The US government does not sell debt...All you drones request the commercial banks to manufacture debt...49 Trillion since 1945 to sustain your ignorance is bliss existence...The US federal government has borrowed 9 Trillion of the 49 Trillion you all have requested the commercial banks to manufacture since 1945.
And you all have basically reached your maximum potential to continue doing this...
Sorry but all the stops have been pulled and all the accounting tricks in the book have already been used and that's it kids...
It's just a waiting game now until you are blindsided...
You all will be wondering when it's going to hit right up until it smashes you like a wrecking ball through a rice paper wall...
M3 is where real estate debt you drones request to be manufactured shows up...
As the housing bubble deflates it will show up there for all to see...
Unless you can't see it [Because it's no longer published]...And by the time that the visible manifestation shows up in the physical economy there will be something else being shown to you all as the cause...
The whole Ben the Mad printer soap opera is social engineering...It's a fairy tale told to children to keep them from having nightmares...The FED prints nothing...
Money is debt and debt is money...
You think that those who you request to manufacture this money...the commercial banks...will, when you all can't request anymore to pay to service its existence, just give you all what you need to make the payments that you can't make and then you will make the payments...
Like really you could end poverty tomorrow...All the bums on the street? Just give them money for free...Because that's basically what you believers in the magic printing press myth think is going to happen...
It's not...
Can't afford to buy that car? Here have one for free...Can't afford that house...here have one for free...
Once you all have signed on the dotted line to request the maximum potential monetary inflation...that's it...game over...
There is nothing that the FED or the US Government can do to get you to sign on the dotted line once you all have maxed out your ability to do so...
All that the FED does is monetize your requests...
Money is debt and debt is money...The only way to escape debt deflation is with a greater debt inflation...
The total credit market debt owed is 49 Trillion dollars...in 1945 the total credit market debt owed was 400 Billion...
You have been trying to pay off that 400 billion for the past 63 years and after 63 years you owe 100 times more...
Just think positive ignore the negative religion...
Don't worry be happy the magic printing press Messiah will provide hyperinflationary salvation...
Unfortunately it is a false profit...
I'm receiving the same 24/7 blast of social engineering that you all are and have been receiving all along...and It does not work on me...
It appears to be working on all of you...
Prior to 1929 Economists were saying that the FED was printing too much...after they were saying that the FED was printing too little...
The FED prints nothing...
Prior to 1929 consumers were requesting the required amount of debt to be manufactured by the commercial banks to sustain debt inflation...
After maximum potential was reached consumers were not requesting the required amount of debt to be manufactured by commercial banks to sustain debt inflation.
And the same thing is going to happen again...
You all request monetary inflation until you can't anymore and that's it game over...
The whole stupidity implodes and then after the dust settles you do it again...It's fun at the start...It's a mindboggling horrowshow that blindsides you at the end...Then it's fun at the start...It's a mindboggling horrowshow that blindsides you at the end...
Inflation is followed by deflation which is followed by inflation which is followed by deflation....
You all think that inflation comes after inflation...
You ignore deflation...
The beauty of the just think positive ignore the negative social engineering.
That is what happens to a debt backed by debt economic system once an entity employs it as a monetary system...A huge debt inflationary self delusional bubble forms...The late 50's is where it began the passing of no return point...
Something needed to be done...nothing was done...at all...zero.
All the system can do is leverage leverage until the maximum potential leveraging is reached then the system implodes...And this is not some new phenomena...it is a natural systemic feature...and has happened before but the magnitude of this bubble is easily 8-10 times the size of the bubble that formed before the Great Depression...that one only inflated for about 14-16 years...this one has been inflating for about 55...
Basically to continue much longer rates have to keep dropping basically forever or wages/income must somehow begin rocketing up...
The zero rate barrier prevents rates from dropping forever and the dependance on external and or illegal alien production labor plus resources to supply internal consumption sends the wage rocket crashing back down to Earth...
If the price of oil were to collapse then the demand for dollars would also take a hit...The markets will destabilize, fly out of control and have to be shut down at some point...
The system dictates the actions of all...and I have produced many posts to point out the mechanics of it all.
If you have no clue how the system works then it will not matter how many men you eliminate...or envy.
Manipulation? The longer a fractional reserve system is in operation the weaker it gets...You are forced to manipulate it to sustain it...The weaker, the more manipulation...Without massive social engineering and manipulation the whole depraved mess you think is normalcy would have imploded long ago...
Everything you see is an effect of the cause which is the system...but how did the system come into being 315 years ago? FREE WILL...
Men employing free will chose Absolute self indulgent reason as the way they would solve the problems they had...The system was a product of absolute self indulgent reason...The monetary system is based on absolute self indulgent reason...
Those who employ self indulgent reason believe the needs of the one or few outweigh the needs of the many...
The only need is truth...
They also believe that you can do whatever you want as long as you don't get caught breaking the law...
