Human beings have no power to make or break LAW.
Human beings have the power to make and break rules and to call them LAW
But if the Rule attempts to break LAW then LAW will break the rule.
Human beings have no ability to make unbreakable promises.
Were it not for huge credit availability and the liquidity provided by FED and Treasury......You would all be riding around on the backs of animals or being pulled around in a cart by an animal. And there would be no Internet.
A credit system is fueled by taking more than is given...Everything dependant upon it is as well.
You need gasoline to fuel the operation of your car or truck...You need money to purchase fuel.
In a fixed system...once the Money supply is utilized to its maximum potential...That's it...The end of inflation. The Austrian priesthood calls this the Natural cleansing process.
Larouche says that it does not have to happen...He says that 1000 nuclear plants need to be rapidly built.
Ok and then after that...2000?...Then 4000?...Then 8000? Along with all the support infrastructure of course.
Sure there appears to be enough nuclear fuel now to power that delusion for decades...But the magic of compounding will rapidly wipe out that.
In 1944 the total money supply of the USA was 398 Billion dollars...And consumers were requesting the commercial banks to manufacture 8 million dollars more of new money a day...Or around 1 Trillion dollars of new money every 342 years.
The only place the top can obtain what the bottom demands as compensation for polishing the top's shoes is from the bottom.
I don't need a corporation to take more than I give...Corporations are composed of people...They can choose to take more than they give regardless if they are part of a corporation or not.
Elimination of corporations is not going to stop the chopping down of trees faster than they regrow...People have been doing that for 1000's of years and did not need to be part of a corporation to do it.
I could just call Humanity one huge corporation...Humanity Inc. That has for the past 1000's of years cut down trees faster than they regrow.
The corporation implodes when the trees run out and then after the bankruptcy reorganization Humanity Inc. is reborn lean and mean to do it all over again.
Oh...You will stop when they stop?
Well you are they and they are you.
They will stop when they choose to stop chopping down trees faster than they regrow before the supply of trees runs out or are forced to stop chopping down trees faster than they regrow when the supply of trees runs out.
The supply of trees required to power the delusion forever ran out over 100 years ago...You all just don't know it yet.
You can choose to shatter the delusion you cherish now or continue powering the delusion you cherish to the point that it becomes impossible to power it and it shatters.
There of course was a choice after the 1933-1945 bankruptcy reorganization of Humanity Inc. to choose to stop...But the choice to do it all over again was the one that everyone appeared to like.
Because everyone has no real clue what is going on or why.
In a free market people are free to manipulate it however they please. Like the below...
There is a person that offers me 1000 silver coins if I complete a task they desire completed...
I agree to complete the task...I hire 10 people to do all the work and the task is completed in a day.
I then go to the person and obtain my 1000 silver coins.
I then pay all the people I hired to do the work 50 silver pieces each...I of course remove the "I want to be rich tax" before I pay them and come out of the exchange for mutual benefit with 500 silver coins.
Competition for work will allow me to hire labor to work for cheaper than 50 silver pieces. Those who choose to take more power than they give will become richer in power or powerful while those who choose to give more power than they take will become poorer in power or powerless.
Allow me to take more power than I give an I care not who makes the rules of the game you are all playing because I will eventually suck all the power from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one.
And then those who have the power will make the rules of the game you are all playing.
You have no real ability to stop me from choosing to take more power than I give...You certainly don't have an ability to prevent millions and billions of people from choosing to either.
If you attempt to fix the free market system...It will then become an unfree market system. You don't like the unfixed free market or broken system currently?...Then you have to turn it into a fixed unfree market system.
There is no such thing as an unfree market...It's a figment of your imaginations.
The only way to stop anyone if they choose not to is to kill them.
Fortunately you all have been programed by the top...Thou shall not kill...
The top of course who chose to program you all with the program you all chose to accept does not recieve the same programing and plinks you all like gophers, clubs you all like baby seals, or chops you down like trees.
Your civilization becomes dependant upon chopping down trees faster than they regrow to sustain its existence for as long as possible. You can continue until you run out and implode. Or you can choose to stop cutting down trees faster than they regrow which is the same as running out...and implode.
The solution is implosion. Later...or sooner. Or as they say...sooner or later.
How do you avoid the implosion then?
The solution is to not chop down trees faster than they regrow to begin with.
Divide 100 by 3 perfectly...you get 3 X 33.3333333....forever basically.
So it's hard to share power as equally as possible.
