Ignorance of Truth is the root of all Evil. Ignorance is an excellent feature.
Some even market/promote it as Bliss.
GOD exists...Evil does as well but it has to be powered to sustain its existence...The goal of Evil is to defeat GOD and obtain absolute power over all...Since GOD is the source of all power Evil is basically attempting to use GOD to defeat GOD...
The visible manifestation of this is called hypocrisy.
"Hypocrisy is the act of pretending to have morals or virtues that one does not truly possess or practice. The word derives from the late Latin hypocrisis and Greek hupokrisis both meaning play-acting or pretence."
It begins gradually and ends violently
GOD is infinite and indestructible while Evil is finite and fragile...
A lie which is a False masquerading as a True requires more and more power to sustain its continued existence...
At the point where the lie requires Truth, Which is the only source of infinite and indestructible power, it is revealed to be a lie...It then self destructs...
It's impossible for Evil to defeat GOD...
Evil hides behind Good...Evil depends upon good to protect it...Evil gives you what you "want" to get what it "wants"
The great seal of the USA Finalized on June 20, 1782...
The public never saw the reverse until 1935...153 years later...
You are still choosing to search for reasons to make mistakes and then choosing to search for reasons to limit or attempt to escape the consequences...
"Do not bite at the bait of pleasure till you know there is no hook beneath it."--Thomas Jefferson
The LORD works in mysterious ways...
GOD does not...
You were all born into the New World Order...It's not beginning...It's ending...
The plan was to liquidate the USA all along...To socially engineer the external population into being sick of the USA and to concentrate all eyes on the USA to take the fall for it all...While the alchemists relax where no one is looking...
You all try to stop it from inflating to maximum potential and imploding and all you will do is cause it to stop inflating which is maximum potential and it will then implode at that point...
Evil hides behind Good...Evil depends upon Good to protect it...Evil gives you what you "want" to get what it "wants"
I only give you all what you need...Truth...

There is maybe a few months or so left...The USA along with the rest of the world is going to implode to oblivion...The debate will be over...The game will end...And then things will begin happening so fast there will be no time to sit around and speculate...
The USA along with the rest of the world implodes into terror beyond your abilities to comprehend...It's already over...You all just don't know it yet...There is no way to escape...
You are all basically doing the Who's on First Abbott and Costello routine over and over again inside of an elevator that is rocketing to the basement...Really that's what you all are doing currently...
Doomsday because there is a maximum potential to taking more than you give...
The old form of money from 1944 to 1971 was The US Dollar fixed to GOLD at $35/ounce...The Yen was fixed in 1949 to 1971 to be 360 Yen = 1 US Dollar or 12,600 Yen = 1 Oz. of GOLD...
The USA ran out of GOLD to sustain a Global trade balance in 1971-1973 and a switch was made in 1971-1973 to new money...Which was the US Dollar floating against GOLD to avoid doomsday since according to the rules of Bretton Woods when the USA ran out of GOLD the USA and the world should have imploded...This time there is no rule change to be made that can postpone the inevitable self destruction of the lie any longer...
Taking more than you give has a maximum potential to be sustained...Chop down trees faster than they regrow and you will run out of trees...
The war to obtain Liberty from GOD is a battle of attrition that can never be won.
There is never a lasting victory over lies (Evil) and the war against Truth (GOD) has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat...
Since the top is at the pinnacle of the take more power than you give hierarchy...They know when the bottom is going to collapse...
They see the slowing of inflation...
Free will is such that if you do not give free will a choice it will resist. There is only one source of power...
In real life I avoid interaction with you all as much as possible because you all are attempting to defeat Truth with your lies...It's why you lie to yourselves and others...You choose to search for reasons to make mistakes and then you choose to search for reasons to limit or attempt escape from the consequences...
There is no escape from Truth inside the Universe...Your awareness of the Universe does not exist inside of the Universe...It's why what you dream up when put into practice can and will result in uncontrollable chain reactions you never dreamed of if you did not account for them...
Most of you only account for one variable...You...And ignore the other variables...You choose to search for reasons to make mistakes.
