You have seriously over estimated the power of the printing press...How hard do you blow? There are 130 million US workers or people performing functions for monetary compensation and 290 million consumers total...They are the blowers...And they have a finite ability to blow I'm afraid to say...
Yes even if you don't request debt some other fool has to provide you with an income...The whole thing is more screwed then its ever been screwed in history...
Inflation of value. How does that happen? Inflation of bank accounts and net worth?
Are you getting taller and taller bigger and bigger? Is your ability to labor constantly inflating? Look at sports personalities...They need to use performance enhancing drugs just to inflate beyond their maximum potential by a few seconds...
Rich people don't give a crap about anything except their own selfish delusions of grandeur...
All the charity from the top is designed to benefit the top at the expense of the bottom...That is their religion. They think they are doing the bottom a favor if they don't call the Police when someone is digging through their garbage for scraps...oh the poor dear...
If the top was not a bunch of Selfish Hypocrites sucking us dry to desperately mask their stench we would not be babbling like idiots about it...
You think it is a money problem? They created the concept of money and the accounting methods...The GOLD standard? It was not dreamed up by slaves...
And it's all in the eyes of the beholder. There are humans lower in the food chain we are part of that think we are filth since they really have to do some heavy lifting to support our asses...
Support the lifestyles of the rich and famous...
You have wealth/inflation on the brain...
We are right back to the key to becoming rich is to just encourage everyone to hump and then like magic the value of your house goes up...
I don't dream up ways to take advantage of people and exploit them.
Buy weakness and sell strength...Eventually you sell all your strength and all you have left is weakness...
I've been searching for a legitimate way to take more than you give for over 20 years...It does not exist...
The 9 Trillion Public debt (Federal) needs only around $350,000,000,000 a year to service it and most of that can come from rolling it over...The Public debt is borrowed outright by issuing Treasuries which soak up excess liquidity from the general economy...
The other debt which is Private Consumer debt is the killer...It is 40 Trillion...
You all are the ones that requested it to be created...The Government does not have a gun to your head...Congressmen, Senators, Supreme Court Judges and the President are not forcing you to request debt from banks...
You all trample yourselves in the rush to pay the rent (Interest) on homes and cars and all the rest of the consumer products you don't want to save up for...But detest paying rent (Taxes) on roads and bridges and other civilizational infrastructure to support your homes and cars...
To support the party...Cheap labor? Do you want food prices to triple? Imports to quadruple? Or be non existent altogether?
None of you want to suffer...You are always in search of a free lunch utopia where you don't have to work for a living...
Not too much and not too little just the required amount to postpone the implosion of the compound interest commercial banking system...That's what the FEDERAL RESERVE does...It's a regulator.
Key problem though is that all that a compound interest commercial banking system can do is inflate to maximum potential then implode...If you try to stop it it will implode...At maximum potential the required amount of inflation becomes too much and too little at the same time...Game over.
The debt inflation from 1944 to 2005 (61 years) domestically within the USA equals the German debt inflation that they experienced from 1914 to 1919 (5 years). There was the beginning of a German style hyperinflation in the 1970's but it was stopped by the top or owners of the Global system that the USA became part of in 1913.
Not too much and not too little just the required amount...The German experience was a violent or quick reaching of maximum potential due to the requirements dictated by the compound interest equation at that time...The USA is an example of a gradual or slow reaching of maximum potential, its situation is different than that of Germany.
Within a compounding interest commercial banking system debt is money...
There is a cycle the deposit lending spending cycle...Or debt inflation...
Lets say you deposit money in a bank to save it from being spent...
Saving money puts downward pressure on spending...But banks lend out your savings to be spent by someone else so the spending is not stopped it is sustained...
Where does all that money that is lent out at interest end up? Right back in the bank as deposits...In the beginning the depositing lending spending cycle can be sustained for quite awhile with a fixed monetary base such as GOLD...Eventually though the limited ability to expand the GOLD supply puts a maximum potential on the compound interest equation and it reaches its logical conclusion...