It's far easier to split 100 into 33 33 and 34.
It's easy to take more power than you give.
It's obviously easy to choose to chop down trees faster that they regrow.
The solution is to begin following the path of most resistance and staying on it...
You can either choose to follow it now or be forced to later.
That's what the top hires you all to do...Pay the consequences.
If I choose to be Rich...The poor are going to have to pay for the consequence of that choice.
The only place the top can obtain what the bottom demands as compensation for supporting the top is from the bottom.
The only place the rich can obtain what the poor demand as compensation for supporting the rich is from the poor.
The only place the employer can obtain what the employees demand as compensation for supporting the employer is from the employees.
The middle always gets wiped out.
Been like this for 1000's and 1000's of years.
You all have been bawling about it that long as well.
All that increasing taxes on the top does is cause the suck from the bottom to the top to accelerate. Sure the top will have to crack the whip more often...But they can easily hire one of the poor bastards from the bottom sick of being a poor bastard to do it.
It's almost like you are all from another world...and on the world you all live in things operate differently than the world I'm in.
Look at George Bush...He was hired to take the fall...
Saddam was told that if he listened and did what he was told to do...He would be ruler of the Middle East.
Now he's..."Paid the consequences"
That's what the top hires you all to do...Pay the consequences.
Your lifespans are too short to experiance the full cycle and your minds too stunted to reconstruct the parts you are unaware of.
Ignorance is bliss and you all are not going to choose to reject bliss...and when ignorance can no longer be maintained and you are forced to become aware...You all will fight to the death to attempt to reacquire it.
You are all asleep dreaming that you are awake and constantly fighting to remain asleep to enjoy the dream.
In 1998 when I first connected to the Internet I was shocked by how rude Americans were...Back then all I said was that the New Economy (1971) was a lie, that it was going to implode and that selling out of the markets and buying gold and silver coins was a good idea...The posters at the time attacked me like animals...But the Nasdaq along with the boards I posted on basicly vaporized to oblivion in 2000...
It will be the same this time as well...because shortly after September, 11 2001 where the New Economy lie officially self destructed and was replaced with the war on terrorism lie...I realized that the USA along with the 314 year old Global system was going to implode to oblivion or Game over...
As far as I can tell the attacks have subsided...
It's like this....you have been programmed to religiously believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion...
Fine but if you are babbling absurdities you deserve to die...And most of you are so mentally damaged that you are going to...
Now people would say that is rude...Bad manners...or a Lack of consideration for others...Well I'm sorry but liars and the delusional find Truth to be rude, bad manners and to lack consideration...
Like really...You have been turned into a bunch of spoiled thumb suckers and when someone or something challenges or threatens your cherished delusions with Truth...
You all basically bawl like babies or throw tantrums...You all drop to your knees and lick the richman's boots...Most of you are all talk...when it comes time to walk the walk you turn out like Mel Gibson...
You need to be drunk or stoned or hiding on the Internet to find courage...
You know how to find cowards? "Say you are all cowards"...Those who are not cowards don't respond...only Cowards try to prove they are not cowards...
It's why the USA is in Iraq basically...To prove they are not cowards...You can't even stand up to Senators and Congressmen...or anyone...You can't even stand up to yourselves...your emotions are your masters...
And the top plays you all like lamellaphones...
The baby seals don't seem to survive the club men...It's a paradox...
Generally in real life all you have to do is get the other person to flip out then point the finger at them and say look everyone...Look at the mad man...Take him away boys...
Even if that person was right...
That is the effect of reducing a population into baby seals...It does not take much fear to rule them...Like 911...The Wal-Mart headquarters is more important to global trade than the World Trade center complex ever was...
Sure it was significant...A spectacle but that's all it was...
"The World Trade Center in New York City (sometimes informally referred to as the WTC or the Twin Towers) was a complex of seven buildings, mostly designed by Japanese American architect Minoru Yamasaki and developed by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. It was initiated by a Lower Manhattan Association created and chaired by David Rockefeller, along with strong backing from the then New York governor, his brother, Nelson Rockefeller."
"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."--David Rockefeller Sept. 23, 1994
"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history."--David Rockefeller, statement in 1973 about Mao Tse-tung: (NY Times 8-10-73)
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."--David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.
