Socialism does not exist...There is just Absolute capitalism and Responsible capitalism...Socialism, Communism, and Fascism...Are all absolute capitalist philosophies and are a means to an end...The Ultimate goal of all three is to destroy GOD and obtain absolute power over all...
Socialism attracts Gradual absolute capitalists but it is ultimately just Communism for people with weak stomachs...Communism and Fascism attract Violent absolute capitalists...
You have to have some guts to claim to be a Communist or a Fascist...
Those who claim to be Socialists are either delusional or pansies...
Within the absolute capitalist collective The population of Graduals is large but weak...The population of violents is small but strong...The pure absolutes at the top employ both methods whichever is a reasonable means to the end...Which is of course to destroy GOD and obtain absolute power over all...
Key problem is that eventually the graduals weaken the system to the point that the Violents take over and then convert or eliminate the Graduals and then annihilate themselves...
The pure absolutes at the top can't stop this because it is the logical conclusion of their dependance on Reason to fulfill their cherished delusion of defeating GOD and obtaining absolute power over all...
GOD has Absolute power over the Universe...
Every living thing and everything in the Universe including the Universe itself capitalizes on Truth for its existence...
GOD is the source of the power the pure absolutes are using to attempt to defeat GOD and obtain absolute power over all...
Due to the construction of the Universe to sustain a fight against GOD with the goal of defeating GOD requires more and more power...
GOD is infinite and indestructible...When you require infinite and indestructible power to sustain the fight or defeat GOD...You require GOD to destroy GOD...
That unfortunately is impossible...
But for the past 6000 years if at first you don't succeed try try again has been the "reasonable" solution to this problem...
The logical solution is to not attempt to defeat GOD and obtain absolute power over all...Why? Because it's impossible...
The Absolute capitalists who employ absolute self indulgent reason...Find that unreasonable and reject or ignore it...It is far easier to reject and ignore than to accept and comprehend...
Most of you can't wake up because the trauma of realizing what morons you truly are is too great to bear...
Well not to worry the cherished delusion will shatter regardless of whether you want it to or not...
Reason is the path of least resistance...Bacteria (Animals) and Lightning bolts...
Drones in a collective like a typical Food powered hierarchial make work enterprise or what you call civilization also follow the path of least resistance...
You are trying to wake up or worse think you are awake...
There is one constant the past 6000 years...Farmers...They seem to have been able to survive when the food powered make work enterprise reaches maximum potential then implodes...They are very close to the power supply and produce it.
You all have to turn tricks to obtain the power...
Farmers don't have to sell themselves...But to create one of these food powered make work enterprises you have to control the farmers...
Here Mr Farmer have some gold coins...Can I hold this coin above my head on a cloudy day and it becomes the sun? No...Can I water my crops with it in a drought? No...Can I plant it and it will grow into food? No...What do I need that for?
To pay the rent or you will be removed from the Almighty LORD's land...
Been like this for the 6000 years of the recorded history of these hierarchial Food powered make work enterprises you call civilization...
Civilization as you unfortunate sea monkeys know it depends upon Banking...
All that a compounding interest commercial banking system can do is inflate debt to its maximum potential then implode...If you try to stop it from inflating to maximum potential it will implode...
Engineering drones to reject the above is key to prolonging the system as long as possible...The logical conclusion must be hidden...
Lies are designed to be reasonable...They are exposed when viewed to their logical conclusion...
This takes time and effort...Reason is the path of least resistance...Instant gratification...
If you choose the wrong path it will not be revealed as such until the logical conclusion arrives and shatters the cherished delusion...
Kiss it all good bye...And again you need a Government or some force of goons to force the farmers to exchange gold or whatever you decide from non farmers for food so that non farmers don't starve to death...
What do any of you clowns give to Farmers in exchange for food?
Farmers need sun rain and seeds...What else do they need? Do you give them sun? Rain? or Seeds?
What are they all out there slaving to produce 1000 times more than they need to exist at a cost of 99% of production?
They must be retards or complete slaves of the non farmers...
Work hard retards hahaha sheep hahaha right?
Man is this going to be a spectacle when you all realize that you all have been "ROYALLY" screwed...You know like the peasants...By the King and Aristocracy...
Elections? Yay we get to vote for rich people...We're free from rich a$$holes...
