Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Owners Of The "Free" Market Decide How Free It Is

It's like in the olden days before there was any hurricane detection...a massive storm beyond your abilities to comprehend just all of a sudden showed up and you are just another leaf caught in the maelstrom...and maybe you will survive.

The vast majority of the poor unfortunate souls currently alive are all quite oblivious of what is about to smash into them at full mindblowing force.

The total debt is 51 Trillion dollars currently...It's also the money supply of the USA.

The money supply in 1944 was 355 Billion dollars...and since then to now US consumers have requested the commercial banking system to manufacture 50.6 trillion more new money...

The Public debt..Or the amount of the money supply or total debt the US Government had "borrowed" in 1944 was 201 Billion.

Meaning that the US Government had borrowed 56% of the money supply of the USA to basiclly run WW2.

But since then the US Government has "borrowed" another 9.7 Trillion dollars of the money supply of the USA.

Meaning that from 1944 the US government has "borrowed" 19.4% of the US money supply.

700 more Billion would mean borrowing another 1.3% of the money supply of the 51 Trillion which is the total debt or money that US consumers have requested the commercial banking system of the USA to manufacture from 1944 - present.

The US Government is in far less debt now than it was 64 years ago based on % of the total money supply.

Eliminate that and press the rewind button back to pre 1900...

The 700 Billion is just to buy enough time to reach the point that the top wants to pull the plug...

US consumers are maxed out...It's not that they can't request commercial banks to manufacture more new money...they can...the problem is the US consumer can no longer request the required amount...last year the average daily amount of new money the US consumer requested the commercial banking system to manufacture was 12 Billion.

Year to date...6.99 billion...the difference from last year is 5 Billion a day X 10 months...or 1.5 trillion dollars less money flooding into the US economy...banking system and Wall Street.

Which has caused the banking system and Wall Street to show visible signs of imploding.

Whether the deal goes through or not...the USA along with the rest of the world is going to implode.

It's all over...jigs up...the only thing 700 Billion dollars is going to do is postpone the acceleration of the implosion for a month or so.

Pretty sure the FED is after the Treasuries...

That's what the plan ultimately does...allow the Treasury to issue 700 Billion dollars worth of treasuries.

The FED needs treasuries to operate...

This crisis is ultimately caused by attaching interest to the medium of exchange...Nobody alive really is the cause...

I will lend you x as long as you give me x +5% back.

Meaning the system must inflate by the required amount forever or it implodes.

The money supply in 1944 was 355 Billion.

The entire circulating money supply in a credit system is ultimately composed of debt owed to the top.

355 Billion at an average interest rate of 7.76% for 64 years equals 51 Trillion dollars.

The actual average interest rate is lower because people request the commercial banking system to manufacture money to buy houses and cars..etc...not to pay the interest due on all the previously manufactured money.

And the cost to pay the interest due on the previously manufactured money?

Is hidden in the cost of everything...Everyone utilizing the system is ultimately forced to demand more and more and more...

Until like currently when the maximum potential is reached and then they can no longer demand more and more and more and are forced to demand less and less.

Unfortunately this thing you all call civilization is not designed to function in reverse...so it basically just implodes...poof.

Truth is not decided by a vote...or on the battlefield

If everyone on Earth agreed that 1+1=3

It would not change the fact that 1+1=2

On the Internet you are paragons of courage...In real life you are paragons of cowardice.

It doesn't matter...All another needs is more power than you and then its function as required or die.

Here's a hint...

You can manipulate the Universe however you desire as long as you don't attempt to break LAW.

Human beings have no power to make or break LAW.

All that human Beings have the power to do is make and break rules and call them LAW.

But if the rule attempts to break LAW then LAW will break the rule.

The Idiots that dreamed up Basel II are unaware of the above.

Ultimately the current generation are just the smartest stupid people that have ever existed.

Buy low sell high...You don't get rich by buying and holding...

You all bid the price up...and the top sells...

Oh look the price has caved...what a great opportunity to bid the price up...so that the top can sell.

The top sells strength and buys weakness.

The top owns all the production and distribution networks (markets) so that when the economy caves...they will just sell you stuff and you all will eventually give them back all the gold and silver...

Unless you go Grizzly Adams or bury all your gold and silver and forget where you buried it.

As soon as you need to spend it...the top gets it.

The big money or top does all the buying and selling...the bottom just speculates.

The top is not looking to see where it's going...they already know where it is going...the top is not suffering from the brain damage that the bottom is suffering from...The top is not the victim of the lies they are telling the bottom that the bottom thinks are truth.

The bottom supports the top and the top knows when the bottom has reached the maximum potential and can no longer support the top.

The top knows that the implosion was and is inevitable...

The bottom do not...

The bottom thinks that inflation lastes forever.

The top knows that it's impossible to sustain inflation greater than previous inflation forever.

They are already positioned for the inevitable implosion that the bottom hasn't the foggiest clue about.

The top owns the markets...

It's supply and demand...

When you are ripping people off...you laugh...but when you are being ripped off...you cry...

Oh you don't rip people off? Well guess what? All the people you claim are ripping you off say the same thing.

It's so sad that you don't know how markets work...

Get rid of the speculators and set the market up so that only people that are going to use the material to produce something are allowed to buy it.

But the top would not like that at all...Because without speculators to bid up the price...the top could not extract the massive profits they enjoy currently.

Plus if demand dropped for the products...then the silver producers would go out of business...and it's the top who produce the majority of the silver...the top owns all the mines.

This is the great part...you all would fight to sustain the system the way it is...the top doesn't have to manipulate you all in the slightest.

The owners of the free market decide how free it is...

Store of value...

In the ancient days...cities and farmers used to keep multi year supplies of grain...but instead of storing 2 short tons of grain...wouldn't it be easier to sell all the grain and just store 1 ounce of gold...

Until the crops fail...then the Gold is not such a great storage medium.

Lets say you control the land that the farmer is growing the food on...then the Farmer has a use for Gold.

To pay the rent...

The current US Government gold price is $42.2222 and ounce...

Do any of you know how a gold standard works?

Who cares...as long as someone says that it's going to cause the price of gold to rise...Im in...lol

The price of gold to rise in relation to what? the price of gold?

So you have a bunch of gold miners...and a bunch of farmers...

The gold standard...

The farmers slave in the fields all year to produce enough food to feed the gold miners and the gold miners toil in the mines all year to produce enough gold to pay the farmers.

What do the farmers use the gold for?

I know what the miners use the food for..they eat it to survive...

What do farmers need the gold for? You know...how is the exchange for mutual benefit supposed to work?

Must be something you are missing????

Who cares...as long as someone says that it's going to cause the price of gold to rise...I'll believe it...lol

The cause of the crisis is the inability of the consumers to continue requesting commercial banks to manufacture new money to service the existence of the previously manufactured money.

There are trillions of dollars of transactions that take place in the global economy every 24 hour period.

These multi 100 billion dollar injections are into global liquidity flows that at peak times hit can easily spike up to 1 Trillion dollars in an hour for brief periods.

The ECB liquidity injections are like trying to put out the sun with a water balloon.

The world went bankrupt 1929-1933...then went into bankruptcy reorganization 1933-1945 and emerged reorganized but still bankrupt and the problem was not corrected at all the past 63 years.

The world has been bankrupt for decades...The Banking system has been bankrupt for centuries.

Basel II...It's a joke manufactured by over compensated brainwashed morons.

As long as interest is allowed to be attached to the medium of exchange...The criminals will still be able to legally plunder.

Paulson, Bernanke, and Greenspan are effects of the compounding interest commercial banking system not the cause of the compounding interest commercial banking system.

Of course when push come to shove the top will throw some of the useful idiots to the masses to be ripped apart...

Monday, September 29, 2008

A Massive Pile Of Oblivious Puppets

The mass social engineering is designed so that the next installed puppet will have the benefit of blaming the previously installed puppet for all the wonderful austerity measures the US public will have to accept.

It's all over...the top takes effects that the bottom is being exposed to and then says they are causes and because the bottom has no real ability to think...Accepts the lie as truth.

The USA has been hyperinflating for 64 years...It's just been hidden with accounting tricks...Yes that's 51 Trillion Dollars...because the USA like all countries on Earth has a credit system...the money supply of 51 trillion dollars is also the total debt that everyone owes.

And every country on Earth basically has a doomsday spike like the below.

The daily growth rate of that green line that hyperinflationists need to keep going up faster and faster forever? Slowed by 42.6% from the end of 2007 to now.

The largest slowdown of the daily growth rate of the US money supply in 62 years

Yes a sure sign that the hyperinflation of the world the past 64 years is on track.

The only hyperinflation I see is if producers cut production quicker than demand..until that doesn't work and the strongest cave in...In the case of gold...The production is already insignificant.

All gold needs is an increase in demand...Nothing significant can be done on the production end.

But huge spikes up and down will make it so that nobody can accurately value gold so only dealers short of supply and speculators gaming it will be playing with it...

