There is no money in the stock markets except what the buyers bring into it.
And the prices of stocks and bonds are dictated by supply and demand...
Less supply than demand...The buyers cause the sellers to raise prices up...more supply than demand...The buyers cause the sellers to lower prices down.
And the rising and falling prices affect all the stocks that are not being traded.
1 million shares that are currently priced at $20 per share means that as an asset the 1 million shares equal 20 million dollars and
lets say 5% or 50,000 are sold for an average price of $10...the price of all the shares drop by $10 or 50% or $10,000,000 of equity just disappeared.
Next up
The Government does not inflate the money supply...Consumers requesting commercial banks to manufacture new money do...currently.
Last time the US Government increased the money supply outside of the commercial banking system were the Greenbacks of the Civil war.
The US Dollar caves and Chinese imports will be too expensive and China implodes...poof.
China will unpeg their currency or die...
Of course that will just buy them time...because eventually the USA will implode anyway...Japan which has been hovering for years on US consumer life support...will implode then Europe will collapse...and with 1/2 of the global economy for Chinese garbage gone...They will implode...poof...
The problem is...After 64 years US consumers are maxed out and are unable or unwilling to request commercial banks to manufacture the required amount of new money to service the continued existence of the previously manufactured money...It's game over...there is zero that can be done...
But because nobody except for a handful of people know this...The rest of the just think positive ignore the negative drones are speculating as to what's next...Reguardless of what actions are taken...the logical conclusion is implosion.
And it's not a simple currency exchange...The entire world basically has to implode to oblivion and start from scratch.
A for instance...
Prior to the 1929-1933 collapse of the global trade system...The British pound stirling was the global trade medium of exchange.
1933-1945 was the bankruptcy reorganization of that system and by the time it was over...the World was reorganized but still bankrupt...8-10% of the population of earth was Liquidated...most of Europe amd S.E. Asia was reduced to rubble.
And in 1944 the British pound was dropped and the US Dollar became the global trade medium of exchange...
That's about as simple as global currency changes get...
This time...There is no currency/economy to switch over to...The whole global system has to and is going to implode to oblivion.
Complete and utter destruction...All the little helpers are not told about this...or else they would try to resist at some point...instead they will all march to their doom with glee towards the glorious Utopia the sales pitch says is on the way.
You all think the transition to the next system is going to be like...Don't worry Timmy...after a brief flicker of the lights the next global system is going to kick in.
It ain't.
A nightmare beyond your current abilities to comprehend is unfolding.
At the end you all will gladly accept the new system...All the survivors will be convinced that it's the best thing ever.
There is nothing that is going to stop the current system from imploding to oblivion.
Nothing can be done...It's over...no amount of positive thinking malinvested into the powering of the delusion that something can be done will accomplish anything.
The global system is like a fish out of water flopping around.
The G7 and G20..etc...Just a bunch of fools standing on an anvil oblivious of the shadow of the hammer at their feet growing larger as it rushes to smite them.
The books that have not been balanced in centuries are going to have to be...
The system needs to keep inflating greater than previous inflation forever...But it can't...it can only inflate greater than previous inflation to maximum potential.
The system needs the required amount of inflation to sustain inflating.
How much is the required amount...not too much and not too little but always greater than previous.
Maximum potential is less than infinite...Because the system certainly can't infinitely inflate...and in order to satisfy the always greater than previously requirement...the system has to inflate greater than infinite...which is also impossible.
In this case maximum potential is reached when the US consumers become unwilling or unable to continue requesting commercial banks to manufacture the required amount of new money to service the continued existance of the previously requested money.
That's what they have done...and without a real estate sector inflating to infinity and beyond...it's over.
Basically US consumers have to start consuming real estate way better than their last pathetic attempt...Or the 37 year old real estate bubble will pop...all that has happened up to this point is a popping of a bubble inside of the 37 year old real estate bubble.
Then there is no way that an escape from the recession will be accomplished and it will collapse down into a depression and then a general breakdown.
A general breakdown is worse than a depression...The ruins of Rome are what is left after an economy suffers a general breakdown.
No It can't be...
The surface of the Earth is coated with ruins...It certainly can be...because at its core...this civilization is no different than any other that has ever existed.
Of course you and the vast majority reading this and the G7...G20..etc are totally oblivious followers of the just think positive ignore the negative religion...and because what I say is negative...it's ignored...
