"Break on through to the other side… Or Fractional Reserve Thinking...
It does not matter if you are a Liberal, Conservative, Totalitarian dictator, Communist, Socialist, or whatever philosophy you try over time to refine to it’s ultimate expression, it will fail. If you pin your hopes and dreams on Fractional Reserve Banking which is the charging of Compound Interest on debt/money created out of nothing not only will your hopes and dreams for the future be impossible to realize but the civilization that you build around that principle will collapse into dust… Every civilization that has ever existed in recorded history has collapsed once Fractional Reserve Banking was made the basis of it. It is not something new it is something 100’s and even 1000’s of years old…
Civilization based on fractional reserve banking can not survive without creating new debt/money out of thin air that is equal to or more than the Compound Interest of the previous debt/money that was created out of thin air to pay the Compound Interest of the previous money/debt that was created out of thin air to pay the Compound Interest of the previous money/debt that was created out of thin air to pay the Compound Interest of the previous money/debt that was created out of thin air to pay the Compound Interest of the previous money/debt or this process will begin to work in reverse causing the money/debt to shrink, Debt Deflation or liquidation and collapse of the civilization which it is the “monetary” base of…
The unfortunate "truth" of charging/attaching Compound Interest to debt money created out of thin air…This is forbidden knowledge, I don’t know of any educational institution in the world that teaches this… Do you?
Money/Debt is power…
You are hungry, as long as you can pay the compound interest you will be fed…You are wet, as long as you can pay the compound interest you will be housed…You are cold, as long as you can pay the compound interest you will be warm…You want to contribute your “fair share”, as long as you can pay the compound interest you will be a “respected member of society”…You are sick, as long as you can pay the compound interest you will be medicated…You are a Central Banker and as long as the compound interest is paid your power will grow exponentially.
If you can’t, resist, are not allowed to, or won’t pay compound interest…
You will Starve. You will be Homeless. You will Freeze. You will be an Outcast. You will Die.
If you are a Central Banker your power will be absolute, and you won’t care because you and you alone have the power to create unlimited power or money/debt with compound Interest attached to it.
How do you pay Compound Interest? You borrow it… From where? Central Banks… How does that work? Money is printed with compound Interest attached that is owed to the Central Banker. But how do you pay that Compound Interest? You borrow it… From where? Central Banks… How does that work? Money is printed with compound Interest attached that is owed to the Central Banker. But how do you pay that Compound Interest? You borrow it… From where? Central Banks… How does that work? Money is printed with compound Interest attached that is owed to the Central Banker. But how do you pay that Compound Interest? You borrow it… From where? Central Banks… How does that work? Money is printed with compound Interest attached that is owed to the Central Banker. But how do you pay that Compound Interest? You borrow it… From where? Central Banks… How does that work? Money is printed with compound Interest attached that is owed to the Central Banker. But how do you pay that Compound Interest? You borrow it… From where? Central Banks… How does that work? Money is printed with compound Interest attached that is owed to the Central Banker. But how do you pay that Compound Interest? You borrow it… From where? Central Banks… How does that work? Money is printed with compound Interest attached that is owed to the Central Banker. But how do you pay that Compound Interest? You borrow it… From where? Central Banks… How does that work? Money is printed with compound Interest attached that is owed to the Central Banker. But how do you pay that Compound Interest?
But what if you can’t, resist, are not allowed to, or won’t pay compound interest…?
You will Starve. You will be Homeless. You will Freeze. You will Die. You will be an Outcast.
Checkmate you are doomed…Especially if you don’t know what is happening to you.
What happens to the Central Banker? Nothing…
Once a Civilization reaches the maximum potential of Debt inflation, (which means that the ability of the Civilization that is based on Fractional Reserve Banking or the creation of money/debt out of thin air with compound interest attached to pay the compound interest of the previous money/debt created out of thin air with compound Interest attached), it is unable to create any more debt/money to pay compound interest, “Maxout” is reached which causes the process of Debt inflation, described above and numerous other places by me, to work in reverse or Debt Deflation.
Debt Deflation is when money/debt created out of thin air with compound interest attached is less than the compound interest payment due on the compound interest of the previous money/debt created out of thin air with compound Interest attached which causes the “monetary base” or “money supply” of the Civilization to Deflate until it stops or is stopped…
How do you stop it?
Answer: Debt inflation is the only way to stop it…
But if you reach maxout and can’t borrow enough money/debt to pay “compound interest” which is the “price” to sustain Debt inflation how do you inflate the Debt?
Answer: You don’t, Einstein!
It does not matter if you are a Liberal, Conservative, Totalitarian dictator, Communist, Socialist, Marxist or whatever philosophy you try over time to refine to its ultimate expression, it will fail. If you pin your hopes and dreams on Fractional Reserve Banking to make your dreams come true…
If you are a Central Banker your power will be absolute, and you won’t care because you and you alone have the power to create unlimited power or money/debt with compound Interest attached it.
You think I’m finished? The continuation of this story gets even better and much more diabolical… We will explore various situations that are thought to be "Causes" but are in fact "Symptoms" of Compound Interest attached to money/debt created out of thin air..."
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