Friday, February 29, 2008
The Death Of The Victim
The compounding interest commercial banking monetary system is 600 years old.
If you don't produce food then you have to obtain it from the producers of It. The non food producers are in debt to the food producers. The food producers need Land to produce the food on. They don't have any.
The Food producers are in debt to the LAND LORDS.
Do any of you know how a typical city state or Absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise operates?
The FEDERAL RESERVE calls "money" "credit"
Consumers request compounding interest commercial banks to manufacture money to sustain the delusional lifestyles of the wannabe rich and famous...
Every swipe of a credit card increases the size of the money supply by that amount.
If consumers fail to sustain the required amount of money supply growth...Humpty falls off the wall and all the Kings horses and all the Kings men can't put Humpty back together again.
Not just a few components. The whole thing.
The 600 year old compounding interest commercial banking monetary system is an innovation that made the past few centuries possible. The screen you are looking at. Why do you think prior to the 1900's most people walked, rode on the backs of animals or had animals pull them around in wagons and carts?
Put a a few male and female horses together in a grassy area and you have the FORD horse company.
Grass was Gas. Grass is still the primary source of power of the Food powered make work enterprise.
"Wheat grass can be traced back in history over 5000 years, to ancient Egypt and perhaps even early Mesopotamian civilizations. It is purported that ancient Egyptians found sacred the young leafy blades of wheat and prized them for their positive affect on their health and vitality. The goddess Isis is said to have brought wheat and barley grains to the people of Egypt from Lebanon. The tender young wheat grass blades were prized by Pharaohs and Aristocrats for it’s amazing affects on their health and vitality."
"In 1930 Charles Schnabel, a food scientist from Kansas experimented with a mixture of food that would increase chicken health and egg production in the winter months. After trying various mixtures of vegetables, grains etc in the chicken feed with none of it making a difference, he was nearly ready to give up. Noticing that hens searched out the young nutritious cereal grasses when available, he dehydrated wheat grass and oat grass and included it in their feed. He was amazed to find the cereal grass mixture boosted their health significantly. He stated in his research, “Even a child can see the bloom of health in the grass-fed hens.” Additionally, the Wheat Grass helped winter egg production go up 150% per hen! Further research revealed other remarkable findings…for example wheat grass was found to improve reproductive ability and milk production in cows. Even human infants whose mothers drank milk from grass fed cows, developed faster than other infants whose mothers did not consume milk from grass fed cows."
“15 lbs of wheat grass is equal in overall nutritional value to over 350 lbs of ordinary vegetables.”
–-Charles F. Schnabel
The whole world is broke...It's not just the USA, the system is GLOBAL. The USA was made the Inflationary engine of the now 314 year old Global system in 1944...The previous Engine was England...But it was too small to be the demand of the world and reached maximum potential in 1929 and collapsed.
The 1933-1945 Bankruptcy reorganization of the now 314 year old Global system followed that with the USA being made the Demand in 1944 at Bretton Woods.
Now the USA is reaching maximum potential and there is no replacement.
As soon as you choose to begin taking more power than you give your inevitable self destruction is certain...Try infinite debt. Infinite zeros.
You are all just becoming aware of the consequence of an accounting irregularity that has existed from the very first second of existence of the USA.
The USA is and was toast...from square one.
Sharing power as equally as possible is the only way to sustain life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Taking more power than you give is unsustainable in the long run. In the short run all it can do is produce a temporary prosperity.
The longer you attempt to sustain the taking of more power than you give, the greater the magnitude of the inevitable implosion.
According to the 1944 rules of Bretton Woods, the USA should have imploded in the early 1970's when it ran out of GOLD to balance Global trade. The rules were changed 1971 to 1973 or the 1000 days was the switch to the "NEW ECONOMY" to postpone the inevitable until about 1998, with the official ending of the NEW ECONOMY lie September 11, 2001.
911 Emergency...wahoooga wahoooga....Going down.
It's not a theory...It is and was inevitable....In progress....and almost at the point where denial will be impossible to maintain.
It will hit with maximum potential force.
The last few decades were all smoke and mirrors...A good bye kiss at best.
Maximum potential is GOD. That's ultimately what the implosion is...The logical conclusion of the attempt to defeat GOD equation. It's why you all are searching for a reasonable explanation.
GOD can not be reasoned with (lied to) GOD does not Lie. GOD is unreasonable.
None of you were searching for proof that GOD exists...You spent your lives searching for proof that GOD does not exist. Truth is GOD and GOD is Truth.
Ignorance of Truth is the root of all Evil. There is a logical conclusion of Evil.
One half added to one half equals one. Truth is one
Lie + Lie = Truth.
What gives you what you want to get what it wants? What depends upon GOOD to protect it? What pretends to be GOOD?
Evil is hiding behind Truth because Evil pretends to be one. A good one until you reveal it as a bad or EVIL one and eliminate it.
Evil is finite and fragile. It is not a GOOD one. GOD is infinite and indestructible...It's the only GOOD one.
The GOOD one is always right and the EVIL one is always wrong.
That which is finite and fragile is a variable...It's always a variable.
That which is infinite and indestructible is a constant...It's always a constant.
Evil works in mysterious ways.
GOD does not. LOGIC does not. TRUTH does not. LAW does not.
GOD decides the fate of Evil
LOGIC decides the fate of Reasons
TRUTH decides the fate of Lies
LAW decides the fate of Rules
All are Singularities.
There is no word that can combine them all. But they are all the GOOD one.
Ignorance of GOD is the root of all Evil.
The Evil one gives you what you want to get what it wants.
The GOOD one gives you what you need. The GOOD one gives the Evil one what it needs.
The Evil one that is pretending to be the GOOD one wants to live forever.
The Evil one can never get that.
GOD can not be reasoned with (lied to)
GOD does not Lie.
GOD is unreasonable.
All the Evil one can do is wail and moan about it's fate forever and ever and ever and ever...
Don't cry to me...I did not play any part in the construction and as far as I can tell there is no beginning or end to GOD.
Truth is infinite and indestructible. The Evil one seems to find this unfair.
I know that attempting to defeat The GOOD one is impossible.
The Evil one says...If at first you don't succeed attempting to defeat the GOOD one...Try try again.
There is about 6000 or so years of recorded history. That's how long the Evil one has been trying trying again...
Along with The Evil one's helpers of course.
How does the Evil one obtain the power to sustain the fight against the GOOD one with the goal of Defeating the GOOD one and gaining absolute power over all?
EVIL gives you what you want to get what it wants.
Hopes and dreams.
Lies and delusions.
I just give you what you need.
It is childs play amassing a fortune in a compounding interest commercial banking monetary system.
Key problem you all struggle with is how evil you have to become.
If you could become as evil as possible in an instant. You would become as rich in money and power as possible faster than you all currently believe possible.
Getting to the next level is hard...But once you do you can hire sheeple to suffer the consequences of your actions.
None of you realize how evil rich people are because rich people invest quite a bit of power into maintaining the illusion of goodness.
When rich people feel safe they boast of the utter contempt they have for the sheeple.
The just think positive ignore the negative religion
Power is malinvested into lies and delusions to transform them into Hopes and dreams and to sustain their continued existence for as long as possible.
It takes ever greater power inputs to maintain lies and delusions as hopes and dreams and to sustain their continued existence for as long as possible.
When the lies and delusions masquerading as hopes and dreams require infinite and indestructible power to maintain and sustain their continued existence they require TRUTH to sustain their continued existence since TRUTH is the only source of Infinite and Indestructible power.
The lies and delusions masquerading as hopes and dreams are revealed to be Lies and delusions. The lies self destruct and the delusions shatter.
The debt owed is infinite.
As the money supply increases, the economy is bid up costing more and more faster and faster...Only an ever greater input of cheap labor and raw materials can postpone the inevitable implosion of the rich getting richer poor getting poorer bubble.
Once you reach the point where operating expenses are as low as possible there is nowhere but up to go from there.
Reguardless. Free market capitalism as it is marketed or Absolute capitalism, which is what it is, ends just as cancer ends.
With Death of the victim.
The USA along with the 314 year old global system.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Turning Into A Skeleton Is Considered A Loss
This is the main flaw in the Inflation to infinity and beyond case.
"The point is that the central bank, not the public, has always been and always will be the engine of inflation."