Until of course it's impossible to ignore...When you all arrive at the logical conclusion...
Which is still years away.
If they came out now and started telling you all to just report to the nearest pit of burning diesel and hop in for the good of future Humanity because thanks for working your asses off to get here but there's no need for you all in the new system...
You all certainly would resist.
It's a long drawn out process to liquidate all the former assets that are going to transform into unfundable liabilities the deeper we get into this.
Even if the most benevolent and wise human beings on Earth took control now it still would cave in to a mindboggling nightmare.
Because I'm not a just think positive ignore the negative drone...I don't ignore the negative.
Optimists or the devout followers of the think positive ignore the negative religion got us to this point...
You all just marched to your doom with glee...and now "hope" you survive the choice to ignore the negative now that you are catching glimpses of that which is impossible to ignore.
The consequences of choosing to be ignorant.
All you drones at the bottom believe that inflation does not end...Due to the Just think positive ignore the negative equation at the core of the drone reasoning algorithm that you all have been programmed with...
But inflation greater than previous inflation does have a maximum potential...The top know this and capitalize on it.
Absolute capitalists capitalize on weakness...Your ignorance is what the top capitalize on...Since you are all dumb as dirt anything possible to explain what you can't is embraced.
You all basically shop around for fictions and constantly try them on until you find one that fits and then buy it...Until it wears out and fills up with holes.
First off...The top owns everything already...the bottom rents...The top does not have to take over the world...They already own everything.
Except your awareness of the Universe..Which the top never will...
As far as I can tell...Whatever the top's long term plans are going to be...Step one is to drastically reduce the massive number of drones in the hierarchy.
Money is something drones worry about...
It's like a general...orders all the soldiers to do all the work...that's all the top is...The general and you are all soldiers that do all the work.
Currenly the top has ordered you all to believe that the subprime mortgage collapse and Wall Street corruption are the cause of the problems...
They are just effects...Reguardless...because you all including your so called leaders are brainless drones...You all basically shop around for fictions and constantly try them on until you find one that fits and then buy it...
And right now all the fiction sales outlets are selling the same fictions.
It's already all over...The top ordered you all to march in the direction they desired and that what you all are currently marching wondering what is going on...as oblivious now as you were years ago.
Because you refuse to think...Why?
The Just think positive ignore the negative equation at the core of the drone reasoning algorithm that you all have been programmed with.
The instant you know then you have to become responsible for your actions...
But that is negative...you all will search for the positive...that which allows you all claim to be irresponsible.
The top figured out how to control you all 1000's of years ago.
The Internet is a tool the top knows how to use...They know what to look for...You all don't have the foggiest idea what to look for...Because you are all drones...You are all like bacteria under a mircoscope.
Oblivious that you are being watched and studied...
You going to buy the above?
The Just think positive ignore the negative equation at the core of the drone reasoning algorithm that you all have been programmed with will not allow it to be bought.
A lie you tell to yourself is a delusion...and over time you will fall in love with it or cherish.
The above will shatter your cherished delsuions...and that is negative.
You all will fight to the death to protect that which you cherish...that is positive.
Yes is positive and no is negative.
It's why you Just think positive ignore the negative drones have such a hard time taking no for an answer.
The instant you know then you have to become responsible for your actions...
But that is negative...you all will search for the positive...that which allows you all to claim to be irresponsible.
You all choose to be drones because ignorance is bliss...or positive.
It's better to be irresponsible for your actions than responsible for your actions.
The only person holding a gun to your heads forcing you...Is you.
Warning of new bin CIA Laden attack
Paola Totaro, London
November 10, 2008
OSAMA bin Laden is planning an attack against the United States that will "outdo by far" September 11, an Arab newspaper in London has reported.
And according to a former senior Yemeni al-Qaeda operative, the terrorist organisation has entered a "positive phase", reinforcing specific training camps around the world that will lead the next "wave of action" against the West.
The warning, on the front page of an Arabic newspaper published in London, Al-Quds Al-Arabi - and widely reported in the major Italian papers - quotes a person described as being "very close to al-Qaeda" in Yemen.
The paper is edited by Abdel al-Bari Atwan, who is said to be the last journalist to interview Osama bin Laden in 1996. According to the report, bin Laden is himself closely following preparations for an attack against the US and aims to "change the face of world politics and economics". The operative is quoted as saying that "this will be shown by the fact that we now control a major part of the south of Somalia".
