Pike's Letter to Mazzini 1871
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam [the Moslem Arabic World] and political Zionism [the State of Israel] mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
Anatocism - Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856):
ANATOCISM, civil law. Usury, which consists in taking interest on interest,
or receiving compound interest. This is forbidden. Code, lib. 4, t. 32, 1,
30; 1 Postlethwaite's Dict.
2. Courts of equity have considered contracts for compounding interest
illegal, and within the statute of usury. Cas. t. Talbot, 40; et vide Com.
Rep. 349; Mass. 247; 1 Ch. Cas. 129; 2 Ch. Cas. 35. And contra, 1 Vern. 190.
But when the interest has once accrued, and a balance has been settled
between the parties, they may lawfully agree to turn such interest into
principal, so as to carry interest in futuro. Com. on Usury, ch. 2, s. 14,
p. 146 et eq.
"When plunder [Absolute capitalism/taking more power than you give/Anatocism (Usury)] becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it [Ecosystem where yield locusts thrive and multiply].--Frederic Bastiat, The Law
"The few [Absolute capitalists at the top of the absolute capitalist Hierarchy] who profit [Yield POWER] from the labor of the masses want to organize the workers [drones] into an army [Of absolute capitalistic yield locusts] which will protect the interests of the [Absolute] capitalists."--Helen Keller, 1916
"I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half."--Jay Gould, robber baron (Absolute capitalist), 19th Century
Agent Smith: Have you ever stood and...stared at it? Marvelled at its beauty? Billions of people, just...living out their lives...
That is what you all are...Autonomous absolute capitalist drones of the USA or another so called Nation state Sub Hierarchy within the GLOBAL Absolute capitalist Hierarchy.
Ignorance of Truth is the root of all evil...
"and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm"
That's what worship of Anatocism does...
It starts out gradually and ends violently...
The entire system that the 6 Billion drones on planet Earth are living in is EVIL...
Destroy the Evil and the system along with most of the 6 Billion drones is destroyed because it's EVIL...
Kiss it all good bye...Because after 314 years...Its reached maximum potential and is about to implode to oblivion...
Don't think so? No one ever does...Until all the lies and delusions you all believe are truth are self destructing and shattering all around you all...
And for 6000 years you all have not had the foggiest clue as to why...
Below is Revelation...
All money is decreed money...fiat...
The top says this is money...Or else...period end of story....
You Farmer are on the Land owned by the LORD of the land and will pay tribute to the LORD of 1 Gold coin a year...
Where do I get this GOLD coin?
You can take one short ton of grain to the grainery of the LORD and there you will be given a GOLD coin for it and then you can give the gold coin to the servant of the LORD...
What if I refuse?
Then the LORD will drive you from the Land that the LORD is the LORD of...
There you go an abundant supply of free food to power your wildest hopes and dreams...Lies and delusions...
22 And Jehovah God said, Behold! The man has become as one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put forth his hand and also take from the Tree of Life, and eat, and live forever,
23 Jehovah God sent him out of the garden of Eden to till the ground out of which he was taken.
24 And He drove the man out. And He lodged the cherubs at the east of the Garden of Eden, and the flaming sword whirling around to guard the way of the Tree of Life.
Well what is done with all that Food the tillers of the LORD's land give the LORD as Tribute?
It powers the Absolute capitalist Hierarchial food powered make work enterprise...
The city state...Or Civilization...
In Babylon the Priesthood collected the Tribute for the Priest King or Top...But the top of the top installs the Priest King...The top of the top is invisible...
Money is a food substitute and Food is power...
POWER is the medium of exchange...
Allow me to take more power than I give from another and I care not who makes the rules because I will eventually suck all the power from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one...
And then They who have the power will make the rules of the game you are all playing...
So then the top owns everything and the bottom rents including the priest King...The top owns the money supply...all the Land...everything...
And when the money supply reaches maximum potential utilization...like Gold or silver...Then the top who "own the money supply" can issue...lets say paper...And that is what you will use to buy bread...It's that or starve to death...
The USA is just an asset of the Lords of the world...
Agent Smith : Have you ever stood and...stared at it? Marvelled at its beauty? Billions of people, just...living out their lives...
That is what you all are...Autonomous absolute capitalist drones of the USA or another Nation state Sub Hierarchy within the GLOBAL Absolute capitalist Hierarchy.
Ignorance of Truth is the root of all evil...
There is only one Top of the top...All below are divided and conquered...
Energy is a form of power...GOD is the source of all power...
GOD supplies all with an infinite and indestructible amount of less than infinite and indestructible power...
How much power does GOD supply an individual Human Being with? A Less than infinite and indestructible amount...
How much power do all the Human beings on Earth have combined? A Less than infinite and indestructible amount...
