Economics depends upon The LAW of the Universe for its existence...
I'm just one surrounded by millions and millions and billions of devout worshippers of the Just think lies and delusions ignore GOD religion...All I can do is point out Truth....that Ignorance of GOD is the root of all Evil and the path to damnation...
Truth which to those who have chosen to worship ignorance is a threat to their false GOD...Ignorance...Which they worship...
Ignorance of GOD is the root of all evil and the path to damnation...
I point out what is going to happen...Many times my wife and children reject it and then they eventually see what they all thought they were not going to see...happen...As I said it would...It took my wife about 7 years to turn to me and say...I see it now...It's just like you said it would be...
Most people go into game mode and try to play I'm right you are wrong to defend their cherished delusions and in their attempt to win which in the end becomes their only goal they lose...
And the delusion shatters...
I'm not trying to win a game...No one wins the I'm right you are wrong game...
But once a person chooses to play it I'm forced to not play it...
The best defence is the best defence...
Trying to score is game playing...
The score so far is Universe 0 me 0...
It's impossible to inflate out of inflation. That's what the compounding interest equation at the core of all the accounting algorithms within the 600 year old compounding interest commercial banking monetary system attempts to do...it's basically a game...And the only way to win is to constantly increase the amount of power to sustain it...
The required amount of power is not too much and not too little but always greater than previous. Failure to supply the GOD you all worship aware or not with the required amount of power and the game reaches the logical conclusion...
The logical conclusion of any game is game over...
So then how do you avoid game over? By not playing it since to win it you need greater than infinite and indestructible power...
No such power exists...
So the absolute capitalist game is systemically doomed to never be won...
Except by the owners of it...The top or employers who are not playing win by default...All below or employees are playing the game the top invented and owns...
There is a maximum potential for the bottom of the hierarchy to support the top...When reached (burnt-out) the bottom collapses and the absolute capitalist top sucking power from the bottom hierarchy implodes...
The top of the top of the hierarchy or owners/employers just ride the inflation deflation wave...
All below or employees the top of the top are oblivious as to what is going on...
Been like this for 1000's of years...
Do you believe that if you cause evil but are ignorant that you are then you don't have to accept the consequences? Kinda like monkeys and bacteria...Since they are ignorant of truth by default...Monkeys and bacteria can cause evil because they are lower life forms...They have no choice...They don't know what good or evil is they just react...They are animals...bacteria don't know they are bacteria and monkeys don't know they are monkeys.
That is ignorance of truth is the root of all Good and the path to salvation...Animals follow this path by default because it is the path of least resistance...It's the easy path...Human beings have choice...
Am I communicating to monkeys or human beings?
Ignorance of truth is the root of all evil and the path to damnation...
That is why I don't worship ignorance...Or claim it...
I'm not a monkey or a bacteria...Or a domesticated animal claiming to be a civilized Human Being...
You are already brainwashed...It began the instant you popped into existence within the absolute capitalist hierarchy.
The drones teach the drones...
I do the communicating and the just think positive ignore the negative drones do the ignoring...An exchange for mutual benefit...The key problem is you all can't handle it...All your cherished delusions shatter...and you will defend that which you cherish...
You all are programmed from birth by the other drones already functioning...The program is the just think reasonable ignore the unreasonable equation at the core of the reasoning algorithm...
Absolute self indulgent reason...
Truth is GOD and GOD is Truth
Truth can't be reasoned with (Lied to)
And Truth doesn't lie...
It's Unreasonable...
Any input into the just think reasonable ignore the unreasonable equation is output reasonable by default it is even altered slightly by the reasoning algorithm to cause it to be acceptable...That which is unreasonable is ignored/rejected in search of that which is reasonable...
It's why you can't see truth...you ignore/reject it by default...
Lies and delusions are reasonable...
Truth is unreasonable...
I can only give you what you need...Not what you want...The only time you are going to obtain what you want is when what you want and what you need is the same...
You all are not looking for truth...you are looking for support for your lies and your cherished delusions...The positive/reasonable label for lies is hope...The positve/reasonable label for delusions is dreams...
One mans delusion is another man's dream...
The Top constructs hopes (Lies) and dreams (Delusions) and offers them to the bottom for sale...And you all who are shopping for hopes and dreams pick your favorite and buy them...Been like this for 6000 years...
You stumble upon the shocking lies behind the lies and think you found truth...Then stop and cry for the rest of your lives...game over...Most of you are basically hard wired at this point in your lives.
