[Repost in light of current events]
The plan is for a 90% liquidation of unfundable liabilities...Or about 5 Billion former assets to be wiped off the face of the ledger...
I'm talking about real economics...Not the wishful thinking that is marketed as economics...
Top lives off the yield from the bottom...Top buys and sells and all below speculate...when you are buying the top is selling and when you are selling the top is buying...
And when the bottom is sucked dry...Game over...
Truth is not a theory...
This forum will not exist because the servers will shut down...No one will be able to afford to sustain this luxury...
I'm telling you so now...I'm not going to be around to tell you so after...You will know so...It will be blindingly crystal clear...
Deadly new flu strain erupts in Mexico, U.S.
Fri Apr 24, 2009 7:50pm EDT
By Alistair Bell and Noel Randewich
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A strain of flu never seen before has killed up to 60 people in Mexico and also appeared in the United States, where eight people were infected but recovered, health officials said on Friday.
Mexico's government said at least 20 people have died of the flu and it may also be responsible for 40 other deaths.
It shut down schools and canceled major public events in Mexico City to try to prevent more deaths in the sprawling, overcrowded capital. Authorities said they had enough antiviral medicine to treat about 1,000 suspected cases reported so far.
The World Health Organization said tests showed the virus from 12 of the Mexican patients was the same genetically as a new strain of swine flu, designated H1N1, seen in eight people in California and Texas.
"Our concern has grown as of yesterday," Dr. Richard Besser, acting director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told reporters in a telephone briefing.
Global health officials were not ready to declare a pandemic -- a global epidemic of a new and deadly disease such as flu. "So far there has not been any change in the pandemic threat level," Besser said.
But the human-to-human spread of the new virus raised fears of a major outbreak. Mexico's government suspended classes for millions of children in Mexico City, where scared residents rushed out to buy face masks and kept their kids at home.
"We're frightened because they say it's not exactly flu, it's another kind of virus and we're not vaccinated," said Angeles Rivera, 34, a government worker who fetched her son from a public kindergarten that was closing.
Close analysis showed the disease is a mixture of swine, human and avian viruses, according to the CDC.
Humans can occasionally catch swine flu from pigs but rarely have they been known to pass it on to other people.
Mexico reported 1,004 suspected cases of the new virus, including four possible cases in Mexicali on the border with California.
Most of the dead were aged between 25 and 45, a health official said. It was a worrying sign as seasonal flu can be more deadly among the very young and the very old but a hallmark of pandemics is that they affect healthy young adults.
Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova said Mexico has enough antiviral drugs to combat the outbreak for the moment. "In the last 20 hours, fewer serious cases of this disease and fewer deaths have been reported," he told reporters.
The WHO said the virus appears to be susceptible to Roche AG's flu drug Tamiflu, also known as oseltamivir, but not to older flu drugs such as amantadine.
Canada has not reported any cases of the flu and is not issuing a travel warning for Mexico, but the country's chief public health officer David Butler-Jones said the outbreak was "very concerning" and Canada was paying close attention.
The CDC's Besser said it was probably too late to contain the outbreak. "There are things that we see that suggest that containment is not very likely," he said. Once it has spread beyond a limited geographical area it would be difficult to control.
But there is no reason to avoid Mexico, CDC and the WHO said. "CDC is not recommending any additional recommendations for travelers to California, Texas and Mexico," Besser said.
Worldwide, seasonal flu kills between 250,000 and 500,000 people in an average year, but the flu season for North America should have been winding down.
The U.S. government said it was closely following the new cases. "The White House is taking the situation seriously and monitoring for any new developments. The president has been fully briefed," an administration official said.
In California, where six people have been infected with the flu, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said authorities were monitoring patients with flu-like symptoms and communicating with Mexican health officials.
Mexico's government cautioned people not to shake hands or kiss when greeting or to share food, glasses or cutlery. Flu virus can be spread on the hands, and handwashing is one of the most important ways to prevent its spread.
The outbreak jolted residents of the Mexican capital, one of the world's biggest cities with around 20 million residents. One pharmacy ran out of surgical face masks after selling 300 in a day.
The virus is an influenza A virus, carrying the designation H1N1. It contains DNA from avian, swine and human viruses, including elements from European and Asian swine viruses, said the CDC, which is already working on a vaccine.
Scientists were trying to understand why there are so many deaths in Mexico when the infections in the United States seem mild, Besser said.
The CDC said it will issue daily updates here
Surveillance for and scrutiny of influenza has been stepped up since 2003, when H5N1 bird flu reappeared in Asia. Experts fear that or another strain could cause a pandemic that could kill millions.
The last flu pandemic was in 1968 when "Hong Kong" flu killed about a million people globally.
The Government does not run the printing press. Consumer requests do. And when the consumers are full and the buttons on their clothes are popping off...checkmate...game over...
The compounding interest commercial banking monetary system is 600 years old...There is very little lending...
Money is manufactured.
Stop that and kiss technological civilization good bye.
Rich people take more than they give.
Poor people give more than they take.
Eventually the power supply is sucked dry.
Just like a horse ridden to exhaustion...The rider can dismount and whip it to death...It's not going to budge.
It's inevitable...whether a mob of peasants stops the system from inflating or the system inflates to maximum potential and is stopped by GOD
The implosion is inevitable.
And the postponement of the inevitable has almost reached the end. Just watch the growth of the total money supply. Currently US consumers are requesting commercial banks to manufacture 11 Billion dollars a day or 1 Trillion dollars of new money every 90 days.
To simplify I'm leaving out collateral complications...The home builder has a long standing relationship with the bank and they trust the home builder and that is the collateral and the Home buyer has a good high paying job and that is his collateral.
Lets say a home builder builds a house...They go to a commercial bank and request lets say $100,000 at short term wholesale rates to be manufactured to construct a house then mark it up to $200,000 and put a for sale sign on it.
A home buyer sees it, falls in love and runs to a commercial bank and requests $200,000 to be manufactured at long term retail rates.
And buys it.
Now lets say after the whole operation is balanced...The Home builder comes out with a yield of $30,000 free and clear profit to buy hookers, blow in Las Vagas or donate to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.
The Bank gets a Mortgage asset worth $200,000 plus $5,000 of interest from the short term money creation requested by the Home builder that the home builder paid off when the Home buyer bought the house.
The home buyer gets a dream home and owes $200,000 that they will spend around 30 years working to pay off.
And the total money supply has now expanded by $200,000
That is the basics.
All the workers that built the house get paid as well...Lawyers, home inspectors...etc...all the people involved.
It's where the paychecks basically come from.
Almost everyone on Earth is a debt slave...There are 6 Billion in the hierarchy.
Top lives off the yield from the bottom...
Zero is nothing....adding more zeroes onto the ends of numbers is adding nothing. Whether a paper clip is 1 cent or 1 Trillion dollars it's still a paper clip.
