The Governor and Company of the Bank of England conceived by Scotsman William Paterson...A member of the Worshipful Company of Merchant Taylors on Threadneedle Street...Has lent England and the World Trillions and Trillions of Pounds of Stirling Silver created out of thin air over the past 318 years....To finance global history the past few centuries.
Of course not interest free... "The bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing."-William Paterson
The Bank of England started out as a commerical bank back in 1694...Nationalization did not change its purpose or function.
Promoting the belief that nationalization is a cure to the problem is not going to solve any problem.
Is composed of power seekers...
The source of power is the bottom
The top lives off the yield from the bottom...nationalization does not cure that problem.
Congress is beholden to absolute capitalism. All the FED does is regulate and facilitate the taking of more by the top from the bottom than they give.
Policy is not set by the board of governers. That is an illusion...It's how Cris Angel is able to convince the audience he has power...magic tricks.
All the FED can do is regulate and facilitate inflation. The policy is set by the amount of inflation the top requires to sustain the system...not too much and not too little but always greater than previously.
But when the bottom reaches their maximum potential to supply the power to the FED and Congress to allow their policy tricks to work their magic.
The mindfreak is over.
I'm sorry but if I as a producer can't or won't supply the yield all you above demand to keep your yield policy trick from failing to astound the audience...it's game over.
The FED does not set rates...the producers set the yield rate of their production...and when all the net consumers above demand more yield from the net producers than the producers can produce to sustain their absolute capitalist policy.
That's the end of the illusion that the consumers set the yield of the producers.
The producers begin producing less...the top sees this and then instructs the policy makers to change the policy...they produce more...and the policy makers are then instructed to change.
Too much yield and it can't be sustained...and it collapses...too little yield and it collapses...but the yield must always be greater than previously or it collapses.
Not too much...not too little but always...greater than previously...Until the bottom reached their maximum potential to supply the power to the top is demanding to power the fantasy you all think is reality.
Now the illusion that the FED has magical powers to set yield rates is crumbling...
The policy of the power seekers is for more and more power...until the bottom can't supply them with more...then the delusion shatters.
Nationalization is not going to change anything and neither is globalization...the logical conclusion of the absolute capitalist or take more than you give equation is always collapse.
The FEDERAL RESERVE is basically a front for the above mentioned business...It is the Third central bank of the USA.
Alexander Hamilton founder of the oldest commercial bank in the USA until 2007...The bank of New York...Was the first Secretary of the US Treasury and proposed the first central bank of the USA following the city of London financed take over or American Revolution...The first President of the first central bank of the USA, Thomas Willing, was trained in the Inner temple of the city of London and declined to sign the Declaration of Independence.
The above is all in the history books for anyone to find if they get tired of being mentally lazy and look.
But it's easier to just lay back and enjoy the mind rape.
The British pound stirling started out as a pound of stirling silver over 400 years ago and is still the top currency in the world but has lost 99% of its value since then...The bank of England was "nationalized" in 1946.
The Denarius was the silver coin of Rome...it showed up in 211 BC and by the time of its last appearance around 270 AD it contained zero silver.
The Denarius was the Coin of Rome like the British Pound Stirling is of Britain and the US Dollar is of the USA.
And no one seems to know why coins debase.
Population of the the city of Rome area according the the Roman census.
294 B.C. 262,321
14 A.D. 4,937,000
In around 300 years the silver requirement to sustain the city of Rome area increased 18.8 times...
Demand outstripped supply...the trees ran out due to the reaching of the logical conclusion of the take more than you give equation.
Inflation...not too much...not too little...but always greater than previous or...you die.
like Rome did...well Rome collapsed...and then rose again and collapsed again by 1345... and now you all are at the tip top of the rise from 1345 until now...
The global system was based in Rome then Venice and then the rebuit Londinium...or as you know it today...The city of London.
The system ran out of people willing and able to sign on the dotted line.
The USA was doomed reguardless...The push at the end to sustain the global trade system came from the highest levels.
If it wasn't for all the subprime loans that were utilized to sustain the boom...It would have ended sooner.
But because they were...the boom was extended and the effect which was caused by the choice to take more than you give...or getting millions to sign on the dotted line that shouldn't have according to the rules...is magically transformed into the cause of the collapse.
The simple fact is that the USA after 63 years...exhausted its supply of dotted line signers...the bottom of the barrel was scraped...and once the bottom of the barrel was scraped down to the metal...The USA along with the global trade system began imploding to oblivion.
But those who benefit from the system don't want to fix it...So they continually promote this sub prime cover story.
The banks did what they did to to obtain the yield all the mindless yield locusts are chasing...
Once you become dependent upon living off the yield derived from others...they can't ever stop.
That is all this system of civilization that you all have fallen in love with does...produce yield until it can't...then it implodes...
The net producers support the net consumers...and once the producers can't or refuse to supply the demands of the consumers.
It's game over.
Economics as you all currenly comprehend it is a scam that is doomed to just inflate to maximum potential and implode.
