Fractional reserve banking does not work and never will...Or it would have by now...It is totally dependant on debt inflation to operate...Once it reaches its maximum potential it implodes...It does not matter if the most benevolent and wise human on the earth administers it for the total benefit of mankind...It reaches its maximum potential and implodes...
The absolute capitalist construct known as Fractional reserve banking will either implode if a responsible capitalist tries to control it or corrupt the responsible capitalist into an absolute capitalist...
You don't have to believe it...It does not matter what you believe...As soon as you become dependant on or put your destiny into the hands of an absolute capitalistic system your self destruction is assured...Without a doubt...
Except to the ignorant...Why is fractional reserve banking not taught in schools? Because it would be blindingly self evident to all that it is just a Ponzi scheme with a maximum potential that when reached causes the leveraging of leverage pyramid to implode...
You ask if you can borrow 10 dollars and I say sure...then get you to sign a contract which states I will lend you $10 for 1 year at 10% so after a year you will owe me $11 in gold or silver...Then I pull out a napkin and write $10 on it and hand it to you...
You say this is a napkin it's not money...Then I say you are in luck because I'm a banker and all the banks accept my napkins because I accept theirs...
Now get to work because you owe me $11...in gold and silver...The Judges and Police accept my napkins too and will enforce the contract you signed...
That is how banking has basically worked for 300 to 400+ years...
Now we have a debt backed by debt system so forget the gold...
Elimination of the Gold standard allows banks to create almost unlimited amounts of debt out of thin air...But consumers have a finite ability to borrow it...once the borrowing slows or stops when the maximum potential is reached...the bubble will pop...
Bankers are just accountants with two sets of books and the power to create debt out of thin air...and call it money...
It is just a monumental Ponzi scheme...everyone is paying interest on something that does not exist except in their imaginations...
It is working to your advantage...The farmers produce the food and you all produce...sewage, and more mouths to feed...It supports your desire to take more than you give far past natural maximum potentials...
But since it is a lie to begin with it can not be sustained forever...a Lie is finite and fragile and depends upon the infinite and indestructible truth for it's existence...The lie needs power to sustain the fight against truth and when the lie requires infinite and indestructible power to sustain it's existance it requires truth since that is the only source of infinite and indestructible power...Which is revelation and the lie which was masqeurading as truth is revealed and self destructs...
The cherished delusions you all currently believe are truth are finite and fragile delusions that require greater amounts of power to sustain the existence of...
The Just think positive ignore the negative religion basically shatters when the truth is revealed without any way to continue ignoring it...
It's why rich people used to live in castles with elaborate defences and private security forces...To avoid the consequences of their actions...
Now you worship them and their compounding interest GOD...
Top lives off the yield from the bottom until the bottom is sucked dry...Then game over...
Hence the need for castles with elaborate defences and private security forces...To avoid the consequences...
You are all employees of the top sucking from the bottom system...PM's were created by the top...Farmers have no use for gold or silver...Iron is their PM...
Everyone is in on the take more than you give action and there is no way to escape the consequences...
You want to be left alone? Quit revealing yourself...The top wants to be left alone...They don't reveal themselves...
You can't have your cake and eat it too...sorry.
The DOW (Greater fool market) is the last to cave in...The Index is a key social engineering and wealth extraction tool...
Green arrow = Economy good
Red arrow = Economy bad
Resistance is at 10,000 the speculative trading range is above 10,000...The top has been buying 10,000 and selling above it to "milk the top of the bottom" (You speculators). September 11, 2001 was where liquidity (Debt inflation) in the system had dried up to the point where the top was forced to sell...9-11 was the smokescreen to give the drones something new to think about other than a crashing market and collapsing economy due to the slowing of consumer debt inflation which began in late 1998 and produced the minor debt deflationary shockwave that hit the 314 year old Global system...
Since 2000 when the total money supply was 25 Trillion US consumers have requested the commercial banking system to manufacture 24 Trillion more...