The ex-operative says he remains in contact with current chiefs of the organisation in Yemen and that only six months ago bin Laden had sent a message to all jihad cells in the Arab world which asked them not to interact with their governments or local political parties and to deny any request for mediation or formal talks.
The source also said that during the next few days the terrorist organisation may send a sign of its violent intentions.
The warning has emerged at the same time as publication of a report leaked to The Telegraph newspaper which reveals that a document drawn up by the intelligence branch of the Ministry of Defence says that thousands of extremists are active in the UK.
The document says the operatives are predominantly UK-born and aged between 18 and 30. Many are believed to have been trained in overseas terrorist camps.
Security officials, The Telegraph reports, are convinced al-Qaeda cells will attempt another "spectacular" inside the UK with major transport centres, such as airports and train stations, the most likely targets. Other targets include the Houses of Parliament, Whitehall and Buckingham and St James' palaces, with the threat level described as "severe".
"The Government does not inflate the money supply...Consumers requesting commercial banks to manufacture new money do...currently."
The government can (and I believe is and will continue to) expand the money supply: they take on debt via issuing Treasuries, and the Fed creates some digital dollars to buy them.
And in 1944 the British pound was dropped and the US Dollar became the global trade medium of exchange...
That's about as simple as global currency changes get...
This time...There is no currency/economy to switch over to...
WHY?? Why can't we turn to other currency this time? Can explain more please?
I enjoy reading your writings but beyond endlessly pointing out a problem many of us already knew about albeit in a creative way, I have yet to see a single solution. Pointing out the issues is not enough, you have to also turn your intellect towards solving said issues.
Otherwise, there is no real purpose.
Yours is intellectual rubbish. We all will be forced to admit to this problem just like problems in the past and then society will be retransformed, just like societies past. The common man is not as drone like as you discribe just too busy caring for what he/she has always cared about - getting their genes into the next generation. Will we revert back to a "Dark Ages," existence this time around? I doubt it, but even if we do, like all evolutionary endevors well be changed as a society never seen before.
Much of what Hypertiger says is true.
However, he speaks with forked tongue because he is a gatekeeper. That means he works for the top and gives out the info that they want released in a manner that they choose. He controls the discussion and others can only respond.
This is why he never offers any solutions and always disrespects his readers He mirrors those that he represents.
Every comment on this and the various hypertiger rants prove his point of view that people refuse to acknowledge a negative situation, and cling to the "system" like a baby to its mothers nipple.
They MUST believe in "solutions" because the opposite is too terrible to contemplate.
Its quite funny really to read the posts, priceless.
It used to be you cant be stupid and free, now its you cant be stupid and live.
The fact that I have come to realize over many years of observing the Great American Jackoff citizenry is that you folks DESERVE to die. You are nothing but hedonistic autistic
know nothing retards. Yes, I will prob die in the coming lockdown too, but seeing you die will be worth it - LOL.
There is no solution, no magical leader will appear to save you, your life will become a living hell - for as long as you survive.
Welcome to reality.
Ms. Henderson:
Why on Earth would you post some media mind control nonsense about a Bin Laden "attack" - CIA or otherwise?
Apparently you didnt read my link about Bin Laden expiring on Oct 16 2001 from liver failure.
The doomsayers are the biggest do nothings in this world. They have their dark little outlook and try to spread it all over.
These are the same folks who visit a farm, step in cowshit and assume that everywhere they step theres cowshit so they dont even bother to clean their shoes.
Sorry but when the Government issues treasuries they are ultimately borrowing money or more accurately credit from the supply of credit in the system...the credit that consumers have requested commercial banks to manufacture...
The money supply or total debt of the USA is around 51 Trillion dollars...the public debt is 10.5 Trillion...10.5 trillion the US Government has "borrowed" from the supply of 51 Trillion...Dollars.
Why can't we just switch to another currency...
The USA became the demand because it's far larger than England...
Then people say...What about India and China...
They are suppliers to the demand...they are not set up to become the demand of the world.
I can just hear someone saying now there isn't one. That might be true for the current situation, but what about for the next time around? I haven't heard what you are suppose to replace the interest based system with.
"Sorry but when the Government issues treasuries they are ultimately borrowing money or more accurately credit from the supply of credit in the system...the credit that consumers have requested commercial banks to manufacture..."
