Monday, November 24, 2008
The Doomed Moron Army
If you don't know truth you know nothing...All you can do is speculate...
The USA has been imploding for decades...It's game over...
A hyperdeflation to maximum potential follows a hyperinflation to maximum are running in terror from what you are going to smash into...Truth...
I don't know when "you" are going to smash into Truth...I just know that "you" will and it's inevitable...and soon...
Hope all you want...Hope dies last...
All money is decree.
I'm sorry but no amount of faith is going to sustain it past maximum potential...You would have to have faith that GOD can be defeated...
The USA along with the rest of the world is going to implode to oblivion...
1+1 = 2 = True
You have to defeat GOD to cause the above equation to not equal 2...
To defeat GOD you need greater than infinite and indestructible power and there is no such thing as greater than infinite and indestructible power so it's impossible to defeat GOD...And the only source of infinite and indestructible power is GOD...
The maximum potential power that is possible to obtain to attempt to defeat GOD is less than infinite and indestructible power...
Belief that Truth does not exist is what liars desperately want to believe...
Like really...If It came to war what army would march to battle to defend the belief that 1+1 = 3 = True or any other number other than 2?
The doomed moron army...
How are you going to sustain inflation faster and faster forever?
You and all on Earth are not...Because nothing can be done...
Except to become aware that it's game over...
Taking more power than you give has a maximum potential...
Evil is less powerful than GOD...Evil has a problem with this...That is why Evil fights GOD...The Goal of Evil is to defeat GOD and obtain absolute power over all...
I just point out the obvious to the oblivious.
There is no hope...GOD is impossible to defeat...all power evil amasses to attempt to defeat GOD ultimately orginates from GOD...
GOD is infinite and indestructible...
GOD can not destroy GOD and GOD does not power Evil...
Human beings power the continued existance of Evil...
Fortunately humanity can reproduce quicker than it ceases to exist...and an attempt to defeat GOD does not have to be made to accomplish that simple task...
And as all the just think positive ignore the negative drones keep telling me...if at first you don't succeed attempting to defeat GOD...try try again...
And you all have been try try trying again and again for at least 6000 years according to the records left in the previous monuments to ignorance called ruins coating the surface of the Earth...
The bottom will collapse...The Internet is contract based like everything...There will be no way to pay the contracts and it will be a luxury that will be cut off...
You are all...mesmerized...You all will put up as much resistance as leaves do against the wind in a Hurricane...
You all are toast that thinks it is bread...
You all will be as stunned as the Lebanese were when their world ended...
The outcome is a certainty...
There is never a lasting victory over Lies (Evil) and the war against Truth (GOD) has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat...
Defeat...Is outcome of your struggle.
There is Love for truth...Truth is GOD and GOD is Truth...
If I were to love lies then I would love Evil...I would be rejecting Truth as the path to salvation.
Just because you don't think you are Evil does not mean you are not...
You hope Evil has more tricks...Evil is out of tricks...
By consent or conquest...
I will not consent to Evil or be conquested by Evil...
I know truth...It keeps me from choosing to Love lies...
There is never a lasting victory over Lies (Evil) and the war against Truth (GOD) has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat...
Ignorance of Truth is the root of all evil and the path to damnation.
GOD is not Hope...The Universe is constructed so that Evil can never defeat GOD...Lies can never defeat Truth...
Hopes and dreams are lies and delusions...Hope can never defeat GOD.
You hope that GOD can be defeated?
1+1=2 = Good
1+1=3 = Evil
See...No hope...You don't need hope...and those that hope 1+1=3 are doomed to defeat reguardless...
I don't Hope GOD exists I know GOD exists...
I know Truth...
I'm not GOD fearing because if you are truth fearing the only place to run to from GOD is to lies and delusions (Hopes and Dreams)
Fear of GOD leads to ignorance of truth...
You all actually think believe and have faith in Ignorance of GOD as the path to salvation...
Ignorance of Truth is the root of all evil and the path to damnation...
The top is the top...That is what the top is...
And GOD is above all including the top.
