I don't have the answers you need to find...You become dependant upon another for answers and they will throw a chain around your neck to keep you out of trouble while they seek the solution to their problem that they will never find....
GOD has the only chain that can't be broken...
The choice is the tyranny of Lies or the tyranny of Truth...It's not the tyranny of truth but you all think it is though...
Lies and delusions only provide a temporary escape from the tyranny of Truth...
Which has no escape...You all are running from what you are going to smash into...
The so called Christian out of the lake of fire into the lake of fire offer you can't refuse is an obvious lie...
The LORD works in mysterious ways...
GOD does not...
You all will burn as long as you choose to...The top does not want you to choose to...escape. The just think positive ignore the negative religion helps you all to keep making the choice you are ignorant of...
To just lie back and enjoy it...
Well I enjoy it least of all...You all love and cherish it...
Money is the root of all evil? What was the root of all evil before money was invented?
Ignorance of truth is the root of all Evil...
You all hate money? Give it to rich people then...Who do appear to love it...
Could be why you are all poor...
Rich people became rich in power long before they became rich in money which they used their power which was sucked from all of you to invent to make the taking of more power than they give eaiser to accomplish and account for...
How do you all think the cities you all live in came to be? GOD snapped his fingers and they popped into existence?
I reverse engineered the City state...To construct a better one that does not systemically implode...
I could not figure out a way to get all the food they require to power them without abusing farmers...Into producing 1000's of times more than they need to exist to sustain all the worker drones...
At least no way to operate a typical city state as they have operated for 6000 years and as they currently operate.
Remove food from the algorithm and Kings turn into skeletons and cities crumble to dust...
Once you all choose to not be ignorant of truth...Then you will know GOD...
Otherwise you all can hack the bible forever searching for the infinite and indestructible power of GOD.
The top does not gamble...Money means nothing to the top...Money means something to all below...
Power is what the top is rich in...The power sucked from all below...
And when the bottom is sucked dry...The hierarchy implodes...It's systemic...The top knows that you can't take more than you give forever...You all do not seem to know about that due to the Just think positive ignore the negative religion...The top capitalize on your ignorance to get what the top wants....More power than GOD supplies them with...And to maintain their position on top of the take more power than you give absolute capitalist hierarchy....You all basically are liquidated at the end since once the suck from the bottom to the top reaches maximum potential most of you become unfundable liabilities and have to be wiped off the books...
During the 1933-1945 Bankruptcy reorganization of the Crown or City of London system as it's called that is now 314 years old and about to implode into oblivion...about 10% of the population of Earth was liquidated...
Rumors floating around for years is 90% liquidation this time around since the Crown system is finished...It's basically Global and has inflated to maximum potential...and the bottom is basically about to collapse under the strain of holding you all up...
The abuse of the farmers happened 1000's years ago. The farmers are just as oblivious now as all of you are at this point...Gonzo...They would laugh and think all this is absurd...
I have traced it back to Babylon and the history is unbroken...You can follow mystery Babylon from Babylon to England...
There is another absolute capitalist system that is somewhat different than the Babylonian system or the Sumerian city state system, the current ruling system on Earth...The 4000 year old Brahmin caste system...
How it works...The classes are fixed...There is no way to break out of the class you pop into existence within and at the bottom of the food powered make work enterprise is the lowest class, the Farmer...
So then how do you ever escape? The "Hope"...Well all worship the Priest King or LORD...The defender of the faith...Like the Monarch of England...
The upper class serve the ruling class and the middle class or servants serve the upper class and the slave class serves the middle class or servants and the lowest class just above the slime of the Earth is the farmer class...
The farmer class serves all...
Now to escape...If you are a perfectly obedient drone and follow all commands of the top till the day you die you get promoted after death to the next higher class...
sounds great...
Must be a million waiting in line at the top...
And back in those days the penalty for disobedience to the top was basically the same as the Christians or Jews or Muslims drill into childrens minds today...
Obey the LORD or suffer for all eternity...Pay your bills and avoid the police...go to heaven...simple.
That system did not work due to the obvious flaw I pointed out...Free will kills it. The Babylonian system is far more compatible with free will and easier to operate...
But the top likes the Brahmin caste system...All they have to do is kill free will somehow...
Oh sorry it appears to be almost dead...
