Markets should be the last thing to collapse since they are the easiest part of the system to manipulate to sustain psychology...
Today class we are going to learn how to tell if the Economy is doing good or Bad...
If the DOW is green then the economy is doing good...If it is Red it is doing bad...
If it caves in through a long term multi month support line then crash planes into buildings to cover up the fact that the system is lacking the liquidity to support the 30 stocks that make up the index...
Then when people say why is the stock market red and all my investments are being vaporized? You say Muslim Terrorists did it...
They (Everyone) win(s) every time except the final time then they (Everyone) lose(s). Then it's back to the drawing board...Since the lifespan of the scam is so long the idiots do it again knowing that they will be dead before it comes to an end. Everyone is in on the action.
It's already over but the crying.
Below you there are people looking up at your level moaning to each other that you win every time.
Central Bankers are accountants who have the power to create money out of thin air to balance the two sets of books they keep.
When I first discovered the mechanics of Banking when I was a teenager I wanted to be a banker...But I would not commit to it until I knew for a certainty that it could be used to help mankind...Which took 10 years of study.
It can't; all the benefits are temporary illusions that vaporize rapidly once the system reaches maximum potential and implodes...
Now hanging people upside down by the ankles and shaking them over wheelbarrels stealing what they have is wrong...When the system suffers the inevitable implosion which is the final solution to the unresolvable error of the compounding interest program that is exactly what happens...
Everyone gets hung upside down by the ankles and shaken over wheelbarrels.
The French and Russian revolutions were both Crown system operations. After the French revolution the Central Bank of France 1801 popped into existence. After the Russian revolution the Central Bank of Russia/USSR 1918 popped into existence.
How about the Bank of India...
"Established in 1911, Central Bank of India was the first Indian commercial bank which was wholly owned and managed by Indians. The establishment of the Bank was the ultimate realisation of the dream of Sir Sorabji Pochkhanawala."
Or The Central bank of the USA/ Federal Reserve in 1913.
How's Royal Court Sir Alan Greenspan doing these days?
A Central Bank is after all the most important plank of the 10 Plank Absolute Capitalist Manifesto...A Central Bank is needed to fund the other planks.
The Bank of England appears to be the mother Bank up until 1930 then the BIS which is called the Central Bank of the Central Banks appeared in Basel Switzerland in 1930 to coordinate the Bankruptcy reorganization of the world when the Crown system went Bankrupt in 1929 and is still bankrupt to this very day.
Switzerland was neutral during WW2 and did Banking for both sides during the "reorganization." Japan and Germany with new pacifist Constitutions became the Right and Left arm of the Federal Reserve which is connected to the Head or Bank of England which is then connected to the BIS.
Japan and Germany are the #2 and #3 economies and are highly dependant on US debt inflation to sustain their systems.
The FEDERAL RESERVE is the beating Heart of the Global System.
"Something as curious as the monarchy won't survive unless you take account of people's attitudes. After all, if people don't want it, they won't have it."--Prince Charles
"I sometimes wonder if two thirds of the globe is covered in red carpet."-- Prince Charles
"To get the best results, you must talk to your vegetables."--Prince Charles
"What I want to know is: what is actually wrong with an elite."--Prince Charles
Bush is the poodle. woof woof.
There is no cure for the truth. The drugs of choice to treat the symptoms are called lies.
It is simplicity of truth which is hidden behind the complexity of lies.
You pick up the phone and say you better start chopping down more trees when you run low on wood and tell them to stop when the price of lumber begins to drop. If a subordinate refuses your orders you have them removed like Saddam or Kennedy. Saddam appeared to be worth more than Kennedy.
That's how the Soviet Union was run. That's how the world is run.
Currently we are ruled by super computer augmented ignoramuses. Most of the major thinking that is done is by groups of hired intellectuals who manufacture dueling sophistries for the mass media to output.
Until of course the truth is smashed into at high speed then it gets very ugly for all those who worship the one world Just think positive inflation forever Religion which at this point is basically everyone.
The Government is just a tool of the top...That has in case you are a drone and unaware reached the end of its usefulness and is slated for destruction and replacement...It is being destroyed currently right in front of your eyes but you actually think it is becoming stronger...