You're wrong on this. For some instances of this, check on the Fed's POMOs and what they do to the money supply. "P" is for permanent, that is a permanent expansion of the money supply. The government has practically unlimited capacity to expand the money supply, the only question is whether it's willing to do it & deal with the consequences.
The solution or logical conclusion to the compounding interest equation is implosion.
Inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential is positive.
While Inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential is negative.
The just think positive ignore the negative equation is at the core of your drone reasoning algorithm.
Basically a typical drone will ignore the logical conclusion to the compounding interest equation until the maximum potential of inflation greater than previous inflation is reached.
then it become impossible to ignore the logical conclusion any longer.
Typical drones then blame the "doomsayers" as the cause but it was the just think positive ignore the negative drones marching to their doom with glee that were the cause all along.
The just think positive ignore the negative drones got us all to where we are today...
I'm not wrong...There has been zero expansion of the money supply in the USA outside of the compounding interest commercial banking credit system since the greenbacks of the civil war.
Period plain and simple.
It's a fact that US consumers have requested the commercial banking system in the USA to manufacture 50.6 Trillion dollars of new money since 1944 and the US Government has issued 10.3 trillion dollars of Treasuries and borrowed 10.3 Trillion dollars of the 50.6 trillion dollars of money the US consumer has requested the commercial banking system to manufacture.
The US Government has expanded the supply of coins though...But by a very small amount...Just enough to make change
nah, you are wrong - the fed can create all the credits they want, but until the consumer buys something (requests), it is not part of the economy. And right now the consumer aint buying nuttin because he's scared to death.
And the Fed cant push on a string.
Dropping $100 bills from a helicopter would be good, but they aint gonna do that because thats off the books
Here's a little video on "money" creation - after the goofy 4 min intro, and the second part about economic hit men is very good, just ignore the rest.
Again the solution when inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential reaches maximum potential...is...Inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential.
Deflation follows inflation and inflation follows deflation.
It's a wave...
The bottom demands the top supply the bottom with inflation greater than previous inflation but once maximum potential is reached it's impossible for the top to supply the bottom with what they demand...So the top step back...and the whole system inflates less than previous inflation to maximum potential...the top then step back in an hire all the survivors to construct the next march to doom with glee.
That's the solution...and it's worked just fine for the top for 1000's of years.
Top = Employer/master
Bottom = Employee/slave
Or the nice positive sounding iteration...Server and client.
No it's not like that at all.
Of course not...It's like how you all imagine in your wildest dreams it is...
Just think positive drones will all fight to stay asleep until it becomes impossible and they all will be forced to wake up from the daydream into the nightmare...
It's inevitable.
The process works like this: USG sells Treasuries to, say, JPMorgan, who pays for them using "existing" money. The Fed then buys those Treasuries from JPMorgan with money it just creates. The end result is that the Fed has created money to buy USG debt, and the commercial bank skimmed a "fee" off the top in the process for being a middleman.
So it's technically true that the govt had to go through the commercial banking system to "borrow" money into existence (no more greenbacks), but the fact remains that credit & money supply was expanded as a result of the government borrowing.
So we agree that the USG and Fed can create credit & expand the money supply. You're saying something different: that once the USG spends that money, say to pay a postal worker, the postal worker will hoard his salary. That's a different discussion, which I'd be happy to take up, but the current discussion is whether it's only the private sector that can expand the money supply via taking on debt.
and here's a 4 page info on how someone lives with a (LOCAL - not WORLDWIDE) currency collapse in Argentina
nyuk nyuk nyuk
There is no use in arguing about this. There is no "private sector" - its them and us. Arguing about this or that point is a stupid waste of time. You either get it or you dont.
The fact is you live in a fascist dictatorship that can do anything it wants to you at any time for any reason, and if you get in their way, they will kill you, your mama, your infant, your daughter, and maybe torture you just for the fun of it.
You are naked in the world with no protection, dependent on their food supply, their water, their energy. When the SHTF its best you just put a vacuum cleaner hose in your cars exhaust and breath in the relief.
There is no hope for better times, this is it. THE BIG ONE. Would you ask for help when you are dealing with the mafia?
Why figure on sustenance from the government when they are 100X worse than the mob. They even use them when necessary.
Just enjoy the happy times you have left. If you are going to be raped might as well enjoy it.
Then people say...What about India and China...
