Whoever claims lies and delusions are truth to amass power to power hate is a criminal...There is cause and effect...Those who are dependant upon Lies and Delusions hate Truth...But truth is the source of power that lies and delusions depend upon to sustain their continued existence...Those who depend upon lies and delusions to sustain their existence are doomed to self destruction...
The top sucks from the bottom...They are the top of the power sucking hierarchy...
The easiest method to destroy power seekers is to supply them with more power than they know what to do with...Since they are ignorant of truth they self destruct...
Abusing the power you receive from GOD to amass more power than you receive from GOD by taking more power than you give from others leads to inevitable self destruction...And is evil...Those that choose to give more power than they take to support those who choose to take more power than they give are also abusing the power they receive from GOD...it's evil and leads to their self destruction as well.
For example, those who pay or receive interest.
Henry C K Liu is chairman of the New York-based Liu Investment Group. Henry is dependant on interest for his existence and Fractional Reserve banking to sustain the interest.
"A balanced budget or a fiscal surplus was the last thing the US's expanding economy needed at the time of Jackson, or ever."
Yay because those who live off interest, like me, Henry C K Liu, would starve to death...
He's a pretender.
Like this below...
"In the era of state-chartered banking, banks were free-standing individual entities that practiced predatory competition on each other in an unregulated free market, with no sense of solidarity or common interest as an industry nor shared responsibility to the community at large. Faced with recurring systemic credit crunches associated with the gold standard in an expanding economy, banks routinely engaged in internecine competition to corner cash, deny new credit to financially weak customers to expose them to predatory takeover raids by preferred customers, suspend cash payments abruptly with no warning, and hoard money regularly for profit. The sound-money regime and its associated credit crunches periodically failed the expanding economy, resulting in sudden layoffs of hundreds of thousands as credit-starved firms fell into insolvency, bringing trade a standstill."
So what is the problem here? State-chartered banking? The gold standard? The sound-money regime and its associated credit crunches leading to periodic failures? Credit starvation?
The effect of attachment of interest to "any" medium of exchange produces the below...
Stages of a compounding interest system...
1.Inflation of Debt and the destruction of savings. (Henry C K Liu sinks his fangs in and begins to suck)
2.Deflation of debt and the destruction of equity, (Victim runs dry)
3.Bankruptcy of the banks, Collapse of the economy/division of labor, and the consolidation of power (Henry C K Liu hides in his coffin and conserves his energy until a new supply of victims shows up.)
It's been getting worse over the past 300 years because after each consolidation the system is more and more controlled.
All that happens when you centralize a decentralized compounding interest system is turn a whole bunch of regional implosions into National and finally Global implosions...
Above is what happen when you attach interest to any medium of exchange...after the primary consolidation.
The primary consolidation is where the entire money supply is concentrated from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one...
Attaching interest to the medium of exchange is the cause of fractionalization...
Once you live off extortion exclusively the only way to perpetuate it is with fractionalization.
Attaching interest to Gold or any medium of exchange leads to fractionalization...
Variables are blamed when it is the constant that is the source of a recurring problem.
The constant is extortion. Printing money is a variable that is employed to support and or sustain the extortion.
Attaching interest to the medium of exchange is extortion. Allowing it is legalized extortion.
The only reason why you cry about printing money is because you can't do it.
If you could you would not be crying. Same with taxes.
But since you are free to extort by attaching interest to the medium of exchange you don't cry about that. But unfortunately then you need fractionalization to support your ability to extort that is why fractionalization exists...
Ultimately you are just a bunch of Hypocrites.
When the economy implodes the hypocrites are the first to be hunted down and exterminated in mass numbers...Currently the police and military are employed to protect your hypocrisy...
See, you depend on fractionalization to support and sustain your hypocrisy...
I'm interested in life not lifestyle. Interest does not support life it supports lifestyle. Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous...
Can interest on hard money do the same thing (lead to ruin) without fractional reserve banking or full fiat money? Yes.