The Dow has basically gone nowhere 2000 to 2008 with an increase in the money supply in that time of almost 100% since the top is milking the top of the bottom (All you speculators)...the top buys and sells, you all follow along...
The books have not been balanced in 314 years...The USA was made the demand of the system in 1944...Every economic zone outside of the USA either has the USA as the #1 consumer of their exports or the #1 consumer of their exports has the USA as the #1 consumer of their exports...
China and India are being inflated by US exports of debt in exchange for Imports into the USA of products, raw materials, and services that can be performed outside the USA...
Once aggregate demand (debt inflation) drops in the USA...lights out for China and India...The entire world...
The same thing happened in the 20's with Great Britain...The previous demand bacame too small... 1933-1944 was the bankruptcy reorganization of the Global system...The USA was the only economy still functioning afterwards...
Now the USA is too small...
A typical US consumer can request 10 times more debt than a typical Indian or Chinese consumer...The USA has 10 times the retail square footage than Europe...
There is nothing on Earth to replace the USA as the demand of the 314 year old Global system...
The current standards of living in Asia and India are unfortunately supported by US consumer debt inflation...They will all cave in and the third world cut off from the scraps they currently get will just drop dead...
Yes there will be an event of some sort to scapegoat it all...such as...My day dream theory would have took place but (Insert scapegoat here) happened...
Some definitions from Investopedia:
Stagflation occurs when the economy isn't growing but prices are - not a good situation for a country to be in. This happened to a great extent during the 1970s, when world oil prices rose dramatically, fueling sharp inflation in developed countries. For these countries, including the U.S., the effects of inflation were considerably made worse because of this stagnation.
There is no precise numerical definition to hyperinflation. This is a situation where price increases are so out of control that the concept of inflation is meaningless. The most famous example of hyperinflation occurred in Germany between January 1922 and November 1923. By some estimates, the average price level increased by a factor of 20 billion!
Declining prices, if they persist, generally create a vicious spiral of negatives such as falling profits, closing factories, shrinking employment and incomes, and increasing defaults on loans by companies and individuals. To counter deflation, the Federal Reserve (the Fed) can use monetary policy to increase the money supply and deliberately induce rising prices, causing inflation. Rising prices provide an essential lubricant for any sustained recovery because businesses increase profits and take some of the depressive pressures off wages and debtors of every kind.
So where are we going first? BTW, the definitions may be outdated...
Back then the USA had a manufacturing sector and the employees had to receive raises to continue functioning...Now your manufacturing sector is DOA so there is not going to be a repeat...
The debt to income ratio was 55% and the savings rate was 10% now it's negative...
The total debt supply was 1.5 Trillion now its 49 Trillion...
Back then you had a trade balance of zero...now it's negative 1 Trillion dollars...
The FEDERAL RESERVE did not artificially drive rates lower when the top sold the Nasdaq into oblivion..Desperate consumers accelerated their requests for debt starting in 2000 which caused rates to drop and begin to accelerate downward in early 2001 like a rocket...The helicopters of money that consumers were requesting to be manufactured by the commercial banks...
The FED actually intervened by selling bonds or reserves into the bond market to keep rates from plunging to zero...Fortunately the top is good at planning since the FED has a finite amount of reserves and needed more...Good thing Congress had the Iraq war as justification to request the Treasury to increase the bond supply so that the FED could keep rates from plunging to nothing...
You are finished...It's game over...There is no way to escape...kiss it all good bye
But of course until you are blindsided by the truth and forced to accept it you can ignore it and search for delusions to place over top of the truth.
It's what you are all doing...
It's the "all knowing" silliness that is such a bothersome feature. Closed minded, only one possible way thinking. There is a spirit of meanness to it that nullifies Truth.
Once that occurs, both the heart and the mind are closed.
People just hate to admit that they could be wrong. Ego is the greatest sin of all. It's an emotional thing.
