I'm Mister Positive...I just don't malinvest positive energy. When this whole mess caves in I doubt the 'We were only joking lighten up' excuse will provide more than a few nanoseconds of cover...
Late 2005 to early 2006 was the window where the miracle had to take place to buy more time. All the borrowing of tomorrows to keep the fun and games going today have run out.
That's why it's called a Depression.
Truth does not make sense to those who run from it...They fear it...
Yes I call it a depression because I know how sensitive you all are to even small revelations of the truth...If you think I'm depressing then what you are going to see is basically a science fiction horror show...
Everyone is dependant upon the 600 year old Compounding interest commercial banking system...Without all those drones signing on the dotted line civilization as you know it blows out like a candle...poof...
It seems that all you can do is drop to your knees and worship your true GOD...The compound interest equation...
All it can do is inflate your delusions of grandeur to maximum potential then smite it all to oblivion...That is all that the compound interest equation does...
The cacophony of the sheeple is sad to witness...
None of you are going to escape...
There will be massive price inflation of needed commodities...your liquid monetary tools such as gold and silver coin will be quickly sucked up to the top who own everything which you buy or will need to buy at some point.
My silver stash and other stockpiles is to just buy some time to think is all...You will all be in panic mode when the science fiction nightmare scenario which you think you comprehend shows up and vaporizes your day dreams...
Others that I get info from claim it will make the Great Depression look like happy days...
We don't have to wait much longer since debt inflationary growth is already collapsing...The last two times it did this: 1987 rates were engineered from 10% to 3% and 2000 from 6.5 to 1%...There is basically no more room to engineer rates lower in search of volume this time...
So it's wait to see what the miracle is.
The IMF is the primary financial looting machine...If it is abolished the compound interest stream from "free trade" stops...and the US caves in.
You might as well ban interest...And you know what the Hypocritical I Want My Cake And Eat It Too fake patriots who are really Globalists/Imperialists in disguise think about banning usury.
The just think positive I'm doing you a favor screwing you up the ass inflation forever religion is sustained by the IMF...If you abolished it their feelings would be hurt...
The IMF is 51% owned by the US Treasury...It is just a looting tool...It is used to attack countries secretly, then save them (loot them) usury...
Like a glass business and the owner goes out at night smashing windows and then answers the phone during the day...That's the IMF.
When the absolute capitalist system reaches maximum potential then it cannibalizes itself...Like it's been doing for the past 40 years...Like a snake eating its tail...hint...implosion...self destruction...
All the players involved that think they are obedient and will be spared don't realize the mistake they made until the grim realities show up that don't appear in the script or are incompatible with their religious beliefs...Like Saddam. Criminals don't go to the police when they are double crossed especially if the Police force (US) is who are double crossing you.
Ignorance of the truth is the root of all evil...Just like you all have "found out" about "fractional reserving numbers" and know it is evil while those ignorant of it don't think anything since they don't even know it exists...and if they know it exists they, like economists, think it is good.
Just like there are people (usurers) that think attaching interest to a medium of exchange is good...
People think they are holding out but were born caved in...
That is why Ignorance is Bliss is so popular. Also known as the just think positive inflation forever religion.
Absolute self indulgent reason rejects truth because in the mind of an absolute capitalist the truth is impossible to ever know or find so the best fit lie is usually what is accepted...It gets the job done.
Absolute capitalists believe you can do whatever you want as long as you don't get caught breaking the law...Truth is the only law so you must reject it...
Instead of doing what is right when you employ reason you search for how to escape getting caught breaking the law...
Truth is the only law and it is infinite and indestructible...Unbreakable...so now you know how mistakes are created when you use self indulgent reason...
Ignorance of the truth is the root of all evil.
The meaning of a word in a language has to be accepted or rejected...Such as the word Capitalism which has a religious belief associated with it or the word Free trade or the word money...
Or the words ignorance, evil, and good.
All these words and their meanings to be understood must be based on pure logic...or truth...Otherwise you will not understand their meaning and the information will be corrupted and if you use corrupted information to perform an action it will be corrupted and lead to a mistake...Which is an unresolvable error...And since an absolute capitalist employs self indulgent reason, a delusional belief against the truth is formed and to sustain it a search for an escape from getting caught breaking the law or truth, which is unbreakable, is sought and the delusional belief only gets worse as more and more corrupted information is acquired...
Once the delusion forms all truth which can destroy or damage it is rejected and the lies are accepted and become easier to accept.
You join the Army and your delusional belief is that you are a bad ass Rambo super warrior...Until your legs are blown off...Then the mistake you made becomes crystal clear...It can not be rejected...It was not a case that you were standing in the wrong place on the battle field...You should have never joined the Army...
