The Bible is a man-made control mechanism...The Universe is a GOD powered control mechanism...There is a difference that you choose to ignore and I can not choose to ignore because I don't worship the just think positive ignore the negative religion...I don't ignore Truth...
Look what happened to Jesus when he could not ignore truth but everyone else around him chose to...
Ignorance of truth is the root of all evil...
I'm sorry but truth is the source of all power...That lies and delusions are powered by...Truth is at the foundation of all constructs of evil powering evil...
I'm not saying the Bible is made up bullshit...
Revelation of truth destroys the just think positive ignore the negative religion...There are millions and millions and Billions of soldiers attempting to tell me that Ignorance of Truth is the root of all good and the path to salvation...
Show me where your master said to ignore Truth...
The Bible is not GOD...Nothing that men produce is GOD...Men can not create GOD...
Men can construct a book and call it the word of GOD and use it as a sword and then as a shield after drawing blood with it ...
Anyone that chooses to take more than they give is King and any that choose to give more than they take are bond servants...
Those who choose to take more power than they give become rich in power...more power than GOD supplies to them...It is an abuse of GOD given power to use it to take more power from others to amass power and Lord over them...It's evil...
And those who choose to give more power than they take become poor in power since the power that GOD supplies to them is being given to those taking more than they give...and are just servants of evil then...since they have to take more power than they give from those below to sustain themselves and sustain the suck of power from the bottom to the top as tribute to the LORD lording over them to attempt to avoid the consequences of disobedience to the LORD...
GOD is the source of all power and has no need for Masters, servants, and slaves to power the existence of GOD...
The Bible is used as a weapon to defend the worship of iniquity...
Not as a shield against it...
I'm sorry but I can't support the worship of iniquity...
GOD needs no faith to power GOD...GOD exists regardless...GOD is truth and truth is GOD
Truth is infinite and indestructible
The only LAW that can not be broken is Truth...
Men can not make or break Law or Truth or GOD...
There is never a lasting victory over lies (Evil) and the war against Truth (GOD) has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat...
Evil thirsts for more and more power to defeat GOD...GOD is the source of all power that all are supplied with to sustain their existence...Those that choose Evil abuse their power to take more power than they give to sustain the powering of lies and delusions...
It would be an abuse of the power that GOD supplies to me to choose to support the continued existence of cherished delusions with more power...
I'm giving you all the power you need and am obligated to by GOD according to the Law of the Universe and if you require more than GOD supplies to you greater than I am already sharing with you then you will have to search for others to obtain power over and from to obtain the power you thirst for...
Since I popped into existence I have been searching for the proof that I am wrong for decades...You all are searching for the proof you are right...
Those like you who employ Absolute self indulgent reason choose to search for reasons to make mistakes and then for reasons to limit or attempt escape from the consequences...
Sorry...I just point out the obvious to the oblivious...Nothing more...
Sorry you all but there is no way to reason with Truth...And since I know Truth there is no way to reason with me...Truth can only be accepted or rejected...
Men can not make or break it...
Truth is the cause and everything else is the effect...Or consequence...
Ignorance of truth is the root of all evil.
You choose ignorance...I did not make that choice...And will not to give you what you want...I can only give you what you need and the only way for you to get what you want from me is when what you want and need are the same...
Until you need what I'm giving you...You will reject it and continue demanding what you want...
I can continue to not play the game you want to play with me as long as you keep attempting to play it...long after it is over...
I'm sorry but all that you think has consequences you never dreamed of when you choose to attempt to manipulate the universe to get what you want...All you can get from the Universe is what you need...The only way to get what you want from the Universe is when what you want is the same as what you need...
I don't need to be torn to shreds by animals so I need to avoid animals...Here you all have no power to tear me to shreds...In the real world you do...I also have an ability to defend myself when forced by animals to defend myself when they choose to attempt to rip me to shreds...
I have no cherished delusions to defend the continued existence of...
It is you who are choosing to fight truth with lies and delusions that you are choosing to malinvest positive power (Truth is the source of all power) into them to power their continued existence to fight truth...I'm not...
There is never a lasting victory over Lies (Evil) and the war against GOD (Truth) has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat...
It is you who are choosing to search for reasons to make mistakes and then for reasons to limit or attempt escape from the consequences...
Ignorance of truth is the root of all Evil...
Ultimately that which you cherish you will defend to the death...
Truth is not a delusion...So I need to accept the consequences of choosing to know truth and tell you all about it...Choosing any less than full responsibility is irresponsibility...
You all don't want to choose to be responsible for the choices you all choose to choose...That is why you continue choosing to search for reasons to limit or escape from the mistake you chose to search for a reason to make...
Maybe if I was tied to a chair being tortured or had a gun to my head I might choose to consider giving you what you all want...That's why I choose to avoid animals...To avoid putting myself into that position which is ultimately certain destruction...