I love the search for Truth, but anyone who claims it as their complete and sole domain defies Truth "IT"self.
One cannot pour tea into a full cup. The cup must first be emptied.
In order for truth to enter, something must leave. This is where ego blocks the way. Truth is egoless.
You don't love the search for truth...
You search for excuses to make mistakes and then for excuses to limit or attempt to escape the consequences...
You do not know truth at all...You don't have to admit you could be wrong...
You have to realize you are...
I could be wrong but until I'm forced to realize it I'm going to blissfully continue what I'm doing...
Great plan...reasonable but not logical.
Well sorry to inform you of this but you are the only one in the Universe that can force yourself to realize that you are wrong...
You search for excuses to make mistakes and then for excuses to limit or attempt to escape the consequences...
The top is running the end is near social engineering operation while at the same time running the end is not near social engineering...
You do have a choice...And reason is the path of least resistance so most socially engineered drones choose the just think positive ignore the negative religion...
Those who don't choose to prepare or are unprepared will not be around to tell the tale or their "loser moans" will be ignored by the rest of the drones.
As long as human beings can inflate the population quicker than it deflates then the end of Human beings will not show up...
The end of the cherished delusion that you all have taken for granted and depend upon to power your hypocritical existence is near though...
"Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the (Responsible) Capitalistic System was to debauch the currency. . . Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million can diagnose." - John Maynard Keynes, Socialist (Absolute capitalist) and one of the chief architects of our current system...
I must be one in a Million...Which means there are about 300 people in North America who truly comprehend what is going on...
Responsible capitalists create and absolute capitalists destroy...
Political labels and Religious affiliations are what Absolute capitalists hide behind...all they care about ultimately is control and power...absolute control and power...
All opposition must then be wiped out...The USA and it's Constitution must be wiped out...It's memory must be wiped out...Only a complete collapse of civilization as it is currently understood has a chance of doing that...
That is the goal of the Absolute capitalists...The final solution is always the elimination of all opposition to the final solution...
Denial of the collapse is what they are counting on...
In order to bring in the new world order the current order has to be destroyed...inflate to maximum potential then implode...
Folks it's over...Job well done...You have all done your job well...
It's not a case where you have to remove the Federal reserve...It was doomed to inevitable implosion...The whole system was 314 years ago...All it could do was inflate to maximum potential and implode...It's over...game over...
Kiss it all good bye, you can't have your cake and eat it too...
Without the current financial system the Old World Order (This fantasy you are currently enjoying) can no longer function...It will rapidly vaporize...
Then the glorious New World Order can replace it...(The old fantasy repackaged and called new and improved)
This cycle has happened many times...This time will be no different...
You are still totally unaware of the horrowshow that awaits and you all will be screaming for a return to the happy days.
It's based on Hierarchy.
There is GOD then you.
Those who want you to polish their shoes have convinced you that there is shoes and then you.
I've been studying this for years...The economy will collapse violently...How you percieve life now will be gone...there won't be enough left of the economy to fill an ashtray...The biggest bubble of them all is the psychological bubble...
I have some news for you...the people who own the system know full well its effects and its mechanics...they have forgotten nothing...The people who imposed it or made it law...are just plain old self indulgent idiots...They can't forget what they don't know...
Basically for 300 years every bank in the world has been a fractional reserve institution...you have to go back 400+ years to see a 100% reserve institution...
You are trying to comprehend it in your own way...as corrupted responsible capitalists...
Unless you have the power to create money out of thin air you are totally unprepared for what is coming...
The top has all the pieces of paper which state the bottom owes them...The excuse that you can not pay the top because the system which the top owns has broken down making it impossible to pay the top...will not fly...
The bottom owes everything to the top...the top owes the bottom nothing...absolutely goddamned zero not one penny...Their shit is more valuable than your life...