Or you are a real wheeler and dealer on Wall Street...Until you are wiped out...Then the mistake you made becomes crystal clear and it was not a case of you should have sold instead of bought...You should never have gotten involved in the first place...That was the mistake...
Once you go down the wrong path you are doomed and you will fight the truth until you can't anymore...Then the mistake which led you down the wrong path is revealed...except the first mistake gives birth to the chain of mistakes that leads to the final mistake...
That is why prisons are full of people kicking themselves for being caught due to a mistake...The first mistake is what leads to your doom but the last mistake gets the blame.
The first mistake is always the search for an escape from getting caught breaking the law...Truth is the only law and it is infinte and indestructible...Or unbreakable.
It gives birth to a chain of mistakes...and the last one in the chain is the one that can be rejected...
The 314 years old compounding usury system is a very long and even ancient chain of mistakes...We are rapidly approaching the final mistake or mistakes...which will get the blame for what comes after...
Absolute capitalists reject truth so they will have to tell a lie or manufacture a
to escape responsibility for the mistake that was made centuries ago.
You don't and can't manufacture Logic.
They work from a base...then rework it and feed the whole mess into a supercomputer and it spits out scenarios...Then they pick the best one and formulate how to engineer the economy to hit that target.
It's not just the FED and it's not Ben...It takes coordination with everyone else. There is alot of finger crossing.
One of these days every scenario will be gameover...Then they will activate the plan which is already ready to go in that event.
The plan is total war...and if you resist you will just be a heat source in a scope...You are either with us or against us...It is all childs play...The big secret I know is that everyone can talk the talk but when even the slightest discomfort befalls you...You cave right in...
Once the Internet goes down all you will have is mainstream propaganda blasting you...They will sing you all to sleep...
Stage a take over and call all the patriots to arms in the public square...then gas them...It is childs play...
The vast majority haven't the foggiest clue what reality is anymore...
People line up for hours in their best clothes to gawk at stupidity enshrined...Outside Oprah's and Dr. Phil's studios
To support their Twinkie habits which is how they find inner peace while their servants finish everything they started.
Everything is functioning as it should...There is a finite limit to a flawed system's ability to fight the truth...
Lets say we were on the Titanic as it was sinking...I would say it was the Captain's fault and he being the Captain would say it was the iceberg or the poor construction of the ship at fault...
At some point I would have to leave and say have fun going down with the ship...
At which point the Captain breaks out the RUM and drinks himself into a stupor while Dr. Phil has everyone making their beds and cleaning their bath tubs...
It's Dr. Phil's fault...Ask an ambulance chaser...
You all desire the American dream (Free lunch) but it costs...The more people that want it the higher the cost...You request the bankers for the funds to finance and perpetuate the dream...
To bad it's the nightmare backing the dream system...failure to perpetuate and sustain the dream will cause it to vanish and all that will be left is the nightmare...
Usury factories (Banks/usurers) manufacture a product called debt...and its main selling feature is It makes your wildest dreams come true...Those searching for inner peace line up to get their hands on it...
Keep drinking and shooting up for inner peace...
The top loves comedy, They have the best sense of humor...That's why they inject you with massive amounts of debt inflationary morphine just before they feed you giggling into a wood chipper.
If there is one thing more hilarious than an idiot, it's a megalomaniac idiot. That appears to the be the self described brilliant hypertiger. Obviously a Ted Kaczyinski-type quack who is disenfranchised with society because of being an outcast. I can spot them a mile away.
And, because you are really insecure at heart, you'll delete this post faster than I can type it.
No need to delete it. Anyone who goes against the herd is automatically subject to abuse. After a while, one develops an immunity to it. Of course being proved right, time and time again, no doubt helps!
The just think positive I'm doing you a favor screwing you up the ass inflation forever religion is sustained by the IMF...
George? George Carlin is that you?
People line up for hours in their best clothes to gawk at stupidity enshrined...Outside Oprah's and Dr. Phil's studios
Amen Brother!
Right? Who said you are right? Another confirmation of megalomania. Your ramblings are incoherent. You don't even make sense. And, who said I'm part of the herd? A societal outcast with an axe to grind. Thanks for the confirmation Ted. I love people like this. They make my life worthwhile.
You Rock Hypertiger!
Appears we are kindred spirits - 'outcasts' who choose to think for ourselves! Love your blog! If I may add to your brilliant wisdoms -
If knowledge is power... how is ignorance bliss?
When knowledge is ridiculed and power shunned... ignorance becomes bliss!
Rock On!
The plane is running out of fuel. Soon gravity will take the plane down.