A well rested horse is not an exhausted horse. And an exhausted horse is zero.
Top lives off the yield from the bottom. When the yield from the bottom to the top becomes zero...The top goes nowhere. The top needs to find a well rested horse to ride...You can add as many exhausted horses to the equation as you want...You are not going anywhere.
The money supply I'm looking at currently has to inflate by 11 Billion dollars a day...1 Trillion dollars every 90 days...
The next acceleration is 5 Trillion in 6 months. Then 3 months then 45 days then 23 days then 12 days then 6 days then 3 days then 36 hours then 18 hours then 9 hours then 4 hours then 2 hours then 1 hour then 30 minutes then 15 minutes then 8 minutes then 4 minutes then 2 minutes then 1 minute then 30 seconds then 15 seconds then 8 seconds then 4 seconds then 2 seconds then 1 second...to infinity and beyond.
How about a Quadrillion dollars (1000 Trillion) in a Nanosecond? (1 Billionth of a second)
I'm sure you can create that amount of money on a whim. And then double that in less than a blink of an eye.
A horse can be ridden to exhaustion...The rider can dismount and whip it to death if they choose...The horse won't budge once it's reached maximum potential...

The only variable you account for is yourself. There is no solution to free will...You choose to be ignorant...And that's it...Nothing can be done about that.
All that the system you are in can do is inflate to maximum potential then implode...poof
That's all it does.
Actually none of you realize what you are in...An absolute capitalist Hierarchial food powered make work enterprise...
GDP break down...
Agriculture: 1% The producers of the power...
The consumers of the power.
Industry: 20.7%
Services: 78.3%
Sorry but none of you eat Gold and Silver or copper or crude oil, etc. to sustain the continued existence of your bodies...
Total labor force out of the population of 300 Million...150 million.
farming/food production 0.5% or 7.5 million people...
The total debt/money supply...What everyone owes right now is about 49 Trillion dollars...
The total Labor force is 150 million...Those not working can not sustain the existence of the USA...That works out to $326,666 a worker...at 5% which is basically what the average Yield is...
$2,450,000,000,000 just to sustain the existence of the money supply...To pay the rent on the 49 Trillion money supply you are all renting...And that does not include anything else...food, shelter, clothing...etc.
That is just how much the money supply of $49 Trillion you are renting from the top has to increase by per year, 2.5 Trillion, so that you can continue paying the rent to sustain its existence...
Or $16,300 per worker/year
Currently consumer/worker drones are requesting the commercial banks to manufacture 1 Trillion every 90 days or 11 Billion dollars a day or $4 Trillion a year compounding to...
Sustain the delusion of freedom you all are living in...And have been since you popped into existence within it...Failure to sustain the required inflation will cause the delusion to stop inflating and it will shatter and all the consumer/worker drones are forced to wake up from the daydream into a nightmare beyond your abilities to comprehend...
There are billions of people below you in the global hierarchy holding you up...
A horse can be ridden to exhaustion...The rider can dismount and whip it to death if they choose...The horse won't budge once it's reached maximum potential...
Looks like the USA whipping operation in Iraq still is not working...It appears that the Iraqis have had enough of you and won't budge.
It's all going to come crashing down...poof.
Rich people get all the power they have from the bottom...and when the bottom is exhausted...There is nothing they can do...They have no power other than what you all give them.
And you think when you can no longer pay the top what you owe them that they are going to print up what you owe them...hand it to you and then you hand it back to them to pay them what you owe them...
Sorry...When the bottom is exhausted...It's game over.
No magic printing press or anything else is going to work....The only thing that works is liquidation.
But you all don't like that.
Oh well...The Universe is not interested in what you all like or don't like. The Universe does not care about your opinion.
And don't cry to me...I just popped into existence in the Universe...Nothing I can do about it...
There is no solution to the have your cake and eat it too problem.
If you collectively tighten your belts the system implodes...sorry you blew it...
Debt is money and money is debt in a compounding interest commercial banking monetary system...You all stop requesting the commercial banks to manufacture money and the system implodes...Whether by choice or consumers reach maximum potential and are forced to stop.
And the top knows about the implosion you think is impossible...
Not a mystery at all...
Consumers use their income which is mostly previously manufactured money or an asset/equity that has been inflated in price by previously manufactured money as collateral for their request of a compounding interest commercial bank to manufacture new money.
"The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled."--John Kenneth Galbraith
And when consumers have requested all they can request...game over.
The red line on the below chart is wages and salaries growth it's flat...But the total debt line is shooting up like a rocket to infinity and beyond and the trade deficit is shooting down like a rocket to infinity and beyond...
The below charts...that's what economic doomsday looks like prior to realization...It won't be long now.

The compounding interest commercial banking monetary system is 600 years old...The current global system based in the City of London is 314 years old.
It's almost inflated to maximum potential...and it's about to implode to oblivion.
The USA has been in this system its entire existence. In 1944 Bretton Woods the USA was set up as the demand of the global system...The inflationary engine...
It's GLOBAL - everyone on Earth needs US dollars to buy oil...80 million barrels a day globally...Just the oil requirements cause a 5.6 Billion dollar a day demand for US dollars globally.
All GLOBAL trade is in US dollars.
When the US consumer reaches exhaustion the USA along with the rest of the world will implode since they are dependant upon US consumers...US consumers are the source of US Dollars...China is not selling all that stuff produced with child slave labor to the FED.
You do know there are 100's of 1000's of Children working in Communist controlled factory hives in China 14 hours a day 6 days a week for $200 a month producing happy meal and Christmas toys for western consumers...been going on for years...Decades.
It's a Nightmare...All to support the Delusional lifestyles of the wannabe rich and famous...
To keep the Internet functional so you all can tell me how stupid or wrong I am...
Well good news...It's almost reached game over...
The biggest lie that ever came out of the FED...Don't worry children the deflationary dragon is never going to get you because we have a magic weapon that can slay the dragon forever...It also happens to be the most accepted of all the lies that ever came out of the FED...
And since 2002 when it was told...I have had to put up with zealots...Really it's a religion now...
From the point The Germans were told by the City of London to print money to buy GOLD in 1920 until maximum potential gong show was reached was 4 years...and the actual Hyperinflation lasted 14 months...from early 1923 to late 1924...The whole situation comedy imploded into food riots and the German army was machine gunning people in the streets.
It fueled the roaring 20's in the USA...It took until 1927 for the German implosion to spread out into the system and hit the USA with the climax the 1929-1933 crash followed by the 1933-1945 bankruptcy reorganization of the now 314 year old global system...The whole global system collapsed...England was dumping grain at sea while the population starved trying to cut supply so that demand could bid up prices and get inflation started again.
And that was minor compared to the insanity we are headed into.
The FED is not going to print anything it does not print money...or electronically inflate...It's consumer requests...and when consumers are maxed out...thats it...The FED is not going to buy all your food to feed you or pay all your bills.