And when the consequences can not be ignored any longer...You choose to search for reasons to limit or attempt escape from the consequences.
History is unbroken...This imbalance of power has persisted for as long as there are records...
Lets all be nice liars...Problem is that the consequences of lies can only be limited or attempted to be escaped from by powering the existence of more lies told to yourself and others until you reach maximum potential and then the lies self destruct and the lies you tell to yourself or delusions shatter...
Basically you all are criminals attempting to get away with the perfect crime...
It's a game you all play with each other...
I don't play it and that is a threat to your cherished delusions...
In real life you would begin telling me you are packing heat...
That is why in real life I avoid interaction with you all as much as possible because you all are attempting to defeat Truth with your lies...It's why you lie to yourselves and others...
You either are nice or you are not...
Monopoly...Take more power than you give or absolute capitalism...
There is not much GOLD so as long as you take more GOLD than you give it is a certainty that you will suck all the gold from the hands of the many into the hands of few or the one...
Then they who have the gold make the rules of the game you are all playing...
Allow me to take more power that I give from another and I care not who makes the rules since I will eventually suck all the power from the hands of the many into the hands of the few or one...
Then they who have the power will make the rules of the game you are all playing...
Those who choose to take more power than they give become richer in power or powerful and those who choose to give more power than they take become poorer in power or powerless...
That is LAW...
"In economics, a monopoly is defined as a persistent market situation where there is only one provider of a kind of product or service."
In Greek Mono is One and Poly is many...
One Truth many realities...
GOD is the source of all power...
Truth is GOD and GOD is Truth...
GOD supplies an infinite and indestructible amount of less than infinite and indestructible power to all...
All life and everything in and including the Universe itself capitalize on Truth to sustain all life and everything in and including the Universe itself.
An individual that "wants" more power than they are supplied by GOD with can choose to abuse their power to take more power than they give from another individual to acquire the power that they want to manipulate the Universe how they desire...
But they need another individual to choose to give them more power than they take to get what they want...
Simplicity adds up to the multiplication of complexity which is then divided unequally to obtain the required yield of power the absolute capitalists want to manipulate the Universe how they desire.
You are just playing a game...This is the game you play...You choose to search for reasons to make mistakes and then choose to search for reasons to limit or attempt escape from the consequences...
The Just think reasonable ignore the unreasonable equation...Truth is GOD and GOD is Truth...Truth can not be reasoned with (lied to)...Truth can not lie...Truth is Unreasonable...
You all know the Just think reasonable ignore the unreasonable equation at the core of your drone programming as The just think positive ignore the negative religion...
You are all slaves to your emotions and the top knows how to whip them...
You are their good little soldiers protecting them...Since your cherished delusions are the lies the top told you which you fell in love with and eventually cherished...
And you will fight to the death to protect that which you cherish...you will send your offspring to be slaughtered like animals to protect your cherished delusions...You will kill others offspring to protect your cherished delusions...
English is a programming language...All languages are...
"A great number of words of French origin have entered the English language, Many of those words in turn originate from Latin, and sometimes from Greek. It is via French that many Latin words have come to the English language. Most of the French vocabulary now appearing in English was imported over the centuries following the Norman Conquest of 1066, when England came under the administration of Norman-speaking peoples. According to different sources, between one third to two thirds of all English words have a French origin."
When you communicate to anyone you are attempting to get them to support a program...
Like help wanted ads...
"Looking for someone to make me $300 to $500+ an hour for $30 an hour in return...Anyone interested please call..."
That does not appear to be an exchange for mutual benefit...It is unreasonable. No one will support that program unless they are life and death desperate...
But the below ad is reasonable
Must have programming experience in at least one of the following, Honeywell Excell 5000, Siemens, Johnson Controls Metasys, or KMC.
$30 to $50 per hour,
pay based on experience."
See how easy it is to enslave you?
Now we are getting somewhere Hyper!
Excellent post.
Thank you.
What exactly are you doing with this insightful information? If what you say is true, then you are as screwed as the rest of us as this plays out. A worldwide systemic implosion will wipe out everyone including you. Welcome to the party "above the fray"!
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