Most of you will be dead before this process is completed...Those who have replaced you will be as unaware as you all are currently...This has been going on for 1000's of years.
Ignorance is bliss...
You either know or don't know...
Ignorance of truth is the root of all evil.
Increasing taxes only causes the top to suck more from the bottom...
How do people save? The only way to provide for yourself once your ability to do so ends is to have offspring...You need a properly functioning family unit...Once you squander that no amount of money is going to replace it. Increasing taxes causes family units to become more fragile and break down.
"I find that most young panhandlers choose the 'free spirit' lifestyle."
Because the educational system is dysfunctional. The young have no idea what is going on and by the time the clock strikes zero hour signaling that they are adults no one will consider them a mixed up child anymore. They become dysfunctional adult losers.
Panhandlers are waste byproducts produced by the top...
The current system to deal with them is based on ignoring them and hope they just die out of sight.
Basically in the system we are in the second you turn into an adult your parents can phone the police and have you removed...They are no longer responsible for your actions. The standard operation is the kick out by dysfunctional parents who are the finished products of the dysfunctional education system into the street to mingle with the rest of the kick outs...
There is no Socialist system in operation...socialism the concept was subverted and corrupted 100's of years ago it is incompatible with absolute capitalistic thought.
Anyone that says they are a Socialist is either delusional, lying, or has a death wish...
It has been taken over by absolute capitalists, Socialism in its present form is at best a gateway drug used to then push more powerful drugs like Communism and Fascism...Which are both self destructing Hypocrisies.
All banking is fiat...Check writing along with usury is the foundation of banking...writing a check is the creation of money out of thin air...
The Mandrake mechanism...
The Government needs funds to operate...It can't wait...What would you like to have happened during an attack on the US? any attack? The Government just sit and wait until there is enough funds to address the problem?
FED's role...The US Federal Government needs to be funded...even if they cranked Taxes up it takes time for the Treasury to receive the funds that the Government needs to "combat emergencies"
The FEDERAL RESERVE check...What account does it get sucked from...
There are 12 Banks in the Federal Reserve system and they have branches...
Then there are around 10,000 commercial banks/financial institutions in the US that are part of the FEDERAL Reserve system...Those are the accounts...
The Treasury issues bonds when it needs money...The [privately owned] FEDERAL RESERVE [corporation] buys all the Bonds that the Treasury can't get rid of on the open market...
The FEDERAL RESERVE holds those bonds or dumps them at a later date...
Then they have the funds to back up the Check...Buy now pay later...
The real trick is the [privately owned] FED's ability to buy FEDERAL RESERVE notes at wholesale...Just the printing cost regardless of face value...a $100 bill costs the same as a $1 bill...
The Federal funds rate is an overnight interbank lending rate...other banks in the system can lend surplus funds to banks that need more funds...
The real money window is the Discount window...If a bank is low on Federal Reserve Notes it can take an asset like a Mortgage to the Discount window and monetize it...
If the Mortgage rate is 5% and the discount rate is 2.5% then the FED gets 2.5% for renting out Federal Reserve Notes...
When the bank has a surplus of notes it can pay down the debt it owes the Fed...
There is no magic printing press...The Treasury does all the printing...
All debt created is by the request of the consumer (The government can and will request debt when the general consumer does not request enough)...and they have to have collateral to back up the request like an Income or an asset like real estate stocks and bonds...
All banks have worked like this for well over 600 years...
You the consumer have nothing except collateral but no liquidity...The Banks provide the liquidity and all you have to do is maintain your solvency...
That's the deal...
When you have no more collateral to monetize then the Jig is up...They are not going to magically print up what you owe them hand it to you then you hand it back to them and you are debt free...
Your collateral becomes theirs and they auction it off for whatever they can get...They might even find a buyer and "lend" them the funds to buy it...
This is how banks have worked for centuries...This is nothing new...
The only thing new is your awareness of it...prior to 50 years ago...no one knew...at all...or really cared...Most people don't care now...And they aren't going to really ever care...
Now the gold standard...It gets tricky since you can't print Gold...But coinage is for peasants mostly...
Peasants are the cause of bank runs since the rich use other currency like notes...checks...They don't walk around with armored cars following them...