Don't think so? Who cares what you think? Not the Top...unless you think they are a problem or you have a problem with that, then you are a threat...Because the general population has below zero clue on how the basic mechanics work, any cause for the collapse can be rolled out...
Any finger pointed at the top will be swiftly and violently chopped off...I have quick hands...but even I'm pushing it...
The special relationship the Government and Federal Reserve have allow them to function just fine while the rest of the economic system collapses into rubble...
You will just be infrared targets on a scope if you resist... Planes can crop dust entire cities to subdue them...
We are running out of oil and natural gas? Simple, reduce the population...problem solved...
The Department of Homland Security, go to their site and see just how big it is, is the defacto shadow Government in waiting...controlled by the President...
Ultimately they will fail...but the absolute capitalists will slam the hammer down with a force you can not begin to comprehend in the initial stages...
It is just a waiting game...the blow to your psychology will be devastating...
Whatever hope you have now will be taken out back and shot...
There is no one on the net with a clearer understanding of the situation than you. Thanks.
No mathematical solution. Title means something. The King had title to England and others held property at his convenience. All you have to do is look at the market today. Marked up overnight on news that was on the street Friday. The market appeared to be accumulating yesterday even though it faded downward. The market makers don't need a reason to make the market go up, they just mark it that way in thin overnight trading. The next phase is to sucker the upper middle class and lower rich into borrowing themselves into fantastic riches. I wish I had the poetry in my writing HT does.
clip from PO.com thread, “There will be No 2008 elections” - a topic near and fear to my dark heart …
“I want to vote for GWB for a third term . Cause I know he will really fuck things up and get the crash going even faster. Hell to bad darth cheney won’t run I’d vote for him too. So I guess my next best choice for fucker upper is Hitlery . Cause when you want something fucked up right you get a woman to do it.”
“LMAO. At times I think they want Obama to win so when things collapse they can blame it on a black person.”
IMO, come (s)election or not, be they rigged, stolen, hacked, fixed, postponed, canceled, or even (ha ha) ‘proper’… whatever - makes not one wit of difference to me or to anyone of us. The collapse of ‘civilization’ and all of the personal and societal unraveling this will engulf will remain categorically unaffected and ‘right on track’. Fear rules the ‘heart and mind’ of man. Always has. Always Will. (Hence ‘came’ religions and governments and all the manifold, illusory, deceptive. manipulatory machinations thereof).
The fear of impact (effect of) is greatest during the crash - not before - NTM the overarching universally debilitating disdain of the wholly unknown and grossly unfamiliar. While fear can be rational, it seldom is. Panic, chaos and rage will reign - and ‘triumph’ BTW - as the dominoes tumble in sustained rigorous sequence. Period.
Who or what ‘holds the reigns of power’ is and will be categorically irrelevant on the personal/local level and on the national/global levels. Least anyone think they have a mere hint of what’s actually ahead (unfolding), let me suggest none of us can truly imagine what is to soon be revealed vis a vie the penultimate terminal impact with physical reality.
Current private/personal visions of (illusory) reality with ALL evaporate into a vacuum/void and be blown away as if puffs of Saharan dust. Many will twitch in shock and disbelief (exponential cognitive dissonance). Many will succumb to the futility of violence. Most will seek an illusory solace in an (alleged) afterlife and/or savior if they haven’t previously, being felt (deceived) ‘worthy’ of ‘godliness’ and ‘eternity’. All will intimately know the fear of the jungle (predation) and the pervasive stench of death. Gory Gory Hallelujah. Amen.
Repeated for emphasis:
Peak Oil (aka Peak ALL you’ve ever known), global ecological destruction, exponential growth - aka death (i.e., human over population), climate change (chaos), and pervasive socioeconomic dependency on complexity cumulatively conspire to culminate in a civic supernova.
Gravity sucks, reality blows - (but) hope kills. Hope is the veritable antithesis of Being. Cultivate (harbor, develop) exceptionally excremental expectations and you can never be disappointed.
