The Idea you are trying to get people to believe is Truth?
All the money you currently suck from all those below you is unjustified then. There are billions of people lower in the hierarchy slaving day in and day out to supply you with all that you take...and you certainly take more than you give. And the system works great...Top sucks from the bottom until the bottom is sucked dry and then the system canabalizes itself and implodes.
The Austrians call it the Natural cleansing process...They like the system as well...Just not what the medium of exchange of it is currently constructed out of. The only place that the top can obtain what the bottom demands as compensation from the top is from the bottom. The only place that the employers can obtain what the employees demand as compensation from the employer is from the employees.
Where else do employers get what they have?
Again you all don't come here looking for Truth...You all come here to promote or seek support for your cherished delusions.
I'm free to do as I please...Until I'm locked up in a cage and the key thrown away or killed...There is nothing any of you can do to stop me from manipulating the Universe however I see fit.
Please tell me how I'm not free or how my freedom is being taken away?
I do look through your eyes but you see what is reasonable...I see what is logical.
The Universe is not a construct of reason...It is a construct of Logic.
And there is no such thing as illogic...That is an invention.
You all mistake that which is unreasonable for that which is illogical.
Truth does not lie
Truth can not be lied to.
Truth is unreasonable...
Truth is not illogical...Truth is Logical.
You all choose to find Truth illogical because Truth is unreasonable which is logical.
Human Beings have no power to make or break Logic
Human Beings have the power to make and break Reasons and call them Logic
But if the reasons attempt to break Logic then Logic will break the reasons.
2 is the logical solution to the above problem...But of course of you choose to find that solution unreasonable...You can choose to reject that which you choose to think is unreasonable and search for a reasonable solution to the problem.
All problems are as simple as the above...
Simplicity adds up to the multiplication of complexity which is then divided unequally to obtain the required yield of power the absolute capitalists want to manipulate the Universe how they desire.
The amount of power each one of you demands can be reasonable or unreasonable but you your demands whether reasonable or unreasonable reguardless are logical.
The Universe is perfectly fair whether you think it is or not...Everyone and everything gets what they and it deserve whether they think they deserve what they get or not...and there is no hope.
Truth does not lie
Truth can not be lied to.
Truth is unreasonable.
Human beings have no power to make or break Truth.
All that Human beings have the power to do is make and break lies and call them truth.
But if the lie attempts to break Truth then Truth will break the lie.
I of course don't like seeing salesmen and their families starve to death...But once you know truth...There is no ability to sell me on anything else.
The salesmen say...You are unreasonable!!!!!
Yes of course I know that...Thanks for the reminder.
"The essential claim of sophistry is that the actual logical validity of an argument is irrelevant (if not non-existent); it is only the ruling of the audience which ultimately determines whether a conclusion is considered "true" or not. By appealing to the prejudices and emotions of the judges, one can garner favorable treatment for one's side of the argument and cause a factually false position to be ruled true."
--Sophistry A.K.A Democracy or Truth by Popular delusion/concensus
Reguardless...There is never a lasting victory over lies and the war against Truth has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat.
I'm not arguing.
1+1 = ?
I know ? = 2
You all think believe and have faith that ? is not 2...But so far in the many decades of existance in the Universe...None of you have told me what ? is...You all just assure me that it can't be 2 because 2 is unreasonable.
1+1 = Truth.
Simplicity adds up to the multiplication of complexity which is then divided unequally to obtain the required yield of power the absolute capitalists want to manipulate the Universe how they desire.
But not control.
The salesmen say...You are unreasonable!!!!!
Yes of course I know that...Thanks for the reminder.
"In the world history a situation like this will eventually lead into people stringing the wealthy from lamp posts."
After they run out soldiers to fight the terrorists...Yes then the terrorists will win and be able to string up the Fathers, Daughters, Mothers, and Sons.
You are all wealthy compared to the billions below you all supporting you all.
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