Sunday, September 30, 2007

Money is whatever the top says it is

All systems that expect greater growth or grow faster than is possible will collapse.

Gesellian economic principles throw out the baby with the bathwater...They discourage savings...Which are what you need to survive the collapse phase following an expansion phase.

The current system also discourages savings as well...

All growth unless stopped leads to collapse...sooner or later.

The Gesellian economic system is just a different approach to attempt to solve a problem...not all the problems.

Unfortunately...the only way to fight against inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential is with inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential and when the maximum potential of inflation greater than previous inflation is reached...It becomes impossible to fight against inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential any longer.

We have 6000+ or so years of history to study because Human beings have an ability to reproduce quicker than we cease to exist...It's why we are all here right now.

The key problem is how to avoid falling into the compounding inflation trap...

Bacteria don't have the slightest chance of avoiding that trap...If human beings can't avoid the compounding inflation trap...then we are no better than bacteria.

It boils down to education...There has to be full disclosure...full education...a full realization of what everyone has to do to avoid falling into the compounding inflation trap...

Until then...humanity will continue choosing to inflate greater than previous inflation to maximum potential and then be forced to inflate less than previous inflation to maximum potential...Just like mindless bacteria.

All of you currently think you are doing what is right...when in fact what you are all doing is wrong...

All those who came before you all existed thought the very same thing...But they are not going to be around to find out how wrong they were...But you all will be...and your children will...and their children will...

Because Human beings have an ability to reproduce quicker than we cease to exist...somebody will exist to suffer the consequences of the choices you all don't want to suffer the consequences of.

Money is whatever the top says it is...Gold and silver used to be they are not...Why? Because there is no way to increase the supply of Gold and silver when the economy demands it...

It's why there are ghost towns...The towns demanded more supply from the mines...and the mines did not have the required supply to satisfy demand...Game over...

The ruins of Rome were created this way as well...The Roman system demanded supply...The source of supply could not satisfy demands...Rome crumbled to dust.

Without the switch to the current monetary system the global economy would have imploded to dust centuries ago...

Rome would have been nothing if the Romans would have not reduced the silver content of thier coinage for centuries.

Jolly old England started out with a Pound of silver as their main monetary Unit and have been debasing it for centuries to sustain the Empire...And the British pound stirling is the top currency currently...

Otherwise jolly old England would have imploded to dust centuries ago...

And while the operation of monetary systems are somewhat of a secret...It's not hard to discover the secret...and anyone on Earth can...construct an economy that rapidly expands and gobbles up smaller supply the demand for resources...

The global system currently is what rose out of the ashes of Rome...The invention of Steam engines made all that you see now possible...

The purpose of the Police and military is to protect the top from the bottom...

To protect cause from consequence...

The easiest prey of the hunter gatherer is the farmer and the simplest operation is the protection scheme...

You are either with us or against us...

All money is decreed top says this is money...Or else...period end of story....

You Farmer are on the Land owned by the LORD of the land and will pay tribute to the LORD of 1 Gold coin a year...

Where do I get this GOLD coin?

You can take one short ton of grain to the grainery of the LORD and there you will be given a GOLD coin for it and then you can give the gold coin to the servant of the LORD...

What if I refuse?

Then the LORD will drive you from the Land that the LORD is the LORD of...

There you go an abundant supply of free food to power your wildest hopes and dreams...Lies and delusions...

22 And the LORD said, Behold! The man has become as one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put forth his hand and also take from the Tree of Life, and eat, and live forever,
23 The LORD sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground out of which he was taken.
24 And He drove the man out. And He lodged the cherubs at the east of the Garden of Eden, and the flaming sword whirling around to guard the way of the Tree of Life.

Well what is done with all that Food the tillers of the LORD's land give the LORD as Tribute?

It powers the Absolute capitalist Hierarchial food powered make work enterprise...

The city state...Or Civilization...The thing you all popped into existance out of thin air into...

Price of gold? Who sets that...The Government of the olden days...

The Government sets the price of Gold at $18 per ounce...And the treasury will pay that amount for refined gold and then construct coins with a face value of $20 at a cost of $1 with a 1 dollar profit...

1000 ounces of gold sold to the treasury for $1800...But there's enough gold to manufacture $2000 worth of coinage...

But what happens if the miners want a raise...and it costs more than $18 to produce one ounce of refined Gold...then what?

Or the mines run dry...then what?

Does the demand for money stop when the supply does?

It should...Sorry folks...there's no more money...please starve to death now...thanks...

No...the demand is still there reguardless if the supply is there needs to be a solution to that problem...The solution is the current system...the credit system.

Well they did try the military solution...invading other areas in search of gold silver, copper, Iron, Tin, livestock, farmland/living space, technology, slaves...etc to sustain the empire...But that consumed more resources and in most cases they had to consume a greater amount of resources than they obtained...Eventually the war machine ground to a stop and the economy imploded to oblivion...poof.

Everyone said...woo boy,that sure sucked...lets not do that again...they then did it all over again...over an over again for 1000's of years.

You are all doing it now...

Soldiers follow orders so It's irrelevent what their opinions are...

The debate is to stay or not to stay...That is irrelevant...

In WW2 the war against Germany and Japan was won by reducing them to smoldering rubble piles...plain and simple...then hiring the survivors to rebuild.

The USA squandered their chance at the start of the Iraq war to take Iraq intact...The USA did not have offensive forces...Just defensive forces...

Saddam had a force of 500,000+ to just maintain security in Iraq...and a huge police force and secret service on the front lines...

The USA as Foreign invaders didn't and don't even come close...When the British were in Iraq they did the exact same thing...Invaded with enough to shoot the place up...but not enough troops to control Iraq...

Populations eventually become used to the shooting and just accept it...populations eventually become used to the control and just accept it.

This is just a replay of a chess move that is known to fail.

The US Milatary has failed...and is destroying itself.

So then who benefits from a US military that is self destructing?

Who benefited from the German self destruction at Stalingrad?

What happens when the US military has to actually fight against a real threat from behind?

Those who desire the US military to be very weak when they make their move are obviously behind the push for the US military to stay in Iraq and self destruct...

It's not betrayal...It's Stupidity...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Gold Standard

If there was a switch back to a gold standard the top would have to call in all the Gold that was lent out into circulation currently.