The top will see you coming before you see the destroyers they send to eliminate the threat and GOD is infinite and indestructible so fighting Truth is a suicide mission...
Morons, Idiots and drones become unhappy when they are exposed to Truth...It is a threat to their cherished delusions...sorry.
Is a small child evil if they are ignorant about the truth of a hot flame? Or the compound interest equation?
There is truth and Truth is GOD.
There is no "The" Truth...Just Truth...Just GOD...
Ignorance of Truth is the root of all evil...
Burning your hand is Evil...It's not Good
The compounding interest equation is Evil
The child is not...
Does a small child take more than they give? If so, are they evil?
A child is Ignorant...You are so called, or claim to be, Responsible Adult Human Beings and Human beings have to choose to be Ignorant and that is what most of you have chosen...Ignorance...And the children are taught to choose ignorance by "so called Responsible Adult Human Beings" and dragged kicking and screming by you to their fates...
You are all morons, idiots, and drones...You are not fighing evil...You are powering it...causing Evil to grow more and more powerful...To fight GOD...To fight Truth...
You are looking for support for your cherished delusions...
GOD does not power lies and delusions...Why should I?
The implosion of the 314 year old Global system that is in progress is a consequence of Evil attempting to defeat GOD but since GOD is infinite and indestructible...Evil always fails...doomed.
Here's some certainty...
Those who choose to take more power than they give become richer in power or powerful and those who choose to give more power than they take become poorer in power or powerless...
Allow me to take more power than I give from another and I care not who make the rules...
Since it is inevitable that the power will be sucked from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one...
Then they who have the power will make the rules of the game you are all playing...
That is how the top maintains their position...
By the time you realize you are powerless...You are powerless...
"Do not bite at the bait of pleasure till you know there is no hook beneath it." --Thomas Jefferson
There is nothing wrong with sharing power as equally as possible...It's when you take more power than you give that the imbalance arises...
I began telling people in 1998 when the so called Asian flu hit that the 1971-1973 "New Economy" was a lie that had reached maximum potential and was going to implode...
It's in progress...And there will be a covering event like 911...
Screaming like a rocket to oblivion...The USA is imploding right now...
911...Emergency...waooga...waooga...She's going down...
The top needs survivors...That is what all the prepare for the end social engineering is for...
As well as the don't worry be happy everything is wonderful social engineering...
Free will has to be given a choice or it will resist...
And yes there is no hope...It is a delusion...
Before a race all hope they win...Only one does and Hope has nothing to do with it...
History is written by the winners...
Or you think skeletons do?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Game Over Slowly
All the infusions to date are just loans to banks to keep them from collapsing. Not so they can lend more money out...they are collapsing due to consumer exhaustion...
Consumers request commercial banks to create credit...
"The actual process of money creation takes place in commercial banks. As noted earlier, demand liabilities of commercial banks are money."--Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Modern Money Mechanics, p.3
The FEDERAL RESERVE did not exist prior to 1913...But Commercial banks did...
And Credit is not actually's credit...but since it does everything that money does...It's money...The only difference between it and actual money is it's issued (created) by commercial banks when a consumer requests a commercial bank to loan them money...So it starts out as debt owed from the moment of creation...Other forms of money start out debt free and need to be acquired by a lender and have interest attached and then lent out in order for the money to undergo transformation into debt...
So Credit is money and it's also debt.
A US consumer requests a commercial bank to advance them x amount of future income using their current income or assets as collateral backing the request.
US consumers request commercial banks to manufacture money.
Lets say to buy a house...lets say $250,000...well the bank creates an asset of $250,000 and a liability of $250,000 and attaches interest to the asset and gives it to the consumer...
As the consumer pays off the debt...the asset and liability shrink by the principal amount and the bank keeps the interst as profit...
So the money created and spent into circulation eventually returns to where it came from over time as it's paid off.
It's why the banks like amortization...Because at the start the principal repayment is small compared to the interest payment...and the economy likes it because the money created circulates for decades.