The deposit lending spending cycle...stops...after 25 to 30 years depending on the GOLD supply...
Well how do all the workers get paid if the lending spending cycle stops? They don't...And workers with no income don't make deposits into a bank...
Those with saving begin withdrawing their savings to survive on...A bank run will start...the Economy collapses...
But with a money supply that you can constantly expand by the required amount you can inflate debt past the point at which GOLD is a maximum potential...
The USA bagan to run out of gold in the late 50's and switched to the New economy to postpone the implosion...If the USA would have not switched from Bretton woods to the New economy the USA would have imploded over 20 years ago...
The deposit lending spending cycle = Debt inflation = price inflation.
There is generally a gradual reaching of maximum potential then implosion...
You could subsidize consumption by expanding the money supply outside of the compound interest commercial banking system like Germany did in the 20's which will cause a violent reaching of maximum potential followed by implosion...
Debt deflationary implosion...follows debt inflationary explosion...That is all a compound interest banking system can do...Inflate debt to its maximum potential then implode...That's it...
Different information is taught to people in educational/social engineering institutions...If people were taught that all that a banking system could accomplish is to inflate debt to its maximum potential then implode...People would want that to be changed...
Most of you have mistaken the effects of the system as the cause of the problems when it's the system itself that is the cause...and the system is a product of absolute self indulgent reason...
So the ultimate cause is absolute self indulgent reason...99.9999% of the population in the "civilized world" employs absolute self indulgent reason to solve problems...
The compound interest commercial banking system is a solution to a problem...Ultimately like all products of absolute self indulgent reason it is a quick fix...It's temporary...
The lies you are told or the social engineering you have received is also a quick fix to the problem of the problem which is a quick fix...
All that a compound interest commercial banking system can do is inflate debt to its maximum potential then implode...If you try to stop it from inflating debt to its maximum potential it will implode...
"We are completely dependant on the commercial banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the banks create ample synthetic money [at the request of the consumer] we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system.... It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon." --Robert H. Hemphill, Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank,1938
What is one of the defects that was remedied? The Gold window was closed and the switch made to the NEW ECONOMY in 1971-1973...
It postponed the collapse of civilization...for 35 years so far...
In 1998 I was telling people that the "New Economy" was going to implode and to get out of the markets in 2000...I was told all that I'm told now...That I'm an Idiot...a fool with no vision...A negative doom and gloomer...The mistakes of the past are not going to happen because we are superior...etc People even went so far as to say I was going to be the cause of any problems that happened...
Now I just stack silver and wait for the logical conclusion of the compound interest equation...again.
The required amount of debt inflation is not too much and not too little but always greater than previous...
That has been accomplished the past 26 years by engineering yields lower and lower...You can't cross the zero barrier...so thats all she wrote...
"There must be some form of equation that could forecast the final conclusion."
Yes it's called the compound interest equation...The inputs required to postpone reaching the logical conclusion must be not too much and not too little but always greater than previous or the logical conclusion that you will find totally unreasonable manifests...
Game over...
Once the consumers have requested the maximum potential debt possible to be manufactured by commercial banks...That's it...game over.
It's up to the consumer to raise the bar and when they can't or won't then...Game over...
The US consumer has reached this point...
Debt deflationary implosion...follows debt inflationary explosion...When the economy based on inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential reaches maximum potential the economy will transform into one based on inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential.
Meaning that you are all in trouble...
Stages of the 600 year old compounding interest commercial banking monetary system.
Stage 1. Inflation of debt and the destruction of savings.
Stage 2. Deflation of debt and the destruction of Equity
A slowing in the rate of inflation of debt causes recessions...A recession is the entering of stage 2 and then back out again when desperate consumers begin accelerating their requests for debt to escape the implosion of their own personal delusion.
Stage 3. Bankruptcy of the banks, collapse of the economy/division of labor and the consolidation of power.