That is all your Economics can do.
The more you try to prove that what you believe is right and not wrong the greater the suffering and pain you will be forced to endure when you can no longer postpone arrival at the logical conclusion any longer.
When absolute capitalists interact...there is a power struggle...
Once resolved however it is resolved...Generally one person or group gains and the other person or group loses power...one obtains a net positive yield and one obtains a net negative yield.
Eventually one person or group sucks the other person or group dry of power.
The top grow richer in power by taking more power than they give from the bottom who grow poorer in power by giving more than they take from the top.
Once the top has sucked the bottom dry and scraped the bottom of the barrel to the metal.
It's game over.
The top does all the buying and selling...with yield rates so low searching for volume...the difference needs to be made up somewhere somehow.
The top raises the prices of that which people want and need in order to obtain the yield...
Food and fuel.
If tomorrow a way was found to use half the fuel now required...to avoid an implosion of the global system...prices would have to double...
The top employs the bottom to supply the top with all the oil whoelsale...the top then marks it up and sells it to the bottom retail. The difference between the wholesale cost and the retail price is the yield the top lives off of.
It works great...until the bottom reaches the point at which they can no longer supply the demand for yield...then the systam begins to collapse.
Rates have been dropping in search of volume for 30 years now...that trick is ending...The volume is drying up...
Now everyone is resorting to quantitative easing to make up the difference for the loss of the dotted line signers...
Let's say it costs $5 to produce a barrel of oil and the mark up is $20.
The top requests a commercial bank to create 5 Dollars short term at whoelsale rates and then marks the oil up and sells it to a consumer who requests a commercial bank to create 20 Dollars long term at retail rates...
The difference between the wholesale cost and the retail price is the yield...
All commodities are like this.
When the consumers reach their maximum potential to create the required amount of new debt to sustain the previously produced debt...the system collapses.
The top lives off the yield from the bottom.
The slaves produce all the power that is supplied to the masters who take their cut and supply the servants and then what is left over is supplied to the slaves.
The net producers supply the demands of the net consumers which are the masters and servants...
The reason why gas prices are high and rising is because the bottom or slaves are not supplying the demand for yield by the top or masters and servants and the masters are raising the prices.
Period end of story.
The masters, owners, or employers of the system...the slaves and servants or employees of the system or enterprise.
The take more than you give enterprise...The absolute capitalist enterprise the top owns and all below are employees of.
Debt to GDP is meaningless.
The total credit market debt is the money supply...and when it stops being produced...the money supply dries up...
The ratio between debt and the gross debt product has been growing for decades...the longer you sustain the inflation...the more new debt that is required to produce 1 Dollar of new gross debt product.
Why would you want to sustain the inflation?
The top employ the bottom to supply the top with everything wholesale and the top then marks it up and sells it to the bottom retail. The difference between the wholesale cost and the retail price is the yield or "debt" the bottom owes to the top.
Over time the debt owed by the bottom to the top grows and grows....it costs more and more to produce the debt product...It's why the debt to income ratio rises and collapses...why the debt inflates then collapses...
Back at the bottom of the bankruptcy reorganization 1933-1945 the ratio hit 100%...meaning that for every dollar of new debt created 1 dollar of debt product was produced.
Over time it takes more and more new debt to produce the same product...to the point where we are now where it almost takes 4 Dollars of new debt to produce 1 dollar of product.
Of course once the collapse gets underway the ratio will collapse back to 100%...Like it did 1933-1945....during the bankruptcy reorganization follwing the collapse 1929-1933...the liquidation climax of that reorganization was called WW2.
See to get you all to do what is required...the top has to manipulate you all into it...if the top came out and told you all what pain and suffering you all have to do in order to sustain the top at your expense...you would all refuse.
Hope does not exist.
Once you choose to take more than you give...there is no way to escape the collapse...all you can do is postpone the arrival for as long as possible.
That's what was done from 1945 to 2008...postpone the inevitable collapse.
The clowns in congress...all they did was do what was required to postpone arrival at the logical conclusion of the take more than you give equation.
Once you choose to take more than you give...or chop down trees faster than they regrow to let's say...sustain GDP.
You have two options.
Stop chopping down trees faster than they regrow before you run out...GDP will then collapse.
continue chopping down trees faster than they regrow until you run out...GDP will then collapse.
That is all that has been done from 1945/50 until 2008...postpone arrival at the logical conclusion of the take more than you give equation for as long as possible.
There was never any hope at all...once you choose to take more than you give...collapse is certain an inevitable...reguardless if you choose to stop or not.
Now of course you all are oblivious of this and think effects...like what congress is doing in order to postpone arrival at the logical conclusion of the choice to take more than you give which is the cause of the effect...is the cause or a cause.
In fact all the effects you currently see will be marketed as the cause in the end.
The cause is the choice to take more than you give...the effect is collapse.
It's all going to collapse globally just like last time...except last time the system collapsed following the roaring 20's powered by the post WWI looting of Germany carry trade.
