Yes this is what the big Inflation has looked like for the past 58 years...400 Billion dollar money supply compounded for 58 years at around 7.5% becomes almost 50 Trillion dollars.
There are now calls for massive eye popping Inflation? Sure or the Inflation greater than previous inflation of the past 58 years reaches maximum potential and transforms into Inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential...or Deflation...and civilization as you all half ass comprehend it implodes to oblivion.
The inflationists are all treading water...and will scream for more and more and more as long as they can continue to tread water...but once they reach maximum potential and tire...they will sink and drown in all the liquidity.
So yes with the latest events...We are close to maximum potential inflation greater than previous inflation...The closer we get to maximum potential the more inflation that is required to keep the massive debt inflationary self delusional bubble pictured below from popping and snuffing you all out like candles.
Hey I know...What we do is replace the puppet in office now with a new puppet that will have an ability to blame the previously installed puppet for all the austerity measures they will have to implement...
It will make the austerity measures more acceptable...It will soften the impact of the inevitable implosion...
So what we need is to prop up everything for a few more months...
So far that's what appears to be going on...because folks...the civilization you were born into and grew up in...Is finished...toast...gameoverville. You all just don't know it yet...
The Just think positive ignore the negative inflation forever religion you are all devout followers of.
In a few hours you will forget about this post...
The gold bugs have basically said that Gold is going to moonshot at some point...Thay have been saying this for decades and taking a look at the price of gold...It looks like there's a good chance that after many many years of table pounding...Gold is about to do that...and finally give all the Gold bugs what they have been dreaming about for most of their lives...
A proper Gold market would be one that has no margin allowed and you have to take delivery...Puts and calls would have to be eliminated. It is very easy to fractionally reserve what you can't see.
The owners could easily drive the price of Gold down and break all your backs if they need to...That's why I don't care...
People say...What if they confiscate gold and/or silver?
Well, copper is handy...
Reguardless of how much more inflation is left...the waiting game is almost over and when maximum potential inflation greater than previous inflation is reached...the whole mess...basically all that you see when you open your eyes when you wake up in the morning...will begin to implode...to oblivion...with no way to stop it.
Basically what you all currently think absurd, preposterous, unbelievable, impossible...etc...will show up full force.
A polarity shift...Positive is inflation greater than previous inflation...Negative is inflation less than previous inflation.
"What I point out is that we're in a turning phase, and that the extraordinary improvements that have occurred in the world economy in the last 15 years are transitory, and they're about to change ... So, I think this whole process will begin to reverse."
Sir Alan Greenspan K.B.E. (Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire) Dec. 27, 2007, in an interview with National Public Radio.
Longer than 15 years but once we get deeper into it...no one will remember or care.
But the just think positive religion is striking again...'Don't worry it's going to be slow'...I talked to a depression era banker...He did not know a depression was taking place...
All he knew for sure was that one week he was an accountant in New York and a month later he was completely wiped out down to the clothes on his back...It took place pretty quick...and that so called Great Depression was just a popping of a bubble within a bubble...what is coming is the popping of the actual bubble that has been growing in the USA since the late 1890's...
The policy by the European owners was called the controlled destruction of the USA...You know it as the "New Economy" which sounds way better....
When the global system reaches maximum potential and implodes...It will annihilate the just think positive delusions you currently are entertaining...
Yes we will just all be sitting around playing paddy cake...Don't worry kids the backup Global system will kick in any second now...
It's not going to take years to recover...It'll take generations...But the shock will be quick...
The bottom has not fallen out in well over 100 years in the USA...The so called Great Depression was only the popping of a bubble within the bubble that is the USA since the late 1890's...The technology combined with the social engineering has sustained this bubble far past previous maximum potentials...
The natural cleansing process as the Austrians call it has been basically postponed within the USA for over 70 years...
There was a pattern in the USA prior to 1929...1933 was basically the trend line from the late 1890's...There was still more downward potential but the top engineered the system to prevent further downward movement and from 1933 to now has been a massive postponement of the inevitable natural cleansing process...
The Keynesians totally reject the natural cleansing process...The only way they will accept it is if they are forced to...
They will blame effects of the cause to avoid that...They will tell me that an effect is the cause of the annihilation of their delusions...As opposed to their delusions being the cause of the annihilation...
Like a criminal in a cell thinking that he is there because he got caught...As opposed to the decision 15 years previously to begin being a criminal...The first mistake you make in the chain is the cause...Not the last mistake you make...