Life is a (sexually transmitted) terminal condition. Entropy always ‘wins’; individual, civilization, species, planet, sun, galaxy, and universe alike.
We have no “rights” (never did), only the effects of [individual and collective] causation. We each have but this one opportunity (life) to experience our growth from suffering, for awareness, for being, to witness the Universe in awe and with gratitude regardless of our manifold misperceptions and self-serving delusions.
As Deek (praise be upon him) often closes, ” The planet is fucked. It’s your fault. Turn in next week to see why doing nothing didn’t help.”
What is happening is that our system is built on crap, lots and lots of crap, all designed to help specific groups, and not the general populace. Amazing really. I used to argue on a forum with a recently graduated (Dartmouth) Economist, and he would state things as fact, but according to this book, Ron Paul, the Ludwig Von Mises institute, and many other *truely* Free Market Economists, he is wrong.
This kid tried to tell me, for months and months, that inflation was good. By design, it pushes people to invest their money. What amazed me most, (I have written about this before) is that the government wants inflation, and our system is designed this way. It is truly amazing. Ok wait, lets start GeekMode™ for a second here:
We are, no joke, living in The Matrix. You there, reading this article. You are living in a dreamworld, a prison for your mind. You are a slave. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.
Ok lets end GeekMode™.
It is true, all dorkiness aside. You were born into a prison. You don’t realize it, but you were. We all were.
The first thing to learn is that the idea that prices always go up - that is not natural. Prices can go up for natural reasons, but the idea that they always go up, every year, is part of our economic system. It is designed that way. They want prices to go up. Why?
As the book says ‘Inflation is designed to deceive labor (the average worker) by reducing REAL wages (that is, wages in relation to purchasing power) by increasing prices.’
Key word: deceive.
There are a few key concepts here. Money is just a number, not real wealth. If the government printed a godzillian dollars, and gave everyone say, a million dollars for nothing, what would happen?
At first, people would go nuts, they would buy things at normal prices. But quickly, shops would run out of goods. Any business, seeing products flying out the door, will raise prices, to hopefully still sell all of their goods, but at the highest price possible. So prices start to go up. Eventually, the prices would go up to a point that people who were living at the same standard they were before they received the million dollars. Now a loaf of bread is $20, a car is $100,000. People think they are rich, but they are not. Their real wealth has not changed, they just have more paper notes in their pocket.
Inflating the system does not make people more wealthy, it just changes the numbers. This is another key concept. Until the money has been in circulation awhile, prices are normal, so the people who first receive the money will actually end up with more stuff. By the time the government gives the last million to the last citizen, the prices have increased, and the citizen gets nothing extra, actually, that person will actually be able to buy less than they did before, while the people who got their million first, end up with more stuff at the end.
People like me, the blue collar workers of America, we are the last ones to get the million.
Some people will say ‘but inflation hurts everyone, the prices go up for the rich people too’. This is true, sort of. The final trick is that people who can afford to invest their money, and make interest off of their investment, will keep pace with, or even out pace, inflation. Those who can invest the highest proportion of their salary into something will do the best. So Bill Gates will be hurt less than some guy making $200,000 a year, even though they both invest their money. Someone making $20,000 a year, who cannot invest at all, gets hurt the most.
The system is designed so that there is always more and more money being added to the pool, and by the nature of how it works, that money will not flow to the poorest, it will always flow upwards, to the rich. The repercussions of adding money to the system is most felt by those who receive none of the new money.
Yet, those people do not usually notice, until inflation gets bad, which is it right now. Why would there be a lot of money being added to the pool right now? What does the government need lots of money for?
War. Wartime seems to create economic growth, but in reality, it creates inflation. At first it helps, because jobs are added to companies that have military contracts. Those new employees go out and buy groceries, houses, cars. Local businesses see an increase in demand, business is booming they say… but then the prices start to go up, and anyone not getting a raise or rich enough to invest, will now make less money. You, me, and everyone else is paying for Iraq, every time we pay more for gas, food, everything. Inflation is a big part of the higher gas prices, make no mistake.