Consumers use their current income which is mostly previously manufactured money or an asset/equity which is inflated in price by previously requested money as collateral for their request of a commercial bank to manufacture new money. Once a consumer has requested all they can request...they are finished. Maxed out.
Once all the consumers in an economy have requested the maximum potential monetary inflation...that's it.
Inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential is what you all call Inflation
Inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential is what you all call deflation.
Forever...Inflation to maximum potential is followed by deflation to maximum potential is followed by inflation to maximum potential is followed by deflation to maximum potential...Forever
The infinite inflation wave. It looks like the below.
10 Inflate greater than previous inflation.
20 If maximum potential inflation greater than previous inflation has been reached goto 30 else goto 10.
30 Inflate less than previous inflation
40 If maximum potential inflation less than previous inflation has been reached go to 10 else go to 30.
The above program has no beginning and no end and is always running and ultimately it can never be stopped (destroyed).
Inflation is finite and fragile. It's a variable. The power that sustains it is a constant.
The key flaw ultimately is that there is no interest attached to GOLD so tales of $10,000 an ounce gold are needed to sustain interest and to back that up, belief in the magic printing press of infinite inflation lie is required.
The Central Bank facilitates requests of commercial banks for liquidity. When consumer requests dry up...commercial bank requests for the FED to supply liquidity dry up.
There is nothing the FED can do once the consumers have requested all they can request.
Just like a horse ridden to exhaustion...The rider can dismount and whip it to death if they choose to do so. The horse is not going to budge.
No money is given away for free. There is interest attached.
From 1790 to 1964 or 174 years...1 Trillion dollar total money (debt) supply.
From 1964 to 2000...25 Trillion dollar total money (debt) supply.
From 2000 to now...49 Trillion dollar total money (debt) supply.
Even if rates cave to new lows, I doubt there is enough volume to sustain the required amount of debt inflation. And rising rates would lead to rapid volume dry up.
I'm talking about the point at which the money/debt supply can not inflate any more...
When that point is reached the fantasy world you live in implodes...poof.
Consumers use their current income which is mostly previously manufactured money or an asset/equity which is inflated in price by previously requested money as collateral for their request of a commercial bank to manufacture new money.
Stages of a compounding interest commercial banking monetary system is...
Stage 1. Inflation of debt and the destruction of savings.
stage 2. Deflation of debt and the destruction of equity.
Stage 3. Bankruptcy of the banks, collapse of the economy/division of labor, and the consolidation of power.
The USA has been in stage one for decades.
The bond market sets rates...The FED follows along. But there are the primary dealers...or Gang of 22.
The markets are abominations...Greater fool games...
The NYSE started in at the Tontine Coffee-House. The first Shares were sometimes traded on the sidewalk in front of It. It's like a back alley game of craps that went insane.
"The origin of the NYSE can be traced to May 17, 1792 when the Buttonwood Agreement was signed by twenty-four stock brokers outside of 68 Wall Street in New York under a buttonwood tree. On March 8, 1817 the organization drafted a constitution and renamed itself the "New York Stock & Exchange Board". This name was shortened to its current form in 1863. Anthony Stockholm was elected the Exchange's first president"
The first Banknote issuing commercial bank appeared in the USA 1681...
The first central bank in the USA? (Counting the Bank of North America as the first central bank the FED is the 4th central bank of the USA).
The Inflationary phase is they who gain the most win.
The Deflationary phase is they who lose the least win.
Turning into a skeleton...That is generally considered a loss.
This system you are all in is not, was never, and never will be sustainable in the long term. Nobody cares about the future much. They just cry about it when they get there.
It appeared to be a good idea at the start of the march to doom with glee because at the start the future always looks bright.
It never looks dark except to those who know what's going on but they are just called negative thinkers and ignored. The just think positive and ignore the negative religion has a negative consequence that is of course ignored.
The system is ultimately a mass delusion.
A collapse in psychology can wipe it out at any time reguardless of what mechanical operations take place.
Like right now...If the majority were to think...Oh my GOD the economy is going to collapse I better get lean and mean.
The system would pop like a soap bubble.
In the 1970's the inflation was trapped in the USA. Bretton woods set up the USA as the demand in 1944 with everone else the supply...The USA the Supply of money and everyone else the demand for it in exchange for cheap raw materials.
The global system inflated out of the rubble of WW2 which was the climax of the 1933-1945 bankruptcy reorganization of the now 314 year old global system.
Once everyone was rebuilt they all began expanding all their economies. Excess supply dried raw materials dried up.
Increasing the the amount of money that was required to obtain them...
Consumers request commercial banks to manufacture money...In a compounding interest commercial banking monetary system. Consumers use their income which is mostly previously manufactured money or an asset/equity that has been inflated in price by previously manufactured money as collateral for their request of a compounding interest commercial bank to manufacture new money.
"The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled."
--John Kenneth Galbraith
Note the FEDERAL RESERVE calls "Money" "credit" and the Total credit market debt is the Money supply of the USA.
“The study of money (Power), above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it.”
--John Kenneth Galbraith
In the Inflationary phase gains are overvalued while in the deflationary phase losses are overvalued.
In the deflationary phase there is the Liquidatee an the Liquidator.
In the inflationary phase there is the asset and the owner.
The inflationary phase inflates greater than previous inflation to maximum potential.
Then inflation becomes inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential or the deflationary phase.
Assets begin transforming into unfundable liabilities or Liquidatees and Owners begin transforming into Liquidators.
Turning into a skeleton...That is generally considered a loss.
We are all survivors of the many previous deflationary phases of the infinite inflation wave. If we were not we would not be interacting. We would be skeletons.
Inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential is what you all call inflation.
Inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential is what you all call deflation.
Inflation greater than previous transforms into inflation less than previous at maximum potential and then inflation less than previous transforms into inflation greater than previous at maximum potential.
The infinite inflation wave.
Inflation is a variable...The power that sustains it is a constant.
Maximum potential is infinite and indestructible. It's a barrier and on the other side of it all is finite and fragile.
The Universe is on the other side of the barrier. Your awarenesses of the Universe are not in the Universe.
The barrier does not exist in your minds.
I account for it...none of you do.
You all are basically running in terror from that which you are going to smash into.
Truth is infinite and indestructible. Truth is a constant.
Everything else is a variable.
The constant decides the fate of the variables.
In the deflationary phase there is the Liquidatee an the Liquidator.
In the inflationary phase there is the asset and the owner.
The inflationary phase inflates greater than previous inflation to maximum potential.
Then Inflation becomes Inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential or the deflationary phase.
Assets begin transforming into unfundable liabilities or Liquidatees and Owners begin transforming into Liquidators.
I have, due to failure to account for the constant, been liquidated twice. But for a finite and fragile amount of time. In the real world it is quite easy to turn into a skeleton by failing to account for the constant.
Most of you undervalue the constant and overvalue variables.
It is an ancient accounting irregularity.
Top lives off the yield from the bottom...That is the system.
A horse can be ridden to exhaustion...The rider can dismount and whip it to death if they choose...The horse won't budge once it's reached maximum potential...
I'm well aware of how numbers work...Zero is nothing....adding more zeros onto the ends of numbers is adding nothing.
Whether a paper clip is 1 cent or 1 Trillion dollars it's still a paper clip.
A well rested horse is not an exhausted horse.
And an exhausted horse is zero.
Top lives off the yield from the bottom.
When the yield from the bottom to the top becomes zero...The top goes nowhere.
The top needs to find a well rested horse to ride...You can add as many exhausted horses to the equation as you want...You are not going anywhere.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Top Can't Keep You All Stupified Much Longer
I guess until someone with real authority tells you all that you are in a recession you aren't...Simple...You are drones after all...That's the school of economics that The people running the US Economic system are operating under...The last time Americans were all told they were in a recession was after 9-11 prior to that there was concerned speculation...
Just keep watching...And waiting for the blindside...The top can't keep you all stupified much longer...
The US along with the global economy is collapsing right now...Has been for decades...
Japan has said that the carry trade is over...And the BIS has said that the Global economic system is broken and a new one is needed...over your heads...wooosh you all need a bloodbath...don't worry it's coming...You are all working very hard for your LORD to bring it on...
And plenty of other people are waking up and starting to moan and they don't even have the foggiest clue how bad it really is and how bad it's going to get...
Like really you all are being blowtorched into a stupor 24/7...My antiprograming barely touches you all and ultimately once the brick wall is smashed into...You will be paralyzed with terror basically...