The mistake that we are all about to pay for was made 100's of years ago and it's not even a new one...It's the same one we keep making and paying for...
Taking more than we give until there is nothing left to take...Then we are caught...
Right now you are all thinking like criminals basically fooling yourselves into continuing to be criminals since none of you think you are going to be caught...It's not the last mistake you make that catches you it's the first mistake in the chain...
A mistake you are currently making...You all actually think you know how an economy works...you all don't...
What you have seen taking place since you popped into existence was a mistake and it's been nothing but a mistake your entire existence and it was a mistake prior to your popping into existence...
But life goes on...The recorded portion of the Human crime spree is easily 6000 years...
Now you can all convince yourselves that nothing is going to end your crime spree but they do end...But begin again since individual human beings are not immortal yet when taken as a whole are...But of course will never be indestructible...
An individual can not make a fatal mistake twice but as a whole it is nearly impossible to make a fatal mistake...As a whole we could very easily make a mistake that wipes out 90% of the individuals but there are still 10% left to basically gleefully do it all over again...and again...and again...
So far for 6000 years...And of course prior to that...I need no more evidence to pass judgement...
It's your choice to attempt to escape Judgement...escape capture...
One slight problem...There is no escape from GOD and ultimately in order to commit the perfect crime you have to eliminate GOD...GOD supplies all the power that criminals use to power their activities...
The top hates GOD...It is why the top employs you all to do their dirty work...
You think the rules of the game you are all playing apply to the rulemakers? To the owners/creators of the wonderful take more than you give game?
No...All the information that exists has either been manufactured or corrupted to benefit the Crimelords at the top at the expense of the Henchmen at the bottom...period end of story...
The only need I'm required to provide another Human being with, without attempting to break the LAW of the Universe which you all top to bottom bottom to top are attempting to break...Is Truth.
That is all you are obligated to give another Human being...
Then you can make a choice or at least better choices..It really does not matter whether you are aware or not...Ignorance of the truth is the root of all evil...reguardless...
Ignorance is only bliss until it's not...It would be nice if you could claim ignorance and that was the magic spell that allowed escape from the consequences...I don't know what Universe you all inhabit but the one I'm in right now I have found that being unaware of whats going on does not allow me to escape the consequences when I become aware...
It's up to you all to become aware...I can help...But you all have to quit relying on others to do the thinking for you...
Searching for others that believe in the same cherished delusions for support...
The bottom are TPTB...The top acquires control of the bottom in order to obtain the power of TPTB...I really don't have anything to worry about in regards to the top as long as I don't threaten them they will not be a threat to me...It is the bottom who are the loony toons...
It is the drones who have from time to time issued death threats when I threaten their cherished delusions...the top only has one cherished delusion and there is really no way for me to threaten it.
I would have to desire to remove them and take over...The top can have their doomed system...This system is doomed to implosion regardless of how it is operated and has always been doomed to inevitable implosion...
Because "Debt" Deflation is what comes after "Debt" inflation...Unlike you who thinks that debt inflation comes after debt inflation...
One thing I'm sick of seeing is the word printing press...In a debt backed by debt system the only time you need to print fiat is...
1.When previous fiat wears out
2.When the demand for fiat outstrips what is on hand in bank vaults...
That is it...
When consumers request a commercial bank or other credit institutions to create debt out of thin air for their consumption that is the same as printing money...The federal reserve and the commercial banks combined have infinite debt creation abilities...
Consumers unfortunately have a finite ability to request its creation...
Consumers must request the creation of new debt using their previously created debt as collateral...once their collateral is used up to create new debt then debt inflation slows then stops then moves rapidly in reverse...
It is called the maximum potential of debt inflation which we are approaching at a rapid rate...when we hit, debt inflation will become impossible and debt deflation will become possible and unstoppable...
So after debt inflation ends debt deflation begins...
Debt inflation leads to price inflation (More money) and debt deflation leads to price deflation (less money)...
What does the below chart mean? It means that under the old Bretton Woods rules the USA and global system would have imploded decades ago...All you Americans have not been able to stand on your own two feet for close to a century. This "truth" appeared in 1971 when the USA ran out of GOLD to pay for imports...So according to the gold bugs, Nixon should have come on TV and said "Sorry folks we are out of Gold to pay for our fantasy existence and the world as you know it is about to end...Since we have no way to pay for imports they will now stop"...And the USA along with the rest of the world would have imploded...Not a theory...Truth...