Attaching interest to the medium of exchange concentrates the medium of exchange from the hands of the many into the hands of the few. Then the only way to get your hands on it is from loans and trickle down from the palace.
He who has the Gold makes the rules...Just call me King and if you don't kneel and kiss my feet The Royal Guard will take you to the Dungeon for some education. And if you don't pay your taxes I'll send my tax collectors (soldiers) to run you off your land. Then it will be my land.
What does the King do when he runs out of Gold? Fractionalization.
It is extortion from the bottom to the top.
If someone asks you for help and you say no...That's it end of story...
Once you add conditions such as you owe me more back than I gave to you that's extortion plain and simple. But you seem to think it is help.
Next you are going to tell me that a peasant has more power than a King or a Banker and it is the peasant who the King protects or is forced to protect.
I don't see how attaching interest to a loan prevents getting stiffed...The only one getting stiffed is the person that has to give you back more than you gave them.
What difference does it make if you get nothing back or nothing back plus 5% of nothing...
Open up the book titled "How To Become The Supreme Ruler Of All The Ignorant Morons"
Rule 1...
Never give an ignorant moron more than you take...always take more than you give.
If you combine resources to construct a business then you should get a return on your investment based on your original input...
But then what is fair at that point if your partner does all the work while you sit around and do nothing?
It would be fair that you have a claim if the business is sold...Such as you selling your portion...to someone else that wants to help your partner.
Lets say the business grows and you have a 50% initial input...but do nothing.
Then you get nothing until the Business is sold. You could sell your portion to someone else if the Business increases in value. And they would not get a return on the investment unless they actually invest their labor into it or the business becomes more valuable.
It is the workers and your partner that make the business more valuable not you sitting around doing nothing if thats what you are doing. Now you are not extorting from society you are embezzling...
What you are trying to do in any event is to get something for nothing at the expense of everyone else...
And a return to as you and others here like to call "honest money" is not going to prevent you or anyone else from being dishonest. To yourself or to others.
We are in the position we are in now as a Civilization because no one wants to work for a living...They see all the other people doing nothing and being rewarded and or worshipped and want to do that too...
The Road to Ruin...
Now I'm not trying to tell you what you can or can't do...It is your choice not mine...
Just trying to help you avoid making a mistake...If I'm helping you fine. If I'm not, Oh well, there is nothing I can do about it until I'm forced into a position in which I have to.
I don't want to be extorted or embezzled from...So I'll avoid it.
I won't be working for you or borrowing from you...And If you try to force me to I'll do something about it...
That's why Kings employ Assassians and Soldiers...etc.
"Money by itself is worthless and putting it in a bank doesn't make it worth more when it's loaned out..."
In fact the process makes it worth less...since price inflation is mostly a function of supply and demand...spending increases demand...
So you are not saving money by putting it in a bank because the bank is just going to give it to someone else to spend which increases demand. This process continues until all the savings are cycled through the banking system to their maximum extent then the system implodes...
Bankruns happen when the bank's lending creates an overwhelming demand for withdrawls...Fractionalization solves this immediate problem...until of course people demand payment in Gold then the jig is up...
Before Central banking, banks issued their own banknotes...
Next up people say that a return to honest money will solve that...Well then you have to destroy every central bank and bank in the world...
And expose 600 years of Banking history as a monumental crime against Humanity...
The only time people might think you are not a nutcase is after Civilization has been reduced to dust. Then they might think you are on to something.
The only achievement when committing a crime is getting away with it. Only those caught get punished...and "But all the other farmers and landlords were gouging" is not going to work...
Interest attached to any medium of exchange concentrates it from the hands of the many into the hands of the few...
Then if you want or need it you have to rent it...
That truth is not dependant on your belief or disbelief of it.
You can always hide the cause but the effects can be seen and traced right back to the cause...Which is interest attached to the medium of exchange by the extortionists.
All the US states were created by the wealthy/Powerful...Basically by men of power to rule over the men who supply the powerful with power...
Governments are just administration systems created by the men in Power.