It's liquidation time.
In Germany a different situation played out. Basically the winning powers had Germany on the run retreating back into Germany in 1919...At the start France crossed Germany's border first, were repulsed and then Germany invaded France...That was a big mistake...
"ARTICLE 235 The Versailles Treaty June 28, 1919
In order to enable the Allied and Associated Powers to proceed at once to the restoration of their industrial and economic life, pending the full determination of their claims, Germany shall pay in such installments and in such manner (whether in gold, commodities, ships, securities or otherwise) as the Reparation Commission may fix, during 1919, 1920 and the first four months Of 1921 , the equivalent of 20,000,000,000 gold marks."
2790 Gold marks equalled 2.2 Lb of pure gold.
15,770,609 Lb of Gold or 7885 short tons of gold or 229,935,483 oz of Gold...
Quite a bit of GOLD...Especially when the total above ground stock around that time was 50,000 tons with around 25,000 tons monetary Gold world wide...
And Germany certainly did not have 7885 short tons of gold in 1919 1920 or 1921...
What to do then? The British (Bank of England) basically told Germany to print marks to buy GOLD...From? The winning powers...
The Looting of Germany carry trade...Germany printed marks and then bought Gold then the amount of GOLD they owed dropped and the winning Powers still had GOLD and loads of marks...what to do with all those marks? Send them home to roost buying raw materials and finished goods...
The marks flooded into the German commercial banking system allowing it to inflate the debt supply in Germany...The more GOLD Germany bought the more marks they had to print...Which caused the purchasing power to drop...It was quickly losing its value...
But outside of Germany all the currencies were quickly gaining value...Basically German exports were getting constantly cheaper and cheaper...A free give away of German raw materials and finished products basically...
This fueled the Roaring 20's until the mark was losing value so fast that it basically caused prices inside Germay to hyperinflate until it was impossible to account...The looting of Germany carry trade collpased in 1924 after about 14 months of Hyperinflation of prices or a hyperdeflation of the value of the mark ...
side note...
Winston Churchill was Chancellor of the Exchequer (Treasury) of the United Kingdom from November 6, 1924 - June 4, 1929...
The collapse of the carry trade caused a hyperdeflationary implosion of the banking/monetary system in Germany and the shockwave spred out into the Global system and reached the USA by late 1926 and visibly manifested with the market crash October 21 1929...Since real estate began caving in first and the sell off there flowed into the Stockmarkets in search of yield inflating them from 1927 to 1929 in a massve mania...
The Great depression inside of the USA was caused by a collapse in debt inflation in the USA due to the implosion of the roaring 20's post World War 1 looting of Germany bubble..
It bankrupted the crown system which began to rapidly implode...It was stopped in 1933...1933-1945 was the bankruptcy reorganization of the now 314 year old crown system...
The top is not going to avoid the implosion...They have known about it all along...It's the logical conclusion of the taking more power than you give equation...
The top capitalizes on the bottom's ignorance to sustain their position. Really...You all are basically fighting to stay asleep...Because when you wake up you find that you are incompatible with all those around you...You can see all the games that people play, all the lies self destruct and the delusions shatter.
I do realize you are deeply integrated in your surroundings.
The top has engineered the system for decades and if you look at the Global system that is 314 years old...centuries...to postpone the inevitable...
The USA is just a component in a global system that began operating before the USA even existed.
Currently the most significant component since 1944...The demand or inflationary engine of the 314 year old global system...and when US consumers reach maximum potential...That's it...there is not going to be a brief flicker of the lights and the back up global system kicks in...
There is no back up system...
Consumers request 1 dollar and the printing press or electronic equivalent spits out a dollar.
Consumers request zero dollar and the printing press or electronic equivalent spits out zero dollar.
You all going to run to work camps to get your hands on any Federal Government created credit like in the 1930's?
To rebuild the US manufacturing sector/economy you would have to cut all trade and start from square one basically. And if you used the same system all it would do is inflate and implode again.
The USA imports 60 billion dollars a month of raw materials and finished goods and now with the Internet many services to sustain itself...
Any silver and gold coins spent into an economy dependant upon imports would circulate out and never come back. The gold in the Treasury has a book value of 11 billion dollars...that would be sucked out in days if used to pay for imports and if sold in the market would be 159 Billion or enough to pay for imports for 3 months tops.
When the horse is ridden to exhaustion...That's the end of the race to the glorious future...sorry. Somehow you seem to think that an exhausted horse can be motivated to gallop at full speed past the point it drops dead.
Hey I know pass a rule making it illegal for exhausted horses to stop galloping at full speed.
That should solve the problem.
The top is not going to let the system implode...They whip you all to gallop at full speed...Until you become exhausted...Then thats it...
All the power that the top has is supplied to them from the bottom.
You are all hired to keep the system going and when you won't or can't...That's it...
Maximum potential power is maximum potential power. Maximum potential is infinite and indestructible.
The total power the Universe has access to is always less than infinite and indestructible.
Or the Universe would have no structure.
Your awarenesses of the Universe are not inside the Universe.
They have no structure...It's why all that you dream up when put into practice within the Universe has consequences you never dreamed of.
Because you did not dream of them.
Peak oil is where you run out or you can not afford to buy it. There have been billions of people that have been at peak oil for decades. For the entire history of the oil industry there have been millions and now billions that can't get their hands on it.
Those who choose to take more power than they give become richer in power or powerful.
Those who choose to give more power than they take become poorer in power or powerless.
There are billions of drones in the global hierarchy supplying power to the bottom of the American sub hierarchy. And within the American sub Hierarchy there are 100's of millions of drones supplying power to the top of the top of it which is ultimately supplied to the top of the top of the Global hierarchy in Europe. The USA is just an asset ultimately.
And the top of the top of the Global hierarchy then takes their cut or Yield of power and distributes what's left back down to reward all the billions of worker drones...
At the bottom of the bottom of the Global hierarchy many drones are sucked dry and drop dead every day.
Ultimately since the Absolute capitalist hierarchy takes more power than it gives...
The dividing line gets sucked up the hierarchy and spreads to all the other sub hierarchies in the Global hierarchy and begins being sucked up the sub hierarchies...and at the maximum potential point the bottom of the structure collapses...and the whole monstrosity implodes...
All the ignorant drones enjoying the delusional lifestyles of the wannabe rich and famous...
HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IS GOING ON...oblivious...Quaking in Terror wondering when their glorious leaders are going to tell them whats going on and what to do next now that all their hopes and dreams for the future have been blown out like candles...
Been like this for 1000's and 1000's and 1000's of years.
But Hyper the Top needs us and has to save us...
Yes the top needs assets and saves assets...But once the bottom is used up...They are not assets anymore...They are liabilities and either self liquidate or are wiped off the face of the ledger...
Can't feed 6 Billion boot lickers anymore...well...liquidate them until you get to the point that you can.
The above is real economics...Not the wishful thinking fantasy economics you all are devoted to and promote.