This time around it's been the roaring 6 decades powered by the post WWII looting of the world carry trade...So the implosion that is going to follow is going to be a science fiction horrorshow of course once you all can no longer supply power to the postonement of arrival at the logical conclusion.
Hope all you want...The glorious days of hope are rapidly ending now.
Most of the bums wandering the streets of the USA are rich...
Basically the entire population of the USA is rich...
I had a friend when I was younger...his dad owned a fireplace business...He along with his sister were supplied with every new toy as soon as it came out and the family had every new must have consumer product that was introduced...
I was exposed to this and I could not believe it...He was a big fan of John Wayne and had a limited edition bronze bust of him in his room that cost 100's of dollars at the time.
I said to him...man you are rich...he said no...he wasn't rich at all...His family just had enough money to live comfortably.
Employment has zero to do with it...
The top grows richer in power by taking more power than they give from the bottom who grow poorer in power by giving more power than they take from the top.
Once the bottom is sucked dry....the dividing line between those who are taking (demanding) more than they give and those who are giving (supplying) more than they take rises up the hierarchy.
If it rises high enough...to reach you...You will stop thinking you are rich and you will then begin thinking you are poor.
Eventually the hierarchy or middle will implode causing those who have power to crush those that have not but demand it to be given back to them.
It's why you have been employed by the rich the past 10 years implementing all the police state measures to deal with the inevitable implosion of the take more than you give scheme.
The key to why "we" are in this mess is because you are all ignorant as to what is going on...
The FED can't do anything except bail out the masters or top.
The top is master...the bottom is divided and conquered into two factions...the rich servants and the poor slaves.
The top created the FED to serve them...
It's a hierarchy...the closer you are to the top the greater you benefit...the farther away from the top you are the less you benefit.
The closer you are to the top the more you are worth...the farther away from the top the less you are worth.
The top maintain their position by giving the bottom what they want.
Lets say that in order to maintain their position...the bottom wants Bill Gates to suffer...then Bill Gates instantly transforms from a fundable asset into an unfundable liability and is liquidated...or maybe they see a power seeker like Corzine rising up the hierarchy and eventually install him as a fall guy...and then poof...he's going down in flames and doesn't know what happened...he was assured like Saddam was...don't worry...do as we say and you will go down in history...and then wtf...it's all craping the bed.
The top operate in the realm of pure absolutes...they have zero emotion for the billions below....you are just a huge carbon footprint that needs to be reduced.
If to maintain their position requires the reduction to rubble of part of or the entire global system...then goodbye...It's no big whoop to the top.
In order for those above to maintain their position...they must give those below what they want.
But...In the power transfer...Those above must always obtain more power in return than they give.
That's how absolute capitalists operate...it's how you all operate within the absolute capitalist or take more than you give hierarchy.
All the fights you have are due to the power struggle that occurs when absolute capitalists interact...you are all trying to take more than you give...but can't.
In the end only a small group can obtain more than they give from the rest who give more than they take.
The top grows richer in power by taking more power than they give from the bottom while the bottom grows poorer in power by giving more power than they take from the top
Once the bottom has been sucked dry...the system collapses...the top or masters use the system as a source of power...the bottom or the rich servants and the poor slaves...the interaction between them is what generates the power.
The system is like a battery that supplies power to the top and when the battery runs dry...it has to be recharged.
The FED is used to facilitate and regulate...it's not the source of the power...it depends upon the source.
Nationalst perspective is not going to allow you to see what I see...
The top has zero use for any nationalist perspective except as a means to an end...which is control of nationalists.
like Americans, Canadians, and Russians...etc.
To the top...the population of the USA economic zone is just a souce of power...nothing more or less.
I know what you all are saying...but the FED is not trying to do anything other than sustain the top at the expense of the bottom...and because the rich are benefiting from close proximity to the top....they are obediently serving.
You are too...you believe that the FED is making mistakes...the FED is not making any mistakes...the only way you could believe the FED is making mistakes is if you are obediantly embracing the lies the FED is telling.
The banks and the FED were created by the top to sustain the top at the expence of the bottom...they are products of absolute capitalistic or take more than you give thinking.
Because in the end...if you all believe the FED has made a mistake...then the top maintains their position...the cause which is the absolute capitalist system of which they are the masters...becomes the FED and the puppet crew installed.
The FED was designed to bailout the top...it's a scapegoat in the end...It will take the bullet to the head for the master....that's what it's currently doing.
The top maintain their position by giving the bottom what they want...at least what you think you want...If in order to maintain their position requires the FED to be sacrificed...then it will be.
The top takes more than they give...and if they give you the FED and you are satisfied with it...then they win and you all lose...the power struggle.
How many decades have you all spent demanding the end of the FED?
Will tears of joy stream down your cheeks when you finally get what you want?
Which in the end will be less than you give the top....by the time this is done...the FED will be worthless...So in the end you all will be given nothing.
The masters will still be top and you all will still be the bottom running around in the ruins.
After everything resets...the top will employ all below to build and maintain the next source of all your misery and suffering...and the top will live off the yield from your power struggle trying to escape it.