I woke up when I was 7 so I only had to shatter the cherished delusions of a 7 year old...
You are going to have to invest more effort at your ages...
Investing effort into avoiding effort is why you all want someone else to do the thinking for you...
It's not if...Inevitable...According to the charts the population of the USA and the world has basically been marching to their doom with glee for the past 64 years...
The best way to avoid having to admit you are wrong is to not do anything wrong...
This might be helpful...
"The few (Absolute capitalists at the top of the absolute capitalist Hierarchy) who profit (Yield POWER) from the labor of the masses want to organize the workers (drones) into an army (Of absolute capitalistic yield locusts) which will protect the interests of the (Absolute) capitalists."--Helen Keller, 1916
Ok children...Remember if anyone asks...Just say you are a human being...Before you know it everyone will think they are Human beings...
Hey I bet if children were taught that they were sarcauphagus eventually everyone would think they were sarcauphagus...
Or that the sky was green and the grass was blue...Eventually the sky would be green and the grass blue...
Or that Ignorance is bliss...Eventually everyone would think ignorance is bliss.
And march to their doom with glee...Except replace "Doom" which is yucky sounding with "The wonderful heavenly future"
Bait at the start and switch at the end...Because it was doom all along...
But due to the wonderful just think positive ignore the negative equation...All the drones have to see it to believe it and then they still they won't and it was the logical conclusion the whole time...
Oh we were so close but then (Insert scapgoat/excuse/reason here) happened...
Yes I know it's unreasonable...
The USA has been dependant on imports for its entire history basically since it's a crown asset...In 1944 The USA was set up as the demand or consumer of the world...The US dollar was fixed to GOLD by the US Government...The current book value is $42.2222 a troy ounce...
In order to balance "GLOBAL" trade under the rules of Bretton Woods US dollars exported out of the USA to buy dirt cheap imports from the rest of the world could be exported back the the USA and exchanged for x amount of GOLD per 1 US dollar...
The USA began losing Gold then hemoraging GOLD until the USA basically ran out by 1971-1973...So according to the rules of Bretton Woods the USA and the global system should have imploded to oblivion by the early 1970's but the rules were changed to postpone the inevitable implosion...
The delusional lifestyles of the wannabe rich and famous should have shattered but didn't 1971 to 1973...Where the cat was out of the bag "impossible to ignore" that the USA was out of GOLD to balance GLOBAL trade...Good thing all this time was bought so that you could ponder "if" for a while longer...March towards "The wonderful heavenly future" with glee a while longer...
Soon all the shenanigans on Internet message boards will be rendered irrelevant...
Not "if"...It's already game over and was game over in 1944...It's just taking some time to reach the logical conclusion is all...That's what everyone on planet Earth is currently working towards...The logical conclusion to any game is game over...
The beauty of game over is that you all are ignorant that it's game over until game over shows up and also ignorant that you spent your whole life playing to game over...
Prior to game over all the game players think they are winning the game they are all playing...
The point at which "The wonderful heavenly future" sales pitch is revealed to be a marketing gimmick...A lie.
When all the just think positive ignore the negative drones can't afford to service the cost of maintaining ignorance any longer...
Ignorance is bliss...Until it isn't...
Fortunately you have legs...Why? They appear to be useful for running for your life...
Your ancestors did...That's why you exist.
My ancestors ran from the other side of the world to escape multiple game overs the past 5 the centuries...
And with a bit of a head start...You could most likely make it a brisk walk for your life...
are you Jewish Hypertiger? just curious. Shalom.
The title is "Ignorance is Bliss...Until It Isn't" and he said that ignorance is bliss and he states he knows Truth; so hes not jewish for sure. Unless he is and that would mean he thinks he knows Truth but doesnt. But I know he knows.
"And with a bit of a head start...You could most likely make it a brisk walk for your life..."
Where to, Hyper? I have some ideas, but they involve wind and water, not lower appendages.
"I have some ideas, but they involve wind and water, not lower appendages."
Let's not wait on HT; spill your guts...
I've heard you can buy used barges on the Mississippi, but I don't know if you can tak out on the Gulf.
I'd like to have some idea on how this guy (HT) is preparing. If he's preparing for a mad max type scenario (perhaps without all the gas wasting vehicles) or something a little more blander before they start the whole system over again. Alot of people will talk but few will actually prepare for what they talk about.
I cant tell if Hypertiger is a man or a woman.
"It took my wife about 7 years to turn to me and say...I see it now...It's just like you said it would be..."
Hes a man...
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