The Just think positive ignore the negative economic school of thought you all have been floating around in dazed and confused your entire lives.
Just so you can comprehend better
In the below equations you have the terms Initial principle and Future value.
The Future value is the initial principle and the initial principle is the Future value
If you have 1 bottle of wine initial principle and you never drink it and keep it in the wine cellar for 5 Years then the Future value is ultimately 1 bottle of wine.
But if you lend 1 bottle of wine out under the condition that you get 2 back in return in a year or 100% interest...Then many accounting irregularities begin to arise.
If you are not responsible for obtaining the future value then you are irresponsible and someone else is responsible but then what If they choose to refuse or can't no matter what obtain the future value...Then what?
Are they responsible for your irresponsibility?
That is the key accounting irregularity within the compounding interest equation.
It's not really an equation...It's actually a very simple algorithm or program at the core of the power accounting algorithms within the Absolute capitalist hierarchial food powered make work enterprise. The 6000 + years old city state or civilizational system.
And a key fixture of the 600 year old compounding interest commercial banking monetary system operating within the absolute capitalist hierarchial food powered make work enterprise.
There is no flexibility at all...
You either supply the required inputs to the equation or you don't...It can not predict future value by itself. And once you fail to supply the required input...The output or future value changes.
Once the future value begins decreasing it takes more power input to reverse the deflation of future value.
There comes a point where the equation requires infinite power to stop the future value from decreasing.
The logical conclusion of the compounding interest equation is the total annihilation of all opposition to the total annihilation of all oposition to the logical conclusion of the compounding interest equation.
Or implosion.
Because it's not really an equation its an algorithm.
The compounding interest algorithm = EVIL
Unless of course you enjoy inflating to maximum potential and then deflating to maximum potential over and over again forever...Then the compounding interest algorithm = GOOD.
Simplicity adds up to the multiplication of complexity which is then divided unequally to obtain the required yield of power the absolute capitalists want to manipulate the Universe how they desire.
The worshippers of the compounding interest algorithm will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the equation is inimical to their interests while those who follow the worshippers will complain about the effects but will be ignorant of the cause.
The TOP of the TOP of the Hierarchy know that the absolute capitalist system can not be sustained and that the implosion of it is inevitable...
Those below them are the worshippers and below them are the followers.
There is a maximum potential to inflation is my point.
Reguardless of what all you all think, believe, or have faith in to the contrary.
The top or those with the ability to inflate the money supply need a reason to.
Saving your asses or causing the price of Gold or other commodities to inflate to infinity and beyond are not reasons the top will use as excuses to inflate the money supply beyond what the bottom can accomplish.
And ultimately there is no way to smash through maximum potential so it's doomed to implosion reguardless.
Inflation in human affairs can be traced ultimately to reproduction.
You are looking for salvation where there never was any, is not now, and never will be.
Money is debt and debt is money.
Someone owes you or you owe someone in the absolute capitalist hierarchial food powered make work enterprise...
It was designed by the owners of it and ultimately all below owe the top everything and the top owes all below nothing.
The top does not owe you all any money...You owe all the money in existence to the top...You all rent. The top are the LANDLORDS.
And ultimately power is the medium of exchange.
The purpose of the Police and military is to protect the top from the bottom...
To protect cause from consequence...
The easiest prey of the hunter gatherer is the farmer and the simplest operation is the protection scheme...
You are either with them or against them...
All money is decreed money...fiat...
The top says this is money...Or else...period end of story....
You Farmer are on the Land owned by the LORD of the land and will pay tribute to the LORD of 1 Gold coin a year...
Where do I get this GOLD coin?
You can take one short ton of grain to the grainery of the LORD and there you will be given a GOLD coin for it and then you can give the gold coin to the servant of the LORD...
What if I refuse?
Then the LORD will drive you from the Land that the LORD is the LORD of...
There you go an abundant supply of free food to power your wildest hopes and dreams...Lies and delusions...
22 And The LORD said, Behold! The man has become as one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put forth his hand and also take from the Tree of Life, and eat, and live forever,
23 The LORD sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground out of which he was taken.
24 And He drove the man out. And He lodged the cherubs at the east of the Garden of Eden, and the flaming sword whirling around to guard the way of the Tree of Life.
Well what is done with all that Food the tillers of the LORD's land give the LORD as Tribute?
It powers the Absolute capitalist Hierarchial food powered make work enterprise...
The city state...Or Civilization...
Those who choose to take more power than they give become richer in power or powerful and those who choose to give more power than they take become poorer in power or powerless.
Allow me to take more power than I give from another and I care not who makes the rules
Since I will eventually suck all the power from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one...
And then they who have the power will make the rules of the game you are all playing...
Money is a food substitute...Ultimately a tool that allows the exchange of power to be easier to accomplish and account for.
Ultimately the medium of exchange is power.
You need to amass the required amount of power to create money.
Once you have enough power you say this is money...or else.
The FED creates nothing it's just a regulator. A connection between the Federal Government and the rest of the Central banks in the 314 year old Global network based in the City of London. The biggest thing the FED did was introduction of a standard Bank note...prior to the 1900's there were easily a 1000 different banknotes in circulation in the USA
The commercial banks funded the creation of the FEDERAL RESERVE not the other way around....
And consumers funded the creation of the commercial banks.
People fund the creation of rich people and in the process the people funding the creation of rich people become poor people.
Those that choose to take more power than they give become richer in power or powerful.
Those who choose to give more power than they take become poorer in power or powerless.
The Creature from Jeklyll Island is a book directed at a target audience to obtain money...It explains very little. An most of it was ripped off from The first book called Secrets of the FEDERAL RESERVE The London Connection.
The FEDERAL RESERVE is just a branch in the Global central banking network.
G. Edward Griffin takes more power than he gives and becomes richer in power.
If he told truth he would lose power and his Creature from Jeklyll Island cult would implode to oblivion.
And he would have to figure out some other method/scheme to sustain the delusional lifestyle of the wannabe rich and famous he currently enjoys.
I know about the path of least resistance...Animals and lightening bolts follow it to the logical conclusion...Human beings have to choose to follow it...But since it's the path of least resistance it is the easiest choice...
Animals and Lightening bolts are ignorant by default...human beings have to choose to be ignorant...And invest effort into avoidance of effort. As long as you all don't mind inflating to maximum potential and then deflating to maximum potential then there is no problem or debate...
Just march to your doom with glee like bacteria and accept the fate you have all chosen and quit crying to me about it...Or attempting to explain to me what I'm well aware of.
You are the Government of you...if you become a threat to the continued existence of another Government then that Government will attempt to eliminate the threat to its continued existence and of course you desire to exist as long as possible so then you will attempt to eliminate the threat to your continued existence...
The ancient power trade imbalance/Power struggle.
Could just throw chains around all your necks again and start at square one.