I tend to think a couple of the very early so-called Gnostic Christian writers put forth the most logically conclusive reconstructions or re-presentations of the origins of the world. The one who created this world clearly erred in the design. If he knew everything, as Jewish scripture (power seeking priests) portrayed him, would he not have abandoned his plans once he foresaw how disastrous this race would turn out to be from the very beginning?
Oh, but the great and just God gave man the power to choose to love him and worship him so that they would defeat evil, although millions starve to death and billions live short and meaningless lives being crushed under the weight of the stones put into the Great Pyramid of present day commerce.
The law was supposedly for the law breakers according to the priest Paul, and so from the beginning man was created and shortly thereafter given the law not to eat from the tree...supposedly. So man was created to break the law.
In the early part of the book of Genesis it states that gold was from the land of Havilah, and gold is good. How is gold good? Gold is a piece of pretty dirt that is brought forth from the ground by means of slave labor in horrid conditions. Today gold miners are poisoned to death on a daily basis so man can have a pretty piece of dirt to lust over and to wear pretty status symbols. What good is gold other to enslave mankind?
Humanity seems to have been created with an affinity for evil rather than good. Does it not? I can not imagine there ever coming a time where the amount of people willing to be givers exceeds the amount willing to be takers.
Knowledge is the only thing that will save anyone at all and there is very little knowledge of use to the unfolding of the powers of mankind beyond the knowledge of self.
when to exist means to take more then you give - this is the only choice possible. To be or not to be!
Is this forum open to the public for comment?
Hyper, the fundamentals of what you are saying are spot on, there just seems to be some major delay that you have miscalculated on how fast this would transpire. I commend you on revealing the obvious formula that is completely logical. It seems the "tricks" are numerous for extending the game though.
Like it did 1933-1945....during the bankruptcy reorganization follwing the collapse 1929-1933...the liquidation climax of that reorganization was called WW2.
Pig bankers prefer the term "holocaust". Lol.
Mako, good to see you back in action.
I've always enjoyed your perspective, but I believe it can actually be simplified.
In essence, the very first unit of debt lent naked (ie without capital) immediately overprices the corresponding asset value(s).
Once an asset value is mispriced (aka malinvestment), the return on that investment is by definition insufficient to cover the carrying costs of the loan.
So, the inevitable conclusion is that the loan will default, and the collateral will be seized.
If you're a money lender who understands these basic mathematical principles, then it's child's play to first initiate & lend into an inflationary cycle, and then liquidate/short before everyone else before the plug is pulled.
Now, there's a wrinkle in this play book, and it occurs when the host has sufficient military power in which to default via (hyper)inflation ie money printing.
In this case, the money lenders simply unload their notes and convert their holdings to all manner of risk assets, whether it is gold, etc.
The second element of the strong power that defaults via money printing is they always go to war to cover their trail.
Either way the money lenders win - they've been at this game for thousands of years, and like the saying goes, there's nothing new under the sun, so it's really as simple as 1-2-3:
1. Lend naked ie fractional reserve
2. If a country is weak (eg Greece), hold notes until default, then seize collateral
3. If a country is strong (eg USA), sell notes/convert to risk assets while hyper-inflation is in play, and @ the same time get into war profiteering
"As tensions between the US and Iran heat up, author Michael T. Winter believes the main reason behind America’s harsh stance is Tehran’s move to seek an alternative to the dollar as an oil currency.
Economic sanctions, spearheaded by the US and, less willingly, the EU could have a disastrous effect on both of their respective economies. If Iran cannot sell their oil to Europe, there are plenty of customers waiting in the wings, and if they come bearing not petrodollars, but gold and sovereign currencies, then all the better for Iran. These sanctions, if enforced, will in effect place a serious dent in the power of the petrodollar.
Any rhetoric regarding Iran’s nuclear program and the insistence on crippling it is nothing more than a US attempt to force regime change for one more receptive to maintaining the hegemony of the petrodollar.
The world now knows the truth about the US and how they conduct their affairs. US hostilities toward Iran have nothing to do with nuclear weapons development. If that were the case, then North Korea and Pakistan would be facing similar sanctions and threats, but they aren’t. The difference of course is in what lies beneath the ground – oil. Iran has it and the other guys don’t.
At the heart of the issue is not Iran’s dubious attempt to build nuclear weapons, or even oil, but how that oil is paid for. In 1973, Richard Nixon promised King Faisal of Saudi Arabia that the US would protect Saudi Arabian oilfields from any and all interested parties seeking to forcefully wrest them from the House of Saud. It’s important to remember that in 1973, Saudi Arabia didn’t have a fraction of the military and ground forces it possesses today (almost exclusively US manufactured weapons) and the USSR was very much a threat."
In return Saudi Arabia, and by extension OPEC, agreed to sell their oil in US dollars only. As if that weren’t sweet enough, as part of the deal, they were required to invest their profits in US treasuries, bonds and bills. The real zinger is that all countries purchasing oil from OPEC had to do so in US dollars, or ‘petrodollars’.