The US real estate sector began collapsing in 2006...and by late 2007 the losses started piling up.
Up to this point...the US economy is short 1.4 Trillion dollars and the banking system is out 1.4 Trillion in revenue and profit.
All the infusions to date are just loans to banks to keep them from collapsing due to the slowing of the growth rate of the circulating money supply because US consumers are exhausted...
Not so they can lend more money out...they are collapsing due to consumer exhaustion...which has led to 1.4 Trillion less money being created by consumers.
Credit reserves are piling up in the FED because consumers are exhausted and are not requesting commercial banks for loans.
Consumers/workers...power the FED...not the other way around...
Until the US consumer pays down their debt to the point they can go on another insane gorge fest...There are going to be no B-52's
Year to date the US economy is short 1.4 Trillion dollars of the end of the year 1.8 Trillion.
There is 42% less money being pumped into the economy this year than last...the credit freeze in banks is due to consumer exhaustion that started in late 2006...It's just now that all this is showing up.
Start subsidizing consumers...send them emergency postponement of the end of the world checks.
Key problem...It could not be kept secret...So then hyperinflation would be the moronic bet again...and the system would hyperinflate to insanity within 18 months or so...but then it would start to collapse once it reached the point where it would be impossible to account for...It would take longer for the computation to be done than what the system requires and it would all grind to a stop and implode to oblivion anyways.
I can't see anyone agreeing to that course of action...The USA is connected to the world...the whole world would hyperinflate...not just the USA...
Unless the world agreed to hyperinflate then hyperdeflate to game over...they will just continue down this current path trying to manage it down to game over slowly.
The stock market will have to bounce soon...Global markets are being managed down...because someone has to be buying this all the way down or all this forced selling would just implode global markets to zero in a few hours...not day after day of down.
The bounce will allow the buyer to sell into strength to recharge for the next leg down of forced selling.
The bottom was not in took the markets until 1932 to hit bottom. The markets are powered by the economy...and the general economy is not even in recession yet...
The collapse currently is just forced selling by all the braindead morons that placed massive leveraged bets that hyperinflation was on the way and lost....Once that ends the markets will most likely begin a series of waterfall declines...
The FED is not engineering anything...
All they have done to date is help slow the implosion...The implosion that is the logical conclusion of the compounding interest equation...that you all are oblivious of.
Without all the actions taken...most of you would be starving to death...dying of thirst...or exposure to the elements.
You all don't have the foggiest clue how the system you are in actually works.
All you are currently doing is self deluding each other....brainwashing each other to reinforce the belief thet the FED is the cause of the system when in fact the system is the cause of the FED.
The FED is the Third central bank of the USA...It along with the economy will reach maximum potential and implode at some point...The top will just hire the survivors to construct the next delusion you all will cherish until it reaches maximum potential and implodes.
The first central bank was the bank of Venice in 1172...It along with the global system before this current iteration imploded to oblivion in 1345...
The first commercial bank like you see them in operation today appeared in Spain 1400.
Basically you are all Neo's waking up in the real world...and the first thing you have been told to believe is truth is Morpheus's delusion.
The top or employers want to employ you all...working hard to believe that the FED is the cause of the system...and not them.
Shifting blame onto a scapegoat:
"The Pet Goat" is a children's story contained in the book Reading Mastery II: Storybook 1, by Siegfried Engelmann and Elaine C. Bruner (ISBN 0026863553). The book is part of the thirty-one volume Reading Mastery series published by the SRA Macmillan early-childhood education division of McGraw-Hill. It uses the direct instruction teaching style."
"The story gained notoriety because U.S. President George W. Bush, as part of a photo op, was reading it with Florida schoolchildren at the time he was informed of the September 11, 2001 attacks by then White House chief of staff, Andrew Card."