How about this...I produce food...enough to feed you for a day...lets say for 5 dollars and decide to conficate $15 from you for it...

or I could just club you over the head and confiscate the $15

By consent or conquest folks...There is no escape...

The top will always suck from the bottom to the top...

The current Congress decreed fixed price of GOLD is $42.2222 a troy ounce...

Yes of course the speculative free market value is not static but dynamic so it constantly changes...

And the current US Dollar decreed by Congress is...

"The United States $1 Coin Act of 1997 was legislation passed by the United States Congress providing for a redesigned gold colored coin with a distinctive new rim.

The current "decreed" U.S. Dollar is...

"The Sacagawea Dollar is the current United States dollar coin. This coin was first minted in 2000 and depicts the Native American woman Sacagawea. The obverse was designed by Glenna Goodacre and the reverse by Thomas D. Rogers."

"Obverse design: Sacagawea with her baby
Reverse design: A bald eagle in flight surrounded by 17 stars (for the number of states in the Union in 1804 at the time of the Lewis and Clark Expedition)."

88.5% copper
6.0% zinc
3.5% manganese
2% nickel

But the free market mostly prefers electromagnetic polarity differentials on hard disk platters or Federal reserve bank notes...

Article I, Section 8.

"To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures."

Congress has the power according to the Constitution to arbitrarily fix or decree (Fiat) the standard of weights and measures in the USA...To coin money of the USA...To regulate the value of all coined money in the USA and of the USA.

Value of course being a measure.

(Given to them by a group of people called "We the people" supposedly on September 17, 1787 according to the date watchers...Signed by 39 of the 55 Philadelphia Convention delegates)

You against that? Then you are against the Constitution.

"I, {insert name here}, do solemnly swear, (or affirm), that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."


Right now you are all basically assets...once the system implodes...the vast majority of you will transform into unfundable liabilities...

Meaning that entire cities will be liquidated to balance the books...There will be no debate...

You become trouble?...You and 1000's of people standing around you will be turned into splatter and chunks of meat...

Play time is coming to an end...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Consumers are the engines of inflation...The credit system was invented to postpone the reaching of maximum potential inflation of the money supply.

Consumers become upset when they are told there is no more money and they begin starving.

The credit system solves that problem for awhile.

And Inflation is new growth that is greater than previous growth and it is also new growth that is less than previous growth...

Inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential becomes inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential when Inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential reaches maximum potential.

Inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential becomes inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential when Inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential reaches maximum potential.

The cause of inflation is not is an increase in the quantity of money and credit. An increase in the quantity of money and credit is an effect.

Your desire to obtain more and more and more power is caused by what?

Who or what is behind the inflationary agenda of Time?

When are the clocks going to stop or begin moving backwards?

It wasn't [Greenspan]...It was all of you...

Throw Greenspan up against a wall and blow him away or torture him slowly until you grow tired of the noises he makes...

It will not stop the arrival of the logical conclusion to the cycle that began before all that are living existed...

And in eternity the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a cycle occur at the same point...

The beginning is the end and the end is the beginning...

It's more rewarding to lie your ass off to avoid responsibility than to take responsibility for your actions...

Until society chooses to stop being selfish...there will be no system to replace the current system that you all love.

Bailout is impossible...

The atomic bomb has already been dropped...You all will not know it until it detonates and try to figure out happened...That's if you survive.

You are all surrounded by people pretending...They will stop...and the daydream you are currently living in will transform into a nightmare...


But until then...enjoy the daydream that you are awake.

Monday, September 24, 2007


The meaning of the word Evolution has been transformed from...Change over time...into...There is no GOD, We are all Monkeys..

Those looking for an excuse to limit or attempt escape from responsibility embrace it.

GOD exists and there is no escape...other than delusion...which is finite and fragile...or a temporary prosperity.

You can postpone your evolution into a skeleton for as long as possible but it's inevitable that you will not postpone it forever. Just as you will never postpone the shattering of your cherished delusions forever.

You all don't come here in search of Truth...You all come here seeking support for or to promote your cherished delusions.

The Universe is powered by GOD...GOD supplies an infinite and indestructible amount of less than infinite and indestructible power to all and everything. You are not supplied with enough power to move that object over there out of the way but if you are able to obtain more power greater than you are supplied with by GOD it can be done...Together our power is greater...And we can move that object out of the way...

How much power does GOD supply to an individual...A less than infinite and indestructible amount...How much power is a less than infinite and indestructible amount? Enough power when abused to enslave an entire planet.

Currently the object you are having trouble moving out of the way on your journey to the logical conclusion is a reasonable assumption.

You are having trouble moving it out of the way because you think, believe, and have faith that the reasonable assumption is a logical conclusion.

GOD is Truth and Truth is GOD. Yes the LORD works in mysterious ways...GOD does not.

"No experiment could possibly prove or disprove the existence of the omnipresent and omnipotent."

Here is the the experiment...


The first lie a liar wants you to believe is that Truth is impossible to know...

You would have to be omnipresent and omnipotent...or GOD to know...Truth.

Unfortunately and fortunately once you know Truth...It's impossible for liars to convince another that a lie is Truth.

A delusion is a lie you tell yourself...and when you fall in love with it...It becomes a cherished delusion.

I'm well aware that you will fight to the death to protect that which you cherish.

Again...You all don't come here in search of Truth...You all come here seeking support for or to promote your cherished delusions.

Truth can not be reasoned with (lied to)

Truth does not lie.

Truth is unreasonable.

I'm not here seeking support for or to promote cherished delusions.

Like the cherished delusion that truth is that truth is impossible to know.

If it's not GOD then it's a Lie...

1+1=2...Try and destroy that all you never will.

1+1=3...This is very easy to destroy.

Behind all that you are aware of is simplicity that you all can not or refuse to comprehend.

Whether you are a believer in truth or not...You all think believe and have faith that 1+1=3...And when you are reminded that it is not...You become upset because the cherished delusion that 1+1 is a lie is destroyed by GOD.

The key problem is that you all don't know what Truth is.

What then is Truth...below is a hint.

It's all that you don't tell me that you think I'm unaware of.

1+1 = Truth

The existance of Truth can easily be proven.