In Canada we have a Parliamentary system...All laws created to become Law must achieve Royal ascent...the Governer General of Canada who is the Queen's Represenative has to sign the Bill into Law...The Governor General can as a represenative of the Queen decide not to sign...
All the Provincial Governments have Governor Generals also...
The Commander in chief of the Military is the Queen...
"Today the title Governor-General is used in those member countries of the Commonwealth of which Queen Elizabeth II remains the titular head of state or sovereign.
In its modern usage, the term Governor-General originated in those self-governing Dominions of the British Empire, such as Canada and Australia, which were federations of British colonies. Since each of these individual colonies already had a Governor, the Queen's representative to the federated Dominion was given the superior title Governor-General.
In these countries, now known as Commonwealth realms, the Governor-General acts as the Queen's representative, performing all the ceremonial and constitutional functions of a head of state. Except in rare cases, the Governor-General only acts in accordance with constitutional convention and upon the advice of the Prime Minister. In principle, the Queen could overrule the Governor-General, but this has not happened in modern times.
The Governor-General retains all the reserve powers that the Queen exercises in the United Kingdom. This was shown most clearly in 1975, when the Governor-General of Australia, Sir John Kerr, dismissed the Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam, despite the fact that Whitlam retained the confidence of the lower house of the Parliament"
In the UK...
"Her Majesty's Government is the body of ministers responsible for the conduct of national affairs. The Prime Minister is appointed by the Queen, and all other ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. Most ministers are members of the Commons, although the Government is also fully represented by ministers in the Lords. The Lord Chancellor is always a member of the House of Lords."
In the US the President is the King of your Realm...
The Crown controls your system with the Federal Reserve, IRS, along with Foundations (CFR Trilateral) and societies (like Skull and bones) created by Crown agents...which is a part of the Bank of England Crown system sometimes called the Commonwealth system...
How did they gain control?
The US Government has the power to borrow...If the Government has the power to TAX what does it need with a power to borrow?
A loophole finished the US.
If you could find out who was the biggest supporter of the Power to borrow you would find them to be a Crown agent.
Or Y'all just made a mistake.
It's already over...I'm telling you why and you want to deny the reality of why what is happening is happening...
You want to say it's fiat money but Interest and if they are misued taxes are the cause of fiat money systems that can only inflate debt to their maximum potential then implode...
What are you worried about? Getting into heaven? Maybe worry about your actions and the effect they have on others...Your blood sweat and tears are not worth more than all the others who sweat bleed and cry supporting your selfish ass...so there is no need for interest...What makes you think you work harder than anyone else?
I try to avoid requesting a banks to manufacture debt...and I don't save my savings in a bank...
But there are 100's of millions of other mindless morons who could care less what their actions cause because they can just call the police...
To defend their privilege to lawfully extort from each other like a bunch of Amimals.
If you survive off interest then all I'm telling you is that soon that's going to become very hard to do when all the extortion victims have been extorted to the maximum extent...
Now I don't know or care where any of you are...
All I know is that at my location if I'm forced..I'm all or nothing, I go all the way...I don't wish this, I want to avoid trouble and will do my best to get away from you scumbags...But...
If I'm forced into a position where I have to _____ an extortionist's ____ to survive I'll wipe them and their family and all the mindless morons that come to their rescue off the face of the EARTH and from existence...So rapidly that at the end the final fools won't even know why they are being exterminated or who is doing it.
Because you extortion loving a$$holes have the same planned for me and my family if I refuse to ____________ [edited for family viewing!].
So you better think hard since I'm not the only one that is going to start at the bottom and work up when they have had enough of your selfish ignorance.
Surely you believe in the right to self defense? Or are you going to tell me the victims of your actions are not supposed to resist or fight back?
If I do something to hurt someone I fully expect them to fight back...That's why I try not to...
You all want change. So do I, and interest attached to the medium of exchange has to go...
If you don't eliminate that then forget crying about the system...or talking about do nothing solutions...
If you ask me for help I will never ask for more in return than I gave you but you seem to think that if I ask for help I have to give more in return than you gave me...
Slavery is what you advocate...
