The only way a fixed system will work is if there is one buyer of the Raw material
The Treasury...Like in the olden days...centuries ago.
In a free or unfixed market the raw material to manufacture coins will eventually be bid up in price and a coin will cost more to make than it is worth. Coins that are constructed out of material that is worth more than the coin will not circulate. And in order to maintain one fixed price...all prices must be fixed.
Communism as it's called does not appear to work very well.
The only way to fix a system is if everyone within the system helps to maintain it...No one seems to like doing that...Everyone likes the unfixed system better...because if they did not like the unfixed system...they would not be using an unfixed system. You can fix the speed limit at 60 miles an hour but it's up to everyone within the system to maintain it...
You all like to speed...To the finish line.
Sorry folks but in a free or unfixed market...what you see is what you get.
If the previous monetary systems you are calling for a return to worked...They would still be in operation. You have the current accounting system because the previous accounting system did not work. Of course the current system did not solve the problem that caused the previous system to stop operation...all it did was prolong the operation past the point where the previous system should have stopped functioning.
Figure out who decides how much income you receive...Then find out where they get it from...
In a silver or gold based monetary system...The production of gold and silver from the mines ultimately dictates that. When the mines run out...you and the rest of the people dependant upon the mines to supply your incomes run out...The supply of the raw materials from the mines to construct money to satisfy demand ran out a long time ago.
The only place the top or employers can obtain what the bottom or employees demand as compensation for suppoting the top is from the bottom. All that the system is capable of doing is inflating to maximum potential and then imploding...That's all it will ever do...sooner or later...Reguardless of what monetary system is funding the operation.
Those who choose to take more power than they give will become richer in power or powerful while those who choose to give more power than they take will become poorer in power or powerless.
The whole system you all generally call civilization...takes more power than it gives.
Been like this for all of recorded history.
You are all marching to doom with glee...sooner or later you will arrive at the logical conclusion.
Just like all the others before you...
In the current system...Consumers request commercial banks to manufacture money. The Fed and the Treasury are not the central powers...The consumers are the central power. The Federal reserve and Treasury are not supporting the population...The population is supporting the The Federal reserve and Treasury. Some call it an exchange for mutual benefit...
All the power the bottom of the hierarchy thinks the top has is supplied to the top by the bottom. The longer you help to perpetuate the myth that the power of the people comes from the King...the longer the myth will be perpetuated.
Interest rates are dictated by supply and demand...
The Government is not keeping them low...
You all are.
Your demands for supply are.
Consumers request commercial banks to manufacture money...The bond markets are where the interest rates are set. When the consumers accelerate their requests for the commercial banks to manufacture money...It floods into the bond markets and bids up the bonds and when bonds are bid up in price the yields drop.
When consumers decelerate their requests for the commercial banks to manufacture money...the flood of money into the bond markets slows and the price of bonds drops...and the yields rise. And since the early 1980's...consumers have been accelerating their requests for more money greater than they have been decelerating their requests.
Causing the yields to drop lower and lower for over 20 years now.
And when the yields drop as low as possible...that will be the end of the party...
There will be no way to obtain a profit from dropping yields forever...and then yields will have to keep rising...
Imagine you are on a boat that is slowly sinking straight down in pitch blackness...you will not realize it until you hit the waterline...
You are all on that boat right now...It's been sinking for decades...But you are noticing water on the floor now...
You have all been told that the water on the floors is from a burst pipe...and nothing to worry about...
Higher up in first class...they are partying oblivious...
Eventually the point will be reached when the passengers wake up and realize that they are all on a doomed ship...without lifeboats...and the life jackets will just prolong the thrashing around and drowning at the end.
Then wild cornered animal stage will begin.
Look around...Kiss it all good bye...
Don't worry...You all that are reading this will be shocked when you reach the point where you wake up...and will instantly know what you should have done...but didn't...and now it's too late.
When will you? I don't know...I just know that if you don't choose to wake up...you will be forced to wake up...it's inevitable.
Well, Happy New Year to you too!
Yes...Happy New Year
A is A
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