At some point that will just shut the market down.

Tighter financial regulation would have just accelerated the implosion to this point sooner.

All these morons haven't the foggiest clue what the cause of this is...it's not about regulations.

Wait until India begins imploding as the inflow of consumer debt inflation from the rest of the world dries up...then they will be bawling too.

The banks have an unlimited ability to create credit...Unfortunately consumers have a finite ability to request the commercial banks to manufacture and service it...

All the money pumped in the markets today is not going to fill in the hole left by the consumers who have for the past year become more and more exhausted...it's to keep the banks from collapsing due to the drop in inflation the consumers are no longer supplying to the bank to keep them inflated.

It's too funny...it's the workers/consumers which power the banks...but you morons think it's the other way around...

The banks are not "lending" because consumers have borrowed all they can and are "unwilling" or "unable" to borrow any more...

The top lives off the yield from the bottom...Until of course the bottom can't or refuses to continue servicing it.

Then all the people holding you up...let go and you all fall down.

The real estate sector and markets and bankings system collapses once the hyperinflation reaches maximum potential...not before...

Hyperinflation is the investment the top got you all to BUY AND HOLD onto...

Certainly things inflate better if you are all brainwashed into thinking inflation is the bet to place all your chips on...Because if deflation was the bet you all put your chips on...the system would implode.

Ben said he would print money in 2002 so that all you morons would think hyperinflation was a done deal...and you all believed it...and when the consumers of the USA caould no longer sustain power to the hyperinflation salvation delusion...it shattered.

They are all singing the same tune...

The Wall Street corruption/toxic debt/deregulation is not the cause...those are effects...

The top take effects and market them as the cause to the mass of braindead morons and you all lap it up.

The cause is the attachment of interest to the medium of exchange...which basically forces all below to request the commercial banking system to manufacture more and more new money.

Until the bottom reaches their maximum potential to request the commercial banking system to manufacture more new money...then the system implodes.

All the effects are then marketed to the public as the cause and and since they are oblivious drones are forced to accept the official fable as truth...

At this point you are all just a massive pile of oblivious puppets.

It's easy to find who the pretenders are...when you tell a whole bunch of people that they are oblivious drones...the ones that bawl the loudest are the the ones who have been outed.

In 1990 Japan collapsed...and since then all the Japanese car producers have been subsidized by the Bank of Japan with 1% loans..Japan has made emission standards so high that almost no car can pass after 5 years...

The Japanese devalued the yen so that US consumers would buy Japanese imports...

Japan has been on US consumer Life support for 18 years...

It's so funny...Somehow the population has been socially engineered to destroy America by worshiping Japan...

Really Americans spit on their own country...

Everytime a US consumer buys an Import...They are slowly committing economic suicide.

Cry and moan all you want.

There is no salvation coming...The just think positive ignore the negative religion strikes again...

The system will at some point implode way past the Great Depression...

This excitement will transform into terror when you all forced to wake up from the daydream into the nightmare.

All the pumping is just short term loans that have to be paid back...90 day loans...

Reguardless the cause of all this is the inability of the US consumer to continue requesting the commercial banks to manufacture new money...it works like this...

In 2007 US consumers were requesting commercial banks to manufacture 12 Billion dollars a day of new money.

Bank prime average this time last year was 8% roughly.

What was the discount window rate at that time? 5.5%

Borrow short term at 5.5% and then sell to consumers long term at 8%

The FED is not pumping...consumers are requesting.

But the discount window was only overnight back in 2007 and then the rules were changed...now it's been extended to 90 days because consumers have become exhausted and can no longer request commercial banks to manufacture 12 Billion a day like in 2007...now they can only on average request 6.99 Billion dollars a day...

A shortfall of 5 billion dollars a day...meaning the banks are borrowing from the FED just to sustain operations...

Because the consumer can't...The 42% slowdown in the daily growth rate of the money supply/total debt of the USA is the largest in 62 years.

It's like this...you are running a business that costs 1000-1200 dollars a day to operate but the customers are only spending 700 dollars a day to support it...and you decide to borrow the difference you need to keep from having to go bankrupt for 90 days in the hope that everything is going to turn around in that time.

And in order to do that...borrowing from the FED...all these banks and financial institutions need collateral...assets...

Without consumers willing and able to service greater and greater amounts of debt...like they have been doing the past 64 years...it's game over.

The bottom supports the top....the top does not support the bottom at all...and when the bottom reaches the maximum potential to support the top...game over.

There's the rider...top and the horse bottom...and the rider whips the horse over and over trying to get the horse to ride straight up faster and faster...but the horse is exhausted won't move and eventually drops dead from the whippings...

The rider then runs to congress and demands they change the regulations making it illegal for exhausted horses to refuse to do what the master wants them to do.

Problem solved...

At some point they will have to shut everything down...

Stages of a compounding interest commercial banking system.

Stage 1

Inflation of debt and the destruction of savings

Stage 2

Deflation of debt and the destruction of equity

Stage 3

Bankruptcy of the banks, collapse of the economy/division of labor, and the consolidation of power.

Attaching interest to the medium of exchange bacially forces the population to request more and more new money to be manufactured by the commercial banking system until maximum potential is reached...then the population either can't or refuses to request more new money to be manufactured and the system cannibalizes itself and implodes.

There are 1000's of banks in the USA that are going to implode...

The FED is pumping?...Like your heart pumps when you are bleeding to death...

Taking More Than You Give Is Stealing

The FED is after the Treasuries...The FED needs treasuries to keep rates from imploding...lots of treasuries.

I ran the numbers again last night. Basically since the start of the year...The yearly growth rate of the money supply of the USA these last 2 quarters was 5.1%

Last time the yearly growth rate was that low was 1991 and before that 1956.

The daily growth rate was 6.9 Billion a day...the daily growth rate in 2007 was 12 Billion dollars a day a drop of 42.2%...in the past 64 years...that is the greatest drop...

Think of the USA as a machine that keeps the world inflated and that it survives by consumers requesting commercial banks to manufacture more fuel...

In 2007 it was producing up 12 Billion dollars a day or 700 Billion every 58 days...of consumer debt inflation.

But now it's slowed down massively and is only pumping out 6.9 Billion a day or 700 Billion every 101 days.

The 700 Billion will do nothing...the problem is that US consumers have become exhausted...

The banking system bascially has an unlimited ability to manufacture credit...or issue credit...People or the consumers have a limited ability to request commercial banks to manufacture/ issue it.

That what the numbers are showing...consumers make the numbers...the banks don't...It's all the workers/consumers of the the USA that drive the economy...

The banks and other financial institutions along with Wall street are powered by the workers/consumers...It's why The banks and other financial institutions along with Wall street are crumbling...US consumers have become exhausted.

Now that the banks and other financial institutions along with Wall Street have become exhausted and need a 700 Billion shot of Red bull.

This 700 billion is to buy time...a small amount of time to get past the elections as far as I can tell...to prevent a recession? Dream on.

Not a chance...

Because according to the numbers and estimation...year to date...the economy is short 1.2 Trillion dollars...and almost none of the 700 Billion is going to the consumers/workers...

The Eurozone is about to enter recession...China and India are going to cave soon...their real estate sectors will implode...

Just like the USA when the inflation required to keep the game going didn't show up...poof game over.

Dollar reserves are whats left over after the Dollars the US consumers send to China are converted...If there is a surplus. Those Dollar reserves according to the rules can only be used to buy US Treasuries.

Prior to 1971 they could also be used to buy gold.

The top economy is the demand and the rest are the supply.

Prior to the 1929-1933 collapse...the British were the demand and the British pound stirling was the Global trade medium of exchange...and when the collapse came...the flood of Pounds stopped flowing into China...and it imploded.

Same thing is going to happen this time...in 2006 the bad debt in the Chinese banking system was 40% of GDP...Easily as much or more than in the US banking system.

Without the massive inflow of consumer debt inflation to keep the game going...All the corruption in the Chinese system will be revealed...

It's going to be ugly.

I can lend someone 1000 Dollars...Which they then blow into the economy...and other people that didn't borrow from me can be holding money that belongs to me.

The few at the top own everything...all of you at the bottom rent...and because everyone is paying the rent or in debt to the top...it's hidden in the cost of everything.

Money is a food substitute...food is power.

Ultimately power is the medium of exchange.

The entire global banking system is going to implode.

There can easily be a 50% collapse of the US economy...and since the 1944 Bretton Woods global trade agreement made the US Dollar the global trade medium of exchange...By default the US Consumer became the demand of goods, services, and the supply of US Dollars while the rest of the world became the supply of goods, services, and the demand for US Dollars.

Meaning that when the USA implodes the rest of the world will as well.

Social consequences will be massive beyond your current abilities to comprehend.

This bailout is just to get past the elections...The global system has reached maximum potential and is going to implode reguardless...There is nothing that can be done...the system must inflate by the required amount or it implodes.

Think of the banks and Wall Street as the rider and the worker/consumers of the USA as the horse.