Here in this playpen you have zero power to force me to be your playmate...
And in the real world very limited power to do so...
In the real world I give you all what you want because in the real world what you all want and need are the same...I give you what you need and want...Your space to run free as animals and do as you please regardless of consequence which animals don't care about since they too are ignorant of truth...Those that claim to be Human Beings have a choice...Animals do not...
It's why there is a police force and a military to deal with the consequences that you all choose to power the existence of...
Planet of the apes where monkey see monkey do is the LAW...
Sorry I just popped into existence surrounded by you all...Not much I can do about that unless i'm forced to by you all...I'm aware of the consequences of putting myself into that position and avoid it...You all are ignorant of them and continue to with the same logical conclusion every time...
Unlike the beasts of the jungle you all choose to attempt to force me into that position...
You are all the most dangerous creatures on Earth...That becomes blindingly crystal clear once you choose to know truth...
GOD is the source of all Power...The infinite and indestructible source of all power...GOD supplies an infinite and indestructible amount of less than infinite and indestructible power to all...
That is the mechanism...
Once you know truth...All that is finite and fragile can then be seen with crystal clarity...That which is finite and fragile is not GOD...
Which includes you all that choose to be ignorant of truth...simple.
1+1=2 That is GOD 1+1=3 that is not GOD...
At a simplistic level you all are trying to convincce me that 1+1=3...
GOD does not attempt to do that...You all do though since you all have freewill...You all can choose to attempt to defeat GOD but you never will...
Truth is not an invention it's a discovery that you can accept or reject...and the only way to attempt to reject it is by invention of a replacement for GOD powered by GOD...
The invention is called a lie or a delusion which is a lie you tell yourself...
They are finite and fragile and require ever greater power to sustain their continued existence...Until they require infinite and indestructible power to power their continued existence...The only source of infinite and indestructible power is Truth...
When the invention being used to attempt to replace GOD requires GOD to power its continued existence that is revelation...The invention or lies and delusions self destruct and shatter...
That is the mechanism...That is how the Universe functions...
The Universe is perfectly fair, Everything and everyone gets what it and they deserve, (regardless if they think they deserve it or not) and there is no hope...
I have zero problem with GOD...You all on the other hand do...and continue trying to defeat Truth which is infinite and indestructible with inventions that are finite and fragile...
There is never a lasting victory over lies (Evil) and the war against truth (GOD) has no exit strategy and always ends in defeat...
Truth is not an invention it's a discovery that you can choose to accept or reject
Truth does not play games...And certainly can't be reasoned with...
Please, pretty please 1+1 could you be equal to 3...
Get two rocks and tell me you are showing me 3 and I'll know what the source of the contrived mathematical expression is...
Logical conclusion...Not GOD...You abusing the power that GOD supplies to all to power the contrived mathematical expression you want me to believe is truth...
Unless you have another contrived mathematical expression you want me to believe is truth...I'll blow that one away too...
Below is what a contrived mathematical expression looks like...
It is the GOD you all worship aware or not...within the context of the 600 year old compounding interest commercial banking monetary system of the ancient absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise that I and and all of you popped into existence within...
You all seem to think, believe, and have faith it can predict the future...
It can't...The only way it could is if the variables which are finite and fragile are turned into constants...The constant in the Universe is truth...It is the only source of infinite and indestructible power...
To turn a variable which is finite and fragile into a constant which is infinite and indestructible requires ever greater amounts of power...
The logical conclusion is the same every time the contrived mathematical GOD you all supply power to knowing or unknowing to sustain the existence of reaches maximum potential power...
It is not a mystery...Except to those who choose Ignorance of truth as the path to salvation...
Ignorance of truth is the root of all evil and the path to damnation always...The constant.
Has been forever...
The police and military are employed by the top...
To protect the workers of iniquity from the consequences...To protect the top from the bottom...
"When plunder [Absolute capitalism/iniquity] becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." [An ecosystem where yield locusts thrive and multiply]--Frederic Bastiat, The Law
Top lives off the yield from the bottom...
The consequence is the implosion when the top sucks the bottom dry...
The implosion you all have to see to believe...Then you all say after the dust settles...Boy that sucked lets not do that again...You all then do it again...Since you all are ignorant of the cause of the effect or the implosion...
Below is what you all worship aware or not...Destroy everything you think believe and have faith in except the below equation and all that you destroy will be powered into existence again...
Everything is an effect...of the Cause...Thinking, believing, or having faith in the below equation as the path to future salvation will only bring future damnation as the logical conclusion...The effect of the cause.
Taking more power than you give forever can not be sustained...
I try to point out that you all have no idea what you are up against...You are all up against what the top has put you all up against...You are all basically effects fighting effects...