None of you would have been happy back then and none of you are going to be happy now since the IMF floating exchange rate system that replaced Bretton Woods only prolonged the fantasy existence past the maximum potential that was reached decades ago...It did not prevent the logical conclusion, it only postponed its arrival...
Basically what you are all unaware of is that the past 100 years of world history has been one huge malinvestment...That is about to be exposed since the ability to postpone its REVELATION is almost exhausted...A finite and fragile delusion that is about to be shattered.
The chart is also old the line has basically almost reached the negative 1 Trillion mark...

Well if you all can't afford to purchase products then the producers can not sustain their American dream...So then they have to make the products cheaper...so that you all can afford them so that the producers can sustain their American dream...
A typical employer in the food powered make work enterprise below the top is a self employed employee of the enterprise...who operates a sub hirerarchy within the hierarchy...
The USA from day one in the 1600's was dependant upon trade from Europe...
And Europe was of course dependant upon Trade from the USA...When a local supply of raw materials is exhausted or becomes unaffordable you have to find another supply...
Why do you all think you were all sent here from Europe? We were all sent here in search of resources to sustain the GLOBAL EMPIRE...
Which is now 314 years old and basically has reached maximum potential and is about to implode...
Again as far as I can tell the USA reached the maximum potential to sustain its existence over 100 years ago...
The past 100 years you all have not been able to sustain your existence without imports from outside of your borders...Which means you are not a sovereign nation...
Well existence as you currently understand and take for granted of course...
What did you expect the self employed employees of the employers to do?
Go bankrupt? Or find another source of supply of power to sustain their delusion commonly called the more benign sounding American Dream?
"Give me control over a nation's currency, and I care not who makes its laws."
(Mayer Amschel Rothschild, 1743-1812)
Lets say it's gold..Well then I attach interest to it and eventually it will all concentrate into the hands of the few from the many...Then once I control the medium of exchange I change it into something else since he who has the gold makes the rules...
It is very simple to gain control over those who are oblivious as to how it's done...
Just take more than you give in such a way thay the people you are ripping off think you are doing them a big favor...Just sign on the dotted line son and it's all yours...
And People don't make laws...They make rules of the game they are playing since laws can't be broken or changed...Rules can...
Rich people create the administration systems you call Governments. The monetary system works fine for them and when it doesn't then they change it...
It is clear and simple...
You take and take and take from those who have to give and give and give...And when they have given all that they can give...Game over...
It will continue as long as people refuse to take responsibility for their actions...The top or rich people refuse to take responsibility for their actions...
That is the primary function of the police and military along with the legal system or rules of the game...To protect the top from having to take responsibility for their actions...
The top believes that the path to salvation is to take more than you give from those who according to the rules created by the top are pressured to follow the path to damnation which is giving more than you take...
I've changed the word forced into pressured since it is possible to move upward in the hierarchy...Reguardless of how much pressure is applied...To use force would mean that moving up in the hierarchy is illegal...It's not...
And that is the top's trump since the top does not have a gun to your head forcing you to do what you do...You are indentured servants not slaves...
When I was using the word force I was making a mistake since that gives you an ability to blame the top...Or an excuse for your actions...If you were a slave then that excuse would be legitimate but since you are indentured servants it is not...
I have never allowed my standard of living to dominate my quality of life...I'm aware of the pressure but I don't let it pressure me into causing my standard of living to dominate my quality of life...
I have had many jobs and I don't cry when I'm exploited by an employer...I'm there to help not to be exploited...I walk once an employer does not need help anymore...They can find someone else that desires or needs to be exploited...
I'm sorry to say but you are the ones who are responsible when you choose to let your standard of living dominate your quality of life...And then blame the employer when they exploit this weakness...
When an employer attempts to exploit my standard of living I'm done with them...I leave behind all the other indentured servants who have become slaves to their standards of living at the expense of their quality of life...
It's not the employers fault when you become slaves to your standards of living and they then "capitalize" on it...
It's your fault...That is what employees have to take responsibility for...since you do capitalize on the employers need for help to get yourself into the situation to begin with...
I capitalize on employers need for help...Until they try to exploit me...Then I'm done helping them...
I never let my standard of living dominate my quality of life...That would be irresponsible...
That is what the top does...
The top or rich people refuse to take responsibility for their actions...
Slaves can't quit, their moans and groans are legitimate...Indentured servants can, their moans and groans are illegitimate...I'm just as tired of listening to them as the top is...