You have to choose to be ignorant. Most of you are just emotional animals since your emotions are your masters...The top exploits this weakness to manipulate and ultimately gain control of you...
You can't gain control of yourself until you subdue your emotions and turn them into servants...
They are your emotions.
Just because something feels good does not mean that it is good and just because something feels bad does not mean that it is bad.
Every mistake I have ever made felt good when I choose to make it...
Like connecting to the Internet and posting on message boards.
Most people are just drones hooked up to the feeding tube.
Sure you vastly out number the top but you don't know where your masters are. You don't know how to function any way other than how you currently are which is the way your masters want you to.
The way you have been programmed.
You all are working for your masters right now and doing exactly as they want you to.
The bottom does all the work...The top just lives off the yield.
George Bush? Not the top just a drone like all of you.
The key problem is you all have no clue how to break free and as I pointed out above you don't know when it's time to either.
This is Universal...It's been like this as long as people have existed...
The entire 6000 years of recorded history...This is nothing new and you all have never ever escaped the rich getting richer poor getting poorer cycle.
You all just cry about it, then you die...
A liquidation of the debtors.......Hmmm. No intention of stopping the spread of a killer virus......Hmmm. A big fat war(s) as an extermination vehicle.......Hmmm.
Can't argue with Hyper's math. Appears more as if a currency crisis rather than a de/in-flation problem. Those two ingredients are just a side road to ruin when debt outstanding is insurmountable.
Many possible scenarios if the world forces the US to pay up. On the other hand, the US has fed the world including Russia in the past and to this day Iran and the Middle East to name but a few, something China can't be relied on to do unless they appropriate our farmland.
What is the point of telling doomed stupid people anything? Maybe the concept of original sin is stupidity! And so we are born stupid and doomed from the start in a system we did not create but are born into and are slaves to. Assuming I buy I buy that ---so what’s your point?
A choice of not playing the game, like living in a cave and exchanging wild berries and animal hides and clubbing to death any one presenting an economic algorithm? Defying inside plumbing, heat and running water?
Are you a member of the top? If not then I guess your ass is doomed like the rest of us or will “they” let you survive because you’re so “smart” and the rest are so dumb?
Yes this whole system is screwed up a mess a nightmare but tell me when it’s been any different? Tell me when the time of pure innocent living was. Cain slew his brother Able and in doing so wiped out a quarter of the worlds population, invented modern warfare, and lied to his creator. So tell me hyper who was the “top” then? And what was the killing about? Not enough land for four people on earth, the stress of overpopulation, and not enough goodies to go around? Fear of outside intervention, terrorism, illegal immigration? Or did four people reach maximum potential and the top (I guess God) decided it was time to call in the chips.
Tell me how the history of man kind has been anything different than the above, killing, lying, cheating, denying, etc. This scam you go on about is but another evil in the long history of evil. Evil longer than the scam you forewarn about. Sometime when it blows up the top will go with it. Unless the “top” is a part of infinity and I don’t think so. Finite programs are eventually trumped by the infinite and that goes for the top as well.
Or maybe nothing is really “evil”, maybe its mother nature’s way of advancing better ideas and civilizations. You know show the dumb bastards over and over again what doesn’t work until it gets ingrained in the genes. Mother Nature is in no hurry and she has in the most part been inimical to humanity. History surely teaches us that much. Maybe that’s her way of education.
I’m sure you’re right the whole mess is imploding but life will go on after all the “real top” has an eternity to play the game and without a game what else would the top do? Play with it self?
Farm production 0.5% x 150 million = 0.75 million, not 7.5 million..
Don't be mad at hyper, He doesn't offer solution bcoz there are none.
You people can't agree on anything. Whatever solution being presented will be humiliated at the next second.
So just shut up & f*-k off.
Whats with all this gloom and doom crap? I have a great job and think the system works just fine. Life couldn't be better. Now I'm off to bed...damn the doorbell just rang...I wonder who could be visiting me at this time of night?
Hyper, help me with the math here.
If inflation has reached maximum potential, then you need to destroy the supply to inflate. The best example is the one you always cite, the Brits dumping grain into the ocean while people starved.
If you liquidate people then the opposite will happen. You will destroy demand even further, thus increasing supply and compounding the problem.
So tell me again how liquidating the assets helps?
People who can generate profit for the system = asset.
People who can't generate profit for the system = liabilities. It's this group that will starve to dead.
Liabilities = the unemployed/unemployable, retirees, anyone who can't borrow more than they already have...
How can you possibly liquidate those liabilities accurately? Killing only liabilities, not asset.
War, disease, etc will kill all people, including those who can borrow and pay the interest to the top.
I don't think some of you are following Hyper's train of thought correctly. By the time annihilation begins the bottom (work for food) will have been bled dry of all their funds (theft, debt, medical, food, etc.) and remaining property will go towards taxes.
The 'top' will then hit the reset button probably in time to fund wars between countries.
Governments (including local governments) are just the middlemen to the top.
Meyer Amschel, where r u?
Peon, Drone, Moron. Approach your destiny, death!
Forget the world making the US pay...bcause the world is also in debt to the top...
In fact the US banking system only holds around 14% of the total global debt supply as assets...the European banking system which is the oldest in the world hold 53%...and if the rest of the world can't sustain payments...the roman empire caves in...again.
next up...you don't liquidate assets...you liquidate unfundable liabilities...
you know all the wonderful technological advances?
You know...the product of your labor...what you all are needed for?
Well the top now does not need billions of you anymore...and there is no agreeable way to eliminate billions of assets that are going to be transforming into unfundable libilities.
you all exist becuase you are needed...there is no future for you all unfortunately.
One way or the other billions of you are going to be liquidated.
Reguardless of how loyal...
Right now you all are marching to your doom with glee totally oblivious.
You all actually think your are in control of your destiny but in reality you all have as much control over the path you are following currently as a leaf caught in a hurricane.
It's somewhat entertaining watching TV and seeing all of the people lying their asses off for a paycheck.
Like you all do...money is the lash you all love to be whipped to death by.
That the verdict after 1000's years of evidence.
A repost? Every one of Hypers posts is a repost.
1. How to liquidate unfundable liabilities without liquidate asset? War, diseases will liquidate all of them..
2. How do you know the top don't need more products / advance technologies? Isn't this a complacency?
Hey Hyper "Its over" "Its collapsing" Tiger, the "collapse" is getting a bit funny right about now. The "brilliant" one is now grasping at 150 droids keeling over due to this "calamity" as signs of a mass liquidation. Hey Hyper, don't call me, I'll call you.
WHO notches up swine flu pandemic alert
Global outbreak considered imminent; vaccine efforts will be ramped up
msnbc.com staff and news service reports
updated 6 minutes ago
The World Health Organization raised its pandemic alert for swine flu to the second highest level Wednesday, meaning that it believes a global outbreak of the disease is imminent.