Truth is infinite and indestructible.

Truth can not be reasoned with (Lied to)

Truth does not lie

Truth is unreasonable.

GOD is infinite and indestructible

GOD can not be reasoned with (Lied to)

GOD does not lie.

GOD is unreasonable.

GOD is not an invention...GOD is a discovery.

Truth is not an invention...Truth is a descovery.

Mathematics is not an invention...Mathematics is a discovery.

GOD Truth Mathematics are words invented to attempt to describe the complexity of simplicity as simply as possible.

GOD, Truth, Mathmatics, Logic, Law all existed before they were discovered...1000's of years ago.

You were all born yesterday and you are all going to die tomorrow.

Reguardless you are all praying that Truth does not exist because Truth destroys your cherished delusions since Truth can not be reasoned with (lied to) and Truth does not lie...

You all find that unreasonable.

You will all fight to the death trying to defeat that which is infinite and indestructible.

There is never a lasting victory over Lies and the war against Truth has no exit strategy and always in defeat...

Could also be said.

There is never a lasting victory over Evil and the war against GOD has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat.

I don't think belive or have faith that Truth exists...I know GOD exists.


If you think believe and have faith that the existance of truth can not be proven then you have no ability to solve the above problem.

That is why you all tell me lie after lie after lie...Attempting to reason with me.

Convince me.

Persuade me.

And when that fails...Attempt to force me to support and help to promote your cherished delusions.

No, No we are not doing that!

Tell me another lie.

Of course the poll is an opinion poll.

The antonym or opposite of opinion is fact...

Does religion do more harm than good?

All belief is religious.

So then does what you think believe and have faith in as Truth cause more harm that good?

I guess It all depends upon what you think believe and have faith truth is.

Currently you all think, believe, and have faith that Truth is whatever you think, believe, and have faith Truth is.

Does that do more harm than good?

So then we need a poll to decide what harm and good is.

Because you all think, believe, and have faith that (Insert whatever here) is...Is whatever you think, believe, and have faith (Insert whatever here) is.

"The essential claim of sophistry is that the actual logical validity of an argument is irrelevant (if not non-existent); it is only the ruling of the audience which ultimately determines whether a conclusion is considered "true" or not. By appealing to the prejudices and emotions of the judges, one can garner favorable treatment for one's side of the argument and cause a factually false position to be ruled true."

--Sophistry A.K.A Democracy or Truth by Popular delusion/concensus

Sorry but Truth is not decided by a majority vote...Just the consequences.

The consequences that could be Good or Bad.

Does what you think, believe, and have faith that Truth is...Is whatever you think, believe, and have faith Truth is...cause more harm than good?

How about...

Does what you think, believe, and have faith that GOOD is...Is whatever you think, believe, and have faith GOOD is...cause more harm than good?

How about...

Does what you think, believe, and have faith that HARM is...Is whatever you think, believe, and have faith HARM is...cause more harm than good?

Opinion is not Truth.

Opinion is another word to describe delusion...and a delusion is a lie you tell yourself...

I'm well awere of all the lies you told yourself...fell in love with...and now cherish.

How is a poll going to tell me what I already know?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Central Banks and Interest Rates

The FED Controls nothing...

As long as the consumers have the ability to request more and more and more...The FED is forced to give them more and more...And when the consumers can not or refuse to request more and more and more...The FED will be forced to give them less and less...

Rates follow the economy...Rates rise when the consumpton of credit slows...and Drop when the consumption of credit accelerates.

Credit/ a product...

The FED follows the bond markets.

Rates inverted before the 1999-2003 collapse...

The Japanese rates follow the economy as well...

No central bank sets rates...If central banks had the ability to set rates...They would have set them decades/centuries ago and been done with it.

The economy (basically all of you on planet Earth currently) set the rates...All those that claim that they are setting or have the power to set rates are lying and you all are believers of the lie.

The top sees the information in real time...They see when the bottom is slowing down or speeding up consumption before the bottom knows what is going on...

When the bottom begins slowing down...The top says that inflation is a problem and that they are raising rates...and when the slowdown begins reaching maximum potential...The top says that deflation is a problem and that they are lowering rates...

The top does not work...The bottom does all the work...and the top takes credit for it...Unless of course the result of taking credit is unrewarding...Then the top blames the bottom...

The yield curve is inverted...for the past 50 years of data that has preceeded all recessions...

Top buys and sells...Top has been slowly positioning themselves into bonds out of equities for months...Must be reaching the end of the process...

When bonds get bid down in price yields rise...When bonds get bid up in price yields drop...

The top is and has been getting into position for the bond bull/equities bear that is going to follow the bond Bear/equities bull...You buy bonds when the yield is highest and sell bonds when the yield is lowest...To maximize profit...The top says...You all better buy and hold...When they who have already bought and been holding need to sell and drop...

And when all the buyer and holders begin selling and dropping...The top buys and holds...


Japanese economy is Export to the USA based...They are wholesale while the USA is the retail distribution outlet.

The official discount rate of the Bank of Japan is 0.1%...If rates in the USA were forced to 0%...that would mean a -0.1% profit in the carry trade...The Japanese central bank discount rate woul have to drop lower than 0% to obtain a carry trade slight problem...A yield of zero and below zero are profitless.

Finance rates of 0% is a sign of doomsday...since it's a last ditch effort to sustain businesses in the hopes that good times return...They are not going to...rates have been dropping for over 20 years...past zero and you have negative yields...

How much profit do you yield right now?....How long could you survive with zero or negative yields?

You are all staring at the end of civilization as you know it but are oblivious...

You will all wait around for a lifeboat wondering when you are going to get access to one...You all will not realize it's game over until you are in the water thrashing around crying for salvation...


Our ancestors chose to march to doom all did not...all you all did was choose to pick up where they left off is all...This has been going on for 1000's and 1000's of years now...

Friday, September 21, 2007

Bond Markets

It's amazing how you all believe that the FED raises or drops rates because the T.V. says so...but you don't believe a whole pile of other stuff the T.V. tells you is truth...

The Bond markets are where Interest rates are set...and consumers drive the bond markets...THE FED JUST FOLLOWS ALONG...

For months now the Bond markets have been getting bid up resulting in yields dropping...

