Truth is infinite and indestructible power...
Doom and gloom?
What is doom and gloom?
Who invented that phrase?
Who programed you all to use it as an excuse?
A reason to reject Truth.
Who invented that lie that you have fallen in love with and now cherish?
In your mind doom and Gloom = Truth
Well then if you are running from Truth where do you run to?
Lies and delusions but you don't call them Lies and delusions...
You call Lies hopes and delusions dreams...
You hope and dream Truth can be defeated...
GOD is Truth and Truth is GOD...
You hope and dream GOD can be defeated...
There is never a lasting victory over Lies (Evil) and the war against Truth (GOD) has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat...
Why do you call Lies and delusions hopes and dreams?
GOD can not be reasoned with (lied to)
GOD can not lie
GOD is unreasonable
Truth can not be reasoned with (lied to)
Truth can not lie
Truth is unreasonable
LAW can not be reasoned with (lied to)
LAW can not lie
LAW is unreasonable
The Just think reasonable ignore the unreasonable equation is at the core of the drone reasoning algorithm...
That which is reasonable is positive and that which is unreasonable is negative...
Or the Just think positive ignore the negative religion...
The One World religion...
Lies and delusions are negative...
and when input into the Just think reasonable/positive ignore the unreasonable/negative equation...
That which is unreasonable/negative is ignored by default...
It is rejected totally or that which is unreasonable/negative is substituted with that which is reasonable/positive...
Lies become hopes and delusions become dreams...
You hope and dream GOD can be defeated...
I show you that GOD can't be defeated.
It's impossible.
There is nothing I or you all can do about that...
Logic is truth and Reason is lies...
Good Evil
Courage Fear
Reality Fantasy
Positive Negative
True False
1 or zero
Infinite Finite
Space Time
Indestructible Fragile
Salvation Damnation
Impossible Possible
Life Death
Construction Destruction
Altruistic Self indulgent Reason is used to discount logic Lies depend on truth for existence Infinity has no beginning and no what point in infinity are we at now? Everything is based on logic and there is no escape from it since it is has no beginning and no end...Those who worship reason self delude themselves into thinking it is possible to escape the infinite and indestructible tyranny of truth The war against the tyranny of truth can never be won...Unless you think you can destroy what can not be destroyed... I have no special powers to save anyone you have free will and it is up to you...
From a post above...we have fallen into the grasping at straws stage... "one way that the system can avoid implosion is by deliberately releasing inflation into the system. Inflation has the effect of robbing deposit holders and giving this money to debt holders. This has the effect of reducing the debt imbalance in the system by reducing debt as a proportion of income. This has happened on a couple of occasions in 1974 and in the UK in the early 90´s. There is some dislocation, but no implosion, the pressure of debt is released. Inflation is brought back under control - usually at the cost of unemployment - and the next phase of new debt creation kicks in.)
Now we are one again running from the tyranny of truth and into the loving and comforting embrace of the Tyranny of lies...self delusion... The above "cure" has been in operation in the US since about 1958... Talk of printing press salvation fairy tales is just more propaganda...Oh my God we are going to we are not because we have a printing press... I´ve already gone through these debates for the past 2 years...If I sound like an Asshole it is because I spend hours every day burning off brain cells thinking of how a collapse can not happen... More eye bleeding reading which you will soon forget but it is something to do I guess if you feel up to it...