"In modern Satanic theology, the pentagram is far more likely to represent the individual, or the choice to pursue individual glory or immortality rather than union or absorption with the divine- where some traditions advocate the sublimation of the ego or submission to god, Satanism exalts and glorifies it, deifying the human being. The symbol most commonly associated with Satanic practices is the "Sabbatic goat" or Goat of Mendes pentacle, often confused with Baphomet, a figure from Templar legend"
"The symbol of Baphomet was used by the Knights Templar to represent Satan. Through the ages this symbol has been called by many different names. Among these are: The Goat of Mendes, Sabbatic Goat, The Goat of a Thousand Young, The Black Goat, The Judas Goat, and perhaps most appropriately, The Scapegoat"--The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey, Book of Belial (earth): The Satanic Ritual, pp136
"The scapegoat was a goat that was driven off into the wilderness as part of the ceremonies of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, in Judaism during the times of the Temple in Jerusalem. The rite is described in Leviticus 16. The word also refers, in modern parlance, to one who is blamed for misfortunes, often as a way of distracting attention from the real causes."
"Two very similar-appearing male goats were brought into the courtyard of the Temple in Jerusalem on Yom Kippur as part of the Holy Service of that day. The high priest cast lots for the two goats. One goat was offered as a burnt offering, as was the bull. The second goat was the scapegoat. The high priest placed his hands on the head of the goat and confessed the sins of the people of Israel. The scapegoat was led away and let go in the wilderness according to Leviticus 16:22, although the Talmud adds that it was pushed over a distant cliff."
"In modern Hebrew Azazel is used derogatorily, as in lekh la-Azazel ("go to Azazel"), as in "go to hell"."
"Azazel (Hebrew: עזאזל, Arabic: عزازل Azazil) is an enigmatic name from the Hebrew scriptures, possibly referring to a fallen angel or Satan. The word's first appearances are in Leviticus 16, when in the ritual for Yom Kippur the scapegoat is to be taken to Azazel and cast into the wilderness, but this text by itself is unclear as to the actual identity of Azazel.
The Talmud (Yoma 67b) and later commentators maintain Azazel was the name of the precipitous cliff where the goat met its end."
"The Sigil of the Baphomet: This is a pentacle form (The goats head in the circle), with two points pointing upwards, one downwards, and one to each side. This is an upturned or inversed pentacle."
Compound interest is the false GOD you all worship aware or not...
Give the LORD what it demands or die...Before like now it demanded more yield and the fix Greenspan and crew came up with worked...And postponed the wrath of GOD for a few more years.
But this time around the US consumer is maxed out so there is no way all you can pay the tribute demanded by the LORD any longer...So game over.
You all will be hacking yourselves to pieces like animals for nothing at all in the end.
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Nightmare Is Unfolding...
There is no money in the stock markets except what the buyers bring into it.
And the prices of stocks and bonds are dictated by supply and demand...
Less supply than demand...The buyers cause the sellers to raise prices up...more supply than demand...The buyers cause the sellers to lower prices down.
And the rising and falling prices affect all the stocks that are not being traded.
1 million shares that are currently priced at $20 per share means that as an asset the 1 million shares equal 20 million dollars and
lets say 5% or 50,000 are sold for an average price of $10...the price of all the shares drop by $10 or 50% or $10,000,000 of equity just disappeared.
Next up
The Government does not inflate the money supply...Consumers requesting commercial banks to manufacture new money do...currently.
Last time the US Government increased the money supply outside of the commercial banking system were the Greenbacks of the Civil war.
The US Dollar caves and Chinese imports will be too expensive and China implodes...poof.
China will unpeg their currency or die...
Of course that will just buy them time...because eventually the USA will implode anyway...Japan which has been hovering for years on US consumer life support...will implode then Europe will collapse...and with 1/2 of the global economy for Chinese garbage gone...They will implode...poof...
The problem is...After 64 years US consumers are maxed out and are unable or unwilling to request commercial banks to manufacture the required amount of new money to service the continued existence of the previously manufactured money...It's game over...there is zero that can be done...
But because nobody except for a handful of people know this...The rest of the just think positive ignore the negative drones are speculating as to what's next...Reguardless of what actions are taken...the logical conclusion is implosion.
And it's not a simple currency exchange...The entire world basically has to implode to oblivion and start from scratch.