How much power is contained in the Universe at any given point in time? A Less than infinite and indestructible amount...
All life and everything in and including the Universe itself capitalize on Truth to sustain their and it's (everything in and including the Universe) existence...
"The subjects of every state [Bottom] ought to contribute towards the support of the government [TOP], as nearly as possible in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state."--Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations 1776
Governments of the absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise are administration systems of the enterprise constructed and sustained by the bottom or employees at the demand of the top or owners of the absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise
"The understandings of the greater part of men are necessarily formed by their ordinary employments. The man whose life is spent in performing a few simple operations. . . has no occasion to exert his understanding. . . Of the great and extensive interests of his country he is altogether incapable of judging. . . . The uniformity of his stationary life naturally corrupts the courage of his mind."--Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations 1776
Simplicity adds up to the multiplication of complexity which is then divided unequally to obtain the required yield of power the absolute capitalists want to manipulate the Universe how they desire.
Below a picture...Of what you can accomplish once you amass the required amount of power...
The District of Columbia/Washington D.C. is an entirely autonomous zone of 68.3 square miles and is the Government of the Global absolute capitalist hierarchy called The New World Order...
"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."--"General" George Washington
Now you have an idea what Government is according to the crown asset/operative that helped set it up....
There is a New World Monetary system and a New World Religion as well...
Some more...
The US Federal Government has been converted from A Republican system into a Parliamentary system...Based on the Westminister Parliamentary system...Which is what most of the administration systems of the sub hierarchies called countries are based on...
The President is the Governor General...
The Vice President is the Prime Minister...
The House of Representatives is the House of Commons...
The parties give it away...
True Republican systems are not supposed to have parties...Just representatives of the people...
The key to the control of the Parliamentary system is the splitting of the population into Right and Left factions...Which is easier for the mass Media to manipulate using persuasion...Like CNN/Town criers...Or Force when that is not enough or is not going to work...911/Reichstag fire
Or Full blown Revolution
Sophistry is abuse of the power of GOD or Corrupt Occult power...
There is what is right and what is wrong...
Right Left or Us Them thinking induces permanent mental illness in those who undergo this treatment by destabilizing their character.
The two factions called (Mad Tea) "Parties" are the Gradual absolute capitalists/Left and the Violent absolute capitalists/Right...
Ultimately it produces a condition where no one is right and everyone is wrong...Chaotic Hypocrisy that produces the Illusion of Freedom.
But Parliamentary administration systems are designed to be controlled from behind the scenes since that's who ultimately designed them...
Controlled anarchy...
In Canada the head of state is the Monarchy...The Commander in Chief of the military...The CEO in the British East India Corporation was also sometimes called the Commander In Chief.
The Representative of the Monarch in Canada who signs bills from the Parliament into Law is the Governor General...
After both houses vote to pay the bill of the enterprise it is sent to the Governor General to Sign...It's called Royal assent in what is called a Constitutional monarchial Parliamentary administration system...like the one in Iraq before and after the US regime change operation to remove an installed leader that went rogue...
In England the Monarch as Head of State signs bills into Laws...
The Monarch or Governor General or what is called the President in the USA can Veto a Bill...
So ultimately a Parliamentary system is a Dictatorship hiding behind an illusion of freedom...
They are employees of the top...The top is Evil...And employs all below to fight GOD and then absorb the wrath of GOD when the battle of Evil to defeat GOD of course ends in defeat...
All of you are the bad guys and gals in the system which is ultimately a war machine with the ultimate goal of defeating GOD and obtaining absolute power over all...It's impossible of course and the Evil system is doomed to inevitable defeat or implosion...The top just waits for the dust to clear and hires the survivors to build the next war machine...
This has be going on for 1000's and 1000's of years...The top knows that evil can't win and is doomed to defeat...That's why you are all hired to fight GOD...Meatshields...
All money is fiat...If you don't think so...You are working for Evil against Truth
Jews are the chosen ones...Chosen to take the fall...The scapegoats...
The City of London finances all sides...
And you can follow MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. All the way from Babylon to England with the USA and Israel being the children of the mother...
Sorry...Israel is running nothing...
One World Financial system
City of London
The City of London is London's main financial district. It is often referred to as just the City or as the Square Mile, as it is approximately one square mile (2.6 square kilometres) in area The City itself has two independent enclaves within it — Inner Temple and Middle Temple. These two areas form part of the City and Ceremonial county, but are not governed by the Corporation of London. It is The Corporation governs the rest of the City and also owns various open spaces (parks, forests and commons) in and around London.
The City developed its own code of law for the mercantile classes, developing such autonomy that Sir Laurence Gomme regarded the City as a separate Kingdom making its own laws. The Lord Mayor of the City is supreme...according to tradition the Monarch has to walk behind the Lord Mayor when in the city of London...