The psychology bubble is the biggest bubble…A key indicator of the health of the economy is the DOW and NASDAQ…Not to you and me but to Joe Q public… If the logic of the second half recovery is to be maintained then at the very least the previous lows can not be broken…ever again… as far as quick fixes go that is possible but long term under current conditions that will be impossible…
But Hyper…Hyperinflation will ignite with low interest rates… The only way to ignite and maintain hyperinflation is by printing cash and distributing it in massive quantities…That is not how this system currently works… The floating exchange rate debt backed by debt fractional reserve system has a maximum potential to inflate debt… The previous system…the Bretton Woods Gold backed fractional reserve system also had a maximum potential…Gold was pegged at $35 an ounce so under the previous system as long as the FED had an ounce of gold for every $35 redeemed by whomever decided that they wanted to convert dollars into Gold then debt could keep expanding…
In the early 60’s the system began to collapse and the US government/Federal reserve closed the gold window in 1971 when they ran out of gold to back the debt inflation… The new system, The floating exchange rate debt backed by debt fractional reserve system allowed further expansion of the debt supply by replacing the gold backing of the dollar with the dollar backing of the dollar…Debt backed by debt…
Now on to the maximum potential of the new system… Since previously created debt is used as a basis for the creation of new debt the following are true logical statements whether you think so or not or can comprehend them or not…
Debt is money…when you borrow money from a financial institution it is created out of thin air with compound interest attached…Currently the reserve requirement for US banks is 3% which means for every $100 a bank has on deposit they can create out of thin air with compound interest attached $3,400 to lend out…The Commercial banks can borrow liquidity from the FEDERAL RESERVE to expand their fractional reserve, so basically the Banks have an unlimited amount of money which is debt created out of thin air with compound interest attached to lend out…
The FED’s estimate of currency in circulation is $700 Billion which is the true fractional reserve and the total debt supply in circulation is $33-$34 Trillion 3% of the money supply of the US is actual currency and 97% is debt created out of thin air with compound interest attached…The evidence for how fractional reserve banking works is right in front of your eyes if you know what to look for… Current consumer income is composed mostly of previously created debt and future income is composed mostly of new debt creation… Fractional reserve debt inflation is sustained by creating more new debt than previously created debt… on paper to maintain debt inflation new debt created out of thin air with compound interest attached must at least be equal to the previously created debt created out of thin air with compound interest attached…
But people are the consumers of debt so ultimately there is no way to perfectly run or distribute debt you poke prod and entice consumers to consume and at the end of the day you hope it is enough to maintain debt inflation… In business operating expenses are composed mostly of previously created debt and profits are composed mostly of newly created debt…
Just in case it was over your head, Debt is created out of thin air with compound interest attached and makes up 97% of the money supply Cash makes up 3% of the money supply and it’s purchasing power is destroyed by debt inflation…If you save “cash” dollars in a shoebox under your bed in a debt inflationary environment they become worth less over time… The 3% is just debt also there is nothing backing it except the figment of people´s imaginations Two factors which cause self sustaining debt inflation…
1. The only way to truly pay or service compound interest which is not created out of thin air but attached to created out of thin air debt is by creating enough new debt out of thin air with compound interest attached to pay or service the compound interest attached on the previously created out of thin air debt with compound interest attached…
2. Debt = money and if it is inflating then the debt/money supply is inflating which leads to price inflation (Deflation of purchasing power) which means that in order to afford to consume a product or service you must continually increase the amount of debt created to account for the rise in price which leads to even greater debt creation the next time and so on…
But is there a maximum potential for debt inflation in a debt backed by debt system… Yes Since current debt consumer income is previously created debt and is used as the basis for new debt creation which is future income then on paper once the maximum amount of current income is used to service the payment on the creation of future income no further future income can be created or future income creation becomes less than current income… Present income is what future income becomes once it flows through the system and if the ability to create more future income is reached then present income which is the basis for future income creation has to shrink or cease to exist altogether…
The simplest sign that debt inflation is self sustaining is employment is rising or sustained and prices across the spectrum are rising…the simplest sign that debt inflation is not self sustaining is rising or sustained unemployment and prices of wants such as computers and autos are either not rising or dropping and commodities such as food, energy, and some metals are rising…
Is debt inflation presently working? The answer is yes…
Is debt inflation presently self sustaining? The answer is no…
What are interest rates? Interest rates are profit derived from money or debt lent out whether it is actual cash or debt created out of thin air… There really is not a problem with lending/renting out cash…But when you charge rent on something created out of thin air you are in fact manufacturing a product for consumer consumption…
The number 1 product manufactured in the USA for consumer consumption is debt and it’s main selling feature or sales gimmick is “It makes your dreams come true” better yet it is the key product which is needed to make “the American dream” a reality… Since debt is a product interest rates are the cost of purchasing that product…the debt itself is your future income but the interest attached is the profit derived from it’s creation… the creation of the debt itself is wholesale the attachment of interest and the signing of the contract agreeing to pay it back plus the attached interest in a certain time span by the consumer is the retail operation… When a consumer uses their current income to borrow future income they are in fact creating their future income into existence…