A for instance...
Prior to the 1929-1933 collapse of the global trade system...The British pound stirling was the global trade medium of exchange.
1933-1945 was the bankruptcy reorganization of that system and by the time it was over...the World was reorganized but still bankrupt...8-10% of the population of earth was Liquidated...most of Europe amd S.E. Asia was reduced to rubble.
And in 1944 the British pound was dropped and the US Dollar became the global trade medium of exchange...
That's about as simple as global currency changes get...
This time...There is no currency/economy to switch over to...The whole global system has to and is going to implode to oblivion.
Complete and utter destruction...All the little helpers are not told about this...or else they would try to resist at some point...instead they will all march to their doom with glee towards the glorious Utopia the sales pitch says is on the way.
You all think the transition to the next system is going to be like...Don't worry Timmy...after a brief flicker of the lights the next global system is going to kick in.
It ain't.
A nightmare beyond your current abilities to comprehend is unfolding.
At the end you all will gladly accept the new system...All the survivors will be convinced that it's the best thing ever.
There is nothing that is going to stop the current system from imploding to oblivion.
Nothing can be done...It's amount of positive thinking malinvested into the powering of the delusion that something can be done will accomplish anything.
The global system is like a fish out of water flopping around.
The G7 and G20..etc...Just a bunch of fools standing on an anvil oblivious of the shadow of the hammer at their feet growing larger as it rushes to smite them.
The books that have not been balanced in centuries are going to have to be...
The system needs to keep inflating greater than previous inflation forever...But it can' can only inflate greater than previous inflation to maximum potential.
The system needs the required amount of inflation to sustain inflating.
How much is the required amount...not too much and not too little but always greater than previous.
Maximum potential is less than infinite...Because the system certainly can't infinitely inflate...and in order to satisfy the always greater than previously requirement...the system has to inflate greater than infinite...which is also impossible.
In this case maximum potential is reached when the US consumers become unwilling or unable to continue requesting commercial banks to manufacture the required amount of new money to service the continued existance of the previously requested money.
That's what they have done...and without a real estate sector inflating to infinity and's over.
Basically US consumers have to start consuming real estate way better than their last pathetic attempt...Or the 37 year old real estate bubble will pop...all that has happened up to this point is a popping of a bubble inside of the 37 year old real estate bubble.
Then there is no way that an escape from the recession will be accomplished and it will collapse down into a depression and then a general breakdown.
A general breakdown is worse than a depression...The ruins of Rome are what is left after an economy suffers a general breakdown.
No It can't be...
The surface of the Earth is coated with ruins...It certainly can be...because at its core...this civilization is no different than any other that has ever existed.
Of course you and the vast majority reading this and the G7...G20..etc are totally oblivious followers of the just think positive ignore the negative religion...and because what I say is's ignored...
Until of course it's impossible to ignore...When you all arrive at the logical conclusion...
Which is still years away.
If they came out now and started telling you all to just report to the nearest pit of burning diesel and hop in for the good of future Humanity because thanks for working your asses off to get here but there's no need for you all in the new system...
You all certainly would resist.
It's a long drawn out process to liquidate all the former assets that are going to transform into unfundable liabilities the deeper we get into this.
Even if the most benevolent and wise human beings on Earth took control now it still would cave in to a mindboggling nightmare.
Because I'm not a just think positive ignore the negative drone...I don't ignore the negative.
Optimists or the devout followers of the think positive ignore the negative religion got us to this point...
You all just marched to your doom with glee...and now "hope" you survive the choice to ignore the negative now that you are catching glimpses of that which is impossible to ignore.
The consequences of choosing to be ignorant.
All you drones at the bottom believe that inflation does not end...Due to the Just think positive ignore the negative equation at the core of the drone reasoning algorithm that you all have been programmed with...
But inflation greater than previous inflation does have a maximum potential...The top know this and capitalize on it.
Absolute capitalists capitalize on weakness...Your ignorance is what the top capitalize on...Since you are all dumb as dirt anything possible to explain what you can't is embraced.