They are suppliers to the demand...they are not set up to become the demand of the world.
If so why not set them up now to become demand of the world? If 1 century ago we can set up USA to be the demand, why can't we now set up Chindia to become the demand? Their total population is more than 2 billion (1/3 or this planet). International bankers has no nationality right? They only want profit, they can abandon USA if USA doesn't generate profit anymore for them...
um... JPM, BoA, and Citi are all reducing mortgage payments for their distressed clients.
This accomodation is hardly the trademark of a deflationary deathtrap, especially since the banks no longer have reserve requirements!
BTW, I'm curious how you define, "money"? Is there really a shortage of money if I swap FRN for Reno mgt debt?
In the face of massive deflation, huge liquidity interventions and risk-free returns under gov fiat can provide positive nominal returns.
Just watch what happens to the "markets" when the 20 largest economies decide to change the rules.
Btw, she's right, there is no "solution".
what is a solution? solving what?
you have two choices:
1) deflationary death spiral: politically unacceptable
2) depreciate the present value of obligations to the future the world has indebted itself to, i.e. debauch the USD 20-30%.
I posted the article because that is what I believe is on the agenda - a CIA terrorist attack (my intuition - which is rarely wrong and kept my children in line for years(!) - says a nuke, likely in the midwest, possibly Chicago). And, like clockwork, bin Laden is brought back from the dead to make sure everyone knows who to blame.
mrs many-hyphens, do you enjoy scaring impressionable people? you know, it's not very nice. lmao
seriously, try to keep your misinformation plausible: you're showing your hand a bit too much.
Canadians are always hoping something bad happens to America.
I wonder how many buy gold folks there are now....
Gold might get a quick shot in the arm in the near future as a result of massive collaboration in stimulus, but aside from that...
"Last time the US Government increased the money supply outside of the commercial banking system were the Greenbacks of the Civil war."
I'm having a hard time understanding your point here. What do you think Arthur Burns did in the early 70s when he monetized the Vietnam War debt by printing money to buy treasury bonds? You don't consider that to be increasing the money supply?
Your point seems to be that we are seeing decreased consumer demand and that is certainly true and a very serious situation. But that is what causes credit bubbles to burst. Recessions/depressions follow and consumers start saving again, deleveraging occurs, etc and the disparity between credit supply and demand corrects itself. That's what faces us now, and it will be a painful process. But we've been through it many times before and will again in the future. I really don't see where you are getting this whole "this is the end" idea.
GRRRRRR I like the read...now I'll jump off my roof....I wont spam my own blog, friend sent me link here...said "cherry"....
Take a look at this....parabolic moves if not always usually retrace....as did OIL in just 4 months...
*adj Money base.
ONE LITTLE HOLE is TOO SMALL to SHOVE SO MUCH fluid thru...and it doesn't fit, and banks aren't lending like they should, and AMEX seeks help..and so on...like retailers Circuit City mauled Linen and Things...didnt get ready for this, the WEAK GET EATEN or DIE...and THEY are repeating mistakes Japan did....propping up the weak and ill.....deflation is all but insured here...or gold would be $2K and ounce....anything LIQUID being sold...
Just use of ordinary TA could have gotten you to sidelines...I was wanring as early as late Spet 2007....it is always about MAKING money its keeping it....or losing the least you can.
$$ strong? may die, but $$ are needed for OIL to pay off debts...much is being dstroyed here.
Mkts deflating...real estate deflating.....heroic inflation attempt...too late....you cant keep a ball up in the air for ever.....witch hunt will begin..a tar and feathering...someone to blame...keep voting for the 2 parties nothing changes but the hands..
But enough doom and gloom BS...in themidst of this sickness one must do best to be aware, but not to lose all hope...now is the time to SEE what is most important in your life and hold onto it.
wooops....sorry guess I did...thoguht my blog IP would show at bottom...
and as the hobbits retreat to their holes in the rocks, laden with much provender and encircled round about with comrades, they wait out the years as men self-inflict usury and oppression upon one another, and Sauromon laughs behind his hand...
Not misinformation; I clearly stated it was my intuition so that everyone can take it for what they think it is worth.
Bankrupt country + bankrupt population = population reduction
Take your pick on how that will be accomplished, but it is coming.
I don't understand what the utility is of another terrorism attack: the people are already beside themselves with fear and have already made huge concessions. The rape is done: there's nothing left to take.