Since interest rates are the profit of the created out of thin air product called debt which is the key component in the realization of the American dream by the banks then the cost of the American dream to the consumer is interest rates… Banks are just accountants who have the ability to lend or create the future income of the consumer who will then use that future income to service the rent/interest charge on their idea of what the American dream is currently...for profit… In order for banks to maintain a profit then the product called debt must keep inflating or volume must keep increasing… In order to maintain product volume the cost of the product must also keep dropping… In order for the debt inflation experienced for the past 23 years to be sustained the volume of debt must be maintained and that was done for the past 23 years by the systematic lowering of interest rates and easing restrictions on debt creation whenever volume appeared to be on the verge of dropping or was dropping…
But Banks and financial institutions are not non profit organizations the cost of production can not be more than the profit so front line interest rates such as prime can only drop so low…once rates are as low as they can go and volume begins to dry up then the banks are forced to maintain profits by raising interest rates…on less volume But that would cause a further drop in demand…and rates would have to be raised further… Rates can not drop below zero and most rates can not go to zero and rising rates cause volume to dry up… So the mechanics of debt inflation for the past 23 years of systematically lowering interest rates to maintain and expand debt volume to sustain profitability for the banks and maintain self sustaining debt inflation which is the primary fuel of economic growth is almost at an end… and will become apparent in a very short period of time…
If you can not lower interest rates or the price of a product to produce profit then you have to raise the price to maintain profits on lower volume… But the product which currently exists is used as collateral for the creation of more product and if the volume drops then future volume will have to drop… It is called a “recession” when the volume of debt creation slows to the point that debt inflation is not self sustaining and if the problem of declining volume is not solved then it is only a matter of time before the point of no return is reached where the debt deflationary forces are to great to overcome…
For the past 23 years interest rates have been systematically lowered to produce the required amount of self sustaining debt inflation needed to keep the banks solvent and the economy growing…Basically lower low and lower highs… But 0 interest rates or as low as interest rates can go to produce a profit is the bottom line…If you produce a product and the profit eventually is reduced to zero to maintain volume and volume continues to dry up then the jig is up because if it costs more to produce a product than the return or profit from that product then the company will soon run out of resources to produce it… Debt is a special product that consumers can not do without, since debt is money and the demand for money is without end, so if profit can not be maintained by volume then the price or interest rate has to rise…
The Facts of a debt backed by debt system
Debt makes up 97% of the money supply. Debt is created out of thin air by the banks with compound interest attached Previously created out of thin air debt by the banks with compound interest attached is used as collateral for the creation of new debt created out of thin air with compound interest attached by the banks…
The only way to sustain debt inflation is with greater debt inflation. The only way to increase debt inflation is by increasing volume and the only way to increase volume is by lowering the cost or interest rate to allow/create the conditions needed for more debt consumption. Then using the fulfillment of the American dream as a marketing tool to entice the maximum amount of consumers to request the banks create enough debt to satisfy the consumer demand…
Once the maximum amount of previously created debt is devoted to servicing the cost to maintain the creation of new debt then the maximum potential of debt inflation is reached and if the cost or interest rates can not be lowered to a point that allows the production of the required amount of debt inflation to cause a self sustaining chain reaction then there is no “current” way to maintain debt inflation…Debt inflation will falter and transform into unstoppable debt deflation…
Now a deeper look into the psychological bubble or the just think positive infinite inflation religion. Basic marketing is used to convince the maximum amount of consumers that a given action is wrong and if you do it you are a loser but if you instead take our advice you will be doing what is right and will surely be hailed as a winner by your friends and family… The weakest and simplest in society become the leaders of the pack and peer pressure soon causes even the mighty to fall for fear of being left out or left behind.
The “current” purpose of marketing is to convince people that think they are on the right path to begin following the wrong path… currently non stop mindless consumption is what is being marketed and the only way that can be accomplished is by massive consumer consumption of debt… Second hand cars are for losers and lower forms of life… renters or previously constructed home owners are losers and lower forms of life… Only by buying the newest and biggest home can you even think of considering yourself a part of legitimate society… Clothes without holes but out of date are not fit for an animal to lay on let alone for a member of society to wander around in public dressed in… A 27 inch TV for family viewing is for welfare bums… A computer under 2 Ghz is a total disgrace… And so on and so forth… The very act of saving has been reduced or transformed into consumption at a lower price then last week or raising the price by 10% and then saying it is for sale and seeing how many suckers can be fooled into thinking they are actually saving money...
