Saturday, August 19, 2006

Responsible Capitalism vs Absolute Capitalism or Honest Traders vs Lying Thieves

"There is no such thing as a non capitalist system...
Money has nothing to do with capitalism...
Every Human born is capitalistic all life is capitalistic...There is no escape from capitalism...except non existence...

Intelligent life has two choices...Absolute Capitalism employing self-indulgent reason or Responsible Capitalism employing Altruistic logic... Absolute Capitalists believe that the needs of the one or few outweigh the needs of the many... Responsible Capitalists believe that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or one... But that is socialism!

So those of you who believe in the needs of the one or few outweighing the needs of the many...You believe the King or Queen's needs outweigh the needs of the subjects...You believe the needs of the political Hierarchy in any political system outweighs the needs of the governed population...You believe lies are superior to truth...

The only need that exists in the Universe is the truth. The basis and creation of LAWS is the gift of Responsible Capitalists...Civilization is the creation of responsible capitalists... The only law that exists in the Universe is the truth. Absolute capitalists believe in the ends justifying the means and interpret law as you can do whatever you want as long as you don´t get caught breaking the LAW...Or how a Criminal individual and or an Animal thinks...

Responsible capitalists believe that the ends don´t justify the means because they believe breaking the LAW is wrong reguardless if you think you can get away with it or not get caught...Or how a civilized individual thinks...

All the bad or Negative effects that have happened in the recorded history of humanity can be blamed on Absolute Capitalists and all the good or Positive effects that have happened in the recorded history of humanity can be blamed on Responsible capitalists...

The Gold market like all commodities markets are fractionally reserved paper markets, so the vast majority is at the mercy of a handful of paper speculators...Gold and silver is an especially paper speculative market...If the contracts for gold and silver were actually demanded delivery on there is not enough gold and silver to back them up... Just as the Commercial Banks are all insolvent if everyone that has a deposit demands delivery...

In the US banking system the Fractional reserve is 3%...most people think that means for every $3 on deposit that 97 dollars is out on reality for every $1 on deposit the commercial bank can create out of thin air with compound interest attached $34 to lend out at the request of consumers... Banks are just legalized frauds...

Central Banks like the [privatly owned] FEDERAL RESERVE are able to create any amount of money (Debt) out of thin air with compound interest attached with zero backing at the request of consumers which are mostly commercial banks and Governments...Banks have an infinite ability to create debt out of thin air but consumers have a finite ability to request its creation...

Debt inflation has a maximum potential...once consumers devote 100% of their previously created debt leverage to the creation of new debt leverage the leveraging of leverage ponzi collapses because the only way to service previously created debt in a debt backed by debt system is with new debt creation...once new debt creation slows or stops there is no way to service previously created debt and the system implodes or begins working in reverse...

“The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled.” - John Kenneth Galbraith

The Gold and silver markets are the most manipulated the energy and food markets are next...The US stockmarkets are also highly manipulated...They are just massive paper ponzi schemes...Liquidity is maintained by the creation of short term money (Debt) out of thin air in the required amounts, Debt inflation, to overpower the ever present forces of debt deflation...Crashes happen when liquidity creation is overwhelmed by debt deflationary pressure...

New debt must always be created in the required amounts or the system crashes... The stock and commodity markets are nothing more than riverboater´s Paradises... Casinos...Basicaly the current civilization is totally hopelessly dependant on gambling...

You exchange money which is actually debt for a stock which is basicly just a worthless piece of paper and it´s value is just a figment of everyones imagination... There is no money in the stockmarket it is just an elaborate and complex accounting illusion...

Mutual funds? Just more worthless paper... Lets say that there are 1,000,000 stocks worth $1 each and one stock is offered for sale and is then bid up to be worth $2. Now $1,000,000 worth of stocks become worth $2,000,000...what if 1 stock is sold for 10 cents? Now 1,000,000 stocks are worth $100,000. The stockmarkets have zero value; stocks are just poker chips which idiots bid up in price is all...

Banks allow stocks which are worthless to be used as leverage for the creation of new if your $1 stock rises to $2 you can use it as collateral for the creation of $2 to now riverboat the market with $4...

Property...Supply and demand does play a part in all things... But it does not matter how much demand there is for an item if the money (Debt) does not exist to support the price... The UK and US housing markets are just debt inflated ponzi schemes. The technical term is mortgage backed security bubble, just another riverboater casino long as the debt can be created in the required amounts to support the price then the price will rise...Anyone that has bought property in the last 5 years with low down payments will be the first to be wiped out... In the US the average home has 50% equity...a 40% cut in equity will wipe out the 2 trillion dollar US real estate market...

The whole world is not based on reality; to think so is a serious error...It is based on a debt inflationary ponzi fantasy...Leverage backing leverage...absolute self indulgent reason... It is a 100% certainty and it does not matter if the most malevolent person or group or the most benevolent person or group administrates a debt backed by debt fractional reserve system it will always implode...the system is designed to do one thing and one thing only...Inflate debt to its maximum potential then it implodes...That is all it can do... That is the truth and you can use the I won´t believe it until I see it argument all you want...

The fact is unless you vanish off the face of the Earth sometime soon you will see it and believe it... This fact has been known about for 1000´s of years; it is no secret...except to the 100´s of millions of victims who seem to have not recieved any formal education from the owners of the system on its rudimentery mechanics... And when informed of its rudimentery mechanics believe it to be a science fiction fairy tale babbled by a nutcase...

"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." - FREDERIC BASTIAT, THE LAW"


Anonymous said...

"The whole world is not based on reality; to think so is a serious error...It is based on a debt inflationary ponzi fantasy...Leverage backing leverage...absolute self indulgent reason... It is a 100% certainty and it does not matter if the most malevolent person or group or the most benevolent person or group administrates a debt backed by debt fractional reserve system it will always implode...the system is designed to do one thing and one thing only...Inflate debt to it´s maximum potential then it implodes."

Yes! This has the ring of truth! Maximum potential and then implosion ... ice bergs are floating all around us...eventually we'll hit one...and the longer our "luck" holds the more likely and fatal the collision...


Anonymous said...

Amazing that your first post was so presient- and you foresaw that collapse all around us- I guess no one wanted to believe that housing was just like the Tulip craze ponzi pyrimid that is was.

Anonymous said...

Prophetic post in 2006! You hit it directly on the head, Hyper!

Holy cow, now the hits are coming faster....!

Anonymous said...

Just reposted on Tickerforum
this link- Hyper you belong there- you saw this happening and could haved save so many who otherwise bought into the Ponzi

Unknown said...

Are you still here Lynn? Are you NoThing? How did you become so wise? Are you and HYPERTIGER and hypertiger one lie a Holy Trinity. How does gematria work with Markets is this a 4 D reality like a video game or is it random?

Anonymous said...

Are you NOTHING?

Anonymous said...

Can you explain whether a reset is even possible or will the population be reduced as it seems the New World Order wants ala the Georgie Guidestones.