You highly underestimate the BIS and efforts of central bankers. Bernanke is a VERY smart guy, and while he lays traps for people who take him literally (see the "helicopter ben" allusion and recent gold/oil prices), I think these guys have the situation rather under control: they write the rules, and so clearly they're satisfied!
Sarko and the politicians are morons, of course, but they are told what to do. Whether or not they blunder about is irrelevant, as the policies are decided by experts and academics, with concessions fed to the oligarchs via politicians.
Otherwise, your blog is a lot of fun to read! It reminds me of an oracle... i imagine you speaking in a sibilant staccato.
Oh, and hypertiger, the consumption of China is set to increase:
this is the key concession bob zoellick desires. G20 talks will be sehr interesant.
the population is still there, the man power is still there, the natural resource is still there, the demand is still there, the only thing missing is money as medium of exchange... if any people will die because of lack of money, this will be a huge tragedy & humiliation for humanity and their intelectual...
notgreat, the Treasury issues Bonds that the FED sells to it's Primary Dealers, and then the proceeds are electronicly transfered to the Treasury to fund the govt. funding needs. There is no direct selling of Bonds to JP Morgan by Treaury. The FED is the skimmer acting as middleman.
If consumers are tapped out (and they are), the govt will step in (and is -- but we ain't seen nothing yet, IMO). If the govt can't print money fast enough to avoid another Great Depression, they'll change the value of the money.
I don't see any mention of the Fed here, it's the primary dealers (and other bidders) who are involved in the auction.
I am five miles from a village, ten miles from a town, thirty five miles from a city. I owe on twenty acres surrounded by farmers and ranchers with hundreds of acres, all of them.
When the influx of relatives start, how will I make them understand what must be done? Not to mention what is really happening. Will I be able to get anyone of these people to operate a hoe? Will they be able to construct a compost pile, even if you tell them how?
What will we use for toilet paper? These are much more realistic topics for our attention than the boo sheet you people are tossing out. I don't care about blame and cause - as much as effect.
So, please look forward now and let's think about = what NEXT...
T-Bills are held as deposits by Fed Reserve banks (75% of all tbills domestically and 25% held by foreigners) and so when the Treasury sells T-Bills then you can bet on the fact that JPMorgan takes some of them into possession as reserve deposits.
"What it is difficult for humans to wrap their minds around is the unprecedented nature of the current moment. We grasp for whatever straws of evidence we can produce that might prove that there's nothing really idiosyncratic about it. Species have come and gone before; the earth itself has been decimated and then restored more than once, we protest. Yet such statements, while accurate, miss the staggering reality that never in human history has our species devoured in a mere two or three centuries nearly all of the hydrocarbon energy painstakingly produced by the planet over the span of millennia; never have so many humans inhabited the earth at one time, nor fouled the earth's surface and atmosphere to the extent of the current blight. And what is even more astounding is the fact that never before in human history have all of these factors occurred simultaneously with the others. So argue as we may for continuity, the current moment is dramatically unique."
Anon. said:
"the population is still there, the man power is still there, the natural resource is still there, the demand is still there, the only thing missing is money as medium of exchange..."
Glad to see some +ive and i think this begs the solution no? although I do agree with the jtpind paradigm... so ..do we bail out if we can and wait for the reset?
A suggestion for the blog: number the posts (so we can answer anonymously " 23: you've got your head up yer @$$" etc.) or insist on an id. it's easier 2 trak.
Interesting but not for the faint-hearted stuff.
You never learn-those at the top LOVE to divert your attention-THEY control TERRORISM-Its a great way to distract you and put fear into you while they strip-mine that last of the wealth from the world. And you are too stoopid from hours of watching AMERICAN IDOL to notice
There are no 'terrorists', there were no WMDs in IRAQ-everyone knew this from the beginning-but they got you running in circles squacking like chickens, amused that you are so easily lead and so stupid, IRAN has no nukes and wont for 10 years....but they keep you running in circles screaming hysterically "The sky is falling!"
These are their games of amusement: while they point with one arm and finger out there and say "Look! A terrorist!" you can bet that the other hand is slipping your wallet gently out of your back pocket. And you are still too stoopid to see it.
Oh sure they finance guys with beards and AK 47s to do a job: create chaos. To keep you distracted "Terror"
And you are still too stoopid(sic) to see it
I enjoy it very much.Have a nice day.
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