I'm tired of listening to all your moans and groans when you are the ones that made the mistake of allowing your standard of living to dominate your quality of life.
The only chains around your necks are the chains of laziness...
the civilization you were born into and grew up in...Is finished...toast...gameoverville
I like that -- GAMEOVERVILLE!
I'm tired of listening to all your moans and groans when you are the ones that made the mistake of allowing your standard of living to dominate your quality of life.
The only chains around your necks are the chains of laziness...
You certainly are unrelenting in your assessment with us useless eaters.
When do you find time to step off your throne?
It's your throne...You tell me when I have time.
"Now a deeper look into the psychological bubble or the just think positive infinite inflation religion. Basic marketing is used to convince the maximum amount of consumers that a given action is wrong and if you do it you are a loser but if you instead take our advice you will be doing what is right and will surely be hailed as a winner by your friends and family…
***The weakest and simplest in society become the leaders of the pack and peer pressure soon causes even the mighty to fall for fear of being left out or left behind.***
The “current” purpose of marketing is to convince people that think they are on the right path to begin following the wrong path… currently non stop mindless consumption is what is being marketed and the only way that can be accomplished is by massive consumer consumption of debt…
Second hand cars are for losers and lower forms of life… renters or previously constructed home owners are losers and lower forms of life… Only by buying the newest and biggest home can you even think of considering yourself a part of legitimate society… Clothes without holes but out of date are not fit for an animal to lay on let alone for a member of society to wander around in public dressed in… A 27 inch TV for family viewing is for welfare bums… A computer under 2 Ghz is a total disgrace… And so on and so forth…
The very act of saving has been reduced or transformed into consumption at a lower price than last week or raising the price by 10% and then saying it is for sale and seeing how many suckers can be fooled into thinking they are actually saving money...
For the marketing to be effective you need massive debt consumption or debt inflation and the just think positive infinite inflation religion to dispel any fear that it will ever come to an end…" HT
From another board:
"I paid my house off back in 2002. Supposedly it's worth $800,000 today but I bought it for $375,000 back in 1997. How about it, do you still rent you loser?"
Enough name calling. I think Hypers real idea here is we are watching a stage show. His time line in this and mine are pretty much the same, 1994 and 1998. My best guess is he has some business schooling as I do too. They told you in college that banks created money. The Money and Banking stuff was something to confuse you, but it was quite accurate what the Fed does. Where it misses the point is the Fed won't take more funds out of the system than the system needs, only enough to push up interest rates if they should lag. The Fed is for currency and interbank liquidity only and people seem to believe they exist for some other reason, which they do. The reason is to allow banks to expand credit to maximum potential.
We are in lala land. It is so clear that the US can't run trade deficits to the moon and the rest of the world take it if the rest of the world didn't need the cash. At the same time, the American public cannot see the forest for the trees. I am a student of stock market history and somehow the market continues to trade well above historic norms. The idea that stocks are supposed to pay dividends below 3% for extended periods of time was something that was never accepted until the 1990's. CNBC tells us every day what a bargain the market is. What the hell is going on? I venture that something must be considered for stock buybacks, but then again, that is supposed to be the growth side of the game, not a partial liquidation, which is what it is. You have to sell to make money?
In any case, more and more people are maxed out, more and more home equity is maxed out and we no longer have collateral in abundance to hock for more credit. What the Fed is doing is allowing insolvents to write checks to others that might also be insolvents. This is for interbank consumption only, not for public use. It amazes me that we can be sitting here with the entire world financial system on the brink of insolvency and the market is being hawked as a bargain. Who is in lala land? Somehow anonymous gets the idea that Hyper put himself on a throne. Well Hyper has company, as I believe the same thing. I don't like it, looking down the barrel of the biggest collapse at least since Rome, but here we sit. It doesn't occur to people that they are cashing noncollectable IOU's and that this is all future funds, not present funds. I have the suspicion that the Fed might buy enough time to get out of this one more time, but I am not planning on it. The under 40 crowd is about as far out of it as moon rocks, having no clue what a real recession is and having spend most of their working lives in this financial bubble. Few know that stocks paid a real return at one time, that unemployment rates of under 6% were considered highly inflationary and beyond full employment.