When it's time to drop to my knees I have refused every time...Plenty of force has been applied...And I did not yield...I walked away...
In one case I walked away from what would have been millions of dollars...
Have you ever walked away from a million? Some of you can't even walk away from $10
Sucking eggs for awhile is better than ____________ any day...
I like to think I can cast the first stone but I have not been an Angel either...
So I will do my best to avoid putting myself in the situation where I'm forced to fight...
Interest on non-fractional lending is a fair and just return for risk. The only lending I have done is non-fractional.
The only risk is not getting back what you gave...even if you add 5%
Adding 5% does not reduce the risk it increases it, sorry...
If you all weren't blinded by greed or ignorance you would see this is true.
Attaching interest to any medium of exchange concentrates it from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one...I can't make you think...It is up to you to think...and currently all you want to think about is how to deny the truth or maintain your ignorance of it...
The same thing your masters are doing which you claim to dislike.
You don't like the bankers but hump their legs when your Religious belief in Interest as the path to salvation is exposed as a scam...
The way it basically works now…
The Government needs $1,000,000,000 to function so the Treasury creates prints a BOND worth 1,000,000,000 at 5% for 30 years and gives it to the FEDERAL RESERVE which sends a FEDERAL RESERVE CHECK for $1,000,000,000 that is deposited into the Treasury then checks are issued for government expenses construction, acquisitions, and payroll. The 5% is owed to the private banks which are the share holders of the FEDERAL RESERVE. The controlling Share holder of the main Central Bank of the United States of America (The FEDERAL RESERVE Bank of New York) is the Bank of England. After 30 years the Government has to come up with $2,628,894,627.00 to pay the BOND or $1,628,894,627 to pay the “Compound Interest” and Issue another BOND for $1,000,000,000 at 5% for 30 Years or what it usually does, issue a bond worth 1,700,000,000 at 5% for 30 Years…
As you can see because the Compound Interest is not created out of “thin air” there is no way to ever pay it other than creating more money/ debt out of “thin air”. Eventually the compound Interest payments = Tax revenue which leads to tax increases at some point the Tax increases take so much out of the ECONOMY that it ceases to function and collapses…
Not a conspiracy theory, just mathematics is all, it's the way things work.
Eliminate compound interest charged on money/debt created out of “thin air” and this problem will not ever occur. A child could most likely see the logic and a “chimp” with enough training could too… But people that contribute nothing to society and would like to just sit back and live off of the hard work of others like this system and their feelings get hurt when they are revealed to be nothing more than vampires slowly and methodically sucking the life force from civilization. The Central Bankers make the “Decisions” which the federal government pursues, not the other way around, that is how tyranny works… Taxation without representation or slavery…
Fractional reserve banking is not “Modern or Liberal” it is a fraud and a crime against humanity… it is slavery plain and simple. If fractional reserve banking is not resisted or changed namely, the charging of compound interest on money/debt created out of nothing...
War/conquest/looting and death is all that can be used as a cure for debt deflation... That is what the WAR on Terror is about...
The root of all evil is ignorance of the truth...
Every mistake (Evil) I have ever made in my life I've traced right back to ignorance of the truth...either my own or someone else's.
It's all right in front of your eyes...
I have stated that if you ask for help I dont expect more back than I gave...
You consider the above to be bad thinking.
You believe that if I ask you for help I will owe more back than you gave...
You consider the above to be good thinking.
End of story...
Sorry that I hurt your feelings when I attacked the GOD of Extortion you worship...
Not taking responsibility for actions is Good and taking responsibility for actions is Bad.
Everything is opposite in extortion world...
And attaching interest to any medium of exchange is extortion...
It concentrates the medium of exchange from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one.
They are then your master and you are all their slaves...
Then to sustain this business partnership the owners of the money supply, which is now their private property, fractionalize it in the case of Gold until the Gold backing in relation to the debt shrinks into nothingness then they fractionalize the debt supply...Until all the slaves are maxed out...Then the extortion scheme collapses...poof.
And fortunately or unfortunately after 300 years you get to see it happen...