The rider wants the horse to do a full gallop straight up faster and faster but the horse can't or won't...The rider has already broken the whip across the horse's rump and now has pulled out the 700 Billion whip...and ultimately the rider is going to just whip the horse until it drops dead.

The consumers/workers of the USA have to produce enough inflation to sustain the system...if they don't...game over...

Wall Street and the banks don't produce inflation...both depend upon the workers/consumers of the USA to power them...when the workers/consumers of the USA become exhausted and can no longer supply the required power to the banks and Wall Street...the banks go bankrupt and Wall Street begins crashing...

Seen any banks go bankrupt lately? how about Wall Street? any losses?

The 700 Billion is the Rich rider whipping the poor exhausted horse...that is going to drop dead reguardless.

Allow me to take more of another's power than I give and I care not who makes the rules of the game you are all playing. Because I will eventually suck all the power from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one.

And then they who have the power will make and break the rules of the game you are all playing.

Who am I...

I'm the Top and you are the bottom.

Attaching interest to the medium of exchange is...taking more than you give.

Taking more than you give is stealing.

Really...Oh you think otherwise? Criminals do too...

I get it...Someone else has to tell you all what is right and wrong...YOU ALL HAVE ZERO ABILITY TO THINK FOR YOURSELVES...

You all can't figure out what is right and what is wrong...amazing.

Who tells you all what is right and what is wrong...Hey I know...the people who make and the rules of the game you all play...


Money is a food substitute...and food is power.

Power is the medium of exchange.

But you know the current congress decreed money...The Dollar coin, The quarter, the dime, the nickel, the penny, the gold and silver coinage.

That's the actual money of the USA...

All we have to do is attach Interest to all the money that we loan to the bottom...higher than the rate of production of the money...And "we" at the "top" will steal it all back again.

Own the whole money supply...We will just keep relending it back into circulation and you all will just keep paying the rent.

And if attaching interest to the medium of exchange is not against the rules of the game...Also if it's not against the rules of the game to take more than you give...THEN IT'S OBVIOUSLY NOT STEALING.

"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." --Frederic Bastiat

Plunder is taking more than you give.

Allow me to take more of anothers power than I give and I care not who makes the rules of the game you are all playing.

Because I will eventually suck all the power from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one.

And then they who have the power will make and break the rules of the game you are all playing.

Who am I...

I'm the Top and you are the bottom.

Starting to see how to top becomes the top and the bottom becomes the bottom?

No It just can't be...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

When The Last Of The Morons Are In...The Whole Thing Caves

It was manufactured by worshipping the compounding interest equation...

All those that believe in attaching interest to the medium of exchange as the path to salvation...all those that desire to take more than they give are the engineers...

The top know that all that such a system that needs constant inflation can do is inflate to maximum potential and implode.

The top just capitalize on the implosion that all below who are mindless morons that need someone else to do the thinking for them are totally oblivious of.

In 1944...When Bretton Woods was accepted making the US Dollar the global trade medium of exchange and by default the US consumer the demand of the system...the implosion was inevitable...

The system would have hyperinflated and imploded to oblivion in the late 1980's if the wage inflation was allowed to run it's course...The plan was to export the majority of manufacturing out of the USA into low wage and slave wage zones like China.

Anyone that had the slightest idea how a compounding interest system worked would know that all it would do was inflate to maximum potential and implode...poof.

You are in the New World Order right now...it always implodes and the top just hire the survivors to build the new New World Order...

All the information you all know about the New World Order is from the program used to brainwash the top's helpers...the inevitable implosion that the top's helpers are oblivious of is taken as a sign that the plan is working...

It's like knowing when a solar eclipse is going to happen...but no one else does...and you capitalize on that ignorance to then claim to be LORD...

Your acceptance of the lie that the top controls the bottom is the only control the top has over you all...

This has all been going on for 1000's of years...It's a wave...

You all dupe yourselves.

The FED doesn't have unlimited amounts of money...The 700 Billion will be in the form of treasuries. That's what the FED is after...If the authorities fail to engineer some kind of fix...the system will stop inflating and begin deflating.

Right now the rate of growth of the US money supply per day has slowed by the most in 62 years and the yearly percentage rate of growth of the total money supply has slowed down the most in 52 years.

You know all the recessions in the USA the past 50 years? The conditions leading into them were not as bad as now.

You all told me that the FED has the power to just print money in unlimited quantity and I've said they don't have such an ability...

And here we are...proof that the FED can't...

It's like this...I have servants that slave for me...because they are in debt to me and must slave to earn a living so they can continue to service the debt...

I can just keep lending them more and more and more because I can create "debt" out of thin air...

But one day...all my slaves reach the point where they are unwilling to or can no longer service the debt...

Then no matter how much debt I can create for the slaves to eat...they can't or won't

Thats the situation now...It was the situation in Germany 1924...It's how all inflations end.

But in order to keep all you slaves slaving...you must not know there is an end...

You all have to religiously believe that inflation greater than previous inflation lasts forever.

It doesn't.

Maybe that is the key piece of information you continue to fail to understand...The FED has no ability to create money out of thin air...they only have an ability to create debt...

And at this point...the US Treasury has a very limited ability to actually manufacture money...

The people have to agree to service the debt...or the system stops growing and collapses.

And there always comes a point where the people or workers refuse or can no longer service the debt

The criminals responsible are all of you...This is a credit crunch...consumers are maxed out meaning they are unwilling or unable to request the commercial banking system to manufacture the required amount of credit to sustain the continued inflation of the system.

A consumer credit crunch is the cause of a liquidity crisis. If the the consumer wouldn't have maxed out and stopped...the housing and banking sector would still be chugging along just fine.

The money supply has to grow fast enough to sustain profits

Monetary inflation = profit.

Monetary deflation = loss.

Lets say the total production of resources needed to sustain the empire grows by 5% a year but the Empire needs a growth rate of 10% a year to keep from imploding?

Well look at Rome or Athens etc

It's like this you all want more and more and more...until it becomes impossible to obtain more..then game over.

By attaching interest to the medium of exchange or taking more than you give...Is the same as chopping down trees faster than they regrow.

The top knows this...but the top maintains their position by giving the bottom what they want...

All the top is doing is giving you all what you want...more and more and more...until it's impossible and they are forced to give you all what you don't want...then you all flip and demand justice.

The top then lies and says it's wall street corruption that is the cause and you all believe it...

The top gives you what you want...

Wall street? If you want it to be destroyed...the top will allow you to destroy it.

Because eventually you all will want something like it back again and the top will hire you all to build what you all want.

This is a credit crunch...consumers are maxed out meaning they are unwilling or unable to request the commercial banking system to manufacture the required amount of credit to sustain the continued inflation of the system.

Attaching interest to the medium of exchange is the cause of the demand for more and more...

Chopping down trees faster than they regrow can not be sustained.

It's the same as taking more than you give

Its the same as attaching interest to the medium of exchange.

You are all fools...really...and until you all wake up and realize it...you will continue to be fools.

It doesnt matter...you can choose to get into debt up to your eyeballs or refuse to...the system then stops growing and collapses...

The system has to keep chopping down trees faster than they regrow or the system implodes...

That's how the system was set up and thats how it operates...

1944 the money supply was 400 Billion and at 7.5% interest on average per year it's now 51 Trillion dollars...

If you stop chopping down trees faster than they regrow then the system implodes at that point.

At any point in the past 64 years the system could have stopped and imploded to oblivion....you all just refuse to service the cost of the continued existence or can't...jigs up.

But it didn't...because you all don't want it to...

It's imploding now because reguardless of what you all want...the system can't continue inflating...you all can't keep it up...

There's a maximum potential...You all basically ran out of trees to chop down.

Like anything...Gold will only inflate to maximum potential and then implode...

You have to sell high but when is it going to be highest? and what to buy after you sell it?

Well in the markets the top does all the buying and selling...they know...the bottom doesn't do all the buying and selling and doesn't know...they can only speculate.

At the end of a hyperinflation the top would short at the top and cover at the bottom.

Like on TV...when they are saying omg buy buy buy or you are an idiot...the top who own the program are selling.

And when the last of morons are in and the spike up is all out of moron gas...the whole thing caves in.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The People Will Demand Blood...

From Bush's speech:

"Well, most economists agree that the problems we are witnessing today developed over a long period of time. For more than a decade, a massive amount of money flowed into the United States from investors abroad, because our country is an attractive and secure place to do business."--George W. Bush

The money that foreigners are sending to the USA are US Dollars...What you say...where are they getting these Dollars?

Well a US consumer goes to a commercial bank and requests that bank to manufacture money...and if the Bank agrees...the consumer gets money...

Lets say to purchase a House that requires the bank to manufacture 200,000 dollars.

And the house is bought...

Basically blowing all the money into the US economy that is dependant upon imports of finished products from places like China (Foreigner) who is in turn dependant upon the US consumer to buy all that China exports to the USA because China is dependant upon 300 million US Consumers since they export to the USA and world based economy with the US hands down by far the largest consumer on Earth...