Truth is the only law...
And Finally they believe that the ends justify the means...so if your end is not to get caught breaking the law (Truth) then lying or the means is justified...
Over time the system corrupts all who come in contact with it...some more some less some absolutely...
The people who created this current system died 100's of years ago...
All this system can do is leverage leverage until the maximum potential then it implodes and it would not matter if the most wise and benevolent human beings to have ever existed ran it...In fact the most wise and benevolent people would be saying the same thing...and would refuse to allow it to operate...If the population was aware of the simple mechanics of fractional reserve banking the inevitable systemic implosion would be self evident and they would demand it's abolishment...
But for some reason those who employ absolute self indulgent reason reject Responsible altruistic logic, reject truth...violently...You either reject truth in favor of lies or one set of lies in favor of another set of lies...to suit your self indulgent reasoning.
Can you tell the difference between truth and lies?
The very act of employing absolute self indulgent reason is corruption...delusional.
The system itself was designed by corrupted individuals and it is a corrupted system from the very first second of operation...and corrupts all who come into contact with it...the longer it operates the greater the level of corruption
And you and everyone else are the human beings behind the system...
The population is where the power is...If the population does not realize it is they who are corrupted and identify the system as the cause and demand change then nothing will change...ever...
It's as simple as that...The devil made me do it excuse that you and everyone else employs so you don't have to take responsibility for your actions does not wash...
If the ends are to not take responsibility for your actions then scapegoating is justified...
The system itself is evil and empowers evil yet you want to reject that truth and instead point the finger at someone higher up in the food chain as the culprit or cause...
It matters not if you kill them or if you are killed or if 2 billion people are killed...the system will continue to function...although the current system, The global centralized fractional reserve banking branch network, is 315 years old fractional reserve banking and the attachment of interest to the medium of exchange is 1000's of years old...
When I look back in the historical record other than rumors the banking systems of the past 600 years have all been fractional...and no single culprit is responsible...Humanity in general allows this to happen over and over again...And there is no excuse...it is a choice of free will...I have chosen not to support the corruption you have...If you want to come up with a purge list fine...Purges have been going on for 1000's of years and nothing has been accomplished by them except population reduction...
Both ideologies are the same...kill or be killed...with the system empowering both...Pure insanity...Animals.
The Bible does not mention fractional reserve banking at all...I guess the men that wrote it were unaware or wanted to keep it a secret...
In fact no religious scripture mentions it or tries to explain it.
It has only been in the past 60 years that the information has been so widely available...
But no one really cares...
The US is the primary debt inflationary engine that liquifies the world...The USSR and Japan collapsed soon after debt inflationary growth collapsed in the US.
Since then Japan has been a natural debt deflationary sink which absorbs huge amounts of US exported debt inflation...One reason why the Japanese markets have never recovered is that excess liquidity ends up in Japanese markets which are then sold off to support Wall Street...The US is the top but in the Global economic system the US and Japan share a symbiotic hand in hand relationship...Combined they account for 50% of Global GDP...
The incomes of most of the worlds population are composed of large amounts of combined US/Japanese generated debt...
Once the US goes the rest of the world will cave in...
The biggest member of the EU is Germany which is also highly dependant on the US for a large portion of its GDP and is the third largest economy on the planet...
There is no escape...except maybe for some isolated enclaves...
The people who own the money supply which you rent will clean up...
Next you will tell me you don't believe in private property rights...
If you are renting out something and the people you are renting it to can't pay what are you going to do?
Something different? Give me a break.
In a debt backed by debt system the only way to pay the rent on debt that is requested by consumers from commercial banks which create it out of thin air and attach interest (rent) to it is to request commercial banks to create more debt out of thin air with interest attached (rent).
Until maximum potential is reached then the whole Ponzi scheme collapses...
Soon the ability to lower rates will hit a brick wall...the zero barrier...then it will become impossible to request more and more debt to be created out of thin air with interest attached...then all anyone will be able to do is request less and less...which will cause a mindboggling collapse in the division of labor.
It takes most mindless consumers about two and a half years to realize it's over when it's over.
For the past two years the only thing floating this mess has been desperate consumer consumption of debt...
The only problem is the dollar coming home to roost scenario...A dollar of debt can only be exchanged for a dollar of debt in a debt backed by debt system...The dollars are already roosting the second they exist...
What you see is what you get...What is everyone going to dump dollars for? Dollars? What is the FED going to do? Buy figments of everyones imagination with figments?
Yes I agree it's possible it could turn into a comedy before the nightmare begins.
I guess it boils down to rates crashing in search of volume...at some point there will be no volume...and sure the FED can step in and buy Treasuries but that has almost no effect after a cave in except to prevent the Federal Government from imploding...The FED needs the Government and military for protection and bill collection...