The delusions you cherish will be shattered...And there will be no debate with the wrath of GOD...
As long as the interest attached to the medium of exchange policy is in force...Nothing will change...There is no escape from the cycle that interest attached to the medium of exchange creates.
And what's this about Socialism and planned economies?
A factory is an example of a planned economy...You don't believe in factories?
Socialism? What the hell is that? An absolute capitalist scam at best. As far as I can tell there is no Socialism of any significant nature on the face of the Earth...It's like taking a bottle of poison and changing the label so that people think it's a health drink...I see Communist policies/Gradual absolute capitalistic and Fascist policies/Violent absolute capitalistic...I don't see any Socialist policies/Responsible capitalistic...
Are you one of those people that think there is such a thing as non capitalism? No matter the religious dogma or political system there is no way to escape capitalism...The rumor is that capitalism ends when a human dies...
All life and all things in the Universe are capitalistic.
"Debt deflation"
As the debt deflates debt inflated assets and commodities will deflate...One by one...Oil followed by Gold should be the last to deflate...
Deflate in relation to what? The medium of exchange...
You show me one instance in all of recorded history where the top did not buy you all up (The bottom) for next to nothing...You are all just a bunch of get rich quick speculators to me...I can only put up with your hypocrisy and or stupidity for brief periods.
I seen plenty of talk the talk types who can't walk the walk when it is time to.
How many is plenty? Every human being I've come into contact with so far.
You are all individually and collectively DOOMED...Even the best case scenario is more then you can stomach...You are going to cry one by one even the mighty will be rolling on the ground crying why...why...why?
Yes deflation must happen...On paper you can just keep adding zeros. The FED does not inflate the money supply. According to you Germany should still be hyperinflating...sorry your wishful thinking has been blown out like a candle many times.
People requesting commercial banks to manufacture money cause monetary inflation in a compounding interest commercial banking monetary system.
Consumers use their current income which is mostly previously manufactured money (debt) or an asset/equity that has been inflated in price by previously manufactured money (debt) as collateral for their request for a commercial bank to manufacture more new money (debt)
I'm just hanging around because it has not become too ugly here...As soon as mass realization hits that the USA along with the 314 year old Global system is game over and the lie of the magic printing press self destructs and the delusion of infinite debt inflation shatters...I'm bailing...No one will need to be told...I told you so...
Why would the authorities hyperinflate...Do you even know how a hyperinflation works?
I have already explained numerous times that the current system is a debt backing debt system...and the medium of exchange is debt...How do you get hyperinflation? How do you sustain it?
So lets look at Germany...
After WW1 the winning powers as a condition for stopping the war made Germany responsible for paying for the whole war in Gold...
Germany did not have the GOLD so the plan was to print Marks and buy GOLD...
Now anyone with half a brain knew there was not enough Gold in the world to pay the bill...Germany printed Marks to buy Gold from basically the winning powers who then used the Marks to buy up German assets and exports...
The part of the story that is not told is what effect that had...The New Marks entered the German Commercial banking system and inflated the Fractional reserves allowing the Banks to create massive amounts of new debt...
In the end the Gold pile that was being Bought by Germany was not even moving...It was just changing ownership...Germany kept buying the same pile of Gold and each time they bought it it took more and more Marks which then came home to roost in Germany inflating the fractional reserve of the commercial banking system which allowed the banks to continue to create ever greater amounts of debt which bid up the prices of everything...
This process became faster and faster greater and greater until it became hyper...which lasted 14 to 17 months...The internal rate of inflation went from 20% to 800,000,000,000% in less than two years...the overnight lending rate or Germany's Federal funds rate increased to 500,000 basis points...
Prices were rising by the hour workers were going on strike demanding to be paid twice a day with wheelbarrels of cash...It became impossible to account so the presses were shut down...
Without the printing presses supporting the required amount of debt inflation needed to sustain the debt backed by debt system it imploded...Now there was massive amounts of Marks printed but they only backed 20% to 30% of the debt that was created...
A classic hyperdeflationary imploson...mass starvation and repression, food riots and troops gunning people down in the streets followed which is not widely reported...
The top was able to buy GOLD backed Marks with their excess Marks during the whole inflationary phase...The Common German could not afford them since they never had enough Marks ...The top then bought up the bottom at below firesale prices...
Once the dust settled and order was restored the Central bank issued new Fiat...
It was not the end of fiat at all...
The General Consumer in the US has no ability to print money to pay their debts and the vast majority 80% of all debt in circulation is consumer generated...A consumer uses previously created debt or a debt inflated asset as collateral for a request of a commercial bank to create new debt...
Since the medium of exchange in a debt backed by debt system is debt, the only way to service a debt is with debt and the only way that can be sustained is if debt inflates by the required amount...
The required amount is consumer requests for its creation or volume...
You need $1000/year to service your personal debt inflated empire...which means at 10% interest/year you have to find enough people to sign on the dotted line or borrow $100,000 - at 1% you need to lend out $1,000,000 and at 0.1% you need to lend out $10,000,000.
But as the debt supply expands prices are bid you need more and more...
What happens if the volume dries up? What happens when the consumers have requested all the debt they can request and they refuse to or are incapable of requesting anymore?
Debt inflation slows...also known as recessions...Then stops and reverses...also known as depressions or credit crunches which turn into General breakdowns or hyperdeflationary implosions...
Now the end of Fiat...Well you need a complete breakdown...Such as when Rome imploded...Without a Central Government to enforce Fiat legitimate no fractionalized mediums of exchange such as Gold, Silver, Copper, Grain along with barter...etc return...
As long as there is a Central Government Fiat will never disapear...
As long as attaching interest to the medium exchange is considered civilized there will be no end to fractionalization which leads to fiat.
What do you think the Homeland Government in waiting is for? The freaking return of Gold as a medium of exchange?
Sunday, February 24, 2008
The Worst Is Yet To Come
It is impossible to cover all the debts at once...Currently if all the cash in existence was dumped on the amount owing it would not even be enough to pay the interest...There is not going to be an end to fiat in our lifetimes...System implosion yes - end of fiat no.
Other then a brief period at the start of US History it's been a fractionally reserve only shows up once the Gold and silver supply shrinks too far in relation to the debt the debt inflates the demands on the fractional reserve increase until it becomes impossible to use Gold and silver as a monetary base...Then fiat is introduced.
In a debt backed by debt system the money supply is debt...It is the debt that is going to hyperdeflate.
Who hyperinflates? Well those who owe also need to have an ability to print for a hyperinflation to work...Unless they allow consumers to inkjet money to pay their debts consumers have no ability to print...
This is what the hyperinflationists believe...
You the bottom owe the top...but you can't pay, but not to worry the top has a printing press and they will print up what you owe them and give it to you and then you give it to them...
And what is this insistent gawking at government debt?
Consumer debt makes up 80% of the debt supply...Consumers using previously created debt and debt inflated assets as collateral requesting new debt creation from commercial banks...Consumers are the primary source and interest attached to the medium of exchange is the primary cause of debt inflation.
Most of the US government debt is just recycled previously created debt rolled over...the actual new debt creation is very small and unlike the general consumer all that is owed is the interest...If the Government wanted inflation they would begin hiring more Americans instead of outsourcing or giving government employees significant raises or increasing benefit payouts...
All the inflation you see is consumer generated...A massive volume of consumer drones signing on the dotted line is all. And like I said before The FED usually follows what the market dictates rates should be...
If the fed needs to strengthen debt inflation then they lower rates well below what the market dictates and when they want to weaken debt inflation they raise rates above what the market dictates...
But it still boils down to volume...You need people signing on the dotted line in massive numbers to sustain a perpetually positive bid...
Consumers have a finite ability to request debt...
Since the FED has been in operation from 1913 to present it has not given away anything...It is a lender of last resort not a non profit charitable organization...
But you people seem to think that at some point it is going to turn into a non profit charitable organization and start giving away free money...
What you are saying is the FED combined with the US government is going to give away free food, clothing, energy, cars, houses, "free everything" when you clowns are no longer able to purchase those things...
Basically not only do none of you want to work for a living, none of you know how to (You think chasing after yield is productive behaviour) and you think the Fed and US government is just going to give everything away for free forever...That is the stance of the Hyperinflationists...