The worshippers of the compounding interest equation will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the equation is inimical to their interests while those who follow the worshippers will complain about the effects but will be ignorant of the cause.
Simplicity adds up to the multiplication of complexity which is then divided unequally to obtain the required yield of power the absolute capitalists want to manipulate the Universe how they desire.
“The study of money (Power), above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it.”--John Kenneth Galbraith Money: Whence it came, where it went - 1975, p15
"All the perplexities, confusions and distresses in America arise not from defects in the constitution or confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, as much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation." [Absolute capitalistic economics]--PRESIDENT JOHN ADAMS
You lost it before you found it...That's why you can't find it...Until it finds you then you run in terror from it...That is the logical conclusion of the choice to be GOD fearing...
The line of inflation curving up to smash GOD in the face is unfortunately going to result in you all geting smashed in the face for choosing to power the attack against GOD...Sorry
You have all been at this for 6000 years according to the records left in the skeletal remains of previous food powered make war machines to attempt to defeat GOD that due to the construction of the Universe were doomed to fail by default...It's Impossible...It's never going to happen.
This current attempt that is basiclly being powered by an entire drone army of 6 Billion is the greatest attempt yet in all Human history and it's going to fail like all the previous attempts...Blown out like a candle...poof
Ignorance of truth is the root of all Evil.
The Bible hackers are the ones that are claiming that their words are the words of GODS...There is only GOD and GOD is not a Man or a Book...
Without the Bible you all would have no GOD to abuse and use to hack people to pieces and no GOD to abuse and use as a shield after you have hacked them to pieces...
Which is all that Bible hackers seem to be good at...
Which sounds better?
Calling the British Empire the British Empire or calling the British Empire the more benign sounding British Commonwealth...
"London was still at the top of the financial pyramid with New York"--Alan Greenspan K.B.E. September 25, 2002 in a speech to business leaders and dignitaries at both the Treasury and the Bank of England after recieveing his K.B.E...Or Knight Commander of the British Empire...
How about Imperialism...Or do you prefer the more benign sounding Globalism as it's called today?
Math can not be played with like you all play the game of words with the hope that I will not discover the contrived mathematical expression you are attempting to get me to believe is Truth...
I can't be reasoned with (lied to)
Emotions can be powerful servants or terrible masters...It's your choice...
When I was young I studied power...I was not searching for truth...I was searching for the source of Power...That led me to Jesus and from there to the Father of all...GOD...The source of infinite and indestructible power...Truth...
You all appear to have stopped at Jesus...Or John or any number of sources of power you all claim to be the source of infinite and indestructible power or Truth...
GOD is Truth and Truth is GOD...
Jesus did not ever say to go out and use him as a sword and then as a shield after drawing blood with him...
Take a look...
Mt 7:21
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Mt 7:22
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Mt 7:23
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew said Jesus said the above...I say the below.
All in the absolute capitalist system that do not resist it...support and eventually worship iniquity as the path to salvation.
I just point out what you don't want me to is all...
It appears that Jesus was not a game player...And neither is GOD...
And neither am I...
Ever made a mistake? Well prior to revelation you certainly did not think you made a mistake...All the mistakes I ever made did not appear to be mistakes until revelation of truth...
A delusion is a lie you tell to yourself...
It's not the last mistake a criminal chooses to make that catches a criminal and causes them to end up in a cage...
It was the first mistake they chose to make in the chain that led to the logical conclusion...The choice to be a criminal...
If you choose to lie to me aware you are or not and I choose to believe you...It's my fault for choosing to believe you...To support you...
The consequences are the same...Regardless if you are aware of them or not...
Those who choose to employ Absolute self indulgent Reason choose to search for reasons to make mistakes and then for reasons to limit or attempt escape from the consequences...
Like choosing to use Jesus as a sword then as a shield after drawing blood with Jesus...
Or like George Bush did with Iraq...
Your Most worshipful Master George Bush...Liars, cheaters, and stealers for Jesus...
GOD does not reward ignorance...There are no such things as excuses...Those are inventions of men to fight and attempt to defeat GOD...
Go cry yourself to sleep...
Buddy Bush abusing the Bible for fun and profit...
You are all a bunch of game players...
As I said you choose to search for reasons to make mistakes and then for reasons to limit or attempt to escape from the consequences...
By your reasoning it's ok to choose to be a criminal as long as you avoid getting caught...
Logically it is wrong to choose to be a criminal regardless...Then there is no way to be caught...
No need to search for reasons to limit or attempt escape from the consequences if there are no consequences that need to be limited or escaped from...
It's the difference between talking the talk and walking the walk...
The dumb absolute capitalists generally get killed off or end up in cages while the smart ones rise up the absolute capitalist hierarchy and are rulers of the rest of the criminals...