You all basically shop around for fictions and constantly try them on until you find one that fits and then buy it...Until it wears out and fills up with holes.
First off...The top owns everything already...the bottom rents...The top does not have to take over the world...They already own everything.
Except your awareness of the Universe..Which the top never will...
As far as I can tell...Whatever the top's long term plans are going to be...Step one is to drastically reduce the massive number of drones in the hierarchy.
Money is something drones worry about...
It's like a general...orders all the soldiers to do all the work...that's all the top is...The general and you are all soldiers that do all the work.
Currenly the top has ordered you all to believe that the subprime mortgage collapse and Wall Street corruption are the cause of the problems...
They are just effects...Reguardless...because you all including your so called leaders are brainless drones...You all basically shop around for fictions and constantly try them on until you find one that fits and then buy it...
And right now all the fiction sales outlets are selling the same fictions.
It's already all over...The top ordered you all to march in the direction they desired and that what you all are currently marching wondering what is going oblivious now as you were years ago.
Because you refuse to think...Why?
The Just think positive ignore the negative equation at the core of the drone reasoning algorithm that you all have been programmed with.
The instant you know then you have to become responsible for your actions...
But that is all will search for the positive...that which allows you all claim to be irresponsible.
The top figured out how to control you all 1000's of years ago.
The Internet is a tool the top knows how to use...They know what to look for...You all don't have the foggiest idea what to look for...Because you are all drones...You are all like bacteria under a mircoscope.
Oblivious that you are being watched and studied...
You going to buy the above?
The Just think positive ignore the negative equation at the core of the drone reasoning algorithm that you all have been programmed with will not allow it to be bought.
A lie you tell to yourself is a delusion...and over time you will fall in love with it or cherish.
The above will shatter your cherished delsuions...and that is negative.
You all will fight to the death to protect that which you cherish...that is positive.
Yes is positive and no is negative.
It's why you Just think positive ignore the negative drones have such a hard time taking no for an answer.
The instant you know then you have to become responsible for your actions...
But that is all will search for the positive...that which allows you all to claim to be irresponsible.
You all choose to be drones because ignorance is bliss...or positive.
It's better to be irresponsible for your actions than responsible for your actions.
The only person holding a gun to your heads forcing you...Is you.
Monday, November 03, 2008
November 4th - National Schmuck Day
All that the banks have been doing is propping everything up until after the US elections so that the newly installed puppet, and the installed puppets outside the USA, can blame the previously installed puppet for all the mindboggling austerity measures that are coming.
The national debt is just the amount of money the US Government has "borrowed" from the 51,000 Billion or 51 Trillion dollar money supply...and since it's all credit or debt backing debt...The money supply is also the total debt of the USA.
So The US Givernment has borrowed 10.5 Trillion of the 51 Trillion dollar money supply which is debt that was requested by US consumers to be manufactured by the US commercial banking system.
The 51 Trillion is from q2 2008 so another 4 months at with US consumers requesting the commercial banks to create another 4.9 Billion dollars of credit on average per day an the estimated money supply/total debt currently is 51.5 Trillion...roughly 20% of the money supply has been borrowed by the US Government.
Its Government has "borrowed"
1,817,200,000,000...or around 1.8 Trillion Dollars of the money supply...And since Germany has the same compounding interest commercial banking credit system that every other country on Earth has.
German consumers have requested the German commercial banking system to manufacture around 7.8 Trillion US Dollars equivalent of money...that is the money supply of the Germany and also the total debt.
The German Government has borrowed 1.8 Trillion of the 7.8 Trillion money supply of total debt of Germany or...about 23%
In Euro's that's about 6,269,592,476,489 or 6.2 Trillion euro's of debt owed by all the workers in Germany
Rough estimate of the German workforce is 44 Million
So every worker in Germany owes around 142,500 Euro's...
Those in the old world have been socially engineered to stare at the evil USA...But Germany is in just as much debt as any of the other economic zones on Earth.