This strengthened the US dollar, resulting in a steady US economic growth cycle throughout the 80’s and 90’s. Countries purchasing OPEC oil started buying US treasury bills, bonds and securities to ensure they could continue purchasing OPEC oil. This worked fine for the US until 2001.
No plan, however well formulated, functions smoothly indefinitely.
2001, enter Saddam Hussein. He floated a plan to sell oil for European currencies in lieu of petrodollars. Shortly after Iraq was ‘suddenly’ found to be seeking and stockpiling weapons of mass destruction – allegations spearheaded by the US. The world knows what happened, suffice it to say that Saddam is dead and Iraq is ‘back on track’, selling its oil for petrodollars once again.
Muammar Gaddafi harbored the Lockerbie Bombers and allowed various terrorist organizations establish training camps in Libya. He tried to buy a nuke from China in 1972. In 1977, he approached Pakistan, then India. He sought nerve gas from Thailand. In spite of well over fifty failed assassination attempts on Gaddafi by Israel, the US and the UK, Libya was left to its own devices for the most part. Seeking nukes and harboring terrorists is one thing, but threatening the petrodollar is quite another. Gaddafi made a fatal error when he decided to move away from the petrodollar in favor of other currencies. This simply was not tolerated by the US. Having already played the WMD card in Iraq, something new was pulled from the US ‘regime change’ grab bag. Within a year, ‘internal’ elements rose up in rebellion against Gaddafi and now he is dead. Long live the petrodollar.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, former head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), suggested last year that the Euro would be a more suitable oil reserve currency than the US Dollar. Within three months of that statement, allegations of rape ruined his career, derailing his bid for the French Presidency in the process. Soon thereafter, all charges were dropped, but of course, le dommage était fait – the damage was done. Christine Lagarde, DSK’s replacement as head of the IMF sees no reason to change the current arrangement, naturellement.
The Iran situation is a little trickier. The US has sought to dismantle Iran’s regime ever since the 1979 Iranian Revolution, so this round of hostilities, while not new, reflects a new level of intensity. Why, after thirty years of hostility, has the US ratcheted up its rhetoric? As Obama stated in his recent State of the Union address, when it comes to Iran and the insistence they dismantle their nuclear program, “no options are off the table”. By stating ‘no options’ this would include nuclear deployment as a deterrent.
The answer of course is that Iran is now seeking to disengage itself from the petrodollar dynamic. In 2005, Iran sought to create an Iranian Oil Exchange, thus bypassing the US controlled petrodollar. Fear that western powers would freeze accounts in European and London banks put an end to that plan.
But that was not the end of their attempts, and Iran sought other ways to get around the petrodollar noose. There are rumors that India, which imports 12% of their oil from Iran, has agreed to purchase oil for gold. Energy trade with China, importing 15% of its oil and natural gas from Iran may be settled in gold, yuan, and rial. South Korea plans to buy 10% of their oil from Iran in 2012, and unless Seoul sides with American and European sanctions, it is likely to use gold or their sovereign currency to pay for it. Also, Iran is already dumping the dollar in its trade with Russia in favor of rials and rubles.
Iran is breaking the back of the petrodollar. Others have tried, but Iran is succeeding. To understand how disastrous this is for the US, one must have a basic understanding of how critical a role the petrodollar plays in the economic health of the US.
Through King Faisal, Nixon elevated the US to supreme economic ascendency, not unlike Damocles in his desire to rule. Sitting on the (economic) throne of the world is great, but Nixon was either unaware of the sword dangling over the US economic system, or chose to ignore it in favor of reaping the rewards of the moment.
By creating the petrodollar paradigm, the US economy soared, as all countries of the world were required to amass US currency to purchase oil from OPEC nations. Sales of T-bills, securities and US bonds soared. US coffers fattened. With the US dollar as the world’s oil currency reserve, economic fortune favored the US. But with great reward comes great risk. While other countries exchanged their currency for the dollar, (forfeiting value in the process) the US simply printed more money to match their needs and purchase their oil – essentially for free.
The best example is that while gasoline in the US cost $3.00 per gallon, in Europe that same gallon costs $6.00 or more.
Herein lies the danger. If Iran is successful in its bid to set up their own bourse, or oil exchange, then what need does the world have for all those US dollars? The answer is none at all. As Iran creating gold and sovereign currency partnerships with India, China, South Korea and Russia, the hegemony of the petrodollar will be destroyed.
The resulting sell-off of US dollars, T-bills, securities, bonds and assets will flood the already swollen world economy with even more useless dollars, ultimately devaluing it into a position where hyper-inflation becomes a risk.
So, while the US government sabre-rattles and prattles on and on about nuclear weapons and the threat Iran poses to the Middle East, the thin veneer of lies spouted by the elite controlled media is being stripped away, revealing the truth of their warmongering rhetoric.
