rise in price will have a maximum potential...Once reached the price of gold (Palladium) will stop inflating greater than previous inflation to maximum potential and then begin inflating less than previous inflation to maximum potential.
The top who do all the buying and selling are selling off their Gold (Palladium) in relation to the price...The top sell strength and buy weakness...
At the highest price the top will dump all the gold (Palladium) they hold into the massive demand of the previously mentioned desperate numb nuts. They will buy it up in mass quantities once maximum potential inflation less than previous inflation is reached of course.
All the price quotes you see...Is what the price of something is after the top is done buying or selling. You see...Since the top does all the buying and selling...they don't need message boards to log onto and speculate as to where the price of anything is going...
The top knows where the price is going because the top is doing all the buying and selling...
The top knew when the price of gold was going to collapse in the early 1980's because they buy strength and sell weakness...they dumped massive quantities of gold they bought up at $35 an ounce for $700 to $800 an ounce
The speculators will think it's just a pull back before the spike up to jackpot heaven...
Then the price of Gold (Palladium) will implode...the top of course will be waiting at the bottom to buy it all up again like they have been doing for 1000's of years...The top has become quite good at capitalizing on the capitalist system.
The top owns the markets they created for the speculators to play in. The top owns the system they hired you all to construct for them...
Look at a little longer term chart...of Palladium
Really the guy banging the gong...Wants you all to buy, buy, buy, and bid up the price...because he's already in and needs more numb nuts/greater fools to reach jackpot heaven...
At the height...Just before the plunge...the top will be screaming from the mountain tops BUY BUY BUY...WHY?
They need some greater fool to sell to of course...

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