Stage 3 is entered when the desperate consumers can no longer sustain the reflation out of or can't reflate out of stage 2 and implode into stage 3...Or a depression.
Stage 4. Is the Rare General break down crisis...It's where civilization as you know it shatters totally...or Game over...start from scratch.
After 64 years of reflation out of recessions this next one is most likely the one that will not be escaped from. All the previous debt obligations will be impossible to pay when the economy/division of labor in the USA collapses and all the contracts will be busted.
Poof out like a candle...And since the US consumer was made the inflationary engine of the now 314 year old Global system in 1944...The rest of the world will go poof...out like a candle.
Not only are Americans in Trouble but everyone on Earth is...and oblivious.
The debt deflationary implosion is just as unstoppable as the debt inflationary explosion which precedes it.
The only way to fight debt deflation is with debt inflation...Rich man's war poor man's fight...The rich and poor men will lose the war unfortunately...Due to the construction of the Universe the war to defeat GOD is doomed to end in defeat...Always was, always is, and always will be...
Ignorance of the truth is the root of all evil.
As I said...
Different information is taught to people in educational/social engineering institutions...If people were taught that all that a banking system could accomplish is to inflate debt to its maximum potential then implode...People would want that to be changed...
You are as valuable as kleenex...All below the top are expendable soldiers in the 6000 year recorded history of the War to defeat GOD...
Good thing you all so far have reproduced quicker than you cease to exist...
Below is what the greatest Army ever created to attempt to defeat GOD looks like...The carnage that is coming will make all previous defeats of the forces trying to defeat GOD look like Bugs Bunny cartoon hijinx...
Only speculators desire to know the exact time of arrival of inevitability...
Again all that is possible for a compounding interest system to accomplish is to inflate to maximum potential then implode...If you try to stop it from accomplishing this it will implode...You can postpone the implosion but prevention is impossible...
The compound interest equation is the pacemaker...Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke are nothing...
They have as much power to control the compound interest equation as Ronald McDonald has to control McDonald's...or Tony the Tiger has to control Kellogg's...
All interest compounds, the simple interest equation on paper appears to slow the process...But ultimately the the effect of taking more than you give or the rich getting richer poor getting poorer cycle compounds...
Money is a food substitute...Since food was the first barter...And food is the fuel that powers the make work enterprise you all call civilization...So money is power...
The top sucks power from the bottom then redirects the power in jolts of pleasure and pain to sustain the suck from the bottom to the top...Once the jolts consume more power than the suck obtains the hierarchy cannibalizes itself and implodes...
It is up to the individual to protect himself from this...Human beings have freewill...All individuals are a threat to all individuals...
The food powered make work enterprise is a game with rules...Many of the rules attempt to break the LAW...Within the game the rules are legal yet they are attempting the break the LAW that can't be broken...
The implosion is the result or effect of the cause...The cause is the attempt to defeat GOD the effect is certain defeat...
That is what the implosion is...The failure by absolute capitalists to defeat GOD and obtain absolute power over all...You can obtain absolute power over yourself...You can not obtain absolute power over others or all...It is an attempt to break the LAW.
Now people would say...But Hyper you are attempting to obtain absolute power over all...
No...I provide information...Which you can choose to use to obtain absolute power over yourself or to attempt to obtain absolute power over others or all...You can choose to attempt to break the LAW...Or You can choose not to...
All individuals are a threat to all individuals...Since they have freewill...
Another individual can and will choose...And the choices they make are not always good for others...
I see it all the time...The cannibals love cannibalism until they are being eaten then they cry...I'm tired of listening to the crying of the cannibals being eaten alive...There is no escape from the resolution of the freewill choice...
There is very little I can do to help...It is up to the individual to stop what they are doing...I have no power to make choices for others...I will tell the truth and they can choose to accept or reject it...That's it...
GOD is the source of the infinite and indestructible power we all depend upon...
This is what it looks like at the end of the food powered make work enterprise...It always looks like this when the defeat is imminent...
Argentina = lower than the top...Top sucks from the bottom...