Well why do they send US dollars to the USA?

To buy treasuries...nifty thing about bonds...when they are bid up in price the yields drop...and the bond markets set the rate at which commercial banks lend...

So bid bonds up...yields drop and American consumers can sustain their consumption of massive imports from China and the rest of the world so that the Chinese workers can sustain their employment so that they can buy houses and cars.

Sounds wonderful...stack up all my chips on that bet...

but wait...

What if US consumers request all the money they can possibly request commercial banks to manufacture and instead of more and more money at lower and lower interest rates the US consumer is forced to request less and less...

To make a long story real short...The USA along with China and the rest of the world stops inflating after 64 years and implodes to oblivion...

OMG then we better sign on to the 700 Billion Bail out...

In 1944 US consumers were requesting the commercial banking system to manufacture 8 million dollars of new money a day...

At the time the total money/debt supply was 400 billion.

By the year 2000 The money supply or total debt had inflated to 25 Trillion and US consumers were requesting the commercial banks to manufacture 5.8 Billion dollars of new debt/money a day.

By the end of 2007 the money supply or total debt was 49.7 Trillion and US consumers were requesting the commercial banking system to manufacture 11 billion dollars of new money/debt a day...

Seen the growth in China? That's where most of this money is being exported to...

And right now q3 2008 the total money supply or debt is 51 Trillion dollars and US consumers were requesting the commercial banking system to manufacture 5.6 billion dollars of new money/debt a day...

Stop the presses...the money supply growth has slowed right down...to below the level that existed back in 2000.

5.2 Billion less/day than the end of 2007...for a loss of 270 days x 5.2 Billion or 1.4 Trillion less money flooding into the economy than in 2007

1.4 Trillion - 700 billion...= still 700 Billion short and the deficit is growing by 5.2 Billion per day

And it's going to keep growing because...after 64 years the US consumer has requested the commercial banking system to manufacture the maximum potential amount of new money possible...and are now being forced due to the construction of the Universe to request less and less and less new money.

What does that mean.

What if US consumers request all the money they can possibly request commercial banks to manufacture and instead of more and more money at lower and lower interest rates the US consumer is forced to request less and less...

To make a long story real short...The USA along with China and the rest of the world stops inflating after 64 years and implodes to oblivion...

But if Bush were to have said anything like that the whole world would have caved in at that point...

Good thing nobody knows anything about economics.

You all are in debt up to your eyeballs...

The total money supply of the USA is 51 Trillion dollars...of debt. It works out to $331,168 of debt for every worker in the USA. The cost to service the continued existance of the money supply of the USA?

Is hidden in the cost of everything.

If you can't produce your own food then you are certainly in debt to the farmers...how about light? you are in debt to the power companines...

And the top owns all below so unless you are the top you are in fact in debt...

And since you are logged in...you certainly are not running free in the wilderness...

Attaching interest to the medium of exchange is the encouragement...The cause of the excessive borrowing.

The FED is just a facilitator.

You all want more and more and more...and if someone were to say no you can't have any more...You would get rid of them and find someone that would give you more and more and more.

The cause of a credit crunch is not excessive borrowing...

The cause of a credit crunch is not enough borrowing...

Not enough demand.

Not enough consumers requesting commercial banks to manufacture the required amount of money needed to sustain inflation.

Why...interesting thing...there is such thing as maximum potential...due to the construction of the Universe inflation greater than previous inflation has a maximum potential...so does inflation less than previous inflation...or deflation.

No amount of malinvestment of energy into thinking positive can breach the maximum potential barrier.

Here's the best part...Regardless of how much more you all want...there comes a point where it is impossible for an individual human being or all of humanity to obtain any more...

When the consumers max out...that's it.

game over...fantasy over...

And that's what the cause of this is...

It's a credit crunch...The banks have plenty to give to consumers...

Unfortunately consumers are maxed out and can no longer request enough money to sustain the inflation of the system.

The result is that it's deflating now...

The below from The Guardian, Saturday August 23 2008

"Bernanke called the combination of a financial storm and rising inflation "one of the most challenging economic and policy environments in memory", admitting that despite substantial cuts in the official cost of borrowing the turbulence had not abated. The effects of the credit crunch, he added, were now causing slower growth and rising unemployment."

The below from some pdf talking about the 1991 recession

"Bernanke and Lown (1991) define a credit crunch as a decline in the supply of credit that is abnormally large for a given stage of the business cycle. Credit normally contracts during a recession, but an unusually large contraction could be seen as a credit crunch."

"Bernanke and Lown attribute this reduced lending activity to demand and supply factors. Loan demand has been weak because borrowers’ balance sheets have been weaker than normal, and as a result, borrowers have been less credit worthy than usual."

A nice way of saying borrowers or consumers are full up and are unwilling or unable to request any more new debt...money ...credit.

Since in the current system...money debt and credit are basically the same thing.

And don't worry about bank failures the whole global system is going to implode to oblivion this time around reguardless what any idiot or group of idiots do.

Reserve bank credit is based on supply and demand...the greater the demand for withdrawls the greater the supply of credit that is needed....when the money supply increases the amount of reserve bank credit had to as well...or if there is a chance of an increase in withdrawls.

Y2K there was a risk of bank runs due to the threat of a panic starting from a rumor...that's the huge spike..the little one to the right is the panic after 911.

The lastest spike up is to guard against bank runs...In reserve banks

The current situation is a credit crunch...A credit crunch happens when consumers become exhausted and are either unable or unwilling to request commercial banks to manufacture the required amount of money to sustain inflation of the economy.

Now perspective

The USA like every other country/economic zone on Earth has a credit system...

That people call money...and ultimately credit is debt.

The FED calls the money supply "total credit market debt"

And in 2000 the total money supply or debt of the USA was 27.1 Trillion dollars.

Top sucks from the bottom so ultimately that is what the bottom (all below the top) owe the top...

The Reserve Bank Credit at the end of 2000 was 578 Billion

Which is 2% of the total debt or money supply of 27.1 Trillion dollars

well since 2000 until now...


and the Current money supply or debt of the USA is 51 Trillion dollars.

We are in a credit crunch...a credit crunch is when the consumers become exhausted and are unwilling or unable to request commercial banks to manufacture the required amount of new money to sustain the inflation of the system/economy.

Money supply 2000 was 27.1427 Trillion

2001 29.3278 Trillion

Growth rate per day 2000-2001 roughly...6 billion dollars a day.

What does that mean?

That means on average US consumers requested the commercial banking system within the USA to manufacture 6 Billion Dollars of new money per day...and the money supply of the USA increased from 27.1 Trillion dollars in 2000 to 29.3 Trillion dollars in 2001 as a result.

Guess what? Since the same system is in operation within every other country/economic zone on Earth...their money supplies are all increasing in the same way...

Ok 2002 31.8294 Trillion Dollars

Growth rate per day 2001-2002 roughly...6.8 Billion dollars a day.

2003 34.6065 Trillion Dollars

Growth rate per day 2002-2003 roughly...7.6 Billion dollars a day.

Just a taking a break for more perspective...The total money supply of the USA was 400 Billion in 1944 and US consumers were requesting the commercial banking system to manufacture 8 Million dollars a day...

The growth rate of the total money supply of the USA from 2002-2003 was 1000 times more per day than it was in 1944...amazing...no?

Dang where does all that there hyperinflation go?

One other tid bit...what about the recession 2001-2002 in the USA?

Well that was caused by a drop in the rate of growth of the money supply per year from 11% to 6.5% per year...and doesn't even show up in the current method in which we are looking at money supply growth.

But now...Back to money watch...

2004 37.8082 Trillion

Growth rate per day 2003-2004 roughly...8.8 Billion dollars a day.

2005 41.2515 Trillion

Growth rate per day 2004-2005 roughly...9.3 Billion dollars a day.

2006 45.3470 Trillion

Growth rate per day 2005-2006 roughly...11.2 Billion dollars a day.

Ok just in case your head is hurting and you don't comprehend...

Ever asked for a loan or used a credit card...you know signed on the dotted line?

All this new money that makes the money supply grow...is requested into existence by US consumers whenever they ask for a loan...

Like a consumer wants to buy a house or car but doesn't have the money and requests a loan...and if the consumer meets the requirements and signs on the dotted line...the money or "credit" is issued to the consumer...simple.

for example...from 2005 to 2006 US consumers requested the commercial banking system in the USA to manufacture on average...11.2 Billion Dollars of new money a day...causing the total money supply of the USA to grow from 41.25 Trillion dollars to 45.35 Trillion dollars.

That's where money comes from...It's been like this for over 100 years in the USA.

Just so you know...the last time the Government of the USA issued money outside of the commercial banking system...or printed money with no backing were the Greenbacks of the civil war 140 years ago...

2007 49.7608 Trillion dollars

Growth rate per day 2006-2007 roughly...12 Billion dollars a day.