I believe the opposite is going to happen. The depleted units of human capital will be liquidated while you clowns believe they will be rewarded...
What you people are saying is that when an employee does not work and is no longer needed the Employer will be forced for some reason to just keep paying them more and more...
That is exactly what you Inflation forever clowns think...too bad outsourcing, layoffs and the recycling of labor into lower pay scales is taking place...
If the authorities were to start an effective hyperinflation the Dollar in relation to everything else would collapse rapidly...More and more people would not want them...As long as production is slashed as fast as or faster than demand it will retain its status...
A depression is not bad if you have a source of income...Unless the price of goods drops to zero, zero income does not buy very much...
When a hyperdeflation of the debt supply happens the circulating medium of exchange which is debt in a debt backed by debt system stops circulating rapidly which leads to a rapid contraction in the division of labor...This process runs to maximum potential...Either the authorities declare an emergency and try to regain control like 1933 or the implosion will continue until a complete breakdown of civilization happens...
You either need massive demand or short supply to maintain a bid...
The US was entering into a classic hyperinflationary mode from the middle 60's to the early 80's. The policy to stop it was called the controlled destruction of the economy policy in 1979...Because once it passes the double digit into the triple digit phase it becomes hyper and the effects of stopping at that point are lethal.
Now there are people who think the market sets rates and the FED just follows along...For the most part this is true...But beginning in 1978 the FED cranked the FED rate and kept cranking until the economy began to not only collapse but show visible the time 82 had rolled around the Economy was collapsing at a rapid rate...It collapsed enough that it was impossible for rates to continue rising...Rates have been dropping ever since while manufacturing has been exported out of the US at an increased rate...
Basically debt inflation has been exported out of the US to prevent the system from hyperinflating...
Some people would call it a liquidity trap...which is followed by a credit crunch or what I call a hyperdeflationary implosion of the debt supply.
Japan was the primary importer and as far as I can tell Japan sure inflated good from the early 80's until the early 90's...Then the next importer became Canada and Mexico with free trade and finally China is now slurping it up...
Japan has been turned into a deflationary sink for excess debt inflation since it collapsed...Most of the excess US debt inflation that is imported to Japan ends up in Japanese markets which are sold off to support Wall Street. That is the primary reason why Japanese markets have gone nowhere for so long...
And not to let the US Government off the hook massive borrowing during the 80's also helped keep the system inflating by the required amount which is not too much and not too little...
And no one knows how much is too much or too little until the effects start showing up...
But a funny thing starts happening when very low rates show up...You run out of volume...It happened in Japan, rates crashed in search of volume but since they can't drop too low and below zero is impossible as far as sustaining an economic system there was no more volume...The system in Japan ran out of consumers because they were maxed out...
Imagine refinancing your house in Japan for 1,000,000 at 2.5% for 100 years but if you sold it you could only get $250,000...Japan is completely insolvent and has been for a decade...
Now people would say...well The US could go the same route...Unfortunately Japan is sustained on life support from the US export to Japan of debt inflation...without that Japan would cave in rapidly...
Japan shares a symbiotic relationship with the US. Combined they produce over 50% of the debt inflation that keeps the planet Liquified...
Germany is also highly dependant upon US exported Debt inflation and it is the number 3 economy in the world...
Hint...WW2...USA defeated Japan and Germany...I wonder who set up their Central Banks? If your guess is Buddhist monks then try again.
Anyway you slice it and dice it there is no way that the rest of the world could support the US once it caves in since it is the US supporting the entire world...or sucking from the bottom to support the top...the UK gets a cut since the mother Bank in the Global network is located in London and I suppose if you factor in all the loans Israel gets which never have to be paid back it does also...
A strong case can be made that the Mother bank is in Switzerland since it was Neutral during WW2 but conducted banking for all sides. You could say that European interests are the Brains and the US is the Brawn.
All I know is the system has a maximum potential and when reached the system implodes...and we are close...
The compound interest system always fails...Proper management? What is that? It is being managed just fine...a compound interest system inflates to its maximum potential then implodes...That's all it can do...It is you clowns who think it is not being managed properly...Or that it is capable of doing something it is not designed to do...
This is what the compound interest system does...To me it looks like it's working better then it ever has in all of recorded history...
How do you think it is being mismanaged? Everyone at the top is partying...everyone in the middle and lower (The Bottom) is crying like babies...It is working like it has worked for 1000's of years...
Power, you either have it or you don't...If you have it you have to maintain and expand it and if you don't you have to obtain it...
The system implodes because it is systemically flawed...Interest attached to the medium of exchange...
A medium of exchange belongs to everyone...when you attach interest to it you are claiming ownership of it and renting it out...It is only a matter of time until it is sucked out of the hands of the many into the hands of the few...
Only liars and fools say or think otherwise...
The system implodes and it always will implode...Like it's been doing for 1000's of years...
You clowns should just march and chant "Make us rich, make us rich, we the people demand you make us rich..."
It's a comedy.
There are no magic spells...Maximum potential is maximum potential. The FED as lender of last resort has an infinite ability to lend...Unfortunately consumers have a finite ability to request (borrow)...sorry to burst your bubble.
To get rich you must take more then you give...fine if only a few people do it but once everyone in society does that the system rapidly inflates to its maximum potential and then implodes....
The largest debt inflationary engine on the planet currently is the US real estate industry/market...Jigs up.
Last year the US made up 90% of world GDP growth. The rest of the world is in various states of collapse in the top sucking from the bottom system...
Once the bottom is sucked dry the top cannibalizes itself which has accelerated drastically the last 20 years.
I've left out the IMF, Bretton Woods, the invention of the magnetic strip along with the ATM and the introduction of the Micro processor powered New economy in 1971-72 and a whole pile of other stuff...
It is how the compound interest system has worked for all of recorded history.
Inflation has a finite limit...
The basic operating system now is no different then at any other time in history...
More technologically advanced but that's it. Top sucks from the bottom until it is sucked dry then it collapses. Over and over again just like it has been doing for 1000's of years.
"You" inflate the debt supply whenever you request a commercial bank to create debt out of thin air...
Consumers request (Beg) and the bankers give you what you want...The Bankers are giving you what you want and now you are telling me you don't want them to do that?
"You" along with billions of other consumers...Beg the bankers to make your dreams come true and they are only giving you what you want when they agree with your request...end of story.
And why you think the Bankers need to keep you on life support once you become worthless to them is beyond me...
If you were an employer would you keep someone around that either did no work or was not needed anymore?
Forget sheep more like drones. Consumer drones.
All you are interested in is striking it rich...end of story...My little bedtime stories cause your simplistic day dreams to blow up in your faces...
All you want to do is believe in fairy tales of the magical printing press...
When every idiot and their dog says "holy crap everything is caving in we're screwed...everything we believed in was a lie...we're doomed."
Interest rates rising by a billion basis points a nanosecond is no big deal...
The drone belief system...the Just think positive inflation forever religion.
You like interest don't you? Well Interest attached to the medium of exchange is the cause of fractional reserve banking not an effect of it...Now you can live off interest but once the entire population thinks they can it's game over...
You can fractionally reserve gold until the debt created in relation to the gold supply makes the fractionally reserved commodity disappear...Then you can not meet your requirements...That's what happened in 1971...the US ran out of Gold to back its consumer generated debt.
Labor is the same...While the top which does nothing expands the bottom in relation contracts until there is no one left to do the work anymore...
Productivity from the bottom which the top lives off must continually inflate or the wages must continually drop to allow the top to expand...
That's what outsourcing and free trade is all about...and why 100,000 People are allowed to cross the southern U.S. border every month...
The Romans did not waste time they just invaded and sent the excess male population to slave labor mining operations and the bulk of the Woman and children to Rome as slaves and servants or just hacked them up for fun...
Most of you here have an economic understanding which falls somewhere between the board game Monopoly and the Video Game Sim City...The average University produced Economist is above that level and they are Idiots...
The only reason you are crying about the master is because you are not the master...period
I've studied the plan that the top is implementing and the more I interact with the sheep and the drones at the bottom the more I think that their plan is good. What else are they going to do? Commit suicide so you can all move up a couple of levels in the economic food chain?
At some point I'll just stand back and watch what you are all begging, no, screaming at the top of your lungs for the top to give you...
Economic Doomsday...
I deal with truth you do not...Then you either say what is the truth? Or you claim that only GOD knows the truth...