WHO Director General Margaret Chan declared the phase 5 alert after consulting with flu experts from around the world. The decision could lead the global body to recommend additional measures to combat the outbreak, including for vaccine manufacturers to switch production from seasonal flu vaccines to a pandemic vaccine.
"All countries should immediately now activate their pandemic preparedness plans," Chan told reporters in Geneva. "It really is all of humanity that is under threat in a pandemic."
A phase 5 alert means there is sustained transmission among people in at least two countries. Once the virus shows effective transmission in two different regions of the world, a full pandemic outbreak — level 6 — would be declared, meaning a global epidemic of a new and deadly disease.
"It is important to take this very seriously," Chan told a news conference watched around the globe on Wednesday. But for the average person, the term "pandemic" doesn't mean they're suddenly at greater risk.
Nearly a week after the H1N1 virus, or swine flu, was first identified in California and Texas, about 100 cases have now been confirmed in the U.S. across 11 states, and health officials reported Wednesday that a 23-month-old Mexican boy had died in Texas.
But in Mexico, where up to 159 people have died from the virus and around 1,300 more are being tested for infection, people struggled with an emergency that has brought normal life virtually to a standstill over the past week.
Almost all cases outside of Mexico have had only light symptoms, and only a handful of cases have needed hospitalization.
Officials warned more deaths could be expected as surveillance of the illness increases.
Spain has reported the first case in Europe of swine flu in a person who had not been to Mexico, illustrating the danger of person-to-person transmission.
Pharmaceutical companies should ramp up manufacturing, she said. Two antiviral drugs — Relenza, made by GlaxoSmithKline and Tamiflu, made by Roche AG — have been shown to work against the H1N1 swine flu strain.
Flu viruses are notorious for rapid mutation and unpredictable behavior, Chan warned. But she also offered words of reassurance.
“The world is better prepared for an influenza pandemic than at any time in history,” Chan said. “For the first time in history we can track the pandemic in real time.”
As fear and uncertainty about the disease ricocheted around the globe, Chan added that WHO did not recommend closing borders or forgoing pork.
No signs of slowing
Germany and Austria reported cases of the illness, bringing the number of affected countries to 9.
Nations are taking all sorts of precautions, some more useful than others.
Britain closed a school after a 12-year-old girl was found to have the disease. Egypt slaughtered all its pigs and the central African nation of Gabon became the latest nation to ban pork imports, despite assurances that swine flu was not related to eating pork.
Cuba eased its flight ban, deciding just to block flights coming in from Mexico. And Asian nations greeted returning airport travelers with teams of medical workers and carts of disinfectants, eager to keep swine flu from infecting their continent.
In Mexico City, the epicenter of the epidemic, the mayor said Wednesday the outbreak seemed to be stabilizing and he was considering easing the citywide shutdown that closed schools, restaurants, concert halls and sports arenas.
Across Europe, Germany confirmed three swine flu cases and Austria one, while the number of confirmed cases rose to five in Britain and ten in Spain.
WHO conducted a scientific review Wednesday to determine exactly what is known about how the disease spreads, how it affects human health and how it can be treated.
The U.S., the European Union and other countries have discouraged nonessential travel to Mexico. Cuba suspended all regular and charter flights from Mexico to the island but was still allowing airlines to return travelers to Mexico.
In Australia, officials were testing more than 100 people with flu symptoms for the virus and the government gave health authorities wide powers to contain contagious diseases.
“(We can make) sure that people are isolated and perhaps detained if they don’t cooperate and are showing symptoms,” said Health Minister Nicola Roxon.
H1N1 swine flu is seen as the biggest risk since H5N1 avian flu re-emerged in 2003, killing 257 people of 421 infected in 15 countries. In 1968 a “Hong Kong” flu pandemic killed about 1 million people globally, and a 1957 pandemic killed about 2 million.
Seasonal flu kills 250,000 to 500,000 people in a normal year, including healthy children in rich countries.
Quick Hyper, do another repost because 3 people (out of 7 billion) have been "liquidated" today. Get Cheryl-Lynn-Patricia-Mary Henderson to post it so I can be in awe of your astonishing abilities.
Look at one of Hypers disciples who started his own worthless blog:
355% is an approximation.
It's impossible to tell precisely when the event horizon is reached. We may have already crossed it.
"355% is an approximation"
"Its impossible...blah blah"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....a genius just like Hyper "Just another 3-5 years" Tiger. Oh wait, another person has been "liquidated" by the top. Oh my gaaaawd.
Boy, the bear forums are a sad sight these days. They spend their entire day writing the same old shit over and over:
"Ponzi", "Crooks", "Destroying America", blah blah
Meanwhile, the biggest growth "industry" in my neck of the woods? Gambling....which only proves the fuckwits love WallStreet.
Hey Hyper, the local news just said another person (out of 7 billion) has been "liquidated" by the tops swine flu bug. The market will be tanking tomorrow. NOT!
I wonder if that idiot with the blog "The Miser and the Monkey" has anything to say besides "I dunno when the event horizon has been passed"
Nah, its back to solving the Riemann Hypothesis for me...this fucking useless drivel by this reptitive nutjob who can't predict nothing is a waste of time. Cry in your soup fools, there is better things to do than fuck around with Wall Street and their vast fanclub.
Hey Hyper, do some rambling on "America" and contradict yourself some more.
People have written about monetary reform for decades now. The exponential limitations of fractional reserve banking, oil consumption, and population growth are well established in the literature. I don't share your apocalytic views of mass "liquidation" of people, some behind the scenes cabal controling everything, etc.
It is also bizarre when you describe "LAW" as if the failure of a monetary system is like humans butting heads against the universe or God. Do you believe that and other foolishness such as intelligent design and a "fine-tuned" universe.
It seems you are obsessed with this topic and you have built this bizarre world view, a lot of truthful facts amalgamated with apocalyptic, misanthropic, hyperbolic drivel. At least I found your blog entertaining.
For God sake, tell us something new...
"intelligent design" and a "fine-tunred" universe have nothing to do with hypers views.
I think he is more focused on logic, truth, and inevitable conclusions (despite the lunacy we exhibit in trying to obfuscate these forces).
"intelligent design" and other theories like it are just line entries in a code full of misinformation and opaque psychological/spiritual barriers...
Funny Anonymous. They can't force the US to pay up. With what? The US could merely write on paper, IOU $1000 and replace the interest bearing $1000 they owe now with a non-interest bearing one. The Fed would have the note, which would shrink the available money around the world as time went on and they would be broke. Don't joke with yourself. The problem is the spenders in the US are out of credit. They owe the nonspenders in the USA more than they owe the Chinese. A couple of trillion is all China has. Goldman flushes that every week.