And thanks to the death of many Unions, people do not get a ‘cost of living raise’ anymore. As Henry Hazlitt states in ‘Economics In One Lesson’:
What they (the people inflating the system) forget is that labor has itself become sophisticated: that the big unions employ labor economists who know about index numbers, and that labor is not deceived.
But labor is deceived, remember this book was written in the 40s. As unions declined, it became every man for himself, and since none of us are taught monetary policy in high school (you did notice we all go to government run schools, right?) we never see the trick.
You there, the person who slogged through this long winded article! We are just slaves. Why is it almost impossible for the average American to survive on one paycheck? Did the government really do anything at all by raising minimum wage? That raise you received this year, that made you feel good, are you really richer than you were last year?
Ultimately there are ways that the government disguises inflation. Inflation is hard to measure, and of course, Reagan took housing out of the calculations in the 80s. The money that inflated housing prices had to come from somewhere, right? Yet how can the inflation numbers still say 3% or 4% per year? There are other ways, but there is enough to digest here already.
Hazlitt says, even the most hardened Economists find it impossible to factor inflation into everything. When we hear on TV that the economy grew 4% last year, do we remember that inflation was 4%, so that we really did not grow at all? When the stock market goes up and up and up, do we remember that without our inflationary system is artificially boosting those numbers, and that much of the money pushing the stock market to ever higher numbers is slowly, quietly, being sucked from the Average American? When we get a 4% raise, do we remember that we really are only treading water, and not really getting ahead? When the politicians and economists say they do not understand why the rich poor gap is widening so fast, will they think of inflation? No, no one does. Even professional economists will forget, and that is why the system works.
This system only came about in 1913. Ever heard the phrase ‘the Roaring 20s’? I would think it is not coincidental that this system was put in place in 1913, and within 20 years, the US had a huge boom in its economy, and then a HUGE bust. Booms and busts, sound familiar?
You were born into a prison. One that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison. For your mind.
"You were born into a prison. One that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison. For your mind."
The slave who believes he is free is more productive than the one in chains.
Nice comment Cheryl. Hyper, I just read the October 21, 2007 post which for you that missed it was quite a writing. The way you closed that out in stunning fashion was quite nice. I believe I have spent a good 10 years myself putting the pieces together. In that post, you kind of asked the question of yourself why you didn't profit from what you knew. It is clear that knowing what you know and what I know, it isn't easy to even step out and profit. It isn't easy because the system entangles you. One that doesn't understand the system cannot understand why one that does understand the system cannot profit from it. In one way or another there isn't profit, only death and survival. I have contemplated for a long time what the world would look like with money in the pockets of the masses. I guess I could go to some third world country and see this, but it wouldn't be the same as seeing the typical American without a dime. Some would give a lot just to have what only months earlier they were flushing down the drain.
I debate this inflation subject on the Prudent Bear board all the time. Oil is going up and they post over and over again how stupid us deflationists are. It really doesn't occur to them that The US was used as the demand for the world because we had the collateral. The market rallied on Tuesday and the reason used was the Fed gave away $200 billion and took junk as collateral, so they went right to the stock market with $200 billion and bought stock. There is dumb and dumber. Few realize that all the inflation we have seen over the past several years has come from liquidated housing collateral.
The other idea is that every thing out there has been a bubble, now commodities and gold, that is the real thing. How are they going to finance that? $1 trillion would buy up about all the commodities in the world, save the world gold supply. And, if they actually inflated the gold supply to $2000 an ounce (They use a 28 year old mistake as evidence of where the price of gold is going), the world money supply would be $10 trillion in hard money and that in itself would be inflation. Of course, I guess we might get a bailout with appreciating gold? One could just buy gold and in a few years, pay the world debt off.
