In a society as long as there are only a few that choose to take more than they give there is not much of a problem...But once everyone chooses to be rich the society is quickly nullified.
One person wants a task completed...Another person agrees to complete the task for 1000 silver pieces. The person then hires 9 people to do the work and the task is completed and he goes to the person that wanted the task to be completed and receives the 1000 silver pieces...
That person then pays each worker including himself 100 silver pieces but imposes a 50% "I want to be a rich man" tax on every worker...So they only get paid 50 silver pieces after taxes.
Employer = The Government
Employee = The Governed
"The subjects of every state [Bottom] ought to contribute towards the support of the government [TOP], as nearly as possible in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state."
--Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations 1776
Governments of the absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise are administration systems of the enterprise constructed and sustained by the bottom or employees at the demand of the top or owners of the absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise
The US Government is not the owner of the absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise...It's just an administration system of the Absolute capitalist hierarchial food powered make work enterprise.
It was like this before I was born and will be after I'm dead.
The top designed the enterprise so that the employees are nullified once the enterprise is nullified...
The survivors of the nullification of the absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise are then employed to build the next absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise.
All in the USA support the regime...Many in Iraq claimed to not support the regime and that did not make them bullet or bombproof.
"The essential claim of sophistry is that the actual logical validity of an argument is irrelevant (if not non-existent); it is only the ruling of the audience which ultimately determines whether a conclusion is considered "true" or not. By appealing to the prejudices and emotions of the judges, one can garner favorable treatment for one's side of the argument and cause a factually false position to be ruled true."
--Sophistry A.K.A Democracy or Truth by Popular delusion/consensus
Key problem with the system is you are forced to choose between the lesser of two or more evils. That is how the agenda moves forward.
Gradually or violently.
There is no way to stop Evil in a democratic system once it metastasizes.
1 becomes 2 then 4 then 8 then 16 the 32 then 64 then 128 then 256 then 512 then 1,024 then 2,048 then 4,096 then 8,192 then 16,384 then 32,768 then 65,536 then 131,072 then 262,144 then 524,288 then 1,048,576 then 2,097,152 then 4,194,304 then 8,388,608 then 16,777,216 then 33,554,432 then 67,108,864 then 134,217,728 then 268,435,456 (Almost the entire population of the USA) then 536,870,912 then 1,073,741,824 then 2,147,483,648 then 4,294,967,296 then 8,589,934,592
Lets say that there is a day between each...By day 28 almost the entire population of the USA is infected and by day 32 almost the entire population of the world is infected.
With Global mass media the time in between can easily be reduced to a second. Most media is nationalistic...meaning that it is tailored to individual countries or economic zones.
It's why the UN is powerless...No mass media network.
The proper response to death threats is death. The defense?
Don't supply a reason to those desperately searching for a reason...
Hard to do when everyone thinks, believes, and has faith that all the actions they choose are reasonable.
Who decides? The few...The many just follow along.
The 2002 Ben Bernanke magic printing press lie is an example of this.
Every non American is a threat and every American is a potential threat. You are either with us or with the terrorists...The simple rules of the game you all are playing. You are backing the right horse or you are backing the wrong horse. If you do not support America...You are an anti Americanite hate monger...
When I made my last run for the top I was paid $100,000 a year to think...The way my employer wanted me to...
Regardless of right or wrong...All that matters is what the top wants.
Evil gives you what you want to get what it wants.
When you are dependant upon imports every exporting nation is invading...And you all welcomed the invaders as Liberators...Like really you are all looking for justification to excuse your freewill choice to destroy the USA...
What do you call someone that leaves his country to work for a foreign power to ultimately destroy the US manufacturing sector? A traitor...or the more benign sounding...Globalist...
Please tell me how you could call a person that chose to do that a patriot...
The logical conclusion was the destruction of the USA machine tool/manufacturing sector...That is what happens when you choose to help foreign powers to invade and occupy your lands...And you all welcomed the invaders as Liberators...
The Indians did not fall for it...But it's by consent or conquest...and once consent failed...It was a somewhat simple operation to inject bullets into their heads...
The Liberals get thrown out of the administration system when the consent operation fails and Conservatives are installed to run conquest operations...
The Unions were taken over decades ago and run into the ground.
The Gradual Absolute capitalists or left, over time, turn you all into baby seals and then the Violent Absolute capitalists or right...club you all into submission.