Some of you people are so brainwashed by first grade logic that you can't see the truth. The cash in your accounts was created by lending someone else the credit to create it. The bonds and mortgages the Fed is buying are the assets that back the money in your accounts. So, now the banks have nothing to draw interest on so their only means of surviving is to create a new liability. If they loan the money the Fed gave them, they are now liable for 2 bank accounts and only have the assets to back one of them. In any case, the existance of the money is based on the repayment of interest. You might note that the system requires $2.5 trillion a year just to swim sideways. The $700 billion bank bailout was 3 months. They can't keep this going forever. Someone has to take a big haircut. If they take a big haircut, it will lead to another big haircut. There is an FDIC. Where does the FDIC get its capacity to pay? Out of the very accounts it claims to insure. They have no power to create money so they can only pay out of the existing supply, which happens to be what they insure. Taking this farther, I recall hearing a guy say they call it a bill, referring to the currency because that is how much you owe. Who else can pay the debts but the possessor of the money? Problem is, there are more debts than cash.
boo fucking hoo. Get a job, earn dinner. Save some money, earn tomorrows dinner. Destruction of society is just going to lead to a bunch of hungry motherfuckers. Build society and bring in those who are uncivilized so they can join the process. If too many motherfuckers cant work for dinner then guess what they will eat. The top. Top is always been dependant on the rest of us... remember that dumb bitch that said "let them eat cake"? Well right now most of us can eat cake, cookies, muffins and even fucking bon bons. Take that shit away and we might just have to go lop off some tops....
Exactly what solution can you all propose?
Aren't you tired reading again & again why we are just morons?
Actually the solution is simple.
The solution of too less money is adding money.
Central bank print some money and give it free to citizens so they can pay off their debts.
& We start owing game again.
Absolutely this simple! Anybody who make it complicated doesn't understand real economics. :)
Dear HyperTiger!
Would you please be kind to add the actual links to your economagic graphs you are referring to?
I am not able to reproduce the same graphs as you are using under any circumstances.
Economagic has the possibility to link directly to a chart. For instance would the direct url to the graph showing US Public dept in USD from 1990 to 2009 be: http://www.economagic.com/em-cgi/charter.exe/treas/pubdebt+1990+2009+0+0+0+290+545++0
Thank you :-)
Hyper, Hyper, get to work...we need to read another post about the collapse that is occuring SOMETIME IN THE FUTURE.
Fuck the Pope hyper
Liquidation may come in the form of a vaccine...as they play step 1, that is, panic the people unnecessarily with flu hysteria, biosuits, and the like, then claim to be working on a vaccine that will help with the "second wave", while at the same time selling a bunch of Tamiflu for their buddies.
Then it's possible that the "second wave" is actually brought about by the vaccine itself. Later, CDC will claim, like they have before, "well, we must have put the wrong strain in the vaccine, sorry about that, you know this business is complex...yada, yada."
Suspiciously in 1918, the same play seems to have occurred, the public was needlessly panicked by authorities claiming "sick soldiers are coming home, get your shots now to protect yourself!"...of course what resulted was the Spanish Flu, and the vaccines did not help at all. In fact, as an eyewitness and documenter of the event, Eleanor McBean points out "Vaccinated people were 7 times more likely to get the Spanish Flu than UNVACCINATED..." So, it could be claimed that the cocktail of vaccines that people were encouraged to get prior to 1918 was actually the CAUSE of the flu outbreak!
Beware of this same stunt being pulled again.
Everything was going great...Until the swine flu pandemic...
LOL!! That one Anonymous poster who keeps ripping up Hyper Tiger is actually pretty funny. Hey Hyper, it's collapsing again... "upwards". ROFL
fuck no, not the swine motherfucking flu.... dont take mah bacon away.... If bacon had a vagina I would fuck it I love it so much.
hi hyper, out of topic to write??
I hope the next post is about bacon....
It is way more entertaining than blah blah blah doom blah blah blah gloom blah blah blah top blah blah blah debt blah blah blah doomed.
already more than 2 weeks.... perhaps hyper is upset. :(
run hyper, run..........
bacon liquidation....
Stop with the jocularity, there is some serious shit going down.
Now........pass the Bakon.
hello hyper..... how are you doing lately?
i'm a bit worry you've been liquidated.
may god bless you.
Nope...Still around waiting for the next event to take place once the current one runs out of power and collapses.
An example...1929 the Dow hit 281 then dropped to 198...then blasted up to 294 in 1930...
The bottom did not show up until 1932.
this time around the magnitudw is greater...could take a decade to reach the bottom...
Still have years and years of lies left as far as I can tell.
Currently the population of earth is being socially engineered into believing that a recovery is happening.
Until the billions of drones become aware that there is no recovery...It's pointless attempting to point out the obvious.
That is an impersonator. Not HT.
or maybe it is...
Well, AFTER the billions of drones become aware that there is no recovery...
It's ALSO pointless attempting to point out the obvious.
When we run out of bacon, or the ability to acquire bacon.... then we can revolt against the top.... in other words... they keep the bacon coming or off with their heads.... bitches.
more bacon items...
I want a bacon deodorant so I can be porking all the fat chicks on weekends.... get it? Porking?!?... yes greatness.....
"already more than 2 weeks.... perhaps hyper is upset. :( "
Sorry, I have been ill with the swine flu and unable to keep up with the blog. ;)
Hi Rose... Are you married?
Will you marry me? :) So nice having a story-teller wife.
Exponential function? Thats the stuff of small minds, Hyper.
I've just invented Fractal Debt...try to that audit that!
I'm a Chattel Slave and damn proud of it.
Cheryl, please check in on Hyper...that Lucy Gordon tragedy got me thinking that...
more more...
more more...
blarg this blog cuts off links... owell... it was a bacon ishuffle case...
bacon topped chocolate cake
bacon infused waffles
The plan is to socially engineer the population into believeing that the worst is over...But it's not...
Until the current lie runs out of power and self destructs...I'm not going to be fighting against the greatest global government economic intervention in History.
In order to keep you all playing this new game the next interventions will have to be greater and greater...While the period of time in between interventions will have to grow shorter and shorter.
Basically until what has been done in the last few months has to take place in a nanosecond...and then in half a nanosecond...then in a quarter of a nanosecond...
Exponentially forever.
It's not going to happen...It will reach maximum potential and stop with zero ability for you all to sustain it as you all currently are.
Then you all will be forced to wake up from the daydream into the nightmare...
Hyper what does that mean?
It means you will actually be aware of what a bunch of mental retards you all are...
I won't have to point this fact out any longer.
But until then you all can enjoy the current delusion you all power the continued existance of and cherish.
It's what mental retards are good at doing...it's what you all have been socially engineered to accomplish...It's your purpose.
Billions of you.
Until you all reach maximum potential and it becomes impossible to accomplish...
Then your best friend...stupidity...becomes your enemy.
Let me educate you HT....
All you need is shelter, food, water, air.
Theres plenty of shit to live in, lots of water, seems to freakin fall out of the sky. Air, well its still free... Now food, well, if we have to we can resort to cannibalism.