Germany is managing its debt supply somewhat better than others so gets a bit of bragging rights of course...but once the USA caves...Germany will implode because the top consumer of EU exports is the USA.
The cycle is always...Inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential followed by inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential
The US money supply which is also the total debt of the USA has been hyperinflating for 64 years...It's just been hidden from all you "schmucks" by accounting tricks...
Now the current thinking is that when inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential reaches maximum potential...
Hyperinflation starts...At least thats what all you "schmucks" have been pounding the table and telling me ever since Ben told all you "schmucks" about the magic printing press...
Unfortunately when the maximum potential of inflation greater than previous inflation is reached...
The bubble begins collapsing...We are just at the start...and eventually implodes to oblivion...
What you all have seen up to this nothing significant...yawn.
Now what are you "schmucks" going to do?
Well you will pick a "schmuck" to follow and they will most likely lead you off a cliff...
Because right now it's "schmucks" leading "schmucks".
Presidents in the USA are installed...the voting aspect is to fool the bottom into thinking they made the choice.
It's irrelevant what you think your pick will do or not do...
The installers decide.
Blame the founders of the USA...They created a Nation state where anything goes.
And it's been used to corrupt all the other nation states.
The Declaration of Independance from GOD took place in 1776.
The rulers are installed by popularity contests or Elected constitutional Monarchs.
Evil gives you what you want to get what Evil wants...Power
"The subjects (Bottom) of every (City, nation, Civilization) state ought to contribute towards the support of the government (TOP), as nearly as possible in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state."--Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations 1776
Governments of the absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise are administration systems of the enterprise constructed and sustained by the bottom or employees at the demand of the top or owners of the absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise
Free Trade...Refusal to Trade is unfree Trade or Protectionism
"Pax Romana (27 B.C.E.-180 C.E.), Latin for "the Roman peace", is the long period of relative peace experienced by states within the Roman Empire. The term stems from the fact that Roman rule and its legal system pacified regions, sometimes forcefully, which had suffered from the quarrels between rival leaders."
"Pax Britannica (Latin for "the British Peace", modelled after Pax Romana) refers to a period of British imperialism after the 1815 Battle of Waterloo, which led to a period of overseas British expansionism. The term is derived from, during this period, Europe being relatively peaceful and the British Empire controlling most key naval trade routes and enjoying unchallenged sea power. Britain dominated overseas markets and favoured a strategy of informal colonialism: controlling markets like China's (and the USA's) without direct formal colonial administration."
"This led to the spread of the English language, parliamentary democracy, technology, the British Imperial system of measures, and rules for commodity markets based on English common law." (Roman Rule)
"Pax Americana (Latin: "American Peace") is the period of relative peace in the Western world since the end of World War II in 1945, coinciding with the dominant military and economic position of the United States. It places the United States in the military and diplomatic role of a modern-day Roman Empire (Pax Romana)."
Republic ruled by LAW...
Human beings have no ability to make or break LAW
All that Human beings have the power to do is make and break rules and call them LAW.
But if the rule attempts to break LAW then LAW will break the rule.
So then Congress which is composed of Human beings can't make or break LAW...
But they can make and break rules and of course call rules LAW.
How do they make thses majority rule...or Democracy.
Republican Government has no "parties"...Just elected representatives.
Over in jolly old England..They have parties.
Westminister Parliamentry system or Republican system?
Bush is the Head of State or Governor General while Cheney is the Prime Minister and there is a cabinet.
Parliament (Congress) is the House of commons (Representatives) and the Senate.
The whipping system
"A whip is a member of a political party in a legislature whose task is to ensure that members of the party attend and vote as the party leadership desires. The term originated in the Parliament of the United Kingdom and derives from the "whipper-in" at a fox hunt. Whip is also used to mean the voting instructions issued to members by the Whip"
"Both houses of Congress, the House of Representatives and Senate, have majority and minority whips. They in turn have subordinate "regional whips."
All are called honorable members.