"A Grand Master Chess Player can think 20 or more moves deep- in essence calculating a Googol of possibilities in his or her mind before making a move."
There are only two moves...The correct one and the incorrect one. The person that wrote the above does not know much about Chess. The objective is to not lose your kingdom. Only fools think the objective is to conquer other Kingdoms.
If you don't play games where there is a chance that your kingdom will be lost...You will never lose it.
You win by not playing the game...Every attempt to conquer your Kingdom fails...
But that is Chess...In real life there are no rules just LAW...LAW of rule...
You can manipulate the Universe however you please as long as you don't get caught breaking a rule or attempting to break LAW.
Breaking down nationalism and then coming together into globalism...
That is the plan of the alchemists...
In China and Japan...It's a six day work week...Sorry...I guess you all better work on Saturdays...
Goal? Defeat the USA...With the Help of the US Government and it's population.
Problem...American goods are bad...Reaction...To hell with the US goods...Solution...buy imports...
Free trade is good...Protectionism is Evil.
Globalism is good...Nationalism is Evil.
Imperialism is good...Sovereignty is Evil.
Lets say you reduce the cost to sustain a slave as low as possible. There is no where but up from there.
The undefended southern border was just a temporary measure...all it did was buy time for the United States of Ignorance to be sustained a little longer is all.
It's wage suppression...not cheap labor...
Top lives off the yield from the bottom...
The top will provide all the weapons to both sides to go at each other like wild animals.
You all think you are smart and the top is dumb...The top has known all along that the absolute capitalist system is unsustainable.
It's their system...They know how it functions.
They are the employers of all...They are encouraging Mexicans to cross the border and encouraging Americans to find this both good and bad.
You are all divided and conquered.
The Anti-Ford social engineering has been in operation for decades...It's too late to save Ford...Or GM...Or the USA...
When Japanese cars first showed up they were garbage...but cheap...
The US Government is supposed to protect the USA but instead the Globalists took over and sold you all on free trade and you fell for it hook line and sinker...
You all shit on the USA and worshipped Japan.
You are all destroying yourselves and 100% totally oblivious.
The Unions? They were taken over decades ago and run into the ground.
The logical conclusion of the compounding interest equation is the total annihilation of all opposition to the total annihilation of all opposition to the logical conclusion of the compounding interest equation...
Due to the construction of the Universe, the logical conclusion of the choice to fight GOD is always doomed to defeat.
It's why soldiers are hired to fight GOD and Generals direct the crusade far from the front lines.
The march to doom with glee that all the just think positive ignore the negative drones are on always has the same logical conclusion or final solution...
Yes I certainly have given up on the march to doom with glee...
If someone lies to you, whether they know they are or not, and you believe it...That is your fault.
Who controls and benefits from the 6000 year old absolute capitalist system?
The top of the top of the absolute capitalist hierarchial food powered make work enterprise...
That's who.
What is the top supposed to do?
Come out and say sorry for all the lies of the past 6000 years?
I need a bibliography from you buddy! You are killing me here, I need to get hold of your basis!
Throw a bone my way and give you the list of your source texts.
Thanks a bunch!
I meant give me your list, one too many fat thumbs ya know.
TheGreatBiscuit with the fat thumbs
There are definitely a lot of wisdoms there, Hypertiger!
Decades of study of Humanity that is the basis...All these repostings of my various babblings is as close as you are going to get to comprehension...
There is no mathematical solution. Debt is used as an asset, debt with accumulated interest. But, they never create the interest. they can only take in more collateral and create more debt. It really isn't that difficult to understand. It is just so damn hard to get past the brainwashing. I tried to get a guy to tell me how he was going to pay back borrowed money with interest or as far as that goes all the other people too. He said he was going to make the money. I asked him with what? A copy machine? I like the way hyper puts this together, with the Fed emergency in 1933, taking the gold, the Bretton Woods agreement that made the US the collateral for the world, a system that hasn't be exited yet to some extent, the closing of the gold window along with the inflation that came with going to a debt system and the constant management of the deflation since. The bubble was natural once the idea of inflation declined and interest rates on mortgages dropped by 50%. A house is like a bond, drop the interest used to buy it and the value goes up proportionally. Extra collateral invented out of inflation due to deflation.
People in debt are going to be ground up in this mess.
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