The USA was made the demand of the Global empire in 1944...
Made is the key word here...The USA appears to be the top but the top is in fact in Europe...the USA is a client state...To be and sustain the demand you need the consumers and the military might...
The rest of the world is the supply...Argentina can be sucked dry and collapse and be rebuilt by the top many times...
The collapse of a lower economy is a supply of cheap labor products and raw materials to satisfy the DEMAND...
Western European civilization benefits the most from this arrangement...
The top sucks power from the bottom then redirects the power in jolts of pleasure and pain to sustain the suck from the bottom to the top...Once the jolts consume more power than the suck obtains the hierarchy cannibalizes itself and implodes...
The system has been cannibalizing itself for 40 years so far...The civilizational infrastructure at the top is crumbling...
Does a slave benefit from the master? Yes until the master can no longer feed the slave...Then game over...
When the Demand implodes the supply has to be cut...They implode too...
There is a symbiotic relationship...
As far as I can tell the region on Earth that is in the best economic position to weather this natural occurrence is Western Europe...Although it will suffer the least, the Austerity programs they will have to endure will be considered Draconian compared to what the current situation is...
The US has been turned into the prostitute of the Europeans...The US does all the dirty work to support their welfare states.
"In the UK, we have pelted our members of parliament with eggs, and even our Prime Minister with yellow dye right in the parliament building."
That is what the Monarchy created the Parliamentary system to do...Take the blame.
Pelt the Queen with an egg or splash dye on her and see how that affects your life.
And for your information Bush's limo was pelted with eggs during the inaugural parade when he took power...
Beware of false hope...The top can easily play this to their advantage.
We're doomed, No we're saved!...OMG we're doomed.
You should see the right wingers right now...Still enraged that open season on lefties hasn't happened yet.
Lefties cry like babies and Righties lash out like animals.
The real estate bubble is over 30 years old...there was a bubble within the bubble in the late 80's and another bubble within a bubble began forming in the early 1990's...
The top has been removing barriers to real estate debt consumption for years...
Top sucks from the bottom...the top requests debt short term wholesale and sells it to the bottom retail...and pockets the difference...
Request 200,000 at 2% for 6 months and convert it into real estate and put a for sale sign in front...then wait for a person to come and sign on the dotted line for 5% at 5 years of 30 for $400,000...
Then the person spends the next 30 years servicing the debt...The person at the top goes with his $200,000 profit and buys a new car to add to his antique car collection and Robbin Leach films the collection and the person that bought the real estate is watching Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous after working at the sewage plant for 12 hours wishing he had enough money to have an antique car collection...
It's simple...
"When plunder [Absolute capitalism/Taking more power than you give] becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." [An Ecosystem where yield locusts thrive and multiply] --Frederic Bastiat, The Law
The top sucks power from the bottom then redirects the power in jolts of pleasure and pain to sustain the suck from the bottom to the top...Once the jolts consume more power than the suck obtains the hierarchy cannibalizes itself and implodes...
The system has been cannibalizing itself for 40 years so far...The civilizational infrastructure at the top is crumbling...
Does a slave benefit from the master? Yes until the master can no longer feed the slave...Then game over...
I agree. It's game over for the slaves; not the one(s) at the TOP.
Don't think for a moment that they didn't see this coming; it isn't an error that it's lasted this long this time. Give them some credit. You said it yourself, they've been at this game for quite a while now.
I'd bet they've sucked up enough to maintain themselves for a longer duration than any of us could outlive. Long enough to start this mess all over again with a clean slate.
"I'd bet they've sucked up enough to maintain themselves for a longer duration than any of us could outlive. Long enough to start this mess all over again with a clean slate."
No doubt their remote chalets are stocked, staffed, and securitized! We peasants can eat cake.
Gary North "The FED has been in deflation mode ever since last August. We are now seeing the results. The equity markets are falling. Treasury bonds have risen.