If you don't know what the truth is then how do you know what lies are?
Answer: You don't give a rats ass...
I have a wheel barrel full of Gold and silver and advocate a return to a gold and silver standard but want a hyperinflation first so I can strike it rich...Really? I'm shocked...
You think the TOP is going to give you what you want? And you say you are living in reality and I'm living in Fantasy.
You better drop to your knees so quick that they shatter and pray I'm wrong...
Don't bother...Don't hurt yourself for no reason...I'm right and it is just a waiting game...everyone one says I'm right in the end...
In 1997-98 when I said Y2K would cause the collapse of the New economy moronism I was gang raped by the morons just as badly...Month after month of trying to explain to idiots how the system worked and I know far more now then I did back then.
You are all in for a mind numbing surprise. When 2000 rolled around I just laughed when the Nasdaq caved in and all the former get rich quick idiots in denial began crying for their mommies.
The worst is yet to come...
If the owners of the Fed decide to buy something they can but they already own the entire world so I don't know why they would monetize anything...Just release the death squads and liquidate the depleted units of human capital...
I don't see why they would want to start a hyperinflation since they know it will only last a few months and end in a hyperdeflationary implosion anyway...
I could see a limited hyperinflation to buy enough time to put the finishing touches on the final solution plan before it is executed.
It's just a waiting game to see what the manufactured scapegoat to cover the implosion will be for you to lap up.
Fractional reserve banking in its present form has been an institution for 600+ years...Yes, even when gold was money...
The current global system is 315 years old and is in the terminal phase...
You better prepare to be seriously let down...Because you will be when everything caves in...
Friday, February 22, 2008
An Extinction Level Economic Event
We need one last refi so Mortgage rates would have to drop below 5% to around 4.5% which would equal a ten year yield of around 2.5% before real estate prices collapse. It's hard to refi if you are under water too far...once Real estate prices cave the volume needed will dry up quick [September 2004]
You can't prevent deflation you can only postpone its appearance...
In a debt backed by debt compound interest system the medium of exchange is debt which must be perpetually inflated by the required amount and there is a finite limit to the ability to manipulate the other equations in the algorithm to supply the compound interest equation with the required inputs.
Ultimately the required amount of debt inflation required by the compound interest system becomes infinite...the system destabilizes, collapses, then implodes.
2000-2003 was a destabilization and partial collapse...
To sustain debt inflation you need to get the required amount of people to sign on the dotted line when demand outstrips supply it's over...
Rates drop when debt inflation rises and rise when debt inflation drops...
[US mortgage rates rose 1/8 pt on Friday - BestInfo
Fri Feb 22, 2008 3:37pm EST
NEW YORK, Feb 22 (Reuters) - The average rate on a 30-year U.S. mortgage with no upfront points rose 1/8 percentage point on Friday to 6-1/2 percent, according to BestInfo Inc.
The 30-year mortgage rate with one upfront point increased 1/8 percentage point to 6-1/4 percent. The 30-year mortgage rate with two upfront points also rose 1/8 percentage point, to 6 percent.
The Mortgage Point Monitor is provided exclusively to Reuters by BestInfo, Inc., a Dover, Vermont-based provider of mortgage market analysis.]
But they can't drop below zero...that is the game over line.
The compound interest equation is the key to the system...
All you are interested in is placing a bet at the casino based on the myth that the authorities are going to be in a position to press a button which floods the system with money allowing you to get rich...end of story...
Is it possible to start an effective hyperinflation? Yes but it leaves a paper trail right back to the culprits and the end result is a Hyperdeflationary implosion anyway...A more prudent action to take is to stage an event to blame it all on so you can more easily accept your fate...
The magical printing press is a fairy tale told to children to prevent them from having nightmares or asking adults for real answers that would only cause the child to cry.
In a debt backed by debt system the medium of exchange is debt...
Social engineering begins the moment you are born and continues round the clock day in and day out...
And deflation is not exactly the best term but it is close...Inflation is finite and fragile while deflation is infinite and indestructible...
Inflation increases, decreases and has a beginning and an end...It's a variable...Deflation does not increase decrease or have a beginning or an end...It's a constant.
An implosion is not caused by a rapid increase of deflation it is caused by a rapid decrease of inflation.
But according to all of you the FED has a magic button that when pressed alters the structure of the Universe making inflation infinite and indestructible...
That's what you actually believe...
Interest attached to the medium of exchange is the primary reason the system functions the way it does...Interest concentrates the control of the medium of exchange from the hands of the many into the hands of the few...
Fractional reserve banking is an effect of interest attached to the medium of exchange not the cause... The FED exists because of interest...
The Fed has done a good job combating Inflation...Not too much and not too little...They have basically maintained the required amount...Now the required amount is always more then the previous required amount until the required amount becomes infinite... the system destabilizes, collapses, then implodes...
The stock market...It has a powerful psychological effect...If the authorities need to sustain psychology beyond the breaking point then that is where they will do it...It's foolish to think that they will give out money for free but they can engineer the markets...
In the end since everyone is in get rich quick mode the markets will be engineered to be the get rich quick scheme of last resort before the cave in...So there should be a doomsday spike...Then the insiders will massively short it to oblivion...
Monopoly is a certainty...interest attached to the medium of exchange is the cause of fractional reserve banking not an effect of it.
It boils down to survival...I'm not a get rich quick speculator...You need an ability to survive for at least a year with no income...
I figure a significant supply of silver coins will help...But it is up to each individual to figure out what they are going to do...You have to figure it out...If I had $100,000 I would buy as many Silver Maples as $50,000 would allow in small batches.
How much do you people need? It's taken me almost 8 years to shrink my cost of existence down from $6000/month to $1,600 and I can survive on 1,000 for extended periods and nothing for six months with a goal of 1 year...
The vast majority will be forced to do what has taken me 8 years to do in the space of a couple months...
Aren't you all getting lean and mean? I seriously doubt it.
Cities are nothing more then massive debt inflated make work projects...The division of labor will rapidly collapse in the cities...Small towns with a good natural resource base would be the safest...So there is a mobility component to any plans...
It will be a replay of the great depression only far worse...
In 1930 the automobile was only a few decades old...Prior to 1900 to 4000 B.C and beyond A wagon attached to an animal or riding on the back of an animal or walking was the main mode of transport...
In a depression situation the two horse family could eat a horse...It's hard to eat a car.
The system in operation started in 1694 a National central bank...Before that the Banking system was decentralized...and it reached maximum potential the solution to perpetuate the compound interest system was centralization at a national level then to sustain it Globalization is needed...
A network of National central banks all feeding the mother bank...
1971 was when we went fully global...Once the system reaches maximum global potential thats go further you need a planetary system...
Mars and Venus are less habitable then Antartica and the nearest prospects are light years away...
No more canibalization has set in...for the past 20-30 years...
Or will be collapses of increasing intensity 2000-2003 was one...then the last collapse will turn into an implosion...
With the amount of monopolization prices could very well remain high for quite awhile if production is cut...
In England during the depression they dumped grain at sea attempting to ignite inflation while people starved in the streets...
The problem you are having is you are trying to find an answer for the date of collapse...who knows the exact day?
All economists do is assume that inflation will never end...Once maximum potential is reached and the compound interest equation can not be satisfied no matter what then it's game over...System implosion is inevitable...It's just a waiting game...One of the key signs that we are close is interest rates...
To satisfy the requirement of the Compound interest equation you need volume...rates can only go so low...then volume dries up and it becomes impossible to supply the required inputs needed by the compound interest equation...all the other equations also have natural finite limits and can only be bent and manipulated so much...psychology is also an equation that has finite limits it can only be bent and manipulated so much also...If not enough people sign the dotted line then the inputs required by the compound interest equation can not be obtained...
A recession or destabilization is caused when the inputs into the compound interest equation are not the required amount...the other equations are bent and manipulated to obtain the required inputs...once they are obtained then the recession ends...But that is just a postponement of the inevitable...It takes greater bending and manipulation at each postponement...until of course it becomes impossible to bend and manipulate the secondary equations any longer...Interest rates being one of the key components...rates drop in search of volume...they have a finite limit to drop...
The implosion is inevitable...
As long as you assume inflation lasts forever unbroken you will never figure it out I guess...each consumer is just an equation that has to be bent and manipulated to input the required inputs into the compound interest equation...That is why a consumer must believe that inflation lasts forever unbroken...psychology is a very important equation to be manipulated and bent. If you're worried then 50% Gold and silver 50% cash is the best bet...
