Deflation is infinite and indestructible...Inflation is finite and fragile...Deflation does not increase, decrease, has no beginning or end...Inflation increases, decreases, and has a beginning and an end...
To survive you must inflate by the required amount...
The man made "system" we depend upon for the inflation we need to survive is systemically flawed...
Supply and demand must be perpetually inflated by the required amount...The artifical construct known as "interest" dictates what the required amount is interest attached to the medium of exchange.
I use the compound equation because all interest compounds...The inputs perpetually grow larger and larger...
Until the required amount of inflation becomes infinite...The only way to perpetuate inflation past the infinite or maximum potential point is to produce greater than infinite inflation...which is impossible...
When a star finds itself in this position it implodes and if it has enough mass it turns into a black hole where not even the entire inflation contained in the Universe can escape from...
The system will also implode when it reaches the infinite point or maximum potential and has numerous times in the past...
The point at which it becomes impossible to have positive inputs or greater inputs then previous inputs in the above equation...
We are getting close to that point...very close.
When the system implodes it is only doing what it is designed to do...What is taking place is normal...
Every Oilman is sitting at the pinnacle of a debt inflationary empire...Which price charged for a barrel of oil produces more debt to fuel the empire?
$10 or $45? [or $90?]
There is only one thing an oilman fears...A drop in the price of oil...
All of you are also at the pinnacle of your own personal debt inflationary empires. Would you fear a drop in the dollar denominated value of your bank accounts?
What sort of actions do you take part in on a daily basis to prevent this from happening?
When all you speculators combined bid the price of oil up does not everyone else have to pay the tribute to their masters which happens to be the speculators who have positioned themselves at the pinnacle? At the top of the top sucking from the bottom debt inflationary pyramid?
Where does debt inflation come from? All those at the bottom who must request commercial banks to create debt out of thin air so they can continually pay the tribute to those at the pinnacle...
Those at the pinnacle reinvest the tribute they receive by lending it to the bottom so that the bottom can pay the next round of tribute...Because those at the top need their bank accounts to constantly inflate to support their debt inflationary empire the tribute must also inflate...so the bottom is forced to request commercial banks to create the difference out of thin air...
Of course the bottom has a finite ability to request the difference...
Like a horse and rider...Master and slave...
The horse has a finite ability to transport the rider...The slave has a finite ability to satisfy the wishes of the master...The horse slows down...the rider is in a hurry so he starts whipping the horse...The horse slows down to a stop...the rider dismounts and whips the horse until it drops dead...
Where is the fault? The Master always blames the slave...
When you fail to pay the tribute it is not because the master is taking too much it is because you are giving too little...
I think you are all just confused as to what you all are...That is slaves wailing when the whip cracks across your asses to motivate you to satisfy the master's wishes...
We are currently at the stage where the master has dismounted and is whipping the slaves...
Very soon they will drop dead in mass numbers.
The bums on the street are the horses that have been whipped into lameness...
The ones that die are done being whipped...
At the pinnacle the master has access to Atomic whips and Biological whips and Chemical whips...Death squad whips...mass media psychological whips...etc.
It is no wonder then why your wails of agony and the occasional cracking of your stage prop whip which the master gave you to begin with produces nothing significant...
Hyper you wrote something about employment being used as a metric to keep tract of the system's debt growth, can you write more about that? Also, are there any other variables which can be easily tracked that you can recommend?
I love your blog!
Don't know what you mean...
Currently everyone is just pretending nothing is wrong and all are basically continuing to function normally...
Still in don't worry be happy mode.
So what now? Debt is growing at faster pace than previous years... When do you think deflation would take place? Kondratieff winter in 3 years or sooner?
Is it smart to buy gold and silver here or hold cash? Are you expecting gold and silver to go down in price like everything else during the deflationary crash? Seems like right now we are seeing considerable inflation spilling over into the consumable goods area.. is this just a sign that the blowoff top is near?
What will happen to the value of the dollar relative to other currencies during the deflationary crash? Certainly it won't get stronger.... which would suggest there will be "inflation" on some level when it comes to imports, other currencies, and commodities like gold and silver. If the dollar weakens relative to foreign currencies wouldn't holding foreign currencies or gold and silver be better then holding dollars?
What do you think?
There will be inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential until maximum potential is reached...
What to hold on to?
An ability to earn an income of some or whaterver sort is good.
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