Banks form cartels to pool hard currency coinage...They also set up multiple branch structures...Front banks...If a run starts on a front bank then they are allowed to collapse and be rescued by the creator of the front...
When you have something in your hand...Like a Gold coin and you give it to someone else...regardless of what arrangement you make...
IT IS NOT YOURS ANY MORE...it is in someone else's hand...
Possession is 9/10 of the Law...If a front bank caves in and the local economy goes into recession or depression you could be starving in a ditch forget legal action or Promises...The Lawyers, Judges and Police will be getting their coins back before you...
That gold coin might in the scheme of things actually belong to you but if it ain't in your hand you ain't going to be doing much more then crying on a shoulder about it...
During the Depression all the banks in the Federal Reserve System were supposed to be liquified by the FED...many were not...
One day you are a big shot banker then the next you are a wiped out bum in a soup line or digging trenches in a work camp with your lawyer buddy...
Husbands and wives and children were scattered to the wind...poof...
The population of the US stopped growing during the period...Alot of people just disappeared into thin air...poof.
This is not a joke...It's been 78 years since the Great Depression...
It was not a US depression...It was global...
The whole Crown/City of London banking system went bankrupt in 1930...
Global civilization was caving in...The Geneva conventions were held to set the rules for the Bankrupty reorganization of the world...The Bank for International Settlements in Basel Switzerland was set up to be the central bank of the central banks...
The Crown system at the time included the entire British Empire France Russia and the USA...
Germany and Japan were added after WW2 along with Korea...
The climax of the Great Depression was WW2 but the system was still bankrupt...
It still is to this day...
The next major problem was that the US role in the global system was as Liquifier of the Planet...It was basically the only thing left standing after WW2.
Japan became the left arm and Germany the Right...
1971 was when the Global gold supply was exhausted...The accounting tricks reached their limit...Basically from 1694 until 1971 or 277 years the Global system was gold and silver backed in one form or another.
Now it was impossible to continue backing debt with Gold at a fixed rate...
You want Gold? You can buy it in the market...There is nothing stopping you...Nothing...Fill your boots.
The system was switched to a fully debt backed by debt system...
Now to sustain the system to basically prevent civilization from imploding into road warrior...The supply of everything must inflate at a slower rate then the demand for everthing inflates...
Basically supply and demand must inflate by the required amount or the global civilization goes poof...
Debt must perpetually inflate to sustain the required amount of debt inflation needed to continue using previously created debt income and debt inflated assets as collateral for requests by consumers for new debt creation...
Failure to sustain debt inflation means implosion...kiss what you currently understand as civilization, goodbye...
The Great Depression was a collapse but not an implosion...The Geneva conventions put a stop to it...
Everything FDR did was to prevent civilization as it was understood at the time from caving in...All the countries that went bankrupt implemented their plans also...
The system is still bankrupt...and it's at the end of the line...There are basically no tricks left...
People say what about hyperinflation?
Hyperinflation has a finite limit to buy time...and is followed by an implosion also...The result is the same...kiss what you currently understand as civilization goodbye...
The only economic implosion that was close to this scale was the Venice banking implosion 660 years ago...And that was even minor compared to what we are heading into...
Abolish the FED? It will abolish itself...the whole kit and kaboodle is on the verge of imploding into oblivion...
Centralization does not stop banks from imploding...
It just postpones the inevitable...
All banks and usury systems top sucking from the bottom economic theory...ect are null and void shit...
In the past 1000 years it's all been tried and it's all violently imploded...
Everyone has placed their bets on the Just think positve inflation forever religion and the jackpot is doomsday...
You can't get rich without usury...How are you going to abolish rich people?
What do rich people produce?
Spectacular ruins...That's what...The decaying wonders of the world...
If the Mortgage rate is 5% and the discount rate is 2.5% then the FED gets 2.5% for renting out Federal Reserve Notes...
You are assuming that the garbage mortgage will be paid back. What happens when the homedebtors jingle-mail the keys in? Suddenly the CB Isn't doing as well as you claim.
I think you are very smart. I admire what you write. I am also like you in that I know exactly how bad it is and I am watching the madness ...very surreal
Peace and keep writing..
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