The purpose of fooling you all (peasants) into believing Bernanke sets rates is so that "HE" can take the blame (It's why he was installed as chairman) when things start looking ugly...The System itself escapes...

In 5 years of staring at Interest rates...I have not seen the FED do anything to raise or lower them...

The below chart clearly shows that short bond yields were rising and falling well before the FED was forced to raise or cut...It's been like that for decades...

The current 0.5% cut is to play catch up...Bonds back the US Dollar ultimately...and short bonds have been caving in...for months

Currently there are not enough bonds and too many dollars in circulation...

Price of Bonds get bid up causing yields to drop...

Same thing was playing out 2000-2003...fortunately 9-11 happened which gave Congress a reason to create a massive pile of new bonds to stop the collapse in yields...The War on Terror...

Going to need something like that again to stop this collapse in yields/Interest rates...

Either a whole pile of new bonds or consumer exhaustion which will rapidly cause consumer requests for commercial banks to manufacture new money to slow significantly.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

'Involuntary Servitude'

"Including the right to engage in insurrection against those who would deny them their freedom"

Those who deny have a GOD given right to deny just as those who engage in insurrecton against them have a GOD given right to engage in insurrection...IF people didn't have the GOD given right to enslave other people...It wouldn't be possible to enslave other people.

So then all you need is John Q. Adams and the Supreme court of the USA to come to your rescue...

Don't think that's going to happen...First you have to find a continent that is sparsely populated to conquer/enslave and then construct a civilization that has more power than the one you are attempting to obtain freedom from...

It's at the end where you have all this free time to dream...back in the olden days you all worked so hard for your employers you didn't have much free time to dream up escape plans...

And the only reason those men were on trial was because they rose up and slaughtered their enslavers...

You will have to do the same...and all those below you that you have enslaved to supply you with all the comforts you take for granted rise up and slaughter you...

At the first sign that it's impossible to sustain the top will go into hiding and you all will burn yourselves out killing each other off...then the top will ease back in and start enslaving they have been doing for 1000's of years...

A contract is nothing...I could agree one day but decide a few months later that you are puss and tear it up...Unless you have more power than me to force me to drop to my knees and lick your boots.

So there you go...reguardless...You need to have the power to enforce contracts...without the power to force me to act against my need to be free...your contracts mean nothing...

Contracts were concocted by lazy people who detest work...

Supply me with 2 dollars a day profit and I'll give you 1 dollar of it as just get 1 million people to sign on the dotted line and you will be pulling in 1 million dollars a day...

But you don't tell the slave how much you will be pulling in...Just what they will get for a days work if they agree to slave for you...and if it's more than any other employer is paying they will be lining up to sign on the dotted line...

You clowns will never escape...yourselves.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Random Posts...

We are separate from animals...Animals have no place in society...They belong in the wild...So then a way has to be found to de-domesticate you and release you back into the wild or just eliminate you altogether...Really...or just wait until game over arrives and you all go at each other like animals attempting to have your cake and eat it too...Be an animal all you want...Just not around me...But I don't seem to have to inform my pet cat too often how the Universe works...You all need constant reminders which you constantly forget or ignore...So you are actually worse than animals...

Yes if you all don't shop like mad...The economy will slow and there will be less money flying around and those soldiers will get worse treatment than currently. If you are not prepared to be blow to pieces...Then you should not have joined the military...Hint...That's what happens to soldiers...They get blown into chunks...Really.

And more soldiers survive being blown apart now than have ever then the solution is that less soldiers need to survive...It worked great in the olden days...War used to be good for getting rid of excess population...Now all it's doing is damaging the existing population beyond repair...

You know the Conservatives? They have been corrupted by the Liberals...and you know the Liberals? They have been corrupted by the Conservatives...

The FUBAR...

Prior to the 20th century...economic depressions were common...what the Austrians call the natural cleansing process...Their code word for Economic depression...Unfortunately modern technological civilization...the thing you all are in is incompatable with the natural cleansing process.

in the olden days the 3 horse family could eat a horse to survive a natural cleansing process which was short and sharp...a year or two...

Currently the two car family can not eat a car to survive a natural cleansing process...Neither could the people back in the 1930's...So the natural cleansing process was stopped but more accurately postponed to a future date...

And the Austrian school says and I agree that the longer you postpone the natural cleansing process the greater in magnitude it will be when it can't be postponed any longer...The great depression was so great because the natural cleansing process that should have happened after WW1 was postponed for 10 years...The current postponement has lasted 60 years...

WW1 and WW2 were only wars of attrition...The underlying problem which lead to their outbreak was not solved...The system itself is systemically flawed to inflate to maximum potential then implode to oblivion...

The implosion to oblivion and implementation of the new system has been postponed twice now...and the current system is weaker now than it ever has been in history...

Most of you are in no condition physically or mentally to survive a typical pre 20th century natural cleansing process which is not what you are all marching with glee towards...The postponement is going to produce a horrorshow that is currently beyond your abilities to comprehend...

Many billions are going to die...The so called Rich countries will all implode...

And this time around there are no accounting tricks left that are going to postpone the balancing of the books that have not been balanced in centuries any longer...

It's a Democracy...The bottom will choose the fate that the top will make sure the bottom accepts...In a Democracy the Top does nothing without a reason...supplied to the top by the bottom...That way it's always the fault of the bottom...Not the top...The top likes this better than in the olden days when they decided the fate of the bottom...

Raising a family is tough...especially when you increase the number of children.

You think you could be Daddy and Mommy to every child on Earth?

Well the worshipers of One World Government delusion think so...

That could be the problem.

And the Universe already has a Government...GOD.

And any man made Government that attempts to manipulate the Universe in a way that is impossible will basically come into conflict with GOD and be annihilated.


One mother and father when they choose to invest the effort required to raise a few kids have a tough time and are not always succeesful.

And the one worlders think they can mold millions and billions of free willed entities that are generally Chaotic into Order as they see fit?

It's absurd...They are all supreme idiots.

The social engineering institutions...What you all call schools don't even come close to accomplishing that or appear to be trying...All they currently are producing are ignorant drones to be exploited by the previously produced drones...It's a joke.