Also broken down into two factions the Left or Whigs/Liberals (Democrats) and the Right or Tories/Conservatives (Republicans)
Supreme Court of the United States
In Canada currently
The Executive
Michaëlle Jean is the Head of State or Governor General while The Prime minister is Stephan Harper and there is a cabnet.
Parliament is the House of commons and the Senate.
All are called honorable members.
"The Chief Whip is a political office assigned to an elected member whose task is to administer the whipping system that ensures that members of the party attend and vote as the party leadership desires."
Also broken down into the two biggest factions the Left or Liberals and the Right or Conservatives
Supreme Court of Canada
In the UK
The Head of state is the Queen while The Prime Minister is Gordon Brown
Parliament is the House of commons and the Senate (House of Lords)
All are called honorable members.
"The Chief Whip is a political office assigned to an elected member whose task is to administer the whipping system that ensures that members of the party attend and vote as the party leadership desires."
Also broken down into two factions the Left or Liberals (The Labour party) and the Right or Conservatives
Courts of the United Kingdom / Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
All have speakers of the House...All have the below.
Ceremonial maces are to this day used to represent authority and prestige, as in the House of Commons in a Westminster System parliament.
In the UK "A mace is a staff of office symbolising authority. The mace is carried in and out of the Commons and Lords Chambers in a procession at the beginning and end of each day. Without the mace in position, each House cannot sit and debate."
"In the House of Commons the mace lies on the table in front of the Speaker when MPs are debating. The mace is carried in and out of the Chamber by the Serjeant at Arms in a procession at the beginning and end of each day."
"In Canada, the House of Commons (and most of the legislatures) follow a relatively standard protocol in relation to the ceremonial mace; the Speaker of the House normally enters, following a mace-bearer (normally the Sergeant-at-Arms) who subsequently sets the mace on the clerks' table to begin the sitting. When the Sergeant-at-Arms removes the mace from the table, then the House has either adjourned, recessed, or been resolved into a Committee of the Whole."
"Before the reigning monarch or one of his or her representatives (the Governor General or one of the Lieutenant Governors) may enter the chamber, the mace must be completely hidden from view. This is done by draping the mace in a heavy velvet cloth, a procedure performed by the House Pages."
"The current Mace of the United States House of Representatives has been in use since December 1, 1842. It was created by William Adams at a cost of $400 to replace the first mace, which was destroyed on August 24, 1814 when the Capitol was destroyed in the burning of Washington by the British during the War of 1812. A simple wooden mace was used in the interim."
"The current mace is nearly four feet tall and is composed of 13 ebony rods tied together with silver strands criss-crossed over the length of the pole. It is topped by a silver eagle, wings outspread, standing on a world globe."
"When the House is in session, the mace stands in a cylindrical pedestal of green marble to the right of the chair of the Speaker of the House. When the House is meeting as the Committee of the Whole, the mace is moved to a pedestal next to the desk of the Sergeant at Arms. Thus Representatives entering the chamber know with a glance whether the House is in session or in committee."
"In accordance with the Rules of the House, when a Member becomes unruly the Sergeant at Arms, on order of the Speaker, lifts the mace from its pedestal and presents it before the offenders, thereby restoring order. This occurs very rarely."
The current House Sergeant at Arms is Wilson (Bill) Livingood.
LAW is infinite and indestructible.
If you can break it...It's not LAW.
Like there's a LAW against speeding...Well can you drive faster than the speed limit?
Then it's not a LAW...
LAW can not be broken.
Rules? Snapped like twigs...
As soon as somebody says something like...Congress can make LAW...
You know they are totally enthralled by the game.
If it was against LAW to kill a person...It would be impossible to kill a person...
It's not against LAW...It's against the rules of the game you all are playing.
The LORD works in mysterious ways...GOD does not.
Rules are ultimately to protect the top from the bottom.
Last election in the USA? George Walker Bush member of Skull and Bones 1968 VS. John Forbes Kerry member of Skull and Bones 1966...Both were at Yale together for a one year overlap...dual manchurian candidates...Millions and millions and billions of schmucks supplying the top with the power required to power the spectacle are completely oblivious.
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