2008 which we are only 2 quarters or 6 months into...51.0190

Growth rate per day 2007-to q2 2008 roughly...6.9 Billion dollars a day.

Hold the presses...

The growth rate of the money supply of the USA...has...slowed down to what it was over 6 years ago...

The recession of 2001-2002 was due to a slow down that doesn't even show up...and now poof...the money supply of the USA which has been growing faster and faster for basically 64 years has all of a sudden slowed...massively.

Well compared to last year...by how much?

First 2 quarters in 2007 was 47.3495 Trillion dollars

Growth rate per day 2006-to q2 2007 roughly...11.1 Billion dollars a day.

11.1 Billion - 6.9 Billion = 4.2 Billion Dollars a day less new money being requested by consumers to be manufactured by the commercial banking system...

To Oct 2008 using those numbers to estimate...1.260 Trillion less money flooding into the economy of the USA compared to last year...1.260 less growth of the money supply.

consumers have slowed their requests for commercial banks to manufacture new money...dramatically.

A reminder if you forgot...

The current situation is a credit crunch...A credit crunch happens when consumers become exhausted and are either unable or unwilling to request commercial banks to manufacture the required amount of money to sustain inflation of the economy.

Oh one other thing...

"Like gold, U.S. dollars have value only to the extent that they are strictly limited in supply. But the U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press (or, today, its electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost. By increasing the number of U.S. dollars in circulation, or even by credibly threatening to do so, the U.S. government can also reduce the value of a dollar in terms of goods and services, which is equivalent to raising the prices in dollars of those goods and services. We conclude that, under a paper-money system, a determined government can always generate higher spending and hence positive inflation."--Ben Bernanke

The money supply is clearly not growing as fast as it was the past 6 years...

I can remember back in 2002 when Ben said...don't worry children...we have a magic weapon that can slay GOD...

And you all believed Ben...because you are sheep that haven't the foggiest clue how the economy or banking system operates...

The presses were not turned on or anything...from 2002 till now it was US consumers requesting commercial banks to manufacture all that new money...

Hell from 1944 to now it was was US consumers requesting commercial banks to manufacture all that new money see chart below.

All Ben said was...

"But the U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press (or, today, its electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost."

And you all believed it...

I did not because unlike you all...I KNOW HOW THIS SYSTEM ACTUALLY FUNCTIONS.

I know there is no magic printing press...only sheep believe that myth.

I have to listen to you all rebroadcast the lie...year after year now.

700 Billion is the bailout but to date the growth deficit is 1.2 Trillion.

Your dreams of hyperinflationary slavation are going to transform into the nightmare of deflation one way or the other...

At this point there is still hope...

Because hyperinflation is still possible (It must be...you clowns are still waiting for it to show up)...and once it reaches maximum potential will be followed by a hyperdeflationary implosion.

or there is no hyperinflation and we just crumble from here and suffer a hyperdeflationary implosion.

Below is a chart shows the hyperinflation of the total money supply of the USA 1944-2008 that you are all unaware of...

The Hyperinflation caused by consumers requesting commercial banks to manufacture new money.

Where does all that hyperinflation go?

The hyperinflation shows up in places like China where it's exported to...

China implodes without the USA to pump it up.

The USA inflates the world due to it being made the demand of the world in 1944 with the US dollar becoming the Global trade medium of exchange...

"A Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a geographical region that has economic laws that are more liberal than a country's typical economic laws. The category 'SEZ' covers a broad range of more specific zone types, including Free Trade Zones (FTZ), Export Processing Zones (EPZ), Free Zones (FZ), Industrial Estates (IE), Free Ports, Urban Enterprise Zones and others. Usually the goal of an SEZ structure is to increase foreign investment. One of the earliest and the most famous Special Economic Zones were founded by the government of the People's Republic of China under Deng Xiaoping in the early 1980s. The most successful Special Economic Zone in China, Shenzhen, has developed from a small village into a city with a population over 10 million within 20 years"

That's some pretty massive hyperinflation...

"Shenzhen is a city of sub-provincial administrative status in southern China's Guangdong province, situated immediately north of Hong Kong. Owing to China's economic liberalization from the policies of reformist leader Deng Xiaoping, the area became China's first - and ultimately most successful - Special Economic Zone."

Guangzhou is the capital and a sub-provincial city of Guangdong Province in the southern part of the People's Republic of China.

"In August 1980, the National People's Congress (NPC) passed "Regulations for The Special Economy Zone of Guangdong Province" and officially designated a portion of Shenzhen as the Shenzhen Special Economy Zone (SSEZ)."

First consumers maxed out...causing the crunch...Which lead to the banks having to turn down businesses that were unaware that the US economy was caving in by looking at their business plan.

If the business is asking for money based on a business plan that is not taking into account the slowdown...then a bank can't supply a business with any money...or at least shouldn't.

But the bank can't tell people that a slowdown is in progress since they could cause an acceleration of it.

An the banks are not lending money...they manufacture money...actually credit...that is debt.

That's what commercial banks have been doing for 600 years...

Its just in the last 60 or so years that the peasants have started to become aware of it.

Rich people appear to run the show...last I looked.

It's kinda obvious...To me...long ago.

Have ruled for 1000's and 1000's of years...like try 6000 or so...

I keep showing the evidence and the nifty accounting tricks...the whole thing...but you all seem to think someone or something else runs the show...

Ah....because you all want to be rich...no wonder you all can't take it from there...

The top funds all sides so all the players are being positioned on the game board...

War is great cover for the collapse of the global trade system...Sorry people we must accept these austerity measures...

maybe they need the 700 billion to put the finishing touches on the scapegoat...

It's like this...spread some money around which will cause a very short term prosperity fooling people into thinking the bailout worked and that the economy is onto the road to recovery...then all you need to do is cause the war before the prosperity ends...

Then say dang...everything was going great...but then (Insert name of culprit here) caused (insert incident) and the economy is imploding...and we have to institute all these austerity measuries...what a rip...

The population will fall for it and demand blood...basically a replay of the solution to the 1929-1933 collapse of the global trade system.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The US Will Take The Fall...

"The entire "thing" you mistakenly think is reality is nothing but a colossal debt inflationary self delusional soap bubble of fantasy...

The 314 year old global absolute capitalist system is not based in the USA...The USA is controlled by Europe...

The whole world is controlled by Europe..."

"And Europe was of course dependant upon Trade from the USA...When a local supply of raw materials is exhausted or becomes unaffordable you have to find another supply...

Why do you all think you were all sent here from Europe? We were all sent here in search of resources to sustain the GLOBAL EMPIRE..."

"I don't live in the USA so my ability to live will not be seriously hampered since all the drones around me have been socially engineered to blame the USA for this mess...The entire world is currently and has been for decades...And that's where all the hate, when the delusion is shattered, will be directed...At the USA..."

"The US has been turned into the prostitute of the Europeans...The US does all the dirty work to support their welfare states."

"The European population is being socially engineered to think the USA is leader of the free world and so is the American population...So that when the USA implodes and sends out the hyperdeflationary shockwave that hits Europe It takes the fall for it all...

The European administrators then say sorry folks but you all are going to have to accept what we are doing because the USA turned Evil and destroyed the free world...

And you all will fall for it...This management system has been in operation for 1000's of years..."

"Germany, Japan and Italy were set up and took the fall for it all during the 1933-1945 bankruptcy reorganization of the crown system that is now 314 years old...

The USA is about to implode...and all eyes have been concentrated on it to watch it implode to of course take the fall for it all..."

"All the policies for 314 years have basically been dreamed up in Europe...And then repackaged to appear to be policies dreamed up in individual countries to be sold/force fed to the unsuspecting drones in the Global food powered make work enterprise..."

"The policy by the European owners was called the controlled destruction of the USA...You know it as the "New Economy" which sounds way better....

When the global system reaches maximum potential and implodes...It will annihilate the just think positive delusions you currently are entertaining...

Yes we will just all be sitting around playing paddy cake...Don't worry kids the backup Global system will kick in any second now...

It's not going to take years to recover...It'll take generations...But the shock will be quick..."

"All that the banks are doing now is propping everything up until after the US elections so that the newly installed puppet, and the installed puppets outside the USA, can blame the previously installed puppet for all the mindboggling austerity measures that are coming."

"Hey I know...What we do is replace the puppet in office now with a new puppet that will have an ability to blame the previously installed puppet for all the austerity measures they will have to implement...

It will make the austerity measures more acceptable...It will soften the impact of the inevitable implosion...

So what we need is to prop up everything for a few more months..."

Europeans on left and right ridicule U.S. money meltdown
Among Europe’s economies, Britain’s most resembles America’s in its vulnerability. Europeans cited Alan Greenspan and greed as culprits in the Wall Street meltdown

They list greed and Greenspan among the culprits, and there are comparisons to . . . Albania. But amid the gloating, there is fear for financial systems in Britain, Spain, Italy and elsewhere.