All the fools that no longer exist and the current ones looking into the Future dreaming that one day this scheme is going to produce the reality that the sales pitch claims is possible...are never going to see it except in the figments of their discombobulated imaginations.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Greenspan - Iraq war was really for oil

Yes about oil...controling the price of oil...Saddam controled the pumps...he could easily play with the price...Now he can't...

The US Dollar is the global trade medium of exchange...Which price will cause more demand for the US Dollar since from 1944 you need US Dollars to purchase oil from the Global market? 40$ a barrel or 80$ a barrel?

Saddam had the power to collapse the US dollar by glutting the market...But he was taken out before he had the chance. There was pressure in 1997 to take him out...

28 October 2006

BEIJING - China and Iraq are reviving a 1997 deal worth $1.2 billion signed by Beijing and Saddam Hussein's government to develop an Iraqi oil field, Baghdad's oil minister said Saturday.

Officials will meet next month to renegotiate the agreement over the al-Ahdab field, said Iraqi Oil Minister Hussain al-Shahristani. He was wrapping up a three-nation tour to secure investment to revive his country's oil industry.

"If agreement is reached very quickly then I expect them to start working right away," al-Shahristani said at a news conference.

China is the world's second-largest oil consumer and has been investing heavily in trying to secure access to foreign supplies.

State-owned China National Petroleum Corp. signed the al-Ahdab deal in the midst of U.N. sanctions that barred direct dealings with Iraq's oil industry. Beijing was waiting for sanctions to end when the U.S. invasion in 2003 overthrew Saddam's government.

Control of oil is what it's about...That comes first...the rest of the soap opera is dependant upon that...

So the oil co.s get the tripling in returns and the US taxpayer gets the bill and blames it all on Islamofascism, not the profiteers. More of a bottom suffer the consequences and the top who ultimately are the cause of everything escape the consequences.

You need pretexts...You can't go around telling people how the global system operates and then say...this must be done to sustain the system you are dependant upon because if everyone became aware of how the system operates they would demand a change to it...And any change that causes the top to lose power would not be accepted by the top...that is the position the top is constantly trying to avoid putting themselves into...

Democracy or majority rule is not a manmade system...It's natural...But it can be controled like fire is...

If the top loses control...they will be burned...

Iran has a central bank or branch of the bank of England and a British embassy...The Presidnet of Iran and the so called ruling elite were installed to supply the pretext...

"Although thousands of kilometers away from Iran in Paris France, Khomeini set the course of the revolution, urging Iranians not to compromise and ordering work stoppages"

"On the airplane on his way to Iran Khomeini was asked by reporter Peter Jennings: "What do you feel in returning to Iran?" Khomeini answered "Hich ehsâsi nadâram" (I don't feel a thing). This statement is often referred to by those who oppose Khomeini as demonstrating the ruthlessness and heartlessness of Khomeini. His supporters, however, attribute this comment as demonstrating the mystic aspiration and selflessness of Khomeini's revolution."

No one tried to stop it at all...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Bank Runs...

Police help to disperse Northern Rock queues
By Harry Wallop, Consumer Affairs Correspondent and Natalie Paris
Last Updated: 4:49pm BST 15/09/2007

Northern Rock has apologised to customers who spent a second day queuing to withdraw money after the company asked the Bank of England for emergency funding.;jsessionid=CYAWNZINGLXKPQFIQMGSFFWAVCBQWIV0?xml=/money/2007/09/15/cnrock715.xml

In 1944 at the tail end of the 1933-1945 bankruptcy reorganization of the global system following the implosion of the crown system 1929-1933...730 delegates gathered at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire for the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference. The delegates deliberated upon and signed the Bretton Woods Agreements during the first three weeks of July...

The New Global trade system to replace the old annihilated one...The British pound was dumped as the Global trade medium of exchange and the US Dollar was made the new Global trade medium of exchange and unfortunately the consumer base of jolly old England was too small to be the demand of the world so the USA was made the demand of the global system...

only way to sustain the Empire...

The Global banking system you see in operation right now began 313 years ago...In the City of London...A.K.A the Square mile...with the creation of the Bank of England...The Central bank that all the others on Earth are patterned after and branches of...

Just over 100 central banks in the global branch network currently...

The FEDERAL RESERVE? While currently the most significant...still just a branch...The USA? just an economic zone...But the most important zone on Earth...The Demand...

since 1944...the USA has been the global demand...and the rest of the world has been the supply...Supply of stuff...demand for stuff...

The supply demands money for all that stuff...The delegates deliberated upon and signed the Bretton Woods Agreements (making the US Dollar "THE MONEY") during the first three weeks of July 1944.

The Banks across the pond are suffering a shortage of supply of "THE MONEY" because US Consumers after 60+ years of oblivious consumption are MAXED OUT...and just ain't consuming as much stuff as is needed to sustain the continued inflation of the global system by the required amount to postpone the inevitable implosion of the 1944 Bretton Woods system...

or it's just a another recession...yawn...

The only source of "THE MONEY" (US Dollars) is US consumers...

US consumers directly and indirectly request the US commercial banking system to manufacture "THE MONEY"

The Number one thing that US consumers need/want which causes them to request the US commercial banking system to manufacture "THE MONEY?"

US real estate is the number one engine driving the global economy...That breaks down...Kiss the world as you know it...goodbye.

The whole world will feel it...Everyone in the world finances it's day to day operation...and when everyone in the world can't finance it any longer...Inflation greater than previous inflation transforms into inflation less than previous inflation...

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Truth can not be lied to...

The Idea you are trying to get people to believe is Truth?

All the money you currently suck from all those below you is unjustified then. There are billions of people lower in the hierarchy slaving day in and day out to supply you with all that you take...and you certainly take more than you give. And the system works great...Top sucks from the bottom until the bottom is sucked dry and then the system canabalizes itself and implodes.

The Austrians call it the Natural cleansing process...They like the system as well...Just not what the medium of exchange of it is currently constructed out of. The only place that the top can obtain what the bottom demands as compensation from the top is from the bottom. The only place that the employers can obtain what the employees demand as compensation from the employer is from the employees.

Where else do employers get what they have?

Again you all don't come here looking for Truth...You all come here to promote or seek support for your cherished delusions.