The US, by their foolish insistence on enforcing embargoes and sanctions against Iran, is hastening the end of the petrodollar and ushering in the age of US dollar hyper-inflation. A practical example: One loaf of bread in a healthy economy is $1.00. In an inflationary economy it’s $1.75. In a hyper-inflationary economy, $500.00.
Bullies may be large and dangerous, but rarely are they intelligent.
Damocles wisely vacated the throne of Dionysius before the sword fell upon his head, but the US is foolishly refusing to step down from their economic dais in spite of the catastrophic effect current policy direction will mean for US citizens and the world economy.
Michael T. Winter
But that was not the end of their attempts, and Iran sought other ways to get around the petrodollar noose. There are rumors that India, which imports 12% of their oil from Iran, has agreed to purchase oil for gold. Energy trade with China, importing 15% of its oil and natural gas from Iran may be settled in gold, yuan, and rial. South Korea plans to buy 10% of their oil from Iran in 2012, and unless Seoul sides with American and European sanctions, it is likely to use gold or their sovereign currency to pay for it. Also, Iran is already dumping the dollar in its trade with Russia in favor of rials and rubles.
Iran is breaking the back of the petrodollar. Others have tried, but Iran is succeeding. To understand how disastrous this is for the US, one must have a basic understanding of how critical a role the petrodollar plays in the economic health of the US.
Through King Faisal, Nixon elevated the US to supreme economic ascendency, not unlike Damocles in his desire to rule. Sitting on the (economic) throne of the world is great, but Nixon was either unaware of the sword dangling over the US economic system, or chose to ignore it in favor of reaping the rewards of the moment.
By creating the petrodollar paradigm, the US economy soared, as all countries of the world were required to amass US currency to purchase oil from OPEC nations. Sales of T-bills, securities and US bonds soared. US coffers fattened. With the US dollar as the world’s oil currency reserve, economic fortune favored the US. But with great reward comes great risk. While other countries exchanged their currency for the dollar, (forfeiting value in the process) the US simply printed more money to match their needs and purchase their oil – essentially for free.
The best example is that while gasoline in the US cost $3.00 per gallon, in Europe that same gallon costs $6.00 or more.
Herein lies the danger. If Iran is successful in its bid to set up their own bourse, or oil exchange, then what need does the world have for all those US dollars? The answer is none at all. As Iran creating gold and sovereign currency partnerships with India, China, South Korea and Russia, the hegemony of the petrodollar will be destroyed.
The resulting sell-off of US dollars, T-bills, securities, bonds and assets will flood the already swollen world economy with even more useless dollars, ultimately devaluing it into a position where hyper-inflation becomes a risk.
So, while the US government sabre-rattles and prattles on and on about nuclear weapons and the threat Iran poses to the Middle East, the thin veneer of lies spouted by the elite controlled media is being stripped away, revealing the truth of their warmongering rhetoric.
The US, by their foolish insistence on enforcing embargoes and sanctions against Iran, is hastening the end of the petrodollar and ushering in the age of US dollar hyper-inflation. A practical example: One loaf of bread in a healthy economy is $1.00. In an inflationary economy it’s $1.75. In a hyper-inflationary economy, $500.00.
Bullies may be large and dangerous, but rarely are they intelligent.
Damocles wisely vacated the throne of Dionysius before the sword fell upon his head, but the US is foolishly refusing to step down from their economic dais in spite of the catastrophic effect current policy direction will mean for US citizens and the world economy.
Michael T. Winter
Watching the citizens of the US get the just reward: priceless
It seems the "tricks" are numerous for extending the game though.
If you are in Greece the "trick" used to extend the game at the top caused you to lose.
The top lives off the yield from the bottom.
Basically the suck of power from the bottom to the top causes those that can't supply the demand for yield to be turned inside out or implode.
Good point on Greece, good points on the Iranian oil bourse attempt...
However, over the last two years I have heard of the inevitable demise of Greece as in "Greece on the verge of default"... (how many headlines of the same have you seen? YET, no default has actually occurred.
Is it simply a constant idle threat that will never occur?
HT, good to see another post. I guess you got Cheryl to move for a change. Good gal that Cheryl.
I just finished The State By Franz Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer has a version of the state, set up for the top, to suck from the bottom. Quite interesting stuff. The purpose of the state is class warfare.
Michael Winter above was writing the stage show. These guys don't care if we attach interest to money, as long as they can use it to acquire more property and finance more production. The chips are all on one side of the table and no one is going to be there to pay them. The Euro is a bigger mess than the dollar, as the dollar is necessary to keep the debt game going. It is not the money of the US, but the money of central banks. No one will pay Iraq in gold, like they need any gold? They need access to credit. You can't wire gold.
Oppenheimer had some kind of idea the people of the world would get out from under the rent, once it was fully employed. Looks like that will be a long time from now
Is it wrong to fantasize about Cheryl?
Dreaming of her creamy white skin and fine legs, to get lost in her feminine essence...
I want Cheryl too!
Cheryl, can you post sexy pictures of you?
Who will collapse first?
USA or Europe?
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Remember when Hyper said Japan would soon have to be liquidated?