The entire system is about to implode. I listened to a guy named Nelson on tapes back in 1998 and he pretty much said they know it is going to implode, there is no mathematical solution. You can never solve a problem where one equals one plus something compounded. It is so difficult for people to make the transition to getting compound interest and paying it. It also doesn't help that even when the banks are paying compound interest that after they pay everything, they are geared to make 2% or so in spread. 2% on nothing is a hell of a return only to let us imagine we got something compounded on something.
What part of society survives if credit breaks down? The picture shows? The shopping mall (Good luck retail real estate), the telecable, the internet, the cellphone? Once the bank goes broke, there won't be any new credit.
The problem right now is the banks were faced with lending to themselves. You can't lend to yourself. The only solution to banks going broke is the Government taking the losses and letting a group of depositors recapitalize the banks. In a round about way, this is lending to yourself one more time. It still doesn't solve the problem of the debtors with no mathematical solution, only puts it out on the limb a little more. One more coin in the fusebox.
Somehow anonymous gets the idea that Hyper put himself on a throne. Well Hyper has company, as I believe the same thing.
Well guess what mannfm11? I'm the anonymous from above and I'm in total agreement with Hyper's evaluation of our current state of affairs.
I however will not degrade my fellow useless eaters constantly to the point of being pathetic. (Even though the majority don't seem to want to think on their own)
And get this, I'm more pathetic than they are. I own several cars the newest of which is 11 years old, I have no credit card debt and have only recurring monthly expenses and have lived in a paid for mobile home for over 25 years. I have a credit rating of 920 and can easily afford an overpriced stick built home but I just won't do it. I've preached this same stuff for years to my friends but certainly not with the clarity or understanding of Hyper.
Not everyone is as Hyper says they are.
Hyper doesn't understand it all -- you will see.
From this late-2005 op-ed piece by Peggy Noonan for the Wall Street Journal, the elites know very well what's coming:
"Not everyone is as Hyper says they are."
I don't believe HT is referring to everyone individually but everyone collectively. If the shoe doesn't fit...
"I listened to a guy named Nelson on tapes back in 1998 and he pretty much said they know it is going to implode, there is no mathematical solution."
Do you have his full name?
When Noonan's column was first published this is the part that struck me:
"Christopher, Ted Kennedy and a few family members had gathered one night and were having a drink in Mr. Lawford's mother's apartment in Manhattan. Teddy was expansive. If he hadn't gone into politics he would have been an opera singer, he told them, and visited small Italian villages and had pasta every day for lunch. "Singing at la Scala in front of three thousand people throwing flowers at you. Then going out for dinner and having more pasta." Everyone was laughing. Then, writes Mr. Lawford, Teddy "took a long, slow gulp of his vodka and tonic, thought for a moment, and changed tack. 'I'm glad I'm not going to be around when you guys are my age.' I asked him why, and he said, 'Because when you guys are my age, the whole thing is going to fall apart.' "
Mr. Lawford continued, "The statement hung there, suspended in the realm of 'maybe we shouldn't go there.' Nobody wanted to touch it. After a few moments of heavy silence, my uncle moved on."
Lawford thought his uncle might be referring to their family--that it might "fall apart." But reading, one gets the strong impression Teddy Kennedy was not talking about his family but about . . . the whole ball of wax, the impossible nature of everything, the realities so daunting it seems the very system is off the tracks.
And--forgive me--I thought: If even Teddy knows . . ."
Indeed. That is the part that struck me, too.
I have his name C. I prefer not to use it in a public forum. He was into the writings of deVattel. You might look up Kingdom of Hawaii in a search for more information.
As far as knowing what is going to happen, it won't be easy to even grasp what will occur. I merely know that it scares the crap out of me until I realize that what you are talking about, not being at the mercy of the machine directly is the only possible defense. It might not be the defense, but only the most logical one, the one the masses won't embrace. My recently almost deceased car was a 93 Cadillac that I sold for $1500. Prior was a 1988 420 Mercedes that died in 2003. Current, 2001 Ford PU used for workk purposes and local transportation. Credit score stinks. The game has hyperinflated to maximum potential.
"It might not be the defense, but only the most logical one, the one the masses won't embrace."
In the end, I think more important than surviving is being worthy of surviving - that you deserved to survive - that you had the intellectual honesty to see what was happening, took as many precautions as possible, and warned others (whether they believed you or not).
I don't know if that will make the coming $hitstorm any easier to face, but it might...
"I merely know that it scares the crap out of me until I realize that what you are talking about, not being at the mercy of the machine directly is the only possible defense."
I agree, and it worries the hell out of me, too.