For the marketing to be effective you need massive debt consumption or debt inflation and the just think positive infinite inflation religion to dispel any fear that it will ever come to an end… If debt inflation ends then it is only a matter of time until the just think positive infinite inflation religion collapses… and if the just think positive infinite inflation religion collapses it is only a matter of time before debt inflation ends… Or the thought of the good old days ending will end the good old days and if the good old days end the thought of the good old days will end…
The psychological bubble must be maintained at all costs or it doesn’t matter what monetary actions are taken to produce self sustaining debt inflation because the blind faith needed to reach inflationary goals will just not exist…
The truth is that the current system is almost finished and any consumer that signs on the dotted line to agree to service long term debt which is dependant on debt inflation will default and/wiped out…If the psychological bubble based on the just think positive infinite inflation religion were to pop consumers would stop signing on the dotted line and create a self fulfilling prophecy…
All the talk of unconventional measures and printing press tricks are just that…TALK to add strength or legitimacy to blind faith in the just think positive infinite inflation religion. If the FED were to actually inform the public that the jig was up and that the floating exchange rate debt backed by debt fractional reserve system was in it’s terminal phase The jig would be up… If an asteroid big enough to wipe out civilization was discovered too late do you think they would come on TV and announce that the world as we know it was going to end next month? Don’t be so stupid. But we can see the end of the system so what has to be done? Well not a crash program to mount a 1 Gigaton bomb onto a rocket that is for sure… The only way to stop the debt deflationary asteroid from impacting the financial system and economy is to hit it with a greater force of debt inflation… and for the past 23 years interest rates have been systematically cut on average of 83 basis points a year to provide the blast of liquidity or debt inflation to keep debt deflation at bay…
So in order to continue much farther financially and economically the United States of America must keep dropping interest rates on average around 83 basis points a year…
But here’s the problem…to drop interest rates past zero is impossible, any economist that has not recently suffered a shotgun lobotomy knows that it is impossible to maintain debt inflation or keep banks solvent with negative interest rates…There has never been a bank in the recorded history of banking which advertised negative rates…Banks are in the biz to make profit and 0 or negative rates = 0 or negative profits… So the problem is “how do we drop rates past zero to support debt inflation” and the answer is “You can’t…it’s impossible” Not quite… There is a final system that could be used to solve that problem… In a debt backed by debt system the only times that a printing press has to be used to print a dollar is…
1. When a previously printed dollar becomes warn out or
2. If consumers demand/request more paper dollars than currently exists in a bank’s vault…
That’s it kids the Fed is not printing dollars…It is a debt backed by debt system and the fed has an almost unlimited potential as the bankers bank or lender of last resort to create debt and lend it to commercial banks who in turn fractionally reserve it 34 to 1 and find enough consumers willing to sign on the dotted line to consume the newly created $34…
Talk of dollars coming home to roost is BS the dollars of debt created begin roosting the second they are created out of thin air...There are not house sized bails of money collecting dust in foreign Cantral bank vaults... The FED pumps debt into the system…asset and to a certain degree commodity price inflation is a result of debt inflation created by the FED and commercial banks at the request of the consumers for their consumption to live or at least service the cost of the inflationary American dream… The FED is not printing money… sorry…
”The Bernanke Printing press address” was aimed at a specific group of cowering simpletons who needed to be assured that the debt inflation that they are addicted to was never going to end to prevent them from shitting their pants and the thought of a printing press printing forever put their fears to rest… The printing press trick has existed since paper and ink were combined to produce cash… It is nothing new just the regulation method has changed from a specified amount of gold backing debt to a debt backing of debt…
Both systems stop producing debt inflation if consumer demand for debt is not greater than the previously created debt but the gold backed system was limited by the supply of gold so the system had 2 maximum potentials either the US ran out of gold or it would run out of consumers able to sign on the dotted line in great enough numbers… when the US went off the gold standard in 71 it eliminated a roadblock or a potential limit to maximum debt inflation to allow debt to continue being inflated past the point where it ran out of gold…
There is an invention called the printing press alright and has existed since any of us were born it is nothing new and in fact the “Hyperinflationary system” which I alluded to before has been tried before…with predictable results…
Feb 1920 to May 1921 Internal Prices 4.6%
May 1921 to July 1922 Internal Prices 634.6%
July 1922 to June 1923 Internal Prices 18094%
July 1923 to Nov 20 1923 Internal Prices 854,000,000,000%
Prices were rising by the Hour when they shut the presses off and in the debt deflationary implosion that followed mass starvation and brutal repression followed... Salvation did not last long... And in Germany the people who owed the Debt (the Government) also controlled the printing press...In the US the people that owe the debt do not control the printing unless the counterfeiting laws are repealed and consumers are allowed to ink jet their debt away there is no effective hyperinflationary distribution method existing in the US.