A collapse will start that is what a recession is...people that have access to credit will generally max out then cave...Most of the people that are laid off will survive on credit until they find another job to service their debt or until they maxout.
In a debt backed by debt system debt is the medium of exchange and it must expand enough (New debt) to service the previous debt...or a recession will start...
Rates are key since it is impossible to drop them below zero...Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan know this and have stated this fact...The ability for consumers to request debt creation has a finite limit...or maximum potential...The system basically runs out of people willing or able to sign on the dotted line to request debt to be created...
Now the Government is the borrower of last resort but their distribution system is not the equal of the consumer market...basically huge wars of conquest or massive infrastructure projects or both are needed...Many Trillions of dollars of debt...
The largest debt inflationary engine on the planet is US real estate and the only way it can be sustained is if rates drop forever...Or go negative which is impossible...
It is inevitable that the volume will run out and debt inflation will turn into debt deflation...Since the medium of exchange in a debt backed by debt system is debt...the money supply will begin to shrink rapidly and unemployment will increase rapidly.
The authorities can buy time but speed kills...By the time they figure out how much time they need to buy they will be out of time...
I guess the hard part to understand is yield...If you need $1000 to pay for existence then $10,000 at 10% will do...But if rates are 1% you need to lend out $100,000...Then factor in price inflation and you need more the next time around...So lets say you need $1000 then you would have to request a bank to create $100,000 at 5% and relend it out at roughly 6%. But if you could only find takers at 4% then you are screwed...The zero barrier can't be crossed so if you need to drop rates below zero to get people to sign on the dotted line it's over...
The system is a debt backed by debt system and the medium of exchange is debt...In its paper form it is called the US dollar but it is actually a federal reserve note...Treasuries are also another form of solidified debt.
It is created when a consumer requests new debt creation from a commercial bank using previously created debt or a debt inflated asset as collateral. The FED is a facilitator. It can only service consumer requests for debt.
The US has no money supply just debt which is called Money. The total debt supply in a debt backed by debt system is the money supply. The expansion of the money (Debt) supply is by consumer request. The Federal Government is the Consumer of last resort.
In the Global system the US is the top of the debt inflationary ponzi which makes US debt the world reserve currency (Medium of exchange).
The largest debt generating engine on the Planet is the US real estate industry...
Debt and debt inflated assets like real estate and commodities like oil must perpetually inflate...To sustain it rates have to drop below zero which is impossible...
A hyperinflation is caused when those who owe have an ability to print money...The US consumer which owes 80% of all debt does not have this ability...But there are ways to start a hyperinflation and even if this route was taken it would only last 10 to 17 months...
The purpose of maintaining the required amount of debt inflation is to postpone the inevitable Hyperdeflationary implosion of the money (Debt)supply as long as possible.
The Great Depression was stopped before it ran its full course...The previous depressions were far worse events... All the authorities accomplished was a postponement of the inevitable...The Next Depression will be an extinction level economic event.
Monday, February 18, 2008
A Little History Lesson...
"The Game"
You have those who Choose to take more power than they give and become richer in power or powerful and those who choose to give more power than they take and become poorer in power or powerless.
The ancient power accounting irregularity.
The rich getting richer poor getting poorer cycle has a maximum potential.
Once the rich in power become as rich as possible in power and the poor in power become as poor as possible in power...Game over.
Chop down trees faster than they regrow or club baby seals faster than they are born and it's a certainty that you will run out.
Or consume food faster than it can be produced.
You are all trees, baby seals, and food while the top are the axe and club men and the mouths to feed.
Neo: You won't let it happen. You can't. You need human beings to survive.
Architect: There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept.
Lets say the top currently is surviving on a yield from the bottom of 2 Billion dollars a year. And there is a 98% implosion of the yield... That works out to 40 Million dollars a year.
Lets say you currently survive on $30,000/year...Thats $600...If you need $601 to pay the cost of your continued existance...Thanks for showing up to planet Earth.
If you need a barrel of oil and it costs 70 dollars and you can only come up with 69 dollars...You will not get what you want...only what you need...No barrel of oil. When you need your next barrel of oil you will be at -2 Barrels of oil...At some point your oil powered delusion will suffer a loss of power due to the negative inputs and shatter...
"The decrease in purchasing power incurred by holders of money (The bottom) due to inflation imparts gains to the issuers of money.(The Top)"
--St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank, Review, Nov. 1975, p.22
The top is the rider and the bottom is the horse.
The Global absolute capitalist Hierarchy, if you count those who directly supply power to it, is around 4 Billion horsepower. The other 2.5 Billion indirectly supply power to it.
Sorry kids but your fear...your panty wetting terror of Truth prevents you from finding Truth.
The top are not the bankers...They are employees of the top. They operate the money manufacturing and distribution system or the 600 year old compounding interest commercial banking monetary system operating within the absolute capitalist Hierarchial food powered make work enterprise.
The top owns everything below...the bottom owe the top everything and the top only owes the bottom their share of the power sucked from the bottom to the top which is less than is taken.
And when the bottom is sucked dry...Game over.
You are all in a trance currently...Mesmerized and entertained by the complexity of the soap opera of the system.
Your income appears to come from the top but it starts out at the bottom of the bottom of the 312 year old Global absolute capitalist hierarchial food powered make work enterprise.
There are billions of Human Beings below you all in the Hierarchy holding you all up. All of you are in the top 5% of Richest people on Earth...The bums rolling in the gutters of the US cities are in the top 10% to 15%.
The Matrix is as close as you will ever get to disclosure...But you can just as easily say...That sounds like the matrix and that is just a fairy tale.
Yes you are all sources of power...Without an Army a General has no power to win a debate. General Bernanke says that inflation lasts forever and his army fights the opposition to that lie.
"How do you get hold of water rights"
When it rains bend your head back whith your eyes shut and open your mouth.
That might give you a clue.
You can't give acorns...But if you were to harvest them quicker than the squirrels and their population collapsed then the food supply would shrink also...
Cutting down trees faster than they regrow is taking more power than you give.
I'm not a Tree hugger I just know that when you run out...Whether you hug them or not is irrelevant.
Most of the forests in the USA were chopped down well over 100 years ago.
"Magnificent forests existed in eastern North America before Europeans arrived and began to clear land of timber. Early American naturalist William Bartram described a Black Oak forest with trees over 30 feet in circumference. New England accounts depict 200-foot tall White Pine—giants coveted by the Royal Navy for ship masts. By 1700, they had vanished. Today, all the tall White Pine are gone. Also gone are 10-foot diameter Eastern Sycamores in Ohio and Tennessee Valleys. Gone is the mighty American Chestnut. Gone are huge Appalachian Tulip Poplars with crowns 150 feet above forest floors, their legendary girths often over 25 feet."
Old books are hard to find...and Expensive.
In 1938 Billions of cubic feet cut down in the world. Top 3 below.
1.USA 23
2.Russia 6
3.Canada 2.5
48% of that or 11 Billion cubic feet of the 23 was utilized as "FIREWOOD"
When the trees in the West were discovered no one in the East could believe it. I have a hard time believing that picture...But it is close to the pictures of stumps that were photographed when cameras showed up.
November 4, 1770
"Just as we came to the hills, we met with a Sycamore.....of a most extraordinary size, it measuring three feet from the ground, forty-five feet round, lacking two inches; and not fifty yards from it was another, thirty-one feet round."
--above From one of George Washington's journals.
"The largest tree logged in the State of West Virginia, near Lead Mine, Tucker County, 1913. This white oak, as large as any California Sequoia, was probably well over 1,000 years old. It measured 13 feet in diameter 16 feet from the base, and 10 feet in diameter 31 feet from the base."
The felling of the "Mammoth Tree" took five men 22 days to complete using pump augers. It was described as a "botanical tragedy" and an "act of desecration" by which "thus this noble monarch of the forest was dethroned, after braving the battle and the breeze for nearly two thousand years."
--The Big Trees and the Yosemite
Other is an "engraving" of a Road near New Westminster, British Columbia.
In 1938 the six year average petroleum production of the USA was...
924 Billion barrels of oil a year.
Now it's 3.2 Billion barrels of oil a year.
Below...Signal hill in California...
The crews that built a wooden derrick could construct them in a day or two...