I have been preaching this inflation to maximum potential for a long time. I don't use your means of saying it in that fashion. There are 3 types of people, poor people, well to do people that have stayed in and continually accumulate debt and those that hold the IOU's of the others. Maybe there is a 4th, the guy on top who sells all this stuff. I have identified him as well, the 1% that owns 90% of everything and controls the price, sells on the way up and buys when the rest throw in the cards. In any case, the first guy can't add much and it floors me they got any credit at all. The second people make a lot of money and retire poor and the third aren't going to lose what they have, people like my parents. So, if #1 and #2 are borrowed up, how are we going to get #3 to throw away their money and join the other 2? It is a fat chance the third type is going to become a spend thrift and bail the system out.
I think if the Fed didn't know, which I think they did know, pretended that there was enough money out there. We are now hearing about the $55 trillion in household net worth out there? Who has it? I doubt the bottom 85% have $2 trillion of it. The next 10% have another $3 trillion and the other 5% have $50 trillion. of those bottom 85%, the net worth cumulative is negative. The top 1% have probably 85% of the remaining $50 trillion and all the marbles that count.
The question is, where do you shift gears and do you leave the country? I am not cash rich, but my mother is, probably $1.3 million in cash and more in free and clear real estate. We are in the DFW area, which has been a fast growing area and houses are relatively stable considering the national problems. I am wondering if the houses will even have any value at all after this implodes? The cash will go up in value for a short term then fade to nothing as well the best I can tell, as the debt that supports the debt that is traded collapses. Thus I am waiting with bated breath to step in and buy some gold.
As you say, the top will make the rules and we will follow them. Gold might not even be what they use next time and as you say, next time could be a long time coming. I have often thought about Rome being a collapse and have written as much. The dark ages one more time. It already occurs to me that people are to the point that very few can do math without a machine and I would guess that almost as many cannot read that well. It could get dark really fast.
"Thus I am waiting with bated breath to step in and buy some gold."
Why are you waiting? Gold is a sapling, silver is an acorn.
Silver will be recognized as money by poor people and there will be a lot more poor people. Buy silver.
...too late, pft
Waiting because I believe what Hyper says. Asset prices are collapsing in relation to paper. The only things that aren't collapsing right now are the speculative commodity markets. If gold goes appreciably higher, it will be after we have another recovery. The top 5 entities selling gold have a net worth in excess of the 50 million pissants running around cheering the price. The pissants couldn't dream of buying what these people could dump on the market and at some point they will have to sell, because that is what every public buyer has to do.
Wrong! The gold market is not controlled by the US markets.. there is some demand through ETF's, but the East is the big purchaser ( up to this point ) and the gold market is going to Dubai. But , yeah, the Arabs are so stupid to buy gold with their petrodollars when the dollar is gonna explode in value as a fiat currency .. yeah , sure .
See you at $1500. Hold them FRN's LOL
I agree with a lot of what HT has to say and I've been read some of his stuff but through all the doom and gloom I have never read one suggestion from him on how to protect yourself or survive, just condemnation and "Your all screwed"! Hey HT,instead of always telling people how screwed they are how about some useful advice for a change. Time to step it up a notch HT.
All of life takes more than it gives... until it dies and gives it all back. So your "accounting irregularity" is highly dependent on your perspective. Yours seems myopic to me.
Hypertiger, since "life", by definition, takes more than it gives... Are you anti-life? You'd prefer to meld us all back into the eternal oneness that is everything? What a boring place that would be.
Or you'd prefer we each made conscious decisions to maintain a sustainable power exchange. But that decision is highly dependent on the individual's ability to discern all possible effects (IE. impossible). So who gets to decide what level of power exchange is appropriate?
HT, you have a few logical inconsistencies to work out in your theories.
GOD doesn't care. Ultimately nothing matters. The universe is just a way to spend eternity because there is nothing better to do than to create new ways to experience.
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