We are all hooked into the system -- the Machine -- in so many ways. Unless we find a way to remove as many of those hooks as possible by the time things come totally unglued, I personally don't believe we can survive.
But deserving to survive? I don't think that will count for much during the great unraveling, unless, of course, you are talking about a spiritual component that will allow you to face the prospect of physical demise while maintaining some type of psycho-spiritual bliss.
Unfortunately, the vast majority of us haven't evolved enough to where we can -- on demand -- rev up the spiritual center of the brain in order to make contact with some real or perceived Godhead which would allow us to go merrily to our death. Anyone for a hit of acid first?
From my perspective, the only way to unhook from the system, at least as much as possible, is to go back in time. Little House on the Prairie back in time. Get away from the cities. Get as much off the grid as possible. Get as self-sufficient as possible. If that means leaving the country and going third-worlder, then leave.
The more hooks you remove from yourself, the less you need from the system, the more chance you have to survive. Problem is, it takes money to make the great escape, which I don't have.
I've read through some of Joe Bageant's essays. He may have the right idea, although I'm not sure he chose the right area (too expensive where he is, which even he says is a negative).
I'm going by memory, but he paid something like US$6k to build a tiny structure for a family in the beach-front community of Hopkins Village, Belize. His deal with the Belizian family is that he gets to live with them in the house that he paid for, but will also pay them something like US$100/month (or whatever it was) for room and board, and he gets to be part of their family.
Fortunately, he is a writer and makes his living from writing, which is kind of nice. He lives down there full-time, but does have to come back to the U.S. to promote his writing. Not a bad setup, really, if you can pull it off and can handle that lifestyle.
I especially enjoyed these two essays:
Escape from America
The Ants of Gaia
There are numerous variations of the Joe-Bageant-escape-plan that can be conjured up, depending on how far back in time -- and how extreme -- you want to go. It's food for thought, anyway. All it takes is a little imagination, an adventurous spirit, and a certain amount of money.
Damn. There's that money component, again.
Joe at his best:
Revenge of the Mutt People
Even as this is being written we may safely assume some of my tribe of mutt people are stifling the screams of captives in America’s secret “black site” prisons across the planet. Or on a more mundane scale of cruelty (according to CBS footage) kicking hundreds of chickens to death every day at the Pilgrim’s Pride plant in Wardensville, West Virginia, just up the road from where I am writing this. Or consider the image of Matthew Shepard’s body twisted on that Wyoming fence. All these are our handiwork. We the mutt faced sons and daughters of the republic. Born to kick your chicken breast meat to death for you in the darkest, most dismal corners of our great land, born to kill and be killed in stock car races, drunken domestic rows, and of course in the desert dusty back streets at the edges of the empire. Middle class urban liberals may never claim us as brothers, much less willing servants, but as they say in prison, we are your meat. We do your bidding. Your refusal to admit that we do your dirty work for you, not to mention the international smackdowns and muggings for the republic -- from which you benefit more materially than we ever will -- makes it no less true.
Literally from birth, we get plenty of conditioning to kill those gooks and sand monkeys and whoever else needs killing at any particular moment in history according to our leadership. Like most cracker kids in my generation, from the time I could walk I played games in which I pretended to (practiced for) killing -- Japs, Indians, Germans, Koreans, Africans Zulus (as seen in the movies Zulu and Uhuru!) variously playing the role of U.S. cavalry, Vikings a la Kirk Douglas, World War II GIs, colonial soldiers, and of course Confederate soldiers. As little white cracklets we played with plastic army men that we tortured by flame, firecracker, burning rivulets of gasoline, kerosene or lighter fluid. And if atomic bombing was called for, M-80s and ash cans. We went to sleep dreaming of the screams of the evil brutes we had smitten that day, all those slant eyed and swasticated enemies of democracy and our way of life. Later as post-cracklets in high school we rode around in cars looking to fight anyone who was different, the “other,” be they black, brown, or simply from another school or county. As young men we brawled at dances, parties or simply while staring at one another bored and drunk. We bashed each over women, less-than weight bags of dope, money owed and alleged insult to honor, wife, mother or model of car -- Ford versus Chevy. In other words, all of white trash culture’s noblest causes. With the “fighting tradition” of Scots Irish behind us, we smashed upon each other ceaselessly in trailer court and tavern, night and day in rain and summer heat until finally, we reach our mid-fifties and lose our enthusiasm (not to mention stamina) for that most venerated of borderer sports...
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