It is going to take a complete reversal of FED policy to re-inflate this economy. The solvency of major firms and investment banks is at risk. Mere fiat money at (say) 6% per annum will not save them. The capital markets are unraveling too fast.
I do not recommend getting rid of all your gold because there are still offsetting factors, such as war with Iran, a falling dollar, a major terrorist attack, a major purchase of gold by a central bank.
There is another factor: the bullion banks. They have borrowed gold from the central banks for an annual interest payment of 1% per annum. They have used the money from the sale of this borrowed gold to buy bonds. Rising gold prices threaten them with bankruptcy. They don't have enough money to buy back the gold and return it to the central banks.
In a deflation, gold falls and bond prices rise. This two-fold action will save the bullion banks. These banks are where the elite invest their money. They will be able to unwind their positions. They can sell their bonds and re-buy gold if the want to.
If I were them, I would want to."
I hope you enjoy the above video, kinda tells what you have been saying in graphic format.
To anonymous (11.50 AM):
Oh, please? Illuminati? Greys? (Alien abductors?). No reason to get carried away. The world is full of people thinking they have found some secret solution for everything in life. Is the USA some epic center for all the conspiration theory fans in the world or what?
Man seeks power. In his conquest for power he will step on corpses and kill and manipulate everyone that steps in his way. In some settings man will se the advantage of forming an alliance with other men seeking power. "Together-we-are-strong". Is this anything new? I don't even know if it is necessarily bad.
And what about TPTM? The top? The-few-in-power ... or whatever you choose to call them. If they have created this marvellous system, they could very well change it again. Change the rules. Change the way it works. Why shouldn't they? Why couldn't they? So when you think you have figured everything out, then the system change to a new set of rules. It is their privilege. Isn't it?
"Central banks float rescue ideas
Central banks on both sides of the Atlantic are actively engaged in discussions about the feasibility of mass purchases of mortgage-backed securities as a possible solution to the credit crisis.
Such a move would involve the use of public funds to shore up the market in a key financial instrument and restore confidence by ending the current vicious circle of forced sales, falling prices and weakening balance sheets."
They can buy as many MBS's as they want, it won't work! House prices are not supported by wages or rents. Fraud/liar loans/neg am loans have had their day - its over.
Here's an ignorant farm worker with a $550,000(!!!) mortgage who will walk, CB MBS bailout or not:
"For Francisco Zapien, the deal was too good to be true.
In October of 2006, Zapien signed a contract for a home on Bryan Avenue in Napa. The $550,000 mortgage he was approved for required no down payment. Zapien, who has worked at Silverado Farming Company as a tractor driver and machinist for the past four years, is caught in a vise. His monthly mortgage is more than he can pay. His home has lost value.
“I have put my home on the market,” said Zapien. “It’s too much money to pay each month.”
Zapien knew his monthly costs would be high, so he rented two rooms in his home. The rooms yielded an extra $1,000 a month to help pay the $3,600 monthly mortgage. But with utility bills and other expenses, Zapien said he still was scrambling to pay $2,900 a month.
“If the home doesn’t sell, I will have to turn it in to the bank,” he said.
Zapien is one of thousands of homeowners across the country facing this dilemma.
Real estate experts say the mortgage mess has hit the Hispanic community especially hard, in part because Latinos represented such a large chunk of the class of first-time buyers who — it seemed — finally had a chance to borrow money and chase the dream of homeownership.
In many cases, people simply bit off more than they could chew."
"...Change the rules. Change the way it works. Why shouldn't they? Why couldn't they? So when you think you have figured everything out, then the system change to a new set of rules. It is their privilege. Isn't it?"
As long as you believe you and your loved ones are nothing but pawns for the top to use and suck dry, leaving a decaying corpse for the trash collectors to take to the dump, sure.
The FED is not in deflationary mode...
consumers are...You know everyone else in existance that is not you?
Them...those millions and millions of people...are not just playthings that exist for you to play with as you see fit.
Well all those people decide where the economy is going.
The FED just follows along.
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