With 1 = A and 26 = Z
Who is like GOD = 137
If January 31 is = 1/31 then 6 more days = January 37 or 1/37
But it is 2/6
In Hebrew gematria מִיכָאֵל is 101
101 is the 26th prime.
Like 2/6
12th prime is 37
The first 12 primes add up to 197
My full name added up = 197
328 - 197 = 131
Hypertiger = 131 when you use 1 = A and 26 = Z
131 is what you get when you add up the 13th, 14th, and 15th prime
41+43+47 = 131 or the 32nd prime and the 5th prime that adds to 5
The first 12 primes add up to 197
The first 15 primes add up to 328
197 is the 45th prime
Yield rates in Canada and the US are at 4.5%
My thinking is people will burn through cash and credit trying to make ends meet until they are forced to stop and then the fantasy that is being sustained by everyone pretending will collapse into reality.