The best case scenario is a nightmare compared to the daydream playpen you currently enjoy for fun and profit...The Bank of England 1694 is 314 years old and the Federal Reserve system of 12 Central banks with New York being the controlling bank is a branch in the Global branch network...They all are...
The Bank of England can refuse to deal with the Central bank of Iran and cave it and Iran in at any time...Poof...
What did you think? You were going to get away with your games forever?
That ignorance is rewarded?
Well you piled up all your ill gotten gains on the wrong square...
Those who choose to employ absolute self indulgent reason choose to search for reasons to make mistakes and then choose to search for reasons to limit or attempt escape from the consequences...
Reasons are excuses...
As I posted earlier...you can accept or reject truth...
It is infinite and indestructible...There is no debate...
Man can't make or break truth...Truth is GOD and GOD is truth...
GOD can't be reasoned with (Lied to)
Your only HOPE to escape truth is to abuse the power that GOD supplies you with to invent truth...
A delusion is a lie you tell to yourself...such as Bond servant of Christ...
The Universe is perfectly fair....
Regardless if you think so or not...You going to disagree with GOD the infinite and indestructible source of all power that powers your existence?
You going to attempt to defeat GOD? You going to debate that?
Everything and everyone in and including the Universe itself gets what it and they deserve...
Regardless if they think they deserve it or not...Are you going to have a fireside chat with GOD and debate this?
And there is no hope...
Yes you can hope lies and delusions can defeat GOD all you want...
Is that what you want me to believe?
Well I accept truth...I don't reject it...There is no belief required to accept truth...The debate is over...
There is never a lasting victory over lies (Evil) and the war against truth (GOD) has no exit strategy and always end in defeat...
You can hope that is a lie all you want...It won't save you from the consequences...
Ignorance of truth is the root of all evil and the path to damnation...
But what is the source of all power? What is the source of all power that all are supplied with?
GOD...GOD supplies all life and everything in the Universe including the Universe itself with infinite and indestructible amounts of less than infinite and indestructible power
All life and everything in the Universe including the Universe itself capitalizes on truth for its existence...
Lies and delusions depend upon Truth to power their existence...
Truth is the source of power...Truth depends upon nothing for its existence...
All and everything depend upon infinite and indestructible Truth for its existence...Or there would be no existence...
Ignorance of truth is the root of all evil...
GOD does not reward ignorance.
Well start telling me more lies disguised as debate...
I search for why I'm wrong all the time...That is the path of most resistance...
You all follow the path of least resistance...You are all searching for why you are all right...You are not looking for truth...you are looking for support...for you cherished delusions...a support group...Group therapy...
The just think positive ignore the negative religion...
To you all...Truth is negative...You run from it...
I only have what you need...Not what you want...Unless what you want and need are the same...
I wonder who wants you to fear and run from GOD?
I wonder who is behind the "ancient" GOD fearing scheme?
And when you run from GOD what do you embrace?
Lies and delusions...believe or die sucker...sign on the dotted line...
The first lie a liar "wants" you to believe is that truth is impossible to know...
Yay Ignorance is bliss...That choice like all choices has consequences...a logical conclusion which is Truth...
A reasonable assumption or cherished delusion is not a logical conclusion.
And again GOD does not reward Ignorance...
Or is that another absurdity you expect me to believe...or die...
You don't have the foggiest clue what you all are up against...
Well here's a hint of the most powerful enemy you currently face...
Beyond the Cloak of Deception
Truth, which is one of the few really great and precious things
in life, cannot be bought. It is received as a gift, like love or beauty.
But a newspaper is a commodity which is bought and sold.
Everything, even lies advances the truth. Shadows do not blot out
the sun.
The truth has a lively changing face.
The luxury of the rich is paid for by the misery of the poor.
There is a long line of substitute religions, each one a particular
form of illusion and superstition.
Deceivers always try to solve difficult problems on the cheap.
One must, with quiet respect for the unknowable, accept the
order of everything that is knowable. The smallest thing like the
greatest, must be close and precious to one.
Reality is never and nowhere more accessible than in the
immediate moment of one’s own life.
God can only be comprehended personally. Each person has
their own god, their protector and judge. Priests and rituals are
only crutches for the crippled life of the soul.
A lie is often an expression of the fear that one may be crushed
by the truth.
Love is everything which enhances, widens, and enriches our
A discovery...
There is no such thing as "the" Truth.
There is just Truth.
Whenever someone says "the truth" like in your excerpt.