Enjoy HeperTiger:
Our Financial House of Cards
They don't understand it Hyper. One of the doomsayers on Prudent Bear keeps PMing me. I think the rest on the page think he has disappeared, but he is trying to flip me over to the hyper-inflation camp. Of course, he had told me his strategy which is the same for all deflationists, cash and precious metals and a lay low cheap lifestyle. The good professor might be right about us in form, but not belief. Point is that the machine wages war and we are the cannon fodder. At least the younger versions are. The older guys are not so stupid as to go.
Not one of these guys can show me a single penny that the Federal Reserve has let out the door that isn't owed back to them with interest, all collateralized with sovereign debt. Even the Brady bonds are collateral for debt that the borrower and much of the world thought was forgiven. Never mind the principal, pay the interest forever and forever and see what it adds to over time. Don't pay it and you get overrun by the barbarians.
This is ingenious by the way:
You Farmer are on the Land owned by the LORD of the land and will pay tribute to the LORD of 1 Gold coin a year...
Where do I get this GOLD coin?
You can take one short ton of grain to the grainery of the LORD and there you will be given a GOLD coin for it and then you can give the gold coin to the servant of the LORD...
What if I refuse?
Then the LORD will drive you from the Land that the LORD is the LORD of...
There you go an abundant supply of free food to power your wildest hopes and dreams...Lies and delusions...
22 And The LORD said, Behold! The man has become as one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put forth his hand and also take from the Tree of Life, and eat, and live forever,
23 The LORD sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground out of which he was taken.
24 And He drove the man out. And He lodged the cherubs at the east of the Garden of Eden, and the flaming sword whirling around to guard the way of the Tree of Life.
Well what is done with all that Food the tillers of the LORD's land give the LORD as Tribute? It powers the Absolute capitalist Hierarchial food powered make work enterprise...
The city state...Or Civilization...The thing you all popped into existence within...and are in now...
What a display of the development of civilization. Who got ahead back in the day when digital money couldn't be assembled? The one who had the power to assemble grain. You might see pharaoh in Genesis. Pharaoh gathered up all the grain, the he gathered up all the money and the money faileth. What did that mean? In some fashion it meant the entire population was in permanent bondage. I read this in or about 1994 and it about knocked me off the chair I was sitting on for what I had come to understand in a very minor way about money. I can make this transition today because of that reading in Genesis. I don't know where you got that, but it is a totally ingenious way of showing reality. Have all the gold, demand gold for grain and set the price of grain under duress. After the transaction, still have all the gold and now a good portion of the grain as well, all for free. Then pay out the grain and tax the citizens accordingly for the creation of wealth. (Source, January 27, 2008 Hypertiger)
"They don't understand it Hyper. One of the doomsayers on Prudent Bear keeps PMing me. I think the rest on the page think he has disappeared, but he is trying to flip me over to the hyper-inflation camp."
I don't think they want to understand. At least with hyperinflation you still have your job, your house is worth more than you owe on it, your credit cards haven't been cancelled, and if you own gold you've hit "jackpot heaven!"
With hyperdeflation, we're all dead in the water.
Strangely cheryl-lynne, Doug Noland points to rapid growth in the money supply as well to being a harbinger of inflation. I read Doug religiously every week, but I have trouble buying the figures. Especially the money market figures. Since there is nothing for money to come out of, where is this cash coming from? For one, I think the banks are having to fund on balance what they were hiding off balance. Second, I think the hedges might be using a carry trade and putting it in money markets. Money markets aren't safe, so I wonder why anyone would be in them? Third, I think the system is so frozen that corporations are lining up funds in the banking system, not for use, but for hoard. Everyone is getting a cash hoard that knows what is going on. Most definitely the banks. What is inflating is the last bubble, the corners being run on thinly traded assets like silver and copper. If a Japanese trader can hide enough copper around the world to cause a liquidation that collapses the price and closes mines around the world for several years, then a group of them can conspire to create a hoard that maintains high prices. With Japanese bond repo's it don't cost much to finance something that allows market manipulation. Every few months the price of copper collapses only to rally back. It occurs to me they buy enough when it is down, take delivery on some and sell the rest to finance the delivery. Net cost might be 70 cents an ounce if they made 50 cents on 6 contracts and delivered the 7th. The non-commercials aren't supposed to be taking delivery and I would like to see the stats on how many of them are.
The government might get into printing treasuries to bail some of this out, but it will only replace what was lost and change who owes. The banks won't lend more money, but only be let off the hook for awhile. The problem is how to find someone that wants to borrow that can make good on what they borrow and this game is getting harder all the time. We need new borrowers for new homes and everyone has too many houses already. We need new borrowers for new cars and everyone has too many of the wrong kind of cars already. Maybe we need a new demand, China?
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