It happening, the cover-up of the devastating effects of the meltdowns is amazing. All food products from Japan should be deemed dangerous as they aren't even testing for all radioactive isotopes. Here is an example:
Up for a fresh cup of radioactive Cesium tea, anyone?
Hello Hypertiger!
Can you give us an update on your global perspective?
As the poster above noted, what is your take for Japan, Europe, India, USA and Brazil?
You want to hear how schools treat disabled children?
Check this video out:
HYPERTIGER: When are you going to post an update?
Get back in the game Hyper- I've read every post you've made- need more truth to overcome the full on last attempts of propaganda by the MSN to spread the just positive and work hard and it will all be ok meme
Engage Hyper Burn truth into the eyes until we can't blink
Hypertiger original thesis of hyperdeflationary collapse, that's inflation must be greater than prior rate of inflation is in play again. Although things have not turned out exactly as Hypertiger initially postulated, his original thoughts about modern credit based economy and banking are spot on.
The signs of hyper-deflationary collapse were evident in US during 2007-2009, but the collapse was temporarily averted through massive central bank interventions.
The scenario is now being replayed in Europe.
Central bankers must inflate(pump money) at rates higher than previously. This is exactly how hyper predicted.
When the final collapse comes, it'll be as swift as hyper predicted-hyper-deflationary collapse.
Well anon, that depends whether central bankers embrace the concept of negative nominal interest rates.
Certainly the SNB and other european safe havens have stated they may do that.
It opens a scenario that Cherly hasn't considered properly, IMO.
Negative yield rates = implosion.
And everything is unfolding as forecast.
The EU is was destined to collapse from the first second of operation.
Basically from the moment the EU began existing...It's been a postponement of arrival at the logical conclusion for the take more than you give equation for as long as possible.
After decades it's now become virtually impossible to sustain postponement of the inevitable collapse.
The USA, because it's the primary demand of the global trade system, Will basically be supported by the collapses of all the economic zones below it...Until the flow of power into the USA from the consumption of the lower economic zones dries up...Then the USA will collapse some more.
A race to the bottom for currencies...
Negative yield rates are the embodyment of reversing the 'take more than you give' equation.
Since that is what you advocate, that reversal, then the position you've taken above is self contradictory.
It's not contradictory. Negative yield rates won't be tolerated and have just begun to be discussed.
They don't feed the system therefore since they have arrived it is evidence that the system has reached the end.
If the WERE tolerated for long then there would be another chapter, but they won't be.
Reps say "return to gold standard possible"
What do you think, Hyper?
@anon "
If the [negative nominal rates] WERE tolerated for long then there would be another chapter, but they **won't be**."
Blind assertion, that. The fact is there isn't any precedent so we're just guessing right?
There does seem to be some indication that mature european societies like Denmark and Germany are preferring the notion of negative nominal rates to that of price level increases.
Denmark has already implemented negative nominal rates, though I admit this is yet to flow through to its domestic depositors.
We will see what we will will see, but your certainly is both unwarranted and without evidential justification.
There is always a new chapter. There always has been since forever. The last time the book closed was when a giant rock wiped the dinosaurs. If you think that a big failure of imagination on the part of a small number of human beings implies the closing of the book of history then you are off your rocker.
There was no "growth" 1250 to 1750 yet many interesting chapters of histry are contained therein.
The real truth comes with being honest with yourself and your goals.
Why are all of your entries from this point forward gone?
Hmmm....so everything written since 2012 gone? About that, a reader should conclude what
what happened to this blog?
Why the 2013-2016 post missing???
Where are all the recent posts. Only see 2012 or b4. Please come back. Miss ur post. U help me. The other posts after 2012 seem deleted. Whats goong on?
Great post!
Its always comes down to Blood and Iron
Do what though Wilt
The New Chapter has already started with :
IMF, SDRs and the first global tax (mandatory carbon tax ) which will control all Expansion, contraction of Population Models etc, and used as a weapon for consolidation of the Establishments Sustainable Yield models , As the FIAT Debt Model is used in its out phasing to indent the masses, and thus be used to CULL the useless eaters and deflect away from the causality of the Ruling Elites Utopian Ideology of PNAC, Agenda 21 and Full spectrum Dominance of the New Cybernetic Slave system and Platos Eugenic Hierarchal Utopian model of PEACE for the Elites.Spelled out clearly in Carol Quigleys "Tragedy and Hope", The UNs founding Documents and Preamble write in the Precedeo, and many many CFR , tavistock, and BIS Treaties .
Its always comes down to Blood and Iron
Do what though Wilt
The New Chapter has already started with :
IMF, SDRs and the first global tax (mandatory carbon tax ) which will control all Expansion, contraction of Population Models etc, and used as a weapon for consolidation of the Establishments Sustainable Yield models , As the FIAT Debt Model is used in its out phasing to indent the masses, and thus be used to CULL the useless eaters and deflect away from the causality of the Ruling Elites Utopian Ideology of PNAC, Agenda 21 and Full spectrum Dominance of the New Cybernetic Slave system and Platos Eugenic Hierarchal Utopian model of PEACE for the Elites.Spelled out clearly in Carol Quigleys "Tragedy and Hope", The UNs founding Documents and Preamble write in the Precedeo, and many many CFR , tavistock, and BIS Treaties .