It is a certainty that they don't comprehend truth.
At all.
The top capitalizes on weakness to obtain what they want...more power.
Emotions...feelings...are very powerful...You either control them or they control you.
If your emotions control you...That is a weakness that can and will be capitalized on.
"The essential claim of sophistry is that the actual logical validity of an argument is irrelevant (if not non-existent); it is only the ruling of the audience which ultimately determines whether a conclusion is considered "true" or not. By appealing to the prejudices and emotions of the judges, one can garner favorable treatment for one's side of the argument and cause a factually false position to be ruled true."
Appealing to the emotions of the judges.
Is what you are doing attempting to obtain power over others.
Then it's...suprise...technate time.
Similar to how beekeepers smoke the hive to stun the bees so they can then steal the honey...er money...
My wife said...hey with the amount of people that read your stuff...you could make money off it...
Yes I could...But then I would have to appeal to the prejudices and emotions of the judges...I would have to be a sophist...I would have to lie to maintain/sustain the flow of power once I aquired it.
Thanks for the lesson in double talk... but the reason I do not take this seriously (your opinion) is multiple, your vision is anti human, and your thinking deeply nihilistic.
(436–338 BC), Greek rhetorician, was one of the ten Attic orators. In his time, he was probably the most influential rhetorician in Greece and made many contributions to rhetoric and education through his teaching and written works.
Greek rhetoric is commonly traced to Corax of Syracuse, who first formulated a set of rhetorical rules in the fifth century BC. His pupil, Tisias, was influential in the development of the rhetoric of the courtroom, and by some accounts was the teacher of Isocrates. Within two generations, rhetoric had become an important art, its growth driven by the social and political changes, such as democracy and the courts of law.
The demand for rhetorical training was so high that a number of philosophers and teachers set up their own schools to train orators. Among these were the Sophists, which included such teachers as Isocrates and Gorgias. These schools proved to be a lucrative enterprise, and later attracted less reputable characters.
Isocrates was born to a wealthy family--his father owned a successful flute factory--and received a fine education. He studied with Gorgias and possibly Socrates, among others. After the Peloponnesian War, Isocrates' family lost its wealth, and Isocrates was forced to earn a living.
Isocrates' professional career is said to have begun as a logographer, or a hired courtroom speech writer. Around 392 BC he set up his own school of rhetoric, and proved to be not only an influential teacher, but a shrewd businessman. His fees were unusually high, but he managed to attract more students than any other school. As a consequence, he amassed a considerable fortune.
Isocrates' program of rhetorical education stressed the ability to use language to address practical problems, cases where absolute truth was not obtainable. He also stressed civic education, training students to serve the state. Students would practice composing and delivering speeches on various subjects. He considered natural ability and practice to be more important than rules or principles of rhetoric. Rather than delineating static rules, Isocrates stressed "fitness for the occasion," or kairos--the rhetor's ability to adapt to changing circumstances and situations.
Because of Plato's attacks on the Sophists, Isocrates' school of rhetoric and philosophy came to be viewed as unethical and deceitful. Yet many of Plato's criticisms are hard to discern in the work of Isocrates, and at the end of his Phaedrus Plato even has Socrates praising Isocrates. Isocrates saw the ideal orator as someone who must not only possess rhetorical gifts, but possess also a wide knowledge of philosophy, science, and the arts. The orator should also represent Greek ideals of freedom, self-control, and virtue. In this, he was an influence on Roman rhetoricians, such as Cicero and Quintilian, and on the idea of liberal education.
On the art of rhetoric, he was also an innovator. He promoted a clear and natural style that avoided artificiality, while providing rhythm and variation that commanded the attention of the listener. Like most rhetoricians, he saw rhetoric as a method of clarifying the truth, rather than one of obscuring it.
Really tiger you are not as smart as you think you are.
Mostly people that engage in intellectual pissing contests are egoistic and rely on belief and opinion rather than facts.
Oh and in case you have not realized it I am not going to post on your blog much if at all any more.
In case you have not realized it you have not fared well in the tiny debates we have had. In other words the debate is over. You lost.
I do appreciate the couple of things though that I learned here... which made the trip worthwhile. Some of your prose... which goes along in a direction... but does not reach a place... but still comes close.
yay! skip is going, can't wait!!!
God is not a truth about an economic system.
The gospel is the truth and it reveals who God is. I hope you will see this some day.
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