"The Russian Revolution of 1905, also known as the First Russian Revolution, began on January 22, 1905. "
"Vladimir Lenin, a revolutionary himself, would later say that the Revolution of 1905 was "The Great Dress Rehearsal", without which the "victory of the October Revolution in 1917 would have been impossible"."
1 + 2 + 2 = 5
reverse is 221
22 x 1 = 22
22nd letter in the Roman alphabet is V
Five in Roman numerals is V
2 x 21 = 42
When 1 = A and 26 = Z
FIVE = 42
Also a new all time high on the DOW 1/22/24
The bottom is 3/6/09
The close was 38001.81
380 + 1 + 81 = 462
77 x 6 = 462
776 weeks between 3/6/09 and 1/22/24