Also Yields with GMO ,Nano Tech and Black Budget Tech, have not been even addressed by "Hyper" ROFLMAO
Its always comes down to Blood and Iron
Do what though Wilt
The New Chapter has already started with :
IMF, SDRs and the first global tax (mandatory carbon tax ) which will control all Expansion, contraction of Population Models etc, and used as a weapon for consolidation of the Establishments Sustainable Yield models , As the FIAT Debt Model is used in its out phasing to indent the masses, and thus be used to CULL the useless eaters and deflect away from the causality of the Ruling Elites Utopian Ideology of PNAC, Agenda 21 and Full spectrum Dominance of the New Cybernetic Slave system and Platos Eugenic Hierarchal Utopian model of PEACE for the Elites.Spelled out clearly in Carol Quigleys "Tragedy and Hope", The UNs founding Documents and Preamble write in the Precedeo, and many many CFR , tavistock, and BIS Treaties .
Also Yields with GMO ,Nano Tech and Black Budget Tech, have not been even addressed by "Hyper" ROFLMAO
Triggered my little cotton ball ROFLMFAO
Well negative rates are being tolerated
Try are and are 100% WRONG
al as IMF SDRs are being bought into on Globalist bond swaps and higher rates
The globalist are long on Carbon Credits
so this is the NEW Chapter
don't be butt hurt
you either learn from your nascence and ignorance or you become owned by the Material world of emotional illusions
TRUTH is Nothing New Under the Sun
Reps say "return to gold standard possible"
What do you think, Hyper?
I will answer, because Hyper "cheryl " will NOT be honest
"WE " will NEVER EVER go back on ANY Gold Standard
Gold is BS, just like USERY
We should go onto interest free money, issued by the govt (and the amount should be fixed to the natural growth rate of REAL labour added to the economy in Real Value/ population expansion or contraction ) ONLY to PAY for Essential Govt expenditures.
ALL incomes taxes and most importantly property taxes can be completely eliminated now, because the govt prints anyhow .
Those are the FACTS.
Gold and Silver were always BS , just like Fiat fractional usury banking
Hyper (cheryl) will not have an open honest discussion here though and prove her thesis through the use of the Trivium rational ,because she is either a liar or doesn't know what the hell she's talking about (at least with Gold and certainly with Yield % coming to its conclusion).
Its sad because it could be an interesting dialogue here for everyone, but Cheryl has shadows on her character she has yet to face.
Cheryl has a great perception and unique view (nothing new ) , but she hurts herself because of fears that enslave much of her and and spirit, If she faced her fears and the illusions and narratives that her mind create , she could be incredible .
But the hardest thing in life for most is to face the shadows of ones character that filter the perceptions , delusions and illusions from the clarity of Wisdom , truth, reality
Is is only when one has shed ALL fear here, that one can go on, and truly become animated in spirit and life , for this is the place where freewill creates spirit or not and soul comes or doesn't ...
When it goes, squirrels will be worth a lb of pecans.
"In the olden days The King/ruler had a Royal mint. And the only place you could sell silver and GOLD was to the royal mint ultimately. It refined GOLD and Silver and produced coins.
That the King/ruler said was money by decree.
I'm sorry but a group of peasant farmers did not find gold in a river, refine it , make it into coins with the ruler's image on it, and then present it to the ruler and say...Here sire we call this invention money."
Close the Federal Reserve and start printing interest free United States Notes again.
Negative mortgage rates where the banks pay you to live in houses...are not being tolerated
none of you are going to lend money to someone else and expect less back
you people can not wrap your minds around the trillions that flow into and out of the global bond markets every day.
At this point...it is pointless trying to explain to any of you what your minds will never be able to comprehend.
Interest free money will never exist
rent = tax = interest = yield = service fee...
It's all just word games.
I supply power wholesale to the global system which is the demand for power...the real power is converted into fake power or money...marked up and sold to all of you retail.
most of you are consumers...not producers...
for the past 35 years the consumers of yield have been imploding the producers of yield down towards the absolute 0 point to supply yield to the demand for yield by the explosion of consumers up towards the absolute 1 point
My net worth = zero
Zero point energy = me
The mathematics I'm showing you are universal and have existed everywhere on the planet all throughout recorded history.
There is no escape from the system inside the system
There is no escape from the system inside the system
running in terror from what you are going to eventually smash into
like winter...the further you get away from winter the closer you get.
No money in south america when the Spanish showed up...It's accounting
Which you all including mathematicians for the most part...suck at
I look for what I need to find...You all are looking for what you want to find
The slowest way to prove yourself wrong is to constantly try to prove yourself right
The fastest way to prove yourself right is to constantly try to prove yourself wrong
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