In a gold backed system maximum debt inflation is pegged to the convertibility of debt for gold and also the ability for consumers to service greater amounts of new debt using previous debt creation as collateral…
In a debt backed system maximum debt inflation is pegged solely to the ability for consumers to service greater amounts of new debt using previous debt creation as collateral…
In a Hyperinflationary system maximum debt inflation is pegged to the printing press and an "effective distribution method" plus the computational abilities of the society…
All fractional reserve banking is inflationary or to be accurate “Inflate debt at all costs or die”
When the inflate debt at all costs or die basic mechanics reached the gold limit then the debt backing debt limit was introduced…when that limit is reached then a hyperdeflationary implosion will result or you can/could base debt inflation on the printing and "effective distribution" of non debt backed currency to buy more time…
Ultimately that is the purpose of maintaining debt inflation… to buy more time, more time for what? Who knows except the culprits… How much time can a hyperinflationary system buy? On paper as long as the printing presses can keep printing or to be more accurate…as long as greater and greater amounts of non backed by debt “money” can be effectively distributed quicker and quicker for free to sustain debt inflation which leads to price inflation there is no real limit…except the human being consumer themselves…at the start of hyperinflation it is slow but the exponential nature of attaching the inflate debt at all costs or die debt backed by debt system to a non debt backed source as it’s limit for the maximum potential you then have effectively removed the limits to price inflation or interest rates…except the ability for human being consumers to compute or account for it… eventually the system hyperinflates to the point that it takes longer to figure out how much something costs then the price is rising…
How long does this process take? Not very long… maybe a few months until the most powerful supercomputers on the planet can´t keep up The bad aspect of instituting a hyperinflationary system is that the paper trail leads directly back to the culprits so it is not the perfect crime…Only if someone has a death wish do they actually chose to back a hyperinflationary system…
When the current system collapses the culprits will stay hidden because the cause of debt inflation is consumer consumption of debt and you will never be able to prove in a court of law that the FED or the Government or the Commercial banks forced consumers to consume debt…
When the current system collapses the losers will get the blame… they always do… when you are bankrupted you are a loser and the winners don’t care if your excuse is because the maximum potential for debt inflation was reached so there is not enough new debt being created to allow my job to exist anymore…They will just laugh as they violently shake you by the ankles over a wheelbarrow.
If you think debt inflation can last forever then you had better be prepared to lose that bet… Talk of printing presses and a rerun of the 1970’s inflation are the grasping at straws of desperate people in denial of the fact that blind faith in the just think positive inflation forever religion will not provide the justification for your actions or salvation from them…
The Debt inflationary messiah of the just think positive cult will be revealed to be a False profit... You want to run with the herd? Then you risk running off the cliff to be harvested to sustain those higher in the economic food chain… Those who are owed debt are the shakers and those who owe are the shakees.
In order to service debt, New debt inflation must be greater than or equal to previous debt inflation if it should stop or slow for any reason due to either the inability for consumers to borrow more or the refusal for consumers to borrow more…Debt will deflate and be unstoppable… You can either play your part by leveraging yourself to the hilt or reducing and eliminating your debt consumption…the inability for interest rates to be lowered forever to produce unlimited debt inflation will be reached one way or the other and when that day arrives debt deflation will be totally unstoppable and the $34 trillion debt supply will begin to vaporize at a rapid rate…
If this is too scary to deal with…then just walk to the nearest T.V., turn it on and you will soon forget about such horrible concepts and be mesmerized to contented docile sleep yet again…and again and again forever and ever AMEN.
Stages of a debt backed by debt fractional reserve system...
1. Inflation of debt and the destruction of savings... This process started between 1958 to 61 and will end sometime in 2004 to 2005
2. Deflation of debt and the destruction of equity Sometime in 2004 to 2005 this will start and be unstoppable leading to a hyperdeflationary implosion of debt...
3. Bankruptcy of the banks, collapse of the economy, and consolidation of power 2006 is where the Great Depression II will reign supreme...
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