By Sebastian Rotella and Janet Stobart, Los Angeles Times Staff Writers
September 20, 2008

LONDON -- It's a rare day when finance officials, leftist intellectuals and ordinary salespeople can agree on something. But the economic meltdown that wrought its wrath from Rome to Madrid to Berlin this week brought Europeans together in a harsh chorus of condemnation of the excess and disarray on Wall Street.

The finance minister of Italy's conservative and pro-U.S. government warned of nothing less than a systemic breakdown. Giulio Tremonti excoriated the "voracious selfishness" of speculators and "stupid sluggishness" of regulators. And he singled out Alan Greenspan, the former chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve, with startling scorn.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Jackpot Is Doomsday

Markets should be the last thing to collapse since they are the easiest part of the system to manipulate to sustain psychology...

Today class we are going to learn how to tell if the Economy is doing good or Bad...

If the DOW is green then the economy is doing good...If it is Red it is doing bad...

If it caves in through a long term multi month support line then crash planes into buildings to cover up the fact that the system is lacking the liquidity to support the 30 stocks that make up the index...

Then when people say why is the stock market red and all my investments are being vaporized? You say Muslim Terrorists did it...

They (Everyone) win(s) every time except the final time then they (Everyone) lose(s). Then it's back to the drawing board...Since the lifespan of the scam is so long the idiots do it again knowing that they will be dead before it comes to an end. Everyone is in on the action.

It's already over but the crying.

Below you there are people looking up at your level moaning to each other that you win every time.

Central Bankers are accountants who have the power to create money out of thin air to balance the two sets of books they keep.

When I first discovered the mechanics of Banking when I was a teenager I wanted to be a banker...But I would not commit to it until I knew for a certainty that it could be used to help mankind...Which took 10 years of study.

It can't; all the benefits are temporary illusions that vaporize rapidly once the system reaches maximum potential and implodes...

Now hanging people upside down by the ankles and shaking them over wheelbarrels stealing what they have is wrong...When the system suffers the inevitable implosion which is the final solution to the unresolvable error of the compounding interest program that is exactly what happens...

Everyone gets hung upside down by the ankles and shaken over wheelbarrels.

The French and Russian revolutions were both Crown system operations. After the French revolution the Central Bank of France 1801 popped into existence. After the Russian revolution the Central Bank of Russia/USSR 1918 popped into existence.

How about the Bank of India...

"Established in 1911, Central Bank of India was the first Indian commercial bank which was wholly owned and managed by Indians. The establishment of the Bank was the ultimate realisation of the dream of Sir Sorabji Pochkhanawala."

Or The Central bank of the USA/ Federal Reserve in 1913.

How's Royal Court Sir Alan Greenspan doing these days?

A Central Bank is after all the most important plank of the 10 Plank Absolute Capitalist Manifesto...A Central Bank is needed to fund the other planks.

The Bank of England appears to be the mother Bank up until 1930 then the BIS which is called the Central Bank of the Central Banks appeared in Basel Switzerland in 1930 to coordinate the Bankruptcy reorganization of the world when the Crown system went Bankrupt in 1929 and is still bankrupt to this very day.

Switzerland was neutral during WW2 and did Banking for both sides during the "reorganization." Japan and Germany with new pacifist Constitutions became the Right and Left arm of the Federal Reserve which is connected to the Head or Bank of England which is then connected to the BIS.

Japan and Germany are the #2 and #3 economies and are highly dependant on US debt inflation to sustain their systems.

The FEDERAL RESERVE is the beating Heart of the Global System.

"Something as curious as the monarchy won't survive unless you take account of people's attitudes. After all, if people don't want it, they won't have it."--Prince Charles

"I sometimes wonder if two thirds of the globe is covered in red carpet."-- Prince Charles

"To get the best results, you must talk to your vegetables."--Prince Charles

"What I want to know is: what is actually wrong with an elite."--Prince Charles

Bush is the poodle. woof woof.

There is no cure for the truth. The drugs of choice to treat the symptoms are called lies.

It is simplicity of truth which is hidden behind the complexity of lies.

You pick up the phone and say you better start chopping down more trees when you run low on wood and tell them to stop when the price of lumber begins to drop. If a subordinate refuses your orders you have them removed like Saddam or Kennedy. Saddam appeared to be worth more than Kennedy.

That's how the Soviet Union was run. That's how the world is run.

Currently we are ruled by super computer augmented ignoramuses. Most of the major thinking that is done is by groups of hired intellectuals who manufacture dueling sophistries for the mass media to output.

Until of course the truth is smashed into at high speed then it gets very ugly for all those who worship the one world Just think positive inflation forever Religion which at this point is basically everyone.

The Government is just a tool of the top...That has in case you are a drone and unaware reached the end of its usefulness and is slated for destruction and replacement...It is being destroyed currently right in front of your eyes but you actually think it is becoming stronger...

Most of you will be dead before this process is completed...Those who have replaced you will be as unaware as you all are currently...This has been going on for 1000's of years.

Ignorance is bliss...

You either know or don't know...

Ignorance of truth is the root of all evil.

Increasing taxes only causes the top to suck more from the bottom...

How do people save? The only way to provide for yourself once your ability to do so ends is to have offspring...You need a properly functioning family unit...Once you squander that no amount of money is going to replace it. Increasing taxes causes family units to become more fragile and break down.

"I find that most young panhandlers choose the 'free spirit' lifestyle."

Because the educational system is dysfunctional. The young have no idea what is going on and by the time the clock strikes zero hour signaling that they are adults no one will consider them a mixed up child anymore. They become dysfunctional adult losers.

Panhandlers are waste byproducts produced by the top...

The current system to deal with them is based on ignoring them and hope they just die out of sight.

Basically in the system we are in the second you turn into an adult your parents can phone the police and have you removed...They are no longer responsible for your actions. The standard operation is the kick out by dysfunctional parents who are the finished products of the dysfunctional education system into the street to mingle with the rest of the kick outs...

There is no Socialist system in operation...socialism the concept was subverted and corrupted 100's of years ago it is incompatible with absolute capitalistic thought.

Anyone that says they are a Socialist is either delusional, lying, or has a death wish...

It has been taken over by absolute capitalists, Socialism in its present form is at best a gateway drug used to then push more powerful drugs like Communism and Fascism...Which are both self destructing Hypocrisies.

All banking is fiat...Check writing along with usury is the foundation of banking...writing a check is the creation of money out of thin air...

The Mandrake mechanism...

The Government needs funds to operate...It can't wait...What would you like to have happened during an attack on the US? any attack? The Government just sit and wait until there is enough funds to address the problem?


FED's role...The US Federal Government needs to be funded...even if they cranked Taxes up it takes time for the Treasury to receive the funds that the Government needs to "combat emergencies"

The FEDERAL RESERVE check...What account does it get sucked from...

There are 12 Banks in the Federal Reserve system and they have branches...

Then there are around 10,000 commercial banks/financial institutions in the US that are part of the FEDERAL Reserve system...Those are the accounts...

The Treasury issues bonds when it needs money...The [privately owned] FEDERAL RESERVE [corporation] buys all the Bonds that the Treasury can't get rid of on the open market...

The FEDERAL RESERVE holds those bonds or dumps them at a later date...

Then they have the funds to back up the Check...Buy now pay later...

The real trick is the [privately owned] FED's ability to buy FEDERAL RESERVE notes at wholesale...Just the printing cost regardless of face value...a $100 bill costs the same as a $1 bill...

The Federal funds rate is an overnight interbank lending rate...other banks in the system can lend surplus funds to banks that need more funds...

The real money window is the Discount window...If a bank is low on Federal Reserve Notes it can take an asset like a Mortgage to the Discount window and monetize it...

If the Mortgage rate is 5% and the discount rate is 2.5% then the FED gets 2.5% for renting out Federal Reserve Notes...

When the bank has a surplus of notes it can pay down the debt it owes the Fed...

There is no magic printing press...The Treasury does all the printing...

All debt created is by the request of the consumer (The government can and will request debt when the general consumer does not request enough)...and they have to have collateral to back up the request like an Income or an asset like real estate stocks and bonds...

All banks have worked like this for well over 600 years...

You the consumer have nothing except collateral but no liquidity...The Banks provide the liquidity and all you have to do is maintain your solvency...

That's the deal...

When you have no more collateral to monetize then the Jig is up...They are not going to magically print up what you owe them hand it to you then you hand it back to them and you are debt free...

Your collateral becomes theirs and they auction it off for whatever they can get...They might even find a buyer and "lend" them the funds to buy it...

This is how banks have worked for centuries...This is nothing new...

The only thing new is your awareness of it...prior to 50 years ago...no one knew...at all...or really cared...Most people don't care now...And they aren't going to really ever care...

Now the gold standard...It gets tricky since you can't print Gold...But coinage is for peasants mostly...

Peasants are the cause of bank runs since the rich use other currency like notes...checks...They don't walk around with armored cars following them...