Jesus told truth...The Religious authorities did not have a rule to allow them to commit murder to of course stop Jesus...So the Religious authorities exploited a loophole and manipulated the population into demanding that the Romans who did have such a rule to shut people up use it to shut them all up and to shut them all up all the Romans needed to do was shut Jesus up...
Sounds like truth to me...
Goes on all the time...does not appear to be a fairy tale at all...
Then you investigate what Jesus according to second hand accounts had to say and it becomes less fictional
The Bible is not a Harlequin romance...
The top has no one above them...All that is above them is GOD...Anyone can rise to the top of the hierarchy...If they can not be seen by the top...
The closer you get to the top the harder it is to remain undetected by the top...
The top will see threats to their position long before the threats see the destroyers that the top sends to destroy the threat...
You don't have to worry about Evil when you are the Lord of Evil...
The source of evil...That is what the top needs all below for...The power to sustain the Evil...
Evil requires power to sustain its existence...Evil happens to be at the top of the global Hierarchy...
Simplicity adds up to the multiplication of complexity which is then divided unequally to obtain the required yield of power the absolute capitalists want to manipulate the Universe how they desire.
The problem due to the construction of the Universe is that GOD is the source of power...And GOD supplies all of you with less than infinite and indestructible power...
How much power is less than infinite an indestructible power?
Well one individidual when they choose to abuse their power to take more power than they give to amass more power than GOD supplies to them can enslave an entire planet...
That is what the absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise basically does...
Sucks power from the bottom to the top...
Now for the top to get what the top wants it must give the bottom what it wants...
You all want more power...Well the top only has what GOD supplies to them and what all below supply to them...
Eventually the bottom is sucked dry and the system reaches maximum potential power and the hierarchy implodes...The top has no power to prevent this...
The top basically ride the wave of inflation of power to maximum potential then deflation of power to maximum potential to maintain their position while all below are drown...
Inflation is inflation that is greater than previous inflation and deflation is just an observation of inflation that is less than previous inflation...
The top have been riding the below wave for the past 6000 years of recorded history according to the records left in the skeletal remains of previous iterations of the absolute capitalistic hierarchial food powered make work enterprise...
The planet is coated with them...They just keep inflating to maximum potential and imploding...
That's all they are designed to do unfortunately...
No one seems to care...Anyone that stands up and says anything bad about the system you all worship is treated like me basically...
"The few [Absolute capitalists at the top of the absolute capitalist Hierarchy] who profit [Yield POWER] from the labor of the masses want to organize the workers [drones] into an army [Of absolute capitalistic yield locusts] which will protect the interests of the [Absolute] capitalists." --Helen Keller, 1916
You can look back in history 1000's of years and find plenty of people that stood up...It's all Ignored...
The top created all or corrupted all religions to serve the top...
Basically all the religions on Earth have at their core the Just think positive ignore the negative program...
The default output is positive...
Truth which is positive but considered negative by you all is ignored...
You all find the above unreasonable...You search for that which is reasonable...
Lies and delusions are reasonable compared to what I tell you all...
The top knows about the implosion...The leader of Iran is a specially socially engineered operative installed into the position he is in...
So is George Bush...Putin...etc...all Manchurian candidates...
The top is exqusitely Evil...
It makes what you all consider evil look good by comparison...
You don't know GOD, you use and abuse GOD for fun and profit...Then when challanged choose to abuse the power GOD supplies to you and all to claim ignorance...
GOD does not reward ignorance...
That's why you are beginning to, like all the previous times before that you choose to ignore, find this unrewarding...
What do you think? Life is a game? You are just one of millions and millions and billions of game players that are going to see the reward for your choice to worship the just think positive ignore the negative religion...
Game over...
GOD is not a game player...
Hey Tiger, don't forget to let the sun in.
Best regards, I'll see you around.
I had fun reading that one. You have soo many ideas. It is refreshing.
Also, you should use "Google Analytics" to track your block traffic. It is free and it would let you know where your visitors are coming from....
Read ya next time...
The Bible is indeed the very Word of God. Jesus quotes Scripture many times and certainly asserts that it is the Word of God.
2Ti 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Lu 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
1Th 2:13 For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.
2Pe 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
anon 5:58; you are wasting your time. HT's definition is the only one that matters. The fact that "God's Word is Truth" is one that slips by him because of his own tradition which says God is Truth. He has also substituted ignorance for "the love of money". But if youe tell him "You invalidate the word of God for the sake of your tradition." you will be called a Servant of Satan.
A delusion is a lie you tell to yourself...HT
A delusion can be produced by a miss-trigger in the brain, not necessary something built on illusions, which is a fact of human existences. Like the one which believes that the ultimate answer is some theocratic paradigm.
That is why our judgment on those who don't know is softer than those who should know. Riff off a African Proverb
Nana Kwame Baakan
"That is why our judgment on those who don't know is softer than those who should know."
Good way to put it!
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