If farmers went on strike the non farmers would force them before they turned into skeletons of course.
What was it before oil? Farmers need oil? Nope...Non farmers need oil...Farmers can easily produce enough for their existence...There is nothing non farmers give them that they need...
That is why humanity has lasted this long...While the huge food powered make work projects called cities nations and empires rise and fall...
The only way to take more than you give is to cook the books...It is not a money problem at all...It is an accounting problem...
And it is the rich who created all the accounting methods...
To sustain the lifestyles of the rich and famous at the expense of everything and everyone else on the Planet Earth...
You have to convince them that they are wrong...GOOD LUCK..
They hire "yes" men not "no" men...
Do you want to work? no...
Well I guess you will not be hired...
Yes you can run your civilization how you want...This civilization is not yours but you are part of it...When this thing blows you are going to realize just how much time you wasted...I'm well aware of how much time I'm wasting but I'm just waiting...
The wiped out mess at the bottom will decide what comes next...And technically the real physical economy has been collapsing for decades...But we haven't even begun to go down yet...
The Creature From Jekyll Island is a good reference book that contains alot of valuable information...But it is still garbage in garbage out...It is full of plenty of inaccuracies and biased author opinions, hypotheses, and theories.
The current supply of FRNs Globally is 750 Billion backing up a total debt of 47 Trillion...That does not include Counterfeit notes which could easily be 300 or so Billion globally...
Most of the paper is in people's pockets, wallets, purses, cash registers, ABM's, drug dealers brief cases and duffle bags, shoe boxes...etc
The only time a printing press needs to be turned on is when the demand from peasants for FRN's begins to outstrip supply...Or a FRN begins to wear out and needs to be replaced...Most FRN's printed are to supply crisp fresh notes for ATM's so they don't jam...
Prior to Y2K the FED stopped the destruction of old warn out notes so it had enough on hand to meet the demand from worried peasants...as depicted below...

No one can create an actual dollar, as defined in the Currency act of 1792, out of thin air...Prior to the FED there were 100's of different "Banknotes" in local circulation in the USA...
Compounding interest commercial banking as you see it today is 600 years old...
The commercial banks create all the debt out of thin air at the request of the consumers...All the FED does is monetize and regulate it and they need the help of the US Treasury to accomplish that...
The FED can not print/create debt out of thin air. Ultimately the US treasury can at the request of consumers...Congress
A Congressman/woman is a Consumer and also a representative of a group of consumers...
Someone has to request the debt for it to be created...
There has been no monetary units crerated outside of the commercial banking system in the USA in 144 years...The Greenbacks of the civil war wer the last non debt backed fabrication of monetary units in the USA...
The key problem is that most people view the system from a selfish or individual point of view...
G. Edward Griffin is one of those people that have made this mistake...
If the solutions G. Edward Griffin attempts to promote were to actually be put into practice the whole 314 year old global system would hyperdeflate and implode...50% to 75% of the population in the USA would have to be eliminated and a new rigid administration system for the food powered make work enterprise implemented...
Regardless of the benevolent intentions of any potential saviours or the malevolent intentions of any potential destroyers the logical conclusion is the same...
All that a compounding interest system can do is inflate to maximum potential then it implodes...That's it regardless...Inflate to maximum potential then implode...
The game you are all playing ends and the new game then begins...
This whole thing was created out of thin air...If I had the power to instantly eliminate all the created out of thin air delusions that have ever been created by human beings from existence...You would all be naked in the middle of nature...
Finding gold refining it fabricating it into circular units and imprinting pictures and symbols on it and calling it money is the creation of money out of thin air...Growing Hemp harvesting it and pulping it into paper rectangles and imprinting symbols and pictures on it and calling it money is also the creation of money out of thin air and another method of manufacturing currency.
The ultimate cause of inflation is intercourse between male and female human beings that results in the production of more human beings at a greater rate than the death rate of the previously produced human being population.
What is G. Edward Griffin's plan to stop all the humping?
You inflate...You keep requesting commercial banks to lend you money...
You perform and you get monetary compensation for your performance...
In a fixed monetary system there is a finite ability to lend...economic growth stops when the lending spending cycle reaches maximum potential...Which is what would have happened in 1971 if the US did not switch to a debt backed system from a Gold backed system...The US would have imploded...
