The FED is after the Treasuries...The FED needs treasuries to keep rates from imploding...lots of treasuries.
I ran the numbers again last night. Basically since the start of the year...The yearly growth rate of the money supply of the USA these last 2 quarters was 5.1%
Last time the yearly growth rate was that low was 1991 and before that 1956.
The daily growth rate was 6.9 Billion a day...the daily growth rate in 2007 was 12 Billion dollars a day a drop of 42.2%...in the past 64 years...that is the greatest drop...
Think of the USA as a machine that keeps the world inflated and that it survives by consumers requesting commercial banks to manufacture more fuel...
In 2007 it was producing up 12 Billion dollars a day or 700 Billion every 58 days...of consumer debt inflation.
But now it's slowed down massively and is only pumping out 6.9 Billion a day or 700 Billion every 101 days.
The 700 Billion will do nothing...the problem is that US consumers have become exhausted...
The banking system bascially has an unlimited ability to manufacture credit...or issue credit...People or the consumers have a limited ability to request commercial banks to manufacture/ issue it.
That what the numbers are showing...consumers make the numbers...the banks don't...It's all the workers/consumers of the the USA that drive the economy...
The banks and other financial institutions along with Wall street are powered by the workers/consumers...It's why The banks and other financial institutions along with Wall street are crumbling...US consumers have become exhausted.
Now that the banks and other financial institutions along with Wall Street have become exhausted and need a 700 Billion shot of Red bull.
This 700 billion is to buy time...a small amount of time to get past the elections as far as I can tell...to prevent a recession? Dream on.
Not a chance...
Because according to the numbers and estimation...year to date...the economy is short 1.2 Trillion dollars...and almost none of the 700 Billion is going to the consumers/workers...
The Eurozone is about to enter recession...China and India are going to cave soon...their real estate sectors will implode...
Just like the USA when the inflation required to keep the game going didn't show up...poof game over.
Dollar reserves are whats left over after the Dollars the US consumers send to China are converted...If there is a surplus. Those Dollar reserves according to the rules can only be used to buy US Treasuries.
Prior to 1971 they could also be used to buy gold.
The top economy is the demand and the rest are the supply.
Prior to the 1929-1933 collapse...the British were the demand and the British pound stirling was the Global trade medium of exchange...and when the collapse came...the flood of Pounds stopped flowing into China...and it imploded.
Same thing is going to happen this time...in 2006 the bad debt in the Chinese banking system was 40% of GDP...Easily as much or more than in the US banking system.
Without the massive inflow of consumer debt inflation to keep the game going...All the corruption in the Chinese system will be revealed...
It's going to be ugly.
I can lend someone 1000 Dollars...Which they then blow into the economy...and other people that didn't borrow from me can be holding money that belongs to me.
The few at the top own everything...all of you at the bottom rent...and because everyone is paying the rent or in debt to the top...it's hidden in the cost of everything.
Money is a food substitute...food is power.
Ultimately power is the medium of exchange.
The entire global banking system is going to implode.
There can easily be a 50% collapse of the US economy...and since the 1944 Bretton Woods global trade agreement made the US Dollar the global trade medium of exchange...By default the US Consumer became the demand of goods, services, and the supply of US Dollars while the rest of the world became the supply of goods, services, and the demand for US Dollars.
Meaning that when the USA implodes the rest of the world will as well.
Social consequences will be massive beyond your current abilities to comprehend.
This bailout is just to get past the elections...The global system has reached maximum potential and is going to implode reguardless...There is nothing that can be done...the system must inflate by the required amount or it implodes.
Think of the banks and Wall Street as the rider and the worker/consumers of the USA as the horse.
The rider wants the horse to do a full gallop straight up faster and faster but the horse can't or won't...The rider has already broken the whip across the horse's rump and now has pulled out the 700 Billion whip...and ultimately the rider is going to just whip the horse until it drops dead.
The consumers/workers of the USA have to produce enough inflation to sustain the system...if they don't...game over...
Wall Street and the banks don't produce inflation...both depend upon the workers/consumers of the USA to power them...when the workers/consumers of the USA become exhausted and can no longer supply the required power to the banks and Wall Street...the banks go bankrupt and Wall Street begins crashing...
Seen any banks go bankrupt lately? how about Wall Street? any losses?
The 700 Billion is the Rich rider whipping the poor exhausted horse...that is going to drop dead reguardless.
Allow me to take more of another's power than I give and I care not who makes the rules of the game you are all playing. Because I will eventually suck all the power from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one.
And then they who have the power will make and break the rules of the game you are all playing.
Who am I...
I'm the Top and you are the bottom.
Attaching interest to the medium of exchange is...taking more than you give.
Taking more than you give is stealing.
Really...Oh you think otherwise? Criminals do too...
I get it...Someone else has to tell you all what is right and wrong...YOU ALL HAVE ZERO ABILITY TO THINK FOR YOURSELVES...
You all can't figure out what is right and what is wrong...amazing.
Who tells you all what is right and what is wrong...Hey I know...the people who make and the rules of the game you all play...
Money is a food substitute...and food is power.
Power is the medium of exchange.
But you know the current congress decreed money...The Dollar coin, The quarter, the dime, the nickel, the penny, the gold and silver coinage.
That's the actual money of the USA...
All we have to do is attach Interest to all the money that we loan to the bottom...higher than the rate of production of the money...And "we" at the "top" will steal it all back again.
Own the whole money supply...We will just keep relending it back into circulation and you all will just keep paying the rent.
And if attaching interest to the medium of exchange is not against the rules of the game...Also if it's not against the rules of the game to take more than you give...THEN IT'S OBVIOUSLY NOT STEALING.
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." --Frederic Bastiat
Plunder is taking more than you give.
Allow me to take more of anothers power than I give and I care not who makes the rules of the game you are all playing.
Because I will eventually suck all the power from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one.
And then they who have the power will make and break the rules of the game you are all playing.
Who am I...
I'm the Top and you are the bottom.
Starting to see how to top becomes the top and the bottom becomes the bottom?
No It just can't be...
Canada's Harper Joins G-7 Chorus, Pins Crisis on U.S.
By Theophilos Argitis
Sept. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said U.S. policies helped create the crisis in financial markets, adding to criticism from other Group of Seven leaders and saying there's little his government can do to help.
Poor oversight, cheap credit and a tax structure that may encourage housing bubbles are among the causes of the turmoil roiling U.S. markets, Harper said in an interview with Bloomberg News. Harper, vying for re-election on Oct. 14, has framed his campaign around the notion he's the best party leader to steer Canada through economic turbulence.
``A lot of things have gone wrong here and, by the way, there were a lot of warning signs. This should not be a huge surprise,'' Harper, 49, said aboard his campaign plane. ``I certainly had expressed my concerns about some of these things to my American counterparts in the time leading up to this.''
Harper joined a growing chorus of criticism within the Group of Seven industrialized nations over the way the financial system has been managed in the world's biggest economy, highlighting the U.S.'s isolation as it seeks to stop the rout. Canada is the biggest U.S. trading partner and one of its closest G-7 allies.
The problem is caused by attaching interest to the medium of exchange...
The system has to inflate faster than the interest rate or it implodes.
So I guess because the US consumer has reached maximum potential after 64 years and can no longer request the commercial banking system to manufacture the required amount of new money to sustain the inflation of the USA and the world...It's the fault of the USA.
Of course there's little his or any Government can do to help...because Canada and the rest of the G7 depend upon US consumer inflation imports to keep their economies inflated...
After 64 years of the US consumer sustaining the inflation of the USA and the world...It's game over.
Their ability to request more and more new money to be manufactured has been exhausted.
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