I'm free to do as I please...Until I'm locked up in a cage and the key thrown away or killed...There is nothing any of you can do to stop me from manipulating the Universe however I see fit.

Please tell me how I'm not free or how my freedom is being taken away?

I do look through your eyes but you see what is reasonable...I see what is logical.

The Universe is not a construct of reason...It is a construct of Logic.

And there is no such thing as illogic...That is an invention.

You all mistake that which is unreasonable for that which is illogical.

Truth does not lie

Truth can not be lied to.

Truth is unreasonable...

Truth is not illogical...Truth is Logical.

You all choose to find Truth illogical because Truth is unreasonable which is logical.

Human Beings have no power to make or break Logic

Human Beings have the power to make and break Reasons and call them Logic

But if the reasons attempt to break Logic then Logic will break the reasons.


2 is the logical solution to the above problem...But of course of you choose to find that solution unreasonable...You can choose to reject that which you choose to think is unreasonable and search for a reasonable solution to the problem.

All problems are as simple as the above...

Simplicity adds up to the multiplication of complexity which is then divided unequally to obtain the required yield of power the absolute capitalists want to manipulate the Universe how they desire.

The amount of power each one of you demands can be reasonable or unreasonable but you your demands whether reasonable or unreasonable reguardless are logical.

The Universe is perfectly fair whether you think it is or not...Everyone and everything gets what they and it deserve whether they think they deserve what they get or not...and there is no hope.

Truth does not lie

Truth can not be lied to.

Truth is unreasonable.

Human beings have no power to make or break Truth.

All that Human beings have the power to do is make and break lies and call them truth.

But if the lie attempts to break Truth then Truth will break the lie.

I of course don't like seeing salesmen and their families starve to death...But once you know truth...There is no ability to sell me on anything else.

The salesmen say...You are unreasonable!!!!!

Yes of course I know that...Thanks for the reminder.

"The essential claim of sophistry is that the actual logical validity of an argument is irrelevant (if not non-existent); it is only the ruling of the audience which ultimately determines whether a conclusion is considered "true" or not. By appealing to the prejudices and emotions of the judges, one can garner favorable treatment for one's side of the argument and cause a factually false position to be ruled true."

--Sophistry A.K.A Democracy or Truth by Popular delusion/concensus

Reguardless...There is never a lasting victory over lies and the war against Truth has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat.

I'm not arguing.

1+1 = ?

I know ? = 2

You all think believe and have faith that ? is not 2...But so far in the many decades of existance in the Universe...None of you have told me what ? is...You all just assure me that it can't be 2 because 2 is unreasonable.

1+1 = Truth.

Simplicity adds up to the multiplication of complexity which is then divided unequally to obtain the required yield of power the absolute capitalists want to manipulate the Universe how they desire.

But not control.

The salesmen say...You are unreasonable!!!!!

Yes of course I know that...Thanks for the reminder.

"In the world history a situation like this will eventually lead into people stringing the wealthy from lamp posts."

After they run out soldiers to fight the terrorists...Yes then the terrorists will win and be able to string up the Fathers, Daughters, Mothers, and Sons.

You are all wealthy compared to the billions below you all supporting you all.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Shouldn't be much longer...

The USA and the world have been hyperinflating for 60 years...Various accounting tricks have been employed to hide it...In 1944 US consumers were requesting commercial banks to manufacture around 8 million dollars of new money a day or 1 Trillion dollars every 342 years and the total money supply was around 450 Billion dollars.

By 2000 US consumers were requesting the commercial banks to manufacture around 5 Billion dollars of new money a day or 1 Trillion dollars every 200 days and the total money supply was around 25 Trillion dollars.

Currently US consumers are requesting commercial banks to manufacture 11 Billion dollars of new money a day or 1 Trillion dollars every 90 days and the total money supply is about 44 Trillion dollars.

It won't be much longer...Rates collapsed during the last recession from 6.5% to 1%...They will have to collapse lower than 1% to escape this next one...and to accomplish that you need massive volume...

Prior to the 2000-2003 recession the household debt to income ratio was it's above 100%...The massive volume required to escape another recession...does not exist.

The current plan is to keep everything half ass functioning until the next election so that the new installed puppet can blame the previously installed puppet for all the coming austerity measures that will need to be implemented during the implosion.

You all have been attempting to inflate out of debt for 60 years...The debt was 450 Billion in 1944 and now its 44 Trillion...sorry but you never will inflate out...It's impossible. All you can do is service the continued existance of the money supply until it becomes impossible to and then stop payment and default...period end of story.

The constantly inflating money supply then transforms into the constantly deflating money supply...Or inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential becomes inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential when inflation greater than previous inflation to maximum potential reaches maximum potential.

The FED will just print more money belief is just a lie that was told to little children to keep them from having nightmares...Don't worry little children...Daddy has a magic weapon that can defeat GOD. There is nothing the FED or Government or anyone can do to postpone the inevitable implosion of the system that is dependant upon greater inflation than previous inflation to be sustained forever.

It can't be done...Sure it can be attempted...But inflation greater than previous inflation forever will never be accomplished. It never has been...All that is possible is to inflate to maximum potential...then implode...poof.

That's what you all have been doing all through recorded history...and you all have been shocked every time when you all fail to accomplish what is obviously impossible.

It's not like this is new...But you all are newborns that replaced the previous dieoffs...It can take many generations for the cycle to run full circle...You all just happened to be born at the terminal phase of the latest cycle...It began long before any of you existed...

Freedom costs...when the 1944 Bretton Woods system reaches maximum potential and implodes...No one will be able to afford it any longer...

Like the server this site is hosted on...Everyone will demand payment so that they can pay everyone that is demanding payment...But there won't be enough money being manufactured by commercial banks at the request of consumers to cover the demands for over.

It will operate until the very last second...then poof...because if the host said they might be going out of business...In would all run for the exits and the host would be out of business sooner rather than later...

We have to make it until 2008 to install the new puppet to replace the old puppet so the new puppet can blame the previous puppet for the yuckies that are going to be jumping like cats out of the bag all over the place...

Maybe...maybe not...ultimately it does not matter much...

The logical conclusion will not and does not change...The USA will reach maximum potential, implode, and suck the rest of the world with way or the other.

Oh and again...the FED does not set interest rate policy...the bond market does...