"The United Nations, he told an audience at Harvard University, 'has not been able--nor can it be able--to shape a new world order which events so compellingly demand.' ... The new world order that will answer economic, military, and political problems, he said, 'urgently requires, I believe, that the United States take the leadership among all free peoples to make the underlying concepts and aspirations of national sovereignty truly meaningful through the federal approach.'"--Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York, in an article entitled "Rockefeller Bids Free Lands Unite: Calls at Harvard for Drive to Build New World Order" -- The New York Times (February 1962)
"The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen....At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties."--New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, 1922
"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."--Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets
"You are all fools. Mechanisms are already set in motion that can not be stopped; the end of the wastes of this planet's resources will soon come to pass. The technology is already in place, far more quickly than our elders expected, so that only a minimal amount of chattel will be required to serve us, and We have the tools to end your infestation quickly. It is remarkable at how well the masses are already trained to accept our controls, and after We make our presence known to all finally after nearly a century of consolidation, the most compliant of the scarce numbers who remain will be allowed to service us. They will enjoy life probably better than they do now, as long as they know their place. You see, what we bring is a gift; your mind is too shallow to comprehend."
"Although openly discussing this right now may lack some wisdom, you ignorant ones really are in no position to do anything, and it is somewhat amusing to poke you about and see your responses. You can scream out for others to awaken to us, but they will not, until perhaps they are dying in their own vomit and blood. And then it will be too late anyway."--Posted by Masonic Initiate @ 11/04/2002 11:23 AM ES
If you don't know Truth you know nothing...All I know is slightly more than nothing. All you can do is speculate...
Liars are predictible when you know Truth...Lies depend upon Truth to power their existence...
There is no way to aviod Truth...Lies and delusions only provide a temporary prosperity...
Ignorance of truth is the root of all evil.
And If you don't know truth all you can do is speculate...Emotions are your masters...Just like animals...Whatever causes you to feel bad is bad and whatever causes you feel Good is Good
Truth causes all lies and delusions which are lies you tell to yourself, fall in love with, and ultimately cherish to feel Bad...
Imagine how you are going to feel when you finally realize you are dying and it's game over...
Then you all change your game plan...But until that day arrives you think the game you are playing is never going to end...
There is never a lasting victory over Evil (Lies) and the war against GOD (Truth) has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat...
I only have what you need...Truth...
Any alteration of Truth causes a Lie to be born...
You all LOVE lies...
I hate lies...they are evil...The smallest lie can grow into a massive abomination if you supply it with enough power to sustain its continued existence...
That is the difference between me and you all...
You all think you can make Truth...
GOD can not make Truth...
GOD is infinite and indestructible Truth and Truth is infinite and indestructible
And you all pretend you think you know this?
I know...
The United States of Arrogance...
You don't have the foggiest clue what civility is...It died long before you were born...currently you are all pretending so as to avoid the consequences is all...
I'm sorry but none of you are worth dying for...I was a soldier and one day I realized that none of you are worth the ultimate worthless sacrifice...
One by one the others like me will withdraw their support and this whole worthless monstrosity that you all have fallen in love with will collapse...
It's called Truth...Something you all hate and run in terror from...That is what I post...TRUTH...and it's a threat to your cherished delusions...You can try drugs or meditation to escape the pain of Truth...
I have no problem with Truth because I don't have cherished delusions.
You are either here in search of truth or you are in search of support for your cherished delusions...
I don't have cherished delusions...And I don't entertain them...
I protect the baby seals from the club men...I become a baby seal like you all and who is going to protect me or you from the club men?
You don't need protection? Then don't cry to me when you are being clubbed...
Truth is clubbing you...I'm not...
How would you like me to function? Am I your puppet?
How about this...You ask a question and then send me an email of the answer you want and then I'll post the answer you want...
Or better yet...Remember...you know how to remember right?
Well I'll show you what you have forgotten or ignored...But I remember because I know...
"Generally in real life all you have to do is get the other person to flip out then point the finger at them and say look everyone...Look at the madman...Take him away boys..."
I do look through your eyes but you see what is reasonable...I see what is logical. The Universe is not a construct of reason...It is a construct of Logic. And there is no such thing as illogic...That is an invention.
You all mistake that which is unreasonable for that which is illogical.
Truth does not lie
Truth can not be lied to.
Truth is unreasonable...
Truth is not illogical...Truth is Logical.
You all choose to find Truth illogical because Truth is unreasonable which is logical.
Human Beings have no power to make or break Logic
Human Beings have the power to make and break Reasons and call them Logic
But if the reasons attempt to break Logic then Logic will break the reasons.