****It is easy...one day a whole city is vaporized...and all you have to do is have a camera rolling when the suspect is being loaded into the back of a van screaming 'Alla Akbar long live Osama' on every channel...and the Internet goes blank or when you try to connect all you get is a screen that says 'Prepare to die, infidel' and it keeps playing a video of a kid screaming getting his head cut off...And every right wing nut will be running around blowing lesser forms of life away...end of story...****
Just science fiction...My guess is whatever takes place will be something which we have not thought of...Maybe they invented a machine where they press the button and we all drop dead...That would be humane at least.
The Internet was a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency construct which is the central research and development organization for the US Department of Defense...
We are all caught in the WEB...All the Islamic websites were shut down prior to 9-11.
The minimum window is down to 9 to 39 days...I don't know exactly how crafty mindless consumers can be or what extra tricks authorities can pull...
What is going to happen in the time frame? The I won't believe it till I see it crowd will see whatever it is that they have refused to believe all their life I guess...cold cruel reality.
I give information...that's it.
I know...you want me to be wrong or you are screwed royally.
Well if you think me being off by a few months is going to mean anything then you are screwed royally.
Once enough of the population fall victim to the religion of interest it is over...
Then life turns into a quest for higher yields...
The US is going down the toilet because you all want it to...
I've pressed plenty of people in person and not one of them was able to play stupid for long...
"The Bible does not mention fractional reserve banking at all."
Have you ever heard of "Usury"? It is the same thing. Attempts to discredit the bible are widespread and growing. But then so is the collapse, and for the same reasons.
Babylon is fallen, is fallen. Prophecy fulfilled, warnings unheeded. Fancy words exchanged for plain, and then denied, because they are not fancy.
"Have you ever heard of "Usury"? It is the same thing."
There's a difference:
The "difference" is in lost in overwhelming ridicoulous detail. Loaning money at interest is "usury". The Bible warns against it. Why is it important {to you} for Hypertiger to pretend he is the first to write about these things? Pretend safety measures {fractional reserve banking} are worthless to thieves.
"Why is it important {to you} for Hypertiger to pretend he is the first to write about these things?"
Again, there is a difference between interest and fractional reserve banking.
From the post:
"The Bible does not mention fractional reserve banking at all...It has only been in the past 60 years that the information has been so widely available..."
I don't believe Hypertiger is claiming to be the first to write about fractional reserve banking - obviously someone has written of it previously for it to be available for 60 years.
He does have a way with words!
So we are in survival mode now. In your view of the economy, how is that accomplished? How do i survive? What should I do with my money?
"Step one Get over the shock...
Step two Reduce the cost of existence to as low as you can
Step three Get out of and avoid long term debt...If you have alot of equity in Real estate then it is up to you if you want to sell...A motorhome might come in handy...
The key is time...Now you have it, the above is not radical...When the main event takes place...There will only be enough time to panic...for 100's of Millions of people...They will not have time to get over the shock...reduce their cost of existence or get out of long term debt...
Silver and Gold coins will be money...Even cash will be if it exists in people's minds as money..."
I think a stash of food, water, seeds and gardening tools is a good idea.
I dont know about yall but im gonna go Cannibalize some of the stoopid folks.... So stock up on your favorite condiments and lets go club some idiots and roast em....
Below is Usury...
The purpose of the Police and military is to protect the top from the bottom...
To protect cause from consequence...
The easiest prey of the hunter gatherer is the farmer and the simplest operation is the protection scheme...
You are either with us or against us...
All money is decreed money...fiat...
The top says this is money...Or else...period end of story....
You Farmer are on the Land owned by the LORD of the land and you will pay tribute to the LORD of 1 Gold coin a year...
Where do I get this GOLD coin?
You can take one short ton of grain to the grainery of the LORD and there you will be given a GOLD coin for it and then you can give the gold coin to the servant of the LORD...
What if I refuse?
Then the LORD will drive you from the Land that the LORD is the LORD of...
There you go an abundant supply of free food to power your wildest hopes and dreams...Lies and delusions...
22 And The LORD said, Behold! The man has become as one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put forth his hand and also take from the Tree of Life, and eat, and live forever,
23 The LORD sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground out of which he was taken.
24 And He drove the man out. And He lodged the cherubs at the east of the Garden of Eden, and the flaming sword whirling around to guard the way of the Tree of Life.
Well what is done with all that Food the tillers of the LORD's land give the LORD as Tribute?
It powers the Absolute capitalist Hierarchial food powered make work enterprise...(Feeds all of you)
The city state...Or Civilization...The thing you all popped into existance within and are in currently.
Take "usury" {the loaning of money at interest} out of fractional reserve banking and what do you have left? Nothing.
The LORD owns the Earth because He created the Earth. He puts the people in charge that He wants in charge. The people in charge are about to be changed. He has had usurers in charge to teach us a lesson, most of us aren't paying attention, that will soon change, or else.
my previous comment didn't get posted. im trying again.
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