What was considered an honest days work back then would put the vast majority of you in the back of an ambulance or kill you.
It's not my system...It's your system...The system of Lies you think are Truth.
Once your body conquers the work the work becomes easier and easier.
I have actually worked for a living...And I studied it...and arrived at the conclusion that what most of you call working for a living is not working for a living. Most of you are defeated by work...It hurts your feelings...It's why you all are so lazy physically and mentally.
White slaves? I don't see any chains around any of your necks...And there is no evidence in any historical records to support your claim that White people had chains around their necks.
According to the first census conducted in 1790 there were 3,929,214 people of which 3,199,727 were classed as "Freemen" and the rest or 694,207 were chattel slaves mostly Negros and a total Revolutionary war debt of $75,463,476.52
The Indians were not slaves or even counted but when they rejected the Whiteman's demands the Whiteman injected bullets into their heads since chains and Cat o nine tails would not work on Indians like they worked on Negros.
Again, cutting down trees faster than they regrow is taking more power than you give...I'm not a Tree hugger I just know that when you run out...Whether you hug them or not is irrelevant.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Any Day Now - Jackpot Heaven!
The total money supply of the USA is around 49 Trillion dollars...The total Global money supply is easily 200 Trillion dollars equivalent...Half of 1% of the total global money supply is 1 Trillion dollars...Gold (Palladium) can easily be hyperinflated in price with the money that already exists...
All you need is enough numb nuts to desperately desire to buy it. But unless there is something to sustain the constant inflation of the money supply the rise in price will have a maximum potential...Once reached the price of gold (Palladium) will stop inflating greater than previous inflation to maximum potential and then begin inflating less than previous inflation to maximum potential.
The top who do all the buying and selling are selling off their Gold (Palladium) in relation to the price...The top sell strength and buy weakness...
At the highest price the top will dump all the gold (Palladium) they hold into the massive demand of the previously mentioned desperate numb nuts. They will buy it up in mass quantities once maximum potential inflation less than previous inflation is reached of course.
All the price quotes you see...Is what the price of something is after the top is done buying or selling. You see...Since the top does all the buying and selling...they don't need message boards to log onto and speculate as to where the price of anything is going...
The top knows where the price is going because the top is doing all the buying and selling...
The top knew when the price of gold was going to collapse in the early 1980's because they buy strength and sell weakness...they dumped massive quantities of gold they bought up at $35 an ounce for $700 to $800 an ounce
The speculators will think it's just a pull back before the spike up to jackpot heaven...
Then the price of Gold (Palladium) will implode...the top of course will be waiting at the bottom to buy it all up again like they have been doing for 1000's of years...The top has become quite good at capitalizing on the capitalist system.
The top owns the markets they created for the speculators to play in. The top owns the system they hired you all to construct for them...
Look at a little longer term chart...of Palladium
Really the guy banging the gong...Wants you all to buy, buy, buy, and bid up the price...because he's already in and needs more numb nuts/greater fools to reach jackpot heaven...
At the height...Just before the plunge...the top will be screaming from the mountain tops BUY BUY BUY...WHY?
They need some greater fool to sell to of course...
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Remember, We Love You
The number one source for new money creation on Earth has been for the past 36 years and still is the US real estate sector...It reaches maximum potential and implodes then the 1944 Bretton Woods global trade system implodes taking the USA along with the rest of the global system to oblivion...poof.
Not wrong..
Would you want to work your ass off at this place?
Looking for a slave to generate 100 dollars an hour for me 8 hours a day 5 days a week for a 9 dollar an hour share.
...right to not tell people what is actually going on or the situation that is unfolding will unfold far quicker than those managing it desire it to.
Once a slave becomes aware that they are a slave they become unproductive and hard to control/disobedient
Don't worry be happy everything is under control...and remember we love you...
Every day in the USA currently...consumers request commercial banks directly and indirectly to manufacture around 11 Billion dollars of new money...or about 4 Trillion dollars of new money a year...
What the FED and ECB are doing is a drop in the bucket...compared to what the population of the USA pumps out every day.
In 2002 when I began tracking the consumer the total money supply of the USA was 31 Trillion dollars...since then consumers have requested another 15 Trillion dollars to be manufactured... and the total money supply is now 49 Trillion dollars...
And the total global money supply is around 190 to 200 Trillion dollars equivalent (The monetary system is Global...every country operates the same just the USA is #1 when it comes to how much their consumers pump out into the global economy)...150 Billion is not even 1 tenth of 1% and is about as much as US consumers pump out in 14 days.
Can't have monetary inflation without consumers willing and able to request commercial banks to manufacture ever greater amounts of new money...
There are not many outcomes...There is only one...Inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential follows Inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential once the maximum potential of inflation greater than previous inflation is reached.
To keep prices of commodities from collapsing cuts in production will have to take place...Or a return to a fixed price system...fixed exchange rate system...Fixed by Government...
Which of course has been attempted many times and failed...because it's very hard to fix the birth rate. Very hard to fix the expectations for the future of millions and billions of people...
In 1792 according to the coinage act in the USA the fixed price of gold in relation to dollars or units was...
"Eagles—each to be of the value of ten dollars or units, and to contain two hundred and forty-seven grains and four eighths of a grain of pure, or two hundred and seventy grains of standard gold."
"Dollars or Units—each to be of the value of a Spanish milled dollar as the same is now current, and to contain three hundred and seventy-one grains and four sixteenths parts of a grain of pure, or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver."
So 247.5 grains of pure gold or 270 grains of standard (roughly 90%) gold was attempted to be fixed by Government (Fiat or decree) to equal 3712.5 grains of pure silver or 4160 grains of standard silver
There are 480 Grains in 1 Troy ounce.
And according to the coinage act 247.50 Grains of pure Gold = 10 Dollars or units which is 371.25 X 10 or 3712.5 grains of pure silver.
480/247.50 = 1.94 X 3712.5 = 7202.25/371.25 = 19.40 Dollars or Units.
In 1792 1 Troy ounce of Gold was equal to around 19.40 Dollars or Units.
Or 2 Eagles = 20 Dollars or Units.
Then factor in..."Cents—each to be of the value of one hundredth part of a dollar, and to contain eleven penny-weights of copper."
So 11 pennyweights of copper = 3.7 grains of pure silver. or one hundredth of a dollar or Unit.
Ultimately a Trimetallic standard.
Currently the US Congress set price or book value of Gold is $42.2222 a Troy ounce.
Unfortunately GOLD and silver and copper...etc traded and are still traded in the FREE MARKET, Unfixed market, Broken market...Where there is no FIXED price...So the Government Fiat or decree basically did nothing to actually FIX the prices.
The USA only produces about 180 Thousand ounces of silver a day.
The US dollar as defined by fiat or decree in the 1792 coinarge act of 371 grains of pure silver would produce about 232,727 dollars of coinage...
Enough to sustain the rich getting richer or the delusional lifestyles of the wannabe rich and famous...You know...Look around...Like what you see? well all that you see around you could be sustained for about 1.8 seconds if a return to a fixed exchange rate system happened...
In 1896 and 1900 The City of London/Bank of England/Rothchilds, sons and friends backed the Gold Republicans led by William McKinley against the Silver democrats led by William Jennings Bryan to get the below passed...
"The Gold Standard Act of the United States was passed in 1900 (ratified on March 14) and established gold as the only standard for redeeming paper money, stopping bimetallism (which had allowed silver in exchange for gold)."
That was the end of the US Dollar or Unit as defined in the 1792 coinage act right there...Checkmate.
The City of London/Bank of England/Rothchilds, sons and friends invented the Gold standard or "London Fix" to basically take over and control the world...
"Be it enacted . ., That the dollar consisting of twenty-five and eight-tenths grains of gold nine-tenths fine, as established by section thirty-five hundred and eleven of the Revised Statutes of the United States, shall be the standard unit of value, and all forms of money issued or coined by the United States shall be maintained at a parity of value with this standard, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to maintain such parity."
The USA produces about 22 Thousand ounces a day.
Enough to produce 449,782 Dollars as defined by fiat or decree in the 1900 Gold Standard act.
Enough to sustain the rich getting richer or the delusional lifestyles of the wannabe rich and famous...You know...Look around...Like what you see? well all that you see around you could be sustained for about 3.5 seconds if a return to a fixed exchange rate system happened...