When consumers accelerate their requests for commercial banks to manufacture money...the money supply expands greater than the supply of bonds in the market and bids up bonds and yields down...but when consumers slow their requests for commercial banks to manufacture money the the money supply shrinks greater than the supply of bonds in the market and bids down bonds and yields up...

The Fed's sharp rate hike policy of the late 70's/early 80's was due to not enough consumer requests for credit causing the bonds to be bid down and yields up...and the FED follows the bond market...It doesn't lead it...

The current rates hikes by the FED did not happen until the bond markets began being bid down and yields up (Bear market in bonds following the Bull market in bonds)...forcing the FED to follow along as always.

Yes there was a time I too believed...the FED is in control of interest rates lie was Truth...But unlike you all I made the choice to progress to a higher level of comprehension...Certainty...As opposed to parroting what the mob is saying/believeing what the mob fit in.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Scapegoat Event on Deck

Only way prices can be maintained is if supply is cut quicker than demand...That will only happen if there is time to accomplish such a manipulation...otherwise wholesale will collapse followed by retail.

Lower rates can only be sustained with volume...the lower the rates the greater the volume needed...

Key problem is when you go below zero in search of volume...Then it's game over...

The compounding interest equation does not work with zero or negative numbers...No positive yield.

You work for 2 weeks and when payday shows up you recieve zero pay or owe your employer...

Talk behind the scenes is that the system is going to begin producing visible signs that can't be covered up/explained away within months...

So whatever is planned to take focus away from the cause which is the system itself and focus it onto an effect of the cause will have to show up soon.

You can basically ignore the symptoms leading upto a heart attack...until the heart attack hits...then it's kinda hard to ignore...

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Stage 2 on Deck...

It's not a trap...Inflation greater than previous inflation does not last forever...Once inflation greater than previous inflation reaches maximum potential...It transforms into inflation less than previous inflation to maximum potential...

The top is not attempting to cause something to happen...The very instant you choose to take more than you give the implosion is inevitable...

Give someone x amount of something under the condition that they have to pay you back x amount + 1% is all it takes if that something has a growth rate less than 1% in the span of time it takes to pay it back.

Lets say the mines produce enough silver and gold to sustain a money supply growth rate of 3% a year but the top is demanding 5% a year...At some point the bottom will be unable to pay what is owed to the top...The top knows this...and is why the current monetary system is in place...But it's only a temporary soloution to the problem...eventually the bottom requests their maximum potential amount of money and can't request the required amount to sustain inflation any longer and the economy implodes anyway...

It's a natural function...A trap that can be seen and avoided...But Humanity keeps choosing to fall into it. We could switch from the indentured servitude system back to the previous chattle slavery system...And attempt to fix the price and quantity of everything...But we have the current system because the previous system didn't work...And would not work at all currently with so many dependant upon technology...

The current system keeps the electricity flowing...and the oil pumping...Your small hordes of gold and silver will be rapidly depleted just surviving...This is not Germany 1923-24...Germany imploded and sent a shockwave out into the rest of the world and caved it in...1929-1933...The huge mania in the US stockmarkets was caused by all the money leaving other collapsing markets in search of yield...

This time around the top economic zone...The going to reach maximum potential and implode...Bottom implodes and the top comes in and buys up everything at firesale implodes and it's game over...The top knows this...It why all the new rules [Homeland Security, Patriot Acts I & II...]are being put in place to deal with the fate resisters...

The USA only produces about 180 Thousand ounces of silver a day. The US dollar as defined by the 1792 coinarge act of 371 grains of pure silver would produce about 232,727 dollars of coinage...Enough to sustain the rich getting richer or the delusional lifestyles of the wannbe rich and famous you all currently take for granted for about 1.8 seconds. The USA produces about 22 Thousand ounces of gold a day. Enough to produce 449,782 Dollars as defined in the 1900 Gold Standard act. Enough to sustain the rich getting richer or the delusional lifestyles of the wannbe rich and famous you all currently take for granted for about 3.5 seconds.

Stage 1...inflation of the money supply to maximum potential.

Stage 2...deflation of the money supply to maximum potential

Stage 3...Bankruptcy of the banks...collapse of the division of labor/economy...consolidation of power...

Your incomes will dry up and you will be forced to live off savings...You will shun any kind of work that requires more effort than you currently are willing to invest...Until of course your savings are used up...then you will be forced to work...or die or die attempting to work.

The only person pointing a gun at your head and forcing you to do all that you choose to do currently...Is you...None of you have to do what you currently are but you all have chosen to do what you are all doing...And when it doesn't pay off like you imagined it would could or should...It's your fault for choosing to believe a delusion (A lie you tell to yourself) was truth...

All the players of the game you are playing believe they are going to win...until game over arrives and they find out that they were losers from the start...

Eventually the losers die off and are replaced by new players that think they are winning or are going to win...until of course game over arrives again...

The winners always laugh and the losers always cry....

Friday, September 07, 2007

No Deflation?

No deflation?...Then why is the price of real estate inflating less than previously? When Germany reached maximum potential hyperinflation...Hyperinflation transformed into hyperdeflation...The economy imploded...there were food riots due to the collapse of the distribution systems...The German army was machine gunning people in the streets...Before the Rentenmark showed up to replace the old currency.

The USA has been hyperinflating for decades already...It's just hidden with accounting tricks...Like exporting manufacturing out to low wage and slave wage zones...Without all the steps taken in the 1970's...The USA along with the rest of the 1944 Bretton Woods global system would have imploded to oblivion 20 years ago...You would not even be reading this post...

But like all the other times before...all that was done was a further postponement of the inevitable...

If I had the power to eliminate all the lies with a snap of the fingers...You all would be standing naked in the middle of the wilderness...

The purpose of the Police and military is to protect the top from the bottom...To protect cause from consequence...The easiest prey of the hunter gatherer is the farmer and the simplest operation is the protection scheme...

You are either with us or against us...

All money is decreed top says this is money...Or else...period end of story...You Farmer are on the Land owned by the LORD of the land and will pay tribute to the LORD of 1 Gold coin a year...Where do I get this GOLD coin? You can take one short ton of grain to the grainery of the LORD and there you will be given a GOLD coin for it and then you can give the gold coin to the servant of the LORD...