It's all a scam...Is it possible to train an ape to perform for money to buy food? Then after a few generations release the offspring into the wild and they will most likely die trying to find money to pay for existence or find someone to perform a function for to receive monetary compensation...
And it does not matter what the money is...The top owns the money supply...It's all their idea...and the associated accounting methods to support the lifestyles of the rich and famous...
You think that a group of peasant farmers found some gold refined it and then cut it up into round disks, imprinted pictures of the King on it then offered it to the King as a present and they said we call our invention money sire?
Yes a finite ability to to sustain the lending spending cycle...
The top...The owners of the Global make work enterprise live off the yield from the bottom...Bottom pays the top who then pay the bottom...If the bottom can't pay then the top can't pay...
The top has to then liquidate unfundable liabilities...
Hiroshima and Nagasaki? liquidated...
Once the liquidation process reaches maximum potential then you can inflate to maximum potential again...
The top basically engineers the make work enterprise to postpone the "natural cleansing process" for as long as possible...Just think positive until it's impossible to sustain the mass cherished delusion then it shatters...
I don't believe there are any accounting tricks left that would significantly postpone the inevitable. The FED has limited access to and/or ability to engineer the creation of the required amount of liquidity...
The speed of change...The system inflates too fast and the mass cherished delusion shatters...
Everyone basically all of a sudden realizes they are doomed and then tries to escape the consequences...
The cave in 1999-2003 was caused by a slowing of debt inflation from about 10% per year to 7%...
The 3 stages of a compounding interest commercial banking system are...
1. inflation of debt and the destruction of savings.
2. deflation of debt and the destruction of equity
3. bankruptcy of the banks collapse of the economy and the consolidation of power...
Every recession is the entering of stage 2 but as long as you have basis points to play with and a large supply of indebtable units of human capital then you can engineer a reflation out...
1929 was basically game over but the death spiral was stopped in the USA by 1933 and the USA began to inflate again the hyperdeflationary implosion was contained mostly to continental Europe and Asia...
1933-1945 was the reorganization phase of the bankruptcy reorganization of the Global crown system...commonly called the British empire...Which just became the British commonwealth...
The population of the British commonwealth is around 2 Billion...The USA is a client state of the British commonwealth and was made the demand of the Global system in 1944 since jolly old England was too small to be the consumer and the might...
Now the USA is too small...
The system is 90% cherished delusion 10% is the actual physical infrastructure which is constantly crumbling and needs to be maintained...
By the socially engineered drones...
The farmers produce massive amounts of food...far more than they need to exist so that all of you socially engineered drones within the food powered make work enterprise can be powered...
The monetary system is key to the food powered make work enterprise...
"We allowed them to deceive us by becoming lethargically and knowingly ignorant."
Yes 1000's of years ago...If all the farmers were to do something foolish like live within their means then 90% of the current non farmer population would rapidly cease to exist...
All that farmers need is the sun rain seeds and land...
The farmers don't need any of you at all...
Fortunately for all the non farmers...farmers can be forced/convinced (socially engineered) to believe otherwise...
Why should I worship you?
Because if you don't you will be replaced with someone that will...simple.
See that dust cloud in the distance? That is my workforce coming to dinner...and they become uncontrollable when hungry so you better feed them...
We'll only consume everything you don't need to sustain your existance...
Every year forever...
That's 99% of my savings...
Yes then that is the cost for you to exist in my Kingdom...
Failure to pay the cost of existence leads to non existence and/or replacement.
The top is the employer and all below within the food powered make work enterprise/collective are employees.
Been like this for 1000's and 1000's of years...
At maximum potential all economic activity stops dead...
Not too bad in the olden days...Have two horses...Eat one no problem
Have two Model T's You aint going to eat one...
The modern technological civilization is incompatable with the natural cleansing process that occurs when the lending spending cycle of "Banking" reaches maximum potential...
How can we fall back to the previous economic system/conditions that existed before the BOOM when before the BOOM was the 19th century?
People were less depandant on banking and Government in those days also...
Less dependant on rich people to screw them up the ______...
No means yes...Just lay back and enjoy it....
1 comment:
"GOD is infinite and indestructible...When you require infinite and indestructible power to sustain the fight or defeat GOD...You require GOD to destroy GOD... That unfortunately is impossible..."
That is, in fact, very fortunate.
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