Banks form cartels to pool hard currency coinage...They also set up multiple branch structures...Front banks...If a run starts on a front bank then they are allowed to collapse and be rescued by the creator of the front...

When you have something in your hand...Like a Gold coin and you give it to someone else...regardless of what arrangement you make...

IT IS NOT YOURS ANY MORE...it is in someone else's hand...

Possession is 9/10 of the Law...If a front bank caves in and the local economy goes into recession or depression you could be starving in a ditch forget legal action or Promises...The Lawyers, Judges and Police will be getting their coins back before you...

That gold coin might in the scheme of things actually belong to you but if it ain't in your hand you ain't going to be doing much more then crying on a shoulder about it...

During the Depression all the banks in the Federal Reserve System were supposed to be liquified by the FED...many were not...

One day you are a big shot banker then the next you are a wiped out bum in a soup line or digging trenches in a work camp with your lawyer buddy...

Husbands and wives and children were scattered to the wind...poof...

The population of the US stopped growing during the period...Alot of people just disappeared into thin air...poof.

This is not a joke...It's been 78 years since the Great Depression...

It was not a US depression...It was global...

The whole Crown/City of London banking system went bankrupt in 1930...

Global civilization was caving in...The Geneva conventions were held to set the rules for the Bankrupty reorganization of the world...The Bank for International Settlements in Basel Switzerland was set up to be the central bank of the central banks...

The Crown system at the time included the entire British Empire France Russia and the USA...

Germany and Japan were added after WW2 along with Korea...

The climax of the Great Depression was WW2 but the system was still bankrupt...

It still is to this day...

The next major problem was that the US role in the global system was as Liquifier of the Planet...It was basically the only thing left standing after WW2.

Japan became the left arm and Germany the Right...

1971 was when the Global gold supply was exhausted...The accounting tricks reached their limit...Basically from 1694 until 1971 or 277 years the Global system was gold and silver backed in one form or another.

Now it was impossible to continue backing debt with Gold at a fixed rate...

You want Gold? You can buy it in the market...There is nothing stopping you...Nothing...Fill your boots.

The system was switched to a fully debt backed by debt system...

Now to sustain the system to basically prevent civilization from imploding into road warrior...The supply of everything must inflate at a slower rate then the demand for everthing inflates...

Basically supply and demand must inflate by the required amount or the global civilization goes poof...

Debt must perpetually inflate to sustain the required amount of debt inflation needed to continue using previously created debt income and debt inflated assets as collateral for requests by consumers for new debt creation...

Failure to sustain debt inflation means implosion...kiss what you currently understand as civilization, goodbye...

The Great Depression was a collapse but not an implosion...The Geneva conventions put a stop to it...

Everything FDR did was to prevent civilization as it was understood at the time from caving in...All the countries that went bankrupt implemented their plans also...

The system is still bankrupt...and it's at the end of the line...There are basically no tricks left...

People say what about hyperinflation?

Hyperinflation has a finite limit to buy time...and is followed by an implosion also...The result is the same...kiss what you currently understand as civilization goodbye...

The only economic implosion that was close to this scale was the Venice banking implosion 660 years ago...And that was even minor compared to what we are heading into...

Abolish the FED? It will abolish itself...the whole kit and kaboodle is on the verge of imploding into oblivion...

Centralization does not stop banks from imploding...

It just postpones the inevitable...

All banks and usury systems top sucking from the bottom economic theory...ect are null and void shit...

In the past 1000 years it's all been tried and it's all violently imploded...

Everyone has placed their bets on the Just think positve inflation forever religion and the jackpot is doomsday...

You can't get rich without usury...How are you going to abolish rich people?

What do rich people produce?

Spectacular ruins...That's what...The decaying wonders of the world...

Monday, September 08, 2008

Take Him Away Boys

Human beings have no power to make or break LAW.

Human beings have the power to make and break rules and to call them LAW

But if the Rule attempts to break LAW then LAW will break the rule.

Human beings have no ability to make unbreakable promises.

Were it not for huge credit availability and the liquidity provided by FED and Treasury......You would all be riding around on the backs of animals or being pulled around in a cart by an animal. And there would be no Internet.

A credit system is fueled by taking more than is given...Everything dependant upon it is as well.

You need gasoline to fuel the operation of your car or truck...You need money to purchase fuel.

In a fixed system...once the Money supply is utilized to its maximum potential...That's it...The end of inflation. The Austrian priesthood calls this the Natural cleansing process.

Larouche says that it does not have to happen...He says that 1000 nuclear plants need to be rapidly built.

Ok and then after that...2000?...Then 4000?...Then 8000? Along with all the support infrastructure of course.

Sure there appears to be enough nuclear fuel now to power that delusion for decades...But the magic of compounding will rapidly wipe out that.

In 1944 the total money supply of the USA was 398 Billion dollars...And consumers were requesting the commercial banks to manufacture 8 million dollars more of new money a day...Or around 1 Trillion dollars of new money every 342 years.

The only place the top can obtain what the bottom demands as compensation for polishing the top's shoes is from the bottom.

I don't need a corporation to take more than I give...Corporations are composed of people...They can choose to take more than they give regardless if they are part of a corporation or not.

Elimination of corporations is not going to stop the chopping down of trees faster than they regrow...People have been doing that for 1000's of years and did not need to be part of a corporation to do it.

I could just call Humanity one huge corporation...Humanity Inc. That has for the past 1000's of years cut down trees faster than they regrow.

The corporation implodes when the trees run out and then after the bankruptcy reorganization Humanity Inc. is reborn lean and mean to do it all over again.

Oh...You will stop when they stop?

Well you are they and they are you.

They will stop when they choose to stop chopping down trees faster than they regrow before the supply of trees runs out or are forced to stop chopping down trees faster than they regrow when the supply of trees runs out.

The supply of trees required to power the delusion forever ran out over 100 years ago...You all just don't know it yet.

You can choose to shatter the delusion you cherish now or continue powering the delusion you cherish to the point that it becomes impossible to power it and it shatters.

There of course was a choice after the 1933-1945 bankruptcy reorganization of Humanity Inc. to choose to stop...But the choice to do it all over again was the one that everyone appeared to like.

Because everyone has no real clue what is going on or why.

In a free market people are free to manipulate it however they please. Like the below...

There is a person that offers me 1000 silver coins if I complete a task they desire completed...

I agree to complete the task...I hire 10 people to do all the work and the task is completed in a day.

I then go to the person and obtain my 1000 silver coins.

I then pay all the people I hired to do the work 50 silver pieces each...I of course remove the "I want to be rich tax" before I pay them and come out of the exchange for mutual benefit with 500 silver coins.

Competition for work will allow me to hire labor to work for cheaper than 50 silver pieces. Those who choose to take more power than they give will become richer in power or powerful while those who choose to give more power than they take will become poorer in power or powerless.

Allow me to take more power than I give an I care not who makes the rules of the game you are all playing because I will eventually suck all the power from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one.

And then those who have the power will make the rules of the game you are all playing.

You have no real ability to stop me from choosing to take more power than I give...You certainly don't have an ability to prevent millions and billions of people from choosing to either.

If you attempt to fix the free market system...It will then become an unfree market system. You don't like the unfixed free market or broken system currently?...Then you have to turn it into a fixed unfree market system.

There is no such thing as an unfree market...It's a figment of your imaginations.

The only way to stop anyone if they choose not to is to kill them.

Fortunately you all have been programed by the top...Thou shall not kill...

The top of course who chose to program you all with the program you all chose to accept does not recieve the same programing and plinks you all like gophers, clubs you all like baby seals, or chops you down like trees.

Your civilization becomes dependant upon chopping down trees faster than they regrow to sustain its existence for as long as possible. You can continue until you run out and implode. Or you can choose to stop cutting down trees faster than they regrow which is the same as running out...and implode.

The solution is implosion. Later...or sooner. Or as they say...sooner or later.

How do you avoid the implosion then?

The solution is to not chop down trees faster than they regrow to begin with.

Divide 100 by 3 perfectly...you get 3 X 33.3333333....forever basically.

So it's hard to share power as equally as possible.

It's far easier to split 100 into 33 33 and 34.

It's easy to take more power than you give.

It's obviously easy to choose to chop down trees faster that they regrow.

The solution is to begin following the path of most resistance and staying on it...

You can either choose to follow it now or be forced to later.

That's what the top hires you all to do...Pay the consequences.

If I choose to be Rich...The poor are going to have to pay for the consequence of that choice.

The only place the top can obtain what the bottom demands as compensation for supporting the top is from the bottom.

The only place the rich can obtain what the poor demand as compensation for supporting the rich is from the poor.

The only place the employer can obtain what the employees demand as compensation for supporting the employer is from the employees.

The middle always gets wiped out.


Been like this for 1000's and 1000's of years.

You all have been bawling about it that long as well.