So, How do you save your personal "Money" if not in a bank?
you buy precious metals bullion and only hold necessary funds in cash. That's it. All fiat currency goes to zero within a human lifetime, everytime, no exceptions.
Food and water is actually a better way to store wealth, but it leads to logistical problems, i.e. storage space. Gold/silver are just mediums of exchange for food and shelter...
The TOP will win again.
Excellent stuff, my friend.
Henry C.K. Liu
Good stuff.
Now a question...
If I Lend my money to a bank they will pay me Interest for its use. This I deem as Fair as I would expect Interest should I lend that money to a person instead of the bank.
If the bank then lends my money to someone else. They charge that person interest. They cannot lend this money Interest Free as they have Costs with being in business. If they lent money interest free, then at some point they would close their doors due to the costs of running a business - power, phone, paper, postage, etc.
My reward is the interest received. If I withdraw this money and then Re-lend it, I am still getting Compound Interest. But in a round about way.
Your thoughts...
One of your best hyper and one more time most of the readers miss it. The banks are in danger of deflating and they won't be putting out enough money to support repayment and all these guys are pouncing on the opportunity to get ahead of inflation with deflation on the horizon. I can tell by what anon and andrew said that they missed the point. The point of not keeping your savings in the bank means you could hold cash, silver, gold or a number of other items instead, including food. It also means that the bank has to give up the interest on the money, as they now have to borrow cash from the Fed. this doesn't stop them from making more loans, but ties up their good assets. They could of course borrow in the overnight market.
But, in any case, the bank created the money out of thin air and is drawing more than they are paying as long as they continue to make more money available. Thus right now they tie up their 2% yielding t-bills to allow you the cash that belongs to you while they force some poor fool to pay 6% on his home mortgage. Now, who is going to create that 6%? That is the 2% going to the Fed and the 4% going to the bank. Well, inflate the home prices and let them borrow it until everyone defaults and the banks own the world.
There is no mathematical solution when over 100% of what is created is due back in return. The idea you put out about charging for risk is a good one and I have thought about that from time to time. I studied finance in college along with bean counting and economics. Since learning what they didn't tell me about what I would be doing for a living, I have pondered this rent charging idea and I do believe there is some kind of rent charging that is going to go on forever. The only system of interest I could see coming that would diminish or eliminate the fractional system would be the government using it as a tax source with the proceeds put back into the economy. Even so the redistribution would probably flow to the same guys and they would end up with all the property and draw rents that way with slavery.
Sorting through what I have been taught and what really is isn't an easy thing to do. I do see an exceptional division of wealth today that has little relation to what people have actually done for money. The billion dollar hedge fund manager is clearly sucking something from the bottom or below his level. It isn't coming out of the pockets of the other hedge fund guys and the bottom is dry. I have to believe the imaginary wealth these guys hold either collapses or is taxed from them, as what it rests on is no longer available.
to this point, andrew said the fiat currency went to zero in a lifetime. Well, a lifetime is 75 years and the dollar is far from zero. The Fed was built on fiat, as a 25 cent dollar was the origin of the Fed, not a 100 cent dollar. It appears to me that other assets are falling in value, not the currency at this time. I bought a printer last week for under $200 that would do more than one that needed a $200 PM kit 20 years ago would do. It takes 10 pounds of corn to put a pound on a cow or steer and even at $7 a bushel, a man eats only $200 a year in corn if he eats 150 lbs of beef a year. Likely, the average American uses 14.5 pounds of copper according to statistics I have been able to locate, meaning the hyperinflation of copper has added a total of $42 a year to the cost of living or should I say the cost of capital improvements for the average American over the past 10 years. The average American isn't buying this stuff in bulk, but the average Chinese is. The oil problem is the billionaire hedgies squeezing the 5% of the market that swings from shortage to surplus. They will eventually get stuck with this, as you can only roll it so many times and move so many times the world supply of hard currency to Arabia before it all collapses.
"There is no mathematical solution when over 100% of what is created is due back in return. "
Profound, mannfm11!
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