Its Latin motto is "Domine dirige nos" which means "Lord, direct us".
The 1694 Bank of England called the "Old Lady" is the Oldest Central bank in the 314 year old Global central banking network ...The Federal Reserve like all Central banks in the World are branches of the City of London or Crown system...
The top controls all the intelligence agencies...
The badge for MI5 and the rarely seen badge of Mossad or Eye of David...
The triangles are are 60 degree angle trangles...or 60 60 60...
Then the June 20, 1782 Great seal of the USA...The original was a Phoenix but that would be too much of a clue...
And the Pyramid with the all seeing eye? The reverse of the Great Seal of the USA -That is the actual seal of the Illuminati hidden in plain sight...Novus ordo seclorum translates...A New Order of the Ages...founded in MDCCLXXVI...1776...Annuit Cœptis translates...God has favored our undertakings...or Good works...

As I said...
GOD supplies all with an infinite and indestructible amount of less than infinite and indestructible power...
Meaning...Sharing power as equally as possible has no maximum potential...Taking more power than you give has a maximum potential...
There is no way to sustain taking more power than you give forever...Chopping down trees faster than they regrow can not be sustained forever...
As long as you don't chop down trees faster than they regrow your ability to sustain chopping down trees will last as long as possible.
All the power is sucked from the bottom of the hierarchy to the top and then the top supplies all below with less power than was sucked from the bottom to the top...
That is what is going to happen when all of you below refuse to or can no longer supply any more power to the top...The power that all below receive is cut...
There are billions of drones below you in the hierarchy and when they can no longer support your existence or refuse to support your existence then you will fall...
There are three ways to cut the power to the top...Eliminate them and take over their position as top of the top or eliminate all those below them or leave the hierarchy and start your own hierarchy in an area not under control of the hierarchy.
All in the Hierarchy are parasites...Each level sucks power from the bottom to the top...Except the bottom of the bottom and the top of the top...
And when the bottom is sucked dry the hierarchy cannibalizes itself and implodes...The top of the top hires the survivors to build the next hierarchy...
This current Global hierarchy can be traced back all the way to Babylon which is the first iteration...That's where the records left behind in the skeletal remains of the previous iterations point to as the first iteration...
The top of the top are the owners/employers of the Global hierarchy...
All below are employees hired to absorb the wrath of GOD...
All those that don't know what is going on will be affected...All below the top of the top don't know what is going on...
All I know is what is going to happen to all those that don't know what is going on...
It's the entire system you are living in...Pure evil...It's not designed to be sustainable...You are all DOA...None of you know how to construct or operate a civilization...
The top does...Thats how they maintain their position on top...
Once the help wanted ads dry up...You quickly turn into skeletons...
its low_five from GIM. just checking in to see if youre still hypertigerish. you are.
stay cool.
Pike's Letter to Mazzini 1871...
a forgery?
The British Library, however had the following to say:
The letter supposedly written from Albert Pike to Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871 does not exist.
Please see below an extract from The Cause of World Unrest (1920), a slim volume explaining the role of world freemasonry, the Jesuits, and the Elders of Zion in jointly bringing about the Bolshevik revolution, is almost certainly the origin of this misapprehension. Although the author believes in the conspiracy, he doesn’t actually believe in the letter, and makes it clear that there is no independent witness to its existence.
Yes the letter appears to have an "anonymous" source of origin.
It's a malicious program designed for drones to find and download with the goal of engineering their direction further away from the source.
Basically you escape from a trap that you spent 3 years in by following a differnet path that ultimately leads back to the trap.
The tools are visible...the hands utilizing them are not.
I can read this stuff over and over again and it still entertains me with what I know is true. In the end it will implode and rise from the ashes as Hype says. I can't imagine it ever being any other way can any of you? Who would the top be to deprive us of our misery?
As long as we continue to choose to choose taking more than we give as the correct path...There will be no escape from the responsible creation absolute destruction cycle.
All that was done in 1944 at bretton woods was to make the US Dollar backed by the US consumer the global trade medium of exchange because ultimately the British pound backed by the British consumer had reached its maximum potential utilization.
A seemingly minor change...
That allowed the global system to inflate to maximum potential far past all other previous inflations to maximum potential.
All sorts of causes have been promoted...
The real estate bust...is only an effect of the cause...If all that was done to sustain it was not...The real estate sector in the USA would have imploded years ago...sucking the rest of the world with it...Like it's doing right now.
Surely you all have liked the last few years of existance.
The cause of implosion is the attachment of interest to the medium of exchange...
The demand for more back than is given...taking more than you give...cutting down trees faster than they regrow.
The implosion has zero to do with anything else...everything else is just an effect of the cause which is the choice to take more than is given.
Choose to take more than you give...Choose to chop down trees faster than they regrow...and implosion is inevitable.