All that increasing taxes on the top does is cause the suck from the bottom to the top to accelerate. Sure the top will have to crack the whip more often...But they can easily hire one of the poor bastards from the bottom sick of being a poor bastard to do it.

It's almost like you are all from another world...and on the world you all live in things operate differently than the world I'm in.

Look at George Bush...He was hired to take the fall...

Saddam was told that if he listened and did what he was told to do...He would be ruler of the Middle East.

Now he's..."Paid the consequences"

That's what the top hires you all to do...Pay the consequences.
Your lifespans are too short to experiance the full cycle and your minds too stunted to reconstruct the parts you are unaware of.

Ignorance is bliss and you all are not going to choose to reject bliss...and when ignorance can no longer be maintained and you are forced to become aware...You all will fight to the death to attempt to reacquire it.

You are all asleep dreaming that you are awake and constantly fighting to remain asleep to enjoy the dream.

In 1998 when I first connected to the Internet I was shocked by how rude Americans were...Back then all I said was that the New Economy (1971) was a lie, that it was going to implode and that selling out of the markets and buying gold and silver coins was a good idea...The posters at the time attacked me like animals...But the Nasdaq along with the boards I posted on basicly vaporized to oblivion in 2000...

It will be the same this time as well...because shortly after September, 11 2001 where the New Economy lie officially self destructed and was replaced with the war on terrorism lie...I realized that the USA along with the 314 year old Global system was going to implode to oblivion or Game over...

As far as I can tell the attacks have subsided...

It's like this....you have been programmed to religiously believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion...

Fine but if you are babbling absurdities you deserve to die...And most of you are so mentally damaged that you are going to...

Now people would say that is rude...Bad manners...or a Lack of consideration for others...Well I'm sorry but liars and the delusional find Truth to be rude, bad manners and to lack consideration...

Like really...You have been turned into a bunch of spoiled thumb suckers and when someone or something challenges or threatens your cherished delusions with Truth...

You all basically bawl like babies or throw tantrums...You all drop to your knees and lick the richman's boots...Most of you are all talk...when it comes time to walk the walk you turn out like Mel Gibson...

You need to be drunk or stoned or hiding on the Internet to find courage...

You know how to find cowards? "Say you are all cowards"...Those who are not cowards don't respond...only Cowards try to prove they are not cowards...


It's why the USA is in Iraq basically...To prove they are not cowards...You can't even stand up to Senators and Congressmen...or anyone...You can't even stand up to yourselves...your emotions are your masters...

And the top plays you all like lamellaphones...

The baby seals don't seem to survive the club men...It's a paradox...

Generally in real life all you have to do is get the other person to flip out then point the finger at them and say look everyone...Look at the mad man...Take him away boys...

Even if that person was right...

That is the effect of reducing a population into baby seals...It does not take much fear to rule them...Like 911...The Wal-Mart headquarters is more important to global trade than the World Trade center complex ever was...

Sure it was significant...A spectacle but that's all it was...

"The World Trade Center in New York City (sometimes informally referred to as the WTC or the Twin Towers) was a complex of seven buildings, mostly designed by Japanese American architect Minoru Yamasaki and developed by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. It was initiated by a Lower Manhattan Association created and chaired by David Rockefeller, along with strong backing from the then New York governor, his brother, Nelson Rockefeller."

"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."--David Rockefeller Sept. 23, 1994

"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history."--David Rockefeller, statement in 1973 about Mao Tse-tung: (NY Times 8-10-73)

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."--David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.

"The United Nations, he told an audience at Harvard University, 'has not been able--nor can it be able--to shape a new world order which events so compellingly demand.' ... The new world order that will answer economic, military, and political problems, he said, 'urgently requires, I believe, that the United States take the leadership among all free peoples to make the underlying concepts and aspirations of national sovereignty truly meaningful through the federal approach.'"--Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York, in an article entitled "Rockefeller Bids Free Lands Unite: Calls at Harvard for Drive to Build New World Order" -- The New York Times (February 1962)

"The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen....At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties."--New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, 1922

"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."--Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets

"You are all fools. Mechanisms are already set in motion that can not be stopped; the end of the wastes of this planet's resources will soon come to pass. The technology is already in place, far more quickly than our elders expected, so that only a minimal amount of chattel will be required to serve us, and We have the tools to end your infestation quickly. It is remarkable at how well the masses are already trained to accept our controls, and after We make our presence known to all finally after nearly a century of consolidation, the most compliant of the scarce numbers who remain will be allowed to service us. They will enjoy life probably better than they do now, as long as they know their place. You see, what we bring is a gift; your mind is too shallow to comprehend."

"Although openly discussing this right now may lack some wisdom, you ignorant ones really are in no position to do anything, and it is somewhat amusing to poke you about and see your responses. You can scream out for others to awaken to us, but they will not, until perhaps they are dying in their own vomit and blood. And then it will be too late anyway."--Posted by Masonic Initiate @ 11/04/2002 11:23 AM ES

If you don't know Truth you know nothing...All I know is slightly more than nothing. All you can do is speculate...

Liars are predictible when you know Truth...Lies depend upon Truth to power their existence...

There is no way to aviod Truth...Lies and delusions only provide a temporary prosperity...

Ignorance of truth is the root of all evil.

And If you don't know truth all you can do is speculate...Emotions are your masters...Just like animals...Whatever causes you to feel bad is bad and whatever causes you feel Good is Good

Truth causes all lies and delusions which are lies you tell to yourself, fall in love with, and ultimately cherish to feel Bad...

Imagine how you are going to feel when you finally realize you are dying and it's game over...

Then you all change your game plan...But until that day arrives you think the game you are playing is never going to end...

There is never a lasting victory over Evil (Lies) and the war against GOD (Truth) has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat...

I only have what you need...Truth...

Any alteration of Truth causes a Lie to be born...

You all LOVE lies...

I hate lies...they are evil...The smallest lie can grow into a massive abomination if you supply it with enough power to sustain its continued existence...

That is the difference between me and you all...

You all think you can make Truth...

GOD can not make Truth...

GOD is infinite and indestructible Truth and Truth is infinite and indestructible

And you all pretend you think you know this?

I know...

The United States of Arrogance...

You don't have the foggiest clue what civility is...It died long before you were born...currently you are all pretending so as to avoid the consequences is all...

I'm sorry but none of you are worth dying for...I was a soldier and one day I realized that none of you are worth the ultimate worthless sacrifice...

One by one the others like me will withdraw their support and this whole worthless monstrosity that you all have fallen in love with will collapse...


It's called Truth...Something you all hate and run in terror from...That is what I post...TRUTH...and it's a threat to your cherished delusions...You can try drugs or meditation to escape the pain of Truth...

I have no problem with Truth because I don't have cherished delusions.

You are either here in search of truth or you are in search of support for your cherished delusions...

I don't have cherished delusions...And I don't entertain them...

I protect the baby seals from the club men...I become a baby seal like you all and who is going to protect me or you from the club men?

You don't need protection? Then don't cry to me when you are being clubbed...

Truth is clubbing you...I'm not...

How would you like me to function? Am I your puppet?

How about this...You ask a question and then send me an email of the answer you want and then I'll post the answer you want...

Or better yet...Remember...you know how to remember right?

Well I'll show you what you have forgotten or ignored...But I remember because I know...

"Generally in real life all you have to do is get the other person to flip out then point the finger at them and say look everyone...Look at the madman...Take him away boys..."

I do look through your eyes but you see what is reasonable...I see what is logical. The Universe is not a construct of reason...It is a construct of Logic. And there is no such thing as illogic...That is an invention.

You all mistake that which is unreasonable for that which is illogical.

Truth does not lie

Truth can not be lied to.

Truth is unreasonable...

Truth is not illogical...Truth is Logical.

You all choose to find Truth illogical because Truth is unreasonable which is logical.

Human Beings have no power to make or break Logic

Human Beings have the power to make and break Reasons and call them Logic

But if the reasons attempt to break Logic then Logic will break the reasons.


2 is the logical solution to the above problem...But of course of you choose to find that solution unreasonable...You can choose to reject that which you choose to think is unreasonable and search for a reasonable solution to the problem.

All problems are as simple as the above...

Simplicity adds up to the multiplication of complexity which is then divided unequally to obtain the required yield of power the absolute capitalists want to manipulate the Universe how they desire.

The amount of power each one of you demands can be reasonable or unreasonable but you your demands whether reasonable or unreasonable reguardless are logical.

The Universe is perfectly fair whether you think it is or not...Everyone and everything gets what they and it deserve whether they think they deserve what they get or not...and there is no hope.

Truth does not lie

Truth can not be lied to.

Truth is unreasonable.

Human beings have no power to make or break Truth.

All that Human beings have the power to do is make and break lies and call them truth.

But if the lie attempts to break Truth then Truth will break the lie.

I of course don't like seeing salesmen and their families starve to death...But once you know truth...There is no ability to sell me on anything else.

The salesmen say...You are unreasonable!!!!!

Yes of course I know that...Thanks for the reminder.