Basically if the required amount of monetary inflation ceases to be obtained by the global system...The global system you all have fallen in love with, Take for granted, and/or depend upon...Stops inflating by the required amount and implodes to oblivion...
And unfortunately there is no way to sustain the required amount of inflation needed by the system past infinity...So it's inevitable that the system will reach maximum potential inflation greater than previous inflation and implode to oblivion...
Our ancestors didn't want to suffer that fate so they postponed it...and have kept postponing it...we currently are and have been...Until of course it becomes impossible to postpone the inevitable any longer...So enjoy the burning embers of the good old days while they last...(Not many days left after centuries of postponement)
The so called chosen ones are the alarm system for the top...You choose to go through them to get to the top and they start screaming and pointing you the destroyers can aquire you more easily.
So then you think your employer is not managing the enterprise's simple then...Go to your employer and notify them that they are not managing the enterprise properly and tell them to step down and to give you everything they have so that you can begin operating the enterprise properly...
It's simple to declare WAR...winning is a little tougher...
And why do you think the top is in those two locations [Costa Rica and Switzerland]?
The top is based where no one is looking...The top is out of sight out of mind...
And again how would you manage the world differently and deal with all the millions and billions that chose to disagree with your management?
The crisis will come and then you will all react...The top employs all whichever wins...loses...
Top employer...Bottom employee...You will all work hard supporting the top just as you do now...just as you have always done...
The Bilderburgs? Just employees...They are not the top...The top owns everything those below have...Including their continued existence...
All those powerless clowns you seem to think have power...don't...They are just employees that can be fired at any the top or the employer.
You can target what you can can't target what you can't see...The top knows that...It's why the top is invisible...
All the hate for the top the bottom has is then directed to those below the top that they have hired to absorb it...
All below the top are working for the top...even the ones that don't think they are...
The top know that the plan will never work but all that matters is that those below think it can...the ones trying to implement it and the ones trying to stop it...
There's those trying to put chains around your necks while you are trying to stop keeps you all occupied...busy...working...
Divided and conquered...
The top will see you coming long before you see the destroyers sent to annihilate you...
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
The Scapegoat Is Being Readied...
If you did not request more debt and had a source of income that was hyperinflating during a could easily pay off all your debts...Money is debt and debt is money....So during a hyperinflation it's actually not the total money supply that is inflating...the total debt is...
But not what you owe unless you request more debt to be manufactured...
With the household debt to income ratio at 110%...I don't see how a 1920's German style hyperinflation could even ignite...Because past 100% and consumers are forced to request commercial banks to manufacture less and less new debt...not more and more which is what is needed to sustain a hyperinflation...
Germany of the 1920's was a major exporter...The USA is a major importer...There is no manufacturing base to sustain a hyperinflation either...There will be mass lay offs...and laid off workers can't request much new debt to be manufactured with no source of income to service it's existence...
The only tool the FED has is their ability to monetize debt...The FED could buy all the assets that don't sell because they are priced too high...A lower price is a loss on the books...but...If there is no other buyer after that then inflation can not be sustained...Unless the FED then turns around and buys everything it just bought again by selling it all to itself but for a higher price...and that does nothing...
Basically it's all just talk to sustain consumer confidence...because if the consumer begins to think something is wrong...consumers will begin to cut back on spending...and the implosion of the US economy that is now in progress and moving very slowly will accelerate and move very rapidly...Before those managing it desire it to.
Those managing it are attempting to get to a point where it's planned to fall to pieces...While they are all babbling and creating a smokescreen to obscure the situation the scapegoat is being readied...A mezmerizing spectacle of some focus attention away from the system as cause and onto an effect as the cause...
The FED and Ben Bernanke are only effects of the system...they are not causes of the system.
The price of oil will collapse when the consumer does unless the oil producers cut supply quicker than demand is cut...There are bills that need to be producers that can will cut production and raise wholesale prices leading to retail price rises...
And hyperinflations don't last long and are followed by hyperdeflations...
When Germany reached maximum potential in 1923-1924 their economy hyperdeflated...there were mass layoffs, food riots and German troops were machine gunning people in the streets...The less wonderful aspects of the cycle are not talked about much...workers getting paid with wheelbarrels of money is kinda entertaining...bodies of former workers laying in pools of blood in the streets is not...
It's impossible to inflate deflation is way or the other...and when deflation reaches maximum potential...inflation to maximum potential will begin...bury the dead and spray the blood into the storm drains...
The below chart shows the previous inflation of the USA next to the current...The difference between Germany and the USA is the speed...In Germany the inflation took months to reach maximum potential (It's why hyper is added to the word inflation) while in the USA it took years and in the case of the current inflation to maximum potential...decades...
Any hyperinflation that does show up will last months at most followed by a hyperdeflation...or the whole 1944 Bretton Woods global trade system just implodes to oblivion from this point...It's going to implode or within a handful of over...
And when Cramer is saying cash is king...all he is saying is that you should sell off all your paper assets in the markets to tards and sit on the sidelines...sell all your positions in the markets and buy silver and gold coins included...silver and gold coins are an inflation it's he who obtains the most wins...
Lets say you get a ration of food every day...(inflationary phase) two cans...but you save one can a day until you have 365 cans...
Lets say the cans stop...for six months (deflationary phase) well all those without savings die of starvation...but you still have 182 cans of food at the end...many lost their lives during the deflationary only lost 182 cans of food, survived the deflationary phase and just replenish your stocks... a deflation it's he who loses the least wins...
You all did as your employers said...and if you were too lazy or out of shape to accomplish your basically died...That's how it was back in the good old days...It will be a return to the good old days...
Most of you have no clue what work is anymore...A traditional "honest days work" would hospitalize or even kill most of you...
"'The spectacle of men fighting for work...' My God! This is terrible! Battling for the privilege of working all day for enough to eat--and the next day go at it again; and so on until the earth rattles on their pine boxes."
"Cannot the good God do something to relieve his wretched children? Or is this thing to go on forever? Why not give some good-hearted, honest man supreme power for four years, and let him improve God's world or blow it up. He could not make it much worse than it is, for the great mass of mankind. A judicious hanging bee in Wall Street would be a good measure with which to begin the reformation."
-- I.D. [Ignatius Donnelly] in The Representative, 29 August 1894
The 1896 depression in the USA is not talked about much...The so called "Great depression" was the last one and gets all the attention...
When the economy actually one will be paying anything...all the contracts on Earth are dependant upon inflation greater than previous inflation to sustain them....Once inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential reaches maximum potential and transforms into inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential...every contract on Earth will be contract pays for two and those two pay for 4 and those 4 for 8 etc...
Behind the scenes the debate currently is between doing what is required to at least keep you all fed (save as many as possible) or just pulling the plug and letting you all starve (Liquidate as many as possible)...and how to deal with the fate resisters.
Behind the scenes they are not wondering if....they know what is coming...The war on terror is just cover to implement all the new crowd controls for the austerity measures that are to follow.
The Key problem is that it's not just the good old USA in trouble...the entire" so called" civilized world is on the verge of implosion...
And the number one source of inflation greater than previous inflation on earth is the US consumer...unfortunately there is no single economic zone or combination outside of the USA that can replace the USA because all the zones outside the USA are dependant upon the US consumer due to the 1944 Bretton Woods global trade system to sustain those outside the USA...The US consumer reaches maximum potential and China/India/every economic zone on Earth are cut off from the inflation they require to keep their economies inflated and they implode...
US consumers have to request commercial banks to manufacture the required amount of money needed by the world to sustain the global inflation or game over...
US consumers are currently requesting the commercial banks directly and indirectly to manufacture 11 Billion dollars of new money a day...
Well they are going to have to do way better than that...At some point to prevent the implosion US consumers are going to have to request greater than infinite amounts of new money to be manufactured...Which is impossible...
So there is no way to prevent the nightmare from showing up...just postpone it's arrival for as long as possible...That's what has been going on since 1944...A postponement of the inevitable...
That is what is going on right now and its what you and everyone else in the world is working day in and day out doing...postponing the inevitable for as long as possible...
Soon everyone is going to wake up from the daydream into the nightmare...
People say...Im not in debt to Ill be fine...You are in debt to the electricity company...the supermarket...the gas stations...etc...and without a source of income equal to or greater than what you are in debt to them for...all your savings...if any...will rapidly vanish...
And ultimately then you will...
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