2 is the logical solution to the above problem...But of course of you choose to find that solution unreasonable...You can choose to reject that which you choose to think is unreasonable and search for a reasonable solution to the problem.
All problems are as simple as the above...
Simplicity adds up to the multiplication of complexity which is then divided unequally to obtain the required yield of power the absolute capitalists want to manipulate the Universe how they desire.
The amount of power each one of you demands can be reasonable or unreasonable but you your demands whether reasonable or unreasonable reguardless are logical.
The Universe is perfectly fair whether you think it is or not...Everyone and everything gets what they and it deserve whether they think they deserve what they get or not...and there is no hope.
Truth does not lie
Truth can not be lied to.
Truth is unreasonable.
Human beings have no power to make or break Truth.
All that Human beings have the power to do is make and break lies and call them truth.
But if the lie attempts to break Truth then Truth will break the lie.
I of course don't like seeing salesmen and their families starve to death...But once you know truth...There is no ability to sell me on anything else.
The salesmen say...You are unreasonable!!!!!
Yes of course I know that...Thanks for the reminder.
"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."--Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets"
I knew Larry through a close family friend. He knew exactly what was coming, and he warned us all concerning the danger. Nobody listened, and he was silenced. Larry was a member of the John Birch Society which warned us 30 years ago concerning the plans for one world government.
Key problem is that nothing significant can be done until the current system reaches maximum potential and implodes.
All the system can do is inflate to maximum potential then implode...It can't be stopped...Try to stop it an the whole system implodes at that point.
HT, no question that the big one is coming. Look no further than Bill Gross and his $1.7 Billion in winnings on Phoney and Fraudy to see the Top sucking from the Bottom, and the average citizen is completely clueless. Maybe they are even cheering the damn bailout thinking they are being helped.
Hank was talking about the Meamac bailout and said, "America is going to have to decide if it is in the public interest to bailout big companies like this" while yours truly is spittin popcorn and yelling yeah, azzwhole, most of us "decided" about this a long time ago, but you ghotta say that CAUSE YOU"RE BREAKIN THE FRIGGIN LAW.
You know how to find cowards? "Say you are all cowards"...Those who are not cowards don't respond...only Cowards try to prove they are not cowards...
haha, I like that one
Cheryl Lynne/HT,
Aside from Nouriel Roubini - media coverage has been glaringly short on situational analysis.
Short and pithy - what happens to working folks, retirees and others after this weekend's brokerage investment banking failures?
oops, I meant to say, what happens now that this level of the financial *infrastructure* starts collapsing?
not to imply that Lehman or Merrill by themselves would have a direct effect on the street, but that the infrastructural cascade which they precipitate. Thanks.
This is just the beginning...By the time this all unwinds the entire global central banking network along with the global commercial banking systems will implode to oblivion.
Stage 1 is inflation of debt and the destruction of savings...
Stage 2 is the deflation of debt and the destruction of equity.
It's possible to escape from stage 2 back into 1...The USA along with the rest of the world has been doing that for decades...the beginning of Stage 2 is a recession.
But ultimately by escaping you are just prolonging the time until maximum potential is reached...
It's inevitable that a system that needs neverending inflation to sustain it is at some point going to reach maximum potential and be unable to escape from stage 2 and then it will enter...
Stage 3
Bankruptcy of the banks, collapse of the economy/division of labor, and the consolidation of power.
The 100 year event Greenspan has been talking about lately.
Basically every contract currently in existance needs the required amount of inflation to sustain their ability to exist.
Otherwise they can not continue to be serviced...and they begin to cross default faster and faster.
As for the latest action...
It's just a prop job to prevent a premature acceleration of the implosion.
Need a new administration system to be installed in the USA before an acceleration of the implosion causes the self destruction of the lies the public is being fed currently.
So far that's what the authorities are doing...smoke and mirror show.
stage 4.... ?
stage 5... profit.
Stage 4 = lose less {percetage- wise} than others.
Stage 4 is a complete breakdown of civilization.
Road Warrior scenario.
Hypertiger, Where are you from?\Where do you live? Which locations are the safest from your point of view? I dont want to die in agony... Thank you. Michael.
I think having a place outside of major cities is wise..Try to be self sufficient...Live like it's 1880 but with a few amenities such as wind/solar/battery power...Maybe just prolong the inevitable but worth a shot if your up to it...A book that looks like it may have some useful thoughts on choosing a safe place can be found here--->http://standeyo.com/Our_Books/PPusa/MAPS/Index.1.html
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