All the shit you spew financially is just that... spewed shit and HYPERBOLE.
What drew folks to this blog was an interest in whats going on financially. Not hearing doom and gloom.
All the countries are in debt... basically currency is floated by demand. Small countries with shitty currency have no demand therefore inflation runs rampant with the following exception....The country exports more than it imports. Large countries do not face this problem because the small countries currencies hold up the large consumer country's currency. Yes there are other factors however just because there is debt everywhere doesnt mean shit. If it gets out of hand for one particular country then it could have a ripple but its not the end of the world by any means.
Nuclear war would be that...
Cheryl, I wish we had a new HT post, but that is beside the point. I glanced at Hypers last comment about us being socially engineered to accept the idea of recovery. I write a debate against that several times a week, showing how poor the data coming out really is. There wasn't a 600,000 job loss before January, yet 625K is bullish. The housing market has never stopped being speculative and the financing being done now is just as poor as it was on the top, contrary to the nonsense being published. On and on it goes.
But, Doug Noland at Prudent Bear says we have been reflated, but that the US is going to have a real tough time. But, he isn't talking deflation, but inflation and he says we on the deflation side are going to be stunned. My feeling is this is bubblemania and that the whole recovery is speculative and without the marginal credit risks that are now defaulting, we won't have demand. The wildcard is the credit standing of the US government and whether the administration and Fed heed the warnings of bankruptcy. This is such that I am going to write a debate on my blog and probably going to title it something like whomever is wrong will be way wrong.
I believe much of this socalled printing has to do with the unprinting that has occurred in the system. By unprinting, my supposition is that money doesn't exist in banks, only bank capital and debits and other credits. Being the debits or assets of the bank have collapsed, the bank capital credit has been wiped out. This is imaginary money that doesn't exist in any account, but is necessary that the bank can legally act as surety (legal isn't lawful).You put $1 trillion back into bank capital to replace what was wiped out and it just vanishes unless the bank moves to make new loans. This is the wildcard. The money the Fed is creating that isn't going to liquidate interbank liabilities is going to speculate on stocks and commodities. This is not going to replace demand for commodities, at least not yet. When the well to do start putting that oil in their cars and driving it up, we will have true inflation. But, spending everything you have to hoard something that short term has an inexhaustable supply is playing financial Russian roulette. In any case, the liabilities still exist.
bacon loafers
Well, hyper, consumer can't hyperinflate the economy.
but government can, at least for a while. few years is better than zero.
"Cheryl, I wish we had a new HT post"
I'll work on something later this week :)
I'm not like the rest of you...what draws people here is irrelevant...
And It is the end...You all just don't know it yet...You are all like litle children that have never touched something hot...
You have to touch it and burn yourselves until you comprehend.
Unfortunately because this cycle takes longer than a human lifespan to complete...most of you drones will never comprhend.
You all depend upon others to do the thinking for you.
I can see that it's all over...because I can actually construct a duplicate and accelerate time.
Because I know the difference between a LAW and a rule.
Basically right now you are all below decks caged in while the titanic sinks.
For the most part oblivious that you are all doomed.
I'm well aware that you imagine differently.
Hope is something human beings manufacture...
Unfortunately you all can hope that LAW can or will be broken all you want.
LAW never will...
You come here for financial information...but not getting what you want?
I operate on needs not wants.
The only time you will ever obtain what you want from me is when what you want is the same is what you need.
There is zero way to get what you want from me...
Truth is unreasonable.
There is no way currently for any of you to manipulate me.
Period end of story.
I'm already way ahead of you all waiting for you to catch up...Once you are all done speculating.
More new babblings exist further into the future.
Doug Noland needs inflation greater than previous inflation to be sustained...Ultimately you all do...Show of hands...who wants to die?
Well I know that the one desire that life can not escape is the desire to exist as long as possible...It's the only desire of a flower.
You all will basically fight to the death attempting to satisfy that desire.
You all still have massive amounts of energy to invest into the current battle that you all are going to lose.
None of you are going to realize what a waste of energy the doomed to inevitable defeat battle is until you all reach the logical conclusion.
That's the beauty of the game you all are playing...You all think you are winning right up to the point you lose.
Curerently what you all are thinking is what your masters want you to think...you are being socially engineered day in and day out.
They began marketing a 2010 recovery last year.
So I don't expect anything to happen until late 2010 when that LIE runs out of power and begins to self destruct.
Then the top will need to feed all you starving drones a new LIE.
truth is unreasonable...Lies are reasonable.
You are all drones and the just think/accept positive ignore/reject the negative equation is at the core of your drone reasoning algorithm.
The just think reasonable ignore the unreasonable equation.
The accept the reasonable reject the unreasonable equation.
The accept lies reject Truth equation.
Currently you all are gobbling up the lies being fed to you all like starved fools.
And as far as I can tell you all will continue well into 2010...
I'm sorry but massive mind control manipulation is in effect...
If you all accept it...There is nothing for me to do except wait for the next lie to show up...Because you all have already fallen deeply in Love with the current lie.
But it's what you drones have been trained to do from birth.
Accept lies and reject Truth...Until of course it becomes impossible to fight Truth.
Until like a little child touching a burner...You wake up from the daydream into the nightmare.
Look everyone, Hyper "Its Collapsing" Tiger is spewing venom again.
Notice the few regurgitations lately?
Maybe Cheryl-Lynne-Rose-Mary-Karen-Linda Henderson is too busy?
The swine flu liquidated billions and natta one re-post?
C'mon Hyper, surely you're not leaving the prediction biz just because you're off by years, decades, possibly centuries?
government printing money is a solution hyper... the money that people need in circulation can be printed, there is nothing wrong with it.
like you say, there is no backed up system for this one. the whole planet can't hyperinflate, hyperinflate against what??
of course printing doesn't benefit the top, but it can replace money that the top sucked from us.
Come on and party ...
Sad news folks... Hypertiger was David Carradine...
I now know that all the rediculous rants came from a man who had tied up his manhood just a little too tight...
Look, its not that easy, I was right on the edge and then WHAM, the lights went out.
This is funny.There is no need to worry us because the country is totally in fault.
Free Satellite TV
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It is the first step that costs.
there be a new pattern in town, my friend.
the poor sucking the rich dry. which is worse in some ways than the former.
cause at least before, it took intelligence to get rich.
the poor want handouts, are insatiable, have no foresight. that would be courtesy of the us government psychiatrists who thought that was the best way to keep the game going.
difference between subconscious collective behavioral tendencies and conscious deliberateness to effect a result.
original sin is abandonment.
liquidation is fear.
missing piece HT:
the "top" thought they were immortal. literally.
how else would "they" make 100 year decisions?
the repetitiveness is subconscious behavioral tendencies of those bred to believe they were immortal. always a few in every generation and carefully selected for their positions at the "top"...
Here is a possible solution to prevent liquidation:
Promise Language. All transactions are promises to deliver value:
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