This is not a suprise...Anyone back in 1944 with the slightest idea of how the system operates would have known that Bretton Woods was doomed to inevitable implosion.
Really...Demanding more back than you give leads to the same logical conclusion every time...Has for 1000's and 1000's of years.
And the top is always positioned to capitalize on this certainty.
The certainty that the bottom is oblivious of.
The top maintains their position by giving the bottom what they want.
The bottom does not want to hear how doomed they are.
So the top does not tell them about it.
The bottom spends their existance marching to their doom with glee.
It appears that is what the bottom wants...and the bottom slaves day in and day out supplying power to the top so that the top has the massive amounts of power required to give the bottom what they want.
It was a forgery. You based your entire entry on a forgery. What a complete waste of time on your part. Most here would agree that things will indeed implode, so you might explain your plans for that eventuality instead of posting a forgery with useless commentary.
"The bottom does not want to hear how doomed they are.
So the top does not tell them about it.
A conundrum; a catch 22; a vicious circle.
HT I've enjoyed reading your articles. But I think I'm going to stop now. It's a mind game you're playing.
On the one hand you say 'wake up stupid, here's what's really happening' and then you turn around and say 'so what,you're still doomed'.
And while it's most certainly true I don't want to depress myself on a daily basis wandering when it's going to happen.
I can only be responsible for me.. I, nor you or anyone else can manage to create an instantaneous paradigm shift..which is the only possible solution that would cause people to stop taking more than they give. The trait is too deeply ingrained..it's a societal disease.
Unless you have a cure then I can only surmise that you sir are simply a fear mongler.
You may find this interesting HT. Paul Chefurka sees it, but doesn't accept the existence of the TOP. As he see's it, stuff just happens.
I'm curious to know what you think about this thesis and how closely it conforms to your knowledge of talking.killer-ape mechanics?
Watching the political ritual observance in St. Paul on teevee last night - I was struck by the reverence and sentimentality expressed for the organized mass murder enterprise. McCain said fight 29 times during his address, and change 10 times during the same meditation.
The solution?
The logical conclusion of choosing to take more than you give is implosion.
Period end of story.
The global system is approaching maximum potential inflation after 60+ years and is going to implode.
Period end of story.
Don't want that logical conclusion?
Then you must choose to not take more than you give.
period end of story.
There is zero debate...
The only way to escape the logical conclusion is to choose not to travel towards it.
The very instant you choose to travel towards the logical conclusion...It's inevitable.
In thei case the longer to attempt to postpone arrival at the logical conclusion...the greater the magnitude...
The so called great depression was the result of a collapse 1929-1933 from an expansion 1919-1929
This current expansion is from 1944
It's 6 times the size...there's multiple generations that have no idea what is about to blowtorch the smiles off their faces.
You all ain't seen anything yet...And even when you do it will just be the beginning of a mindboggling horrowshow that will last decades.
Sorry...There is not much I can do to help people that are desperately fighting to stay asleep...
And ultimately you all will be forced to wake up from the daydream into the nightmare when maximum potential is reached anyway.
Really...It's the end of the greatest temporary prosperity in human history.
Look around at all the oblivious unfortunate souls dancing on the anvil about to be smashed by the hammer.
Look in the mirror.
Hahaha you old fear monger...lol
The thesis is close enough...
Once persuasion fails those who "need" to control then must resort to force.
Those who "want" to control also follow the same path.
You familiar with Joe Bageant?
Hyper, I follow things to their logical conclusion, and the GSE bailout moves us much further down the implosion trail. We agree that implosion is inevitable. What are your plans? I assume you aren't going to fall into bed and scream momma while this goes down. What the Hell are you going to do? It's a rather easy question that until now at least you have been unwilling to answer. You have explained the eventuality clearly, but not your personal solutions to surviving during these coming terrible times. You really want to help? Share your knowledge concerning your plans for the debacle unfolding.
""The only way to escape the logical conclusion is to choose not to travel towards it.""
""Those who "want" to control also follow the same path.""
Thanks and I retract my statement calling you a fear monger.
The longer the postponement of the inevitable the greater the cost of time becomes.
The current so called bailouts are buying weeks at most.
Hyper, looks like the deflationary meltdown has commenced. You have been right all along.
spectre of deflation said...
"It was a forgery. You based your entire entry on a forgery. What a complete waste of time on your part. Most here would agree that things will indeed implode, so you might explain your plans for that eventuality instead of posting a forgery with useless commentary."
The letter was posted by someone else on another website. The rest of the blog entry is Hypertiger's reply.
And HT's commentary is never useless!
Very familiar.
I think Joe's best essay is 'Revenge of the Mutt People.'
awesome blog, do you have twitter or facebook? i will bookmark this page thanks. lina holzbauer
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