What if I refuse? Then the LORD will drive you from the Land that the LORD is the LORD of...

There you go an abundant supply of free food to power your wildest hopes and dreams...Lies and delusions...

22 And the LORD said, Behold! The man has become as one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put forth his hand and also take from the Tree of Life, and eat, and live forever,
23 The LORD sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground out of which he was taken.
24 And He drove the man out. And He lodged the cherubs at the east of the Garden of Eden, and the flaming sword whirling around to guard the way of the Tree of Life.

Well what is done with all that Food the tillers of the LORD's land give the LORD as Tribute?

It powers the Absolute capitalist Hierarchial food powered make work enterprise...The city state...Or Civilization...The thing you all popped into existance out of thin air inside of...

"And the LORD said, Behold! The man has become as one of Us"

I'm awake...You all on the other hand are fighting to stay asleep...To wake up as you have instructed me...I would have to fall back to sleep...That is never going to happen...Sweet dreams...When maximum potential inflation is all top to bottom bottom to top will wake up from the daydream...into the nightmare.

again...nothing can be done to stop the arrival of inflation less than previous inflation...what you all generally call deflation...To "fight" inflation less than previous inflation you need inflation greater than previous inflation...

one slight problem...once the maximum potential is need greater than infinite inflation...There is no such thing as greater than infinite...

This website is hosted on a server...It costs to host...when the system reaches maximum potential inflation greater than previous inflation...the money supply will stop inflating...The server will have a very hard time operating with less and less funds...Of course it will operate until the last possible second...but once the income the server requires to sustain operation dries over...they will flip the switch...

We ain't even at the...what? the Titanic is sinking? but that's impossible...stage yet...

Power plants will shut down/be rationed...water systems will shut down/be rationed...Food production will shut down/be rationed...etc

China India...etc...they along with the USA will just implode to oblivion...Since 1944 the entire Global economy has grown more and more dependant upon the US consumer...running to commercial banks...and requesting the commercial banks to manufacture more and more money...Or Debt...

And now after 6 decades the US consumer is almost maxed out...There is no way to stop what is coming...It's coming...and will unfold one way or the other and is not going to end until all the books that have not been balanced in centuries are balanced...

This cycle that is in the terminal phase began before the USA even existed...

The Romans tried expanding outward in search of more resources to sustain the empire...they didn't have the technology the British did when they expanded out in search of resources to sustain the empire...but now the world is conquered...where to next?

Nowhere...Just like when Rome reached maximum potential...cannibalization time.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Hypertiger Movie Recommendation

1936 movie based on the 1933 H.G. Wells book...The Bank of England/city of London makes an appearance at the start...

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Deflation is Impossible?

Over the years I've had plenty of people tell me that deflation is impossible...not gonna happen...But never point out how the impossibility is going to be transformed into certainty...The Current global system is the 1944 Bretton Woods global trade system with the US Dollar as the Global trade medium of exchange...Basically every price on Earth is affected by the line on the chart...

Once maximum potential inflation is reached it will be impossible to sustain the inflation of the money supply...the total money supply of the USA currently [is] 46 Trillion dollars...Impossible to sustain price inflation...and prices globally will begin collapsing...unless of course supply is cut by producers quicker than demand...

The Food producers could stop producing more and more...and instead produce less and less and demand higher and higher obtain the required amount of money to sevice the existing contracts continued existance...

"What will deflate is garbage; the crap nobody needs or wants, IE junk goods."

People produce and sell so called "junk goods" to people for buy food...So the production of food will have to be cut quicker than the demand for it drops to prevent the price of food from collapsing...Most food producers go into debt to start the production of food...then once the food is produced and off or service the debt...

China's economy depends upon the exportation to the rest of the world of junk goods in mass quantities to sustain the continued inflation of their economy...The US economy depends upon the importation and consumption of junk goods to sustain the continued inflation of it's economy...China stops...and the USA caves in...the USA caves in (The green line on the chart reaches maximum potential and the unknown but certain to show up in the nick of time inflation forever money matters miracle instead fails to show up) and the rest of the 1944 Bretton Woods global system with the US dollar as the global trade medium of exchange, China, India, England, the EU,...etc...implodes to oblivion.

But "they" aint gonna let that happen..."They" have no extra power except that which they recieve from all of you...and combined you all have no power to stop the Universe from functioning as it has, does, and will...Other than in your dreams and imaginations...

Yes The top will not be selling all the stuff you need for pennies on the dollar...People lower in the hierarchy need all the same stuff those higher need...but they can't get it because they dont have enough money or anything in large enough quantities to trade for it...

The line separating the haves from the have nots is going to rapidly rise...and you will all be left behind...It's like in the olden days when hurricanes showed up unexpectantly because they looked just like any other storm blowing in...By the time the people caught in the hurricane realized they were in danger...It was game over...

By the time you realize how dire the situation actually is...You will all be too deep into it to escape...(You are many decades deep into already) It's not going to be a pretty sight when billions of people that don't have to work/don't desire to all of a sudden are put into a position where they will have to...Or die...or die attempting to...

Everyone will be demanding a return to how it was...There will be no return until you all go through how its going to be and how it will be for the rest of your lives...Maybe your children's children's children will get back to where we are now...

Every person that has ever stood up on the highest mountain and screamed that there will be no end and attacked GOD was utterly destroyed...

That is what you are doing...attempting to defeat GOD and obtain absolute power...That will never happen because all the power you all recieve comes from GOD...and the only way to attack Truth is with lies and delusions...There is no way to transform a lie or delusion into Truth...Other than in your dreams and imaginations...You have to fool me into consuming what you are producing money matters...and like you said...

"What will deflate is garbage; the crap nobody needs or wants, IE junk goods."

Do you have anything other than Junk goods for me? And why am I so important to you? There are billions more potential customers that I'm sure will consume what you are producing...And Unlike me...they are already devout followers of the Just think positive inflation forever religion...

Converting me back to your belief system is impossible...So there you go...The only other option is to kill me off...Or I assure you that I will spoil your fun...your happiness...shatter all your cherished delusions...But I'm not killing me off will do nothing to stop the inevitable arrival of the inevitable...And it's not like I'm standing in front of your Junk goods store scaring away potential customers...